What Are The BEST Weapons To Use In Cuphead?

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cuphead is known for its difficulty with a lot of people going as far as calling it The Dark Souls of its genre now whether people agree with that or not isn't important here but what I believe the majority of people would agree on is that this game isn't the easiest either each boss has their own quirks and obstacles to get past and some obstacles might be harder for me than you but you know what can make these bosses easier using a good weapon but what weapons are good you may ask well while all weapons have their time and place to be used that doesn't necessarily mean that they are good all the time so that's what I've come to rank what are the best weapons in the game after considering everything there is speaking of which I'll be ranking each weapon based on its DPS and ex damage slash properties how effective the weapon is across all boss fights how easy it is to use and its versatility I feel like I should clarify what I mean by how effective a weapon is and its versatility what I mean by Effectiveness is how good is that shot for that boss fight overall if the shot is only good for one phase meaning it deals maximum damage or is the easiest to hit during that phase I wouldn't consider very effective for the whole boss fight even though it shines very well during that phase with that logic you could very much argue that basically every shot is effective for every boss since realistically every weapon can be used for every boss fight during a phase or two a good example can be using roundabout while fighting moonshine mob while roundabout and smoke bomb combined make the second phase a cakewalk it can be argued that it's not the most effective weapon for a majority of the boss fight what can really separate a good weapon from a great weapon is how much value you can get for using that weapon across the whole boss fight that's basically what I mean by versatility as well if it can be used for a majority of the boss fights and still not lose its Effectiveness then I would consider that weapon pretty versatile overall this is a hard metric to calculate and determine so please consider that difficulty when listening to what I have to say about each weapon I wanted to make this clear now just to avoid any confusion because I see a lot of tier lists do this differently I'm going to be ranking these shots and ex together so I'm ranking the weapon as a whole not separately thus that means that both the ex and a shot will be ranked together on the two list just want to say that now because you know it might be a little weird on the tier list just so you know with all of that let's begin this tier list good old peashooter this is the base weapon of cuphead and thus you could say is The Benchmark that all the other weapons will be judged upon it's a very simple weapon to use and can be used for many of the boss fights in this game its average DPS of 30 is exactly that average and the ex Max damage is also an average at 25. while at sports average stats the weapon itself is easy to use and can like I mentioned earlier be used for most of the boss fights in the game without its Effectiveness Vanishing this obviously goes into B tier seeing as that is the middle or average tier and surface would be what we compare the other weapons to spread is one of the first options of weapon you can purchase from pork rinds Emporium which comes as a surprise considering it's really good it has the highest DPS in the game at 41 damage per second with the second highest DPS technically being charged shot with 35 damage per second so spread out dps's second place by a considerable amount this is considering that you're hitting every shot but even if you're not hitting every shot you're still doing at the very least 30 damage per second which is just average so you're really just losing your range in exchange for a higher BS with that I generally can't think of any boss that spread wouldn't lose all of his Effectiveness for now I'm not saying that spread is the best weapon for every boss but every boss has at least two phases where spread would be very effective due to how high its DPS is the ex shot is very Hit or Miss though because of the nature of how it shoots since the ex shoots out a shot in every cardinal direction for the majority of bosses they're never dealing maximum damage with your ex this is true unless you're in a phase of a boss fight or the boss at that time is in the background and you can fully enter its hitbox these are known as background bosses or phases some examples would be Chauncey chantani in the last phase of the root pack baby the Clown's second and last phase and Werner warman's last phase since they're in the background you can enter that area of the screen and not take damage while also being able to deal damage while inside of their hitbox if it wasn't obvious at this point that means you can do your spread ex while inside of their literal hitbox and thus steal Max damage with your ex shot nonetheless I will have to admit that the ex shots Effectiveness wildly varies from Austin pass it's still a good ex but not as versatile as many of the other weapons I would say spread is easy to use but sometimes you have to position yourself in a slightly awkward position or constantly jump for some bosses for you to be dealing Max damage always even with everything I have said I can say with confidence this gets an a tier I would honestly like to put it in s here but I would feel wrong for putting it there with all the points I mentioned although those points aren't huge problems or cons in my opinion this is a really good weapon and works wonders for a lot of the boss fights Chaser I would say is on the opposite side of the spectrum compared to spread its purpose is for your shots to home in on any enemies nearby so you don't have to worry about aiming at the cost of losing just about half of your average GPS of 17. a lot of the time the shots don't even go where you want them to depending on the boss so while it's a versatile shot it can't be limited since its purpose that is trying to fill is small it is only truly effective for a few of the boss fights the ex damage is surprisingly high but the way you deal damage with it is quite weird you either need to get super close to the enemy for the shots to damage them and go away or you have to use multiple ex shots for the shots orbiting you to home in on the closest Target while this normally is an easy weapon to use the ex is just weird and I'd honestly rather use any of the other weapons ex shots than this one because of these reasons I couldn't give it any rank higher than a c tier Chaser by itself is a mediocre shot but where it shines more is complementing your other weapon so while you'll need to reposition yourself for something similar you can just easily switch and start mindlessly shooting your Chaser shots until you're ready to switch back to your main weapon this is definitely not a shot I would use except for a phase or two for a few of the boss fights oh I forgot to mention also that there is a weapon that does exactly what Chaser does but better in my opinion so yeah blobber is actually quite underrated and deserves a bit more attention than I believe people give it now maybe this is just me but when I first played this game I thought lover was too weird and hard to use but really this shot is a lot better than you might imagine for quite a lot of the bosses I mean in general this weapon could be used for a majority of the boss fights in this game but some bosses it excels at like Grim matched the devil weren't a woman which may come as a surprise to some and really any boss where the boss is not moving library's DPS and ex damage are actually just above average at 33 and 28 but it does pretty massive damage per shot at 11.6 which in comparison to most of the other weapons is very high it also has a quirk that no other weapon has which is that when it hits the ground it bounces for a couple of times this gives the weapon more time to deal damage and you can set a sort of damage trap for the buzz a good example is during the devil's first phase when he becomes a serpent you can shoot up in the air with lobber before he starts traveling across the screen and since it bounces he will end up running into the bouncing lobber shots and take that huge damage this won't affect the tier placement drastically but it is something to note I would say this weapon can be used effectively for many of the boss fights in this game and the ex shot is also very good and can be reliably used I think with everything considered this weapon can sit just about in the a tier great damage great ex can be used for a good amount of the boss fights without its Effectiveness being reduced much and pairs nicely with other weapons it's range is its biggest drawback of course but like any other weapon you can bring it out during specific phases of a boss fight and it usually works pretty well charsha honestly receives the same treatment as lobber when it comes to being underused I've actually grown to respect and like this shot after I actually tried using it charge does by a huge margin the most damage per shot in the game at a whopping 46 when charged but because the fire rate is considerably slower than most of the other shots in the game it deals an average of 35 damage per second of course if you don't charge the shot it sucks which is the intention so you have to charge the weapon to be effective now the timing can be a bit weird at first since at least for me I would either not hold it for long enough to shoot a charge shot or I would hold on to it for too long essentially limiting my DPS and general damage output it definitely takes some getting used to for this weapon to be used effectively luckily it can be basically used on almost every boss because of the simple nature of how the weapon shoots and it also has a pretty huge hitbox so that makes it easier to hit smaller or moving in enemies so I would definitely say it's versatile the ex shot is alright dealing 26 damage on hit where it falls off is its range it's basically a short area of effect blast so unless you can get close to the boss without risk of taking damage the effectiveness overall of this ex is a bit unsure in testing though the blast radius of the ex was actually decently large and can be pretty easily spammed but its ex damage is still a bit underwhelming and many other ex shots are better and can be used more reliably than this one I believe with everything considered charge shot deserves to be in the Ace here where it falls off in ease of use and the ex's limited range and damage it makes up for in the charge shot's massive damage range and e-ex spinmability uh roundabouts I mean I hope I don't need to explain what this sits on the tier list but of course I will just in case I need to Enlighten anyone roundabout is basically just a better version of peashooter while it has an average DPS of 31 each shot deals 8.5 damage which is pretty decent for how the shot works the range of the weapon is obviously amazing just turn around on the the weapon reaches across the whole screen now while some may say that it's fiery is a bit slower than usual I see this as actually not a bad thing because of the shot's nature of going forward and then coming back towards you you can usually shoot backwards for a bit while the boss begins their next phase or attack and then start looking forward again with another shot like spread and start dealing massive spread DPS while the rest of the shots from the roundabout land being able to potentially deal more damage also roundabout excels at clearing minions and other small enemies on the screen again because of how the weapon works the shots see longer on screen and give more time for smaller enemies to arrive and be dealt with by those straight shots the ex is great dealing with most maximum damage of all the weapons and also being pretty easy to use and spam roundabout itself is also easy to use effective on a majority of the boss fights and pairs very well with other weapons I mean this is an easy Ester if you ask me or at the very least a tier anything lower than that would be insulting the usefulness of this weapon in my opinion crack shot is like roundabout just a better version of another shot and in this case it's Chaser crackshot is a mix of a normal short-range burst damage shot that turns into a homing attack at longer ranges that deals have as much damage for a shot that plays both roles of a normal weapon and a homing attack its damage is pretty decent and acceptable at 30 DPS uncracked and 18 DBS cracked this puts its DPS in line with peashooter uncracked and very slightly better than Chaser cracked while you may think it Sports average stats where it shines is its unbelievable versatility you can literally bring this shot to any boss fight and it's effective you can deal great burst damage with your uncracked shot and whenever you need to focus on dodging attacks just keep shooting and the shots will home in on the nearest enemy which is usually the boss the ex shot is also pretty cool and useful too the ex shoots out a planet that shoots small projectiles every second five times before disappearing which makes it great for dealing passive damage towards the boss or getting rid of smaller minion like enemies you can also spam your ex in order to send the planet orb towards whatever is closest to deal a burst of 12 damage or period for 14 damage the Perry can also act as a maneuver which also gives you a small percentage of your super meter back crack shot is easy to use arguably the most versatile weapon in the game and is in turn very effective this is an easy s tier and I'd be surprised if people thought this wasn't a good weapon converge is quite a weird one to rank to be completely honest if I had to explain what converge is I would say it's a mix of spreadshot and peashooter converges a shorts to a long range shot that shoots a spread of three shots and you can narrow the spread by holding the weapon lock button for more accuracy from medium to long range it has an average DPS of 33 just slightly above peashooter and if all shots hit it deals 8 damage this damage is quite unenthusiastic but at least its burst damage is decent it does have the extra perk of piercing enemies which makes it actually quite effective for taking down multiple enemies at once and good for some bosses the ex shot is quite underwhelming as well dealing 21 damage which is less than peashooter where it does make up though is its spam ability it's an ex that shoots a big bolt that instantly travels across the screen so it's a guaranteed 21 damage if you hit which is unlike for a example the peashooter ex which can deal a Max of 25 but it's not guaranteed if you don't aim your ex shot the best its versatility is all right with converge being a decent pick for a good amount of the boss fights this makes the ex pretty easy to use but converge itself I wouldn't say is the easiest weapon to use you have to manage switching from what I would call shotgun mode to Rifle mode to make the weapon's EPS consistent across the whole boss fight while this might not be a problem for some or most I feel like it wouldn't be correct to State this is an easy shot to use considering the other easy weapons I have stated before and the constant micromanaging you need to do now another problem I have is that although converge can work for a lot of the boss fights really the question that makes this difficult to determine is is it really the best or most effective weapon for that boss the answer the majority of time is no so with it being not naturally an easy weapon to use it's average damage and its Effectiveness being outshined by most of the other weapons as well putting it anywhere above B tier would be an insult to the other weapons in that tier in above of I could actually see this being in C tier but I believe it's comparison to peashooter is fitting for the weapon so beats here it goes for now now the last shot is Twist up now the opinion on this weapon can change drastically depending on who you ask but before I let my emotions and opinions inevitably control the ranking of this weapon let's analyze it first twist up is a pretty unique weapon to use with the shots curving upwards instead of going straight like every other weapon in the game it supports an average DPS of 32 and Deals just about 7 damage if every shot hits while the normal shot is pretty average the ex shot is quite the opposite it is tied with roundabout for dealing the most maximum ex damage of 40. the ex shot is a cyclone that revolves around in a circular pattern that expands over time this makes it pretty decent for any background phases of boss fights but unfortunately roundabout's ex shot I would say is just better with that twist Up's versatility is quite dismal believe it or not because of the nature of how the shot works it makes it only very good for very specific faces and bosses and even with that there are other web weapons that are just better at the job whether it be better damage or easier to use speaking of ease of use this weapon is not objectively easy to use again because of the nature of the shot you have to angle your Shots by holding the weapon lock button a lot just for the shots to actually hit most of the bosses that are getting really close to the boss which at that point why not just use spread or any other shorter ranged weapon I actually wanted to go through this weapon tier list video together by potato King great aim by the way since while I was researching each weapon for this video I stumbled across potato King's video and his opinion on twist up is very different from mine to say the least so let's go through the video and see what his points are and finally the shot at least like a third of you I think have been waiting for Twist up now before we begin let me start off this segment by saying that twist up slander will not be tolerated on this channel and that's because this shot is overheaded for what I can tell no reason oh it doesn't shoot aim diagonally oh it's just weird roundabout how it has the same damage output when all three Twisters hit it's really situational not really like I get it if you just can't aim like at all then it's not for you but it's actually really versatile and it can be used for just about any fight if you're good enough that is so yeah twist up is really good and you're all just bad at aiming and just in case you're still on the fence about if this shot is effective against multiple bosses then don't worry because the root pack Cagney Carnation Ruby and Crooks baroness the clown rumor honey bottoms Captain Brian Beard Verona Vermin Phantom Express chips that again pip and Dot hop his Focus pirouette and mangosteen King dies to devil glimstone the Giant from mutron Mob Halloween Aces Mortimer freestyle Faker and the angel and demon can all be dealt with pretty efficiently using twist up I got that first try let's go more than half the bosses in this game and do you still think it's unviable so yeah now that we've watched the whole video let's go Section by section to see what he says oh it doesn't shoot straightforward aim diagonally the fact that you have to aim diagonally and stand completely still essentially for it to be effective for most of the boss fight team mentions is a bit concerning to be honest and not even to mention you still have to be somewhat closer to the boss than normal for those diagonal shots to hit oh it's just worst roundabout how it has the same damage output when all three Twisters hit the key phrase is if every shot hits well it's not terribly difficult to hit all shots combined with the awkwardness of the shot's trajectory it is very possible that you will not hit all the shots a good amount of the time you might think generally the same for spread but the only reason it gets away with Matt more is because the nature of the weapon is easy to hit and its high DPS makes up for missing a couple of the outer shots of the weapon I would also argue that roundabout's ex shot is way easier and more effective than twist UPS ex since it just shoots forward and you could easily Hit The Boss multiple times while the Cyclone isn't the easiest to hit whether you agree or not that twist up is just a worse roundabout is up to you it's really situational not really like I get it if you just can't aim like at all then it's not for you but it's actually really versatile and it can be used for just about any fight if you're good enough that is so yeah twist up is really good and you're all just bad at aiming and just in case you're still on the fence about if this shot is effective against multiple bosses then don't worry because the root Cagney Carnation Ruby and Crooks baroness the clown rumor honey bottoms Captain Brian Beard Verna Vermin Phantom Express chips that again pip and Dot hop as Focus pirouette and mangosteen King dies the devil glomstone the Giant from mootron Mob Halloween Aces Mortimer fridge Jets Vale Faker and the angel and demon can all be dealt with pretty efficiently using twist up I got that first try let's go more than half the bosses in this game and do you still think it's unviable the thing is Twist up is objectively a situational weapon that's kind of the point of the weapon it's meant to be used if a boss is higher on the screen and can be used diagonally for it to be used for more applications than just straight up the fact that you also have to be good at alien twist up is a testament to how it's done easy weapon to use also like how I generally mentioned at the beginning of the video just because the weapon can be used for a boss or particular phase does not mean it's the best weapon for that phase or good for the boss fight entirely I could very well make an argument about a good amount of the boss fights he mentions and how two other weapons are particularly better for that situation but the one one boss I wanted to go over and mention is Ruby and croaks this really came as a surprise considering each face of the fight there isn't one phase during ribbian croaks that twist up is actually good again you can very well use twist up for the first and second phase but think about this for a moment why would I ever use Twista for Ruby and croaks if I have both roundabout and spread there is nothing that twist up does during the boss fight that either roundabout and spread just do better and are in fact easier to use during the boss fight actually I would go as far as to say that spread is just better than twist up in every way for almost every boss fight he mentions with everything I have said here twist up is going to C tier I was going to put it in beats here but I just couldn't see many situations that another weapon is just better in which fits with why Chaser is here as well so it only felt fitting to put twist up here okay so I felt like it was necessary to go over each boss and tell you why I don't like twist up and I don't think twist up is a good weapon and just you know ahead of time this is not my S rank save so you will not see yes ranks on everything so root pack uh you would never use twist up on definitely you just use spread Gooby Legrand same thing you could use it I guess but you could just use spread obviously I'm sticking I'm skipping all the plain bosses because like well you can use you can't use any weapons uh kidney Carnation you could use twist up on you could but you know you could just use honestly better is spread I mean either way honestly Carnation is very neutral ribbian croaks definitely if you use twist up on this boss then you're throwing uh Baron is found a bonbon you could get away with it but I would honestly just use spread maybe the clown is act you could make an argument definitely about Bebe the clown with his second third and fourth phase but you know it does it better spread it has better consistent ex you're gonna be almost always doing uh 34 damage which is the Maxi X damage of spread and spread is just better just higher DPS it's just better and basically in almost every way I would say for the baby the clown fight uh Grim magic definitely not using twist up I'll move on remember honey rumor honey bottoms definitely not Captain Brandy beard you could but guess what spread is better silly stage play you could use it for the last phase but you know what's better spread for every other phase Werner Worman actually twist up is decent uh that's literally one of the only one of the only bosses twist up is actually decent in calamaria oh you can use color sorry Phantom Express you could again you could use twist up but you know what's better spread oh my God you see a theme here and then King dice it twists up his way into inconsistent super dues for King dice to be completely honest just use you know it whatever other weapon devil again you could use twist up but you know what's better oh my gosh guess what spread oh my gosh we can't believe it right this is why I wanted to spread an S tier and honestly I might but um because spread is honestly such an amazing weapon it works for almost every all the boss fights but anyways DLC bosses lumps on the giant it could be used twist up is not bad twist up's not bad it's it's viable for sure uh moonshine mob no just don't uh Mortimer freeze again no just no and then Chef salt Baker kind of kind of but that's it again all these I just went through every single boss and there really were not many bosses at all where twist up is actually like a good weapon to use and it always gets outshined by spread it's like literally like it's like Luigi twist up as Luigi and spread as Mario it's like just use Mario it's just the better version it's just the better one so that's why I don't think twist up is good and although I might have been a little bit harsh with its placement because its ex is actually pretty decent uh for a good amount of the boss fights the fact that you it's not even a good weapon by itself without the ex is where the problem comes in so I feel like I just I just had to elaborate on this because I although you know I gotta finalize the video at some point I just wanted to make this point right now so hopefully that all makes sense and let's get back to the video with all the normal shots done let's try to quickly rank the plane weapons so the weapons to rank are the plain peashooter mini bomb Miss chalice's three-way Miss chalice's mini bombs and both the plane supers the normal plain peashooter is well just peashooter but in plain form the projectiles take a decent amount of time to travel across the screen so make sure to lead your shots if the boss is moving slightly in order to maximize your DPS the ex is pretty decent and easy to hit so with little options and good attributes I guess Ace here it goes the mini bombs are basically the equivalent of a lobber the mini bombs deal significant burst damage so it can be great for clearing minimum-like enemies which usually have pretty low Health it actually deals damage twice once on impact and again with the explosion so keep that in mind the ex is also good for clearing nearby minions as it homes in on the nearest enemy it can do pretty decent burst damage as well though if you can get up close to the boss I would say it goes with a played in peashooter in the a tier as well the super is simply a huge bomb that deals massive damage is easy to use and a maneuver and you become invincible for a short time after you use it so you're not in danger of getting hit immediately after using it the only drawback is that if you hit anything you explode so you need to make sure that you have an opening to hit the boss directly to do a Max damage and not a minion or straight projectile by accident the damage I feel makes up for it though so another a tier we go now miss chalice's three-way is surprisingly different from cuphead and mugmans instead of just shooting a line of projectiles they come out in a spread of three shots I actually find this to be less beneficial as a whole it makes you get unnecessarily close to consistently deal the normal DPS of a regular plane peashooter the 308 ex is all right and can be good if you're close but the peashooter ex deals more consistent damage than the 3-way ex I really don't see any advantage that you get from using this chalice's three-way without a risk of getting hit more often so I'm going to put this in the B tier Ms chalice's mini bombs are also significantly different from the normal mini bombs it's like a spammier version of the mini bombs it's still meant for dealing bursts of damage at the sacrifice of range but it deals actually more DPS than the normal mini bombs it's easier to to maneuver with and thus is safer to use the ex is also just the peashooter ex but goes downwards at an angle which can be beneficial and cause you to hit more times for some of the plane bosses although you do need to get close of course to use this you already have to get close to use this weapon and it makes up for the many bombs perks I already mentioned and allows you to deal even more burst damage with this weapon I would honestly say this is s tier since it's basically a better version of the midi bombs and the normal mini bombs are an eighth year already miss chalice's super is just a normal super but way less maneuverable and slow but does more damage you can make up for this by just getting in close to what you want to Super before activating it which you honestly should already be doing with the normal super as well so I think throwing this in a tier what the normal super is fine now with all the plane weapons and supers done let's rank the actual supers as well Super 1 energy beam is basically the bread and butter super of cuphead being super easy to use and Deals 87 damage pretty good super and works as a sort of Baseline for other supers but honestly most of the time I prefer spamming ex shots and getting that value especially for some of the bosses even with that I would say ate here makes sense super 2 invincibility is a super I've been often on about when it comes to how much I like it it honestly feels like the invincibility doesn't last long enough considering you need five cars for it and I could use Super 1 to do a massive damage and make invincibility not needed I would say bees here is the most fitting super 3 giant ghost is a very Hit or Miss super literally it deals a massive 147.9 damage if you hit every time but I honestly believe this is to make up for how hard the super is to use and capitalize on it moves based on the direction you're looking but a lot of the time that means you can't aim at the boss correctly and hit any of your shots and you basically have to use weapon lock and stand still in order to actually control the ghost it's a very weird super to use and honestly you'd probably deal more damage consistently with your energy beam than with giant ghost I'm honestly going to put this in C tier because it's not easy or fun to use and I'd rather just use energy beam or spam ex shots than use giant ghost Super 1 spiral pillar is basically Just Energy beam but vertical it also does more damage at 1 7.5 but it's slightly harder to use since you either need to hug the boss in order to hit the beam or use it on a boss fight or phase where they're above you the slightly more damage does make up a bit for that so I'm gonna put it in a tier since it's basically Just Energy beam and energy beam could suffer the same problem with its horizontal attack against certain bosses instead and another Super is in my opinion better than this one anyways super 2 shield power is pretty decent overall for getting s ranks as Miss chalice but that's pretty much it both our other supers are just better and she already has 4 HP as is so if you really need more HP just use heart ring instead of Miss chalice feels just a bit unnecessary and is overshadowed by her two other supers I would say cure makes sense because of this super 3 ghostly barrage is a very fun super to use because it feels like no matter what time you use it you're always using it effectively the super covers the whole screen and its damage varies apparently on the size of the ghost varying from 1.5 to 3.5 per ghost so the absolute bottom line of damage you can deal which is very unlikely to achieve obviously is 50 damage and a Max of 126 damage this super can deal massive damage and also gives you a free Parry at the end which can help you with heart ring value or your super meter I honestly think this is worth an S tier because it deals great damage on average is extremely easy and cool to use now there is one more technical weapon Whetstone I'm gonna make this fast detier you're not going to use this unless you're doing a challenge or you're trolling that's it it can also help you maneuver away from enemies but no well those are all weapons ranked in cuphead I really can't think of any weapon that isn't placed correctly so please leave your comments down below if you agree with me and if you disagree if you could please like subscribe and share as well since these videos take a lot of time and effort to make especially for a college student well with that I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: MrKap
Views: 574,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Tier list, Cuphead & The Delicious Last Course
Id: iX7qsbw9NWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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