What is Cuphead's Most POPULAR Boss?

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so I surveyed over 1 000 of my viewers to give me their opinions to see which boss and cuphead is the best there are numerous videos out there ranking the cuphead bosses including one I did myself but these are all of course subjective to the Creator so let's see if we can rank the bosses in a bit more of an objective semi-scientific Way by of course pulling the masses and really quick before we start this video is sponsored by YouTubes YouTube's makes designer Collectibles that capture the joy of video games internet creators anime TV shows and more and make for an awesome way to celebrate them even before being sponsored for this video I've personally ordered a few figures like these ones from the Banjo-Kazooie line now although this isn't a plug for my own figure yet YouTube's has collaborated with cuphead to bring several of the game's characters to life with a line of figurines including cuphead doing this the figures in this collection are all really well made and have some awesome detailing as well all of the u2s are Lim Edition so once they're sold out they are gone for good so if you'd like to grab one or a bunch for yourself or for a cuphead fan that you know head on over to youtubes.com or the Amazon Link in the description where you can get them delivered even faster with Amazon Prime anyways with all that said Parry that like button below let's see which bosses are considered the best and worst in the game so like I said I asked over 1 000 of my viewers three simple questions based on what they thought overall to determine which bosses were most liked and hated which bosses did you simply enjoy playing against which boss is your favorite and of course which boss is your least favorite and then by weighing the latter two questions more heavily since the absolute favorite and least favorite choices matter more a final score was determined now a thousand responses is a lot but of course the bigger sample size the better so for the next few weeks after I upload this video I will be doing another vote for seeing the best and worst FNAF game so if you'd like to take part for the next video check out the survey Link in the description alright now kicking off this list here at the absolute bottom of the barrel at number 40 as apparently the worst or at least popular boss in the game is none other than Dr call and his robot less than 30 percent of players even enjoyed this fight only two play one considered it the best boss in the game and then an absolutely whopping 17.9 percent of people think this this is the worst boss in the whole game leading to an actually negative score of negative 2.9 the only negative score on this list now this isn't too surprising as I've gotten numerous comments over the years about people complaining about this fight's difficulty or it having only two real phases with the second being basically just dodging bullet hell but dang I definitely wasn't expecting almost a fifth of people to consider this boss the worst now next up we got a bunch of the minor bosses in the game such as the mini bosses leading up to King dice as well as the king's leap bosses where you have to Parry to win at the bottom of these mini bosses at number 39 is Mr Chimes where only 14.2 percent of players even enjoyed this fight to begin with only 0.2 considered it to be their favorite boss and almost 5 percent thought it was the worst boss in the game leading to a final score of only 4.8 this one's again not too surprising to me as in addition to being an airplane level the fact that you have to actually rub some brain cells together to play a memory matching game in order to even deal any damage in the fight is pretty off-putting to many people and I think in general many players prefer the boots on the ground boss fights as opposed to the airplane ones and I think this is likely due to more movement options as well as being able to use the different weapons the game has to offer Mr Chimes is Then followed by Hoppus Pocus and then the Tipsy troop both not having many people enjoying their fights at all and a decent amount considering them the worst in the game personally I don't mind hoppes that much but I also think that the fight against the alcoholics is one of the weakest in the game then next up surprisingly to me is rumor honey bottoms who comes in at number 36 with a measly score of 14.4 as only about a fifth of players enjoyed this fight less than one percent consider it their favorite and over 5 percent consider it the worst I guess it may be the vertically moving platforms here that cause a lot of players to dislike this fight but honestly I didn't think players would hate on the B cop and rumor this much like she ranks even lower than several mini bosses in the game and then following this trend next up we got Wally warbles less than a quarter of players enjoyed this fight less than a percent considered it the best and 5.5 percent of players thought it was the worst I kind of agree with this ranking there are certainly much better airplane fights in the game then next up we have a bunch more mini bosses parowetta at number 34 then the pawns fear lap pip and Dot as well as the queen having scores ranging from 15.6 to 21.9 I don't think it's very surprising that the mini bosses aren't favored as much in general as there's just not all too much to them although some of the designs animations and music may be good they are basically just one phase so they're usually over with pretty quickly and thus aren't nearly as memorable I will say though although I agree that the pawns are probably the least interesting of the king's leap fights I'm quite surprised that the queen was rated this low I thought that fight was really creative albeit pretty short anyways next up just barely beating out the queen is probably the boss that most players fought first when playing this game for the first time goopy Legrand although this is so far one of the highest percentage of people that enjoyed this fight at almost 28 almost 5 percent of people voted this as their least favorite boss I suppose it makes sense as being essentially a tutorial boss goopy doesn't do well too much and the design is quite literally just a blue blob that punches you every once in a while I do however like that you end up fighting him from beyond the grave but I can see where the lower votes are coming from next up is baroness Von Bonbon who got a mixed bag of likes and dislikes leading to an even score of 25. now I didn't really want to break this fight down to all of the individual mini mini bosses as that would be too granular but I think that may be what detracts from this boss fight now sure some might like fighting against Gumball bro or any of the other Sweet Treats but the actual fight against the baroness really only boils down to her one phase of chasing you with her castle and tossing her heads your way then next are three more mini bosses all scoring really closely together ships bet again Mr Wheezy as well as the bishop there's not really much else to say about these that I haven't already about the mini bosses they're all short fights and all kind of forgettable then coming in at number 24 is Hilda Berg being the first boss so far breaching having more than 30 percent of people enjoying playing the stage at all just barely over a percent consider this the best boss and 2.6 percent considered it the worst although this fight does have some pretty wacky character designs I'm personally not a huge fan of it and I think there are definitely some better airplane fights like Jimmy the great who is coincidentally next on our list more people enjoyed this fight and considered it the best but also more people think Jimmy sucks as 3.9 percent of respondents consider him to be the worst boss in the game the cuppet and final phases are really cool but the first two I don't think are too special at all and I'm sure that factored into how people perceive Jimmy as a fight overall next up we got another King's leap fight with the Knight where you're tasked with constantly parrying his head when the guard is lowered kind of a mixed bag of scores for this one and although it may not be as loved of a fight since it's hated less I'm surprised to see it beat out several main bosses in this game then next up is our first delicious last course DLC boss on this list glumstone the giant where surprisingly only about a third of players enjoyed this battle but on the other hand it wasn't really many people's favorite or least favorite now I honestly thought this was a pretty enjoyable fight with all of the Gnomes and literally fighting a digestive system but I guess people kinda just found this fight as the youths say mid but not quite as mid as the next boss who is literally in the middle of this list at number 20 good old beppy the clown here and yeah there's definitely a mixed reaction to beep is here with around 36 of people enjoying this boss at all three percent considering him the best and almost five percent considering him the worst I will admit that I'm really biased against Betty him being one of my personal least favorite bosses in the game but it's interesting to me to see that quite a bit of people have a love for this boss next finishing out the king's leap mini bosses is The Rook who at number 19 overall here ranked as the most popular boss in the castle only 0.5 percent of people hated this fight and 0.8 percent loved it but overall people still enjoyed it to at least some degree and I agree this was my favorite Perry fight in the bunch as well then for the second major DLC boss on this list next up is Mortimer freeze where 35.7 percent of players enjoyed this boss 1.3 thought it was the best and only a tiny 0.6 percent considered it the worst resulting in a score of 37.1 honestly thought this fight was really awesome and I enjoyed all of the phases especially against the yeti that turns into a fridge hell yeah moving on at number 17 we have Sally stage play where we have another mixed bag of scoring here has almost 36 percent of people enjoyed this fight 2.9 considered it the best and 1.9 percent hated it although the attacks from Sally may not be the most interesting I think the story that's told throughout the fight if you pay attention to it makes this fight really unique but I guess after you see it once or twice all you're really left with are a deranged lady fighting you babies throwing bottles at you oh and some deities that one's actually pretty cool then at number 16 we have the lone airplane boss fight of the DLC against Esther Winchester I know a lot of people have expressed to me that they really enjoy this fight and I guess that shows as it beat out two other ground-based DLC bosses here just over 35 percent enjoyed this fight three percent considered it the best and 1.5 percent thought it was doodoo the next the highest rated mini boss in the whole game beating out several other full bosses is surprisingly mangosteen only 0.4 percent consider this boss the worst in the game 1.3 thought it was the best and almost 37 percent of players enjoyed this mini boss fight Now 37 percent may not seem like much but take into account this is at least a solid 10 more than any of the other king dice mini bosses in the game and honestly I don't really know the reason it's an alright fight and mangosteen's design as an eight ball is pretty neat but it's super easy I guess maybe that's why people like it so much then coming in at number 14 is the secret boss found at the end of the DLC the angel and demon who here received a mix of ratings resulting in a final score of 39. although it was a really cool fight at first seeing and fighting against the devil again overall the fight is pretty short-lived with only the one phase so it's a cool little secret but I reckon this may have lowered the score for many people now going way back to near the beginning of the game at number 13 is the root pack where 39.5 percent of people enjoyed the fight 1.4 percent loved it and 1.6 percent hated it this fight I think is one of the more memorable fights in the whole game as you fight a bunch of wacky vegetables and make an onion cry and it's interesting to see the Big Score difference between these veggies and goopy from earlier who are both intro bosses on aisle one one of these fights is certainly less hated than the other and coincidentally also from aisle one next are ribby and croaks who come in as the first boss fight that over 40 percent of people enjoyed it's a fun and Goofy fight I mean the frogs literally just transform into a slot machine because reasons 2.4 percent think this Duo is the bee's knees and it made 1.9 of people croak coming in at the 11th Place here is Captain brinybeard where almost 42 percent of players enjoyed this fight very few hated it and 3.2 percent thought it was the best leading to a score of 46.8 now I don't want to say this one surprised me too much but I definitely thought more people wouldn't be fans of the captain being stationary in the top right of the screen for most of the fight but hey on the other hand you also get to fight the uvula of a ship so there's that now finally getting to the top 10 bosses in the game first here is I guess quite a controversial one 46.7 of players enjoyed the boss fight against Grim Matchstick at least to some extent but then pretty evenly matched 7.2 percent thought it was the best and a whopping 6.7 think Grimm is the worst boss in the game Grim Matchstick is one of the harder bosses in cuphead no doubt and I've gotten numerous comments from people saying that this is the boss that they ended up getting stuck on and couldn't progress through the rest of the game so I guess I can really see why some people have a bone to pick with grip up next at the ninth spot is actually the last and highest rated airplane fight in the game the battle against calamaria almost 46 percent of people enjoyed this fight which bear in mind is like 11 more than the second most enjoyed airplane fight against Esther Winchester 5.8 percent of people absolutely love this fight and 3.2 percent despise it leading to a score of 51.1 I think I personally prefer the fight against Esther because you get to dodge sausage links and stake but the battle against kala is also really fun there may also be some uh other factors that result in people choosing this fight as their favorite too and speaking of which next at number eight are the howling Aces and this doesn't surprise me at all as when I did a poll on the DLC bosses a few months ago the flying dog goes absolutely decimated the competition and I don't want to point any fingers but apparently many people have a fondness for a certain member of the howling Aces 46 percent of people enjoyed this battle in some capacity 3.9 considered it the best boss fight and very few considered it the worst up next is a placement that kind of surprised me at number seven the Phantom Express now personally I don't think this boss fight is all too interesting and I'm not a fan of the moving cart mechanic but I digress 47.2 percent of people enjoyed this fight 4.7 absolutely love it and only 1.3 percent think it's the worst next we got the king dice himself where 48.8 percent of players enjoyed this battle almost five percent thought it was the best and 2.1 thought it was the worst since we separated all of the mini bosses we're just looking at this fight against the king himself which in itself ends up being basically just a mini boss fight too as there's only one phase and attack that the King has so honestly I'm kind of surprised that this many people considered this to be the best boss in the game but I reckon that a lot of people probably voted for KD here for the entirety of the fight including the mini bosses now finally diving into top 5 territory first up is the Moonshine mob with 47 and a half percent of players at least somewhat enjoying the fight a large 6.4 percent consider it the best fight in the game and only 0.7 percent consider it the worst resulting in a final score of 58.9 now I really like this boss fight most of the phases are really fun but designs and background characters are cool the fake knockout is super memorable and hey not only did they resurrect an attack from a previously scrapped boss but they also resurrected this spider who too was a previously scrapped boss himself what's not to love now next up at number four we have the final boss of the base game Mr Devil Himself where for the first time so far over half of players enjoyed this battle and by a decent amount actually at 60.8 percent which is actually the second highest in the game in this statistic on the flip side though only 3.3 consider this fight the best in the game and very few thought it was the worst I think this fight is honestly a really good climax to cuphead and offers a good challenge that in turn offers a very rewarding feeling after completing it it may not be many people's favorite boss in the game but enough people enjoy it at least somewhat to bring El Diablo here to such a high rating now that's one final boss but next up is the final boss for the delicious last course DLC Chef salt Baker who quite a few people see as the best boss fight in the game although like I just said I think the fight against the devil is awesome I agree with this final boss fight being a bit better as I think the attacks and phases are all more unique and have a ton more charm and of course Salt Baker can't be forgiven for his sin so defeating him is super satisfying now coming in at the number two spot is Werner Vermin who although only around 57.4 percent of players enjoyed this fight quite a few people considered it the best and very few the worst resulting in a score of 72.2 I really enjoyed this fight but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised to see the Old Rad here score this highly compared to many of the other bosses I gotta admit though the fact that we see Werner end up controlling the cat at the end of this fight is one of the biggest bamboozles in this game and now finally by process of elimination at the number one spot is none other than plant boy now I'll be the first to admit that there was likely some bias with my audience for this one as Cagney Carnation has become a sort of meme on my channel for years now but nonetheless almost three quarters of players at least somewhat enjoy this boss only 1.5 percent consider Cagney the worst and beating out the rest of the bosses by a long shot a whopping 13.2 percent of players consider plantboy to be the best boss fight in the game leading to a colossal score of 97.6 a whole 25 points more than the number two spot now as I've seen how people voted I'm sure many will disagree with how the bosses are ranked here and with the one exception of maybe some plant boy bias I think this gives us a really good look into which bosses are generally considered to be the best and worst in cuphead at the end of the day though you like what you like so whatever your favorite boss is is all that should matter to you and hey if you're that one person that voted Tipsy troop as your favorite boss all the power to you pal anyways I hope you enjoyed this video it's my first time doing something like this and I'd like to do more in the future so please let me know what you think in the comments below and yeah definitely consider voting in the next surveys so we can get even more accurate results while you're here check out some of my other cuphead videos I've made and be sure to subscribe to find your way back here in the future and as always thank you so much for stopping by today and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 496,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, cuphead bosses, ranking cuphead bosses, best cuphead bosses, worst cuphead bosses, best cuphead boss, most popular cuphead boss, least popular cuphead boss, hardest cuphead boss, most difficult cuphead bosses, tetrabitgaming cuphead, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, lost bits, video games, cuphead ranked, cuphead top 10, cuphead top 10 bosses, cuphead all bosses, cuphead show, cuphead bosses ranked, cuphead bosses worst to be, cuphead bosses easiest to hardest
Id: r_g2zcilJrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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