I Trapped The Warden in Minecraft Hardcore (#12)

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i have anxiety not because the oceans are rising or because at christmas this year i have to tell my family i play a kid's game for a living that is gonna be kind of weird though it's because of this guy the warden you see mojang had the bright idea to create a mob that has two and a half times the health of the ender dragon with a melee attack capable of ending my hardcore world and even worse yet i'm pretty sure that they literally made the warden just to end my hardcore world so naturally i'm gonna defeat him and then move into his house the first thing that i did was load my world into this software called mca selector and then remove 250 000 chunks the warden is found in the deep dark a biome that spawns in areas of low erosion like mountains and plateaus you know who else lives in the mountains me that's right i live in the mountains and because i reset all the chunks that i haven't spent much time at i'm pretty sure the deep dark and the warden are pretty close to my spawn so it begs the question why would i even want to do this to begin with you see much like the warden i too just want some peace and quiet basically i am the warden if i didn't go to therapy now according to research it costs 650 000 for a peaceful home but the deep dark apart from the warden can't spawn any other mobs and that sounds pretty nice to me so the first thing to do is locate the deep dark find an ancient city and then completely remove the warden from it sounds easy but it won't be so i went searching making sure to check the large cave openings near mountains and plateaus for areas of skull which was an indicator that the deep dark was present at first i looked on the opposite side of my large mountain range but i couldn't find anything besides some super dark caves so instead i went back to a neighboring mountain that i have not spent much time at and to my surprise i found what i was looking for oh my god i found it guys that is it that is the deep dark oh wait no that's the deep dark i gotta get out of here i am not ready to fight this yet i need a plan traversing the deep dark and looting an ancient city must be done carefully if you want any chance of success so i went back home and got to planning so we're gonna need a bunch of shulker boxes for all the loot we're gonna get some healing potions a bunch of snowballs that hopefully we won't actually have to use a bunch of torches a few buckets of milk thank you buttermilk some spectral arrows these will come in handy if i actually have to shoot the warden which hopefully i don't so that's basically everything that i need now there is one more thing and that's gonna be a bunch of wool [Music] and just to make sure i had enough i stayed here until i had a full shulker box of wool oh i'm sorry that was not nice there we go my friends that took 45 minutes oh man i really need a sheep farm i am far too lazy for that though and with that i think it's time to head off in search of an ancient city all right i'm not gonna lie i'm a little bit nervous right now this is my first time doing this so hopefully everything goes okay i think first we should go ahead and kind of secure the area so mobs can't come at us from behind that wouldn't be very good i don't think [Music] ooh free diamonds hold on wait what literally this is it this is all i have here there has to be more to this area right [Music] okay so i don't see any skull streakers so i should be good hey there's the advancement so even if they know that i'm around them they shouldn't actually be alerting anything don't you come near me you stay away from me yeah i think we're actually safe right here there's no streakers nearby okay uh yeah i lied this first section of deep dark not much to brag about but it was good practice well after all that preparation this is the only part of the deed dark that i can find here so this is uh not gonna suffice so i went out in search of another deep dark biome oh okay this area looks pretty promising let's see what we have here just kidding it's nothing holy this cave is so cool but i'm not seeing any skulk which is really unfortunate oh hang on this looks promising yo what the heck there's a field down here there's a crop field in this cave what is going on what is this i wonder what they're growing down here to keep us so secret not today we're not doing this today mister but once again no luck oh this looks promising actually hang on and somehow yet again there's nothing here oh my god this is the biggest cave i've ever seen though so i kept on searching at this point i was over 5 000 blocks from spawn oh my god we're here we found it we have found it i found the deep dark this looks big too it looks actually promising this time dude what the heck is this like some kind of sick joke this is another dud biome there's nothing here at this point i realized that finding the deep dark and finding an ancient city are two very different things i spent hours continuing to search where i found something way more rare than an ancient city what do we have here yo this is what double zombie spawner holy cow this is actually super rare i have never seen this before in my life i mean i'll definitely never use that but it was still a cool find but not as cool as my next find oh pill drop post these are actually kind of important now oh oh my god look what we have we actually have some here oh my god we have some malaise here yes you guys this is so big we're definitely gonna be back here in the future and two more over here and two more what the there's eight of them eight la's in this single pillager outpost that's actually wild i feel like so yeah let me know what to do with those delays because i literally have no idea but finally my friends after two and a half hours of searching getting rick rolled yet again by an empty deep dark i found what i was looking for tucked away inside of this mountain all right folks this is what you call low erosion terrain there has to be something here i will not take no for an answer there's gonna be a deep dark through here oh i think i found the mother lode i have found the absolute mother lode there is an ancient city and now i get to loot this thing oh i'm scared why don't i even do this whose idea was that oh my god i'm so scared okay now let's talk strategy now that we have finally found the ancient city our next plan is to go through and as carefully as possible very carefully i want to remove all of the skulk shriekers in the area to basically make this thing peaceful that is not going to be easy and i'm probably going to spawn the warden and he's probably going to chase me so without further ado here we go so i think my best plan of attack is going to be to go around the outside of this thing first and like do a big ring and then circle my way in until eventually it's all conquered all right there's the first chest officially looted so yes if we cover the chest and wool we can actually open it without any repercussions which is very nice oh swift sneak yes this is good this is very good i need to get one more swift sneak to book and i can put that on my pants here okay first two shriekers of this ancient city no big deal though we know how to handle these things i'm not worried are you worried you better not be worried hey easy peasy baby oh my god what is this chest dude i love this so much besides the fact that i felt like i was going to vomit i was getting more comfortable in this ancient city oh oh my god there's mob heads here what this is actually crazy so spooky man and after finding a swift sneak 3 book and putting it on my pants i felt pretty invincible which is not good you don't want to be invincible down here what are you doing down here no stay away you're going to get me killed you're going to get both of us killed but yeah don't worry the confidence very quickly wore off i did a bad thing i i think we're okay oh my god so that yeah that was bad i did it again i i did it again why did i do it again stop it you're gonna get me killed bad stop it okay so the outer ring is officially safeguarded now i want to go ahead and start working my way in a little bit oh no warden draws close is he here at this point i was one wrong noise away from disaster so i just kind of said screw it and decided to summon the warden myself and see what would happen you know what screw it let's go ahead and see what happens if i fly near one more that's it that's it he's here he's here he's here where's he i can't see i can't see i'm not fighting him i'm not doing that no no no no there he is oh my god there he is oh he's actually leaving he's leaving okay this is good i'm gonna pass on that at this point i was just left to disarm this big center portal now we've all had our speculations about what this thing actually does what it will do and honestly i have no idea but after disabling the shriekers around it i found something pretty interesting below it hold up what the what the heck's in here oh yeah this is like those redstone testing areas i feel like i should just come here and actually learn how to do redstone like an adult human being that sounds like a good idea doesn't it and with that all of the shriekers had been removed from this ancient city which meant i could fly around and make as much noise as i wanted to without any consequences i think this right here is actually the final streaker it's not even in the ancient city the ancient city is like way over there but i feel like i almost want to leave this i don't know what are the odds we're gonna actually want to spawn the warden here maybe we'll leave this just in case but as far as i'm concerned that was a very successful endeavor alright gamers let's talk about a game plan step one i want to transform this ancient city particularly i want to focus on the center portal area i think there's a lot that we can do there step number two i want to move into set ancient city and claim it as my own step number three i want to disrespect the warden and step number four i can't tell you that one but it's gonna be cool so make sure you watch until the end first things first i'm going to need a lot of material starting with some skulls and next i'll need a whole bunch of warped wood you know while i'm here i might as well grab the shroom lights too i'll definitely need those [Music] yo yo what the goodness my guy and then we'll grab some end stone and now it's time for the long flight back to the ancient city first i want to address this center portal i think it's supposed to look like the warden but i don't know to me i just get like big teletubby vibes from this and that's not cool so naturally let's go ahead and remove this if you ask me the portal area is just a little bit underwhelming in its size so i think there was an opportunity to make it bigger the first thing that i wanted to do was build up these giant basalt pillars on each of the four corners surrounding the portal i kind of like to imagine that this portal is the center piece for all of the skulk that is spreading throughout the deep dark here so i want to go ahead and expand and just make this area super skulky way more than it already is skulky is that even a word okay so just the first half of the outline is complete and right away this is already looking way cooler way more dark and deep and skulky this is really cool now i want to go through and actually extend what i imagine this portal would look like if i could obviously i can't get this deep slate block thing but i do feel like a mix of end stone and these deep slate bricks is gonna do just fine also building with swift sneak is honestly so much fun i love this oh i'm not good at though [Music] and then finally to really go ahead and sell the illusion we'll go ahead through and collect a bunch of these skulk veins more free diamonds nice but with the portal frame extended out over here we can go ahead and continue on with the outline on this side and with the skulk wire frame fully complete i could start filling it in i wanted this to look pretty organic the only real goal here was to make it look like this was the center point of all of the skulk that is spreading throughout the deep dark and i'm gonna be honest i was getting a little bit nervous during this part of the build because the whole thing was just really weird and honestly out of my comfort zone also way more skulk than i thought i needed i had to go get like 10 times more than i actually thought but as i got more of it built i became more confident with the design and actually started to like what i was seeing and from here i want to accent this skulk with some warped wood i think that it'll look really good to help fill in this little gap here after going through and doing the same thing on the other side i went ahead and added in the detail of some warped wood spread throughout the skull not only did this break up the color palette but it added this dynamic effect that looked like the skulk was pulsating at you like it was alive it looked so cool oh yeah dude this looks so sick i actually can't wait to move in here this is gonna be so cool can you believe like a week ago i was scared of this place that's old news man i'm a new man i'm a new boy [Music] but of course i wasn't done building yet right now the front faces were complete but the sides were totally hollow and i wanted to build these up with a bunch of deep slate as if there once was a massive structure here i guess the idea was that the structure itself was here before the skulk overtook everything does that make sense anyways once the actual wall was built up i took some inspiration from my slime farm build and cut out some pockets of random shape and then fill them in with skull and honestly i am so in love with this i love deep slate dude it's literally a cheat code when you build with it it's so easy with the outside of the structure fully transformed it was time to tackle the interior and this is where i get a little bit nervous because my interior decoration skills are that of a four-year-old so i took things slow took the night off and then did a little bit of planning so the next day i could come back and set off to get some materials oh and it's snowing how lovely you know while i'm out here we might as well go ahead and snag this bell we're gonna need that for something a bit later in the video don't worry you'll see oh i found it oh my god dark hog forest goodness this took so long to find way too long to find they shouldn't be this hard anymore to find what the heck dude sheep i'm sorry but i have to repair my wings it's not personal okay maybe a little bit with the materials gathered it was now time for phase two to move into this ancient city keeping things pretty simple i figured i would keep the center portal area totally empty so as to preserve its significance and then build out the base on either of the sides starting things off with a fun archway design that leads into a staircase down below i kept the block palette consistent with what i already had with different wood types and stone and the occasional bit of warped wood i decided that the first side of the interior would be used for the storage to hold all of the loot i got while going through this ancient city and after that moving along to the opposite side i kept things the exact same except this time building up a large nether portal and covering most of it with overgrown skull and that's basically it for the interior i mean i'm a simple man i don't plan on living here forever so i don't need all too much so if you ask me this base is looking really good but i think we can all agree this place still needs a cool entrance so let's go ahead and like find a way in here from this bottom side [Music] yeah i think something like this looks really cool so i got to work digging clearing out a tunnel that stretched from the entrance i just made all the way around to the drop shoot i made inside of the base and from there it was time to decorate hey and there we go my friends the entrance is officially done this is so cool i love how easily you can get into this place now but getting out of here uh yeah that's a different story and that's where this hole comes in [Music] now it's time for phase three to disrespect the warden i wanna absolutely rick roll this man okay he's gonna be so bamboozled yeah i'm just gonna make a lot of noise basically but luckily for me it's really easy to design a machine that automatically rings a bell on a timer shout out to my friend farzi for this idea it's gonna work perfect down here and finally it's time for phase four where i plan to spawn in a warden and trap him below my base here yeah that's right gamers i'm going to hold the warden captive inside of his own house in case you forgot while looting the ancient city i left one single streaker which i will now use to summon the warden first thing to do was to spawn proof the entire area around the shrieker with carpet and then build up a spawn platform above it this forces the warden to spawn inside of the platform instead of inside me pretty much and this idea was inspired from ill mango's warden farm tutorial and from there i began building up a water elevator where i would lure the warden into it and send it off to my base and finally the last thing to do was to extend the water pathway all the way over to the base all right guys um i think it's time that we try and spawn in this warden i'm actually super scared right now so the first thing we need to do and basically the only thing we need to do is uh go ahead here and remove the wool around this shrieker okay we'll cover this area with carpet just to make sure the warden can't spawn there and then basically we have to hop on this trigger and put an observer there that is it that's all i have to do and i'm i'm not stalling i'm not stalling why do you think that i'm stalling all right here we go okay warden approaches that's level one okay there's level two there's level three oh god oh god oh god i'm so scared oh he's spawning yes yes this is right he's spawning above me i don't know if this is working okay so that didn't work why didn't that work the warren can definitely see me right now oh he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here [Music] if all goes to plan there will be a warden in this hole in about a minute oh we did it we did it yeah i i think the warden's in our base we trapped the warden i also can't see but he's trapped and that's the important thing that's what you clicked here oh okay [Music] okay i'm out of here i'm out here i'm on here okay so yeah maybe i uh just don't mess with this guy uh how's that sound [Music]
Channel: NotNotBrock
Views: 1,855,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i transformed an ancient city in minecraft hardcore, i trapped the warden in minecraft hardcore, notnotbrock, notnotbrock hardcore, 1.18 hardcore, hardcore lets play, minecraft lets play, sandiction hardcore, wadzee, wadzee hardcore, sandiction end island, sandiction dragon trap, farzy hardcore, farzy warden trap, farzy allay city, minecraft, but, hardcore, i survived 100 days, i survived 1000 days, i survived 500 days, notnotbrock hardcore series, hardcore warden kill, sb737, melons
Id: Am-D-ubFUZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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