The Try Guys Take An Ancestry DNA Test

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yeah my parents were furious genetics today we are gonna learn about our genealogy or as I like to call it you genealogy we're working with a very cool company called 23andme they basically read your spit and tell you where your family is from who all those old people were that bone if any of the try guys find out that part anything else they are going to celebrate like it's their birthday it would be interesting if I'm more parts of Europe because I only really know about the German Irish Scottish bit I will pay you a million dollars if you have anything African in your results today we're gonna go over your ancestry importance we compared your DNA to our 31 reference populations and we assign you percentages based on your genetic similarity to them all from spit all from speck how much spit does your laboratory get every day we have over two million customers each person is approximately two milliliters that's a lot of stress I have a decent understanding of my makeup but it gets really hazy because of World War two maybe I'm Italian maybe I'm French maybe I'm I don't know any other European countries I have a grandmother from Germany I have two grandfather's from somewhere in Russia who knows I'm pretty confident today that I'm not gonna be surprised like anything I've always just been a Korean guy if there's one thing I know for sure that I'm 50% in town I don't know percentages no specifics 9/32 well 3/32 English 3/32 Irish and 1/32 that we don't know one of these is Scotland yeah alright Zach so uh what did you think your ancestry was I believe that my entire family's Ashkenazi Jew to be Jewish is something that I'm very proud of I think it has shaped Who I am and who I aspire to be I assume we all started off in the motherland Israel but uh a lot of people claim that Zach you are 99.6% European alright let's break down your European a little bit sure you are correct your 88% as a judge idiot I thought I was full blood [Music] you are also Northwestern European 4.2 percent okay so that's broken down into 0.2% finish I'm finish finish and Scandinavian people right the percentage that's not asking Ozzy okay what is it Iberian or Italian your part Spanish so it could be Spain or Portugal so that's just like one person of my family was like it I'm gonna not marry a Jew is that weird that I'm like disappointed that I don't have more of a mix do you always come across white people being disappointed that yeah I wish I was a little more spicy but I'm just like I'm not vanilla more like hummus I guess all right keep their up oh boy I'm a white dude you know white dudes aren't super complicated we probably came from Europe I don't know anything about this so what a rude awakening maybe I don't deserve to know where I'm from I don't know it's one of these somewhere in there that's the book you are in 99.8% guys why are you what are you doing like this for it's very clear that I'm the whitest man to be fair we always joke about who the widest right so now we're ever gonna find out genetically actually is why so keep this more white desert yes yes you have 0.2% sub-saharan I will pay you a million dollars if you have anything advocate in your two percent that comes into place sometime between 1810 and 1720 I thought this was real cool until I remembered what the British were doing in the 1700s love it happens I don't know if that was you don't know if it wasn't luck could have been like the food traders yeah really good it's just good friends fact is we'll never know spit will never tell us that kind of thing this channel yeah so you are 52.7% British and Irish so that includes your Scottish ancestry did you know though that fried chicken originates from Scotland what if your ancestors created fried chicken you tell us that they didn't you are 3.7% southern European 0.3% Balkan and then 3.4% broadly southern I would say that so far all the places you name love their food I think you'd like to prove them everywhere don't you that's true but the Asian countries are too spicy for me typically so it makes sense that I'm not Asian at all also I don't look Asian you are a 0.4% Ashkenazi Jewish maybe you guys can get Burnett's bed together maybe I was the little bit you needed all right nod so what did you think your ancestry was my mom's family is half Italian and my dad's family is very into genealogy so I know my genetics down to the 30 seconds that's me your family has a lot a lot about this are they gonna be upset if you're not happy Thalia yeah I put all my eggs in the Italian bath got it so if I'm not half Italian I'm gonna have to change my holiday traditions we joke that he's the most white you're correct you are a 99.9 so let's break that down for you 15.6% French and German yeah bro your fractions are sections are way off are you ready for your Italian oh yeah you are 18.4% Italian that's really low so you do have 15.1% broadly southern European DNA which doesn't mean that it's not Italian it's just we can't pinpoint it doesn't mean that it's definitely so exactly no it's very sad for me you are 2.4% Iberian explains why you're such a good dancer you've got Native American likely again not a proud data point but yeah another data point have you seen depictions of Thanksgiving in children's elementary school textbooks did you read what actually happened to Pocahontas sadly you've got 0.0% Ashkenazi Jewish no sorry it's kind of an exception even I'm over okay so now it's time to go over e Eugene's result now I will shade in the country or countries my ancestors are from done I just cannot imagine myself being even any other Asian country all their parents aren't 2% Korean and if I'm not then my mom and dad can get a very surprising call I'm just expecting it to be Korean you are not 100% Korean you are 63.1% Korean you are 19.9% Japanese 19.99 my parents were furious you are 13.1% Chinese what yeah 13.1% 10.1% a family's full of lies well these are not insignificant numbers these are like whole chunks of like huge parts of relatives that's one eight one eight is this the only the only way I can accept this based on my family history is that the Chinese and Japanese entering my DNA are from like a thousand years ago that's the only explanation that figs I've only been told bring crank ring Korean all the way up for like since Korea was created on land a thousand years ago would not leave seventeen or thirteen percent most likely a grandparent great grandparent or second great grandparent who is a hundred percent Chinese what what for Japanese great-grandparents second great grandparent or a third great-grandparents was bull Japanese Japanese how about that how do you feel I mean I I'm just shocked I just I've always just been told I'm Korean there's like no other there was like no other option do you think you're gonna tell your parents yeah they're gonna say no it's not true broken system bad math I would have actually not been that surprised if it was like five hundred years ago or three hundred years ago but in the past 100 years having a full world Chinese and Japanese person within my D is really mind-boggling I'm telling you I should like to sleep you guys are late yeah you do that now this doesn't change my perception of Who I am but it does change my perception of where my family came from look I'm not gonna stop eating panettone at Christmastime just because this tells me I'm only 18% Italian genetics is different from culture that is your cultural upbringing and that is still really valid and strong I think it's more important than your genetics I don't honestly expect that I'm gonna marry someone who's Jewish I probably won't and I hope that our babies are from everywhere someone from here has to do with me someone from over here has to do with me that's a bigger picture of like human evolution right like we're a lot of different things I want to shade in every country on this goddamn map five generations from now hey guys want to find out if you're related yes okay you guys might all hold hands they could not detect identical DNA segments you you couldn't detect it because the technology's not ready or it's not there it's not there but maybe if new technology gets invented give me another - I got my spit I'm gonna spit some more one two three yes wait does that mean that Eugene can make all the Japanese and Chinese jokes he wants and he's totally clear one in the fifth and one six weekends I don't know if it comes for the African in the name one out of every 500 joke is allowed to be a little less sensitive [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 20,981,666
Rating: 4.9083028 out of 5
Keywords: genealogy, buzzfeedvideo, ashkenazi, try guys, asian, genes, eugene, DNA, race, british, ethnicity, jewish, 23 and me, european, zach, test friends, african, try, ned, PSSC, keith, native american, video, spit, buzzfeed, ancestry, irish, genetics, italian, VXWf
Id: N06g2kc1Dxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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