I Survived 700 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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today i will complete minecraft's hardest achievement i will begin a massive new project and somehow bring a gust to the overworld but to begin with i need to track down some pandas i give up i can't find any anywhere my elytra are now about to break but i have a shulker box with bottles of enchanting so if i keep using these my elytra are getting healed i'm glad that that plan actually worked i'd quite like to get more obsidian so i'm going to take a load of gold and trade it with the piglet and in this chest over here i have loads and loads of obsidian here i have loads and loads of ender pearls if i make loads of eyes of ender i can then make plenty more ender chests and i'd like to top up my supply of totems because as you can see we're we're starting to get low in the shulker box i'm also going to put a lead on a dolphin and bring it along in the air did you know that this was possible i just need to make sure he lands in the water there we go and i find it funny the way you can just drug dolphins out of water at least it makes it easy to get them around i'm going to get you to come into this that's it in there you go i've got plans for you and that's because i'd like to build an aquarium right here i've now mined out this massive room i'm gonna have a bit of a bridge down the middle with all this mined out filled with water i've now finished mining out this room that took a long time and now for some bad news my dolphin seems to have despawned but regardless i need to go and get some sand and this desert is the best place for that that should be enough oh do you look at this i've accidentally built a slime farm at some point i do want to make a slime farm but not right here and now i can add loads of sand as the floor and then there's now all been added i'm also going to need a lot of glass so that's another reason this sand is useful i'm not sure how well this is going to work but i'm going to try and add crying obsidian along here that's kind of like a border and in between that i want to add glass i need a crying obsidian top up at the bartering farm these parts of the walls are now finished my idea for the glass is that there could be viewing areas behind the glass now i must grab lots of buckets fill them all up with water and i need to get to work one layer down about eight to go i have to say i'm getting pretty fast at this now and the pool is now complete and next i'd like to build a bridge of oak and birchwood which means i need to do a bit of tree chopping look at this we've got a fox that's spawned in the village wait you didn't kill one of my rubbish you did i've got you on a lead you have rabbit hide in your mouth you better not have touched mopsy flopsy and bubsy i'm going to attach you in that corner i'll be honest it's not looking good for me rabbits well lesson lead i'm heading to a monument to get sea lanterns i'll first steal these ones around here and then all of these i've got 16 that should be enough for me and this is my finished bridge i don't know if it's going to stay like this forever but for now it will do i'm now going to go on a 20 000 block journey to get some coral and here we are at the coral reef so i'm going to grab loads of coral those of sea pickles and i should also bring back some fish too i love the colours on this one though if there's many people that fill shulker boxes with buckets of fish here we have purple and yellow fish red and green fish puffer fish i should be careful with them this is my last bucket the shulker box is looking nice and full now if i remember correctly over in this direction there is a jungle and not just any jungle a bamboo jungle also guys i've been working so hard to make 100 days videos every single week so if you could help me to reach 2 million subs by pressing subscribe i would appreciate it so so much it's not exactly where i remembered it to be but i remember that portal so it's definitely the same one really hoping to find some pandas here as the french would say vanilla more i'm not sure if that's right but i can finally breed some pandas i'm sorry you kind of feel left out i'll have some bamboo as well now this baby's gonna do it somersault's very cool that's just another one checked off my list since i'm still trying to get every single achievement oh i think my lights are broken guys it's a good job i've got adoption because i'm falling a long way thankfully i've planned for emergencies like this i'll just use more bottles of enchanting there's nowhere like home sweet home now i can start adding all sorts of bits of coral looking decent so far but now it's time for some bone mail and as you can see this adds a lot of seagrass now let's put sea pickles in the area it definitely has that aquarium feel but there's something missing yes the coral fans okay yes i did need them but i think more importantly it's the fish that i'm missing and have to say with these guys in it is definitely coming more to life i better not poison myself with puffer fish but i'd definitely like to add some dolphins and some turtles i've got some sad news i don't know what's happened to him but sean jr is gone i can only guess that he somehow tragically died all right dolphins if you survived this journey it really will be a miracle but i think it's more efficient to try and carry two whoa okay uh we lost one he's going to survive though that was probably the greatest experience of your life but let's be a little bit more careful there'll have to be one at once i keep losing the other one let's get you there now i'm not going long to drag you down here i really hope you don't die in this time wait i will destroy my house if it means you survive come on that's it down the stairs oh no you're drowning uh get in the water okay i think i was just fall damage actually i'm panicking for no reason come on come down these stairs what is going on i'm going down the wrong stairs anyway you're right it's this way that's it get in the water swim your way down follow the water perfect you've made it welcome that was very stressful and this dolphin shall be called delfino and this one can be called daphne i will also add turtles to this place but i have to wait for this stupid egg to hatch first let's also put string along the top of here so it doesn't get covered in snow you know if i didn't like snow so much i probably picked the wrong place to build my house also since my mic cut off last episode i didn't properly show you my tree farm so the saplings go into this chest here so i plant four of these and then bonemail it to grow it and trust me okay you know what the snow's probably getting in the way let's just see if it grows there we go i told you this snow is just a nuisance and then we just keep bone mailing four saplings at a time don't usually get covered in leaves by it though and once i've grown all the saplings i can i go up this scaffolding and from here i can fly to the top and start chopping wood and from all that wood i got a grand total of 10 stacks and there's the leafy spawn the saplings will fall into the water and filter into this chest now somewhere below me there's an infected villager i don't know where he's but i can just always hear him when i'm here he's in there what are you how long have you been stuck down no don't come out wait do i cure you i'll i'll kill you just stay there swim back no no okay hold on i think i just saved his life there he would have burned if i hadn't placed that you'd be nice to him all right he's just a bit poorly i've hear a potion of weakness some golden apples let's throw that at you yeah we've both got weak in there you'll soon be as good as new i like to look after my villagers and on the plus side that means these prices will go down i somehow lost a lot of leads messing with those dolphins so i feel like this is a good opportunity to make a load more and now i could do with repairing some of my tools i'm going to give these guys a bunch of gold to trade and while they do that i can afk at my pigment farm and now i have all my levels back let's grab a load of gold two stacks isn't bad of blocks these guys weren't mad but i came back up and then they spotted me and they're all angry again i'm getting out of it i'm very hopeful that if i wait here tonight my turtle egg will hatch it cracked it it cracked ever so slightly i think that's all i'm going to get from it tonight i don't know why you're all camera getting this all i said get out of here it's nice to see that you have now uh you're now cured come on out i'm glad we finally solved that mystery what do you think you're doing get out of here and guys where's my other dolphin gone i'm a bit worried that something's happened to daphne regardless of that it's time i got these walls sorted i'm thinking i could do a border of blue ice with packed ice in the middle to be honest i think we need something darker than blue ice i'm gonna grab sand gravel and then craft concrete powder that's how you do it we've got two stacks and it's probably a faster way to do this but this is how i'm gonna turn it all into concrete in fact you could just hold left click and right click and this is super super fast you have to say with the concrete it's looking much better i'm a little bit low on gravel but there's one place where i keep loads and loads of it and that is at the bartering farm and i've also run out of packed ice but thankfully i know exactly where to find more and you can mine it extremely extremely fast and that should definitely be enough and now the walls are finished and finally the roof is finished because i had to build bridges that was much harder work and it made a bit of a mess with all the items but they'll soon despawn i'll be honest the roof looks a bit blonde now i'm seeing it i cannot be bothered to change it right now i'll i'll do it later and you guys know what time it is now it's turd leg hatching time and there we go it cracked again i feel like i'm always running out of coal so i'm taking a shulker box heading to the nether and i'm gonna fill up this entire shulker box with coal and i might as well take out these wither schools whilst i'm here too actually met with the skeletons but they do drop with the skulls now that is completely full let's mine it up do a bit more taking out and also craft some torches and now it's time to fly back home now i can light this place up so creepers stop spawning it makes sense that the cool shulker box should go in the smelting room this next bit might be a bit random but i'm gonna go looking for donkeys i can literally find three villages all together but i can't find a donkey this is starting to drive me crazy i mean look at all these horses why are none of you donkeys finally okay this is close enough i just keep feeding you loads of carrots there we go you've now grown and then i can breed two donkeys together all the second i've got to tame them first and there we go now we can breed them and we've got a baby donkey and that's another one checked off my list sorry about these villages but i'm just gonna steal some of your hay and then i can breed these two llamas i just realized i have to tame them first as well sorry about this villagers but i need to steal two more hay bales one for you one for you and sadly none for you and now we have a baby llama and now we need to track down two foxes and also grab some berries here we have one fox whoa this wolf is trying to attack the no come on guys we can all be friendly um excuse me folks but what are you doing try and jump in the snow or something whoa what on earth is going on here he broke the lead and then jumped about 60 million feet in there come on let's what are you doing stop it oh my goodness he jumps over you need to leave those poor rabbits alone it took a long time but finally i have made it home let's put you there if i go ahead and breed these two guys there we go and we now have a little baby fox so let's get you on a laser although i think the baby fox trusts me and that leaves just two types of animals left to breed the mooshrooms which is gonna be a bit weird since i named them after my friends and also dogs but right now i'd like to get started on a brand new project which first involves drying some sponge in the nether and getting a shulker box worth of gravel if i made that one and a half shulker boxes and then heading to a monument and i might regret beginning this project but i'm gonna drain the entire thing which as you can imagine might take some time but once i've completed that i can then build a guardian farm i have to say guys i really underestimated how much gravel i'd need this is one of them so far and already i've run out thankfully these guys can give me plenty more of that and i can get more gold while a weight i use up two stacks of gold blocks and this is how much i got and i'm now going to keep placing gravel and battering with piglets when i run out until i have completely finished this entire border this is going to take me a while and after many many many hours this border is almost finished and there we go it's now done i mean this may not look like much but it took so long to get all the gravel to place it all yeah i'm taking a break from this i reckon in the next episode we completely drain it but in this video we should do something different also i don't know what happened to me dolphins but they've completely disappeared and i don't know if buddy's going to like this but i think we need to go and get another dog which means we're going to need some more bones and no sooner have i headed into the forest i think we've found the perfect candidate all right little doggy this ain't going to take too many bones and there we go we have another dog let's give you a magenta collar let's unseat you and now we need to give her a name so let's buy a name tag and i want to come with the name that also began with b so i'm going to call her brittany now we've got buddy and brittany and if i breed them together we've got a little baby dog oh that's so nice and so it begins once you get another dog you end up with an army of dogs before you know it all right all of you that's it you all sit down give me names in the comments for this little guy here or girl i'll let you guys decide as you can see i have one mob left that i need to breed and that is the mooshrooms but it would just feel weird to breed jack and becky together so instead i have another plan and i used to come to this mushroom biome and instead breed two out in the wild and there we go we got the achievement two by two and now i've gotta fly all the way back sadly i did run out of firework rockets so i'm now having to very painfully walk home what do you know a wandering trader with nothing particularly useful well it's nice to finally be home and considering i'm someone who has literally infinite gunpowder i should probably make sure that never happens again i've also completely run out of golden carrots so i'm gonna need to buy more of them might as well buy a load of enchantment bottles as well while i'm here and if you ask me that's a pretty good bit of restocking plenty of enchantment bottles as well and now i think it's time i tackle the hardest achievement of them all and that is how did we get here and for this achievement i'm going to need to build a contraption and this is the room that i should build this machine i've now managed to build a nice little staircase and i've also managed to build the walls now let's get this room ready i have to say this room really is coming together even if it is something that i'll probably only use once and then i'll never go there again and in this area right here the conduit is gonna sit are you kidding me are you actually kidding me why are we wall outside my oh this is gonna take so much effort to fix to be honest it really didn't take that much effort at all as it happens we only have two nautilus shells so i'll just be stealing this conduit when i need it i'm sure these guys won't mind me stealing more prismarine from here this room is not gonna be symmetrical so i'm making the stairs three wide i thought i could manage without changing it but it's driving me crazy that means i need to extend this blackstone wall out a little bit and make this room a bit wider decide to go for a design of magma walls and a magma roof and this is where the conduit is going to sit let's next grab some glass and a bucket of water and start filling this up that's now filled up let's put some glass along here and i have to say it doesn't look too bad i shall now steal this conduit if i then place it here break this block it activates perfect my next mission is to get a dolphin let's grab you got him down the stairs now come on swim into the water that's it this is your home i've got a name tag for you which is don't despawn because i really don't want you to despawn patch that up mission accomplished i'm also going to change the beacon to be haste and regeneration that's just so i don't die while i'm doing it so to begin with we're going to have a couple of grindstones with the rose here and a lever there you'll see if i stand here i can actually get withered and this right here needs to be a sticky piston but it'll have to be a regular one for now and the idea will be that this will be an on off switch and then we have a block on here and this is where the dispenser will go another dispenser goes here which is what will shoot the spectral arrow with a bit of simple redstone we've connected all of this up and a couple of slabs here trap doors around this and in there is where the water will go and also my dolphin has disappeared i don't know how dolphins work in this game and don't say it down in the magma because that could only be if it was the floor we're also going to put a block there and then surround this area along here because we are going to be getting the shulker to land on this trapdoor and as usual we shall cause i'm not looking forward to this bit going matey it's been a while dropping down this hole nicely along this corridor if i break the boat yeah he lands there and then before he went oh my goodness as we're saying i just need to push that round there we go he's trapped in keep pushing him along now come on don't know why my thorns isn't hurting him by the way it's not supposed to be like that let's just get him pushed up here come on you can do it surely he's so close break this turn it to a powered rail perfect place to torch come on this has got to work actually if i can make it go backwards and if i can get him to come back this way let's just get him come on push no stop it the armor is coming off i honestly hate shulkers with a passion that's it just move along now please he just makes it to the powered rail come on all right he's in i was going to stick a roof over there so he can't see me make sure he doesn't lose his health i'm just going to give him some more as well and i hurt him at the same time let's just give him the instant health let's get out of here now and now that the sun is going down i need to head to a swamp so that i can get lots of slime now i can make a sticky piston place it right here and now we have an on off switch next i'm going to grab some glowstone dust and make some spectral arrows and they belong in this dispenser and next time i search for a very particular flower and there it is the azir blue a well i never at some point the old turtle egg is hatched finally i can expand my empire i don't know why they're not laying eggs you will literally warm right on this block i'll deal with you later no need to panic they're now laying some eggs and now i can wait 60 million years for that to hatch and now i need to grab a few red mushrooms and when i craft this suspicious stew you'll see if i eat it it gives me blindness which is one of the effects let's also grab a puffer fish i've got my notch apple now it's time to do a lot of brewing i'm pretty sure i've now brewed every potion which just means i now have to turn them into splash potions i'm gonna put the strength to one side in here and all the rest can go in the dispenser since there's only nine slots let's break this again so it's ready for the dolphin now comes the pressure part i think i'm as ready as i'm ever gonna be i need to take out a pillager captain and then i'm going to start a raid and they've all spawned underground what an annoyance ah they're just up here let's get them on down all right fellas nice of you to drop by on earth are you doing down it you're stuck in the spider spawn are you oh no cape's powered why am i kidding i've got full prop for armor if i wear it anyway i've got nothing to worry about let's just get rid of you and get on with the next wave this time it looks a lot more promising i think this might be the final wave to be honest guys and uh it's going pretty well not getting rid of that guy on top okay well we got rid of the ravages so that'll get rid of the other guy now whoa half a hat we're all right i think we we've got this guy chasing me should i just eat this uh this carrot yeah we'll be fine and ladies and gentlemen we have got hero of the village now i need to fly and get bad omen again and you sir are the one that i'm looking for now i need to make sure i don't start another aid but instead i must head to an ocean monument and ask me one that actually has elder guardians here we have a monument and here we have an elder guardian come on give me the minor fatigue there we go we got it also need to grab a dolphin on the way back i always find it funny to see them just flying in the air behind me i lost the dolphin but i just realized i need a way to get it in my house i've just started to raid i was going to get some milk and this is going very wrong just as well that i started another raid since if i was going to drink milk i'd lose all my effects oh the totem's coming into place two ravages on me kind of uh caused some trouble i've got loads more totems we did it and that is the end of the raid okay take two this time with more space in my doorway okay i nearly just killed myself again i need to stop going through these totems i've got another dolphin i don't know where my hero of the village has gone but hopefully it comes back when i get back home because my hero of the village glitched i had to do everything again i've done it though i have to land this guy in the water there we go like i've done this a thousand times at this point i've got money fatigue for two minutes i just need to get a little hungry before i start i'm definitely hungry enough now i'm only gonna get one shot at this and the dolphins disappeared are you kidding me two hours later i've made it back this time the dolphin's staying on the lead and it can go in the water there let's go let's just do this okay um already i've messed up oh my god we need to get under here right if we swim okay and i need to just splash this turn that on eat some stuff okay come on this has to work please i'm so close yes furious cocktail one more thing how did we get here we did it yes we actually did it i don't know where the dolphin is it's gone completely invisible as has the sugar as well might as well block this up and i have a lot of effects and i think i'm gonna drink this milk to get rid of them all there we go much better let's patch up my doorway and put the door back on i can get some sleep and with that we have done every single achievement except for one super annoying one getting a gas to the overworld and now i think i deserve some time chilling at the xp farm repairing all my items from that i've got plenty levels and plenty of gold which i'm going to barter with these guys and that's now all filtering into the chests i'm going to take all this string home all of that can go into there i'm going to grab some obsidian a flint and steel a little bit more obsidian and this time i planned to be successful with the final quest found a gas is by a pool that i tried to with before now if i can just fish in mid-air which i well we've done it well he's another firework rocket so it didn't work let's oh okay hooked him now i've just got to get him to float down come on you are so close to this are you kidding me the strat is to fly through him hook him like that and then pull him down and we've got to get him through this portal come on this is going to be it how does he go through every time look at that he just floated straight through there i need i need to do some research one of the reasons is that i haven't been through the nether portal yet so i'm going to test that out now that i've loaded the chunks let's see if it makes a difference it died oh man here we go oh my goodness now my fishing rod is broken are you kidding me i've now got four more fishing rods i'm ready to do this here we go come on come on go through we've got to get you i got you through yes come on now i've just got to kill it when it comes through i don't know where it's gone i it might have died but hey progress is progress come on guys go through go through don't die just go please come on yes we got it through please please just let's just get it let's just get it on the other side where is it there it is i'm sorry about this gas but oh my goodness that was such a that was insanely hard and with that i have now completed every single achievement in the game and i made a bit of a mess around it with all these guts next i think it's time i built something long overdue and that is some sort of pathway from my house to the village i've now built somewhat of a bridge over it needs a bit of decoration on it but it's it's the general structure i reckon stone brick walls are the way to go for this and we can put them underneath as like extra support and i'd like to try out trap doors along the sides it gives it a little bit more decoration doesn't it along here i'm just adding all sorts of little light stands what i will do is put lanterns underneath let's buy some lanterns from this guy and then add them all along here there we go already it's it is starting to come together i think we can all agree i'm not the best bridge builder in the world and the fact that the trapdoors are only on some of them due to the whole half slab thing doesn't exactly help but it'll have to do now you remember that earlier i had an issue with not having any slime and i decided the best way to sort that issue is to build a slime farm and the good thing is thanks to the withers blowing everything up don't really need to mine out too much of an area because a lot of it's already been done first thing i'd like to do is make this into a water tunnel so i need soul sun magma and kelp and probably some extra water as well let's begin by putting water here and water here at the bottom we're going to add salt sand and magma i can put trap doors in these corners to block up the leakages and all we need now is a load of kelp and the same has been done this side break that put the magma so we can now go up and down very very easily let's change this beacon back to haste two here is my little thing that i've built and if we just go around here diamonds waiting i mean i don't really need any more diamonds but it's better than nothing and now it's time to get digging there are a lot of mobs spawning in this hole that i'm digging so i'm going to grab a bunch of glowstone and use it to light the area up a little bit i'm very glad to say it is at least working so it's spawned in over here which means this must be a slime chunk i haven't even fully dug out this chunk yet so if we just break a little bit more it does seem to be working nicely it's not going to get me tons and tons of slime but it's way better than having to travel 5 000 blocks to go to a swamp 27 balls from one slime that's not bad if i went to make a super efficient one i'd need to find a slime chunk under an ocean i've got three stacks that should be enough for now let's now head to the nether collect some gunpowder and start making tnt this makes me realize that i need way more sand so that means it's time for a trip to the desert to get mining for sand i filled up over three shulker boxes that should be enough and i'm leaving you guys alone now i can definitely craft loads of tnt i'm armed with all my tnt here time to find that ancient debris and already i found my first piece of ancient debris and there's another three right here this is my seventh piece of ancient debris already i don't think there's any more here i'm gonna take out all the tnt drink this potion of swiftness and get ready to blow up all these tunnels i don't know what's going on here but there's like three pigmen in between four pigment yeah i would get away from that tnt guys i can already hear it blowing up as well the chain reaction has been set off i better just uh just slightly get out of the way here all right well things are looking good we've we've already found a bit of ancient debris right here let me grab that i think that's the only one in the area yeah well we'll see what else the tunnel has when we finish lacing it with tnt and that is now every single piece of tnt let's light it up and see what we can find what's doing this makes ancient debris not seem very rare at all and this is piece number 25 and this is piece 36 which gives me an entire netherright block isn't it beautiful when you turn the corner you see that you see that it's lovely and i now have an entire stack of ancient debris another one that way there was four together here that's crazy wait how many is here never seen four pieces this close together before and the end of the tunnel has been reached with a grand total of 92 ancient debris whilst i've got fire resistance i can also use this trick to kind of slightly look through the lava oh i'm gonna start burning now but you can kind of see if you can spot any any ancient debris though we might be a bit high for that anyway i've got to make sure i don't uh i don't die here i can play with eating it's uh it's pretty opaque let's just i guess swim our way out and keep eating now let's put my electron and then i can head home i'm gonna cross this busting on my way back as well might as well grab the free gold it always feels so sad that when you smell all this ancient debris and turn it into blocks it literally turns out to be the equivalent of like three blocks let's make all the ingots let's make the blocks we can make two more blocks we're not far at all from making a third one slow and steady wins the race ladies and gentlemen now i appear to have lost the shulker box that has all my tools and there's only one place that i can think where it might be yep being the idiot that i am i left it by this massive portal don't want to lose that it has a lot of good things in it and it's another free ender chest and if i grab a load more obsidian and make a bunch of eyes of ender then i can make even more interest which i don't have any use for but i always like to have a few spares this egg still hasn't hatched but we can go ahead and breed these turtles again i'm going to move this egg i think because i feel like you want to lay another egg right there so you know do your thing turtle there we go it's finally doing some digging this time it laid two eggs and now this is a big brain move and don't do this unless you have salt touch but if i add another egg they will now all hatch at the exact same time at least i'm pretty sure that's the case i guess we'll find out you know ever since i did the lamp pose this pathway has really grown on me i quite like it the next thing i'd like to do is find a guy that would trade me a belt which means i need either a tool smith a weaponsmith or an armorer i need four piece of wood so i'm just gonna steal this guy's house i'm sure he won't mind and then we need a villager that hasn't got a job but pretty much all of them have which can only mean one thing we need more villagers let's just give them all loads of bread and hopefully very soon we have loads more villagers very handy for you to all congregate at this very spot for me what's on it how did you get in here you are way too big to fit through this door i feel like we need to make you a bigger house i'm just going to leave him to it there you go there's more bread so i'm going to use this smithing table as a job site block asap please let's also gather up extra honey whilst i can that's going to let me make another honey block still not entirely sure what use i have for these though i put both the ones that i have in this chest here while this baby village is about now so it looks like it's working i'd also like to set up another beacon and that is a beacon right next to the raid farm the beacon isn't super necessary for it to work and if i place it down and okay i accidentally built it underneath the block as i was saying if i place it down and then add an ingot and turn it to strength two and that means that when these guys drop down it's even less likely that summer could go wrong and i hit them but don't kill them and then they summon vexes because we all know what could happen if you let vexes spawn in a hardcore world i've also got another plan i'm gonna get rid of all of these lecterns and this guy's gonna wander over here and then take up his new job and we can just buy loads of these useless stone axes to keep him happy and then i can buy a couple of bells from him and i'm going to place these all back down the rest of the villagers will have no clue it look at him he's offering a puppy is that for me you are a very nice man and then i can put these bells on my house so i reckon i have those two there and then maybe two on the other side as well and since they have no emeralds left it's time to get to business and six sticks for an emblete these guys are starting to get expensive again i guess they soon forget what happens when they put the prices up to me but regardless i can afford two more bells and they can go right there just a nice little touch and if somebody comes they can just ring the bell and that ladies and gentlemen was 700 days in minecraft hardcore
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,392,527
Rating: 4.9383507 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 700 days, I survived 700 days in hardcore minecraft
Id: 9gfDCXq6llQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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