Minecraft, But You Can Craft Mobs...

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oh finally back home sweet home and i'm not quite sure what do i have in my oh just nine eye vendors well let's take them and let's just see if we can get whoa spawn ender dragon huh well uh i do love ender dragons so i wonder if this this is minecraft but you can craft mobs oh this doesn't make any sense in this video i have made it so that you can craft mobs this could be anything from a pig all the way up to the ender dragon the question is whether i can beat the game while spawning in hundreds of mobs can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy this video then please be sure to subscribe it is completely free and you can always change your mind later also let's go for three likes on this video it's a lot but i think we can do it all right enjoy the video and we are in now this is very good because already next to me we've got pigs and chickens and lots and lots of trees oh lava right here as well perfect now i know i always say this but this is gonna be a particularly weird one because this guy right here i'm gonna be crafting him right now i'm gonna put up on screen the cow craft sheepcraft chickencraft and pig craft they're super easy and they're gonna get me lots and lots of food just gotta grab my super slow stone tools boom and now i've just gotta do a bit of collecting all right as you guys can see we've got five items here that are very important first things first we're gonna go boom craft some cow eggs chicken eggs pig eggs and sheep eggs oh my now i've just got loads of spawn eggs this is great so obviously this means oh black sheep what are the chances but this is gonna be such easy food and stuff for beds but also stuff for arrows as well this is so good just gotta take all of these and even more free food so by getting food we can literally create more food this is just great oh that's a ruined portal right there now the reason this is good is because if i get gold please oh okay a little bit of gold i'll take it and some insane gold armor okay but we can use gold to make piglins and also evokers if we get eight gold on one diamond i can make an evoker which gives me a chance of getting a totem so i've got a very big incentive to actually try and get stuff this game but there are a few downsides and that's a temple right there are you kidding me i was about to say there are a few downsides like the fact that we have to craft the ender dragon it doesn't spawn naturally in the end i'm gonna have to craft them myself and okay we'll take the string and the rotten flesh and the saddle that's so good we can create a load of zombies and skeletons with these bones oh so much gold yes and a golden apple oh this is nuts okay yeah even more golden apples this is really good and then free tnt as well perfect so first things first i've got to get a little bit of iron get some better tools and i'll show you guys why it's so important and we smelt it up and now the reason this iron was so important is because we can just go boom iron golem spawn egg oh this is great and just like this we build a nice lovely hole in the floor and we spawn an iron golem oh my this is gonna be free iron thank you buddy and then we'll just do that another two times boom boom duh duh oh okay um oh that's way easier than me having to kill him oh yes we can just smack him and that's both of them perfect just like that we're sitting on 20 iron we can make some armor a pickaxe an axe and a shovel i'm just going to grab a little bit of extra wood so i can craft one more iron golem boom boom boom okay now just like that we've got a shield and a bucket as well i should have to ignore all these mobs and build this nether portal really quickly okay guys please leave me be okay good portal's done and we need a flint and steel just so we can go through and through we go here we are oh no bad spawn now the reason this is a bad spawn is because there's one thing that i really really need from the nether and that is a warped forest because i need to find as much warped wood and warped vines as i can because i'll put the craft for an enderman up on screen right now but it's not the most straightforward craft whereas a blaze craft is very very simple and doesn't require much effort oh no way we've actually just found one straight off the bat are you kidding me that's absolutely insane and i've just realized we've got tnt and a pressure plate so if i just go like this boom break this run away oh this is gonna give me so much netherrack and this is the main thing we need to get blazes let's go again boom yes again boom and we've got six and a half stacks of netherrack perfect if i'm smart about this i won't have to find a single fortress a single bastion and i'll be able to craft every single mob i need but i'm gonna have to figure out a smart way to kill these mobs and i think we're here yes this is the main thing i needed now oh and there's an end of them right there hello buddy oh this is what i need loads of these i'm about to craft so many endermen and so many blazes i'm just gonna have a farm but actually first things first i'm just gonna nice and easy craft eight enderman spawn eggs boom then i think we can craft another eight boom we've got sixteen enderman spawn eggs let's make that 17. right no more messing around it's time to actually make these farms now start smelting up some nether brick and then i think the best way to do this is to have some slabs just go boom boom and then just build a nice square little dome around them and if i pillar up a little bit like this that should trap them perfectly in place but i also don't want them seeing me and hitting me so if we do that that'll keep me safe yes okay let's test this out i don't want to be wrong right now that'll be so embarrassing so we've got our blaze spawn eggs boom place it in yes oh my we've done it i'm a genius so many places yes okay now i just have to kill them all this is so easy come on give me a blaze rod i refuse to believe i won't get yes there's one we got one and we got one blaze rod from six blazes that sucks i'll tell you what happens if i put an enderman in here oh they teleport it's not tall enough okay that's fine all we have to do is make it taller and hopefully yep they're in please don't teleport away yes oh this is perfect and one ender pole yes oh my okay just enderman everywhere come no oh no please don't run away from me no no no no no come back i crafted you you are mine but yes or another enderpearl good and that should wait there should be almost 17 endermen in here yes we're just creating them all out now oh there's another ender pearl oh my goodness oh another one we're literally getting one from every single enderman right now oh at this rate i'm gonna be stacked another one yes spawn these other guys in there there's another one and my axe broke oh no we're resorting to a wooden axe okay that sucks another render pole though it's fine another one oh my we're on ten ender poles i've almost got enough oh that's 11. that's 12. technically we've got enough oh and wait a second we just got a pork chop from this guy which means i can craft him a friend a piglet spawn egg anyway i tell you what guys you get in there boom and boom i'll give you some free gold thanks guys i appreciate it come on give me under pearls one of you please okay yep you guys you're staying in there bad behavior but here we go we can craft 18 blazers right now boom we just go oh yes come on get them all in oh this is great come on come on come on it's fine all right i'm just gonna do one big swing and kill all these guys you ready three two two oh oh how many how many oh yeah oh the power of editing my friends like the video right now and comment blaze rod if you're cool all right so then technically if i go boom yep 12 ire vendors which is technically enough but i don't want to be risky absolutely no endermen are spawning so when in doubt and no mobs are spawning what do you do you craft them boom oh yeah this is the dream oh no i think i'm gonna huh oh oh yes and four ender poles okay yeah you know what i'll save them for now oh this has been fun and now i said i wasn't gonna find a fortress but it would actually be stupid of me not to find a fortress because i'm gonna put the craft for a wither up on screen right now yeah i said a wither but this isn't just a regular weather okay this wither would be my pet so right now i'm running to positive positive so i can hopefully find a fortress i think that's how it works five minutes later oh oh no no we found it please hoglan oh that hogley made me jump oh okay finally we're here oh my goodness okay i need to somehow get a wither skeleton skull and if it's possible a diamond from a chest oh oh but we have enough gold now so this could be really good or it could be absolutely nothing just more gold oh no way no way no way no way that's three diamonds okay that's perfect make a crafting table we just go boom and boom that right there isn't a vocal spawn egg okay i'm gonna craft a sword because fighting this guy is not gonna be easy place him down okay quickly before no he spawned the facts no no come on let me kill him god there's my totem oh please no no no no no nexus vectors vexes i gotta run where are they they're gonna come for me oh here they are oh my okay i'm fine i'm fine ah okay i can kill i can kill it where are they have i lost them oh no no they're still coming oh come on oh a gap just in time come on come on come on come on come on i'm fine oh i got one oh okay hello buddy come here let me fight you oh did i get it no i still hear it there it is oh i think i got it okay i'm safe finally okay now i just need to find as many with the skeletons as i can how often do wither skeletons drop heads a 2.5 percent shot oh my okay let's get killing oh more diamonds okay now it's killing time oh oh my are you kidding me i didn't even kill that many and we have exactly eight coal are you the chances right now wait a second we go boom that is a pet wither spawn egg it literally says pet oh yes okay we're gonna save that i'm not gonna use it right now but now i'm gonna go back to my portal at 769.81 okay we're going the right direction oh yes that's my cobble so then my portal should be right yes and i've just realized we literally had one piece of food and rotten flesh so this was kind of perfect timing um thank you creeper right it's night time i don't want to travel to the stronghold whilst it's nighttime so boom yes we're sleeping okay i'm fine so i'm gonna fling this iron vendor it's this way okay and whilst we're going i'm gonna grab a load of these guys and i'm also just gonna grab loads and loads of these seeds because i want to get as many feathers as i can but this is my life now i do nothing but collect seeds and follow isa vendor oh wait wait wait wait there's gonna be a much quicker way for me to get to the stronghold and it's this bad boy just gotta grab more seeds right we have got a stack of 42 seasons oh that's way more than i needed but you know what that's fine we just go boom boom 21 chicken eggs wait a second i can get a few more feathers from these guys quickly thank you get a few extra and again boom 32 chicken eggs all right and now for the ultimate oh this is such a bad idea watch it not working it kill me please don't kill me oh oh hello with her um oh oh it just goes oh my goodness this is insane i'm sitting inside a wither right now i love this i can fire things yes oh this is insane if i can take this through to the end that will be insane all right stay here buddy i'm gonna park you right there whilst i check this chest oh okay i love my life sharpness four gold axe okay and three leggings as well oh my i'm living the dream fling another one these yep it's still going this way okay ow no dude what are you doing my car just hit me okay i'm gonna get back on you so you can't hurt me again right we just go this way and hope for the best if it's underwater that's great wait can it take me underwater no no no no get out what my wither no no no no no no my weather's stuck are you kidding me whether you are useless okay yep that with us a loss cause goodbye buddy i mean at this point i just have to pretend that that didn't happen because that was embarrassing i mean literally look at that it's just a wither in the water on its own all right we found land hello i didn't see it in the water so i'm hoping it's still this way yep it is oh it's turning that's good and it's dropped yes now it's about time i show you the ender dragon craft it's literally one eye of ender and end stone surrounding it so it's not too bad but with great power comes great responsibility oh okay it's turned even more oh oh i thought that was it oh that's it yes oh it's wide open as well this is brilliant all right we've done it oh my oh my don't have a shield on yep i suck i suck i suck you know what i'm eating this i don't care i'm the worst player in the world the stronghold is gross what is this oh yes yes yes yes oh yeah we've done it okay i'm not an idiot i set my spawn boom we place these boys in and boom it's done we've actually done it oh wait we've just got an extra one as well that's so perfect so we can save these ender pearls that's great and now i just have to do the annoying stuff that i didn't do earlier like mine some gravel and spawn some chickens and kill some chickens make some arrows make a bow give myself a compliment because i'm so beautiful get some food poisoning and now we go oh man we spawned underneath that is actually a terrible spawn we can't get knocked off by the dragon because the dragon doesn't exist yet so now i do what everyone's been waiting for okay boom ender dragon spawn egg head right over to the middle here and boom no no no no i'm fine okay it's time to destroy some pillars there's one two three okay i'm on a roll pull up a nice tall one easy does it yes i'm gonna hold my totem in my other hand just to be safe boom oh i'm okay yep get that one too get that one can i get this one really far please please please yes we got it and this one too surely yes oh we got it oh my okay that's a lot of dragon's breath now i'm just gonna eat some of my raw chicken this can't be good for me let me just purl on top of this guy oh no no no this could be bad this could be really bad i don't want to die not right now i don't want to waste my toes on me that i'm not an idiot oh two and a half hours right i'm good i need to heal up no don't you don't you do this no totem totem thank you okay we hit the dragon no don't you smack me no no no no i hate you i have to land this i have to i have to have to yes oh wow that was really close i'm on one hot and come on last one down okay now we can start killing the dragon oh yes you suck buddy you suck i may only have a regular bow but i don't care you are done yes come on we've got tnt oh it's perching yes yes yes okay stand underneath get my flint and steel ready okay big boy you ready to take some damage get out the way come on oh i did barely anything okay that's fine we'll go like that do it again don't you run no no no no no no no please that did nothing i got this i have the exact amount to make a bed go boom boom place that there no no come on yep that's a lot more damage perfect all right dragon it's you and me okay we got this it's so high i can't hit it oh yes there we go there's one yeah take this come on dragon you know you want to come down so i can smack you with my diamond sword please right i'm gonna pillar up i need the dragon to perch i think it's right above me come on please perch oh i'm fine i'm fine oh yes don't hit me get out of here don't you hit me don't you do it no no no okay i'm safe yes come on just perch go down i'm going to run out of arrows really soon don't you head at me like that get away get away yes good stay away that was my last arrow are you kidding me i've got my pill ready please oh yep that's a turn i saw his head turn down we go easy does it okay i've got to kill it with my sword maybe one tnt i'll allow one tnt boom boom tnt go boom yes that did nothing absolutely nothing come on come on come on no no what yes yes oh my goodness the dragon i crafted it is dead completely dead oh goodbye dragon you suck wait a second i kind of want to know what does this actual dragon egg do because surely it does something i don't believe that it does wait what a glow squid spawn
Channel: Wisp
Views: 7,254,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, crafts, op craft, mobs, structures, wither, you can craft mobs, you can craft structures, super craft, super, minecraft but you can craft mobs
Id: XVsnjU5HHvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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