I Spent 100 Days Stranded in a Desert!

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in today's video i'm going to be surviving in the desert for 100 days this is a world which is all desert there's no other biomes meaning it's going to be a challenge to get quite a few things how will i do well i guess you'll have to watch the video to find out so make sure to subscribe if you want to or even if you don't want to do it anyway thank you goodbye let's start the video so here we are starting off our brand new world a desert only world which is gonna have its difficulties starting out is one of the harder things as there's not any trees meaning i can't make any tools so i spent a lot of the day just collecting sticks sugarcane etc and looking for villages and we soon found one this one here had a lot of useless stuff in it and in fact couldn't actually make any use of out of any of this stuff another one here though just by this desert temple had a bed for me and a crafting table because i can't make a crafting table i stole a load of other things and then i got some wheat and made myself some bread our first food oh it's so good to have the villages i then stole some seeds as well as collecting some of the stuff from the chests in this village had a look around to see if there's anything of interest i could take for the future but without pickaxe it's kind of hard to mine or take anything so instead i set off and found this village just at the end of day one and on day two i looted the village we found a clay ball which is kind of interesting so i'm pretty sure i can't find those naturally in a desert i really wanted this jungle trap door for some reason so i went and got it and then i saw some sheep which gave me some hope for later on when i finally start a farm and also a pillager tower meaning dark oak wood which i didn't think i'd be able to get in this village here though i discovered a chest with some iron in it and a sniffing table as well as some coal and some bread so i made myself an iron pickaxe and then i was like i know i'll get some more iron by killing this iron golem here but he got stuck on this part here so it's like what's going on and i kept hitting him and he just wouldn't attack me back so i just thought you know what we'll just kill him and this will be really really easy but then he did hit me and that was kind of scary but i was like you know what i'll go in for more and die like an idiot yeah and uh that was 2 000 blocks away so i decided to actually head off in a different direction this time collecting more dead bushes and more sugarcane and also running out of hunger very quickly but i did notice that there's some pumpkins by this tower here so that might be useful for the future i'm not sure if i can turn those to seeds but another village finally our savior it had a crafting table meaning we could make some bread and it also had a blacksmith which had some iron armor but most importantly oak saplings i didn't realize you could get oak saplings from a desert village my original plan was to go to the nether and get the wood from the trees in there but this really saves us a lot of time and i spent the next few days just you know walking from village to village stealing all the books stealing all the wood stealing all the iron or whatever i could find more oak saplings in this case and some diamonds very nice i used the gold to make myself a gold pickaxe which i then went and got some stone with so i could actually make some stone tools if i wanted to and i did want to so i did make some stone tools so we had a full set now including a sword which is very lovely and it gave me the confidence to take on a desert temple finally where i found a load of you know the usual stuff plus some desert horse armor and also most importantly a silk touch book that's gonna be coming very useful later and you will see why but apart from that nothing of real use that other book there was a knockback one i don't want that thank you very much what i do want is the chest from this ruined portal here which had some golden carrots and some iron nuggets which were going to be quite useful for if i wanted to make some iron bars a bit later and at this point i was getting kind of sick of traveling around seeing the same desert villages the same desert temples and the same ruined portals so i thought you know what this area here looks like a lovely little cove to settle down in so i put all my stuff down and settle down but i need someone to put on my stuff so i bone milled some of my oak saplings and chopped down the wood so that i could make myself some chests which are going to be obviously very good for storing stuff but i was sick of these stone tools being absolutely useless so i decided to dig down also to make some furnaces because i needed some furnaces to make some charcoal as i've not found any cold naturally unfortunately and then using that charcoal i made myself some torches and then we actually head down here and we started digging up dirt because apart from some desert villages the only way we can get dirt is underground it's kind of weird but we finally found ourselves some coal as well as some iron and we mined that all up and we started gearing up on day seven i killed my first mob lovely found some lapis found some gold but no diamonds yet sad boys but i did go to the village and start mining up some sandstone because i want the sandstone to build myself a little house as living out in the open in the desert is not smart especially with the amount of mobs that's born here at night so i got building a very small little house i didn't want to make this very big whatsoever i just wanted to make it basic so it could be a real small starter base not much space for storage in here but it does the job for now and of course i wanted to decorate it so i went and got some flower pots and cacti from the local village and there you go quite a cute little house there with a decent amount of space inside but we're gonna need to upgrade this at some point in the future but you see here i made myself a load of pickaxes and i went strip mining looking for diamonds and more importantly iron and we got lucky as we found lots of iron and also some diamonds very very nice indeed and after that the diamond started rolling in i found more and more and we managed to come out of the cave with a pretty nice amount of diamonds as you can see there we've got 13 meaning we can make ourselves an enchanting table which i can maximize instantly as i collected all the books from all the villages i've been to and we had plenty of books to make ourselves 15 bookshelves we could get little 30 enchantments not that we can do that as we're only got 12 enchantment points i used the rest of my diamonds to make myself some diamond armor and a diamond pickaxe which i enchanted with level one got efficiency one pretty terrible and then i decided to go on a little adventure again making sure to keep track of my base and i've got wheat as you can see here that's very important because we're going to be using that to look for something in particular also i'm always very scared of creepers in these desert temples they seem to just like sneaking up on me but you just have to go in them because of the diamonds the enchanted books that you find in here it's just so worth it and after a brief bit of exploration we went back to our base and we went and collected more dirt from the strip mine down below as we're gonna make ourselves a little farm here as wheat is going to be very important and look a wondering trader showed up but his trades are useless no saplings whatsoever what a bummer so of course i killed him because he deserved it and i killed his llamas as well before finishing off my farm making sure it was walled off so nothing could get in there of course not that there any animals wandering around in the desert i also made a potato farm around the back as well the two potatoes i got from the pillager tower and then i went looking for more diamonds once more i wanted to get a decent amount as i wanted full diamond armor and i also collected all the iron i could find as well and when we got home i put all the iron on to smelt and then i crafted myself full diamond armor meaning we are very nice and protected now and we actually had enough diamonds left over so i could make myself a sword as well and then using all the iron we collected i made myself an anvil and this is so i could make myself a silk touch shovel why do i want a silk touch shovel well in villages you get little bits of grass and this is the only way we can get grass so i took it back to my base and put it down here as we're gonna be using this as a little animal pen but of course i need animals and in the villages you can find different animals well i think it's only sheep and cows so i went and got myself a sheep from one village and then i head out again as i had to find another village with a sheep and it took quite a while i actually went across a load of other stuff on the way as you can see here but we found one and we set off home and you can see it takes a long time to bring these guys home we're about a thousand blocks away and it's not a quick process but eventually we got this guy home and that so we don't have to bring any more home now we can just breed them up and continue breeding them after getting my sheep i thought you know what let's do some fishing because i want to get some fish that's what you do when you want fish especially in the desert as there's no fish that spawn in that you can kill so i spent the rest of day 18 fishing and then all of day 19 as well and we managed to get ourselves an okay amount of fish it's quite slow to fish if you didn't know but why did i want fish to get a cat of course i needed a companion so i got this cat here and then i also found a jelly cat as well so i tamed that and then i also found another cat and i used six fish on it and it didn't want to be my friend so it ran away from me whilst out exploring i found myself a feather falling free book which will be useful in the future and i also found myself some cows very important especially for food in the early games so i took these guys home which took a long time these guys were very very far away but finally we made it home and we put them in a little pen in the corner here ran out of fences which is why that granite wall is there and we got breeding them up and then chop down all our trees as we made a load of sticks and i'm going to be using these sticks to trade with villagers as i don't need a lot of emeralds right now but in case of never wondering trader shows up i want to have emeralds so i could buy multiple saplings but i think i might make a wool farm for trading villagers in the future as that'll be a bit easier but i was hungry for more diamonds as i always am i wanted full diamond tools so i went down into the mine again and i found four diamonds and that was it a pretty disappointing trip but we managed to get our diamond pickaxe back which is okay and i used this new fresh diamond pickaxe to mine some obsidian as i wanted to head into the nether just to see whereabouts we are and we got quite an interesting spawn be right next to a bastion but i was feeling a bit scared and under protected so for now all i did was gather up some crimson logs also this lava started coming in i was like what the heck right underneath my portal so i went and fixed that so the lava will slowly disperse away and then i left and instead went and chopped some trees down as well i did a bit of enchanting on my pickaxe just to make it last a bit longer someone breaking too and then went collected some materials as we're going to be building a place for our cows to live as at the moment they're just sitting in a fence pen also this wandering trader showed up and didn't give me any saplings bad man so you know what i bought a few ferns and i just killed him again now wondering trader spawn luck has been pretty good so far let's hope that we get another few in the next 100 days but here you can see me building our barn i wanted to stick to the sort of deserty style as i don't really have a choice to be honest we only really have oak wood and sandstone although we do have a bit of crimson wood now as well and you can see here i made a nice field for them to go in and then of course i brought them out of their little stupid fence and led them over to the field which they seem to like quite a lot not that i can tell they're cows and i'm going to slaughter most of them starting with that guy there i then spent the rest of day 30 doing a bit of maintenance around my base and also digging down as we're going to be making a wool farm like i said earlier and these things are very ugly so i thought let's hide this away so we don't have to look at it however digging to get underground in the desert is a massive pain because of you know sand and gravity but finally we got down to a level where we weren't struggling anymore and we started clearing out space for our wool farm and for this wool farm i needed some quartz because i needed to make some observers and quartz is needed for observers duh so i collected a load of quartz more than i'd actually need of course because it also gives good xp and i'm trying to get a little 30 so i can do some proper enchant still and then i started gathering up all the stuff i'd need for this wool farm and you can see here my chests are kind of getting out of control we're gonna have to sort that out at some point but our base is kind of tiny so we're gonna have to build a new one before we can do that anyway we got all the materials we needed and then we went and got a load of dirt and moved it to this area here changing it to grass of course and adding in this sort of collection system and i really kind of couldn't be bothered to like make that bit look nice so it's gonna look kind of ugly but who cares it's hidden away it's practical also look at this cow i don't know why i was stood up there but i like it if you don't know how wolf harms work basically you put some shears in the dispenser have that linked up to some redstone with an observer and basically when the sheep eats the grass it will activate the shears but i ran out of iron for shear so i went mining to get some and i also got some diamonds which was quite nice and then i started leading the sheep into these holes here and as you can see it's kind of awkward but we managed to get them in we have a few problems along the way that method wasn't working so i eventually like started putting water down there and dropping the sheep into the water as you can see here i repeated that process so we had eight sheep down there i even went and bred up some cows on the way as my food was getting kind of low but here you can see it working we're starting to get some wool in here so we're going to leave that for a while to do its thing and instead head to the nether in search of the never fortress and we didn't have to search far turns out there's one right next to the portal and the bastion this is a great never spawn somehow i collected up all the never walk killed some blazes that were just lying around but i was struggling to find the blaze spawners on my journey to find them i did almost die i got down to one heart there as you can see but luckily i brought some golden apples and we didn't die yay but i eventually found both the blade spawners right next to each other just like buses a and then i got killing all the blazers collecting all the lovely blaze rods before heading home and on my way home uh this happened yep didn't look where i was going yeah died that's not good oh no on day 39 i decided to go and get my stuff because it'd be stupid not to and i got most things back apart from my chest plate and of course the blaze rods they'd been burnt to a crisp yay so i had to go back to the never again and back to the fortress killed some more blazes again so of course get some more blaze rods to take home i even used my crossbow for a bit of fun as i was bored of killing blazes for the second time also look at my chest look how bad my chest are i hate them i was trying to find somewhere to put my blaze rods but i wanted to take advantage of our wool farm went and collected all the wool from there made a loom and went and traded with a shepherd now unfortunately they don't actually do light gray wool they only do white black and dark grey so i had to go and dye all my sheep white i would have dyed some of them black or gray but i can't because i don't have the ability to as i don't know where i would get black dye apart from maybe a wither rose which i need to spawn the weaver for yeah it's just not happening anytime soon all right but what is happening is it's base time baby that's right we're collecting a load of materials as you can see here i went and made myself an enchanted shovel because i need to collect some sanders i want to do some slight terror farming which is kind of awkward right because you have to double layer stuff if i wanted to place sand down i'd have to put cobblestone underneath it you could have done this with sand but i used cobblestone because i just had a load of cobblestone very convenient and also i kept running out of sand but we got a nice space built there as you can see and now it's time to start collecting some materials to build our base out of and it required you know some wood so i chop down all my trees i've got quite a lot of trees now it also required some granite had to go to the nether because i needed to get some crimson logs this time our wool farm had been producing a decent amount of wool we could actually trade so we managed to get ourselves a decent amount of emeralds for if any wandering traders show up in the future i was just living my life had a proper source of food it was good it didn't feel like the original desert days i was feeling so confident that i decided to go and get some dark oak wood from this pillager tower here which is a big pain because the pillagers just like shooting you don't know why they keep doing that it's quite annoying and one of them gave me the bad omen effect so i had to go home and drink some milk to get rid of that and you can see here our chest of materials is strongly growing so much so that we're almost ready all we need now is some terracotta which i went and looted from these villages here and also some books as well which you'll see why later i didn't actually use those in the time lapse which is starting now on the end of day 50 and into day 51 and this took quite a while to build this base because it's a decent size and i've been trying to practice like building in different styles and i feel like this is very different from any style i've ever built in before very circular almost star wars-esque i would say although the purple roof isn't very star-warsy but i really like it i think it's quite a unique looking base oh and also i found this enderman on the way will he drop me an ender pearl of course he won't why would he ever do that a a anyway whilst we were building our wool farm was working some wonders meaning we could get a decent amount of emeralds and we can also buy some carpets if we want in the future but i don't really want carpets especially not purple and green ones what i do want is diamonds so i went diamond hunting for a few days nearly lost these diamonds into the lava but i was smart i didn't do that we managed to get all the diamonds there very very nice a good amount of diamonds and even some more diamonds a bit later on as well but our interiors looking a bit rough to say the least so let's fix that by adding in a nice floor and i decided to do like a circular floor in the main section and then the next section wasn't like anything interesting but we headed over to this basalt delta over here to collect some basalt and also some black stone i also realized i was very close this bass in here interesting i didn't realize i could get to it with such ease but either way we finished off our flower using some black stone then collected our smelted iron and gold and made some iron bars to finish off the roof of my base as you can see there those little spikes i don't know i just thought they were missing and it needed some spikes on the roof okay and we also finished off the floor with some of the basalt and also in the middle i decided let's make this look quite flashy by adding in some gold blocks yes a complete waste i know at this stage of the game but who cares i like the bling all right but the base still isn't done those bookshelves i made earlier were folectans and we're gonna be using these lecterns to finish off the base a little bit later on but for now we're focusing mainly on the inside and things that are important such as a chest system of course we need a lot more storage than we had in that tiny little base before and also added in this floor here just to make things look a bit neater as it was kind of a weird transition to the ceiling i then went and killed some cows to get some beef as i wanted to go on a bit of an adventure and you can see when i killed the cows i got to level 30 enchantment meaning i could enchant something i didn't want to do the chest plate because blast protection sucks so instead i went for my legs where i meant to get protection free and unbreaking free very nice indeed and you can see here lots of steak meaning we can go adventuring to find fun things such as creepers trying to kill us no just kidding we went in the temple managed to get some emeralds managed to get some iron managed to get some obsidian just some cool stuff you know this did happen at one point though rookie mistake i know which um luckily i managed to just clutch up by placing these gold blocks here i did lose one of them but it's fine we're alive still and one of the things i was looking for on my adventure was bookshelves so he raided these from multiple villages as well as the lecterns as well checking the villages just in case they had amending trade which none of them did and then in one desert pyramid i found an enchanted golden apple a god apple people call them but then in the next village i found what i was looking for normally things i hate but today they're gonna be my friend just kidding we're gonna kill one of them because we only need one that's right i saddled up a horse and this is gonna be our easiest method of transport for now until we get elytra in the future so i plopped a saddle on this guy here gave him the name of freddy and off we went we also found some brewing stands and some other fun stuff along the way but we made it home which didn't take long at all thanks to freddie and his quick speed i tied him up outside my house and gave him some diamond armor because he deserves it but then it was lectern crafting time i made myself a nice amount of lecterns as you can see here and we also got some oak wood as we finished off this sort of balcony section of our house and also worked on a little garden out front to give it a bit of greenery but on day 70 i realized we only had 30 days left so i thought let's try and get some ender pearls i went and traded with these guys in the nether and after trading like 60 something gold i managed to get four ender pearls that's it not very good really but oh well it'll do for now and also look how many of these hoglands tried to attack me there absolutely insane but we got away with our life i managed to get home with ease and for some reason decided to start sorting our chests which is horribly boring but it took about 20 minutes or so and finally we had you know like fully sorted chests labeled as well in some cases i did run out of leather but you can see here it's looking quite nice but i had ran out of dark oak wood so i headed back to this pillager tower to collect some of the remaining bits in there before getting all my wool from my wool farm and doing some trading and also collecting some dirt to finish off this garden here as i ran out previously and our base is starting to look rather clean now but on day 74 decided let's try and find that end portal so i set off and my first two eyes of ender instantly smashed as soon as i threw them which was a massive pain as i only have four but after traveling about 2000 blocks or so on freddy's back we finally found the ender portal with one eye of ender remaining yay that's going to be really useful and i was hoping to find some useful stuff in the fortress maybe some more ender pearls but i didn't really find that much fun stuff to be honest with you oh and it also took me way too long to find the portal room itself i did find this look of the c2 book which honestly kind of terrible don't really need that found some coal because i ran out of torches and then found that parcel room which had two eyes of ender in it meaning we need another nine to complete it including the one we've got so i saved the coordinates got back on freddie and we headed home where i bred up my cows and killed a few to get level 30 enchantment so we could enchant our pickaxe which got efficiency far in it very nice and then i was feeling adventurous so i went and attacked the bastion i managed to find some ancient debris in here as well as some never scraps along with a load of goodies like iron gold etc and yes it was a massive struggle with my terrible armor as i nearly died to this piglet brute there but luckily i should just escape him and raided every chest i could find but i probably missed quite a few to be honest with you as it's just a massive mess this thing but we got out of there with our life and some goodies and that's all that matters one of the things i got was a mending pickaxe so i can combine that later when i've got a few more enchanting points i want to save them for now for doing some level 30 enchantments i also went and got some ender pearls i actually get a bit more lucky this time with only like 17 gold got three ender pearls which is pretty good before decorating the little gardens outside my house with some ferns and bone milling the ground etc just making it look a little bit more colorful in comparison to the yellow desert we've been trapped in for 77 days at this point it's mad how much i just miss grass in minecraft like the desert is so ugly also i was bone milling this grass here just to get some flowers for dyes in the future i did need some yellow dye but on the night of day 77 i went looking for enderman and oh gosh this was a massive pain so many mobs so many many many many many many mobs spawning and we managed to kill three endermen i think before we finally got a pearl massive pain these guys suck i hate them using the boat method of course to trap them no way i was wrong it's actually five enderman i believe we had to kill till we got our first pearl and this method is just not effective for me at all like honestly the gold method is so much better for me at the moment as this just sucks i hate it so much oh and at one point i accidentally looked at an enderman and um yeah yeah yeah yeah that happened r.i.p those enchanting points i guess i'm so sad but hey using the yellow dye from before we finally added on some windows onto our base i want to use some yellow windows just because everything in the desert is yellow we may as well add yellow windows on here as well i also traded with this fletcher bit to get some more emeralds which we are going to be using right away i actually grabbed my brewing stand i found before and started trading with some clerics as you can see here as if you trade them up as i'm doing now they give you a chance of giving ender pearls and we managed to get that trade and had enough ender pearls to make ourselves some eyes of ender to finish our end portal so it was time to start preparing and the way i prepare is breeding cows i did actually need beef as you can see i'm running quite low after i cooked a load of that i went mining as well to get some coal just to try and like build up my enchanting points in hopes to get level 30 enchantment as i wanted to enchant a box it just makes the whole ender dragon fight so much quicker so i went mining for a good few days smelted some aura as well and finally we got that level 30 enchantment as you can see here which means we can enchant a bow and we got pretty lucky we got power for and then breaking free which is decent we didn't need infinity as we got loads of arrows from all our trading and on day 82 we set back off to the end portal and digging a new hole just so we could be directly on top of it i found it again slept once more just to save my save point and in day 83 we finished the end portal and we went in lovely and everyone's seen an ender dragon fight before so here it is really quickly one tower gone two tarragon three tarragon all the towers gone pretty quickly as you can see and then we got hitting her she is very easy to hit because she's very big and i just enjoy the whole thing to be honest at this point i don't even get stressed anymore killing the end of dragon i've killed her so many times recently and after the final few arrows here we managed to finally kill her and this was so glorious because of the xp i don't really care about elytra for now it's more the xp and look at it 69 xp the dragon head let's head back home and there we have it the ender dragon defeated easy peasy desert only world not that bad but we still have like 16 more days so i decided to enchant some tools as well as my armor to get some nice sort of protection and also make things a bit more efficient for us and i used one of the tools the shovel in fact to go gather a load of dirt underground as i had a little project in mind i want to finish found some diamonds whilst digging out that dirt always a nice bonus but the dirt what i was going to use it for that's right a nice farm on the side of my base here you can see i turned all the sand to dirt and then we got planting some wheat in there adding in some like sugar cane etc to make it look nice did run out of dirt those had to go get some more dirt it's mad how much you take for granted dirt when you're in a desert but after gathering a bit more i also gathered a load of wood and got working on the other side where i planted some potatoes look at that lovely very nice potatoes i like potatoes a lot we don't actually have any carrots i've not found any carrots yet because they're quite rare in a desert and i think the only way you can get them is a pillager tower so instead of getting carrots i decided to you know decorate the outside of my base with a bit of greenery and coarse dirt just making it all look a little bit nicer and i think it does look a lot nicer look at that look how clean that looks now but what doesn't look clean is the fact that i only have 26 diamonds so i decided to go in and check myself a fortune free pickaxe look at that it only has fortune free which kind of sucks but i added some mending to my other pickaxe meaning we can go mining for a very long time now so that's what i did i went mining for a very long time found my first diamonds look at this one two three four blocks of diamonds but i got 11 diamonds from those four blocks very very nice and it didn't take me actually that long whatsoever to get a full stack of diamonds alone from this mine here and also using the coal etc to amend my pickaxe as well oh it's so nice mending is the best thing that ever happened to minecraft in my opinion and now we have nearly a stack and a half of diamonds so what do i do of course i showered them around myself and i did a little dance that's all you can do when you have lots of diamonds it's not actually that many diamonds i know don't judge me i just really wanted to shower myself in diamonds and also make a little diamond rock here because why not hey seeing as i had a diamond rock what else could we have a rock of that's right emerald so i went and did a load of trading and then i made myself an emerald rock as well but i did save some of the wool there to make some beds as we also are gonna go to the nether to get some never right of course i've got three bits already so i only needed one but i decided you know what after finding that one on the way down to the level i wanted to mine the never right at i thought i'd just keep going and use up all the beds that i had and i got really lucky i found so much ancient debris in like the first few beds and then after that no no no anymore we only got eight in total which is not bad really for 23 beds so i'm pretty happy so we spelted that away we got some gold and we also smelted the stuff we had from the bastion before not that i needed to because i could only make two bits of never right ingots and we did that as you can see here lovely and we added them to our pickaxe and also our chest plate look at us in never right gear oh who would have thought i would have because this was the plan all along and then on day 95 i thought you know what freddy sucks i don't want to just walk around on freddy anymore i want to fly so i headed back to the end portal where i left freddie outside of he doesn't deserve to come with me to the end he's a horse and they are terrible people but either way day 96 we headed into the end portal killed a few endermen so we could go through the you know little whatever it's called portal region thing gateway that's the word gateway and went in search of an end city and we managed to find one with a ship but we did run out of blocks on the way there so i had to head back it wasn't a whole ordeal i decided to cut it all out and instead just show you me killing the shulkers and we got quite a few shulker shells from this trip it was a massive end city and it had some goodies in it including some diamonds and some diamond gear etc something better than the gear we have so i was okay with that and then we floated awkwardly across the ship and managed to kill the shulker in there and get our elytra sky's the limit that's right and i went instantly for a fly after clearing out the chest where i got this looting free sword which would have been useful in the past for killing those endermen but we don't really need it anymore and then i had some problems getting home i much prefer the trapdoor method of getting through those gateways especially when you don't have ender pearls but luckily the looting freestyle came in useful there to get some ender pearls and we managed to get home and have a little sleep in our bed here i then decided to ride freddie home rather than fly because i didn't have any rockets but i did make some rockets at home and then i had a little fly and we got to see our base from up above and look how cute it is it's all green and stuff out in the desert which is all yellow i really like it i think it looks quite nice the sugarcane even looks good and normally i hate how sugarcane looks and using our leech i decided to go adventuring i could travel a lot quicker now get to desert temples spot them easier i also went and collected all the hay bells from villages and did some trading here and more importantly i found some carrots in a chest in a pillager tower very very nice but there's one thing i wanted to do before we finish this so on day 99 i got trading with this librarian here i was just looking to level him up i didn't want any buck in particular as they're not gonna be very useful now also our lights are broken i only have one and i don't have any mending books so that was kind of rubbish i did however manage to trade this villager up using some books and also just buying some glass compasses etc and we got the final trade that's right a name tag i didn't have enough but luckily i had mob books so i did have enough haha name tag what's the name tag for that's right we have one pet that has been with us this entire time almost and that's freddy look at him look how cute he is you know what he's not cute he's a horse he deserves to die why did i do that i don't know i'm just me i guess i don't know either way i played carrots and then i watched the sunset on day 99 and slept in our bed in our lovely base for the final time bringing us to day 100 and look what we've achieved with some shaders oh it's a pretty base i do like this base a lot this is one of my favorite we've done in the 100 days videos i've done oh however at this point i'm kind of sick of deserts i hate deserts so here are my stats to prove that i didn't cheat because i'm not a cheater and that would be terrible if i was a cheater also i have depth because this is not hardcore mode there's nothing that interesting in these stats to be honest with you they're just all there and here's all the mobs i killed not that many because there's not that many mobs in the desert anyway thanks for watching
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 3,310,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game, 100 days, 1000 days, in, a desert, dessert, desert only, 100days, day100, day 1-100
Id: Rie0vthMRkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 52sec (1912 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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