I Survived 200 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
in this video i'm going to attempt to survive 200 days in hardcore minecraft this is what i was able to do in 100 days of hardcore minecraft and i'm interested to see what 200 days will look like but before we do here are some of the things we did in 100 days i equip myself with full diamond armor had an intense battle with the ender dragon crafted another right sword and pickaxe and defeated the wither so i mean with that being said here are some things i want to try and achieve in 200 days i want to obtain enough ancient debris to turn all of my tools into netherite and well of course if we are going to craft all of our tools into netherright we are going to need the best of the best enchantments so i guess i'll add that on the list as well another thing i want to do is get enough valuables to build a full max level beacon and the final thing i want to do is defeat an ocean monument but apart from that let the 200 days begin our journey begins directly from where we last left off i was back on my island and the first thing i decided to do was go and say hi to my cows i was really hoping they would be excited to see me and well to my surprise they were over the moon as cool as it was to look around my island again and even say hello to my cows i couldn't let that distract me from what really needed to be done on day 101 i knew as soon as i was diving back in to do another 200 days i would need villagers and i would need a lot of them so i checked my chest and saw i only had one piece of iron i would need iron for a bunch of rail carts to be able to transport the villages all the way over from the village to my base it would be a very difficult task to do but it was needed i mined in one straight line for quite some time coming across all of the valuables i could think of but the only thing i needed was iron so i kept going until i stumbled across an abandoned ravine i hadn't been here before but i knew for sure it looked unsafe as long as i got the iron i needed and got out of there i would be fine right well that's what i thought until as i was mining for the iron strange creatures were trying to run at me and attack me i was able to fend them off for a while and get the iron i needed but something unimaginable happened a brand new enemy i hadn't seen before the flying creeper and it wasn't only one flying creeper to my surprise there was two of these things um i need to get this iron and i have to get out of here oh this is dangerous i knew i had to get the iron quick but i just couldn't help myself there was too many diamonds yes we got more diamonds with the power of fortune 3 i was quickly able to turn these two diamonds into three and i was able to get all the iron i needed i checked my inventory and saw that i had stacks on stacks of iron so i decided to leave it there and go home for day 101 i was so happy to be back on my island and i got a good night's rest ready for day 102. surprisingly day 102 was a lot less action-packed than day 101 i pretty much chopped trees until the sun set and i got a bunch of sticks ready to craft all of the rails i would need it became nighttime really really quickly so i headed back to my base and got ready for day 103 where i basically spent all of my gold and all of my iron on rails i then equip my elytra's and went flying out to find the village again i sort of knew where it was so i headed in the direction to find the village and there it was i was inside the village and i prepared the rails i didn't have enough rails to go straight to my base so i did have to keep going back destroying rails and pretty much reusing them this took ages now getting the villagers back to my base actually took a lot longer than i expected and the reason for that is because every time i accidentally broke the minecart or something the villagers did not want to cooperate they would run as far away from the minecart as possible and it was getting really really hard to keep them under control but when i was bringing the villagers back to my base one of them wanted to speak to me and tell me about something i found this rather interesting and i guess i'll tell you guys what he wanted me to tell you about so here we go he told me to tell you guys how there is only a limited time left on the halloween event on my server so guys if you haven't already joined make sure you do so because when this event ends there'll be a brand new one and i'm sure you guys don't want to miss out so join the survival experience right now but without further ado let's get these villagers back to my base now another thing i will add on getting these villagers back to my base there was so many mobs on the way and seeing as i didn't bring a bed with me the mobs were getting out of control but thankfully by day 107 i was able to get all the villagers down in my base i was super excited and all of that hard work was over i didn't have to go back to the village ever again i could breed the villagers right here i was super happy until this happened no no no oh no there's a villager in the nether this is not good this is not good where did it go no it's gone where is the villager gone all of that hard work and it's gone there's no way i forgot to block off the nether portal i've got to go and do that all again oh my goodness i cannot believe that's just happened seeing as i had already brought two villagers from the village back to my base getting the third one there was pretty easy i patched up my base and i learned from my mistakes and blocked off the nether bottle as well anyway this was it i had the two villagers in my base so i threw them some potatoes and tried to get them to breed by day 110 we had another villager in the base up to this point i was doing some pretty advanced stuff and i forgot about the basics you know farming and even breeding my cows so that's what i ended up doing for day 110 but then i thought i can't just let the villagers live in my base they need their own home so that's where i dived into the depths of the nether to try and get some resources to build them a base i saw this green wood and i like the look of it so that's basically what i spent the other half of day 110 doing i got a bunch of building resources and i kind of had a good idea of what i should do for the village's home oh and not to mention on the way back home i found an old friend the mending villager but he didn't want to go back through the portal so i decided to make him his own luxury mansion just kidding i put him somewhere else i guess he liked it there anyway i got some glowstone and more building resources and i was ready for day 111 where i was going to build the villages the best home they had ever seen i spent days crafting a brand new home for the villagers i really wanted them to like it and i wanted it to feel like home so i built this big area where they can all meet up and most importantly do their trades i also created multiple holes in the walls this would be a place where i could store the villages that have the best trades so i don't end up losing them or muddling them up with the other villages before i knew it i was completely done making the village's brand new home and by day 116 it was time to move all the villages in to their brand new home i transported them down and take a second to look at the smiles on their faces they were very happy so i decided to give them some potatoes but i thought one thing was missing it didn't feel enough like home for them so i decided to bring down a bunch of beds after moving them in i created a bunch of bone meal because i thought i would need a bunch of potatoes if i actually wanted the villagers to breed so i spent a lot of day 117 farming for a bunch of potatoes i was able to get quite a lot of potatoes and i decided then to bring them down into the village's home and throw all of the potatoes at them to see if they would breed and to my surprise they did by 118 we had a brand new villager i made some workbenches as well to see if i could get lucky with a mending book it did take quite a lot of time to try and get the trades i wanted and after a bunch of terrible enchanted books i was super excited that i had a mending villager right under my base and one of the villagers escaped so i guess i have one just roaming around my base now one of the villagers became a farmer they were doing 26 potatoes for one emerald and this was amazing i was able to use all my bone meal re-grow up all of the potatoes and basically have an infinite supply of emeralds i'm hoping that maybe with these emeralds i can get an emerald beacon eventually but for now i was focusing on the mending book i went back down to that villager sold all of my potatoes for emeralds and was getting a step closer to having a mending book and i wanted to use this mending book on my elytras eventually i was able to get enough emeralds went up crafted a book headed over to the villager and they were happy to do the trade for the mending book i then put the mending book on the elytra's and i then had amending elytra for day 119 i decided it was time to plan my next adventure i wanted to explore the nether so i went out and got a bunch of creepers to get gunpowder to make a bunch of fireworks so i could fly freely around the nether and explore as much as i wanted by the end of day 120 i had a bunch of gunpowder that i turned into fireworks and decided it was time to go to my next adventure the never i spent some time mending up my elytra and decided it was then time to venture around the nether i had a bunch of fireworks really good durability in my lighters so i was ready i flew all around the nether to see what i could find and came across this interesting broken down building i decided to give it a deeper look and see what i could get from the inside i was in this sculpture and surprised how easy it was there was not really any threats from the inside and thought nothing could go wrong but that wasn't the case at all i got ambushed by a bunch of piggling sabotaging me from all directions i needed to get out my heart's got low probably the lowest they've been throughout the 120 days i've survived so far i was there on two and a half hearts no totem of undying and no way i could get out of this luckily i was able to block off the entrances of the piglings and was able to heal up a little bit this was very scary and i also made a very beginner mistake i didn't even have my chest plate on i forgot to take off the elytra's with the chest plate on i was able to take a little bit more damage but i did find these chests but there was two piglets guarding these after i had dealt with the piglens i went to see what rewards were waiting for me in the chests the loot that i had found in the chests weren't that good so i decided to keep exploring around the nether to see if i could find another one of these things and see if i could get any better loot as i was looking around i did manage to stumble across another one i calmly climbed up it and saw that there was some gold blocks awaiting me up ahead [Music] but also some foes as well i looked down the center of this thing and i knew it wasn't going to be easy to try and get the loot from inside although i did manage to find two chests in there and they didn't really have anything too crazy inside of them seeing as there was nothing too crazy in the chest so i decided to keep on exploring and i got ambushed once again but luckily for me the ambush wasn't nearly as bad as the last one and i was able to keep this one under control after finding my way through this abandoned structure i made my way to the center where i was able to see a spawner and also destroy it but more importantly there was so many valuable golden blocks and even to my surprise i checked the chest and i could not believe my eyes ancient debris and nether right from one single chest i couldn't believe what i was seeing once i'd placed the ancient debris and netherright in my inventory i decided it was time to go home i couldn't risk going to any more of these structures and thought it would be best if i was just to go back to my base so that is exactly what i did although with some of the damage i'd taken on the way back most of my armor was completely destroyed which made me want to get some more and i kind of wanted it to be near the right armor this time i managed to find another enchanted diamond helmet in my storage room so i used this temporarily even though i found this helmet it wasn't good enough so i decided to go mining for some diamonds to see if i could get diamond armor and then convert it over to netherright but as i was going mining i heard a strange noise to my surprise it was a skeleton spawner this was perfect this meant infinite bone meal and infinite arrows i took my opportunity to clear this thing out and in the future i would definitely be making this into an xp farm for the rest of day 124 i went to go and get some ancient debris seeing as my arm was pretty much all destroyed at this point i needed to get near the right to make never right armor i thought mining for ancient debris would be the safest way so that's exactly what i did i went down to the ancient debris layer and i found so much ancient debris it was like i couldn't stop finding ancient debris it only took me a couple of days before i had all the ancient debris i would need to make a full set of armor and even some tools everything was going amazing and by the end of day 126 i had all of the ancient debris i would need but i couldn't use it yet so i decided to craft it and store it up in my storage room for now to begin day 127 i went farming and even traded with some of my farmer villages i needed to start getting a collection of emeralds to spend on the books that the librarians had for the other half of day 127 and a few days afterwards i decided to get all the diamonds i would need to make a full set of diamond armor again and then once i had the diamond armor i could obviously turn into netherrite so mining diamonds is exactly what i did for the next few days by day 129 i smelted all of my valuables and had enough diamonds for another set of diamond armor i also took some time to take a glance at the diamond armor i was already wearing the enchants i had on my leggings were pretty much perfect so i decided i only need to enchant a helmet a chest plate and some boots so that's what i spent the next few days trying to get a protection four book and an unbreaking three book from villages it took quite some time but i was able to do it in the end and i was extremely happy for day 136 i decided to make a fletching table and also place around a bunch of composters to get some more farmers i did this because for day 137 i decided to build a farm with all of the stuff i would be able to get from this farm it would basically give me the opportunity to get unlimited emeralds so over the next few days i built this farm and it was a pretty good extension onto the island as well by day 141 i decided to repair my shovel and head to the farm to start planting all of the crops i then went down to the skeleton spawner to get a bunch of bones so i could get some bone meal to speed up the growing process on all of my plants i also spent some time chopping down trees so i could get sticks to sell to the fletcher for emeralds for most of the next few days i spent the time in the farm i thought if i was able to get a bunch of emeralds quickly i could buy all the books i would need and be able to have the best gear i could ask for oh and when i say i went farming i really mean i went farming i kept on getting all of my potatoes and then heading back over to the villages to sell it i also did this with wheat i was able to get to a point where i could go over to the librarian and purchase some of the mending books i put the mending books on my armor and even some of the tools and not to mention the two unbreaking three books i bought for my axe and my shovel as well while i was enchanting i also didn't have enough xp levels so i did have to head into the nether to get some xp but once i had done that i had all of the best enchants on the tools i needed and even turn them into netherright i enjoyed farming so much that for the rest of day 150 onwards i built a massive extension onto the island one that would change the game forever with this massive amount of land i could have so many crops growing at once that i would just have an unlimited source of emeralds the villagers were always happy to trade with me because i would always bring them so many gifts while i was waiting for villagers to breed i thought this would be a perfect time to prepare for an ocean monument battle i needed a puffer fish so i could get some potions and i got one by the end of day 154 i headed into my base and started brewing up some potions these would be needed for the ocean monument battle not only did i make water breathing potions i also made night vision potions so i could see under the water when i was there i also went back down to my villages sold everything i could for emeralds because when i wanted to take on the ocean monument i know i would be needing the best gear i could get my hands on so for this reason i spent the next few days spending all of my emeralds on the librarian books i picked up some protection books and also some unbreaking books as well i went ahead and merged the enchanted book with the armor piece i had my helmet enchanted with all of the best in chance i even had my chest plate enchanted with all of the best enchants as well but when it got to the boots again i ran out of xp so i needed to head back to the nether to go and mine a bunch of courts so i could get up to the level i needed after breaking a bunch of quartz and getting xp i was able to do the enchant on my boots and there it was [Music] once i was able to put all of the enchants on i individually handcrafted every piece of armor into netherite i felt powerful and i was ready to take on an ocean monument it was day 166 i sold my last final potatoes before setting off to the ocean monument i was a little bit nervous to go to the ocean monument but i knew with my overpowered armor i would be able to take it out just fine i did some last final preparation by getting buckets of milk that i could drink if i was to get any of the bad effects over at the ocean monument now it was time i threw my eye of ender and i knew that if i kept following the direction it told me to go i would soon go past the ocean monument i remembered this from the last time i went to the stronghold so instead of wasting emeralds on buying a map to get over the ocean monument i just used my memory from the last time i went to the stronghold and passed the ocean monument i glanced over at the ocean monument if one thing was to go wrong here my whole world would be gone i did one last check over my inventory to make sure i had everything and it was time i drunk my potion of night vision and then i drove my potion of water breathing i got everything ready and i dived into the depths of the ocean to take on this ocean monument it was extremely intimidating and i did go over to one of the guardians to test how much damage it did it only did around about heart so i knew i was safe from these but these weren't what i had to be scared of there was something way more dangerous on the inside of this ocean monument and i was scared to face it but it had to be done [Music] i briefly explored around the ocean monument to know where to go and where not to go in an emergency situation but before i knew it i was face to face with one of the scariest foes i've ever encountered the elder guardian luckily for me i was too fast for the outer guardian it was too big and slow so i was able to use my bow to my advantage and quickly jump behind a wall if needs be things were getting intense but with the last final bow shot i took it out i went over to collect the loot it dropped and it gave a sponge i knew somewhere else in this ocean monument there would be a whole room filled with sponge and before i knew it that's exactly what i found oh and these jump scare things are actually pretty scary as i crept around another corner i was face to face with an outer guardian once again but this was different it had a bunch of minions guarding it i was able to pick my bow shots and get quite close to the guardians and do some sword damage but there i was once again face to face with another outer guardian and i knew after this one there would only be one more left before i knew it i had taken care of that outer guardian way faster than i imagined it was now on to the final outer guardian once i got rid of this i was free to take any of the loot from the ocean monument i wanted without worrying about mining fatigue here it was the final outer guardian if i was able to get rid of this i could claim the ocean monument to be mine and collect all the goodies from inside i felt victorious i got rid of all the outer guardians around and was able to claim all the blocks inside for myself i got all of the sponge and even some dark prismarine as well oh and let's not forget the sea lanterns [Music] i had won another battle but i had so many days left and it was so much i wanted to do one thing i wanted to do was build a max level beacon but i can't just put a max level beacon anywhere i had to build an island extension just for this beacon so that's exactly what i did [Music] by day 175 i place the beacon right on top of all of the blocks i'd gathered over time i had some iron i had some gold and even some emerald blocks i got from trading but probably before 300 days i would like to mine a full diamond beacon before i knew it it was day 176 and i knew exactly what i wanted to do before day 200 and let's just say i wanted to be another boss that's right i wanted to take on the ender dragon once again i had already done it once in 100 days and i wanted to prove myself again by doing it in 200 days so i looked around the nether for quite some time to try and find some gas tears this would be needed to respawn the ender dragon into the world between days 177 to 185 i spent trying to get gas tears and got pretty much unlucky the whole time until one single ghast dropped four gas tiers this was amazing i could go back to my base and get ready to fight the ender dragon for a second time to end off day 186 i surrounded the crafting table in glass put the iron vendors in the center and put the gas here on the bottom i then directly placed all end crystals into my inventory and got ready for day 187 where i would set sail into the ocean to try and find the stronghold for the second time it took multiple days to make my way back over to the stronghold but on day 194 i found the remains of some cobblestone i placed the last time i was over here i used this entrance to make my way back into the stronghold this time i took no hesitation and dived right into the end portal it was time to prove myself i slowly placed each end crystal directly where it needed to be it was time to face the ender dragon once again one by one the obsidian towers began to summon themselves once again i awaited the dragon's arrival and before i knew it i enlightened straight on top of one of the obsidian towers i knew if i was at high ground i'll be able to take each tower out one by one with the elytras i felt unstoppable this time getting rid of the end crystals on the obsidian towers was no worries so i decided to head to the center where the ender dragon was and started dealing some serious damage [Music] for most of the fight i was on the same level as the end dragon gliding around with my elytras but before i knew it i was completely out of rockets and eventually out of arrows i kept having to wait till the end of dragon came to the center so i could deal some damage with my sword and there it was once again i saw the ender dragon disintegrate in front of my eyes i didn't get as much xp this time but i still felt victorious i proved myself for a second time and gazed over a second portal that had been opened in return for me getting rid of the ender dragon for the second time i would save this for 300 days after getting some rest on day 199 i didn't have too much time left and it was already day 200. so for this day i did small decorations on the island which i kept the beacon but before i knew it it was day 200. there i was i had survived another 200 days in hardcore i felt accomplished honestly there's a bunch more stuff i want to get done in 300 days so let me know if you guys want to see that but apart from that thank you guys all so much for watching and there is another 200 days survived in minecraft hardcore thank you guys all so much for watching have a great rest your day let me know if you want 300 days because i'd absolutely love to do it and apart from that peace
Channel: Fru
Views: 8,459,066
Rating: 4.9097366 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft i survived 200 days, i survived 200 days in hardcore minecraft, surviving 200 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft i survived 100 days, minecraft survival, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 200 days, minecraft 200 days hardcore, surviving 200 days minecraft, hardcore minecraft challenge, minecraft survival hardcore, i survived hardcore minecraft, 200 days hardcore, 200 days in hardcore minecraft, and this is what happened, 200 days
Id: 7gENfhYG3wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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