I Survived 600 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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in this video i'm going to attempt to survive 600 days in minecraft hardcore everyone's minecraft experience is different you see with limitless ideas almost anything is possible now i want to share my journey it all began when i freshly loaded into new lands i was new here and didn't know what was to come up to this point i've survived 500 days in hardcore minecraft and in that time i've achieved things like defeating the enderdragon obtaining full netherright gear battling many foes and constructing loads of builds that's what i've done in 500 days but now it's time for 600 days so let's do it but before we do here are some things i want to achieve in 600 days the first thing i want to do is further expand my island by constructing farms and even some new builds the second thing i want to achieve is to complete the final advancement i have left this advancement is called how did we get here and it requires the player to have every effect applied at the same time this is the hardest challenge to complete in a minecraft experience but it's my last advancement i must complete to have done all of the achievements in the game so it must be done and well the final thing i want to achieve is to start progress on a netherright beacon a full netherright beacon is extremely valuable and requires huge amounts of ancient debris so this won't be easy i'm excited to see what we can get done in 600 days so with that being said let the 600 days begin our journey picks up right from where we last left off it was day 501 and yet again i was back on the island and while like usual the first thing i decided to do was go and check on my cows i wanted to make sure they were doing okay as i got closer to all of the cows i could quickly see all the smiles on their faces they were super excited to see me back but as i was saying hi to all of the cows i couldn't help but notice one of the cows was looking at me like it wanted to say something i was interested so went a bit closer to hear what the cow had to say it quickly mentioned that it didn't only want to tell me something but also you guys as well the cow wanted to remind all of you guys that the channel is so close to 1 million subscribers so if you enjoy the content then make sure to subscribe because we are really close to one million subscribers and when we hit it the cow here will give all of you guys to see to this hardcore world once i was done saying hi to all of the cows i realized i had to get back to work it was day 501 and i had so many plans for the next 100 days and i had to start them now the first project i had in mind was an area where i could store not only my shulker boxes but also my brewing stands as well having them all in the same room was just taking up too much space and they needed to move so for this base extension i would need some building resources i began by looking for some materials in my chest so i did want this extension to be some sort of secret room so i knew some redstone would be needed here now although i had a lot of resources inside of my chest for this build it simply wasn't enough i needed to go out and get some things like clay and even some concrete as well but now this was done i was able to make some redstone components to start on a redstone door this would be used as a secret access point into the new build [Music] the redstone door that i was making here really wasn't that technical and only required minimal redstone so after some testing the redstone door was fully functional which could now only mean one thing it was now time to begin construction [Music] [Music] [Music] by day 507 the build was completely done and my shulker boxes and also brewing sands had now moved here it was the modern extension onto the base was done and it looked pretty nice if i do say so myself i had not only managed to make an efficient shulker box and brewing stand area but i also had a place to store my crossbow seeing as i now had this base extension all up and constructed it was time to move on to my next project and this would be an automatic sugarcane farm which means if i was to have an automatic sugarcane farm this would work perfectly with my creeper farm because paper combined with gunpowder makes fireworks which ultimately means i would have an infinite source of fireworks so by the middle of day 507 i went out resource gathering and i was able to pick up a bunch of spruce wood and also a bunch of sand by day 508 i was able to return back to the base and craft some final things i would need for this farm once this was done i drafted all the components necessary and on the beginning of day 509 it was time to build this thing [Music] before i knew it it was day 513 and my automatic sugarcane farm was fully functional now all i wanted to do was test this farm out i wanted to see just how efficient this thing could be after a day of testing out this automatic sugarcane farm i went over to the chest to see just how much sugarcane it generated and well when i opened up the chest i couldn't quite believe what i was seeing there was over a stack of sugarcane in there which gave me a genius idea i could craft all of this sugarcane into paper and combine it with gunpowder which would give me some fireworks and while with all of these fireworks i could now go on a new adventure and i knew just what i wanted to do the adventure that i wanted to go on was unlike any adventure i'd been on before because well if you remember from the last 100 days i'd completed every advancement in the game apart from one secret advancement called how did we get here now this is the hardest challenge minecraft has to offer and i wanted to take it on i knew just how hard the how did we get here advancement was going to be so some planning was going to be necessary to complete this advancement i would need every effect the game has to offer all active at one time so not only would i need to get effects from things like potions and foods but also things like hero of the village from a raid bad omen from a pillager tower mining fatigue from an ocean monument and also levitation from a shulker so on day 516 i set out on an adventure i needed to try and find a pillager tower close to a village so that way i could get hero of the village and also bad omen pretty quickly and well on the middle of day 516 i got incredibly lucky and found a pillager tower now that i found this to give me bad omen i just needed to find a village but as i was flying over the ocean nearby to this pillager tower i found an ocean monument which was perfect so not only would i be able to get mining fatigue but also bad omen extremely quickly finding an ocean monument so close to a pillager tower was extremely rare so to find a village nearby would be almost impossible or would it i didn't quite think i could get any more luckier than finding an ocean monument right next to a pillager tower that was until i flew over and found a village extremely close i had found all three structures a village for hero of the village a pillager towel for bad omen and an ocean monument for mining fatigue things were going great but seeing as the locations of these structures were quite far away from my main base i would need a faster way to transport between my base and this area with the structures i decided to make a portal at this location and create a huge pathway back to the portal that will bring me to my base that way when i'm ready to do the how did we get here advancement i would simply need to get the effects go through the portal run through this tunnel and go back to my base by day 519 i decided it was time to tick off another effect on the list and this would be levitation you can only obtain the levitation effect from a shulker so i would need to bring one all the way from the end into the overworld this was going to be extremely time consuming and i would also need a bunch of blocks as well [Music] on day 520 i glanced into the end portal and dived straight in without any hesitation it was time to bring a shulker into the overworld as soon as i stepped foot into the end i had to do some preparations to ensure safety for the shulker when it was to come through this portal the first thing i did was construct a safety platform for the shulker and once this was done i made a staircase all the way down into the center portal so i could bring the shulker back into the overworld the next step i had to do to make sure the shock would go back into the overall was by spawn proofing the center portal in the end by spawn proofing this ground i can be sure that the shulk will have no other option apart from to go into the center portal by day 521 all of the preparation was done and i was ready to get to shulker and bring it back into the overworld so i dived straight into the end city portal and began looking for an end city and on day 522 i got extremely lucky and was able to find an end city and it was also unlooted which was another bonus because not only would there be chests filled with goodies but there would also be a spare elytra [Music] once i had looted the elytra's from the ship it was time to start using all of my building blocks to build a massive pathway to the end city to get a shulker this was pretty time consuming and i was able to get it done within a few days i then broke my way into the end city and was able to get a shulker in my boat the shulker seemed extremely excited to head into the overworld so it got into my boat and we headed over to the end portal whilst i was bringing the shulker over this pathway there was an extreme amount of endermen in the way which made this process even more time consuming by day 530 i was able to bring the shulker back through the end city portal and straight to the middle of the end this way i could break the boat and then use a piston to push it into the overworld [Music] at this point everything was going much easier than i expected and so i went through the portal to find the shulker in the overworld it took me a little while to find the shulker but eventually i found it in the ocean i found it just in time and was able to put it in my boat once the shulker was in the boat i headed over to where i was going to complete this advancement i mean just look at the shulker it really enjoyed being in the bow and it couldn't wait to help me out with this advancement everything was going great that was all until the shulker began taking damage i didn't know what to do and i didn't think there was any way i could save it and unfortunately the shulker disappeared which means i would have to go back and get a new one but i mean it really wasn't that big of a deal because i was able to find another shulker in the exact same room where i found the last one and i could just simply bring this one back to my base seeing as i had already set up the pathways for the shulker before bringing this one back was extremely easy and i took it to the location where i was going to do this advancement now that i had this shocker in the overworld the rest of the advancement preparation was pretty easy the next effect that i had to work on was the wither effect and well to do this we need to get myself a with a rose and the only way you can get these is if a wither is to take out another mob but the thing is i didn't have any wither skeleton skulls so i couldn't summon another wither which means i would have to head into the depths of the nether [Music] by day 532 i was in the depths of the nether i immediately stormed into the fortress and began battling some with the skeletons on day 533 i was able to pick up my first wither skeleton skull [Music] and on day 534 i couldn't quite believe my luck i was able to obtain two wither skeleton skulls it was almost like they didn't want to stop dropping them [Music] once i had three skeleton skulls obtained i knew what needed to be done next i headed into the wilderness to try and find some animals i would need the wither to take these out so i could ultimately obtain what i was looking for and this was the wither rose i took all of the animals where they needed to be and it was time to summon the wither the weather was here it was time to battle but more importantly i needed to make sure it would take out all of these animals so i can get them with the roses once i was confident that the animals had dropped with the roses it was time to battle my accurate bow shots paired with my strength potion was just too strong for the wither and it would stand no chance once i had got the wither down to half health it was time to go in with some melee attacks and these were doing chunks of damage and after one final swing of my sword the fight was over and i glanced around and saw the wither roses on the ground this is exactly what i needed and let's also not forget about the nether star that i obtained from this battle i could use this to craft another beacon down the line the wither battle was now done and i had collected exactly what i needed so now it was time to head down into the secret area of my base and begin brewing up the potions i would need for this advancement most of the effects that i needed to do for this advancement were pretty much obtained through potions by day 538 i had brewed up all of the potions i needed and i made them in the form of splash potions so they would be easier to use the next thing i needed to make was suspicious stew this would grant me with blindness and while it was pretty much the only way i would be able to get this effect at this point all of the preparation for this advancement was basically done and i would only need to set up a few more things like the conduit which would grant me conduit power i would then need a dolphin for dolphins grace and give it a name tag so it wouldn't despawn i then put the wither rose in place so i could get the wither effect and gave the contraption a little test just to make sure it was working okay i then set up a dispenser and put some spectral arrows inside the spectral arrows would be needed to grant me with the glowing effect and while seeing as i need every effect to complete this advancement i would obviously need this i then made my way over to the diamond beacon castle because i would need to borrow this beacon i would not only need one beacon for resistance but also another one from haste [Music] so i set up one small beacon for haste and then the diamond beacon so i could get resistance at this point all of the preparation was done it was time to do this advancement for real i started to get nervous and everything was beginning to seem real i had done so much preparation up until this point and i knew by making one mistake i could mess this whole thing up and not only that this advancement is extremely risky not only do i have to fight a raid but i also have to use every potion in the game and this includes the poison potion meaning if a skeleton or any other mobs nearby while i'm doing this advancement one mob attacking me could end this whole thing this was about to be the most risky thing i had done up to this point but i couldn't hesitate any longer i dived into the depths of the nether and i got over to the portal as fast as i could i began by flying over to the pillager tower and taking out the captain this would then grant me with bad omen so i can head over to the village and start a raid the reason i needed to defeat this raid was to get granted the hero of the village effect the raid was here but lucky for me i was able to take high ground and get some accurate bow shots on the enemies the first round was pretty easy but everything was going to get more difficult from this point onwards more enemy foes were here i needed to stay alert by day 541 i was a few waves into the raid and i got sabotaged and cornered by multiple enemy foes leaving me on one heart luckily for me i was able to fly away but if i didn't react as fast as i did my tote of undying would have been used not long into day 541 there was only two witches that remained in the raid i was able to take them out and before i knew it it was time to move on to the next step of this advancement and that was to go back to the pillager tower and get bad omen but i had made one mistake i remembered that under my base i have villages so if i was to go back through the portal and go into my base another raid would be activated due to me having bad omen so i had to make a portal really far away from my base and break the main one so that way when i'm to come back to my base it would spawn me really high up so i would be far enough from my villagers to not start a raid [Music] once that was done i went back over to the pillager tower and got the bad omen effect [Music] i was now left with only one more effect to get out here and that was mining fatigue but the thing is about mining fatigue it has a five minute timer meaning that when i was to get it the rest of this advancement would be on an extreme time limit so nothing could go wrong from this point onwards i was given the curse of mining fatigue and headed back to the portal it was time to do this advancement for real i made my way through the portal and flew as fast as i could back home like planned i was extremely high up in the sky and i was able to fly over to the contraption where i was going to do this advancement i got everything in my inventory prepared and began to fly down [Music] i opened up the shulker box and took each potion one by one i didn't really have much time to do a double check over everything i just had to trust myself from this point onwards i splashed each individual potion down at the ground it was truly so many effects and i was on such a time limit that i couldn't stop to check i had everything i just had to trust myself from this point onwards [Music] i got the shulker to hit me so i would get the levitation effect and i had an arrow launch at me to get the glowing effect i swam through the water to get dolphins grace and i headed towards the witheros this would be the last effect that i needed and there it was i had completed the how did we get here advancement i was super excited and so happy that all of this preparation paid off [Music] it was now done every single advancement in minecraft hardcore was complete i had one last glance through of the advancement page and i had done it i was super proud of myself and extremely happy that i'd not only done every single advancement but also every single secret advancement as well take a look at how excited i was i truly could not believe that i did the how did we get here advancement i had not only attempted the hardest thing in minecraft but i completed it as well now that this advancement was complete i left the shulker box in its new home and return the diamond beacon to its original location [Music] i then spent some time returning my base to its normal state and once this was done i had so much creativity i had really wanted to build an auto smelter for quite some time now and i knew just how i could do it i could construct some sort of mansion close to my base to store the auto smelter inside by having an auto smelter not only would i be able to smelt things more efficiently but also extremely fast so i spent some time gathering materials and i built this thing [Music] [Music] by day 557 the auto smelter mansion was complete and it looks pretty good if i do say so myself but now that i had this auto smelter all up and running i not only wanted to use it but also start on a new adventure and this would be to start progress for another right beacon a full netherright beacon is extremely rare and i really wanted one so i thought now would be a great time to start making some progress on one and well if i was going to stand any chance at getting a good start on making another right beacon i would of course need an absolute ton of tnt so i decided to spend the next few days in my creeper farm and on day 561 i had a bunch of gunpowder at my disposal and of course i would need some sand to make this into tnt so because of this i went over to my enderman farm and got my shovel up to max durability now that i had my shovel at max durability it was time to get some sand [Music] before i knew it it was day 565 and i left the desert to go back to my base because i had so much sand so it was time to craft this into tnt i filled up as many shulker boxes as i could with tnt and after crafting as much as i could i ended up getting just under two shulker boxes full this would definitely be enough to start getting some ancient debris for this netherright beacon [Music] so without any hesitation i went into the depths of the nether and found the perfect spot for ancient debris [Music] i thought this spot would be perfect so i dug straight down and began placing tnt the large amount of tnt i brought with me took some time to place but it was definitely worth it i was mining ancient debris left right and center at this point i truly couldn't believe my eyes i was getting so much ancient debris it was almost like i couldn't stop finding it and so from day 572 to day 580 i spent exploding as much of the nether as i [Applause] could and swinging my pickaxe to get ancient debris i glanced in my inventory and noticed i only had one stack of tnt left so i placed it down block by block and exploded it i then went through with my pickaxe and mined up all of the ancient debris i could find it was now time to see just how much ancient debris i had obtained and when i saw i couldn't believe my eyes five whole stacks of ancient debris i stored it safely away in my shulker box and decided to go back to my base i didn't want anything to happen to this ancient debris i was now back in the overworld and super excited to test out my auto smelter [Music] i placed everything in the correct chest and then turned the machine on [Music] and well before i knew it the auto smelter had done its job five stacks of ancient debris smelted extremely quickly once all of the ancient debris was smelted into netherrite scraps i took this back to my base and turned into netherite ingots once it was all turned into ingots it was time to make some blocks and well i was able to make eight of them but i knew i had some spare nether writing got somewhere and well i did so in the end i was able to make 10 blocks of netherrite this was a great start for the beacon even though i didn't have enough to make the whole entire netherrite beacon right now i couldn't just put these blocks away i had to build some sort of castle to store this netherright beacon so in the future when i get more netherright blocks i could take them into the castle and see how my progress is doing so for day 583 i gathered up all the materials i would need to make this castle and by day 584 it was time to build [Music] here it was the third castle around this island and it looked pretty good if i do say so myself all i needed to do now was go into the castle and place all of the netherrite blocks down i was already making great progress but i was also running out of time i didn't have that many days left and i really wanted a horse up to this point and i was hoping i could find one before day 600. so i took a saddle and some diamond horse armor and went exploring and not too far into my adventure i found a horse it took a little while but in the end we became great friends and i put on the diamond horse armor but it was coming up to night time so i had to get the horse home as safe as possible eventually i made it back to my base and after looking around i quickly realized that there was no home for the horse i had to build one and while luckily for me i had some spare materials left over from the castle build i could use these to build the horse at home so that's exactly what i did [Music] it was day 591 and the horse finally had a home i opened up the fence gates and the horse walked inside look at the big smile on the horse's face it was super excited to finally have a home but now seeing as i only had a matter of days left i knew what had to be done i had to prove myself once again by defeating the ender dragon so to respawn the ender dragon i would need end crystals which requires gas tiers so i would need to head into the depths of the nether to find some of these i spent a few days flying around attempting to get gas tears took some time but in the end i got four gas tiers which is exactly the amount i needed and by day 597 i began crafting the end crystals i placed them into my inventory one by one and then got some rest it was now time and without any hesitation i dived into the m portal it was time to take the ender dragon and prove myself once again i placed the end crystals in the positions they needed to be and i awaited the dragon's arrival the dragon was here and i went into the air to take out the end crystals one by one without these the ender dragon wouldn't be able to regenerate its health making the fight so much easier for me i was able to break my way through these cages and destroy the end crystals inside it was now just me against the ender dragon i took some high ground and fired some accurate bow shots these were doing decent damage but the dragon decided to go down into the center so i knew i needed to deal some melee attacks i was dealing some serious damage but then the dragon decided to leave the center it returned into the air but with its health being so low it didn't stand a chance and with one final bow shot the battle was over i saw as the ender dragon disintegrated in front of my eyes i felt victorious and once again another end city was opened in return for me defeating the enderdragon once again now it was time to head home i was home but more importantly free from the [Music] enderdragon it was day 600. i had done it i had survived another 100 days in minecraft hardcore but there's so much i want to get done in 700 days so let me know in the comments if you want to see that but apart from that thank you guys so much for watching this video i really enjoyed making it and as i said earlier we are so close to 1 million subscribers so i just want to say thank you all so much for the support it really means a lot to me but apart from that thanks for watching let me know if you want to see 700 days have a great rest of your day and peace
Channel: Fru
Views: 3,190,298
Rating: 4.9410143 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft i survived 600 days, i survived 600 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft i survived hardcore, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, surviving 600 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 600 days, 100 days, minecraft i survived, 600 days in hardcore minecraft, and this is what happened, surviving minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft challenge, survived 600 days in hardcore minecraft, surviving 600 days in minecraft, 600 days hardcore
Id: yrK14Y660h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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