Surviving Minecraft on a Deserted Island...

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just spare me please jesus [Music] oh hello welcome to the island in this video me and my two friends are going to attempt to survive on a deserted island where there are strange creatures hiding in the depths of the forests barrels of supplies to help us and extremely hot weather that makes us thirsty oh and did i mention me and my friends are not going to be working together to escape this island instead we will be hunting each other down after all only one of us can escape the winner is whoever can get all of the isa vender from the boiling hot volcano and summon the portal to defeat the enderdragon it's simple if you prove yourself by taking up the dragon you can leave the island victorious will we be able to take on the betrayal and mysteries of the island well it's time to find out here it was our first day on the island we all started at our separate campsites where we would find some starter supplies and resources washed up from the ocean ah all right here we are we're on the island this is the first day let's see if we can survive we also have the others hunting us as well let's see what we got in this camp okay so in our tent we've got a bow we've got some iron and we've got some leather boots this marks the first day of our adventure on this island just look how nice this looks as well but i also need to be careful someone could be hiding behind the trees all right let's just get to this to start off i sprinted across the island to find some washed up resources but the thing was i stayed cautious the others could sabotage me any time stopping me in my tracks so as you guys can see we do have hydration and i need to stay hydrated okay i need to stay hydrated if i don't stay hydrated it's it's not gonna be good i'm just gonna run along the beach see if i can get any supplies right now let's just see what we can find if we can collect a bunch of arrows this is gonna be good for the ender dragon so i'm just gonna keep on going down okay we got a raw fish washed up that would be good we can put that on the campfire when we get back to our tent okay i just really need to be careful wait no way i think i've just found buried treasure i don't know about you guys but that looks like a red x in the ground and i couldn't believe what i was seeing only a few minutes on the island and i was able to find some buried treasure i decided to take a closer look okay x marks the spot okay we found hidden treasure uh none of the others can see me all right let's go we found bori treasure off the start diamonds arrows where's the block okay i'm covering this back up so the others don't know x marks the spot whenever you're on a deserted island x always marks the spot okay we've got something okay i'm going back to my base i'm getting back to my shelter i definitely need to start preparing for night time and i need to get a lot of bottles what i think i'm going to do is so i stay hydrated all the time i'm just going to get a bunch of water so i can just stay hydrated because as soon as the hydration goes down that's a problem that is a problem so a hydration bar is already going down i don't want it to be too much for a problem so i'm just going to take care of it right now so let's just quickly do this fill up all of our bottles of water perfect okay let's hydrate up right let's get back to our shelter we're running too far away and one of the others could easily take us out right now who knows what they found they could have found some buried treasure maybe some supplies around the island let's cook up our food and i'm pretty sure there might be some fish in the ocean we might have to go fishing at some point just to be clear at this point i had no idea where the others were for all i know they could have been lurking in the forest spying on me so i decided to keep cautious at all times oh fish okay i think i may be able to take some of these out the easier that we can take care of food and water the easier we'll be able to get valuables as well okay let's just take care of all these fish last thing we want to do is run out of food and we definitely don't want to run out of hydration on this island because as you can see i don't want to be drinking the ocean water that would not be good so let's just keep it in bottles i think it's coming up to night time as well thankfully there's no thunderstorm right now i am yet to experience a thunderstorm on a deserted island okay let's start going down i think i might just dig straight down let's make a crafting bench at this point i decided to go mining if i could find any valuables in caves and even make a full set of armor that would put me ahead of the others and after all there is only one goal here whoever can take out the ender dragon first will be the winner and escape the island so i knew with armor and a sword i would have just a small advantage i do not know what mysteries are going to be down in in the caves but we're about to find out let's go all right let's try to calm down a little bit let's just hydrate up a little bit there we go as long as hydration isn't a problem we're fine there's nothing else that i'm worried about at this point other than them either finding out where i am and hunting me down or the fact that my hydration is just going to deplete so okay we found a cave we found a cave okay uh let's make some torches i cannot see a thing right now these creatures are doing some serious damage right our hydration bars looking good there's so much i need to stay on top of right now i seriously have no idea what they are getting up to right now for all i know they could be at the enchanting area they could even be in the end i i have no idea where they are right now okay um food it's where's our food out let's wait are we all out food okay we have some salmon i've also just had a pretty good idea as well maybe just maybe if i was to find a diamond or anything valuable i could tempt the others into maybe forming a little bit of a truce with me you know we could maybe become allies if i was to find some diamonds or something maybe tempt them into not killing me if they have better loot than i do but what am i saying they're just going to want to take me out instantly as soon as they see i've got this diamond sword it's it's over all right just making sure that i definitely have enough wood to make an emergency pickaxe when this one breaks i think i do i guess it's true what they say about this island it is filled with valuables i'm just gonna get these because i may be able to tempt the others in i may be able to tempt the others in with emeralds oh diamonds no my pickaxe no we need to get back to the top now we need to get back to the top now this is emergency we're good for hydration but our food is very low here we go let's head back to the top and see if we can try and find some resources maybe just maybe we might be able to scavenge some good supplies from up there so i'm heading back up to the top if we run into jihid if we run into dakio let's hope they don't have the best loot in the world i do want to show you guys what happens when i do get dehydrated but i i don't think it's really worth me showing you guys because it's it's not very nice getting dehydrated it's not great so i need to keep on top of my water levels make sure i'm hydrated i definitely do have some diamonds so i might be able to tempt them in all right okay i think that is it sunrise or sunset i cannot tell oh wait who is that who was that oh no no no no no no who is that that's dokio is he at my base is this mine this is mine okay he's over there i don't think he sees me what is he doing over there why is he at my camp he must be stealing my food or something oh no it's it's scary oh look jihida okay look look look okay wait wait wait wait okay i can i can choose i i actually can't i see you guys i have diamonds on me and i have loads of them i have emeralds wait wait wait wait wait wait paul stab wait there wait there wait wait wait wait wait i wouldn't believe i wouldn't believe wait look in my hand look at my hand don't come any closer but look you see this can you see it from there yeah yeah it it it's it's a it's a shiny blue diamond right and you see this this is this is an emerald now i'm i'm willing to form a truce just just to let me go right yeah get out your diamond pickaxe what i'd stood enough time with jihida by showing him my diamonds and emeralds this gave ducky enough time to sabotage him from behind dakio didn't have to do this he could have ran away and saved himself but instead he attempted saving me i wondered why things got so intense that i forgot to do something crucial oh no no no hydration oh my goodness okay we need food you know what ah it feels good to have cooked food i mean this cooked salmon is the best cooked salmon i've ever had it's even better when you're on a deserted island getting hunted i'm so scared that when i break this block one of them's just gonna be hiding there as you can see getting valuables on this deserted island is seriously not the easiest thing to do so it seems that those guys were in a fight the whole time from when i left them they were probably having the most epic chase ever but wait the volcano if i can get to the volcano more iron okay this is perfect if i can get up to the volcano though and be the first person to get the isa vendor that would be perfect for me i do not know how dangerous this volcano is for all i know it could be a tiny piece of it it could literally be nothing it's it's probably just like a tiny droplet of lava that i mean the volcano is big but on the inside i bet there's absolutely nothing in there let's have a look oh oh i i was very wrong it is over if any of them literally know that i'm doing this right now they're just gonna come down smack me into the lava and i'm done for okay another eye vendor okay that's two out of nine here we go here we go yes he nearly dropped in the lava okay i cannot go in the lava i don't have a helmet i have a leather chest plate on well this is not good our hydration is going down as well there's no water in sight we're stuck down here if we if we don't get this oh okay if they hit me in right now it's over it's over there's no way i'm surviving going in lava if there was ever a time to not fail parkour now would be the time this is this is a matter of me actually winning this and escaping the deserted island and leaving the others behind or it's it's it's over for me please yes okay let's get out of here let's get out of here the others are definitely on their way dakio's right there dakio is on his way up i think he has the same idea as me i think dakio has the exact same idea as i do but i don't want jihidi to sneak up on me again you know what i think i might have to leave duck yo i might leave dukio and i know i know it's not the best idea to leave survivors or just leave anyone behind but i've got to remember what ducky did for me and if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here right now i literally cannot thank ducky enough for getting jihida off me i think the best thing for me to do right now is to probably just run along the coast and see if i can find any good washed up items from the ocean because i'm definitely not oh oh my gee he sees me yeah i know we see each other yeah i know we see each other i don't know i see you you wanna you wanna fight i do not wanna fight i really do not wanna fight oh who is that who i'm not gonna blow your cover but i can see exactly where you are whoever that is up there i i don't know who that is someone looks like they're up to something that's all i'm going to say why are you up to something once again i've survived seeing jiheeta again he has fully enchanted like armor if that was dakio on the tree then he's planning something on jihida that's for sure this is getting intense all right i've seen jihid twice now and both times he could have taken me out and he hasn't i think he's just trying to make me nervous but you guys see how like dark it is in these like little forest areas i think this is my best bet to try and like hide in these oh someone's got a bed i'm taking that bed that'll be handy against the end of dragon oh and just when i thought the sun was rising it decides to it decides to rain but there's no thunder so it's not looking too bad right now buried treasure oh someone's already taken it someone's already taken that very treasure oh this is not good i'm just running around the island so many mobs it's raining he's got like death strider or something oh no this is not good eat eat eat eat wait who is that geez it's you it's you wait wait wait wait wait wait okay i know i keep racing with you but i have the ice a vendor and i can give them to you i can give you them i won't just spare me please jesus please okay no look jiggy to get i know i know i i i i i know look no no wait wait just please please let me in i'll let you kill me but just let me say my last words let me say my last words all there's nothing i can do okay all right my last one okay look look if i if i okay i know you're gonna kill me anyway okay let me hydrate up as well i'm not running away like at all i will just give you the valuable things in my inventory and we can leave it there or not all right it's i mean okay you can decide whether to kill me but i will i'll tell you what i have so i have the nine i have i can drop either nine eyes of ender i can drop you three diamonds and five emeralds even though there's nothing really you can do with emeralds i will give you that if you spare me give me the diamonds you can have the eyes offender so if i give you the diamonds and that's it you'll spare me put them over here and i'll okay there you go okay look pick it up you can see it's three there's three diamonds there yup you're not joking you're gonna you're gonna let me run yeah you have a 30 seconds to run oh no jeet i could not tell you how thankful i am for you sparing me once again i i don't know what to say all you know is next time i won't be this kind it's only because now i have a diamond x finally so um oh no what was i thinking i should have tried just running but there was no way i could get away and i have to thank jihito for sparing me once again like seriously but yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my goodness a buried treasure no wait oh no this is the one i got at the start and i recovered it i've just i've just pranked myself i've literally just pranked myself again i'm going mining it's come down to it that's that's all i can do right now there's there's nothing else i can do apart from mine right now we've got food that is what i like to see i mean i would have liked to i would have liked to explore around the island maybe get to the enchantment area but by just looking at jihido and seeing that he has fully enchanted gear already can only tell me one thing he knows exactly where the enchantment area is and even worse he's probably going to be defending it so none of us can get enchanted stuff one piece of iron this is really bad where's all of the resources where's the valuables on this island this is really good i can make a backup shield as well if anything goes wrong because cheetah does have that diamond axe let's get all of this okay i think we're good we don't really need anything else i might make a spare pickaxe uh let's just make a bunch of sticks the moments that jihidi gets close to us with his axe is is when it's probably going to be over for us so we need to be careful it feels good to be back on the surface let's just see if we can find anything i'm going to go and enchant and if i can see any of them up there it would be nice to talk to them it really would be nice to talk to them see what their see what their tactics are my hydration is all good i have absolutely no idea where they are i'm gonna get up to the enchanting area and i'm gonna get out of there wait is that dokyo is that jajita that's one of them i know what they're doing i'm pretty sure there's only one reason for them to be swimming and that's because that's where the end portal is it's on the island oh my goodness i can see their tactics with my very own eyes i'm running out of the enchantment area we've all been put on this deserted island we've all we're all here to escape and to be honest i don't blame them if they want to work together to try and escape i only one person can escape though so one of them are going to have to betray each other in the end so i'm i'm interested to see if if any of them betray each other for some reason i had a suspicion that dakio and jihida were forming an alliance so i assume the worst enchanted my gear here we got sharpness that's a guaranteed sharpness right there okay let's go quick let's go quick let's go quick protection one i'll take it okay let's go okay let's get out of here let's get out of here i'm going to um see if i can get close enough to try and talk with them i should have known they were up to something like they were up to something this whole time and i had no idea everything was going great until jahita wanted to make a deal tell me the proposition you go to the island and you put it in the pearls yes me and you cannot do anything right now we're stuck i'll only do that on one agreement i don't know if you guys have made any truces behind the scenes but there's one thing that i need to clear up i i'm happy to take this proposition with you jihida but there's one thing you've got to promise me that you and duckio whatever alliance you've got going you scrap it completely oh and you've got to promise me that then it's a deal all right you guys aren't going to kill me if i go over there right you're going to let me do it first yeah yeah that doesn't sound promising i'm not i'm not going to lie that did not sound promising you can come here if you just sound so suspicious and i can't take the chances like i'm good okay i will trust you but i want to see you guys i want to i want to see i want to see it to believe it i'm just mining a tree right now so i don't know you guys just seem very suspicious but i'm i'm willing i'm willing to take a chance you know so you want me to uh put all of the iso vendors in right so we can open a portal but you guys agree to get rid of the alliance that you have yes okay i'm happy to do that just keep your space away from me and uh we can do this smoothly you know there's two ways about this we can do the hardware the easy way i made my way over to the island with all of the eyes of ender it was time to see if they had any tricks up their sleeves and if they were lying to me it doesn't seem like you are someone's following who is that jeeta are you following me down there you're silent this is scary and i don't like it and they're chasing me as well oh no what are you guys planning i knew you had something up your sleeve i'm not gonna take fire at you guys though i want to escape this island man i don't like it here nothing is happening there's nothing nothing like you can just go safely duck you show yourself ducky oh show yourself no you can just put it in don't worry i'm i'm not going to kill you okay i'm chucking the isa vendor on the island no no i don't like this one but you guys are up to something and i do not like it oh this is so so so scary it's not doing anything don't worry oh it's really burning huh dokio is down there isn't he there you go you can go you can go ducky oh there you are and you're silent as well i see what it is yes yes one of us has to go in that portal sooner or later guys just wish me good luck i'll go in here now cheetah good luck good good good luck see you on the other side hey hey hey i took a step onto the island with the end portal on it and i saw that ducky didn't have the best loot so i decided to use this to my advantage and form an alliance he put a sign down and confirmed our alliance but i had to be careful he could betray me at any moment after all only one of us is going to be escaping so i agree to be his friend and then we did some amazing acting to fool jahita we could not let jihida know that we were forming an alliance okay through stay away from me stay away from me dude no you're just dab you're gonna one hit me or something you've got something up you see i i don't i don't trust this man [Music] jihido are you are you good oh i see him he's on top of one of the obsidian poles but stay away just stay you stay over there i know you guys probably still have something nah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look cheetah we can we can talk about this we can talk about this [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness i'm insane that was such a good move only one of us can escape this island though guys i'm sad to say oh here's loot all right we need to take this dragon out come here it's time for you to get out of here [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my goodness oh yes i didn't have any food i'm just scared one of you guys have got something planned again come on dragon please just cooperate with me i know that you're meant to be an evil dragon but come on please just this one time this is not gonna work is it oh are you guys to come back into the oh gee is here no no [Music] take it i'll leave it come here i shouldn't have placed that bed i shouldn't have done it yes yes yes yes yes you're kidding me [Music] no no oh my god no i couldn't believe it jesus came back through the end portal he had a bed and he ended up pulled over to me and was able to take me out unfortunately for me i couldn't get back to the end in time and jahita took my loo and he battled the ender dragon to the end and because i was too slow jihid finished the ender dragon once and for all he saw it disappear into thin air with his own eyes there it was jihid had defeated the ender dragon and left the island victorious he was the winner alright guys i really hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching i also just want to say a massive thank you for all of the support on the channel recently you guys have been absolutely insane and i really do appreciate it a few things i want to say before we end this video is a massive gigi this was honestly a really really fun challenge to do and also another episode of the hardcore series is coming very very soon so hopefully you guys are looking forward to that but as i said thank you guys all so much for the crazy amount of support it truly does mean a lot to me but apart from that i really do hope you guys have a great your day and peace
Channel: Fru
Views: 2,327,171
Rating: 4.8767533 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft i survived, minecraft deserted island, minecraft surviving on a deserted island, minecraft island, minecraft survival island, minecraft volcano, minecraft 100 days, minecraft surviving, minecraft i survived on a deserted island, i survived on a deserted island minecraft, minecraft survival, this is what happened, minecraft challenge, minecraft i survived 100 days, minecraft desert island, minecraft i survived island, island minecraft
Id: W3M-0VNtYgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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