Minecraft, But You Can Craft OP Structures...

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all right let's just keep going this way yo wait why is there just a random chest over there i guess i'll go check it out all right let's see what's in the chest and oh wait what what even is this should i put it in the crafting table i mean i guess so let's just go ahead and grab all of it out of here real quick okay i think it was something like this and wait what opn city block i guess let's just craft it and see what it does three two one and oh yeah just as i thought absolutely nothing anyway let's just go ahead and wait what why is there an end city just being built and why is it made out of diamond blocks wait whoa this is minecraft but you can craft opie structures in this video i will be able to craft any opi structures from pillager towers and nether fortresses to end cities and strongholds filled with opie loot can i beat the game with all of these super op structures well it's time to find out but to even craft anything i need some wood so then i can make myself a crafting table and seeing as we have the crafting table we should probably make some tools as well now the first structure i think we should get is probably either an opi village or even an o.p pillager tower wait and talking to villages we've literally just found one but the thing is this one is not op enough let's hope the villagers don't mind me taking their hay bales because i kind of need some food now to make the pillager tower i need some iron and luckily enough for us four iron is the perfect amount we needed because if we get some of this wood we can now craft the first op structure so all we need for the opi pillager tower is a chest in the center then we put the iron here and then finally the oak logs and this should give us an op pillager outpost block so if we take this thing we can now build an op pillager tower literally wherever we want you know what this is looking pretty good so let's put it down in three two one and oh let's go take a look at that we have emeralds lapis iron we don't even need to go mining for iron we literally have it right here let's also go and take a look at what we get in the chest okay here we go we have the chest up top let's take a look and we have ourselves oh we have some obsidian a levitation three potion a strength three potion this is going to be super useful a golden apple and netherright already and even an enchantment table okay that was pretty good but unfortunately for us a wooden pickaxe is not good enough to mine anything here so let's get ourselves some stone so we can make some stone tools we won't be needing these anymore and perfect now we can go ahead and do this and make pretty much full iron armor and tools thanks to the suprop pillager tower we now have full iron already and of course full iron tools let's also grab some of this lapis for enchanting later and also some emeralds so we can trade with the villagers now if this is what an op pillager tower looks like just imagine what the opie structures will look like later also it'd probably be a good idea to make a bucket and also a shield now i almost forgot seeing as i have these blocks of emeralds we can make a brand new opie structure so if we make ourselves a chest what we can do is put the chest in the middle and surround it with some oak logs and also some emeralds and this should give us an op village block now as you can see this village is just looking pretty normal so let's just go ahead and three two one okay there it is this is the smallest village i have ever seen i mean we should probably go and look and see what's inside okay we have a chest which gives us a oh oh we have ourselves our first diamond some more netheri some more obsidian so we can definitely go to the nether and a protection 10 book now seeing as i already have a bunch of emeralds and iron i definitely don't need any more so luckily for us there is a desert right here now the reason that this is good is because sand is needed to build an opi desert temple so now seeing as we have sand and also a chest the only thing we're missing is gold now maybe this ravine has some gold down here let's go check it out actually it does go even further we need to find some gold down here somewhere oh yes we finally found gold and not just a little bit there's actually a bunch okay let's also grab this and now we can finally make an op desert temple let's make ourselves a furnace and smell up this gold now the pillager tower and even the opi village were pretty good but i'm kind of hoping that the opi desert temple is going to be even better okay so i'm pretty sure you put three gold here put a chest in the center and then surround it in sand and it seems that i'm wrong maybe i put the gold up here okay there we have it the op pyramid block okay let's take this and see how overpowered this thing is i'm taking this pyramid over to the desert all right this seems like a pretty good place to go ahead and put it let's just go ahead and see what this does and um oh oh there it is oh wait we have diamonds whoa okay things are really getting overpowered right now we have diamond blocks you know what i'll get the diamond blocks in just a second but i need to see what's down here okay let's just break this right here and oh wait um there's just a bunch of sand for some reason i have no idea what is going on but there are chests let's break all of the tnt and see what we have ourselves in the chests i really hope this is op and we have okay this is way enchanted golden apple diamond blocks protection 10. there is so much good stuff what about this one we have a lightrs we now have elytras i really did not expect it to be this op but for some reason it is and we even have haste three potions okay the final chest contains a bunch more golden apples and even more tnt now this was by far the most overpowered thing and we can now make pretty much full diamond tools and armor this is pretty overpowered if i do say so myself okay it's safe to say that we definitely have some crafting to do so you know what i'm gonna make an anvil right here i'm also going to make full diamond armor and also tools and thanks to all of this xp we can now do some enchanting so let's put our elytras in here and give them a breaking tent let's give our chest plate protection x and turn into netherrite because why not and let's also do the same thing with our leggings let's also put knockback 10 on our sword and even turn that into netherright as well i definitely think we can head into the nether and start getting even more op structures okay we can now get our flint and steel and boom we can go into the nether all right here we go and our spawn is looking pretty good the good thing is about having the elytras finding the fortress is going to be super easy because we can literally just fly around and try and find it so far we're not getting the best luck but hopefully we can find a fortress soon there's a ruined portal over there but even better we can actually use some of these blocks to build another op structure so i think for this we need around about three chests and if we put them like this and surround it with this block right here we get ourselves an op bastion block now we know just how big bastions are so i don't think i want to do it over lava so for that reason i'm going to try and find somewhere safe to put this thing and you know what this place right here is actually looking perfect so let's just go ahead and place the op bastion block in three two one let's go okay come on this thing is probably gonna be really big oh yeah this is exactly how i expected it to look and just look how much oh wait hold on no wait i think it's going all the way through up here wait this thing is huge um i think we may have broken the nether okay on the bright side we have a bunch of gold blocks here which we can use for trading with piglins okay we found the first chest and we get ourselves oh yes this is exactly what we need actually we have some ender pearls right here we have even more nether right we'll take the gold block because why not and i think the rest of the stuff we pretty much already have enough of like i already have two totems already you know what finding chests in this thing is really hard so let's just head up to the top level and see what we can get in here whoa okay we have an infinity 10 book a knockback 10 book over here we have two more chests but they are submerged in soul sand this is what i'm talking about strength three potions the ender dragon is literally gonna stand no chance even more enchanted golden apples let's get those fireworks as well i still cannot believe how massive this bastion is bastion you definitely have been one of the best structures so far but we need to find a fortress because not only do we need blaze rods so we can fight the dragon we can also use things that we find in the fortress to build even more op structures ah yes we have located a fortress finally it took so long to find this now this is the loot that you get in a normal fortress and i cannot wait to compare it with the loot that we get in the op fortress okay i found some blazers so i've drunk another fire resistance potion let's eat one of our enchanted golden apples and let's just take out as many of these as we can okay we have our first blaze rod i think i should get around about 10 blaze rods to be on the safe side and perfect we now have 10 blaze rods exactly now i can actually use one of these blaze rods to make a op nether fortress so if i put netherrack like this and put some obsidian here and then put one blaze rod in the center this will give us an op nether fortress block this fortress was a little bit more expensive to make than the other ones so i'm really hoping it has even more opi loot than the others okay so there's nothing too close i'm gonna go ahead and place it down let's see just how broken this thing is about to be all right three two one and wait wait oh oh wait it's made out of nether right blocks whoa this thing is the most broken one so far it is literally made out of full netherright blocks oh yes take a look at this there's just random parts of the fortress just scattered around randomly okay let's see if there's some chests inside here and okay once again it is too big that it is literally gone inside of a wall whoa look at this it's it's full netherright it is literally full netherright i have now upgraded our pickaxe to netherright anyway now we definitely have enough netherright to just go ahead and upgrade absolutely everything my diamond boots and my diamond helmets okay let's get out of here now the most overpowered structure is definitely going to be the opn city so when we get that i'm kind of hoping that gives us efficiency 10 or something insane like that okay the last thing we have to do before we leave the nether is to get a bunch of trades off this piglen because not only do we need eye vendors to go ahead and find the stronghold but i can also craft an op stronghold which i kind of really want to do so let's hope this piglen gives us some good trades oh by the looks of things we already have an ender pearl down there let's actually go ahead and grab that really quickly how many oh we have 10. i also think it would be a good idea to grab these arrows as well because we can actually make a bow and arrow which will give us a use for this power tempo so you know what let's get some sticks and some string and make a bow and then put the power 10 book on it and there we go oh no the piglin has completely run out of gold and i have no more left which can only mean one thing i guess we're just gonna have to go into the op stronghold and hope we can find some ender poles in the chests and well if that doesn't work i guess we could just go ahead and get some enderman back into the overworld we go i have absolutely no idea where i am that's fine though because all i need to do now is get some stone because stone is one of the resources that's needed to make the op stronghold anyway though let's turn the ender poles into eyes of ender and then place a piece of stone here and a piece of stone here and when i put the eye vendor in the center this should craft us an op stronghold okay let's go ahead and do it and there it is yes we have the op stronghold block now this thing may be one of the best structures that we have crafted in this video let's actually go ahead and place the stronghold right here in midair all right here we go opie stronghold block do not let us down three two one and okay there it goes there it goes and oh this is the best one in terms of blocks i mean we literally have gold diamond netherright this one is insane and i mean this is what stronghold just looks like in mid-air as well which is kind of interesting oh i didn't even realize but the libraries you can actually go ahead and get the stuff from here you know what let's actually grab some of this really quickly let's go ahead and grab the flame book right here and you know what let's just go ahead and put that on our bow let's just put this protection 10 on our boots we have another chest and yes it has sharpness 10 and i know exactly where that's going sharpness 10 on the nether eye axe another chest here please have an eye vendor inside it doesn't but we got even more xp oh we have another library here which actually just has a zombie inside it right let's get rid of this and let's see what the chest has we have i'm breaking ten let's put this on breaking ten on our bow oh there are so many mobs let's just drink this haste three potion um what is going on look how fast this goes i'm not getting lucky with ender poles at all i literally haven't found one single one so there is a chance we may just have to go and see how many eyes are already in the portal okay where's the portal room at hold up a second i think we have found it wait hold on a second let's get rid of these silverfish we don't even wait we don't even need our either vendor it already has all of them in i guess i should have expected that seeing as this is an op stronghold but i mean i at least thought i would have needed like one or something anyway that works out great for us it's time to go into the end and craft an opn city and not only that we also need to get rid of the dragon all right here we go we're in the end and i have no idea where i am where is the dragon okay the dragon's right there you know what before we fight the dragon let's go ahead and craft the opn city so to do it we put end stone there iron ingots right there and then a chest in the middle and there we have it an opn city block all right let's go over here and place it really quickly three two one come on opnc don't let us down and okay i don't know where it is uh oh there we go okay it keeps going and it is literally made fully out of diamond blocks it's it's literally still going it is still going okay while it's still being built let's get some chests from this thing all right here we go two chests come on what do we get we get ourselves even more fireworks which is always good more enchanted golden apples we have tnt which is perfect i think we should use this against the dragon yes we've got even more chests here we have some eyes of ender in this one and we also have efficiency 10 finally yes this pickaxe is the most satisfying thing ever let's fly up in the air and it's probably a good idea just to go around and take out each crystal one by one elytras make this so easy okay let's quickly get this one and there we go the only two left of these ones in cages we got that one and there we go let's use all of this tnt i've collected and see if our plan will work what if we just fill this completely up with tnt and then explode all of it this should either one hit the dragon or get it extremely weak okay our flint and steelers out let's wait for the dragon to come to the middle and you know what let's drink some potions while we're waiting our bow seems to do quite a bit of damage but the dragon is here so let's quickly get the flint and steel let's go let's go let's go come on please work oh oh no wait oh no that was a bad idea i completely forgot about enderman it's okay that we have a sharpness 10 axe we can take these out pretty easily they're literally one hit okay i think it's just a good idea to go with our bow wait is it coming down again the bow shots do so much damage come on this is such a scuffed ender dragon fight this should do it right here one more hit come on no okay no way the dragon is so weak let's see if we can take it out in midair with our fireworks come on dragon come on one hit is all it's gonna take right now dragon please please why is it so hard to hit come on wait hold on it's coming down to the middle come on all it will take is one hit right now do we have another strength potion okay let's quickly drink this okay it's right here come on and three two one no come on yes one more hit come on surely there we go yes finally that took so long to do with the axe but we have finally got rid of the ender dragon now that is how you beat minecraft with op structures anyway thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Fru
Views: 1,707,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but you can craft structures, minecraft but you can craft op structures, minecraft structures, minecraft op structures, minecraft but structures are extremely op, minecraft but structures, minecraft but op, craft structures, but you can craft structures, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrun, craft, structures, op structures, op crafting, minecraft op, structures op, craft op structures
Id: T_oaix3x0Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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