Minecraft, But You Can Combine Any Items...

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let's go i can finally make a diamond pickaxe which means i won't be needing these anymore but it would be a shame if i just got rid of them so what could i do wait i wonder what would happen if i just put all of these in here surely nothing right surely absolutely nothing wait ultimate pickaxe i haven't seen this thing before let's go and test it out oh diamonds okay ultimate pickaxe let's see what you can do three two one wait what's happening wait where am i wait whoa this is minecraft but you can combine any items together in this video i will be able to combine any items together to get really weird and opie items each with their own abilities can i create good enough items to beat the game well it's time to find out alright here we go now usually in minecraft you would start off by making a crafting table and even some wooden tools which is exactly what we're going to do but the difference is we can make things much cooler than these because in this video we can combine literally any items together and well if you don't get what that means let me show you let's just get some random things let's get some seeds let's get some flowers let's get this dirt block anything will work so let's go ahead and grab something as random as these saplings so when i say we can combine literally anything i really mean anything so we could make a dirt sword we could make a seed sword if we combine it with the wheat seeds let's take another one of our tools we can make a flower shovel let's take our axe and we can even combine together things like saplings and wooden axes if we can make things as stupid as a sapling axe just imagine what we'll be able to make later now here is the fun bit all of these items have abilities so whatever we create in this video should do something but as you can see i'm kind of struggling to see what the sapling axe can do because it's chopping at a normal speed now what happens if i just try this oh yes we have infinite saplings okay let's make a dirt sword let's make a flower shovel now i'm guessing because this is a sword we'll have to use it on something and let's see what it does oh wait wait what whoa it just one hit the sheep and even dropped a dirt block you know what let's go and combine everything together but before we do i need to find a village because my hunger is already beginning to deplete oh yes there's a village right there and i've managed to get extremely lucky with the ruined portal right here all right let's see what it has okay some pretty good stuff this is going to be very useful because we can take all of these hay bales and finally make ourselves some food i also just remembered i forgot to test out what the seed sword does let's try it on this iron golem okay and we get ourselves five iron but the seed sword seemed pretty normal so if we just go ahead and yes wait it is literally just bone meal anyway let's hope the villagers don't mind me stealing their cobblestone and also their bookshelves because we can use these for enchanting later let's make ourselves a stone pickaxe and also a stone sword and well i almost forgot seeing as we can combine literally anything in this video why don't we see what this does okay combining a stone pickaxe on his stone sword actually works and it gives us a wait what hold on just a second it's not only a sword but it's also a pickaxe this thing is genius speaking of genius let's get some sand and see what glass tools look like we have ourselves some fresh tools and we have some glass i'm hoping this looks cool okay so with the glass we can just make a glass pickaxe and with the sword we can make a glass sword okay we can make both so let's make the glass sword and also the glass pickaxe wait x-ray pickaxe no wait no no surely it won't this isn't going to do what i think it's going to do right okay let's test out the sword first and oh it's actually very powerful let's find a cave and test the pickaxe out i'm excited okay there's a cave right here and there appears to only be one baby zombie down there let's get a little bit of this stone and see what it does i really want it to make everything x-ray but i i don't know if it will okay three two one and come on come on oh wait not only does it turn things x-ray it turns things all to glass wait does it work if i mind this oh yes it does we have to keep this pickaxe very very safe thanks to the x-ray pickaxe i can just go ahead and get all of this iron and i'll also get some coal too so while i'm waiting for all this iron to smell let's think of some more combinations so i'm thinking obsidian in a stone saw but i kind of want to save the obsidian for when i get like iron or diamonds oh wait just a second i think i may be onto something if we take these fireworks right now i'm thinking maybe we combine it with the stone sword i'm hoping this maybe does something this may be the most genius combination of this video and i know there's infinite combinations but i'm just trying to find the best ones okay come on stone sword please do it yes i mean i don't know what i expected a sword with fireworks is bound to give us a firework sword but anyway all right let's take this and see what this does actually we have a skeleton trap down here let's get it okay let's see what it does oh that's so cool whenever we hit something it literally launches fireworks let's make an iron pickaxe an iron chest plate a sword and also an axe so we could make an obsidian sword but as i said i kind of think obsidian's gonna be really cool and i want to save it for diamonds okay let's put bread in and that gives us a bread sword okay let's take the bread sword and let's see if we can actually wait let's see if we can eat this thing we've lost some hunger let's see if we can do this and yes we can it actually appears we could just continuously eat it which means we definitely won't be needing this anymore okay let's combine our chest plate with the obsidian oh wait actually i did want to try the golden apple all right let's try the golden apple and it looks like a gold chess plate but it's actually a regen chest plate with plus five armor and plus 2.5 armor toughness which isn't 20 so let's see what this thing does and boom okay it definitely just looks like a gold chest plate wait a second i didn't even realize our hearts wait have we got we've got regen okay let's pick up the furnace and let's go find some diamonds but actually let's upgrade our pickaxe and i think the best way to do that is actually this is definitely an obvious combination and i'm pretty sure i know what i can expect here if i combine these together what do we get okay an iron pickaxe and stone pickaxe does pretty much what you would think and it just combines the two together to make an iron stone pickaxe and it's pretty quick it's actually quite good i don't want to keep wasting our iron but i cannot help my temptation of trying out coal on a pickaxe and again it's pretty obvious but we got ourselves a coal pickaxe but now i think it's time that we go find some diamonds and start making our way to the nether if we can't find diamonds by doing this then there's literally no hope and would you take a look at that we have already found some diamonds let's pick ourselves up some of this redstone on the way but here we go we have found eight diamonds right here wait a second i forgot to test out the coal pickaxe and yeah wait yes this makes everything so much easier we don't even need a furnace anymore it's an auto smelt pickaxe okay i know that there's definitely cooler ones like the x-ray pickaxe is by far much cooler than this but the coal pickaxe is probably the most useful tool ever all right i found some gold and with the coal pickaxe it seems like absolutely no problem we can just pick it up and it's pretty much the ingot straight away it already comes smelted this is perfect and i've managed to find some more diamonds which means we can now make probably some diamond tools and maybe some armor let's really quickly get ourselves a bucket of lava and let's also make a diamond pickaxe and also some leggings perfect i don't think we have boots or a helmet yes let's just quickly make boots really quickly put all of this on and let's also combine the pickaxe with something and actually no let's just combine the arm while we're at it okay so for the boots i think i'm just gonna go with maybe redstone we could do gold but i think that would just make gold boots which is you know pretty normal okay let's do redstone and that gives us redstone boots okay let's take those and then let's also do something that i've wanted to do with this obsidian for so long okay three two one and okay it works okay we have ourselves some obsidian leggings okay let's check out what these look like okay let's put the obsidian leggings on and we are looking pretty good unlike the regen chest plate the obsidian leggings don't do anything but they have an insane amount of armor and also armor toughness so this is just gonna be really good fighting against any mobs all right now let's see what the boots do three two one and wait oh the redstone boots give us speed two and we now have five diamonds which of course is the perfect amount for a diamond helmet now so far we've done pretty normal combinations we've put a firework with a sword we've put glass with some of our tools we've even put flowers with some of our shovels but i think out of everything in my inventory the most interesting thing is this bucket of lava all right here we go lava bucket do not let us down okay here we go give us something good and it gives us a lava helmet oh actually a flame helmet it is time to see what this helmet does so here we go three two one and boom oh it does definitely look like lava does it give us any effects oh it does it gives us fire resistance four this could end badly but i really want to test this out we can just swim in lava i thought when it said fire resistance 4 that just meant that we would take really small amounts of damage from lava but no we could just we could just swim in this seeing as we've done some pretty crazy combinations what would happen if we combine every single pickaxe together that is what i want to know so i think we're just going to do it i have no idea if this is going to end well but let's just combine them all in the crafting bench just like this and then finally the diamond pickaxe let's see what it gives us it works and this is the weirdest thing we've made all video in fact this is the weirdest thing i've seen in minecraft the only reason i want this to do something good is because we are sacrificing my only diamond pickaxe for this so this is either going to end really good and we're going to be using our diamond pickaxe for a really good reason or it's going to be really bad but i feel like i have to try this thing um this thing looks incredibly broken i think the smartest idea is to probably use it on some coal and see if it has like fortune or anything like that so you know what let's just go for it in three two one let's see what it does oh no no there's literally diamonds right there this thing is a beast but we have to be careful of lava it just mines huge amounts this thing is crazy this definitely tops the glass pickaxe just when i thought we couldn't get any better we get this thing i could do this all day look at me go and the thing is i've picked up six diamonds without even realizing and boom we should now have enough obsidian which means we are good to go into the nether and get some blaze rods and of course we need the blaze rods to get to the end portal but before we do let's see if we can do one last combination so i think it's best we just have a normal pickaxe so this doesn't happen when we mine every time i also just remembered we can literally make an enchantment table which is going to make our already op items even more opaque let's put this thing down and let's also take off our armor so we can enchant this as well okay the lapis goes in and let's enchant our stuff so redstone boots protection one obsidian leggings protection one as well regen chest plate protection one flame helmet let's give that protection one as well listen chant our fireworks sword with knockback one our glass sword with sharpness one and the thing i'm most excited about the ultimate pickaxe let's give this efficiency one as well we're looking pretty cool let's head into the nether you know what though i think i might combine my diamond pickaxe with the enchantment table that could be good maybe we can make it a diamond block pickaxe let's actually see if that would work and it's called the rich pickaxe so i'm guessing this just makes it look cooler anyway though it's about time that we head into the nether and we are in we have some gas up there so i'm just gonna block off the portal but it would be good if we can make a bow so we'll do that later we're definitely gonna need a bow against the end of dragon and we've got lucky there's a fortress right there let's head over to the fortress and seeing as we have the lava helmet we should just be able to do this we can swim through lava i'm also getting a little bit hungry but i think we all know what that means i can bring out the bread sword okay let's be careful and get through here and as i actually imagined the rich pickaxe doesn't do anything as you can see it just looks pretty cool and perfect we found ourselves a blaze spawner okay let's see if we can get some blaze rods and seeing as we have fire protection they can literally do nothing to us actually you know what we may have to waste one blaze rod because i need to see what a blaze rod sword looks like and just as i expected it's just a blaze rod on a sword i'm using a blaze sword to take out blazes okay we need one more blaze on and then i'm safe to go oh and we just got it we have the blaze rods all i need now is the ender pearls so to be able to get the ender poles i need some gold so then i can trade with the piglens all right let's go ahead and get some of this gold let's just wait so the rich pickaxe actually does do something um i think this is gonna be enough gold i i really didn't think this actually did anything okay let's turn this all into ingots and give them all to the piglin but i am still shocked over the rich pickaxe this thing is just literally broken please tell me it works with quartz i just want to see this oh yes it does come on piglin please give us some menopause yes let's quickly make a bow and keep our arrows there as well and let's enchant the bow with power one still no signs of ender poles in there so you know what let's use the ultimate pickaxe on the fortress and oh let's stay back we could probably get rid of this whole fortress really quickly and the pulse is good but i think i need one more drop from these piglens just so i can be extra safe while i wait for the piglens i'm just gonna make another portal so we can escape nice and quick there's so many items down there i cannot tell what is what so i'm just going to run through and see if i can get some ender pearls oh yes we have 12 that is literally all we needed let's go okay let's go and find the stronghold but not only that let's also get some more combinations i'm getting a little bit closer to the stronghold but the only problem is my chest plate has broken so i need to make a new chest plate and i think the best thing to do is obsidian because i know that this is extremely strong and we'll go ahead and enchant that with protection one it also looks like my helmet's about to break so you know what i think we should get rid of this and combine a new helmet with some cactus now if a cactus helmet does work it might actually do damage to enemies when they try and hit me because cactus is a it's a little bit spiky okay here we go and we get a cactus helmet and i'm just gonna quickly put that in the enchanting table and give it protection one and you know what the redstone boots are really good but i'm kind of scared they're gonna break as well so you know what i think i'm actually just going to go ahead and make some cactus boots as well we got protection one on those as well and we are looking ready to go okay i also just realized i have some gunpowder so let's just go ahead and make like a tnt pickaxe actually let's just combine it with the sword and see if this does anything good okay we get a tnt sword i'm hoping this is better than the firework one so we may as well put that in the enchantment table as well okay i'd say we're pretty good to go ahead and fight the dragon we just have to keep going this way this could get dangerous but let's try it three two one oh it does exactly what i thought it would do and does it do damage to me okay it still does damage to me is that the stronghold i think we've found we've found a stronghold and it's literally under water the end portal is literally right here this is the best thing that could have ever happened we have an end portal it has no isa vendor in the frames which means i am going to have to go and get one more eye of ender yes now all we have to do is this and then we're in okay here we go the ender dragon is over there the dragon is in the middle but we need to get rid of these end crystals so it can't regenerate i've just realized something the dragon has completely destroyed our armor okay i was lucky enough to get this ender pole let's combine it with an iron sword and see if this does anything this is the last combination we can probably do okay we have ourselves an ender sword we have combined some really random items in this video so let's see if this does anything good with the dragon but first off let's get rid of the end crystals okay let's get that one and also that one over there yes the dragon's gone away and the only two things left are the ones in cages come on this has to work yes come on and yes there we go okay i'm just going to check if this end sword has an ability okay three two one does it do anything oh it literally just randomly teleports you all right come on let's see what this does let's see if it does good damage okay it does not bad damage what about the firework sword is that better all the fireworks sword is really good oh no come on come on come on come on yes come on dragon please it's broke all of our armor we only have a chest plate left let's finish it here please please come on only a few more hits no yes we may have to finish it off with the bow here we go it's back down in the middle come on dragon please please one more hit i think let's go now that is how you beat the game with combining items anyway thank you guys all so much for watching and peace
Channel: Fru
Views: 5,564,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but you can combine any items, minecraft but you can combine items together, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft you can craft any item, minecraft combine items, combine minecraft, items combine, minecraft craft any item, minecraft custom items, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrun, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft op items, minecraft combine items together, minecraft combine any item, minecraft merge items, combine, items
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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