We Survived 100 Days Of HARDCORE Minecraft In A JUNGLE ONLY World As A DUO... Here's What Happened

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imagine waking up in the middle of the unknown you get up look around and you suddenly realize you are in a never-ending jungle the bushy terrain makes you lose large amounts of energy at every step and food is very difficult to find your only choice is to climb the immense trees and seek refuge in the skies above in this video rake and i survived for 100 days of hardcore minecraft in a jungle-only world for more of a challenge we decided to set ourselves a simple rule that we would only be allowed to build in the trees animal farms are of course included as well as crop farms so on day one i started off by gathering a bit of wood to be able to make a crafting table and with that crafting table i decided to make a wooden pickaxe i then went to get a bit of stone to make two pickaxes for rake and i and then we started mining for some coal and some iron we then set off into the jungle and we came across some bamboo and some melons which are actually going to be our only source of food for the whole day once we arrived to a lake we decided to continue by boat we kept looking around to see if we could find any animals or a nice place to live and instead we found a jungle temple were quite disappointed because the first chest was just filled with zombie flesh but we took it anyway because we needed the food we wanted to go build our base but the night had fallen so we thought it would be much safer to go mining instead even before i reached level 12 i actually found a mine shaft so we decided to go explore in the safest way possible because we would just place blocks everywhere we just didn't want to die immediately as we didn't find any sheep our only way to make beds was by collecting all the string we could find on day two we start off the day by chopping down some trees because we wanted to make our base in some large trees we had seen and we actually saw a cute parrot i named him jack but i couldn't tame him because i didn't have enough seeds raked started building a platform so i decided to run back to the temple to get stuff from the chests when i came back out the night had fallen so rake joined me and we decided to go back down to the mines to try and find some diamonds [Music] i needed some sticks and rick needed some coal so we made a fair exchange at one point rake found a lava pool so i came over thinking there would be some diamonds but there was only some coal and i took it anyway because i needed the xp on day three i found my first gold followed by some lapis and guess what i also found my first diamonds at first i thought it was a vein of eight diamonds but when i dug around it there was one missing nevertheless i now had a diamond pickaxe so i went back to the lake that reiket found earlier on to mine some obsidian at first i was mining without a water bucket but when this happened i just had to go ask greg for one when we came back up it was still nighttime and we got a little surprise when the sun came up on the fourth day we decided to go back out to our base and we got another surprise when we arrived back to base i checked out brake's platform and i thought it would be a good idea if i did the same on another tree because like expanding the base from tree to tree would really look awesome and we would definitely need more space for like farms and storage [Music] so basically i started building my platform and i kind of got it wrong because i use full blocks and i should have used slabs instead [Music] when i came i hadn't finished much but it was getting dark so i went to bed day five i finished my platform which would be a kind of storage area and then i started building a bridge to connect to another tree [Music] i made this platform much bigger because it was going to be the animal farm if ever i managed to find any animals i went looking deep into the jungle to see if i could find any animals and i actually came across three chickens i also found some melons and some sugar canes as i had some seeds on me i lured the chickens back to her base now the next challenge would be to get them in the trees so i started making an ugly but practical staircase up to the platform thankfully the chickens hadn't gone too far and i managed to find two and i bought them up no idea what happened to the third one [Music] though i started off day six by cutting down some trees and then i went to see the design of rake's crop farms which were actually quite nice because if we had made really large platforms it would just have looked obnoxious in the trees i then went back to get the remaining chests that were in the jungle temple to bring them back to base i went back into the jungle because i really wanted to find some more animals and i actually got quite lucky because i found a cow i quickly looked around to see if there was a second one but there wasn't and the cow actually had a friend because there was a blue parrot that kept following it i was wondering if the parrot was actually jack once i got the cows safely in the farm i went back to try and find a second one and i found a second one uh i was quite astonished that i hadn't found any sheep instead once i got the second cow in the pen i went to the crop farm to get some wheat to be able to breed them on day seven when i arrived back to the farm there was actually a cow that had climbed the vines and rick was having fun with some trapdoors as usual i then went to get some clay to be able to make some plant pots to decorate and i also got some ferns and some flowers rake also shown me a nice design he had made for some bunk beds and you'll see how that worked out soon enough [Music] i spent the rest of the day simply decorating with my plant pots and then i went to bed [Music] on day eight rake woke up in the roof yeah so clearly the bunk bed idea was a good one but the roof wasn't high enough i then removed the staircase i built for the animals because it did not look nice a cool thing with living in the trees was that we could just jump in the lake every time we wanted to go to the temple so that was quite fun so basically we went back into the mine shaft to get some more resources and at one point we came across a lot of zombies but it was quite funny because they kept pushing each other into the lava [Music] after exploring the mine shaft quite a bit we arrived to ravine and ray got a surprise creeper [Music] hey after that we went to explore another part of the mine shaft and we found some pretty good chests and one of them had fortune 2 so that would be quite practical when we found some diamonds we also reached a lot of dead ends and just turned back and then we found a name tag in a chest and then it was my turn to get a surprise creeper i literally almost died oh yeah and guess what i basically just had my health back and another creeper came along i just put my shield off i did not want to take any chances and then guess what a bunch of zombies came out of nowhere i really thought it would be the end after that ray gave me a golden apple so that it wouldn't happen again and we decided to just get out of there and here's a snippet of me drinking water and playing the game at the same time we then headed back to base and rake and made a kind of waterfalls to make it easier for us to go back up on day 11 rake woke up in the roof and i went to feed the chickens we then plunged back to the temple and went mining for all those of you who would like to see breaks perspective i have an important message for you at the end of the video at one point i found some diamonds and i remembered we had a fortune two enchanting books back at the base so i went back to make an anvil i only got three diamonds out of two but i guess i couldn't expect much when i was starting off with only two raked also found some diamonds so i gave him the pickaxe and went to see how much he'd found i can't remember exactly but i think he got a good amount and we were impressed that fortune 2 worked so well at that moment i wasn't really paying attention and that almost cost me my life thankfully rake was here to save me [Music] in that same cave wright found some more diamonds which meant that we would soon be able to make some diamond armor we kept seeing a ton of zombies all the time like we just didn't know why so after getting past two creepers we finally understood why there was actually a zombie spawner on day 13 i mined some coal and i almost killed rake well thankfully he was alive so we basically continued exploring the cave and we came across the mandarin so we killed them to try and get some ender pearls we were actually planning on trying to find the stronghold to be able to get a bunch of books to make bookshelves for the enchanting table and there could also be some good enchanted books so it was definitely worth it on day 14 a chicken had managed to climb in the tree and a few seconds after accounted the same rake found a good solution for that problem which would be to place some string under the vines i then made reikinize some pickaxes and some diamond chest plates [Music] i then went fishing a bit and when i came back up rake was on some bamboo [Music] on day 15 i went back fishing for a bit and rake made a platform for the portal and of course he decorated it with trap doors [Music] i then went to breed the animals and went to bed [Music] as the crop farm was a bit small we decided to make another platform to extend it whilst i was recording this video i was also doing my aesthetic house tutorial at the same time so when i went back in the world i still had the shaders on so i decided to just go and have a look around we decided to go back down to the zombie spawner to get a bit of xp for when we get the enchanting table [Music] at one point replace the trapdoor to make it easier for us to go get the loot at one point i accidentally got stuck under the trapdoor one zombie had full gold armor and he actually dropped a chest plate and a helmet not that it would actually be useful because gold breaks in like two seconds on day 19 i cut down some trees and actually found jack again and this time i had loads of seeds on me and i managed to tame him it was sweet because he actually held me company whilst i was cutting down some trees once i had seated jack in a safe place i looked up and there was actually a cow on the fence the animal pen was getting a bit crammed up so i took some string and i made some carpets to make it easier to go in and out without the animals all coming out [Music] i killed the two chickens that had gone out but i just couldn't kill the baby on day 20 i decided to build another platform in a tree where we would actually put the beds by the end of the day i had almost finished the roof of the little tree hut i went to get the bunk beds to place them in the new hut but then i thought it would be better if we just stopped the bunk bed idea because rake was really fed up of waking up in the roof all the time on day 21 i finished decorating the place and rei came up to give me a diamond helmet [Music] on day 22 i hatched some eggs to get more chickens of course another cow had climbed onto the fence so i went to get some string to prevent the vines from growing we entered the nether and thankfully we actually ended up in a very safe place we could hear some piglets not far off and we ended up in a crimson forest and so we immediately started trading we were hoping that the piglens would give us some ender pearls and they did which would be great for going to the stronghold of course we had to come across some hoglands at the end of the crimson forest we found an entrance to another fortress there were a lot of blazes around so i drank a fire resistance potion to make everything a bit easier we found a place spawner but it was completely open so we decided to put a roof and some walls around it so that the blazers would spawn inside at one point the gas was just attacking us so we dug down to escape from it it kept attacking rake so i shot at it from a distance and managed to kill it loads of blazes had spawned in the spawner above us so we had no choice and we ran straight into a warp force which was perfect because we could now get loads of ender pearls [Music] when we had enough ender pearls we went back up to the fortress to try and find all the chests and also to get some netherwards to be able to make some potions [Music] the chests were quite mediocre but i guess you can't just be lucky all the time once we got the netherwarts we decided to head home and as you can clearly see we were completely lost at one point right decided to dig into the netherrack bit randomly and we arrived in the crimson forest but it was not at all where we had started so we went back into the fortress and finally we found where we had came in a hogland was actually on the little bridge we had built to get home so i had to shoot at it from a distance but of course there was a zombified piglen right next to it so it was quite risky but finally i managed to kill it and we were able to head home [Music] when we came back to the overworld we found out we had some visitors i fed the animals and then i made an ender eye out of ender pearls and we went to bed because we would be heading to the stronghold the next day it started raining just before we went to bed and rake stayed up in awe we went to large open space of our tree base to throw the first under eye for the next few days we followed the eyes into the jungle and walked and walked and walked at one point i actually stepped over some lava but thankfully there were some leaves between the lava and me we also found two different broken portals and we looted the chests and there was actually a gold block on the first one which was quite handy [Music] on day 30 we finally found the portal and the eye sank into the ground we entered the stronghold and looked around and we quickly found the portal but we weren't going in just yet we weren't close to being prepared [Music] as we had plenty of under eyes we decided to place them all but one [Music] we then found a library and we actually got pretty disappointed because the chests weren't good at all like one chest had a few good enchanted books and the other chest had like food paper and books in it still we got what we came here for all the books there was actually a spider spawner right next to the library but we didn't go in it because we didn't want to get bitten by some poisonous spiders rake heard some mobs behind a wall and he let the creeper explode and it actually led to another library [Music] and guess what i have never gotten loot as bad as this like ever it was just books and paper like we were so disappointed we wish we had like maybe a mending book but no before going back up to the surface right place some water so that next time we would just have to jump in when we arrived back home we got an idea we wanted to build like a huge bridge connecting our main tree to another tree as there wasn't actually a tree right in front of our main tree we had to plant a new one [Music] so we started off by clearing the space where we would plant the tree then rake used bone meal for the tree to grow and then i went back to the main tree to be sure that it was well centered and rake made another tree on top [Music] we then started the bridge connecting the two trees so to do so we had to place a water bucket to be able to go under and place a slab [Music] on day 37 i continued the bridge on my side and rake went to the other tree and then we connected the bridge in the middle [Music] i started making a platform on the other tree and i was going to place there the enchanting table [Music] once i just finished decorating the enchanting place rake told me that it would have looked much nicer on the other side so i had to destroy it completely but you know honestly he was right it looked way nicer after also very important i placed some string under the vines because if the vines go over the bookshelves well the enchantment level goes down i was then able to get efficiency 4 on my pickaxe and i also got fortune 2. [Music] on day 39 i placed the grindstone near the enchanting place so that if we get an enchantment that we don't like we could easily take it off i then went farming a bit and i also had to kill a few animals because we were running low on food the sound of the chickens dying was honestly heartbreaking i kind of felt bad but i just didn't have a choice like the crop farms didn't produce enough food for us to just live on that when i went back down to the cave i mined a bit of coal to get some xp and guess what was just behind it some diamonds that was really really cool and that proves that you should always mine coal you never know what's behind we then went over to the zombie spawner because we wanted to get some xp to be able to start enchanting all our [Music] stuff days 40 to 50 just we're not very interesting because all we did was hit some zombies get some xp and enchant our stuff i got a lot of good enchantments but i also got some mediocre ones but i guess you can't be too picky like we didn't have any villagers at all to trade with so we only had the enchanting table as it was raining i went to do a bit of fishing because apparently when it rains i think you get more fish or something like that but i got bored quite quickly so i just went back down to the zombies i also remembered there was another way to get xp fast which was by mining some nether chords so i went back into the nether at one point i took a chance with unbreaking on my sword and i got sharpness force so that was really really good and i also took a chance with unbreaking on a helmet and it was really really bad i managed to get protection for on my chest plate and my leggings which was good but i still had to improve the helmet and the boots one night rake made a cake but we weren't hungry so we kind of forced ourselves to be hungry and we feasted on the cake on day 53 rake was standing on a lantern and i went back fishing i was peacefully fishing everything was good and an arrow hit me you know i knew it wasn't a skeleton because it only hit me once and then i saw rake throwing eggs at me i don't know why so i just had a ton of baby chickens like around me when i was fishing and then i saw rake doing like kind of figure eights with a boat and then he came towards me and he took a chicken in his boat and he went back off well actually the real reason he was doing all that was because we were waiting for phantoms to spawn because we needed the phantom membrane to get slow falling potions to attack the ender dragon we then remembered we could do something else whilst we were waiting which was go mining for netherite well ancient debris but everybody calls it netherrite [Music] for the next few days we mined at level 11 because we didn't have any tnt so we didn't go at level 14. and we both got about eight or nine ancient debris well i got a i think rate got nine so it was enough for to make two netherride ingots each [Music] [Music] [Music] i upgraded my chest plate and my leggings to nethereye and raked it his helmet and his chest plate [Music] i guess luck wasn't on our side because when the phantoms finally came none of them dropped some membrane so we had to wait for another day all we were missing for the under dragon fight was the slow falling potions so day 61 wasn't very productive and when i say unproductive i really mean it like we basically just played hide and seek around the base yeah not very mature at one point i decided to climb up a tree i thought it would be a good hiding place but i actually went on the wrong side of the tree so rake just saw me immediately i don't know why i didn't go on the other side [Music] at one point it was my turn to try and find rake and i just couldn't find him like i even went on top of a tree to have a better view i just could not find him and then i remembered there was one place i did not check which was the animal farm and guess what rake was there standing between the cows and the chickens [Music] [Music] when it was night time i put on the shaders again to see how the night sky would look and i honestly think the stars look really really nice then the phantoms came and we managed to get one membrane and after i brewed the potions i remembered that we were two so we actually needed six slow falling potions so we had to wait again for a day so on day 63 all we did was mine i was hoping i would find some diamonds but i didn't but i think break found a few the other nights we had only gotten two phantoms to spawn and this night we actually had four so we definitely had enough phantom membranes in the end tomorrow we would be heading to the stronghold so we had cookies and milk before bed the next day i tried to say goodbye to jack but i guess rake didn't want me to we then headed off into the jungle to find the stronghold again [Music] when we arrived all we had to do was jump in right placed the last eye on the portal and we went in we landed on a platform besides the island so we had to quickly make our way over we had barely arrived on the island that the dragon was already attacking us i then drank my slow falling potion and i started shooting arrows at the crystals i then went up a tower to destroy two crystals more easily and the dragon didn't seem too happy [Music] the dragon flew away but we managed to finish him off with our arrows [Music] after getting all the xp and the egg we decided we wanted to go find some encities [Music] of course i forgot to sneak and i almost fell off the island we spawned on typical me [Music] and so for the next few days we walked and walked and walked through the end trying to find an end city we came across one that actually had a boat which meant that there would be an elytra in it we fought our way up even though it wasn't actually too difficult the only risk was floating up too high and then falling [Music] we then had a shooting contest trying to kill off the shulkers that were on the boat oh and building a cross like that is honestly one of the most nerve-wracking things in the game we killed off the last shulker and got the elytra then rake went to get the dragon head and he put it on himself i had never actually seen that before it looks strange so of course i tried it on we then continued on our way to find another end city we got quite lucky because the second end city we found actually had a boat so we gathered some blocks to build across and went up oh and just before that i actually got attacked by an enderman because i accidentally looked at one when i was looking at the city and then one just hit me in the back and that actually surprised me at one point wright tried to help me get up the stairs but that didn't really work out [Music] i still don't know why rake had an arrow in the middle of his forehead when we reached the boat we finally got the second elytra and we can now fly home well actually no because we had forgotten fireworks so going home actually took a bit longer than expected but in the end we finally found an exit portal we then arrived back to the island and walked over jumped into the portal and we teleported home i made some more chests to store all the loot and i also made two item frames for us to put our elijahs i also placed down the dragon head and also the egg and it actually looked horrible but i couldn't bother picking them back up on day 90 i made the most of the enchantments i'd got by enchanting some tools on day 91 i cut down a lot of trees because i wanted to make some more platforms to make our base larger on day 92 i almost died these vines just literally saved me but at least the next time around i was a bit more careful [Music] i planted a tree over the already existing tree to make it a bit taller and then i started building a platform [Music] [Music] i then started making a large tree hood i wasn't really sure what i was going to use it for but i felt like building [Music] on day 95 it rained all day and basically all i did was plant some more trees [Music] [Music] the next few days i decided to make another platform not too far off from the animal farm and i made another little hut the animals were getting a bit crammed up in their pens so i had to sacrifice a few cows whilst i was doing all this rick was actually down in the caves mining and he actually found a zombie villager so of course i immediately went down with some rails and a minecart but when i found rake i realized that the villager actually had armor on so he could be protected from the sun i then raced back up to go build a staircase to bring the villager well the zombie villager up in the trees and of course when i went out it was night time so i almost got killed by a skeleton and a creeper but everything was fine in the end on 2099 i made the staircase and i used the water technique [Music] [Music] i then gave rick the signal that the staircase was ready and i saw him walk out of the temple in the distance [Music] rake lured the zombie villager inside and we trapped him i then made some splash potions of weakness with a fermented spider eye and some gunpowder i then gave rake the golden apple and we cured the zombie villager on day 100 i went to hatch a few eggs and i also did a bit of farming because i was just passing time waiting for the zombie villager to be cured when he was i went in to see him and i was surprised because he actually had a jungle outfit like i knew there weren't any villages in the jungles so i didn't think that villagers who spawned there would actually have a special outfit i then gave him a lectern for him to become a cleric to try and get mending and when i got mending i realized that i needed another villager to get some emeralds so that was useless and the villager clearly wasn't impressed thank you all so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed the video because it really took a long time to make so don't forget to leave a like and subscribe also the important message was that after we had finished recording break realized that more than half his footage was corrupted he therefore wasted a lot of time on a video he won't be able to post so i hope you will show him some support we both agreed that i should still post this video and i hope you will understand
Channel: Tootsie
Views: 622,889
Rating: 4.910255 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, minecraft 100 days jungle only, minecraft 100 days zombie apocalypse, minecraft 1000 days, minecraft 100 days hard mode, minecraft 100 days hardcore jungle, minecraft 100 days duo, minecraft 100 days one block, Minecraft 100 days hardcore, Minecraft lets play survival, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft 100 days modded, minecraft 100 days forge labs, minecraft 100 days rlcraft, pewdiepie minecraft, minecraft, minecraft 100 days amplified
Id: dD7HChrzuwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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