I Survived 100 Days in Ancient Greece in Hardcore Minecraft FT. GODS

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ancient greece a time of war democracy and some of the mightiest kingdoms the earth has ever seen in these next 100 days we will be facing down the mythological gods that rule this land taking on hades and zeus whilst conquering the kingdoms of greece and persia can we survive these next 100 days whilst making the gods and the empire of this world our enemies let's find out and take the city with me if this video hits 10 000 likes we'll do a part two enjoy the 100 days day one of surviving 100 days in ancient greece and as i spawned into the world i witnessed before me a wolf killing a sheep this was definitely a sign of times to come i knew that my future in these lands was going to be hostile and i was going to need all my wits about me so i began gathering some supplies i knew that i would have to form an army and match the empires that ruled this world this was going to be an experience like i had never had before inside of minecraft but like all 100 days first it was time to gather resources and start exploring the land i came across a village in the forest and i began looting it however i knew there were much more advanced civilizations that lived inside of this world this was a village of old but soon i would get to see the empires that ruled this land now and the armies that held within them whilst adventuring to the forest i found these beasts that tried to chase me and kill me and i barely escaped with my life and my carrots this land was dangerous and then out of nowhere i heard a noise behind me that could only mean one thing dragon i ran as fast as i could to escape i was in no way shape or form ready to take on one yet and with one blow he could end this hardcore series the next day whilst adventuring i found a small persian outpost a castle located in the middle of the desert i didn't know if they were hostile to me yet so i decided to approach as i got closer it seemed like they were friendly and then mounted soldiers and archers began to fire and chase me i knew they were definitely not friendly and i turned around and ran for my life this was only a small kingdom i knew there were much bigger kingdoms inside of this world if i was going to create armies to take these guys on let's just say this was going to get crazy if i could survive these next days i tried venturing to the other city-state to see if by chance they were friendly but again armored horsemen chased me away they wanted nothing to do with me a mistake i'm sure they would grow to regret that night after being chased all day in the desert i found a small house and i barely survived this was the mark of the start of these 100 days this was the land that i was going to conquer i would be back the next day i began my adventure out of the desert i didn't want to live in these lands i wanted to grow my empire in my own landscape so i began adventuring looking for anywhere green to begin my kingdom whilst exploring for new landscapes i found a village and i looted all the items within and then i saw it a giant cityscape with trebuchets different defense systems giant gates and an impenetrable wall surrounding it this city probably had amazing loot in it but i knew if i went anywhere close i would get hailed on by a rain of arrows i was definitely marking this for later the persian empire was known for its riches and i would see them mine whilst running around i noticed a rather large city-like structure with no walls so i thought maybe they would be friendly but as i approached closer i was immediately chased off by armed guards no walls apparently were not an invitation to come and say hi i spent the next day traveling until i found a spot that i thought would be suitable to begin growing my kingdom i wanted a pretty big flat land as building walls and different structures would require a lot of space once i chose the right place for it i began taking down this man's house and borrowing some of his hay as i knew the bread would be very useful in the early game i made sure to shut the door as i left his house so nothing could get in the next day i began gathering some supplies and preparing the groundwork to build my empire this was going to work a little bit differently than normal instead of resources to build my empire i was going to need to build fame workers and soldiers would come to me more and more as my fame increased so i had two options either serve the gods and increase my fame by doing their tasks or take down the gods take their power from my own and watch the world come to me and submit to my empire i didn't know which one i was going to choose yet but i spent most of the day gathering supplies and making sure i had a city center set the next day i ventured down into the mines i'd never seen the mines of ancient greece before this place was horrifying but also beautiful i was chased by a monster that i had never seen inside of the world this was one dangerous man but i was able to escape by running away as every hero does from time to time once i'd crafted myself an ancient roman set of legionnaire armor i decided i would go and face the foe but he was nowhere to be found so i left him behind but i was aware and i continued mining i spent all the next day mining as well even though it was not going to require resources to outfit my empire it would cost resources to build armor you see i was not after just one armor set anymore if i was going to build an army i was going to need to create hundreds of chest plates leggings and everything else this was going to require a lot of resources and although i was not going to gather them all right now i wanted to start so i could at least begin creating a small guard to guard my camp against any attacks that may come when i had finished mining and i began venturing home i noticed a large structure in the distance as i got closer i realized what it was a replica of the god zeus this kingdom was serving to him had not made up my mind yet if i was going to serve the gods or fight the gods i knew i was running out of time to choose as the gods were already watching me and wondering if i was going to be in their favor or not i think i had made up my mind at this point but i didn't want to say anything yet i began the next day by creating my city i knew i was going to have to create an empire if i was going to attract an army once i had some structures built i knew i could begin recruitment and begin guards i kept having giants and other mythical creatures attack me and my citizens i knew soon it would be time to get an armed guard roaming around to protect the empire i knew the giants were zeus's friends so if i gained favor with zeus i knew the giants would no longer attack me but i think i had a different game plan in mind the next day i began adventuring i began by taming a horse i wanted to see what these structures had to offer and potentially loot some small towers with not too many guards i wanted to know what they were guarding and how much it would advance me inside of this world whilst riding the next day i found this small group of soldiers i thought they were friendly at first but as i approached they began shooting at me and moving towards me i quickly made my escape the next day i found this castle i decided i was going to try and see if i could loot it on horseback but as i rode around i noticed there were no chests everything was inside that main house and although i was available to avoid most attacks getting into that house would be another story but i was a pog champ and i would not be defeated that easily so i began by creating a strategy i went to chop down a tree this was going to be vital i was going to try a robin hood maneuver and see if i could loot the house this was a stupid idea for day 13 in the hardcore series but i felt that it was the pogchamp thing to do i started out by running in circles and gathering as many soldiers as i could in the line once i did that i brought them the farthest away from the house and then charged at the house i then dismounted ran up the stairs and blocked the stairway some soldiers had made their way up so i began to fight them and the last one almost killed me but i was able to survive and it was definitely worth it the loot inside these chests would advance me a lot for this early in the game and i was very glad i did it but now i have to figure out how to get out i knew the only way out of here was if i get mounted back on my horse so i began bridging over to him being very cautious because if an archer shot me off i would die nearly instantly but i got close enough and i brought the soldiers back to the house and then sprinted back to the horse jumped off the ledge mounted the horse and i sprinted out that was close but we got away with all the loot i arrived home the night of day 14 to see that more villagers had come to my aid and more building had begun this was good because soon i was going to begin forging an army to push back against the alliances i had made my decision on where i stood in this world the next day i was attacked by some of the mystical creatures around my land i think they knew what i had chosen from there i crafted centurion armor this was an ancient roman type armor and although i'd be moving to different armor types in the future this was the next stage it set me out as a commander so that when my men came they would know who the leader was wells doing some more stuff that day i was attacked by a cyclops i believe the gods had figured out which side i had chosen but for now i was still trying to keep it a secret and then the first two soldiers of the kingdom were created these men would serve me until death it was my obligation to do everything i could to keep them alive so i outfitted them with all the armor that i had to offer legionnaire armor and from there they would guard my small kingdom the next day a lot happened i began the day by crafting legionnaire armor shields and iron swords for my men i wanted to give them axes but as a preset if i gave them an axe they would become a healer and i wanted them to become soldiers so a sword was the only option i then gave them rooting orders these orders would dictate which area they were to guard and patrol day and night they would come to the town hall for food but aside of that their lives would be dedicated to protecting the colony i then went and gathered some more resources from there i crafted a commander's baton this would allow me to command mass armies all at once so i wouldn't have to give them all work orders i wouldn't need this at the start but i wanted to begin learning how it worked so that when i was commanding 50 or 100 men there wouldn't be chaos all around i then began adventuring again i had no idea what this ancient land had to offer but i wanted to find out i found this ruined like structure and whilst exploring i found the undead which kept its keep i decided not to venture down as i would most likely die over the course of the next few days i began looting first i found this tower i knew i wouldn't be able to take it on by myself it is why i brought two soldiers with me and gear for them i figured if the soldiers could loot the towers with me i could then begin building an even stronger army this was a very small scale of what i wanted to do as attacking cities in the future would require siege machines and much greater armies but this little band and eye i figured would be enough so we approached the tower and we began fighting the guards as i opened the door the guards had the advantage as they held their shields up and with their spears that had increased range were able to keep me and my men at bay i knew if i wanted to get in i would need to break down the door i was able to break down the door with a wooden pickaxe that i crafted and then the guards came out to meet my men toe to toe we stood but we were able to fight them off we then pushed into the tower and began taking it on floor by floor once we had defeated the tower they would give us their banner until then though the tower would be locked and all the resources locked inside once we reached the top we found a siege machine and more guards we took the guards out and i claimed the siege machine this would be quite useful later when we would begin taking on cities the next day we began to raid small farms around the tower that was guarding them without those guards there they were pretty much helpless but these were the same empires that had turned me away when i was helpless and i would exact my revenge after killing the remaining guards at the farm i began looting everything they had and i killed their livestock so they could not support any more armies nearby whilst adventuring the next day i saw some men that were burning at stakes although i wasn't the biggest fan of witches in these times doctors were seen as witches when they tried to practice their medicine and i was not going to let them burn at the stake and as i got closer i noticed they were burning a villager as well this had to end i got to shore placed down my soldiers and immediately took down the innocent victims i had no idea what crimes they had committed but in my eyes they were free men and then i began the fight against the guards the spears they dropped prove quite useful as they can attack from quite a range so i used it back at them i used the water to my advantage because even though they were higher in number we were higher in tactic and we managed to kill them i then traveled back home and arrived home on day 25 i placed the banner at the town hall to signify my fame so that more people would come and follow me and then i made some more guards around the city i then went and adventured inside of the forest and i found these mutant-like spiders that had pumpkins on them i was not sure what mystical beings these were but i wanted nothing to do with them the next day i spent the entire day gathering cobblestone i was going to need quite a bit as soon i was going to begin building some structures myself although the villagers would build most of the city for me i had some of my own structures in mind that i wanted to create over the next few days i began creating my first structure by hand this was a stable i wanted to begin breeding horses so that soon my army could travel by horseback this was essential because should we be attacked by roaming barbarians or another city i wanted to be able to have a quick retaliation and having these men follow me on foot just was not going to work so i wanted to begin breeding up horses so that later if we needed to form an army on horseback we would have the horses available i used a mix of acacia wood and different stone elements it was a basic stable but as long as the horses had shade and it looked okay as i'm a horrible builder i figured it would all be good i started out day 29 by taming some wild horses around me i had no horses inside of my stables yet so i needed to get some from the surrounding area but thankfully ancient greece was crawling with wild horses after getting some horses inside of my stable i fed them some golden carrots i don't even eat this well what is this and that night we were attacked by a roaming horde they had red eyes and they had not come from this world this was haiti's doings i knew he wanted me to be eradicated before i could build up a big enough army to take him down we fought and every man bear his arms and font his ground i tried to help as much as i could by taking down the horseback riders and doing everything in my power to keep as many of my men alive in the end we lost a few soldiers but we defeated the army of hades i knew what my next task was going to have to be the next day i decided i wanted to make a statement to hades before i came for his head so i went down into the depths and i defeated the three-headed dog the mythical dog of greece once i had slain him i took his head and i threw it into the portal that would lead me to haiti's realm this was a sign that i was coming i began the next day by herding up all the horses that we had gathered from that attack i tried to make sure that i only killed the riders and kept the horses as we could use these later to fuel our own armies so i went around with leads and i began gathering all the horses i could the next day i spent adventuring and looting some more villages hades had made my decision for me i would not serve the gods i would take their power instead but to do that i would need to kill all the gods that resided over ancient greece and for that to happen i would need to become a lot more powerful so i began by gathering a bunch of resources and making sure my city was strong before i ventured out and began to take on the god of the underworld the next day i found this tower in the wild there were no mobs inside a side of spawners so i took them out for the experience points and i looted the chest atop the tower inside of the chest were some items with runes on them i had no idea how to read these yet but i knew they told ancient stories of old the next day i found another village to loot there was a lot of food and different items inside food was essential because if i was going to feed an entire army i would need a lot of food once i was finished looting the church and gathering the enchantment table as i wanted to have enchanted armor before i ventured into haiti's world i then was atop the church which is quite ironic if you think about it considering i was about to go and attack hades and then i thought the pogus thing to do was to jump off the top of the church and see if i could land in the water i had no idea why i thought this was a good idea but i landed the jump pog champ on the evening of day 34 i arrived back home and began setting up an enchantment area if i wanted to take down the god of the underworld i was going to need the best armor i could get at my level the next day after setting up the enchantment area i realized i had no lapis lazuli so i ventured back down into the mines and i met this thief but i was able to kill him before he stole my items and then i began venturing around the caves i picked up any iron i saw as i knew iron would be very useful for armor for my soldiers and then not only did i find lapis lazuli but i also found diamonds i wasn't going to mind the diamonds yet though i figured i could enchant a pickaxe and get fortune on it before i mined the diamonds up the next day when i returned back to the surface i began enchanting diamond armor there was much more powerful armor inside of this mon pack but i did not have access to it yet as i was not a demigod myself but for now i figured diamond armor would do just fine at least i hoped i'd never fought a god before who knows after i finished enchanting i made my way back down into the mines to gather up those diamonds to finish off my set these next few days were going to be crazy i then enchanted my armor and i headed into the portal it was now time to face hades i had made my decision i would not be ruled by the gods i would slay them and take their power from my own and become a demigod i then ventured back to haiti's portal and i went inside the head was gone i knew he knew i was coming many of his minions came to try and kill me with bosoned hand and evil looking eyes with antlers they tried to take me down but i fought my way through i wasn't here for them i was here for the god of the underworld hades of the gods you come against me you murder my beloved cerverics and now you come to face me beautiful fool just like the rest of your kind when i finish with you i will burn everything you love everything you've built everything you know face me now mortal and face my wrath and then the battle began with sword drawn we clashed i had never fought a god before and i had no idea if i was going to survive but i was giving it my all swing after swing my sword near broken but eventually we killed the god of the underworld hades he fell to my upon arriving back in the oval world a massive storm was brewing zeus must have found out that i'd killed hades and he was trying to kill me but i would not die so easy i then returned home on day 39 to see the village was expanding my fame was growing now that i had killed a god but i knew with fame came responsibility it was now a time to turn my little city into an empire i then spent the rest of the day enchanting tools i wanted efficiency on my pickaxes and my axes so i could begin gathering a lot of resources currently my house well i didn't have a house and i wanted to begin creating a beautiful abode to store all of my items and my bed i then headed back down into the mines more specifically just an open area to mine cobblestone i wanted a lot of cobble for this build because even though i wasn't going to need it all for my house i was going to need a big open space below the land this would come into play later but i spent the next few days just mining it out i spent the entirety of day 42 trying to see if i could recruit some of my military to do some farming tasks apparently these men actually farm and do other things but i couldn't figure it out i tried using the wiki i tried using everything so for now they remain as just my army and not as peasants after a few days wasted trying to figure it all out i decided i would venture back into the nether and collect some blaze rods the dragons that ruled the time of old i wanted their armor more specifically i wanted their scales to create armor with but if i was going to fight these ancient monsters i would need blaze rods on day 46 as i found a fortress a beast began throwing flames at me i had no idea what this was but i destroyed it and then i made my way into the fortress and began killing blaze and everything i could find within and looting the chests i made sure to take all the saddles and horse armor i could find so that when the time came and the cavalry was needed i would have everything i required on day 47 i found the blaze spawner i spent the entire day killing all the blazes that i needed i knew i would need around 10 to 15 blaze rods so i sat there and farmed manipulating the blaze so they wouldn't shoot me and most of the time i was able to avoid their flame i then returned to the overworld on day 48 and began crafting fire resistance potions this dragon's breath was deadly and i would need everything i could get if i was going to survive my battle with them whilst venturing on day 49 looking for dragons i found another castle i approached it trying to yank some armor from them but i was quickly chased out i couldn't wait until i had an army of my own and i could just overwhelm and siege these fortresses in this world dragons were very rare so it's taking quite a while to find them but i found a village with a blacksmith and of course i looted the chest and then on day 51 i saw it a green dragon of ancient times i quickly drank the potion of fire resistance and i began the battle with my sword nearly broken i charged in the battle was fierce and the breath was hotter than anything i'd experienced but in the end we were able to defeat him and i took his scales these scales were some of the most powerful armor pieces in the world only second to one but we'd be getting that a little bit later the next day whilst adventuring i found mountainous terrain that was filled with ice only the cold heart of a god could do this to such an area but we would face this later for now dragons were our only concern after a few more days of searching i found another dragon and the battle began for some reason this dragon was a lot more tough than the other one was and he almost killed me several times but thankfully to my evasion tactics and my bow i was able to bring him down back into the earth and whence he became once he returned i then removed his scales and ventured on i returned at midday on day 56 and i spent the next few days preparing to build my first house i like to change it up every time i build so i started out with having absolutely zero idea with what i was doing but i always liked the idea of pillars so i made a foundation and then began escaping out some pillars however whilst building i noticed that the guards i had placed were all but dead something had killed them i needed my city to be safe so i took a break from building and i began spawning some more guards in and equipping them i wanted my city to be safe and these guards i think could do the job i continued building the house from there and began working on the base outline and then began building it up this was going to be a really cool design i wanted to use the smoke stacks as storage areas and then i put a little design in the floor that i also thought would be cool i went with a standard roof type but still i thought it looked pretty pog i'm definitely not a builder so anything that looks half decent i'm okay with i then put the enchanting area under my house and i began transferring items into the house so that i wouldn't have to be running back and forth i want to say to my old house but it really wasn't a house it was just an area that i had placed chests in with my new armor and my new sword i decided it was time to tame my own dragon if i was going to face the most powerful god zeus himself i was going to need the most powerful armor the world had to offer dragon steel day 61 i arrived at the underground dragon's lair i had marked this from earlier as i had seen it last i was mining i then went with a pretty standard tactic you see this dragon does a lot of damage and even with my dragon scale armor he could do a lot of damage to me so it's always smart to create a little area of a backdrop and you can use your bow at a distance you want to take him down as much health as you can with your bow before you go into melee so that's what i did but the dragon tried to escape it knew the strategy was too good and it tried to break all the blocks below it it made its way to the surface and it almost escaped had it not been for the trees it might have gotten away but trapped beneath the trees the dragon turned and tried to attack me but it was too late i killed her and with her drops i saw an egg this meant that i could now forge when the dragon had grown dragon steel armor i arrived back home on day 62 and grabbed the netherrack from the nearby portal i then used it to let a fire and place the egg inside this would eventually hatch my dragon i then began the creation of four elite soldiers with dragon bone swords and iron armor this was going to be my personal guard they would come out adventuring with me and soon take on the mini castles that lay within the land this was the most elite of the squad and as i was crafting their armor and getting it ready my little dragon hatched and he began chasing around my soldiers oh boy i don't want to know what's going to happen when he gets bigger on day 63 i left the city on another adventure with my squad ready i wanted all the loot in the distance i noticed a small tent i didn't know what kind of loot they had to offer but i knew i wanted to find out so i placed down a town hall placed down my royal guard and then we moved in for the assault but they were way stronger than i thought they were and during the fight we lost two of the royal guard we were able to take out all the guards though and loot the tent the loot was not worth their lives these were my brothers in arms and they did not have the right tools to keep them alive so i would journey back home to forge a brand new set of armor when i returned home i used my red dragon scales i had gotten from killing the mother dragon to make a red helmet and a red chest plate my guards would now be known as the red guard with dragon chest plate and helmets and diamond leggings and boots they would be the most feared in the land and the red guard would be the most elite of all my soldiers whilst adventuring the next day i saw this hut like object in the distance without even second thinking i decided to move in i walked into the house and i saw no guard was this an empty house but then all of a sudden i was jumped by evil mystical creatures i quickly spawned my garden and we began the assault we fought our way through these creatures dismantling their limbs from their bodies this house was ours now one creature remained in the basement dwelling and when i made my way down there i had never seen this creature before but it attacked me and i retaliated and i killed it i then went on to loot the house it had some pretty good stuff inside with an enchanted golden apple and some other items that would prove useful for the future day 69 we found this church inside of the wilderness and we decided that we would take it out so i spawned in the red guard and we began our assault i figured that there must be treasure inside as all churches of old had gold and different jewels inside upon climbing atop the church i saw a city in the distance but what kind of church had no bell on top there was no bell up here i was quite disappointed i then made my way back down to the basement and began looting the chests it was pretty lackluster i must say i even broke the floor to see if they were hiding anything underneath it there was nothing what kind of poor church was this on day 70 i entered the town to see if they were friendly they were not they quickly chased me out i debated on spawning in the red guard and trying to take them on but i knew there was far too many of them so for now i would leave them alone i then found a small military base nearby and i began to kill the guards within i spawned in the red guard and we began our assault i figured that there must be a lot of iron and other tools inside that we could use to outfit our own army i then found an underground area that seemed to be cut off it's like they were hiding it inside of the chests there were a little bit of resources enough to make a few chest plates and a few more spears for my men i then began running around the base looting all the chests and stealing the iron that was used to operate the windmill and then i ventured off that night i found a small farm next to a small village i wanted to raid so i killed the inhabitants and i slept in the farm for the night at daybreak of the new day i spawned in the red guard and we began our assault on the tower in the distance it had a very strong gate but i had a secret weapon the secret weapon was indeed my fists and my sword and after the gate fell the soldiers came out in numbers but the red guard and i were too powerful and we killed all the enemies that came out to approach us i then went floor by floor and i killed everybody inside the tower this land was mine now and if you were to stand in my way you would fall to my blade as i stood atop the tower after conquering it and began to look around i knew my days were numbered it was time to start thinking about zeus and removing the last god from his throne i arrived home on day 72 and began working on the in chance for the red guard i wanted to begin improving their armor and their swords so they'd be more unstoppable i then began carving out an area underground i wanted to have all of my armor ready for when i was ready to make my army i wanted to make sure it was in a safe place so i figured if i built a giant room under the ground and stored on my armor down there it would be safe for many attackers that may come i then began placing armor stands and the armor i had upon them this would give me a good view of how much i had and how much i still had to make i began the next day by breeding my horses i then ventured out and collected some cows it took a while but eventually i got them back to the city built a nice little hole for them and pushed them right in i would need a lot of leather armor if i was going to outfit an entire army at this point outfitting the entire army in iron armor just was not plausible but if i could give them at least leather armor then they would stand a better chance i then began working on even more enchants for the red guard i was going to use basic prop 1 books and combined them to get the highest protection that i could in the highest sharpness that i could for my men i spent the rest of the day terraforming the land i wanted to begin getting more structures down but it was a lot easier if the land was even also my guards kept getting stuck on blocks i kept having to play slabs everywhere they weren't the keenest individuals but i knew they would fight and fight they would the next day i got some more structures queued up for my citizens to build i then combined looting onto my sword this way when i killed the cows i'd get the most leather i could i then began construction of a guard tower this would be very useful as my army didn't like protecting the settlers they only liked protecting me so i would need to form another army type to protect the settlers as i had been warned that barbarians were on their way i then bred the cows some more and began multiplying my supply i began the next day by building up a barracks this would begin recruiting soldiers that would now protect my settlers from there i ventured back into the nether i wanted to begin collecting weather skeleton skulls as killing a wither and getting nether stars were some drops i would need to form some items i would have to have to take on zeus i spent the entire next day gathering supplies and killing all the wither skeletons i could find and beheading them and removing their skulls i returned to the overworld on day 80. let's mine myself a little hole in the earth and spawned in a wither the fight began but i was able to take him down if i could remove the gods from their place the wither would be no problem i collected another star and then i fought him again and killed him again and took his netherstar from him before venturing out again i fed my cows and then i ventured towards the cities that had exiled me from the start on day 82 i returned to the deserts with the persians and i attacked the first base that had ever turned me down i killed the men mounted the horse and helped the red guard take out the remainder once the guards had been killed i took out the battering ram and i began to take down the gate and once the gate fell we charged in cleaned up the rest and looted the chests the next day i found the castle which housed kratos the god of war i knew he had made amends with zeus to fight me if he would lead the armies against me i would surely be defeated so i went to kill him i brought the red guard and we began making our way up the tower floor by floor corpse by corpse i used the battering ram to make our way through the gates and we made our way up the tower and eventually after killing every man that stood in our way we got to the top once atop the tower i knew he must have escaped as he was not in the room and when i opened the doors and saw him i leaped at him with sword drawn but he disappeared zeus had seen me coming and had removed him this was not good because not only did this mean that i could not defeat kratos but it also meant that zeus knew what i was doing on day 84 i found another castle the same one or a similar one that i had found earlier in the game i decided to invade it and had his amazing supplies inside of the chests lots of iron diamonds and gold i spawned the red guard in and we began taking down the soldiers that guarded the kingdom after taking on the fort we defeated another dragon we would need a lot more scales as now we would have to build the dragonforge which would require a lot of blocks of dragon scales so i ventured to kill even more on day 85 i ended another one of the lives of these ancient beasts i almost felt bad as dragons were so majestic and beautiful but if i was to remove the gods from their place i would need the most powerful armor in the realm i returned home the next day and i began by crafting two more soldiers i wanted these soldiers to guard the armory to make sure no one would steal any of the armor once we began crafting it once the patrol was set up i then went to breed the cows once more i then jumped in the pit and i began to slay them with my looting two sword this would give me a ton of leather and i could begin constructing the armor pieces i would need for my army that night i ventured out rather than sleeping and began killing endermen there was one last item i would need before i could venture to zeus's city and that was the dragon egg but to get there i would need many ender pearls so i could begin my journey the next day after collecting six ender pearls i knew i had a few more in my chests so i grabbed them and then i made them into eyes of ender and i began my journey to find the stronghold using the eyes of ender i was able to locate the rough location and when i dug down i found the stronghold whilst exploring it i found the portal fairly quickly bridged over broke the silverfish spawner used my ender pearls to ignite the portal and i jumped right in it was time to face the foe the ender dragon on day 89 i arrived on the end island and i was immediately attacked by thieves i had no idea how they got here but decided to take care of them from there i destroyed all the crystals and i began my fight with the ender dragon and after some time i was able to defeat him this was the last element i would need together i would now maybe have a fighting chance against zeus but something didn't feel right so i returned home as quickly as possible when i was close to my camp i noticed a bright light but this was no ordinary light it was fire my home was a blaze i quickly ran towards it right away going into f5 mode to see if i could see what was going on but i saw nothing but flames and ash my village was being burnt to the ground but as i entered and i looked around i saw him floating in the sky and as i shot my bow he disappeared i didn't know what to do my village was ablaze my men were dying my civilization destroyed was this too much i didn't know zeus's intent was to lay flame to all of my houses but instead he lay flame to my heart and now i wanted vengeance a fiery vengeance it was time i built what's called the dragon forge and then in the distance i mounted my dragon i brought here to my forge and i began blowing fire on it as that is the way to craft dragon steel as the dragon steal was being made i realized i would need more to create a full set of armor so i ventured out to find another dragon to extract their blood after a few days of searching i found a dragon and i defeated it this city helped me by firing cannons on it although they weren't intentionally doing it they did assist in taking down the dragon when i returned home i added the dragon's blood so we can continue making the ingots i then noticed a child maybe life would find a way civilization was not doomed i then spent the next long while crafting soldiers many many soldiers if i was going to take on zeus i would need an army to match his immortals so i spent the next few days preparing them and then preparing their spears and shields this was going to be a battle of the ages i then killed the remaining cows to extract their leather to make every piece of armor that i could i then began working on enchanted books to combine with my dragon steel armor once the ingots were ready i crafted three pieces of the dragon steel armor and the dragon steel battle axe this thing was overpowered i knew even with this i would still only stand a chance but it was a chance i was willing to take i then began spawning my men in and i realized that i could just throw armor at them and they would equip it this would save a lot of time after a while i came up with a strategy of digging a small pit spawning all the men inside and throwing all of my armor in the pit this way they would all put their armor on collect their spears and shields and i wouldn't have to put it on all them manually this would save a lot of time after finishing setting up my army putting them in all the backpacks i could find i climbed atop my dragon and i began my quest to find zeus's stronghold together united my empire would fight men we stand here today in front of a force that has never been faced before i cannot promise you victory but i can promise you glory today we stand shoulder to shoulder spear to spear with one common goal we will not stand whilst an unfair god rules our world there is only one true god and he is not the one that guards this city today we stand for our people my brothers lost in battle our loved ones lost when his wrath burnt our homeland they have seen us in small numbers before but today we stand strong at their gates men our time is now rise up and take the city with me i then flew in with my dragon as the armies clashed and i began lighting the city ablaze and searching for zeus i then found the entrance into his statue and as i came in a gate shut behind me and the floor lit up the man who thinks he can challenge the gods you have been a thorn in my side for far too long and your arrogance will persist no further you are nothing but a pawn in this game of chess that i call life i shall now destroy you and lay waste to your tiny city that you call an empire [Music] [Music] [Music] how does my voice keep cracking in such a deep voice it doesn't even crack like upwards it just cracks down you
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 1,010,175
Rating: 4.9189081 out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft, Surviving 100 days in minecraft, I Spent 100 Days in Modded Minecraft, Spending 100 Days in Minecraft, 100 Days in Minecraft Modded, 100 days in ancient greece, minecraft 100 days, hardcore minecraft survival, i survived modded hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days modded minecraft, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, ancient rome, 100 days but gods, i surived 100 days in ancient greece
Id: mxQBKjesCrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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