I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore [Season 2]

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what is going on guys welcome back to another minecraft video if you've already seen the first 100 days this video is not for you i'm gonna make this quick and short because i know your guys time is valuable but pretty much if you do not watch season one at the end of every 100 days i like to compress all of them into one big video for you guys a lot of you guys asked for this and i know it's just a lot more simple to view and watch so if you've already seen the first 100 days you can go click off and watch something else but if you're new here welcome relax get some popcorn and get ready because this video is a long one hey guys how's it going welcome back to another minecraft video today's a special video because we are starting up a minecraft hardcore season two you guys have been wanting this for a while so if you're new here we're gonna be starting over because the last world actually are corrupted tragically we're just gonna like forget about that but let's continue so game mode hardcore we got difficulty locked on hard we're gonna name this once have hardcore season two there we go and for the seat of this video in case you guys want to play in this world as well i'm gonna be using the seed one tab hardcore there we go that's the seed everything else is just gonna be left on default settings and let's get straight into this world i'm super excited whoa this actually looks super we got a little uh river going on here we have um some nice mountains up there everything's still loading in back here i think that looks like a plane's bottom hopefully it is we've got a forest pretty much everything we need this is amazing seed once again is one sap hardcore all lowercase no spaces so yeah go ahead and use that if you want oh and there's a turtle i've never seen one of these before that's actually so sick all right i'm having some good feelings about this world already yeah we have some turtles living here i don't know what to do with these guys i'm just gonna i'm gonna keep them here for now i don't wanna hurt these guys so i'm just gonna try to be careful all right i know i should be getting a tree first but you know i'm just gonna kill this sheep because i want the wool so i should be able to get my bed right away so there should be no like monsters in our first night should be chilling if this is the first video that you've seen on my channel i just want to say this series is a mix between luke notable's original hardcore minecraft series where he like briefly voice overs each day mine is like a mix of that because i do that for some parts i also have a little bit of a let's play component in it as well because i believe like i don't know you kind of get to see the world more and you just get more in depth with the world when it's more of a let's play because it goes by way too fast when you just kind of voice over what happens in a couple of seconds for each day so sense that this is season two i'm gonna try to take things differently i'm gonna actually try to take my time enjoy the game you know at the end we're all just here to have fun so hopefully i can provide you guys some entertainment oh we already got our first pieces of coal not too long now we onto our stone pickaxe let's go okay i don't want to bore you guys with all this mining but pretty much i just did what everybody would do on their first day in a new world just gathered up some wood and just mined some stone now it's a new day and i've got a little bit of stuff to get going i need food though because i'm getting really hungry oh hey there's a bee over there oh and i should also mention this i am using uh bsl shaders right now along with a texture pack called better leaves 1.14 yeah that is the texture pack better leaves v2 1.14 plus i will for now i'm gonna set up shop just so i can like settle down and put some things down okay i need some food badly so i'm just gonna kill one of these guys and eat its mutton all right right now i'm kind of starving to death but we got four cooked buttons so we should be chilling and there we go we can finally run again and now we can get full health i'm gonna kill more of these guys just so i can get their mutton these sheep are the only kind of animal that we have around right now i smelted a lot of my iron that i got even upgraded to an iron pickaxe and i think it is now time for some armor i guess because it is hardcore and we do not want to be dying i think i should have enough for a full set so i'm just going to go ahead and do that and also a farm i should probably start up a farm too i need to craft a hoe yeah that place is just gonna be our little like chill place for now where we can just settle down until i find myself more of a permanent home i'm gonna just create a tiny little farm i'm just gonna put it back here all right hopefully we have some seeds in here and we have one single seed all right that's gonna have to do for now there we go we got the cd place achievement on day four i started digging out a side of a little hill where this can be like our kind of base for now all right so i just want to check in with you guys there's a lot of my oh there's three four creepers right there and uh we got some zombies chasing me i kind of got this built so far into the wall oh my lord i gotta run right now hold up guys there are mobs every oh maybe i should just go into the ground i'm not trying to die on day five already oh another creeper that exploded we're gonna we're gonna fix that later oh this is my first mine okay let's just chill down here for a while while we wait i did i left this iron here oh yeah i forgot i was gonna come back and i just never did all right well times have passed the night in here on day five i went back patched up the creeper hole and then continued working on my little hideout base kind of thing it is now day seven and the house is almost pretty much done on the exterior at least it was kind of hard to plan out like a starter base since i don't really build starter bases but i think this one turned out pretty good though i went back down into the mines on day eight because i decided i need to go and mine some more because we are not very far in our tools we still have a lot of stone tools and then i can go back to building yeah i just did a lot of boring digging like just sticking a staircase down hopefully i can find some like gold redstone maybe even diamonds after a little bit of mining down the staircase i eventually came across a ravine and it looks pretty nice i already saw some iron ore should be interesting okay so i was mining this coal right here and my pickaxe actually broke right in the middle kind of annoying but i think it's probably time for me to go back i think the pickaxe breaking was just telling me i had to go back up to the surface now then all of a sudden i hear a creeper drop behind me and it was super close but i managed to kill him that critical hit at the last second kind of clutched up that was a close one on the way out i realized i missed some iron and it killed me on the inside because i didn't have a pick x to get it i really needed a new place to live so i just started focusing on the house just trying to get it so like the inside was actually livable because right now there was nothing inside okay so i think i got the inside kind of planned out and like what i want to do i'll show you guys what i mean first i'm going to craft some chests because i want to like start placing some storage areas around in the house alright so on the inside of here we got like a big open place that was some coal i was just mining it out but back here i want there to be like a staircase that can go up because we can have a multiple we can have multiple floors up here um i think maybe this way there's going to be a storage room upstairs where i can put my bedroom and i can have all my crafting my smelting my armor stance all that kind of cool stuff down in here so i think this is starting to come out to look pretty epic i'm pretty hyped for this but first i got to oh wait i got to place these chests somewhere um i think right here this is where the back wall is going to be so i'm just going to place some chests like that so that can be where our storage system is for now a lot of tree gathering on day 11 because you know my inside of like my house was mainly a lot of wood i was experimenting with a lot of wood designs all right so it's day 12 i finally finished up the inside of the house as you guys can see it looks pretty dope i kind of went with like a simple little pattern on the walls haven't quite finished the ceiling yet i made a little spiral staircase over there and also i realized there was like a weird glitch going on inside the house so you see these two pillars at that line that imaginary line if i cross through it like legs a little bit for a random reason just just look at this you see that that kind of just stops and it's only right there i've gone to like everywhere else in my world and it doesn't really happen so it's it's really weird how right there you see it does it again this every time and i don't know how to fix it i've tried uh looking a bunch of stuff like allocating ram and all that didn't really work but that is our spoiler staircase and yeah it kind of leads up to nowhere right now but our house is looking pretty dope can't wait to add more decorations into it alright well this torch should be the last of it and then i should be finally ready to go into my new house i should be all settled in yeah we have all of our furnaces our crafting table our chests everything is here and ready to go i think the next thing we need to work on is our food source because we don't really have that good of a food source right now all we have are just the animals we're finding so i think we should probably make a little pen for the cows and the sheep that we can just kill and get their food because honestly the wheat is pretty slow right now yeah plus like i didn't build that big of a farm space i don't know why i made it so small but yeah i think an animal pen would work pretty nice okay so i got some my ore smelting we got the iron we got the iron here again gold there oh it's real done i forgot i only had three pieces of gold but i think it's a time to upgrade all of our tools because we still got uh some stone things gotta craft some sticks and i think the first thing we need to do is make a replacement pickaxe and also we probably should make a axe as well there we go and finally a sword then we finally have some iron gear that looks a lot better right now i'm kind of just dumping everything in the chest but once i have more chests set up and like a better storage area i will store everything like i used to in the last season also a village will be pretty handy because you know we gotta get some of our hands on those pesky villagers okay well let's grab up some of our wheats and go find some cows and stuff we can lure them into a hole at first and then we can build like a designated pen for them bingo i spotted a huge pack of cows right here near our house it was pretty good there was also some pigs and i think they were steep as well yeah time to bring these guys back over to my house and so i dug out a place for the time being for these cows to just stay out while i work i'm building them a pen i wanted to build these guys a huge luxurious pen because i think they deserved it because i was gonna be killing most of them so i wanted the cows to live their last couple of days in happiness and peace okay finish up their cow pen time to grab the wheat and bring them over so as you can see right here we got a nice little gate they can come inside and we got a huge area for them tons of play time with their friends you know they can be happy you even got like a little bathtub where they can take baths and i also probably should make a separate one where they can drink water from cause you know we don't want them we don't want them drinking the water they're bathing oh i was about to continue with the video and i just saw a creeper in the corner of my eye bro get out of here okay so back on our agenda let's get these guys into their new home oh look how happy they look i know they're all ready to get inside their brand new house all right well you guys are in your brand new home i'm gonna breed you guys up there we go you guys go have some fun and i'm gonna leave you guys to do it hey we even got the achievement next up i gathered some glass because i had some plans for our second floor that included some glass i wanted to make the second floor stick out from the top and there would be some glass for windows so you could like look out i think that would look pretty cool on day 15 i set out on an adventure to just go explore some places behind my house i came across some sugar cane but the biggest thing of all that i saw back here was this huge like i don't even know what it was mountain like weird terrain generation it was just out of this world it looks amazing okay so i'm making my way up this side of the mountain right now and it's kind of difficult because it's super steep and we got some acacia trees wait what biome even is this this looks insane yo chill why are you trying to sneak up on me like that bro calm down this biome is a shattered savannah plateau that is that is cool i never knew that was even a thing and this seems like coarsers and uh coarse dirt is out here in the wild that's pretty dope i'm gonna collect some of this because corster you need gravel and dirt combined and it's kind of annoying to go out and just grab all of those things let's see there's some lava pools on the surface i gotta be real careful when i'm walking through these fields but oh wow what is this i swear there's like there's a tree up there this is absolutely insane by the way guys this seed that i typed this looks so cool the seed that i typed was minecraft hardcore i didn't put a d there i think i already mentioned that at the very beginning it was a typo i didn't even realize it but this seed is minecraft hardcore h-a-r-c-o-r-e this thing is sick it's only about like a hundred blocks away from spawn or so i think and we got a freaking coral reef back there gonna have to explore all this stuff later when i get my elytra dude that that's gonna make some epic thumbnails but yeah that that is what it looks like for now we just got some trees dude building something up here could be amazing oh my god it's almost night right now it's like the sunset and this place looks even better yeah there definitely could be some sick builds going on here i just want to look over here a little bit more before i go home oh too many mobs too many mobs maybe i should leave i'm out now oh and by the way day 16 sugarcane farm time build it right next to the cow's pen the a17 is spent down all in the mines you know i gotta get all those diamonds we gotta make another portal so we can hop into the nether i'm on version 1.16.4 so that includes another update now there's a scary place though so i got to make sure i'm ready and all geared up so i was mining down a stairway to get to y level like 15 around and i actually stumbled across some diamonds broke the first one and realized there was a lava pool underneath and i lost my first diamond pretty sad event there we go got our first diamond let's go baby got the second diamond and that might have actually been it i double checked around the place to make sure there was no more diamonds left so that sucks because we could have gotten a three vein which would have been enough to make a full diamond pickaxe but now i'm gonna have to go find another diamond band ooh there's more lapis right there i see you hiding underneath the water a whole pickaxe and a starving one tap later we finally found our next piece of diamond this was a five vane right here so i was pretty lucky now we have enough to make the pickaxe and it's time to go home on my way out i planted a sign that said the cave of death and i think you guys know why when you just take a peek down so i chucked back some of the iron into the furnaces and i crafted my first diamond pickaxe this was a monumental moment in the world okay your boy over here is starving right now so i think it's time to go breed up more animals and kill some there you go you all can breed up i'mma kill you guys over here i'm sorry but i need the food i'm gonna die here all right we got five raw beef from that should be enough to hold me for a little while on day 19 i was just working on the second floor of our house i'm sorry if you guys can see some lag spots here it's cause like i'm walking through that one point i mentioned earlier in the video i promise i'm gonna get this fixed somehow because i cannot play the game like this i'm gonna get it fixed all right so on day 19 i finished up most of the upstairs i got like a good run going on over here but the biggest focus was this tower i didn't know how i wanted to look it was actually kind of difficult thinking of the ideas but i went with some stone walls and the roof is gonna be pretty hard to make i'm gonna try doing that tomorrow but i think a little tower just sticking out on the top be kind of cool kind of like a lookout area if i build more in this world this would be a pretty nice view on day 20 i started work on the roof and first i did a small round pointy roof and it didn't look too good and then i started on this classic medieval styled roof and i kind of liked it so i went with it okay so i'm almost done with this roof i just got to add this last thing on here one more slab there we go i think we're finally complete so i'll show you guys around the house so right up here we go upstairs this is kind of our little lookout balcony we got a little lantern hanging from there i think this turned out pretty good and i replaced the cobble walls with just normal logs by the way okay i'm gonna dump off all my stuff first and then i'll talk to you guys okay well it is day 20 and i'm planning on doing about 20 days per episode in season 1 i kept up my 25 to 20 day episodes for like about 100 days and then i kind of just gave up on that but this season i might try to stick to it as much as i can there might be people out there thinking oh this guy sucks he doesn't even have diamond armor yet man he's on day 20. i'm gonna let you guys know that i'm going slow on purpose to try to just capture everything in this game just to enjoy it the most and the reason i'm also doing only 20 days per episode is because this is a mix between like just going fast and just zooming through all the days and a mix of some commentary also i have no idea why i put that window there you can't even see anything because the staircase blocks it so just just don't ask yeah but we got some cool things done this episode we got some lanterns i really like those lanterns we got a mini farm here our first starter house that's almost complete the second floor just needs a little bit of work a sugar cane farm that's already all grown up and also a cow pen with a skeleton in there hold up we gotta get rid of him no i just saw him shoot one of the cows there we go he deserves death vanity you can't be shooting my cows like that yeah well before it turns today and goes to day 21 i think i'm gonna have to end off this episode here guys i hope you guys all enjoyed this hopefully the start of season two has gotten you guys excited for more videos to come but yeah that's gonna be it for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed it and i'll see you guys next time peace out [Music] hey guys today we survived from days 20 to 50. if you haven't seen the episode one i'd highly recommend you guys go check that out to catch up hope you guys enjoy this episode [Music] what is up guys welcome back to another minecraft video today we're back in episode 2 of our minecraft hardcore world we've got a lot of stuff to get done today so we should probably get started on day 21 i went and harvested up our sugarcane and i also expanded the farm a little bit i also grabbed some my wheat and started breeding up more of our cows because we're gonna need some more steak now it's day 21 i want to start off by like improving my house a bit because you know the upstairs kind of scuffed right now oh yeah and later in the day i found one of those desert zombies he had chainmail armor on and luckily i got a piece he also dropped a carrot which is another good farming item we can use all right it's a day 23 and i have my diamond pickaxe on me and i haven't used it yet so why don't you go use it now so i'm here at the cave of death uh let's let's head inside i probably should have like a water bucket or something so i don't take fall damage when i'm dropping down in here okay let's see if we can spot some lava i'm just gonna keep on heading down i gotta find where that original ravine was oh hey what's up enderman uh i need your ender pearls oh yeah i'm running low on food i'm gonna need some more food pretty soon hey let's go we got an ender pro boys i think that was the first one that we've ever gotten i found my original ravine and i spotted some obsidian right away time to go mine this this is gonna be lots of fun this should be our last piece of obsidian and we should be good to go to get our nether portal in there we go all right now i gotta go and find a spot to build this thing i think i'm gonna include it down in the mines actually because then it'll be like kind of far away from my main house and you know i can i can always move it whenever i want to but i think i'm gonna build it down here right over here you know i just don't want pigment like up in the over world just chilling so i'm gonna build it right here should be good oh wait i forgot a flint and steel i just realized that i'm gonna have to go back up and grab one i think the next step is probably to get some stairs up in here because this this is a pain and it wastes all of my food too when i got out of that cave it was actually nine times so i just went to bed and now i got my flint and steel and i'm all ready to go oh i always forget i'm not supposed to go that way i'm supposed to go up here and then there's like a stairway down here oh yeah and also like i i was kind of too lazy to make some bread so i'm using rotten flesh as my food source right now probably not the smartest idea all right well let's light up our nether portal three two one boom hey yo we got our first nether portal in the world let's see how our another spawn is oh we spawned in one of the new bombs advancement made we need to go deeper oh that guy's bad that guy's bad oh shoot okay hold up hold up we're going back we're going back okay maybe i should get some real food first so i'm like a bit safer yeah we should we should probably do that so i went to go breed some of the cows just for more meats and i heard a skeleton and he was hiding inside like the sugar cane and he also died in there too but then there was another skeleton who shot one of my cows and actually killed one yeah i didn't like the skeleton i went over and just killed him can't believe he was hiding inside the sugarcane now that i got food i gotta make sure that i cook it to turn it into steak and then i can head over to the nether all right it's a new day i think we're ready to head on into the nether now i've got my 26 stake with me i've got um some building blocks i think that's about all that we need my shield is ready and equipped in case that one like pig guy comes after us again because that guy i'm pretty sure he does a lot of damage let's see if he's around here oh already aghast oh yeah he's right there hopefully that guy doesn't see me we got a ghast over there already hey i hit it back to him all right well i guess let's just look around see what we got here i'm gonna gather up some of this wood hey yo chill chill are they coming after me i'm confused bro am i strong enough to take on these guys i'm gonna eat first just to be safe where is he oh whoa he does like a heart okay okay he's doing a lot of damage i'm gonna just back off for a sec i think i can kill him though i'm not sure how much health they have but oh yeah there we go it was like a couple hits okay they're not that bad especially with the shield the shield's pretty good all right there's also some nether quartz here i'm going to wrap this up as well pretty nice our spawn is kind of uh oh hey what's up oh i think these are the guys that we have to give gold bars to or gold ingots and then we trade with them but i don't have any cold on me right now oh is he aggro i don't know i'm gonna get out of there but yeah as i was saying our spawn i think is all right we have uh we're kind of like high we spun pretty high up so i'm gonna need to just get down somehow i'm gonna build like a bridge to get up to there because that place looks kind of cool i gotta be super careful here because if i fall down that's legit instant death oh i see some nether gold up there i should go get that soon all right man why are we up here and oh god nope no no no stop stop chill chill chill chill i knew he was gonna knock me off i got scared so i had to just run okay we're gonna we're just gonna chill here because i don't know if you can see us through the portal dude as soon as i saw him i tried to run away as much as possible because those guys knock you back that was a close call dude so you know i spent a lot of time in the nether just grabbing up some useful things grabbing some gold getting a lot of netherrack and just getting a lot of another items i even constructed like a small mini base right on another portal because there were a lot of those like pig looking dudes hold up i gotta find what they're called oh okay they're called hoglands so um just to be safe i'm gonna build like a mini little base around my nether portal because there are a lot of hog ones that spawn in this area i found some glowstone as well and glowstone is one of my favorite lighting sources this should be great for the base so on day 29 i was ready to go home i had a lot of stuff but i was kind of lost so hopefully i can make it back in one piece thankfully i made it back home well on a serious note i think it might be time to add some stairs right here because this this gets annoying a good thing about this another trip was that i got a lot of course which meant a lot of xp levels and i'm going to be needing to enchant things soon so these xp levels are going to come in handy okay well i think it's mob part time so i grabbed a bunch of blue locks walked outside realized it was night out gotta go back to bed dang it dude i really wanted to build it right now a big chunk of day 31 was just getting a ton of sticks because i needed a lot of ladders for the actual farm i chose to build it in this like sandy area and it has to be 128 blocks up in the sky yeah climbing up this ladder every time is gonna get pretty old soon i need an elytra and it's already dark i don't really want to work on this thing anymore i think we're going to go do something else okay i think it's time for a carrot from we have one little carrot here let's go find a place to build this thing so right now i'm thinking of having the path like turn this way it can go over to our cow farm oh don't worry about this it's pretty explosive but i managed to patch it up over here is a sugar cane farm i guess we could make our carrot farm like right in this area it doesn't have to be that big we only have one carrot to work with here i'm just gonna make like a rough kind of sketch of our path it leads over to here and then it will turn up here then i'll go over to the sugarcane farm and then right over here we can have our carrot farm so that means i think we're gonna have to take down some of these trees there we go all finished so once those trees go away i think we should be good to go i'm gonna make like a little cobblestone wall around it so then no mobs will trample over the crops of course all right so this is kind of like my layout's gonna be like you got some water on the inside but there's like this little i don't know patch of like dirt and grass over here we probably should get rid of this just like clear it out because you know it'll give us a flatter landscape and just more to work with so i'm gonna clear this stuff out and also patch up this hole right here so i'm planting down some trees along the edge of our thing i think it looks pretty good but it's time to go hoe up our ground now [Music] okay so later on in the series i'm probably gonna do some like districts and stuff some for like farming in the machines and then some for like villager training some for bases you know all that kind of stuff yeah just like an idea but anyway right now i want to make an enchantment area because i think we should start working toward an enchantment table just we get some better gear i want to make like a secret room maybe right off over here i'm thinking of doing like a piston door or something cool like that you know kind of just like an almost hidden room with just like a wooden pressure plate there we can just walk in and then just get into our secret like enchantment room but to do that we're gonna need a slime farm and a lot of books so we're gonna have to do that so i'm gonna have to make a slime form which is gonna be kind of annoying but you know you gotta do what you gotta do and plus the slime farm is probably gonna be useful later on as well because slime is really important for like pistons you know sticky pistons use them everywhere yeah it took me a while to figure out like planning all this stuff out because i wanted to see if i could do like a 1x2 or a 2x2 i want to try to make it like hideable or concealable and i wanted to make it like smooth i'm not the best redstone guy but i think this works well the good news is that it works now it's got to get some sticky pistons messed around with the redstone for a little bit and it should work with a lever on the outside so now i just gotta carve out an actual room for this thing the rest of the day 34 was just me cleaning on my base and throwing out some items i added more chests right here and pretty much this place is just for my wood we got all wood related items right here and all cobblestone and stone related items right here so now we got a bit of sorting so that's pretty nice over here uh it's still just really messy but don't worry one one day we're gonna get sorted out and clean maybe once we move into our new base because i'm probably gonna move out of here kinda soon pretty much just once this place isn't big enough for me then i'll build like a better base and begin chilling there but like i'm kind of lazy to make a storage system but i honestly could pretty easily if i just broke out i could remove this and then break out this way make a little storage room that would be pretty nice all right well anyway today i think it might be time to start out the slime farms so in season one we had a slime farm like on the right side of our house you know we're gonna do the same thing so right about here i think we could just dig down pretty far and start working on the slime farm oh wow who just hit me yo chill maybe i should try getting a bow because you know a bow would be pretty nice just fighting off some of the long range mobs and also creepers it would be a lot easier dealing with creepers all right well i'm going to make some uh pickaxes to go mine with because i don't want to waste my diamond pickaxe on just mining out a huge square i actually forgot a key part about slime farms they can only be built in slime chunks which i couldn't just like you know randomly choose so this slime trunk right here was the closest one to my house it's it's still pretty good though we can believe here i was trying to figure out how to make it look nice but i couldn't really find an idea so i just gave up and i figured i was gonna do that later okay i switched up the spot because when i dug down i realized that i was legit right in the middle of a ravine so this place should be a bit better this is gonna be a great couple of days bro just you know mining out a huge box you know what's what's more fun than that all right so there's a little problem i built this around like my house you know and there's a ravine next to my house so there's a lot of lighting up i have to do and also i kind of ran into a cave so i got to patch all this up and make sure all this is as best lighted up as possible this is actually a huge cave though like there could be some good stuff here but you know right now we're not like in the mood of mine and auras going cave in we got to get our slime thing done yeah well i'm going to have to patch oh why are there so many mobs here chill out yo i should probably patch this up before any more mobs come over here at least the one plus thing about all this boring mining is that we have tons of cobble now so like we have an unlimited cobble pretty much i think i have half a double chest full of cobble right now oh and i forgot to mention this but i'm using logical geek boys 1.16 easy slime farm he builds his in the ocean which is actually smart because then there's like no mobs that you have to deal with i wanted it close to my home but i recommend you to go out and build in the ocean i then had to craft myself an iron golem so i needed some pumpkins and thankfully there was some by my house i also saw some cows so that's some free leather right there all right let's give this a shot um i hope i don't mess this up but i gotta place this guy right here and then i gotta push him in without him falling off so let's give it a shot boom oh hired help you get an achievement nudge him over there please don't fall off please don't i think we're looking good and then place that back and he should be stuck there okay i'm actually super glad that that went smoothly the first time because i do not want to try killing one of these guys the rest of day 40 and 41 was just spent you know finishing up the farm and adding the storage system down at the bottom okay i finally have finished up this farm it's looking pretty clean and neat so we have our storage chest right here the slimes should be coming in here and we got a way up and away down so i just got to swim up this water tower near to the top and then i just got to drop down to get down oh hey i can actually tell that it's raining you can see little raindrops coming down from up there that's cool okay i'm just gonna afk up here for a couple of minutes i know it's not gonna be the best efficiency like if i go up in the sky but i don't really want to build a sky tower right now and we don't need that much slime so it should be okay all right it's now day 45 and i think we're good now let's go check on how much slime we have so we got to remember that the whole point of this slime farm was actually just for our hidden base just to make those sticky pistons i spent so much time working on this farm i actually forgot like what the whole point was all right 45 slime balls on the top chest 64 and 16 in the bottom chest that is pretty good for a low efficiency farm because i there were there were probably mobs everywhere i know i didn't light up every single cave and on the surface there were definitely a lot of mobs but it still worked pretty well i'm only gonna need like uh six slime balls i think yeah so i'm gonna go craft those oh also we're broke now because i used all of our iron to make hoppers i think it took about like a stack and a half iron to make the 16 or so hoppers i needed so yeah i think a mining trip is probably going to be necessary pretty soon all right well let's make our four sticky or six sticky pistons now four and then place them like this grab my oak logs put them right here and i think we're finally done it's been so long but we finally got this let's go it's working perfectly i like this right now so inside here this is gonna be our enchantment room i haven't like fully designed it yet but this is kind of how big it's gonna be uh this is gonna be the bookshelves i just have placer blocks well yeah this is actually so cool you actually can't even see that door at all all you can see is just a lever here that that i'm addicted to that already dude that's that's so cool now with all of our cobblestone that we got i think it's time to actually finish up our mob farm that we started earlier in this episode because you know that xp is going to be handy when we enchant things and you know i haven't done a time lapse for this season yet so i think this would be a perfect time to just do like a small time lapse of me working on this huge mob farm so yeah i hope you guys enjoy it okay so i've been afking here for like a couple minutes uh this thing honestly looks kind of cool i just went with like the og you know the very first like mob farm design that anyone's kind of ever made just a super simple classic one and it looks like it's been working pretty well i've only sat here for a couple minutes so i made this brand new stone sword for us that i can try out on these mobs because they're gonna be like pretty much one tap yeah there we go we're one hitting these guys so let's just kill all these dudes and grab up the xp and see how much we get oh yeah we already hit level 30 boys this is looking pretty good and we get a bunch of mob drops as well like bones bones are going to be useful and also gunpowder gunpowder is also another useful thing well that mob farm honestly works great for us it's just like a great all-around early game mob farm i can probably start using bread as like some food because you know i've got tons of wheat in here and i haven't like usually made any vintage bread yet so let's go to that right now all right there we go 21 pieces of bread another good food source that we have on our inventory all right some of them are grown i've been slowly expanding these like pretty much almost every day whenever i see that they're grown i just try to expand them so then hopefully we can start filling up this whole half so i'm thinking this half carrots that have pumpkin or not pumpkin potatoes i suppose that this side is actually a little bit bigger you know it doesn't really matter we can start mass farming these when we actually need to but i don't really see a need for that right now it's just it just looks pretty nice let's also go breed some of our cows we haven't done that in a while all right there we go we actually got a lot of these guys now well i'm level 33 that means we can probably start enchanting pretty soon probably next episode we actually have time because you know it's turning night it's almost day 50 already the episode's about to end let's go guys we made it to day 50 looking pretty nice out so i was thinking that we're definitely going to be needing an upgrade on our weapons and armor like we still got iron stuff and it's day 50 i'm pretty sure like last season like by his day 70 or something i already beat the inner dragon i was already decked out but you know we're kind of going on a different pace this season but yeah definitely soon maybe some villagers too because you know villager trading is always good we got to get those emeralds in for those beacons yeah last season i think i only had two beacons by the time when my will got corrupted so in this world we're gonna try doing that a lot faster we're gonna try to get some more beacons because you know beacons do be good all right well on this final day i just want to work on this path right here because you know if you guys are watching the last episode of the last season the last clip i'm pretty sure the last clip i show i was working on a path in our old world next to our like kind of base so we're going to end off day 50 by working on a little path here i'll just do a two wide path for now and i can decorate it later on with like gravel coarser you know all the good stuff but yeah i want to say thank you to all of you guys for sticking with me this whole time it really means a lot to me well i think that's it guys we survived 50 days that's pretty insane oh we should really check on the slime farm let's see if we got any slime while we were away i don't think so though honestly because we were way too far from this thing yeah yeah we didn't really get anything because you know we weren't really afk like close to it all right well anyway guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video this video had a lot of building actually we built that slime farm we built that mob form up there but you know it's things that we got to do it's just like it's just stuff that'll help us progress with the game but now we're chilling we got a good way of xp for early game at least and we got a slime farm down there and also we got our little hidden room going on this thing is looking pretty epic i can't wait to actually build this thing and make this look decked out and cool yeah well i guess that's pretty much gonna be it for this episode guys i hope you guys enjoyed it i'll see you guys next time peace out before this video begins i just want to say merry christmas to all you guys out there who celebrate it this video is going live on the 24th of december so most of us will be celebrating christmas on that time i was planning on doing some christmas themed stuff in an episode i never realized that this episode was actually going to be the one on christmas eve yeah if i knew beforehand i definitely would have built like a christmas tree or something you know we gotta get festive up in here all right well that's enough of me talking i hope you guys enjoy this video hey guys i am onetap and today we are going to be surviving from days 50 to 75. i hope you guys enjoy the video what is going on guys welcome back to another minecraft video today we're gonna be playing some season two minecraft hardcore last episode we got some farms done we got that big thing up there and also our slime farm down there so we did a lot of farms last episode i think today is time to maybe upgrade some of our weapons and stuff you see i'm level 33 right now so that's good enough to like actually um get a full enchantment so we should probably do that but before we do any of that so we still need to get an enchantment table and also some books if you're new to this series and this is the first video that you're watching of me i'm one tap and this series is a little bit different than other like 100 days series that you'll watch in this series i kind of go on a let's play style because i honestly like the let's play style better than the super fast pace going through all the days in like 10 minutes kind of style it's still gonna have that same core like element of 100 days like with a day counter and all that stuff but it's just going to be a little bit more slower paced there are still going to be some times where i do voiceovers and stuff it's kind of just a mix between the two so i hope you guys join me in this journey to see how long i can survive in minecraft hardcore all right well our character farm is looking pretty good we're almost done with this side um we just have four more slots left okay well we want to make an enchantment table right oh there's a spider there hold on let me kill this guy all right well anyway i was saying that we should get an enchantment table i forgot how to make them i think you need obs i think you need obsidian and a diamond and a book maybe let's see here oh i was actually correct obsidian a diamond in a book should be pretty easy and we got four diamonds inside there so that should be enough for it and we just need to go down and get some obsidian let's check out our leather we have four in there 23 in there and two in there so that's not gonna be enough to get bookshelves so we're gonna have to figure out a good way to get bookshelves maybe i'm just gonna have to grind out for the leather hopefully i can find a better way to do this though because this is gonna this is gonna take a long time so later in that day i took a trek down into the mine and grabbed some obsidian okay so i just realized that to make a book you only need one piece of leather for some reason i thought it was three pieces of leather so i think we might actually do this a bit easier that means it only takes three pieces of leather to make a whole bookshelf i believe alright well anyway i got my obsidian i got my book and time to grab our two diamonds we can finally make this enchantment table there we go and let's bring it inside of our secret room plop it right down in the middle looking pretty nice i think i'm gonna need a bit more sugarcane for this right that's a lot of paper let's see how much books we can make out of that all right we have 28 books and we can make nine bookshelves out of that that's that's all right all right so i'm just gonna kind of just lay them out like this i guess i don't know like the exact way to do it to give you like the most um enchantment points per bookshelf but i think this is pretty close i'm gonna do like that and then i'll just have two there and then one there all right we need some lapis good thing we have 45 okay so we only have level 18 enchantments i think i'm gonna wait a little bit try to get 30. shouldn't take too long because we have a lot of cows out there yeah look at those guys they're all ready to be fed come here there we go all my weed is gone and there's just so many cows we're definitely gonna have to be killing some of these guys an expansion for our sugarcane farm was much needed because you know we needed a lot of paper for these bookshelves that we were about to craft as you can see in this cow pen there's not many cows left because i killed most of them but this should be enough for now and it didn't take very long for us to get our maxed out enchantment setup okay i think it might be time for our very first enchantment of this series so i'm going to take our diamond pickaxe and we got a unbreaking three okay that could have something good like an efficiency or whatever with it there we go we got our enchantment or advancement not enchantment my bad what do we have here oh it's only on breaking three okay i guess it's all right still but i was hoping for like efficiency or something on that well now that we only have two diamonds left from using two on that enchantment table we have to go back down and grab some more if we want to get some tools and some armor so i ran through my entire iron pickaxe and i didn't come across anything but literally like a couple minutes after that i started using my diamond one and i found some diamonds so there's our first batch you know it took a while had to get a couple pickaxes but i got my second faded diamonds this one was a pretty good one it was a seven vane i think so now we had a total of ten diamonds we're looking pretty set but i think i want to find one more vein i was getting so bored of binding at this point i really wanted to find that last vein and it finally came this one was a 5 vane and yeah 15 diamonds should be good enough for like a good amount of armor well i got my 15 diamonds in my hand i think it might be time to craft up some armor so let's look at what we have here so we have an iron chest plate leggings our helmets almost going to die i think we might do these three pieces or actually i don't know if i can afford all that let's see how much okay yeah we can make one diamond chest plate and then we can do the leggings and oh that's that's actually it okay we're gonna need more diamonds then there we go the advancement covered me with the diamonds let's replace these hey we're looking pretty fresh right now oh why don't we go ahead and enchant this stuff starting off with our chest plate let's see what we got here fire protection three oh i don't really want that oh okay let's do our leggings first this is gonna be the same oh it is well i guess i'll just get um i'll do my leggings i'll just get uh i'm breaking one please okay i'll take it protection one on breaking one now oh okay okay protection three let's go with that projection three and thorns as well i'll take it pretty good for just like starting off we're gonna need some more diamonds though but i'll do that later since i've been mining so long and i'm already kind of sick of it all right so i got my iron smelted in here and i got some mistake actually 40 steak that's a lot i was just gonna go outside and check out my farms below did i know i came across something pretty good oh okay our carrot farms are pretty full i haven't been here in a while so this is this is great oh chill okay oh oh that's a zombie villager i saw some creepers in the distance i want to be careful but that's a zombie villager we gotta try to keep this guy safe let's get rid of this other zombie right here first let's get rid of this other zombie right here first and there's a creeper coming okay we gotta be careful and fast with this hurry hurry hurry take a 2x2 oh our zombie friend just killed the skeleton over there that was an epic battle bro i see you okay dude our zombie friend just saved no he's okay that guy's okay all right that was kind of my fault i got way too close to it i thought i was gonna kill him in one shot but i guess i didn't okay thankfully he didn't die because we we need this dude oh there we go okay we got him stuck in there now that was kind of a close call i was scared he was gonna die from my thorns because my thorns was just constantly damaging him all right i'm gonna keep you safe we need a golden apple and a weakness potion asap i honestly don't know if i'm able to make it in time because i don't even have a blaze rods or like anything yet because you know we haven't even been to like we haven't even explored the nether so this this might this might not work out okay well i'm gonna be honest i'm pretty sure we're not gonna be able to save this guy because we are just not prepared at all and if i move 128 blocks away from this dude then he will despawn so i think this might have been a failure well i was going to give it a try anyway so i went down into the nether let's see if we can find ourselves another fortress a lot of trekking later there was another fortress it was submerged into the ground though this is the first time i've ever seen something like that i was intrigued so i decided to go and explore it so i actually got pretty low a couple times it wasn't that bad though because when i got below like four hearts i kind of just ran and hid so i think i was good but i got a wither skeleton skull like what why does why does it give it to me now like if you saw my last season you guys wouldn't know it took me so so long to find my first withers hilton skull back home finally after a long trip in the nether i had to cross one of those new bombs it was pretty cool though it was like weird there were a lot of those like basalt thingies i think it was called a basalt delta i don't know oh wait i should probably check if the villager is gone it probably is and yeah he's gone yeah i try to throw my oh my chill whoa there's a lot of mobs out here tonight holy crap okay well as i was saying there's a carrot down there because i was trying to throw him a carrot to see if he could pick it up because if you guys didn't know um mobs can uh sometimes hold items and when they hold items i don't think they despawn so that would have been pretty great we got a lot of treasures though we got some another words from a chest we got a wither skeleton skull eight blaze rods so i guess i could start making a brewing stand and make some potions just in case this happens again i think i'm gonna do that right now yeah my inventory is so messy i need i need to clean this up the a61 was kind of boring except i found an enderman holding a grass block and you already know what i did to him hey we got a grass block though no silk touch this is pretty pog by the end of that day i expanded my sugarcane farm so now it was even bigger than ever i wonder how big this thing is gonna get all right well anyway i think today might be a good time to you know extend the storage system because our chest has been getting kind of full like our wood ones all right our stone one's close it's getting there over here our junk chest is just filled we need to do a little bit more sorting because you know last season we we had tons of sorting and stuff going on so i think i'm just gonna mine out this way and i feel like just a little storage room on the right side of our house could look pretty cool oh wait actually before we do this i think i need a refresher on all of my tools and there we go we got ourselves some brand new fresh and clean iron tools so this place was actually already dug out because there was a water pool here so a lot of the digging has already been done for us so that's that's pretty convenient i guess i don't really have to do that much digging which is nice i forgot that i left a lot of iron in here a long time ago so now we got 41 iron ingots that's that's actually handy well anyway what i was doing was i kind of just built it out here follows the same like kind of pattern or theme with the rest of the house just super simple basic boring to be honest i'm not even gonna lie i don't really like this design but i kind of have to stick with it because it's gonna look weird if i just choose some random design out of nowhere well anyway right here we got some glowstone lining up the ground and i think i'm just gonna be having chests like this and they can just stack up and yeah that i think that's about it for our storage area still got a lot of work to do to like clean up this room and add some better lighting like these torches just ain't gonna cut it bro this glowstone added some cool glow on these chests i think it turned out pretty good yeah i can't wait till we move out of here to be honest but like i feel like we can't just live inside our house for a couple of days and just move out we have to at least enjoy our time here you know spend a bit more time in here i think in our first season like the first house that we made we stayed in it for about 10 days or so and it was kind of sad so i think we're gonna make our first house in the season a bit more memorable guys are we what bro chill i was going to start the i was going to start the clip by like talking about her wheats and i see a zombie riding on top of a baby chick a baby a baby zombie on top of a baby chicken or oh that's normal chicken dude what how rare is that mob i don't want to kill it i guess i kind of have to though but that's actually sick though i didn't know those guys could spawn i thought they could only spawn like with gold or diamond armor but i think that's probably more rare than this hey he dropped some of his armor yeah useless okay you know what screw this i'm going to bed and then i'll talk to you guys all right as i was saying um our wheats we have the smallest most like tiny wheat farm ever like we we don't have a good source of wheat right now and steak is like my main form of food so i think we should probably get some more wheat because i need to be like you know feeding these guys oh also our sugar cane farm it's full again dude our sugar cane grows a lot faster than our wheat okay uh yeah this is a lot of sugar cane i there's no way i'm using this all that that's probably enough well next up on my list as guys mentioned in the last episode i think it might be time to do some capitalism we really need to get some villagers up in here i'm gonna grab some of our fences why don't we build a little house or a pen slash house kind of thing for the villagers um i'm gonna do it right over here this is a nice open place for it i'll start it out as like a pen and then might be a bit expensive on wood and as you guys saw in that wood chest a couple seconds ago i'm kind of running out of wood yeah i kinda like this idea i think i'm gonna go with it their house is probably gonna be ugly because uh this is just a little villager compound for now that i can store them in because i don't really think it's necessary to take the time right now and make a whole like villager hall trading setup and all that kind of stuff i just want a little house to keep them safe i think you already know what day 64 was a lot of tree gathering you know i'm kind of feeling like a lumberjack now bro their lives are kind of boring why not you could kind of see what this villager thing was turning into it looks more like a prison than a little house for them i don't know what i'm doing here but you know the hardest thing is going to be finding a villager zombie villagers aren't that rare i think in hardcore mode but i'll also keep an eye out for them because i haven't really been looking for them at first i could not find any of these zombie villagers but i came across one toward the end of the night as you guys can tell it's kind of difficult to get them back into the cage without any other mobs trying to you know devour you and there we go he is currently trapped inside that hole and now we gotta act fast and get our weakness potion and our golden apple all right well let's get started and turn these gold nuggets into gold ingots then we need to find an apple there we go we actually have one in there all right make a golden apple there we go we got a precious golden apple wait i suppose this had a blue font you guys see that how it says golden apple and blue font um i don't know why probably because it's a rare item all right well anyway back on track we need a fermented spider eye that requires sugar i believe and finally a brown mushroom i already made my water bottles so we just got to place this stuff in here fermented spider eye and we should have our weakness potion oh i need a gunpowder to make it splash actually where is the spider i've been hearing this spider this whole time i have no idea where he is oh yeah and i should probably move stuff in the storage room but i've been lazy right now i'm gonna do it eventually all right so we got our potions of weakness put a gun powder in and that should make it splash i need to find this dude oh he's shown at the top okay let's just get out of here please thank you come on come on it's almost done hey there we go local brewery advancement made now our boy over here should still be here because i'm pretty sure he picked up a dirt block as well yep i hear him in there and now we should have a witch doctor advancement done pretty soon so while i was waiting for this dude to cure i just um started moving all of our items into our new storage room it took a couple of minutes but our zombie doctor achievement finally appeared i was super excited to go check up on our villager and there he was just chilling down in the hole in all of his glory day 67 was a pretty boring day just to get a lot of work done you know moving all of our stuff into our brand new storage room and also farming wood because now that we had our villager i turned him into a fletcher so we could sell him all of our sticks okay so i finally finished up the storage room and i'm super excited to show you guys what it looks like so all these three chests here are completely empty so we're all good with that over here i decided to keep our current wood and uh stone chests but over here we got a sinuses storage and inside i labeled everything with signs i think it actually looks cool and it's probably a better idea than doing item frames cause last season i did item frames and um some of you guys uh pointed out that item frames are entities and they may cause lag so i'm gonna be going with science this season i think it looks just as good honestly maybe even better alright well right here we got our oars gems here are valuables which are pretty much just other goodies that are just aren't oars right here is our dirt sand gravel this is just other random blocks here is mob drops miscellaneous food tools weapons and armor that's about it for the storage room i still have to finish this up i just i've been lazy with this i chopped some trees like a lumberjack all the way into day 68. after a nice and calming wood collecting session i turned every single piece of a log that i had on my inventory into sticks hopefully this is enough to get us at least a bit started with some emeralds and now it was time to trade them all to the villager i actually had way more than enough i thought it was gonna be enough for just one session of trading but turns out this is probably good for two thank you on day 70 i finished up some unfinished business and also laid down a nice path to the villager cage on day 71 i was thinking about making a diamond sword and enchanting it but i had the mob farm going so i was like screw it i'm just gonna use my iron sword and we ended up getting sharpness three unbreaking three sweeping h3 that's that's a pretty good enchantment i was pretty happy with that next i grinded out our mob farm gathered some more levels and then i returned over to our villager to trade more with him before the day was over well the day was already over but i think you know what i mean i was about to start off like the the day or whatever and i just see some skeleton inside the sugarcane again bro like this is the second time you gotta be kidding me all right well anyway i was gonna show you guys this thing that i spotted over here i i can't believe i haven't found this yet but i i was up there and i looked down and i noticed some cobblestone so i was like hmm what is this and i realized that it could only mean one thing it's a dungeon but what is the spawner oh there it is is that spider oh this is spider spawner i can't believe there's just like a dungeon pretty much on the surface okay i don't know why i'm even clearing it out we got the chests right here so gunpowder bones saddles ooh 13 music disc that can help us when we try to collect all the music discs oh cat i like cats and a golden apple that's that's actually good because we can cure another zombie villager with that and speaking of gearing zombie villagers tonight i want to go searching for another one because we need another villager i'm probably going to turn him into a weaponsmith either weapon switcher or armor and armor is probably more important because i'm trying to beat the inner dragon by day 100 that is kind of my goal of this series right now yeah expansion of the villager cage is going to be necessary very soon and i kind of regret making it this ugly because i'm looking at it and it's kind of i don't really like it dude i kind of hope that i just went with a nice house but that also would have taken a lot of time so i don't know also we got an open space right here let me know down in the comments what you guys want to see right here oh maybe we could extend the farm over well there's kind of some holes in the middle because that's where our slime farm is but yeah like weeds potatoes um all that kind of stuff we need a farm for that that night was zombie villager hunting time and these are actually not that rare in hardcore mode i've realized i've seen one like whenever i try to look for them they're they're not that hard to find except this one was kind of far from my house it was gonna be a long trek to get back there so the next day i went over to cure our villager fought off a creeper but finally got the apple to him and it was ready to go i got a bunch more sticks and did some more trading with our villager boy over here okay so i want to turn our villager into a armor now and to do that we need to make a blast furnace i believe so i had to smelt some super smooth stone to make these because i believe this is the recipe yes sir alright we got our two blast furnaces the reason i made two is because i actually want to replace one of ours right here with a blast furnace hey there we go he's all cured but i'm just gonna i'm gonna move him later until he do it right now but there we go there's our blast furnace inside there he should turn into the armor when i get him up finally got our villager inside of the villager cage and now he is in armor let's check out his trades oh he's got some nice trades everything has only one emerald that's actually insane i gotta grab a couple of these day 74 was just filled with capitalism man those trades were so insanely cheap when we got to the diamond armor sets they were also a one emerald each i was super confused why because you know usually it takes two cures or so to get it to one emerald i think it had something to do with like villager gossiping or i don't know something i read on reddit but yeah i was pretty happy that it was only one emerald and that night my inventory was just completely filled up with just junk of arbor and all that kind of stuff i'm probably gonna throw it away one day on day 75 i went over to my carrot farm because we haven't tended this thing this whole episode yet so everything was fully grown it looks amazing but that's when i spotted an enderman holding another grass block in the corner of my eye you know i had to get this dude those grass blocks are pretty fire well guys there's only one more thing i want to do before we end off this episode i'm just going to harvest all of this stuff dude if i keep on expanding the sugar cream farm every episode this thing is going to get ginormous it's going to be crazy hey yo the cow's spinning in circles what's poppin there we go we got a crap ton of sugar came from that that's pretty sick oh wait i swear i forgot some water buckets here hold on let me fix this but yeah i think we are so ready for the next episode guys because the next episode we're gonna be taking on the ender dragon so having good gear is very important and i i need a helmet still but i haven't really i haven't really had time to trade this guy today yeah we're gonna need a lot of inner pearls though because we're gonna need to make those eyes of ender so maybe we're gonna have to start breeding these villagers because honestly breeding them might be one of the easiest ways because we don't have to waste a golden apple and a weakness potion but yeah i chose the armorer because armor i think is probably the most important hardcore you know we gotta make sure we're safe that we don't take damage we don't take that much damage so then hopefully we have a lesser chance of dying and yeah this blast protection 2 should keep us safe from creepers hopefully but yeah guys this has been a really fun episode i did not mean to open that chest but yeah guys this has been a really fun episode i hope you guys have all enjoyed it so far and i am so excited for the next episode where we finally take on the ender dragon i hope you guys have an amazing day and i'll see you guys next time peace out hey guys how's it going welcome back to another minecraft video today's the final episode of the 100 day series i hope you guys are all ready for this episode it's going to be an epic one hopefully today we can go and fight the ender dragon but first we need our necessary ingredients which means probably some inner pearls so i'm gonna try getting a cleric i'm gonna give one of these guys three bread i'm gonna give the other one 12 carrots and i need to make more beds actually and then they can breed okay now we good i got another bed so hopefully they can breed while i'm away because the cleric villager could be pretty useful for us because i don't really want to grind all those enterprise and finding enderman let me let me check how much i have right now okay yeah we only have a single ender pro so i think this cleric might be needy all right so i just grabbed a book and some lapis to check what the enchantment was and it's efficiency four so i think i'm just gonna grab that and okay sharpness three what i'm probably gonna put it on top of my pickaxe oh wait i don't even have an anvil yet okay i'm just gonna save this then what's gonna happen to the sharpness three when i put on my pickaxe will it just go away where will it be a sharpness three pickaxe that would be kind of weird well if we're gonna be trying to fight the enemy dragon we should probably get ready on our gear and stuff because right now my armor isn't looking too good i got blast protection too protection one protection three yeah we need an upgrade on that desperately hopefully we can manage to do it in this 25 day time span today oh and also a bow we're gonna need a powerful bow none of our bows are enchanted but i do have a fletcher so i think he sells an enchanted bow on one of his last tiers i'm gonna go check with him oh what they already braided dude no way that was so quick that was actually insane i might i can't believe that actually worked okay our fletcher's right here we got power to punch one okay that that's a pretty good start we can go we can go with that dude i'm so happy that we actually got a baby sick dude all right i can turn into a cleric for the rest of the day i placed a brewing stand inside of our villager compound which definitely needs an upgrade like honestly this it doesn't look too good i also went down into the mines to see if i can find some gold because i wanted to make some golden apples for this fight just in case like a backup it was honestly just a waiting game now because the next thing i wanted to do required my cleric villager and getting all those ender pearls i went back to the nether on day 77 while i was waiting for this baby villager to grow up because i needed some more blaze rods i only had seven back at home so that would only give me 14 blaze powder i was gonna need a little bit more than that just to be safe i spent a lot more time in the nether than i originally planned because i was making like a better path to get to my nether fortress just to make it a little more safer all right i'm finally back home on day 79 and i got nine blaze rods with me my shield is pretty low right now i had to use it against those blazes a lot all right well our baby villager should now all be grown up and be turned into a cleric our cleric finally was up and running i had to waste a lot of emeralds and when i mean a lot i used all of our like 50 or so emeralds just to level this guy up we really need to get to those ender pearls right now yeah and that night i needed to do some training to get those emeralds back on day 80 i realized that our expert level cleric actually gave us one emerald for eight water bottles or just clear clear glass models i think this is a better income than the sticks so i should get to work well i guess it's a good thing that i literally live like four blocks away from a freaking desert alright um yeah one of my villagers accidentally escaped but he was a smart one and he just walked right back in so thank you for that well i finally upgraded up our cleric villager and i realized something i realized that this cleric villager did not come with an enterprise because the second to last level should have given me an ender pearl but it didn't i think it was like a 66 chance that it does so that is kind of unlucky now i have to go do this all over again i don't know what i'm gonna do with this guy on day 81 i captured a villager and i made him go down into this deep hole where i killed him so no other soldiers could see me do this horrible act by the end of the day our baby villager was back day 82 was just filled with more trading while i was waiting for our baby villager to grow up i gathered up a hefty amount of emeralds today thank you day 84 was spent grinding up our cleric filter back to where it used to be hopefully this time we actually have ender pearls all right this is the moment of truth if we get ender pearls or not come on i really don't want to do this a third time oh thank god let's go oh my goodness we okay this i really did not want to do this again because i have a whole schedule lined out about what i'm going to be doing each day and if if this didn't work my schedule would have been all messed up again thank goodness okay let's grab our two ender pearls and i need to go get some more emeralds to trade with this guy let's go dude i'm so happy good thing my villagers still had that one glass bottle trade because that one was like probably the most useful because glass is just so easy to get so on day 84 i copped ourselves a brand new bow along with some more ender pearls and gave her a carrot farm a little trim and now it's looking pretty clean and i wrapped up our day with some good old mining i wanted to make an anvil all right let me grab my book and we got our anvil down let's see how much this costs first of all oh it's only four okay good it removes our sharpness which we don't even need so it just gives us unbreaking three and efficiency four i will take that pickaxe wait a minute if i buy two of these bows can i combine them it's probably gonna be like 50 levels though it's okay though because we got our mob farm should be okay with any level issues all right let's buy one of these all right i really want to see what happens if we do this oh yeah it just it just combines our power oh no and punch so now we have power three and punch two that's insane okay i'll take that maybe an unbreaking book would be nice that anvil is gonna be pretty useful for us in the near future because i and my armor just still sucks man there is no way i'm pulling up to the end of dragon wearing like protection one and protection too i'm just gonna get destroyed dude i honestly had no idea how i was gonna get all this god armor in a couple of days time i figured i was first gonna level up my armor villager let's see what kind of armor he has in store for us okay so i have an idea right now my helmet is trash we're not gonna need that but i got three diamond helmets right here and if we combine these that gives us protection three unbreaking three and if we combine it one more time it should give us plot four oh wait oh wait no i need another pro two one hold on all right now i'm back with another product two so if we combine these two prod twos we could have prob three i'll wait and we're not gonna have enough levels for this but yeah only cost twelve but then we'll get a prop four so i'm going to try to go for that after a bit of mob grinding that day i finally got enough xp to make my prod 4 helmet and yes i do listen to you guys comments so i made a grindstone to disenchanted the unneeded armor the 86 was just me grinding out to get some better armor traded with our villagers a bunch disenchanted a bunch of trash armor and enchanted some more using our enchantment table trying to get a better enchantment i said enchantment like 30 times in this sentence here were some of the best enchantments that i got during that day [Music] on day 87 it's time to get some gold and some diamonds because for the gold we need to make some golden apples just in case it's like a backup and we need diamonds for a diamond sword all right so i got my oars cooking over there and i don't know how i missed this but i already had two diamonds inside of our chest i i completely just looked over that i guess so now we got four extra diamonds well anyway while these are cooking i'm gonna make my diamond sword and hopefully we get a good enchantment from this just need to grab my lapis over here real quick all right what do we get knock back two oh dude come on bro all right i'm gonna go for it and then i'm just gonna disenchant yep that was that was complete trash okay so we're low on some xp so i'm just gonna grab our cleric dude over here i think he sells bottles oh enchanting yes sir i don't know how much i'm gonna need i'm gonna buy them all script i don't think i needed that many actually oh wait what okay that gives you like nothing never mind okay now we good let's try this one more time knock back two again are you joking bro oh okay this is this is messing with me now this this is not okay it took a bit but i managed to get a diamond sword with sharpness 4 and fire aspect 2. no one breaking but it's all right because hopefully sometime we can add on to it all right i think it's probably time to start heading out we're pretty ready gotta craft these eyes of ender 16 should be enough for us oh i'm excited dude hopefully we don't die here that would be a pretty tragic day 90 was just traveling to get there and same with day 91 thank god i actually had enough under eyes to get there i also brought a bed with me just in case i had to sleep through some nights and yes sir i finally got there these under eyes were leading me to the exact same location right around this like sandy thing well here we are we now are actually inside the stronghold time to get exploring i've already got some pretty useless stuff like some gold some bread is like an iron pickaxe and now we are here at the library section oh that was a silverfish let's see what kind of goodies we can get inside of here piercing three smite four and looting two oh looting two that could be good on my sword when we are going to get those skeleton heads from the nether what are they called again oh yeah wither with their skeleton skulls when we need those looting will be super helpful for us that was a mistake i made last season i i'd barely use the looting and it took legit ages to get those skeleton heads after a lot of exploring and treasure hunting i finally came across the end portal room my inventory is a mess right now hold on let me just throw away some of this stuff all right i don't think i'm gonna be needing most of these things i'll throw away the seven redstone as well all right yeah my inventory should be clean enough for now but this and the portal frame thing doesn't even have a single i've ender in it good thing i have enough though because i think you need 12. i didn't know it was possible for it to be like spawned with none i thought i had to at least spawn with one or two that's kind of unlucky but it's all good because we got enough under eyes for this thing boom there we go we got the black void i think it is our time to shine [Music] [Music] and there it is that is the ender dragon defeated for the second time on this channel now i was just in awe and you'll see in this replay that i do something really dumb but it's not that big of a deal yeah i spotted ender pro right there and i walked into the portal as soon as the portal like activated so i kind of missed out on all the xp but it's okay when we go back to the end to get the elytra i can describe the ender egg and i'm guessing xp's gonna be gone by then but if it's not it's it's okay because we still got mob farms and xp farmers if we can build yeah i i hope the dragon egg is still gonna be there though i'm pretty sure it stays though day 94 was just getting back on track and you know just planning some new things about what we should do up next all right well i'm having some plans about the future of our like kind of base so obviously we're gonna need a proper housing for our villagers here if we're gonna want to get some more villager stuff like mending obviously is one of them that i want to get yeah i don't think i don't think we can keep them living inside this villager cage for much longer oh wait i just realized we have four beds in there and three villagers so i think i will go breed these guys in the meantime just so we can have one more baby villager while i work on this new house so i'm thinking of just kind of expanding like my pathway this way there's a lot of open space back here i feel like this would just be a nice spot for just like a little villager house i'm gonna actually try to make it a lot a lot better than this obviously so i'm just gonna dig out this little space for our villager compound i think it's gonna look pretty cool next to our mountain house okay i got this like main plane kind of thing laid out it's only gonna be this big but i'm planning on doing floors and maybe like a little basement area which is where most of them are gonna chill at so this path kind of goes up this like a little hillside i'll have some stairs trap doors just to make it a little more smoother of a transition and then we'll turn to our right over here and then i can add some like bushes or something in the front to make it look a bit nicer and yeah i'm actually super excited for this thing i don't think we're gonna be able to finish it this episode but hopefully next time if you guys want to see it and also i added a little pathway down this way we can have some buildings or some like storage anything on both these sides over here and i probably will either demolish this or keep it here as kind of like a monument you know just to show like what our first villager compound looks like but yeah this base i'm planning on just expanding it more that way there's a lot of planes that way and then there's some sand places over here um i could have like a cartographer trading center over in that area because it is just like sandy you know there's gonna be glass for days over there all right so i know i just started this house but i'm really liking this design i tried to go with something different by using birch this time instead of the usual like normal oak i always use and this is turning out to look pretty cool all right i wanna show you guys what kind of design right now i have for the floor so we're gonna walk right in we got some like weird kind of oak kind of design right here oh there's a creeper hey yo chill out bro let me just let me talk to the community right now i gotta show them what i'm doing all right so we walk in this is gonna be a staircase so i'm actually gonna like dig this out and it's gonna go downstairs i've decided to just make this one floor i think unless i want to make a staircase on there too and it could be like a huge kind of building but i don't think that's necessary right now i want to make this downstairs and then all this stuff i'll fill in with um birch birch planks and yeah that's kind of the floor design and these are gonna be where the windows are i haven't fully done this yet but like i don't know you guys kind of get the idea all right well i'm gonna do a quick little time lapse of me just filling in the ground i'm not gonna use replay mode because like this is just like a really small project i'm just gonna do the flooring that's about it so yeah just enjoy all right i want to show you guys the progress on our new house um let me grab some wheat real quick i'll tell you guys in a second so on the size of our villager house we got two by two windows i decided to do that because it kind of like centered more and then right here i'm thinking of maybe expanding the house that way more i was gonna have this open as like an option if i ever want to in the future just in case like you know this house isn't big enough yeah we got more windows more windows this is gonna be the front door i haven't completely done that yet but basement still haven't done yes but this thing is looking pretty cool i never usually build with birch because in my opinion i think it's like way too bright of a wood i don't know i i just don't really like using birch but honestly i might start using birch more because it just it looks cool it gives it like a kind of modern luxurious feeling oh yeah and about the wheat i want to go find some sheep because i want to make a sheet pen just for some like you know just more wool production we don't really have a way of getting wool right now i'm gonna go see if i can find some i couldn't really find any sheep near by me last night but the next day i got a couple so we all good all right so i have these guys trapped inside this little pen on the other side of the villager house i already buried one up there we go we got our first baby sheep here but next up all my plans is maybe just i don't know i kind of want to go in the nether see if i can find some nether rights i probably won't be honest because like last season i don't think i got full netherrite everything until like day 470 or so like i don't know it was kind of a low priority for me last season because i didn't really need all netherride tools we only have five white wool which would only make one bed so okay maybe maybe netherride is not such a good idea right now i think we'll need a lot more wool first on day 98 i got myself a smithing table right here as you can see because our baby villager is finally born i'm going to place down a smithing table so when he wakes up or not wakes up when he grows up he should turn into a tool smith i'm just going to place that right there and okay you you better be a great tool smith when you grow up baby yeah i'm gonna have to transfer all four of those dudes into here as soon as possible though probably gonna use minecarts the easiest way in my opinion just because i've had a lot of experience using them at the end of day 98 i added some little things to our brand new villager house just some more layers of wood on the top on day 99 only one more day from reaching 100 days survived in this hardcore world i chopped down some trees because i needed some more sticks to sell to our villagers because to level up our toolsmith we were gonna need a lot of emeralds thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right so the day's about to end the sun is setting i'll recap what i've done so far so pretty much i i've mastered up our um fletcher to master level and now he sells us airs of slow falling kind of random but you know slow falling arrows that's pretty cool over here are oh that's our armor my bad where's our tool spin oh this oh this is him all right um yeah i can't buy this anymore but we've got some unbreaking one axes like not not that helpful but you know free access man i needed a replacement anyway now he's really close to leveling up next and hopefully we get some nice tools out of him but right now i think it is time for us to all go to bed well guys we have finally made it into day 100 let me press f3 real quick so you guys can see yeah there it is right there on the left side of my screen day 100 it's taken me about a month to get here for like playing and editing time so it's kind of been a journey but yeah i think we did pretty good in 100 days i know in my last season i'm pretty sure i did a lot more in the first 100 days than this one but i'm trying to go for more of quality this season and less of just kind of speed running everything so expect to see some nicer builds some just better overall contents for the season i hope okay wait this path kinda is weird it's like too blocky i'm gonna maybe i should just remove this part of the pad yeah well do you guys wanted 200 days let me know down in the comments below oh wait what i just realized i don't have a skin on right now okay i already know the comments are going to be telling me that because i probably missed that the entire video yeah my skin just died for some reason all right well anyway do you guys want a 200 days let me know down in the comments below if we can get 1000 likes on this 200 days is coming yeah but i'm super excited to see what our world would look like on day 200 because honestly bro there is gonna be so much progression since we got most of the hard work out of the way like getting tools getting armor all that stuff is pretty much good diamond is gonna be good enough for now i'm sure another right is definitely just like an extra kind of thing but still will be helpful for us yeah well that's probably gonna be it for today's video guys i hope you guys enjoyed it in the next 100 days if we do make the next 100 days i'm planning on first things first you know moving out of our like small hobbit hole here because it's it's a tiny house we need a we need a more luxurious lifestyle man yeah okay i've been i've been talking too much well anyway guys i hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day and i'll see you guys next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: OneTap
Views: 418,530
Rating: 4.8657198 out of 5
Keywords: onetap, minecraft, luke the notable, luke thenotable, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, 100 days minecraft hardcore, hard mode, 100 days minecraft, minecraft 100 days, wadzee, dream, i survived 200 days minecraft, onetap minecraft, underrated minecraft youtubers, 100 days in minecraft, hardcore mode, and this is what happened, 100 days, 300 days, full 100 days, 2000 days hardcore, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore mode
Id: AtehfgGIEsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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