I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore

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Title I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore
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Length 35:41
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Description Today we are going to try and survive 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore! This video took a very long time to make so make sure to subscribe.⤶~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~⤶LukeTheNotables Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Creolesbackfire⤶~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~⤶#100Days #MinecraftHardcore #LukeTheNotable #HSauce

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SmallYTChannelBot 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’d say you have a lot of good in this video. And I can definitely tell you put a lot of time into this. Your voiceover is good, though a little monotonous at times. The thumbnail is well made and eye catching. The video quality overall is pretty good, it definitely earned my sub.

There are a couple of things I would change however. I know that it can be helpful when you’re a small channel, but I would not ask for a sub and a like right off the bat. I know most people, including me, don’t really like when a person is asking for a sub before the video has even begun or there’s even been a chance to see if the video is sub worthy or something they would watch. Another thing, which is a lot more just opinion based on my end, I would’ve preferred to hear you talking in real time during the clips, instead of an after the fact voiceover. However I’m sure there are a lot of people who would prefer the voiceover the way you did it. But personally, I would like to hear your actual thoughts of the time of you recording the clips.

Overall, good job man. The video was entertaining. Minecraft is a tough niche, but if you keep up the quality I see you taking off. Good luck man.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/notanironmanbtw 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

The video was great, it was a almost clone of all the other hardcore 100 day videos and I don’t mean that in a bad way. I shows you know what and how they do it and it can get you very far on YouTube. BUT the voice over had moments of disconnect. I do understand it’s your first time so over time it will surely get better. But when ever you pause or stutter don’t rush through it. Either redo it or play along with it. Never make it seem like a school project but always a passion project. Over all you get a 9/10 for me and I can’t wait to see how much you grow in the upcoming months !

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AsunderSage672 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

First of all, really impressive to complete such a run and then edit it all down. A really great project.

Second, the jokes scattered throughout helped a LOT, and were pretty well written. I feel like you could work on delivery a bit (just watching stand-up comedy is a great way to do so), but pretty well done overall!

Like you said, figuring out the replay mod would be really cool, so maybe you could try to get that working before you make a sequel. Also, there were a few moments (like going from day 93 to 94) when the quality of the voiceover changes suddenly. I find it's a good idea to always watch back through a video once and listen only to sound quality, so you can spot stuff like that and re-record or tweak the settings and get it better. Not a big deal, but probably one of the things that separates pro YouTubers from beginners. All in all great work, keep it up! Hope this helped.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/InLaymansTerms_ 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello welcome back to another video today we are going to be attempting the 100 days in minecraft hardcore challenge which was created by luke the notable he is the inspiration for this video so please go check them out in the description below if you didn't know 100 days in minecraft equals 33 hours in real time our goals for the 33 hours we have are to establish a base get full diamond and defeat the enderdrag now this video took a long time to mix i would really appreciate it if you subscribed and liked the video as it would really help out my channel now without further ado let's start also i'm sorry about my voiceover at the first 10 days you know i'm new to this type of reading office script so it's not that good at the start but trust me it gets better so stick around day zero i created the world and spawned in this is exactly the type of spawn i wanted right by a mountain i did the usual minecraft survival things chopped wood got tools cooked food and even started a weed farm as soon as i got torches from a nearby source of coal i headed down to the mines it did take me a while to get down to y coordinate 12 with my stone pickaxe but i eventually made it i came down here in the hopes of finding iron and maybe that sweet sweet blue stuff i got my first bit of iron and started smelting it it was now day one the iron finished smelting with that i made my first iron pick time to purge the world of vista resources i eventually got enough to make some iron armor for extra protection i was still mining when i came across diamonds oh my god i feel like this is the start of an addiction to being rich it was a five vein so i got very lucky honestly i think it might be a world record for these types of videos to find diamonds as fast i kept mining and i found not just another vein but also a third and a fourth wow in total i had 18 diamonds so i figured that was enough for now and headed back up to the surface i wasn't recording for the start of day two all i did was make the diamond tools and was exploring to get a sense of the land around me i said hi to some of the locals and stole their spruce trees don't tell the lorax when i got back it was getting dark out so i decided to use some of the wool i forcefully took from the locals and made a comfy bed i woke on day three with murderous intent for animals of course but that will have to wait because i'm starting work on my house it ends up being pretty cozy at the end of these 100 days but in the next 100 days i have big plans for it the sun was setting so i placed down some torches on my land so no mob would spawn and i kept working on the circular design of it until the morning of day four day four i cleaned up the front to make it look better and added some more dirt to my farmland then i started the big task of hollowing out my house day five i started by replenishing some seeds and continued work hollowing out the house i did try and play with the replay mod to see if i could you know make it a bit less boring instead of looking at my pickaxe the whole time but i had no clue how to do it so i did what any reasonable person would do and give up my stomach was getting rumbly so i built a small pen it's not the prettiest but it will do for the next 40 days oh my god how did i keep it this long i looked for cows to borrow into a life of inbreeding with their children and getting killed for meat and leather turns out cows don't exist where i live but sheep do and lots of them it was night time before i came back to my base i did have to fight a few mobs but i got an achievement for uno reversing a skeleton i did some more work on the base until the dawn of day six all i did today was harvest wood from a huge spruce tree and spruce up my house do you see what i did there day seven look at that such a nice view of my house i needed more iron for an upcoming project so i headed back down to the mines which is going to become a trend throughout these 100 days i stumbled across a mine shaft that had some diamonds in it let's go i had an encounter with a creeper and he almost threw me into the lava luckily i am such a big brain player that i avoided it by pressing d i found some more oars and surfaced back to the surface what is that sentence who wrote the script oh my god oh wait i did surface back to the surface i moved into my humble abode it was nice not sleeping outside for once i added some wood and trapdoors to the front to make it pop a bit more and i didn't know what to do so i just kind of slept day 9 i finished up my main lobby area it's looking kind of nice so i started work on my storage area day 10 i expanded my wheat farm and i went to go get some spruce wood all of a sudden there was i found it cows they looked really tasty so i did what any decent person would do and led them up into a pen with false senses of security the cows almost died a couple of times on their way to the base but i eventually got them in these two are the start of a generation of albanians alabamians i don't know how to say it something happened when i was going to work in the storage room there was an enderman there and my three brain cells combined decided it would be a good idea to fight him it wasn't if it weren't for my strategic placing of a water bucket and panicked placing cobblestone the series would have ended there which would have been the second time i died in hardcore while building a storage room thanks moyang after my heart attack and more hard work on the storage room i fell asleep day left and i started filling the room with chests and crafting tables but that required lots of wood so i spent all day topping wood and turning them into chests all i did on day 12 was redoing my farming area taking notes from europeans and expanding on native lands that i didn't even own but thanks to the power of greed i now have lots of wheat all i did today was um add some finishing touches to my storage room went and removed some sources of oxygen and started moving my stuff exciting right i know i finished up the night by fulfilling my selfish need for resource i was still in the mines for the first when i decided to go back i had 22 diamonds wow with that i made a full set of diamond armor and tools not sure why i left out the shovel though i spent all day moving my stuff to the storage area and even got some item frames on the chests day 15 after doing my morning chores aka breeding cows with their children i felt the need to explore i found a nearby swamp that had a ruined nether portal in it i took the resources and continued slaughtering every animal i found on my path don't let the vegan teachers see video i even had the pleasure of meeting donkeys for the first time in this world too bad they couldn't stay alone it began to get dark and dark equals mobs and mobs equals death so after slaughtering a couple mobs to get to level 31 i decided to dig a little hidey hole and went to bed i started on my way back home day 16 even coming across a huge spruce forest about midway through my journey i found a dog who i named ct555555 after a fallen soldier i finally made it home when the sun was setting i organized all my stuff and showed ct555 his new home i made an enchanting table and left it outside for some reason i don't know why i put it outside today i started to expand my house starting with a hallway where i'm going to make rooms and to an enchanting another room i decided to work on my nether room first meaning any nether blocks meaning yes i need to go down to the most terrifying place in all of minecraft i went down to a local lava pool and mind obsidian which took about 50 years with my diamond pickaxe day 18 i lit the portal and went in it was a pretty good spawn i did what everyone would do when discovering a new land and purged his resources i'm sorry i'm only going to use that joke one more time when we go to the end i found a basalt delta by him and grabbed some resources for my build when i got back i reorganized everything to my chest i finally had enough bookcases to get a level 30 enchantment so i went with my pickaxe because i was going to do a lot of digging let's see what we got just unbreaking three this stupid no worries i just made myself a grindstone and when i re-enchant it i got the best possible pickaxe enchantment with unbreaking three efficiency four and fortune three time to go test this baby out i was down in the mines for the night of day 18 and the majority of day 19 and i found loads of redstone coal and even diamonds with my fortune 3 pick it was dark out so after a long day of mining i went to sleep with my dog watching me creepily day 20 i tried to enchant my sword but i only got garbage in chance there goes four levels i continued in the nether mining those blue trees and i even got an achievement for boinking a fireball back at a gas after some land expansion and enchanting i was ready to build the room when i was building a zombie pigman came in from the nether and trapped himself in one of my lava displays i decided to name our friend orphan because he was trapped in my property without anyone knowing day 21 i was still working but i needed more blackstone so i bridged across the lava pool to get some those magma cubes almost murked me a couple of times but i got back fine it was day 22 and i was oh so very close to being finished and boom done i was finished i was proud of the way it turned out can't say the same for this hallway though it really does reflect real life doesn't it i made a staircase on the hill so i can get easier access above and i also gathered some wood to work on my hall area i placed some torches on my new land borrowed the alabama cow's meat and put the rest of the item frames on my chest day 24 i was still categorizing my items and did some mining that's it day 25 i made a ceiling to my hall area and went adventuring in hell mostly to get levels in gold and also today i got the achievement for exploring all netherby i was still there on day 26 nervously exploring hoping i don't die obs wasn't recording day 27 and most of day 28 but i finished my enchanting room day 30 again obs was being dumb and i didn't record my adventure i ended up finding a village and i spiked by him and my new horse named grogu i went down to the mines again how many times am i going to say that day 31 i was feeling very arsonist today so i burnt down an entire ecosystem it felt good at night i had enough levels to enchant all of my armor and got really good enchantments so i think it's finally time i go find another fortress to travel safely through the nether i grabbed a saddle and rode on a strider through the lava lakes although once i found land i took care of them in a proper manner and said goodbye and i kept doing this until i found a fortress and on day 32 i finally found a fortress i built up and got ready to face the literal most scary early game mod in this game wither skeletons i swiftly took care of them though and instantly spotted chandelier spawner i built a safe room to farm blazes while getting sniped at by other blazes and then i just started stabbing them for sticks after i figured i had enough rods i kept exploring for netherwards to make potions of course with my luck i didn't find a single thing and while i was heading back to my portal i had a tricky encounter with the hogland keeping my cool the whole time and totally not choking it whatsoever i got back during the night time and organized my loot day 34 for the first time in my hardcore history i owned a stack of diamonds to celebrate i named my pickaxe something only ogs will understand you know what surprise more mining very exciting day 35 i made some materials to get started on an automatic furnace system i don't usually play with redstone you know what i think i did pretty well and i want to do more with redstone in this world like an automatic sheep fricker that may or may not be a joke day 37-38 i finished up the contraption it's still rough around the edges but it will work sort of j-39 i took a break by boring trees from the earth that's all i did i started work on yet another project an animal farm inside of my hill i had mountains of resources for mining things but luckily i had an auto furnace system so it was easier to get stone bricks and smooth stone of course the machine broke so i had to fix it in day 41 i was implementing the animals area which is decorated with coarse dirt big mistake for the sheep area since they need grass to grow back wool the furnaces got clogged with items again so i had to fix it again day 42 i finished the walls ceiling for the animal enclosure and it poked out of the hill a little bit but i covered that with some dirt i needed some more spruce wood so i cranked a sapling with some steroids and made a mega tree i added some very nice details and on day 44 i finished the stable here comes the tricky part finding animals to volunteer for a good cause and i found loads of cows that would like to volunteer how generous of them finally after 44 days i got that ugly stable out of the way there was too much cows to move so i let a few go free into the wild i got the cows in with no problems whatsoever during the night i experimented with an entrance to the stable unfortunately my character has insomnia and pieces of donkey kept attacking me all night thanks for voting for these guys good choice just like adding the glow squid why why not the ice holiday i added lanterns to the entrance and got more volunteers for my stable this time they were sheep it took about 20 hours irell but i finally got them back don't ask why i put the sheep in with the pigs i also grabbed a chicken and looked all day for another one but they probably heard about what i was doing to them and ran i decided to do something really productive and well worth my time today i went mining because i was bored like always honestly you shouldn't be surprised i used all my gold that i have gotten throughout my adventures and traded with piglets trying to find pearls or even fire resistance potions so i don't accidentally trip into the lava and die i put all my spoils into my chest and test my new boat on some of these god damn phantoms annoying worthless things and i slept again to make them never appear again well at least for three days project time again i am now working on a mine shaft for easier entrance down to the mine it took me all day to dig down to y12 and i play stairs about halfway down before realizing on day 49 just like the world i hate it and scrap the idea [Music] i continued working on the outline of the shaft i know laugh the sun was rising on day 50. we did it we're halfway there i decided to make a floating island is the monument for me surviving this long it was also an excuse to clear some land not much but i thought it turned out pretty good after i added some details days 50 51 and 52 were spent working on the mine shaft in day 53 i finally finished it for now i liked it i needed more gold to finish the rail system so i went into the nether for a while collecting some golden cords for xp i finally got it up and running though and looking back on it it was stupid that i made two mine cards i might make it into a chest that carries all of my things in 200 days oh well day 54 today i took a rest after all my hard work i might do something more you thought it's building time i wanted to have a better enclosure for gurogu it was a bit too close to the mountain but instead of moving the stable i moved the mountain day 55 started out with another brief brush with death and i finished the stable while the sun was setting not too shabby after that was finished i wanted to try out my mine shaft so i replenished my pickaxe and went mining day 56 i experimented with a redstone piston contraption to use as a door for my horse stable i tried using normal pistons but those obviously didn't work and i needed that sticky stuff so i took grosgu and visited the swamp i kept killing slimes until day 57 by then i realized the sun had came up and i had lost grogu completely in that tiny hole i put him in i don't know why i did that looking back so i spent most of the day looking for him and after a while i gave up and went home to see if my sticky pistons work take a guess on how that turned out i also made a little path just to make things look a bit better day 58 i looked for grogu all day but i couldn't find anything so i enchanted my axe some of my armor and sulked in sadness i finally found grogu on day 59 after looking back through some of the footage i went back to the swamp and found him just vibing there so i brought him home into his new stable on day 60 i went exploring in the nether to try and find a new fortress to retrieve some nether wart luckily without any near-death experiences whatsoever i found one i got back on day 61 and made myself another wart farm i also grabbed myself some weakened potions basically i made drugs all day day 62 i strapped some of the diamond horse armor i found in the fortress on grogu and went exploring to borrow some villagers food source [Music] on the way i found an ice bin and nearby i found a sunken ship it was getting late though and i'm too much of a scaredy ass to stay outside so i slept with the villager on top of me for the night day 63 i got home when the sun was setting i made a little hut for a future villager hostage and i also started on a huge mistake which i now regret an automatic farm farm during the night i wanted to go slaughter some mobs because funny and i got my first disc tonight it was blocked one of my new favorites guess i'm just lucky it wasn't huh wait wait is that no no no no no no oh god it is it's stall run i made a little area to put my jukebox and an ender chest right above my bed me and ct 555 just jammed out to blocks for the rest of the night on day 64 i kept working and working oh what's this i think it looks like nope more work i swear i'm not going insane i do not know what to write here toying with redstone hurts my head okay listen this is my first time doing this type of video so i'm not good with these building montages hopefully within 200 days i can get a replay mod going so it's more interesting to watch anyways i placed my diamond hoe above the crafting table in my farm area and started the most brain hurting part of this the automatic part i hate to admit it but this kind of took me a while i have no idea how water works with ledges and for some reason i didn't just google it so that took up most of the day day 69 nice i went experimenting with portals in the nether i promise you it does not go right i build a stairway to the nether roof that's right i'm making a portal on top of the roof of the nether which will definitely help me with linking my portals and traveling places in a really fast time i panicked when i threw that ender pearl because i almost suffocated in bedrock but have no fear thanks to spam clicking out of pure fear i managed to get on the roof but when i made the portal i forgot to write down my portal accords for my house and then divide those by eight so now it just teleported me to some random place day 70 after getting some ender pearls i want to try again this time i did the math and it spawned me at my base portal unlucky for me when i went back to test it out i got put in my old spawn i forgot to break the old one i tried it after i did that and finally it worked i went to sleep a happy man on day 71 i tore down that ugly ugly villager hut that i made all those days ago oh boy do i regret that in a couple of days i cleared some of that hill for a project i had planned for 200 days i don't know why i was thinking that far ahead but okay i finished the day off by mining a big boy tree during the night i made a new sword and chestblade i didn't get really lucky with my sword like in all of my worlds oh yeah the past 11 days during the night i went hunting for zombie villagers so you can imagine my surprise when i found one vibing on my land to say the least i was excited quickly ran and got my supplies this is what i was talking about when i said i regret tearing the old structure down it would have saved me so so much trouble some local zombies saw me trying to trap him and decided to help which totally didn't make my blood boil the sun was rising on day 72 in which him and his zombie's friends burned to death good i didn't even want you anyways i did get a really good enchantment on my sword though so i guess those zombies xps were kind of helpful just so this incident never happened again i constructed another quick little shack it wasn't the prettiest but then again who said villagers needed vanity after that i started prep for the end thanks to my looting three swords i managed to grab the last ender pearls i needed and i started to brew all of my potions and i finally got the end portal roof connecting into my main base so um i lost all of my footage days 73 74 and some of day 75 but all i did was make a portal to the village i found while exploring and kidnapped their villagers to live in slavery forever the sucky thing is about having a portal in my house is that i somehow had to get them outside which i did by tearing up the stairs slabs and even my own path don't even get me started on path physics by the end of the day i managed to get two villagers in good job me and i slept in the hut with them that night day 76 i was planning to spend all day resetting trades just to get a mending book and i got it on first try yeah i can't believe it either i put the first mending book on my pickaxe so it is now invincible and i figured out my auto furnaces had some xp stacked up from everything that i had smelted these past 75 days i haven't done this in a while but on day 77 it's project time i was building a mob grinder so i could get some xp and hopefully gunpowder spoiler i made a huge mistake making this and i got a majority of it done throughout the day i added the finishing touches to it and bam mob grinder i got bored so i redesigned my sugar cane to be more efficient d79 will lit up the surrounding area so the grinder is more efficient and then i tested it out it worked pretty good i got frustrated that i wasted my time doing that just for it to produce literally nothing so i took my ang out on something i haven't done in a while mining day 80 i was still in a cave when i finally found what i've been looking for spotter and guess what else that had gelatin but also guess what else it had in it an enchanted golden apple and a nametag i can't believe our luck first hundred days and we already have an enchanted golden apple day 81 i decided to use both of my name tags to officially name my pets and i spent the rest of my day in the nether day 82 i took grogu out to stretch his legs and went exploring i needed dark oak wood so i could use it in a renovation project to my surprise i found one behind my mountains the one place i didn't look it was getting late so i performed a little thing called breaking and entering and slept in a nearby village on my way back home day 83 i found this really cool ruined nether portal inside of a mountain i screenshotted the coordinates because i want to come back here later and do something with it and when i wasn't looking at my screen grosgu and i fell into a hole if you didn't know much about horses and caves they don't mix especially grogu who probably couldn't jump over one of those baby gates if his life depended on it i managed to get him out without dying from a heart attack when i got back i started replacing a bunch of wood with some dark oak wood to be honest i love it way more this way on day 84 i had no clue what to do so i decided to travel to the nether and mine a bunch of that redwood so that i didn't have to travel back and forth each time i needed stuff so i got a lot i was still going days 85 but my axe was close to breaking so i decided to go back i pocketed a cool 10 stacks of this stuff it was raining so i decided to enchant my fishing rod and fish until the rain stopped which wasn't until halfway through day 86 after it was done raining i started replacing those ugly stripped spruce logs on my stable with some beautiful dark oak ones and i finally made a proper floor for grogu during the night i was trying to get some zombies in my villager hut so i can get better deals on books and such it worked so i killed the zombie and started the curing process on my villager when i was randomly sorting chests i got the achievement in zombie doctor but when i went to go check on them they were still zombies they must have not been cured at the same time i'll have to try again later because for now i'm going netherrite mining i sheared all my sheep and got a full inventory of beds i was ready i dug down to the appropriate level and started blowing up beds i found my first piece of ancient debris when mining an area for the beds to explode it was a three vein for all of my beds were gone on day 88 but i wasn't going to give up that easily and i was just strip mining until i found one more piece and i found a singular vein behind some ports that was good enough for me so i headed home i used some of the gold i got in the nether and craft my first ingot before crafting my netherrite sword i wanted to get a really good enchantment on it and i did and with my other sword combined with it i got a godsword which i gave the temporary name bhaskar's bane day 89 i grabbed some stone brick to give a better look to the villager hut but when i went to check on my zombified friends they were gone kinda i found out they were just invisible when i left into the hut and got instantly berated by them they got me lower than i would like to say i even tried reloading the chunks and restarting my game twice but got no results accidentally paused the recording after that so basically only one turn visible again but unluckily it was that stupid blacksmith one rather than my first try mending villager i'm not mad about that not at all day 90 i did a whole day of resetting trades in hopes of getting mending and i actually got it nice so i used lost my sugar cane to trade it for emeralds just like a poor person would do and i put the mending book on my sword i changed his name to be even better creeper oh man i know right creative i wanted to cohee a little bit so i went over to the mob grinder and after what seemed like an eternity i reached the conclusion that the mob grinder wasn't working out well so i made the executive decision and tore it down i worked on it well through the night but it was easier with my efficiency for pickaxe day 91 all i did was mine and i finally got it done right at sunset after looking at my land i decided to make it a bit more bearable to look at and i started replacing with some dark oak some walls and a nice little archway i think it looks really good day 92 i scaled the mountain behind my house and began construction on a newer mob farm that's right i'm relocating the entire thing this is my third time making one of those designs so i'm pretty experienced at building one i started out with clearing some flat land then realizing i forgot all my blocks down below and i made a little waterfall down to the ground so i don't have to make a long trip every time on the dawn of day 93 i was done with the flooring and i worked on the walls all day it was getting late and i was running low and blocked so i went down to my base and i finished up the day doing some chores around my face i also made a better entrance to my mine shaft and replaced some spruce wood on my house just to make things a bit better day 94 i started filling some holes and overall expanding the top part of my land with some dirt remember more land equals more wealth i mean happiness anyways i went back to the mob farm to finish the roof and it wouldn't have taken as long if i didn't keep forgetting stuff and having to go back to my house five different times yeah i know impressive during the night more complications arose one side was a block too short so i had to tear down a whole wall and replace but when i was finding the roof i was attacked by a horde of those evil creatures known as phantom which was my signal to go to sleep i finished the roof on day 95 it was finally done and when i went down to see if it worked it did and it didn't take them forever to spawn in like the old one although it could be way more efficient because after i recorded this video i found a small little cave system underneath the mountain and i kept afk in a box waiting for mobs to spawn all day i was proud of my work in the morning i realized that some of my walls were hella uneven and in minecraft it's like i have severe ocd so i had to move my walls one block over then i did some chores three days left until i fight the dragon today i made some eyes of ender took rogue and set off to the stronghold the direction i went was familiar to me but that all changed when i had to cross an ocean so i grabbed a lead and led grogo across the ocean to a little island when i got on top of the island i threw my eye vendor one more time just to see if i was going in the right direction and it headed straight down this means the stronghold was directly underneath me we are here i tied grogru to the fence and started to dig down i eventually stumbled across the stronghold earning the achievement here we are and here starts the very long and excruciating journey to find the portal and after some exploring i finally found it i marked down the coordinates and placed all but three eyes in it i'll place the last three on day 100. after that i started exploring the stronghold to find some loot but mostly i'm trying to find the library and i did i got lots of books so many but i don't need books anymore i finished collecting all the books on day 98 and exited the stronghold don't worry i'll be back for you in two days to fight the dragon i got back that day and started crafting materials such as arrows i gathered some potions and went to grab some obsidian so i can get to the stronghold faster when i came up from the mine it was dark so i went to sleep i woke up with the eagerness in my heart determination to defeat this beast i said goodbye goodbye to my base my compound my home and i looked at all of my accomplishments everything i've built i said goodbye to rogue and ct 5555 goodbye possibly forever is remember if i did die this world is deleted i took a screenshot with my pets and headed off the link got portaled to the stronghold it did spawn me on top of that hill so i had to dig down and make a space for the portal in the end portal room it worked thankfully and i went back home and slept for possibly the last time day 100 we're here this might be my final day on this world but here i go i placed on the last eye in the portal and hopped in get ready dragon today is your final day so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i did it i beat the dragon i successfully beat minecraft on hardcore mode for the first time i hopped in the portal totally forgetting to grab the egg and watch the credits just kidding i'm a normal person and skipped it who who watches who watches the credits what are you expecting a marvel post-credits scene or something i made a little statue with my diamond blocks to celebrate my victory over the dragon i brought kroger and ct 5555 up to the mountain and when the sun started to rise i placed blocks in my jukebox and just watched thank you all for coming through this journey with me this video took a really long time to make so if you want to subscribe i'm not forcing you and thank you all for watching so just sit back relax and enjoy your tour of my workbook [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HSauce
Views: 1,141,645
Rating: 4.913465 out of 5
Keywords: i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft and heres what happened..., dream minecraft, minecraft, 100 days hardcore, dream, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore survival, hardcore minecraft challenge, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore minecraft, 100 days in hardcore minecraft, lukethenotable, we survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrun, speedrunner, HSauce
Id: lrN_yP0qseI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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