I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore

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what is up guys welcome back to another video my name is one SAP and I don't know if you guys already noticed but I got a new mic so hopefully my mic sounds better than before because I remember listening back and see my other Clips my mic from sounded pretty bad so right now I'm kind of taking like a mini break because of the minecraft grind that kind of stressed me out a bit so I'm just taking a break but right now I just compiled all four parts into one big video and don't worry I will definitely be continuing this series I hope you guys enjoyed this video for the people that haven't seen it if you've already seen in this whole series you really don't have to watch this if you don't want sue just stay tuned because my new microphone will hopefully greatly improve my video quality in the future what is up guys welcome back to another video and today I'm gonna be doing a different type of video I don't think you've ever done like a Minecraft kind of played through series but this is my first attempt at it so today I'm gonna be trying hardcore minecraft out it's pretty much where if you die your world gets deleted forever no matter how long you spent on like all your builds only were farmers and everything it's all gone so I'm just going to try to see if I can make it through 100 days to that draw in dying without dying and yeah this is my very first attempt in Minecraft hardcore this was also inspired by Luke the notable put his channel in the description so as you just saw right there we saw some iron at the spawn so it's pretty lucky I want to be getting tons of wood because you know so we always got to do when you first start off alright it's currently day 1 and I just made my first wooden pickaxe of the whole series and we're gonna go get some stone over here so we can make ourselves a stone pickaxe and then grab the iron after mining for a bit I got a little bit of call in some iron and I decided to make myself a full umm a full stone set to so I made myself the pick ax the ax and the sword and also the shovel I went to go chop down some more trees and when it came back my arm was done smelting so it picked up my furnace and I decided to craft an iron pickaxe I also decided to make some armors so I went with the chest blade I killed a bunch of animals I decided that my goal for day one was his that at least to get a house done so I began building it was pretty ugly because I used spruce for every single block but you know we all got to start somewhere I also didn't have any glass yet so I just use planks to fill in though the windows before I could get glass I then went outside and started planting all the saplings that I've gathered from tree chopping from before time flew by before I knew it it was really dark so I crafted torches from the coal I had left over and I started placing torches around my house there's a skeleton freaking following me so I decided it was probably better if I just stayed inside my house blocked it up and just waited the night out it was day 2 news finally lay outside today I decided my goals were to get some fish and also to mine a lot I killed a lot of fish the rest of the day I had to set it to build it like a little mine right next to my house so that I can go down and get orders whenever I needed to and yeah the rest of the day was pretty much just me gathering up coal and iron I went home crafted a furnace and then I've cooked up all the fish that I caught from earlier today alright it is day 3 and my goal today was to get a bed and maybe start a farm so first I crafted up myself a full iron set from the iron I made yesterday and then I went out to go look for a sheep I spotted a sheep almost right away and I went straight to go kill it then I started working on the farm and I also made some improvements to the house it was day four and I walked outside and I saw this Chotu she ran outside of my house so I started gonna chop it down later when I went mining that day two creepers pulled up on me and I thought I was already gonna die and it was only day four but thankfully they didn't really hurt me that much then I found this sick ravine and all I did for the next couple days are just go mining and look for a bunch of there was tons of coal everywhere inside the ravine and there was even some lapis and also a mineshaft so I guess I found the gold mine I also ended up finding my first patch of diamonds it was only a three vein but it's okay because I found an eighth right after that I started smelting up the iron and gold I got from my mind trip and I also got some diamonds and lapis so I think that mine trip went pretty well but I also mined for a pretty long time day seven and I completely forgot about my beef farm so I went to go harvest it also when it got tons of birch and turned most of it into planks I decided today I was gonna start building our brand-new house because my old house just it wasn't cutting it for me anymore so I started digging out area and also started laying down some planks for where the foundations were gonna be I finally finished up my foundation it was already dark so I looked back and I think it looked pretty good so then I just ran back to my house before any zombies or any skeletons could come kill me day 8 was dis treat chopping it went well into day 9 while I was chopping down some wood I saw these dudes next to my house and I was so confused and they looked scary so I just ran away I went to go check if they were there later and they were still there so I didn't know what to do I just ran inside my house and just shut the door it was day 10 and I was pretty excited that I made this far I built a little house in a farm and also started work on my second house and yeah a lot of a lot of you guys could probably do a lot better than me but I was pretty proud of what I had done so far I started to work on the house even more I also nearly died from taking so much fall damage from jumping off all these pillars building the house took a really long time it took me many days and nights and I even had to build through rain [Music] on day 14 I was born building my house so I came back home and I saw that all my wheat was ready so I went in and harvested that it would stay 15 and I decided to adventure a little bit and I came across a village in like literally a minutes like that's the village and back there is where my base is like it's super close so I was pretty lucky I went inside the village and robbed them of all their belongings I also bought some sheep and cows with me on the way back home the next day I built a little fence area where I could keep them i lured them in and there was a skeleton with an enchanted bow fall on me and it was really scary because he hit one of my cows but it's all jokes he died i bred to the cows and gotten achievements I also forgot that I had the diamond pickaxe for this long so I decided to actually get obsidian I also created my another portal that day as well and I also made an enchantment table with the diamonds and obsidian that I had well either you got so much wood today dude I had like four stacks of logs in my inventory I also clicked it's so chicken there Oh ciao it was a freaking spider trying to attack me while I was building out my new house like I really wanted to finish my house early just so I could actually move in because I've been working on this house for multiple days and I just wanted to finish it once and for all so I just built this for literally like four days straight it took so long dude I was almost done with my house was just hauling up the ground underneath to try to make like a little farm and then we can finally go back and do some adventuring and actually do some interesting stuff as I'm sure this was all pretty boring for you all if I hardest break yes yes it did break what kind of question was that obviously my Hope Road wasn't even saying alright with all that aside welcome to the crib boys just finished building a new house it's time to give a house tour so as you can see on the outside there's tons of nice bushes and leaves as I use that a ton over to the left is a little bedroom pretty bland just a bed and a room with glass now but over here is my enchantment room or area I guess it's not really a room spread outside just leaves because I don't have books yet once they get books I will replace those leaves up here is our storage room and down the other side is like a crafting area I'll probably put all my crafting stuff over there and yeah that's pretty much what the house is and then down here is just the farm I do not have a ladder yet so I'm just I'll keep on taking fall damage till I decided to actually put a ladder there so yeah that's the house to her boys how did you like it I thought it was pretty good I organized all of my chests today and I'm pretty proud of myself I would try to stay as organized as possible in this let's play / challenge whatever this is later that night I crept over to a villagers house I wanted to force him into a bo in the fletcher so that I can rob him of all of his emeralds why you bullet me so I just closed off the door so he couldn't get out and I ran away I checked here tomorrow and sure enough he became a Fletcher so now it is time we trade with him to get all of my emeralds I completely forgot with another portal so today I decided I was gonna she gonna go in the nether and I don't think I've said it anything about this bye I'm currently in the newest snapshot 20 W 20 a we're trying to be 20 B whatever it is and there's the nether update and it's very fire so I got another I see a gold gold in the nether for the first time it was a very POG so I went to go get that and it dropped you nuggets and it was weird it jumped it like a couple of Nuggets it was cool I'm also loving the nether sounds dude the nether sounds they sound so much better so I got home from my another trip and I crafted up all of materials that I got I realized that a crafted quartz blocks I don't think you can turn those back in the actual course you stupid so I guess I got some I got some quartz blocks now for no reason today was traveling day so I went out a very far and I spotted this really weird building that I've never seen before I didn't know that these things even existed in vanilla minecraft so I went closer to it and I realized that there was one of those pillar dudes apparently that's what they're called I looked them up and they were really scary cuz last time like they did like three thousand hearts to me so I dipped out of there as fast as I could I kept on moving in the same direction and I came across one of these things it was like a broken nether portal I'm pretty sure this is new with a new snapshot and looked super sick I've never seen like netherrack spawn like actually spawn in the overworld so there were two gold blocks of so in and snagged those it's just was cracked there was a protection one helmet a smite five sword and there was a hoe with soaked touch why is there a hoe with silk touch was that even do anyway just kept on going and I saw this like a big group of cows there's literally ten cows like one area I've never seen as much so I just went over there and it started clapping them all between six was grinded a lot of trees I knew that all the sticks like that I could get so that I could trade with some of villagers so I was trading away and bad things happened huh I almost died who I was at two and a half hearts I do not want my whole series to enter it there's I was really freaking scared husband died so I just made sure there was no Mazda I mean next up sheared some sheep because this comment told me to get some shears so chatter - you read up some cows they all love me already no did I [Music] crafted - some more books so I could actually start working on my enchantment area I place down some of the books and I think I got 16 levels and see how much wood gets so it was 16 levels so I got 16 levels is not much but it'll be good for now we also needed some sugarcane so I decided to start making a sugarcane farm up right underneath her base there was an open area so that was a good spot and it's next couple of days was just me grinding out wood and trading and just that cycle going over and over again because I really need to get emeralds I also decided sneak in this guy's house while he was sleeping so I could actually close him up and hopefully he won't escape came back the next day and he was actually gone I had no idea where he went so I was really confused I been she did get someone in here and we decided to turn him into a tool Smith he had a freaking axe trade though which is gonna be AIDS I already know this was gonna suck yup and that is what my inventory liber a couple minutes later yeah I don't know where to put him so I just all threw him on the ground and now there was just a huge pile of axes just laying on the ground well the first thing I did was just kill a bunch of cows cuz I really wanted that in chat and stable and also I didn't really I definitely get inspiration from that walk around the world to be honest so that's kind of a waste of time here's a clip of me trying to flake on a zombie [Music] I'm also trying my best not to show you guys anything that's like boring to watch but I got a cleric villager now I also saw some iron so I went to go picked it up I didn't take any fall damage right there I was really confused singing well can someone please explain that to me in the comments why I didn't say full damage I also saw this really cool like weird mountain the hill thing over here next to my house so I want to go check it out and also I just want to say that there's a lot of cliffs I'm not showing because I just think they're kind of boring to watch like me taming cows and like breeding them and getting leather and stuff there's also a lot of coal here I just realized that yeah there's a lot of clips I'm not showing so I'm sorry if I'm like you just can't see everything I just feel like it's not entertaining to watch it was a dark forest over there so I should probably get that sometime but I'll just wait till they see right now finally finish up the bookcases it should be level 30 now yes sir level 30 enchantments just took way too long I had a afk for sugar cane and everything I grabbed some lapis and I was gonna change my diamond pickaxe let's see what we got Oh silk touch is actually really good no damn I'm breaking 3-cell coach that's pretty insane let's go I did a lot of trading and I also leveled up mic lyric to the next level this was also the time when I realized that I probably shouldn't have gotten in a tool Smith like villager I probably should have gotten like a armor or like a weapon Smith because I don't know I really needed tools that much after a bunch of grinding I finally did get herself an armor villager and I loved him up a bunch as you can see my inventory ID it's just a complete mess of shields and just some chainmail and iron armor it was is a pretty big mess and also outside those big pile of just chest plates sitting there day 34 it was a nice beautiful morning and I go upstairs how's the oh shoot okay then yeah a creeper was literally white showing up there my reflexes saved my life I would have been triggered if that exploded because he was bright next to all of my chests and everything that was a very intense moments right so the next day I just went and got some more wood traded in more sticks whose you know I needed those emeralds kept on grinding and grinding I eventually got to the point where I could buy my very first piece of diamond armor so I decided to buy the diamond leggings for 14 emeralds was actually on discounts and upgraded this kid so fast there we go covered me with diamonds achievement so I went home and dropped off all of those random stuff I had my inventory and or I found out that I would chest was actually full so I really needed to use all those sticks as I had so many sticks inside there hey was exploring that another day because I completely forgot that this was actually 20 W 21 B so there was there's another update on all the new things added like the Warped forests and like all that stuff I don't Lee know much about it yeah also now that I had my silk touch pickaxe I could just mine this is gold ore and it would actually give me the or itself and not the nuggets and then I could smell that inside the furnace they don't give me straight-up ingots so that would save me a lot of time and binding so I saw this little like drop down over here and I decided to take the risky choice and it had dropped down and I didn't like those damaged hearts so I was okay I really need to go down there anyway because I spawn up so high in the nether after a while explore I came across one of these forests and there were these crimson roots and also these other we're looking at mushrooms and they were called crimson funguses I've never seen these before so this was really weird probably came from the new update it was also these weird sounding trees and sounded really weird and like nice at the same time kind of like a ASM where I don't know how to explain his listen and those were called crimson stems I have no idea how to grow these back on the overrule of seen people do before so you guys know how to grow those crimson thingies in the overalls let me know in the comments also I didn't know that these things actually hurt you I think they're called hog lens and I don't know why they were hurting me so I'm gonna go lift it up in a second alright so turns out you need to be wearing gold armor or something like that so they won't hurt you I also found one of these green forests over here as well I also saw an Enderman in the nether I don't know these actually spawned another and he was they also carrying one of those like grass blocks so didn't know that those are even a thing here I also saw a different type of tree as well and they're also these like weird glowy melon things called shroom lights I've never seen before either there's so many new things in this update they look like glowstone to finally returns back to the overworld after a really long time in another and I bought myself a diamond home because why not and also I had to level up my tool to Smith anyway I also found another Fletcher in town so I just turned him into another stick trade and just using leftover sticks from my chests also went back and got myself some diamond boots so now I had half of my diamond dis set already I ended the day off with just harvesting some wheat and it was really satisfying I was getting kind of bored whole day grind that just to get diamond tools and armor so I can go fight the inner dragon so I decided to take a little break and try to build something cool so why you had to go into the mines to actually get some materials for this build first I was thinking like a cool medieval style fountain made of stone bricks since now I had that silk touch pickaxe would be really easy to get stone so I started to get carried away because there was just so many ores and I found a mineshaft in like six hundred different ravines like the cave that I was in was literally so big there was just so much to explore I got tons of gold and tons of iron all are waiting for me to go mining I just wanna say thank you for sticking around this far in the video I really appreciate each and every one of you guys who watch my videos I visually came across a vein of diamonds and I looked around there was nobody near me so I started mining it up but little did I know there were some cave spiders nearby and all of a sudden boss music started playing and I was really confused cave spiders started popping out out of nowhere and I didn't know what to do I was starting get worried because I was getting really low only two hearts left and I was about to die I had to dip there was no way I was gonna die I've come close to dying so many times in this series sitting I'd have a heart right now with poison I'm trying to dig away into a little hole trying to make myself safe and that was a really close call and I pretty much just set in here till I reach end all the way back all I wanted to do was just go mining man just could see materials from my build was a pretty normal day on day 42 I went upstairs and there was another bomb inside my house what is up with all these mobs spawning inside there I swear I have enough light once I got that taken care of I got all the stone that I got from my mining trip I started turning them into stone bricks built I had in mind was like a kind of medieval styled like fountain kind of thing and I worked on it for a couple of days and it was just a really nice refreshing stop to all the grind that I had to do I [Music] think it looked pretty decent I was filling out the floor over here and I forgot that I cracked some Landry's earlier and I think these look really sick the build was pretty much done and I added some like extra leaves on the edge and it looked really cool all I needed to do is just add the water now I'll put in the last bucket bloom right there let's go see what this looks like damn I'm actually kind of impressed that looks pretty good I'm pretty proud of myself for making that I think it adds a nice addition to the front of our house [Music] we've had this iron sword for pretty much the whole series and was about to break so I think it was time for a change I crafted up a diamond to sword a fresh new diamond sword and we were gonna go and chance it because I had 38 levels right now sharpness 4 okay that better be good there better be something else I can't oak or sits only sharpness for I mean it's still pretty good but I was hoping for like fire eyes back there like someone else unbreaking maybe I decided to go and change some books see if I can get anything good that I can combine with long story short I didn't get a single book that was gonna be good on my sword I decided to go back to grinding out sticks and upgrade my Fletcher this guy he was almost a masters I just kept on grinding let's see what kind of error I'll be good also by this terrible bow here's unbreaking too Bera invisibility that's like the worst one come on did that's great we're gonna use it a lot I also got to upgrade my armor to a master as well all I had to do is by this single shield and and there we go our armor should be a master I just reset his trade thing real quick all right there we go master now we have the full diamond set I went back and had more levels so I'm gonna do some more books and I didn't get anything good again dude I just want like fire aspect or something bro like seriously what is this well I forgot I had tons of emeralds in my chests back home so I took those and I got myself a full diamond set of armor I looked very swag stupid make it easier on us I had a cleric villager so now we can just buy inner pros instead of farming out Enderman so I just bought a full amount of enterprises I could and that was only twelve sadly next thing that I needed to do was to get a bow so I went ago crafted a bow and I was gonna check the enchantments on it then okay power for that could be very good I'm gonna need one more level though to get that enchantment I look back into the other because I also needed a blaze rod so that I can actually make my offenders so then we could actually get to the end because that's like the only thing that we're actually missing right now so explored and explored and came across a fortress finally it's actually a lot of chests and there was some decent looters main leaves gold and I had five gold chest plates in my inventory it was crazy that fortress was pretty short but not too long after I found him another one in the base salt Delta one of the new biomes it was actually really cool there were a lot of blazes and wither skeleton to use so I was pretty lucky I'm pretty sure there's also a spawner here too yeah I was I was pretty worried as I almost came close to dying kind of I'd like half hearts I went back home and I started back all of my golden chests place in my chests and all the things and loot that I got from my nether expedition now that I had enough levels I could finally enchant my bow see what it is you Wow power 4 I'm breaking 3 flame that's actually really good ok and that's one of the best bows we could have gotten that's that's really lucky let's go we have an insane bow now and arrows aren't gonna be a problem because we've on fletcher's so I can just trade for arrows alright they're super easy to sexes of arrows we're pretty much set now for our loader we have a good bow a good sword and a good armor now I just crafted up some eyes vendor 9:18 eyes of ender we were pretty much set to go kill the inner dragon at this point it was day 50 and we finally made it to the halfway point of this series to celebrate I decided to craft up a cake because I had all the ingredients already so I crafted the cake and placed it on this nether brick thing on my second floor I thought I'd give you an achievement on you ate it but I guess it doesn't I don't know why I have thought that yeah epic we made it to day 50 finally I also forgot I had so many bones and I realized that there was a freaking wolf inside my cow pen so I decided to tame that and there we go now we have our own pet dog and that pretty much wraps it up for the video I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you so much for sticking around to the end of the video the support on the last episode has been insane so I knew I had to get this video out as soon as possible for you guys thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time what is up fellow minecraft fans today I bring to you part three of the minecraft hardcore series I know you've all been waiting for this and I'm just trying to make it the highest quality I can possible for releasing the stee guys last time I asked for a goal of 50 likes for part 3 and you guys completely smashed I think we're at like a hundred sixty or something right now so I've never asked for a like goal of 50 before but this time I'm gonna break that record I'm gonna ask for a hundred likes on this video for part 4 I've never asked for anything higher than a hundred before so this is gonna be the first time I've ever asked for this high of a like goal so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this video so minecraft came out with you another update now in the 20 W 22 a how much do they update this game bro it's crazy and I also decided to go check back to that tower because this comment told me to shadow to you and him apparently will give us as lots of deals with our villagers so I went ahead and did that I was expecting to be pretty hard but was actually quite easy to defeat them all cuz my gear was godly now I also got some pumpkin seeds while I was out there and that was pretty nice and I put that banner right in the front of our house they don't know how else to put it walked into the village and I saw this bar in the top and it said raid so I'm guessing I'm doing it right it was pretty much the same thing as that post so there it is more of those guys and those axe people did so much damage the guys that were holding axes yeah I was I was pretty bad at this but it was it was pretty fun it'll be fun not gonna lie my aiming though was pretty horrendous and I'm just gonna speed this up because this is not the most interesting thing to watch and yeah my aiming with a bow is not the greatest thing in the world as you can tell from this club and there were multiple waves there were so many people in the distance I just saw them all coming toward me it was pretty scary there were so many of them and that big bull looking thing it even turned in tonight and my aim was still very bad I was trying to add this which for like ages dude I just gave up and went to go kill over the sword one kid left I thought that was the end but it was the start of another round how many rounds are there dude if there are more rounds after this they really need a nerf this thing dude it took me like 20 straight minutes not too long after though I finished up with the last Raider there we go hero of the village I finally completed it I'm so thankful that no creepers came and like exploded me that would have been really bad our armor - dude I did those so that's a rip in the chat it's like he was he was one of my best villagers no camera he had all the best armor for me and now I can't even trade with them anymore this was so sad our Fletcher also got zombified but good thing I know how to cure this I think you need a weakness potion and a Golden Apple so he came back later with exactly what I needed and I think this worked because it made that sound some pusher that worked yeah we'll come back later and see what happens I also just crafted up a grindstone and I put my diamond the leggings in their biggest projectile protection one it was just a pretty bad even chant so I chanted again and I got unbreaking 3 only unbreaking 3 and on level 3 enchants I did it all over again and this I got protection for also so that was pretty lucky and I spent the rest of the day just riding in a new armor and now we have to deal with this all over again starting from zero I went back home and throw away all my axes and a sword on my inventory a little bit because we were ready to go fight the dragon but real quick I wanted to just disenchant my helmet and then let's see what we could get hopefully it's better no I okay that's definitely better but I don't know about the fire protection on there I was asking me that useful but it's it's probably better than we had before I packed up all of my stuff and got my eyes of ender and we started heading out to toward where it led me I came across another village while I was going to where the Isles led me and these villagers honestly are pretty useless at this point because like I don't there's nothing there that would really help us I looked at the chests and I just let them all be and they got disturb them so they could live on with their happy villager lives came across from the ruins portal and also these don't have that kind of loot for us right now mainly just gold which we don't really need at all in the chests there was a mending shovel a silk touch shovel and a curse of vanishing hoe I don't know that did it but it was red so I was I don't know that looks kind of scary probably not good I also found a swamp biome and there was a slimes that I killed in there so now we have some slime balls or whatever you need it for maybe a sticky piston I don't know when we're ever gonna need a sticky piston but yeah we found some slime pretty nice eventually the eyes led me to only one area so I think this was the spot where the portal was I walked many days it's like a long time but we eventually got there and the eyes were all leading to about the same spot I was excited to see what did the stronghold had for us so I started mining down and the hero of the village effect was kind of a waste at this point and I ended up falling down in this hole in this tiny ravine and I got really scared but they were bricks above me so I think I was chilling I was almost there been abandoned stronghold and I found this weird-looking dungeon type thing and those anticipation fighters I don't need no invisible spiders were in this game I was confused why why would they here how did they get invisible in the first place it was pretty bad I found one of these libraries and that this stuff is all boring I'm just gonna cut it no one wants to see me loo boring stuff yeah there s wasn't that much to be honest in any of these strongholds minecraft needs to do a stronghold update like it just doesn't feel good I'm a protection 3 cursive binding book another read and champion looked bad and just some books and paper I started out my inventory when I found the room with the portal and I think I was pretty much ready to jump on in I also forgot to record myself putting in the actual eyes so that was kind of dumb the moment of truth it was time and to jump inside of the portal so I'm son let you guys watch me fighting dragon I don't view is really much stuff to say right here we are enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] and there we go just like that I have be into the game there really isn't much stuff to do now in Minecraft hardcore we beat the final boss of the entire game the credits are rolling through I think maybe I should probably go outside now or like read a book or something I've been playing Minecraft for so long the game is over yes can you guys can leave the video now it's all over I beat the game let's go I'm just joking there's so more stuff to do I think at least you guys should probably put some suggestions in the comments below but yeah we got right back into our world next up I wanted to take over the village those near my house so first I was gonna have to make some minor improvements I wanted to build a wall around the whole entire village this took us so long it took many days more like two days actually and I also ended up building this like weird gate looking thing I mean I think it's pretty cool I finally ended up finishing up the wall and I think it looked pretty nice all the way around it took a really long time though and I'd had to go to bed x2 is finally getting dark and the next day I just spent putting torches all around the whole village to make sure mobs would not spawn and in the front of the village like where I would enter I made like a little opened gate kind of and I think it looked pretty good I liked the old thick iron bars with the stone brick wall design so I tried it again I looked back and it looks pretty good I did some pathway at the bottom just to make it blend in a little bit more to the village I also went to my nearby desert and I was getting some sand because this comment said the cartographers are epic because you can just get glass panes and it's one of the best ways to get emeralds and it's exactly what I did nice day I went and got a cartographer villager and to trade up a bunch of paper I had to make a huge sugarcane farm and that's what I did also and sugar cane farms look pretty sick so yeah I made it pretty up pretty big in the front area of the village it was that time again and I went to my cow pen and just started slaughtering every cow for their epic meat I don't know like how this farm was just shown in the middle of the village so I decided to tear it down and the villagers decided to jump right in front of me I just smacked my shovel on it it was not good I laid out like a basic plan for a villager house that I was planning on building and I think it looks pretty good maybe a bit too small but I don't know on day 16 I continued to build in the house and I wanted this house to be kind of like a villager breeding area where I can just read a bunch of villagers and I don't know it's a pretty simple design you guys can like I don't you guys can't we follow along I actually their minds it's probably really fast oh yeah this took like two days I'd also expand it out to this little area of the village it's gonna be like an industrial area where I can build some machines and stuff like his super small too which was I was gonna work on after many mumbo-jumbo tutorials later I got this really simple super sculptor going and I was about to test it out to see if it worked with sand because I wanted to get glass panes and it seemed like it was working pretty well I was getting some glass out pretty fast it was double the speed of a single furnace yeah these gave me a really good income of emeralds and this was definitely gonna be the most easiest way for me to get emeralds right now next up I wanted to improve my armor and my swords and stuff but to do that I wanted to get a mending villager first just so I don't have to like worry about repairing it or anything and this villager really didn't want me to get mehndi dude I literally sat here for so long trying to get mending and he just didn't want to give it to me because I'm pretty sure the chances like one in 30 to get mending and I'd swear I've done this like 100 times I can't even like it was just it was dark outside and I just had to go to bed I couldn't do it on this day the next day I went back and I gave it another try at the end of this day my axe even broke and I was just sick of it at this point this villager really did not want to give it to me I'm dating for I just did some peaceful buildings I just wanted to take a break from all this mending villagers stuff and I would try it again later this house was actually coming out to look pretty nice I went back to the villager and I did some spins for good luck and we actually got mending finally it probably took me about 30 minutes I've just straight up saying down and just breaking electrons it was dumb it was finally day 75 and we finally made it to the very end and I went to go in chants of books and long story short so we didn't get a single good engine also I found an egg and this happened I didn't know this was even possible but apparently you can get up to 4 chickens in a single egg I swear I've never even seen like myself getting two chickens missing like I never knew I was even a thing that's kind of cold that we got on a day 75 I finished up the day with harvesting up some sugarcane and I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been watching this series because it's been one of the most popular series on my channel by far so thank you guys and for all the fortnight fans that I have from before don't worry I am not quitting for me I'm just taking a little break you know playing some other games because minecraft has been a ton of fun recently and I've also been playing some terraria but I don't know if that's I'm really good at making videos on that you guys didn't let me know in the comments what I should do so yeah last time I said a light goal of 50 likes for the last episode and you guys completely destroyed that and hit me hit like 150 or something someone somewhere like that so today I'm gonna be going for the highest like goal I've ever asked today I'm gonna be asking for 100 likes can we hit a hundred likes for parts afford the finale so yeah I hope you guys all enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys next time let's just get straight into this part 4 is finally out after the long wait I hope you guys enjoyed because I really tried to make this video the best it could be to celebrate the finale of this series and also if you guys really want me to continue this just tell me in the comments and I might consider it make sure you guys have subscribed if you haven't already because we've recently just hit two thousand subscribers thanks to all y'all and I really appreciate it without further adieu let's just get straight into the video enjoy day 76 and I was walking home from my village when I spotted a charged creeper I haven't seen one of these in ages broader I can't believe for God that they were actually in the game I was pretty scared but I wanted to approached it anyway that I had good armor and I think I was children they were actually two creepers next to each other I wanted to charge one to explode because I'm pretty sure it makes a big explosion and yeah the normal creeper killed the charged creepers so I didn't really see anything cool I realized that I completely forgot about making an anvil so I did that real quick and I'd really know how to put it at the ground and I started to put it next to my enchantment area I wanted to go finish up my villager house today so that's exactly what it did enjoyed the little time lapse of me finishing up the villager house [Music] getting a villager inside the house was kind of annoying was that a trap one inside a minecart but I did it eventually and now we have our very first villager inside our brand-new house which is locked with gates I got our second villager in pretty soon and I just started throwing food on the ground for them hoping that they would breed I'm not really sure how this works but yeah I kind of just did what he told me to do I checked back on them the next day and it looks like they were doing something in there I'll just leave them to that I also cleared out this little area for a campground that I was thinking about making I saw it on YouTube and it looked really cool so I wanted to make it right in this little cleared area over here so I went down to go mine for some nether rights because I completely forgot that this was even a thing and after a little bit I found some and I was using the TNT exploding strategy yeah I don't know it looks like it worked pretty well I only ended up finding two pieces another I while I was down in the underground another I also created like a little storage area next to my portal so I can store all this another right that I was getting from exploding all of this stuff so I went to go check up on the villagers and we finally had our baby villager I don't really know what to turn him into first maybe like another librarian I'm not even sure I was just messing around and just seeing what I could get and I got efficiency for literally on my second try so that's pretty insane I'm definitely gonna go lock that so I gotta go get some stuff to trade with them so I ended up getting a one efficiency for enchanted book after a long days of hard work I ended up getting a couple different books three efficiencies and toom endings okay this is stupid but I didn't record this part but pretty much I got a new diamond pickaxe and I chanted in it was efficiency for already on it so that was super lucky and yeah I have supplied mending and now I had a really good pick X so let's go check back on the villagers and now they had its two babies so it's actually really good and I didn't even know that was possible that's pretty cool so I had a comment telling me to get an ocean Explorer map and explore one of those monuments but I know there's a pretty hard on if I was ready for me I'm pretty bad the game so I ended up being a woodland Explorer map all right well um it's been a couple days and I looked it up and I realized there's way too far and I didn't have a nun light show yet so I didn't really want to walk all the way over there so I kind of just walked for like a day or two and then I'm wasting my time so I went back into the end because I really wanted to get an Electra now because I wanted to go exploring and stuff it would be so much easier with a pair of wings yeah I clicked it up some chorus routes it was really satisfying and then pretty much I was just building paths and using inner pearls to just try to find an end City it took a really long time and I added arrows on the ground to make sure I knew how to get back this was probably one of the most boring parts like ever but after a little while exploring I finally came across one was one right there he then probably get a little bit closer and I was pretty lucky because there was a bigger one of those flying ships on my first one so I got on a guaranteed Alijah I don't know how rare those are all right and this is one of the reasons why this video is look so long for me get out so pretty much what happened was I don't know I don't really know what happened I think I clicked record so I have a hockey for recording and I got a I clicked it by accident once so pretty much I'm what I'm trying to explain is pretty much I didn't record all the good parts and then I ended up recording all the parts I didn't want to record so I just had a bunch of footage of just me like looking around and I didn't clip anything like finding the Alijah I didn't clip finding all this like lutes or anything and I was just so annoyed when I figured out that it didn't record a single thing yeah that kind of messed me up so I'm sorry but I don't have any footage for any of that and I don't know I didn't know what to do so that's pretty stupid oh yeah also it didn't record me going back into the portal right here I'm setting my inventory up and I was gonna I was to go back in the portal and that is I clicked start but it ended up ending it so that's like what happened so right now it's just a black screen because I didn't record any of this oh yeah at least now we have an electro so now we're back to normal recording hopefully don't mess up anymore so I went back and I some iron golem inside of my villager house I think this is a good sign I'm not really sure so um I wanted to make a slime farm so I went over to chunk waste calm and found a slime chunk right next to my house right in this area and I thought this was a good spot to start building a slime farm oh and if you guys were wondering how I made the chunk hoarders show you this press f3 and G at the same time and then you can see the shrunk quarters so I went over to a nearby ocean to collect some kelp for the sauce and elevator house me make me to get up and down into the slime farm and yeah it was really it was really satisfying sound but also pretty loud so now that I have my kelp and my soul is in it I went back it down and I took a little hole to round y/10 I don't really know how deep if they make these and I placed us all stay in there and I kind of forgot how to make a soul sand elevator I think you're supposed to put like a normal block there that kalkan gone first yeah I kind of fix it right there I put an old block and then I have put kelp all the way in all the way to the very top so I could turn every block into a source water block so the soul scent elevator would actually work if you guys want to learn how to make these just look up how to make a salsa elevator they're pretty simple to make and right when I came around it just blew up so that was great I had to go rebuild the side of my house so I'm back down and I broke all the help replace the cobble with a soul sand and the water elevator works let's go maybe sometime I'll put stuff on the outside so it's not just stone that you have to look at yeah that'd be pretty cool BAM rough really weird space and ooh my aim is way too good for this game alright next I just continued mining out a huge area in that chunk for my slime farm was gonna be I don't really know what I was doing I kind of just remembered how I made my slime farm from like 10 months ago but also came across some diamonds it was pretty cool I know I should've waited for a fortune but honestly I kind of just was too lazy to do that he just mined it up anyway yeah it was six diamonds and I just continued to mining this was a pretty big moment in this world I picked up some gunpowder and paper and I made my first set of fireworks so I knew I was gonna have to get a creeper if I'm going so I could get some more fireworks but right now I only had 48 with the leftover gunpowder that I had also I realized that digging out that huge barrier for the slime farmers was gonna take too long so I want to make a beacon but first I needed an iron farm it's a build that I had I gathered up all these resources that you can kind of copy if you want to build this along with me and I'm using waddles I think it was 51 point 15 and above design and I think it works pretty well oh and I forgot to mention this but we are currently now in one point sixteen point one because one point sixteen just released so that is very epic there is so much stuff I want to do in this video I don't know fit it all in within the 100 days so if you guys will really want me to continue this series just let me know the next step was I had to get a zombie that could pick up an item and I finally found one I actually could pick up an item so I had to keep that one safe this was one of the most annoying things to do but I had to get a zombie up all the way into the iron farm and make him fall inside of the hole this took like literally like five minutes the shona taking that long yeah I eventually I finally got him inside there next up I need to get three villagers inside of the farm so I went inside of the house and trapped one of them but literally it just wouldn't let me leave the iron golem was just sitting there blocking the exit just looking at me like well let me leave let me get out of here I'm here to take this villager out bro this was literally so annoying there was just way too many villagers in here it was like an overpopulation they were just all getting in the way I think I couldn't like push them out or anything this was just getting crazy eventually it turns night and all the villagers kind of moved away so I actually had a room to push this guy out when did almost escape so this was my plan pretty much I want to get him out here and then truffle inside a boat so that I can ride him all the way back over to my base it was a really annoying process but I think it should work it should work pretty well it'll just take a long time I almost suffocated my villager like ten times I was he not dead bro ah I'm such a bad person oh yeah off I go over to the iron farm this was also another really annoying part I had to push the villager up using a rail and he fell down like four times so it was really annoying but eventually I got him inside his little area took a while but I got the last villager in [Music] there we go he just jumps right into his bed I think I should be done now this iron farm should be a hundred percent of working there's actually one more thing that I forgot which was putting in the water at the very top like the spawning platform where the iron golems would spawn but once I finish up that's everything you should be good and hopefully I will start earning some iron which we can use in a lot of builds and also part of the beacon I'm not gonna make the whole beacon on iron by the way I went put some emerald blocks in there too I also got an unbreaking 3 librarian which is pretty nice and now since I had that I could finally enchants my electrons with unbreaking 3 and mending ZnO I had maxed out of light Rose the next day I went to go buy some harbor from the harbor 2.0 bees my first one actually died and I wanted to buy these so I can combine them and try to make like some actually good armors his arm was breaking so I combined the boots and got protection 3 and then I traded some books and then I actually got some good stuff for my sword [Music] there was a fire aspect to loyalty three quick charge one but I was only gonna be using the fire aspect and I had a sweeping edge three so I was gonna combine those all into my sword no ice I also went to grab my boots again and I forgot that I didn't combine them all the way so combine the two protection tools to make a protection three then combine that protection three with leather one and got protection for and depth Strider one and the final thing I did was add meant into my boots so I went down to a check on the slimes and there's actually some slimes in here I wanted to use the slime for a little thing I was gonna work on for the final 100th day it was gonna be a surprise so you guys better stick around through the whole video to see what that surprise is and I was had to go in the nether to grab some quartz for the thing I was building on a final day as well I think I came out with a good amount of quartz for this project so over here I built little oh my god but I haven't seen these guys on a long time or these like phantoms I appreciate a comic go and sleep in like every three days or something like that guess I had to go back all right well anyway as I was saying about this little path over here that connects over to our little slime farm area and then if you go this way there's a little house over here with just a mysterious little button so if you stand on this block and hit that button you drop down into a secret little chamber which is gonna be my trophy room area I had this common actually to suggest me make a trophy drum so yeah thanks to you I built that and it looks pretty cool I'm gonna be adding some cool things in there as we go on the last days I just spent working on the little trophy room slash Museum room and I think it was actually turning out real nice there was lots of resource gathering and just grind involved in this Wow it is actually day 100 I made it all the way through at the very beginning this series I didn't think I was actually gonna survive all the way through day 101 take a bite out of my victory cake I think we made that on day 50 I actually don't remember but yeah I can't believe it on this far we built this cool little fountain I think this was on like somewhere near day 40 I really don't remember any of this it's been a while end this series has been tons of fun making we have a little farm underneath our little house and over here we have our trophy room we drop down you can see that I did a little bit of extra work I added some like lava pillars on the side I think I looked pretty nice but most importantly the dragon egg our first little treasure sash monument kind of thing hey this place looks really ugly right now to be honest but like I don't know it's gonna get better once I keep on building I just don't have enough resources right now oh I just accidentally hit that thing when I was eating my steak oh yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed this series had a ton of fun making it and if you guys really want me to continue this just let me know in the comments down below I need to see tons of support though because this video probably took me the longest out of the other three episodes to make this video took a really long time there's just so much building and stuff to do well anyways if you guys want me to continue this just tell me in the comments like I said and I hope you guys have an epic a day I'll see you guys next time [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: OneTap
Views: 277,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, montages, best, montage, hitfilm, express, how, to, edit, how to edit, hitfilm express, best fortnite montage, onetap, minecraft, luke the notable, luke thenotable, 100 days hardcore, i survived 100 days minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore, 100 days minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore mode, wadzee, minecraft 100 days, harcore mode, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft hard mode luke thenotable, full 100 days, underrated minecraft youtubers
Id: l0GmrbphGVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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