I Survived 200 Days in the Nuclear Age in Minecraft... Here's What Happened...

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in the previous hundred days i spent in the nuclear age i created an underground bunker complete with the nuclear reactor inside of a huge mountain to protect me from the growing dangers of the outside world but my bunker is a double-edged sword as the very thing producing power is also slowly irradiating the world around me and everything in it one of my most notable discoveries in the first hundred days was a hostile aircraft carrier which would be invaluable if captured from the numerous troops and helicopters guarding it throughout this video you will see various mods present that are unrelated to the nuclear age however they are all locked behind custom crafting recipes and require further research to unlock everything in this video was done legit and if you like what you see here drop a like on the video 30 000 likes and i'll do 300 days in the nuclear age be sure to follow me on twitter and join my discord service you can find a new age content mod pack there also if you haven't already consider subscribing we're trying to get to 200 000 subscribers and i need your help hope you enjoy the video so remember how i said at the end of the previous video that we were going to take over that aircraft carrier in the next hundred days well that's exactly what we're starting out with oh yeah i also replaced the smokers because uh i fixed the problem with them producing pollution but there's a couple things i need before we can go take on the aircraft carrier namely some small bombs and a rocket launcher to assist with that helicopter case we have to actually like 1v1 on the ground hopefully not but we'll see what happens my strategy for taking over the aircraft carrier is to bomb the spawn points on the upper deck with my plane and then we'll try to land on what's left of the runway and take it over from there [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Music] we may have successfully eliminated the airborne threat posed by the helicopter but there's still an entire aircraft carrier worth of hostile soldiers and commandos that we have to deal with so yeah there was apparently a soldier with a combat shotgun behind me that i just didn't notice in time there was a pretty significant amount of loot from the carrier after i gathered all of as you can see there's a lot of weapons there but i had to leave later that day so that i could come back the next day with some materials to start repairing it because it took two bomb hits and one direct rocket launcher in addition to most of the windows being blown out by my strafing runs in the previous 100 days but luckily it's all just glass and factory blocks which is pretty easy to make and the next day i landed on it for the first time rather i crashed on to the the runway i kind of clipped like the opening with my back wheelness sank me down into the floor and it was not good but one thing we are going to do is expand the aircraft carrier because it's really stubby like it just ends all of a sudden on the back so i started making the extension but unfortunately a blood moon came and it was also like a rainstorm so it got kind of spooky and i had to leave because most of the carrier still wasn't lit up enough and it was much safer in the sky the next day i just made a ton of sandwiches because i was almost out of food and i went back to the aircraft carrier on day 109 and had a relatively successful landing i also added a weather radar to the carrier so i can see storms nearby because it's in the ocean so storms literally form all around us which is uh something we have to be careful of the entirety of day 110 was spent just practicing the landing on the carrier with the new extension toward the back and it took a while to get the hang of it but i'm not just extending the runway portion i have to extend all the lower decks as well which are quite extensive there's actually two floors below the main deck which i had to extend i even rescued a stranded ocelot that i found dumped in the middle of the ocean from a tornado and i brought it back to the ship to safety oh yeah and i did obtain a combat shotgun from one of the enemies that i killed while taking over the aircraft carrier which is very epic now that we have this aircraft carrier under our control you're probably wondering what i want to use it for other than just the coolness factor of landing planes on it well it does have a specific use and that is to be a mining outpost for coal because i did find a coal vein nearby which is something that we're going to be capitalizing on in the future but right now i can't exploit it too much i did go back to my base however and start working on the walls of my machine room because they're really bad right now they're just cobblestone so i spent several days working on them i set my another portal into the wall and it looks pretty cool i also tore down the uh the melon farm it didn't ever really do very much it wasn't worth it so it ended up being much better gone i also went out and got a ton of sand on day 119 and i ate this clouds buff puff thingy whatever it is it gave me levitation which is kind of neat but i use that sand to create compressed sand which i use my compressed iron hammer to mine but it gave me dust the wrong kind of dust it gave me the pollution dust not the dust or item massage blocks i was after so i changed some config stuff punched the dust out the door and got the regular dust that i actually wanted which i can put in a sieve and obtain blaze powder from but i got extremely distracted on day 120 and i started making a bottling machine because i had an idea of how i might be able to automate fresh water for drinking it it might just work so i started by making the bottling machine which will load fluid into items like buckets and i was able to test it out and it did in fact bottle the the water in the bucket doesn't really make sense but it does work basically what my plan is for my water purification system is that water buckets will just get loaded in the bottling machine and then they'll get sent to a furnace where they're smelted into purified water in other words there's like boiled it's kind of the concept behind that and then they get put into a tank which then empties into a pipe which will take the purified water and add it to like a uh like this fluid great vent thing which dumps it into the world so that i can actually drink it and the buckets which are now empty will go back to the bottling machine and they'll get filled back up with the water and the cycle will repeat itself it will stop itself though once the tank that holds the water is completely full so it doesn't like constantly run it doesn't waste a ton of water or power or anything i mean it's just an infinite water source so it's not really water wasted but the power is a thing also i ran out of nuclear fuel which was not epic but i did decide to move all my isotopes up toward my nuclear reactor to take the radiation somewhere else up to where it's already radioactive and i already have to handle it up there in the next couple days i worked on finishing the ceiling for my machine room because that was mostly the last thing i had to do except for one wall which i'm not sure what i'm going to do with yet i may do some stuff with that in the future but i did get to make my first nuclear fearless i think it's my first nuclear fuel out of neptunium which i think when we uh deplete it and reprocess it will give us americium which is the next nuclear fuel along the line in addition to that i made a heavy auto seat which basically takes compressed like blocks like compressed gravel plus a a net and some power or a mesh and some power and gives you pieces of ore and like gems and stuff from sieving it which is very helpful because that means i can get automatic uranium and thorium among other things i also had the steel bulkhead to finish off the wall of my machinery which looks pretty cool and i made some cobblestone generators which will infinitely supply cobblestone for my endeavors by that time my nuclear fuel depleted and i moved some of my machines up toward my reactor things that deal directly with nuclear fuel and isotopes and stuff like that and it gave me a few different types of americium and plutonium and the next day i went back to the aircraft carrier to retrieve a set of commando armor which would replace my current set of armor which is mostly [Music] broken [Music] and by the end of day 129 i fully automated the production of uranium and thorium albeit in small quantities basically it's just an auto hammer which takes the cobblestone from the cobble generator and turns it into gravel which goes into the sieve and then gets sieved for uh various ore pieces and stuff like that but the next day i had i had stuff to do i need to make a second nuclear reactor for my aircraft carrier because we're going to need power there for some things in the future but i required making another fission controller which was the hardest thing we've already made one of those so i'm not going to show it it's too in-depth again but it took most of the day of crafting let's just say that i already had a bunch of leftover fission casings so i was able to just grab that i didn't have to make too many more of them but unfortunately when i actually uh went to install the reactor i realized that the carrier was an even number of blocks wide and i wanted the reactor to be an odd number blocks wise so what did i do once i got it built and like ready to use well what i first did was make a bunch more sandwiches but after that did i did i expand the reactor to make it an even number of blocks like no but what i did instead was widen the entire carrier by one block yeah that's so much easier than expanding the reactor but in all honesty i much prefer bills that are odd numbers in minecraft i just don't like even number bills so that's what i did for several days just widened by one entire block i had to rescue my ocelot again because it uh it escaped at one point but by about day like 135 i was able to actually like have a completed reactor and have it be in odd number of blocks and have it be all symmetrical which is pretty good and the carrier itself looks really nice now i also found a bit of oil sand while exploring later that day which will become very important later on or rather the bitumen that i acquired from it when i got back to my base i began sieving dust to obtain blaze powder and i also made these uh these porcelain dolls which will uh allow me to spawn blazes if i make them into blazing dolls when i drop them into a barrel lava yeah it's kind of weird but it is a thing here and it means i don't have to like run through the entire nether just to get blaze rods but i'll explain why i need blaze rods in a bit but the important thing is i took the blaze powder from the sieving of the dust receiving of the dust and to used it to spawn blazes indirectly and so i did that for a while on day 137 i got a lot of dust i even used my auto sieve that i swapped out for a normalcy for the uranium production and used that to save my dust and get tons of blaze powder because i need a total of eight blaze rods for uh what i'm trying to make here some of you may know what i uh what i'm making but we'll get to in a sec i just spent a bunch of time the next few days killing blazes waiting for like dust wait for blaze powder to generate and stuff like that but eventually i obtained eight blaze rods and i was able to craft two ender chests but they're not normal ender chests they are the special under chests which allow you to take items out of them with a hopper and they also are the color-coded ones in other words you can have a bunch of different color combinations with dye on the top and it'll just link to whatever one has the same color it's it's pretty straightforward but i need them for my cold production which we'll get to in a little bit i also fully swapped to my commando outfit but that required giving it medium radiation shielding so i had to make more of that on day 40 so that i uh i don't die to the radiation extra fast after leaving my automated safe and stuff running for a while discovered i had a lot of ore chunk things and you don't get a ton of ore from it it's like not a one to one thing it takes four of them to make one ore but then you can double the ore so it's really like you get half as many actual like ingots as what you have uh pieces there but it's still pretty good and i made a set of burner drill components for that coal vein because we're gonna go back to that aircraft carrier and we're going to start mining that coal and getting it automatically unfortunately for me i realized i would need a chunk loader i didn't know if the under chests would act as a trunk loader as they were transporting items the answer is they don't so i had to make a world spike but this time i actually could get fuel for it unlike in the industrial revolution and i was able to get coal in my base even though it was actually being mined from the other side of the map of the side of the world which is pretty cool [Music] at least i got an ender pearl out of all those desks that was nice also the game audio did glitch while i was recording this so uh that's why you're not hearing it for a few days but it does come back very shortly on day 144 i assembled a crusher at long last so that i can double my really fast instead of putting it in the manufacturer which is slow and takes a lot of power i also did a bunch of stuff with the nuclear fuel on that day as well and realize that i might be able to make a plutonium rtg relatively soon which is what i set out to begin working on and i also made a cabinet jar on day 145 so i have endless milk and i have to actually milk my cow and i made my first diamond drill head that day and i noticed something interesting about the particles from my smokers from my cooling tower because i saw your guys's comments i get that it's a cooling tower now but it's just for decoration and apparently uh the particles go really far and they get turned into like a little spiral when there's a storm with the wind swirling which is kind of a cool effect and on day 146 i got some bean seeds yes we can have more bean memes if you guys are desperate for that but the reason i did that is so that i can make this new like sausage bean melt thing which is super good i have the ability to make sausage using bee grubs it's really nasty sounding but it does work for some reason that food restores a bunch of saturation and four different nutrients which is why i set out to make it i made the unfortunate discovery that i can't make the block of plutonium rtg which will just produce 100 rf infinitely with no input with the plutonium that i have now because i need plutonium-238 which can only be obtained through processing a very specific type of i believe neptunium nuclear fuel and that neptunium nuclear fuel needs a lot of neptunium-236 which you get a lot of from a a specific type of uranium nuclear fuel and i had to adapt my reactor significantly to be able to burn it because it makes a lot of heat i had to completely rework the inside with coolers and cells and moderator blocks and it took some time before i was able to make the reactor not overheat because if it does it will melt down i don't know what happens when it melts down when it melts down but uh i don't think that it's something that we need to find out right now eventually i was able to get it to where i could burn the fuel and i just left it to slowly burn and deplete over time [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so i've got a lot of xp now in addition to ore pieces so we're good to do enchanting in the next couple days which is something i've been meaning to do for a while i really need to do that but i also have been getting an insane amount of stuff between my various mining drills and that automated saving operation it's really good i also made the decay hasteners so i can turn neptunium-237 i believe into uranium-233 which is what i need for that special uranium nuclear fuel which will eventually lead me to the uh plutonium-239 i continue to make the atn 236 fuel which is what will give me small amounts of plutonium-238 and i went to the old like weird dungeon thing that we explored in the first hundred days and grabbed some bookshelves from there so that i could use them for a level 30 enchantment table unfortunately the enchantments are still trash in this version like a level 30 will give me one enchantment it's so bad the only time it's ever slightly okay is with a a book if i enchant a book i'll get multiple things from that and i ended up getting a few decent things like kind of breaking down the sword i also got like a few things for my armor but probably the best things i got were like sieve efficiency for a match and i also got decay on my sword which basically just gives the entity that you hit with her and if you've been wondering why i've been avoiding hitting pollution with my plane uh that's the reason why right there because i accidentally hit a piece of sulfur and the game treats it like you just hit bedrock or obsidian and it just instantly destroys whatever part of the plane ran into it which is exactly what happens there luckily you don't have to remake the plane you can just repair a certain part of it in this case the wing with just the the turret and the wing itself so that was pretty decent it wasn't too bad but the real reason i was flying my plane around was to look for a good spot to make a runway for the plane and how about we clarify that i saw lots of comments telling me to make an airfield and we're not going to do that that's kind of lame it's kind of cringe we're going to make a massive underground hanger inside of the mountain that you can fly the plane the entire way through and out both sides and it'll be connected to our bunker and it's going to be very epic but this will require a lot of digging and it also required me to determine the dimensions of the hangar i ended up deciding on it being 200 blocks long and about 21 blocks wide and the height of the hangar ended up being 13 blocks so now that we have all the dimensions all that's left to do is make the outline of it in other words we dig out around the middle so that i can vein mine everything super easily and just burn through a bunch of sausage bean melts and uh titanium pickaxes [Music] [Music] [Music] i came back to my reactor and found that the tpu fuel had finished burning so i was able to put the atn 236 fuel in which will turn itself into plutonium two through eight once it's depleted and reprocessed but i had to modify the reactor again a bit to stop it from overheating so once i did that it was able to burn and i went back and continued mining the last little bits of the hangar out and on day 169 we finished mining it was completely empty i think it was about like a hundred thousand blocks or something and i was able to fly the plane into the hangar for the first time [Music] that falling trajectory could not have been more perfect there right down the cooling tower that i guess fall damage just doesn't exist from tornadoes i don't know what the deals with that but either way i grabbed some snow on day 170 brought it back to my base so that i could make a snow golem and have infinite snow any time i needed it mainly because i need it for uh for smoothies so i can get my fruit nutritional because that's like the one thing that the bean melts don't give me and so i was able to make a bunch of melon smoothies for melon i already had and i worked on saying the patterns for the walls that evening in my main hanger i actually already have the design all laid out like in creative and i just have to actually start building it here i also made the entrance to the hangar which is gonna like lead to the tunnels it goes all the way to my bunkers not super close so it's kind of gonna be a long tunnel [Music] [Music] after all my work that i did on the tunnel i had two pieces of depleted hgn 236 fuel which i could reprocess into some plutonium 238 and i was able to make one entire piece of it i had seven tiny pieces left over in other words i can make one plutonium rtg now whenever i need it i also worked a little bit more on my pathway by the river it's looking really cool i always wanted to do something with this river second i thought it was like okay we're going to make a look epic at some point and this was a good opportunity to do that i also continue decorating my hanger which is not a an easy task it's very big over 200 blocks long and honestly it's just a resource shortage at this point just because how many resources i need the problem is is that the main block that i use for the floor i can't make in large quantities right this second uh the block that i want to use apart from like the decorative uh like factory blocks and stuff is asphalt concrete which requires bitumen so that's something we're going to need a lot of i also discovered that i had a huge amount of just ore pieces sitting in my chest including a ton of thorium and uranium which i started processing into the various isotopes to make more nuclear fuel and on day 180 i began working on making the plutonium rtg block which will just produce 100 rf per tick constantly and it requires no input or like just any future maintenance is super nice by the end of the day i was able to make the plutonium rtg and i also made a bunch of floodlights to use in the hangar part of the reason i wanted that plutonium rtg was because i figured it could be useful in powering floodlights in my hangar because i want most of my hanger light to come from floodlights and little alcoves in the walls and stuff like that because i think it would look really cool and it would probably stop the mob spawning at least that's the idea so i tested that out and i did get the floodlights working but they're just temporary i'm not leaving them on for now i did have to go find corey stone though because that's in a uh a decorative block that i want to use in the floor of the hanger so i found a vein of into the vein mine a bunch of it got a few stacks and when i got back to the hanger i used it to make the runway stripes on either side of like just the floor i guess and i also made a bunch of yellow concrete and i made as much asphalt concrete as i could with the bitumen that i had and i used that yellow concrete to make some like floor arrows that sort of just point in the direction that you're supposed to fly in the hangar like it's just meant to be a one-way thing and it looks really good especially when i started adding asphalt concrete although i have barely any of it that's something we're gonna have to solve very shortly here i also built up some more of the walls now you guys can probably get an idea of what it's gonna look like we should have to do that but a lot more probably not even in this video i went on the search for more oil sand on day 85 to see if it was like common enough that i could maybe get the bitumen that i need for mining it and i looked around a lot and i only ended up with like 20 something by the end of it so i i don't think it's gonna work it was enough for like a stack and a half of concrete we're gonna need so much more than that it didn't even cover an entire section of the floor unfortunately on day 86 i made a bunch more nuclear fuels because remember how we built a reactor at our aircraft carrier earlier in the video well we're going to be utilizing that now because we can't mine enough oil sand to get ourselves a bit when we need so we're going to have to do oil processing which is the other way to get it because it's a byproduct of the distillation tower when you distill crude oil into diesel and gasoline and lubricant in other words we gotta do like the pump jack and everything so i returned to the aircraft carrier the bunch of wires and reactor components to upgrade the reactor because we're going to turn this aircraft carrier into an oil processing area we're going to try to find an oil vein so that we can extract crude oil and process it on the carrier using the onboard reactor i heavily upgraded the reactor design that i had by adding a lot more cells and like coolers and stuff to produce a lot more power although it's probably not going to be sufficient immediately but it will it'll help a lot i started using the core sample drill on day 188 and on the third chunk that i checked i obtained a core sample that told me there was oil beneath the carrier which is very nice in other words i don't have to go far to get this oil processing thing i went back to my base the next few days and started making the materials that i need for the distillation tower and the pump jack and i also made like a bunch of iron tanks and stuff like that to hold the processed oil like components and things like that i also was made i also made a bunch of sheet metal so i can make an actual giant fluid tank just to hold the crude oil as i mined it and after a ton of crafting and a lot of steel and stuff used i had all the materials that i would need to go and assemble an oil processing rig facility thing on the aircraft carrier [Music] [Music] [Music] after making my platform on day 193 i assembled the pump jack on the little like raft floaty thing that's off the side of the carrier because there's not really room on the carrier itself but i think it looks pretty cool out there i also started burning new nuclear fuel in the reactor to increase the power output although it does not produce exactly as much as the pump jack needs it should be sufficient for a while i also connected the output pipe to the carrier and i ran it through the floor up into a big like fluid tank where all the crude oil can go and on a194 i turned on the pump jack and we started getting crude oil being added to our tank with the help of my plutonium rtg it was a little bit better but it did slow down once the internal buffer the reactor ran out and i i had no hope of running a distillation tower at the same time as i ran the pump jack so i just have to power the tower through a uh a capacitor for now until we expand the reactor and upgrade it but what matters now is that we're getting lots of vitamin pretty fast from our distillation tower that we can use to make asphalt concrete i had inside for a lot of day 96 got hit by a hurricane windows blew out it was not a fun time by returning my base on day 197 to make a bunch of nuclear for like a bunch of different types to see what would like maximize the power output while also not overheating and exploding the reactor because that wouldn't be very epic we don't want that i also had to go mining for boron or to make an alloy that i need to make a second plutonium rtg block which i'll take to the aircraft carrier and use to just help the power output and the final thing i did at my base on day 199 was fix my commando armor with some obsidian steel because it was almost [Music] dead [Music] [Music] [Music] and that my friends is 200 days in the nuclear age if this video gets 30 000 likes i'll do 300 days in the nuclear age where i finish the hangar add a second nuclear reactor to our bunker and perhaps even begin researching new greater technologies but that's where we're going to end this video for today guys thanks for watching ebb and speed and i'll see you in the next video or live stream bye you
Channel: Sbeev
Views: 375,299
Rating: 4.9747891 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 days, 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days, 100 days minecraft survival, 100 days hardcore minecraft, nuclear age, minecraft nuclear age, 200 days nuclear age, i spent 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days and this is what happened, lukethenotable, 200 days hardcore, 200 days survival minecraft, survival, hardcore, sbeev, #minecraft, #100days, #200daysminecraft, atomic age minecraft, atomic age, here's what happened
Id: 38P0MZOKa1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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