I Survived 100 Days in the Industrial Revolution in Minecraft

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what if minecraft was more realistic and challenging would have tornadoes ripped through the landscape what if you had to fight starvation while maintaining a balanced diet if you missed out on any specific nutrients you would gain a poison effect and die what if you needed to stay hydrated and stay hot or cool as different seasons emerge through your time play what if you had to do all of this while working your way through the industrial revolution of the 1800s and build yourself an empire to rival that of great britons to accomplish this i plan on creating an oil network to produce unlimited amounts of power once accomplished i plan on creating excavators and mining drills to dominate the ore frontier as history states he who rules industry rules the world day one i know if i wanted to survive in this pack early on i needed to go foraging as if i tried to attack animals they would attack me back so i immediately went and looked for plants to smash so i could grab the fruits from them you can't make wooden tools inside of this pack so the first thing i did is i went and i grabbed some flint smashed it on some rocks to create some flinch shards i then went and created myself a flint knife with a flint knife you can grab some string from the grass this enables you to make more advanced tools in the early game i then thought it was a bright idea to take my newly formed flint axe and attacked this cow until it decided to attack me back didn't know when they added that feature to minecraft while searching for my first cave i found this random merino ew that was dancing around in the rain i'm not exactly sure why it was doing that but it was quite cute i ended off the day by going spelunking looking for some basic oars i knew if i wanted to take over the world with an industrial revolution i need to start early with gathering supplies when i emerged from my cave spelunking i found this dutch dough it was very cute so i thought i'd add it into the clips i then performed some micro crafting so i could get my hands on a stone pickaxe so i could mine some iron i'd found while searching for another cave i found this giant ravine in the middle of the terrain and i decided to go and investigate it and to pull out all the oars that i could while mining in the ravine i found some copper ore this is going to be essential to make some machines later in the game i also found some bauxite ore when smelted this becomes aluminum which is another essential crafting component to some of the higher tier machines later in the game i then mercilessly eliminated the zombie to end off the day i began hunting for some strings so i could make a bed the sunset was beautiful and all the animals actually laid down at night time this is a super cool feature day three i began the day by smelting all the iron i had found inside of the caves i then watched as my first emission block drifted into the atmosphere this wasn't going to create any problems right i had forgotten that toughest nails was inside of this mod pack and i immediately began overheating so i jumped in this pond to save my life this was going to be tough i knew since there were seasons inside of this mod pack i needed to get a farm going and i needed to get it quickly as we were in summer right now meaning there was only one season between us and winter i then crafted a sleeping bag and i slept my first night day four and five i started out the day by crafting a saw this enables you to get wood a lot easier you can't actually craft logs into planks unfortunately i found a cave near my new house with untold riches so i decided to dive in and take up all the resources i could find inside of it there was a mine shaft inside of the cave as well which was amazing because it had epic loot it made it a lot easier to actually mine things it's not efficient to go strip mining inside of this mod pack because you need ores of all y levels and strip mining is just not a very effective for that so you want to find big caves so you can get all the ores you need to start making machinery as early as you can day six to start out the day i took all the ores that i had mined from my mining adventure and i began smelting them down later that day i had ventured out to find a horse but i found this giant hole in the ground with all these assorted oars and i couldn't stop but mine them all up i didn't learn my lesson the first time and i started picking a fight with all the bulls i could find to steal their meat with the leather that the cows dropped i can now make a saddle which would enable me to actually ride the horse later that day i found my first victim i mean friend that i was going to tame so he could become my transportation for the rest of the series after i convinced him that our friendship would be legendary he decided to make me his friend and i was able to ride him however i don't think he ever went to one day of gym class because he was the slowest creature i have ever mounted so i decided to find a new horse and i left him abandoned in the middle of the forest i'm sure he'd be fine day seven i began the day by expanding my farm i wanted to grow more of these hemp seeds as they'd be essential to the first form of power i'd be creating inside of this mod pack i then began using a water bucket to clear some of the terrain around so i could expand the farm even more later that day i began my search for clay not only was clay going to be essential in creation of a lot of the machines in this mod pack but if i was going to be creating giant factories and houses i wanted to make them out of brick and clay was going to be very important for that i then figured out how to open my nutrition bar to see how balanced my diet was and just like real life i was lacking pretty much everything but i didn't really care i then went adventuring with my new horse boris and we found this village and i began to loot everything inside of it day eight i began the day by looking up how to make a cold coke oven the cold coke oven is a multi-block structure made by coke oven bricks it creates coal coke and a byproduct of creosote to make it it's simply a three by three cube with a hollow center it's a pretty simple machine all you do is place coal in it and eventually we'll make coal coke for you coal coke is a better version of coal essentially it's also needed for some other recipes down the line i then slept to end off day eight day nine to begin advancing inside of the world i needed to create an engineer's workbench but to do that i needed some more materials i went out and i grabbed a little bit more wood i thought this time that you needed spruce wood to make treated wood planks which would then make your engineers work bench but turns out you can use any wood type when i got home i made my first bit of treated wood i was going to need to make a lot of this inside of the world but for now we just needed a few pieces to make our engineers work table this would enable us to create blueprints so we could start seeing machines that we could start building inside of this world day 10 if i was going to create an industrial revolution that would rival that of great britain's i thought it would be a good idea if i made a house so that i could at least sleep inside of it instead of on a sleeping bag outside like a normal peasant so i began with the initial construction this would be an ongoing project throughout the series as we advanced more machinery the house would expand and as we advance to different power things the house would obviously have to be incorporated into that but i figured for now i needed to have the base structure going so i didn't look like such a peasant day 11 i began the day by looking into the first bit of power generation that would give me an edge on this world i decided that my first bit of power generation was going to be a windmill so i created one and i decided i was going to build it just out of basic oak fences you can place it on top of anything as long as it has enough room to spin so i just place oak fences down because i like the aesthetic and it was cheap after crafting the windmill i realized i had no way to convert the power the raw windmill would not power anything without a kinetic motor a kinetic motor transfers the rotations of the windmill into usable power that i can then connect to wires and use it around my base but to craft a kinetic motor i needed redstone and i hadn't got any of that so i crafted a bunch of iron pickaxes and i spent the rest of the day mining looking for redstone and picking up any other ores i found along the way day 12 i began the day by expanding my farm once again and creating more industrial hemp when you have windmills you can put windmill sails on them which make them spin a lot faster but to create the sails you need a lot of hemp so i decided to expand the farm early so that when i needed to expand my windmill farm i would have the windmill sales required i then began my micro crafting so i could create my first kinetic motor it required an assortment of materials some copper some iron it required some plates and some wires but eventually we crafted it and we were ready to place our windmill once the windmill was set up with a kinetic motor i realized i had to now transfer the power from the kinetic motor to a usable item to do that i needed connectors and i needed low voltage wires i wasn't rich enough to make any medium voltage or high voltage wires so some basic copper low voltage wires were all that i was going to be to transfer the power you have three options you have low voltage medium voltage and high voltage now it's pretty poor at the time so i decided to use low voltage connectors this would enable me to connect from the windmill anywhere i wanted within the 8 block radius day 13 with the addition of power i knew i was going to be progressing quite quickly now so i decided i wanted to finish at least a floor to the house so i could start placing things inside as i built around it everything would be okay inside i was also building at this point because i needed to wait for more creosote to be made inside of my cold coke oven the coke ovens take forever to create anything so i figured some building right now would be a good idea midway through the day i decided it'd be a good idea to create a mine shaft so i created this cool little tunnel that goes underground ended up finding some diamonds at the very bottom it was a very successful end to the day day 14 the next step towards automation and machine creation was going to be a blast furnace but to create a blast furnace i needed more clay as i'd used it all to create bricks for my house so i spent most of the day just collecting clay as it takes a little while to mine underwater day 15 i returned home from my clay adventures i threw it all inside of my smelter and i waited for it to smelt meanwhile i decided to expand my farm once again i'm not kidding you when i say you need a lot of hemp to progress inside of the windmill aspect of this modpack day 16 i expanded my farmland even more to create more hemp to create enough power to power some of the machines that were coming up i needed a lot of windmills and i needed a lot of windmill sales and i was going to be prepared to absolutely destroy this industrial evolution and to rival that of any country that has ever been known to do it day 17-23 oars were blocking me from expanding my machinery i had my coke oven and i was ready to create my blast furnace but i needed more tools and i needed more ores to actually create some of the other machines inside of the mod pack so i spent these days mining rather than going mining every two days i figured i would just do it in one segment here's a quick time lapse of that mining [Music] [Music] day 24 i decided i wanted to dive into immersive engineering but to do that you need an engineer's manual to make an engineer's manual you need a book so why don't i slate some animals to collect some leather to make a book when you combine that with a lever you get the manual the manual has all of the machines and how to create them inside of it so it's very essential to the mod pack the one stupid thing that i found in all this was how to craft a lever this is the only mod pack that they've added in a custom recipe that i've ever seen to craft a lever it's a it's a it's a you know what that that was my quarrel that was it but to create a blast furnace i knew i was going to need to head into the nether as that was the next step inside of the mod pack so i began preparing for that to close out the day i then attempted to head into the nether but then realized i was overwhelmed by heat and i had no way of getting water so after a minimal time inside i decided to get out as quickly as possible day 25 to advance and start the mod pack you need a blast furnace but to make a blast furnace you need blaze rods so armed with some water bottles a shield and a sword i headed back into the nether and began attacking blaze thankfully for me there was a fortress that spawned right by my portal and it was a blaze spawner that was pretty easy to find it was also located under a bunch of blocks so the blades couldn't fly away so just a matter of time they lit me on fire a few times eventually i got the blaze rods that i needed and i ran out of there as quickly as possible day 26 post returning the nether i knew i could now make a blast furnace but i realized that to make a blast furnace i needed another bricks so i headed back into the nether to correct some netherrack so i could then smelt it into another brick so i could craft my first blast furnace while i was waiting for everything to smelt i decided to harvest my farm and collect the hemp that had been growing so far i then constructed the blast furnace the same way i had constructed the coke oven right clicked it with an engineer's hammer to make it into its multi-block counterpart and nothing happened after some googling and troubleshooting i discovered the center block was not supposed to be hollow it was supposed to be a solid cube so i replaced it right clicked it with my hammer and there we go a blast furnace i then went on the hunt for some iron to place inside of my newly made blast furnace this would then translate into steel once it had smelted steel was going to be essential into building my empire that would span the ages of minecraft day 27 although extremely eco-friendly a windmill is just not a great source of power but a water wheel is a little bit better so i began the creation of a water wheel in front of my house i was going to need more power if i wanted to power some of these ginormous machines this modpack has and a water wheel next to my house was going to be perfect i had the idea for the first machine i wanted to create but i needed more power to do it so i spent the rest of the day crafting a water wheel and making it look semi-aesthetic pleasing day 28 once my water wheel was up and running it was time to start transferring power now i didn't have the machine ready yet that i needed the power to go to but the machine was going to require more power than the water wheel could make so i had the idea to place some batteries also known as capacitors next to the water wheel this way while i was waiting to make the machine i wanted it would fill up these batteries and when i could make the machine i'd have a bunch of batteries to power it this machine was the next progression step inside of the mod pack that would unlock even more machines but i needed more power to do that so i placed some lv which are low voltage capacitors next to the water wheel these would fill up over time they hold 100 000 rf each day 29 i began the day by tinkering around the transformer i wasn't really sure what it did but it looked really cool so i was trying to figure out if i could hook up more wires to it and try and figure out how i could fill these capacitors even faster i was trying not to smelt my oars down as this next machine would be much more efficient for that but i needed some more iron to create this next machine so i decided i need to throw in my smelter now so i'd have it for later i was ever faced with the looming fact that i needed nutrition if i didn't want to die inside of this mod pack however killing animals wasn't exactly a viable solution because to get animals to mate inside of this mod pack you need to make them happy they need to be fed water it's just it's a big hassle but there was a work around you can place ground traps on the ground and eventually if you put bait in them they will attract those animals and they will give you the subsequent drops such as different meats and different leather types this would at least solve my protein problem and that i could focus on the other ones later day 30. this was a big day inside of the mod pack as it was the day i was going to finally prepare for building the next machine i started out by expanding my house a little bit the smelting had given me the ability to craft some more blocks and to build a little bit more up on my house i then made some electrum electrum is essential in the creation of the next machine to make electrum it's just gold grit and silver grit you can get that by putting a hammer next to the subsequential ores and it'll then give you the grits the electrum grit will then smelt down into ingots and would allow me to craft the next machine inside of this mod pack day 31 perhaps the biggest day inside of this world so far i began the day by finishing out the micro crafting required to build the next machine this machine was called the crusher what the crusher does is it duplicates the oars that you put inside of it this is why i was waiting for so long to actually smelt down my oars because i wanted them duplicated before i actually had to smelt them i didn't want to waste any materials and i didn't have to go mining for any longer than i needed to the crusher is a multi-block structure so i had to reference the wiki on how to build it i built it wrong like three times because the wiki is stupid and it doesn't know what it's talking about if i was smart i would have used the engineer's manual but the wiki seemed like it was more useful until it never ever worked at this point i was watching tutorials and i was trying to figure out how the crusher would work as my centerpiece for this industrial revolution because as they say he who rules industry rules the world it took me the entire day and watching multiple tutorials and referencing multiple wiki pages since the original one was broken but i eventually created the crusher to end off the day day 32 i was really stoked to use my new crusher but first i needed a way to auto input and auto export the items so i made some conveyor belts i then hooked it up next to the export and next to the import bus inside of the actual crusher itself so that i could then begin crushing oars every machine inside of immersive engineering requires a lever to be powered on so i quickly crafted one before i started the machine after spending some time trying to figure out where the lever went i then tried to figure out why the machine wasn't turning on i didn't know at this point that you actually needed to throw the oars in before the actual machine turns so i began googling why my machine was broken through pure happenstance i just decided to throw an ore inside and i saw the crusher move and crushed the oar down this was going to be the start of my industrial empire also this machine looks very very cool day 33 i began the day by collecting all the ores i had from previous mining expeditions and throwing it inside of the crusher so it began to crush it into dust so i could smelt it later i then began to figure out how to make a juicer so then i could take vegetables and juice them which is a better way of collecting the food than eating the vegetables raw to make the next machine i wanted i was going to need some nether quartz which meant going back into the overheating nether there's a metal barrel you can make and you can fill it with water when you do that and you right click it with a water bottle you then get water out of it and you can use it inside of the nether this is a great way for storing water because you can't bring water buckets for obvious reasons into the nether i then went exploring the nether and found some other quartz i also picked up some magma shards just in case i needed them later down the line i didn't know exactly what they could be used for but i figured they might be useful when i got home i grabbed all of my grits out of the crusher and i threw them inside of a furnace the fish net works similar in the way to the animal trap you simply just put fish bait in it and over time it will collect fish i needed a jellyfish from this because jellyfish can be transferred into a slime ball and a slime ball was going to be crucial in the next item i wanted to craft day 34 i noticed some of the water turning to ice this meant that winter was coming and this was not going to be fun i began facing a problem and my coke oven was filling up with creosote and it was stopping to work so i tried making a jerry can as jerry cans hold more than a bucket but it didn't really work and i was just stuck with a overhauled coke oven anyway i spent the next part of the day doing a bunch of micro crafting for a fine storage refined storage is a way better way of storing items than chests when you're playing with mod packs it's really hard to keep track of where everything is going as there's so many new blocks added to the game this would help me in the long run a lot i then discovered that the water i was using to actually turn my water wheel was turning to ice but i used an old vanilla trick where if you put torches next to ice they will now then turn into water and never back into ice it's a great trick for if you're in a cold biome i finished off the day by creating my first block of refined storage the crafting grid day 35 i finished crafting the basic computer by crafting the drive bay and the controller although primitive since we could only use floppy disks at this point in time it was good enough to store some items in small quantities i then spent the rest of the day breaking down my chests and transferring all the items into my new storage system day 36 i began the day by creating some spools of copper wire this would allow me to relay the electricity from my water mill into my house so i could start focusing on machines that were localized inside of the actual house i then created some stairs out of stone and a little platform to place the capacitor on top of eventually i would make this an entire floor dedicated to industry but for now it was just going to fit my new capacitor day 37 i began the day by crafting some furnaces i then went upstairs and i expanded the floor a little bit and i began creating an automated furnace system that would work for my new power generation from the water mill because there's an air block in the middle of the coke oven it creates some emissions and eventually those emissions stop the coke oven from working so i destroyed it and i replaced it next to my blast furnace i then checked my blast furnace to see the progress it had made and i removed all the slag from it so there wouldn't be any build up to end off the day i hopped into the nether to grab some bone blocks so i could bone meal some carrots as i was running scarily low on food day 38 to 43 i had hoped my first money expedition would have been enough to tide me along to longer but i was progressing too fast i needed to make more machines and i needed to make more high tier machines i needed a lot of high voltage wire and a lot of high voltage appliances but to do that i needed aluminum or box site and i was running very low on it so i went out mining and collected all the supplies i could day 44 when i returned from mining i had found that the surface may be very cold so i made a full set of wool armor it didn't do a lot but it helped a little bit with keeping me warm i was running low on wood so i decided to go chop down some trees later that day i tinkered around with how i was going to connect my crusher to my new power system i wanted everything to be in a central place eventually i was going to create a power station but for now it was going to be inside of my house that didn't seem like a problem considering that high voltage wire was running by wood right once i got my crusher working i saw this thick boy near my house and i decided i would chop it down to see how much wood it gave me it gave me 25 logs which was truly impressive i then tried eating some of the berries it dropped i've never experienced worse food in my life i then watched from my rooftop my crusher work i i can't get by the animation on this thing it's just so cool day 45 i spent most of the day gathering more clay from the regions around my area for upcoming machines day 46 and 47 i took all the grit that my crusher had outputted from all the ores that i'd got from mining and i began smelting them down so i could advance the next machines to place the next machines i really needed to make a power station so i began terraforming the ground around me and eating it out so i could start building some more structures and some more machines around my house because immersive engineering is such a reflection of how real-life power works i wanted to create a power station as sort of a central grid for where all of my power would be inputted and outputted too i wanted to reflect everything i did in immersive engineering just like how real life orchestrates power day 48 i began the day by inspecting my coke oven and making sure it was still running effectively and taking some creosote oil out of it so i can make some more treated wood i then went and crafted a bunch of treated wood for some items i would need a little bit later for my power distribution i went and harvested all the hemp from my hemp farm it regrows even in winter time not all the crops do unfortunately but thankfully hemp does now that i had the base of my power station going i needed power to actually input into my power station this was going to be in the early game by windmills so i made three more and a bunch of windmill sails from the hemp i've been collecting so far day 49 i needed a cactus to progress inside of the mod pack so i crafted in nature's compass nature's compass allows you to see what biomes are close by and allows you to track a certain biome so i went to the closest desert to actually start collecting some cactus while collecting it i noticed a village nearby and i went and looted it nothing too crazy but any food at this point is essential because in the winter time food doesn't grow day 50 for some reason my obs missed parts of this i'm not sure if that was a user error or a client error but we'll just chalk it up to chance and client air anyway i decided i would start off the day by making some wire connectors and some relays this would allow me to now connect the power a wire connector allows you to transmit power and allows you to input and export power but relays allow you to actually relay that power in whatever capacity you want from zero to infinity rf presumably across distances the relay would allow me to build a network around my base and the connectors would allow me to take power from the relays into different machines day 51 i began the day by tearing down my water mill now that i had these windmills producing power into my power station i didn't need the water bill anymore i then hung a capacitor right in the center of my house and i switched on power from there all the way into my power station so that my house could be powered from there this was the concept because at this point i didn't know you could make insulated wires and i kept running into the wires and electrocuting myself i figured if i could have the power at the roof of every single floor i could string the wires near the ceilings to attach to all the machines and therefore i would never zap myself this was a great theory until i found out insulated wire was a thing day 52 i began the day by transferring all not transferring transforming uh what's the word what's the word when you change something like when you up upgrade it update it i literally just said those two words there's a better word um no when you switch something over you convert i think converters are what i want day 52 i began converting all of my medium and low voltages to high voltage wires although i couldn't actually produce enough power to utilize these wires i knew in the long run this would be handy so i wouldn't have to come back later and switch them all out for high voltage because i knew in the long run i wanted high voltage wires running on my central system and then medium voltage wires running into each application this way i could utilize the most power running from my relays and it wouldn't be too expensive to make all these high voltage capacitors day 53 i began the day with some good old hemp farming i then tore down the original windmill that got me started in this world i wanted to build one more windmill as three would be the maximum efficiency i would need for the limited amount of machines i was using at the moment so i created some sales you put these sails on top of the windmills and they act a little bit faster and they transmit a little bit more power i then began the construction of my next windmill and i hooked it up to my central power station day 54 i began the day by expanding my center floor i then began to try and clean up some of the wires inside of the house i was tired of getting electrocuted at every single time i walked by one i knew we'd be making another big machine soon so i knew i needed to fill up some capacitors so i began tinkering around with how i could create a system to start filling up capacitors while still maintaining my network power day 55 i started out the day by collecting all the meat from my ground trap it was super important because during winter time nothing grows so i had to collect any remnants of food i could find i then went to my furnaces and i collected all the ingots that had been smelting i left them in there for quite a while and most of them had finished up i realized how slow everything was so i tried a new idea i noticed that there was a blast furnace inside of the mod pack so i created one and i placed it in place of a normal furnace but when looking at the ui i just i couldn't figure out what the heck it did and i i just didn't know so i took it down and i replaced it back into my original furnace which was still slow as heck i then made some iron into some iron blocks and replace them inside of my blast furnace to continue converting into steel near the end of the day i noticed a storm approaching i realized that my power station might be too far away from my original weather deflector to deflect so i quickly created another one and i ran over there and placed it down and just in time because as soon as i placed it i selected that the interface would deflect any thunderstorms and or tornadoes that came by the area and as soon as i did that the storm died meaning that storm was probably about to rip apart my power station days 56 to 59. i needed some more terra cotta this was important in the building recipes of a lot of different items in the high voltage center it was also important because it was what i was going to build my pathways and roadways with inside of this civilization so i hopped back on boris i grabbed my nature's compass and i began hunting for a terracotta biome i kept having to build bridges for boris on my way because every time he went into the water apparently he does not know how to swim and he just sinks like a rock experience a little bit of spring even though it was still winter because i was in a desert biome it acted like it was summer which was great i spent the rest of the day mining out the terracotta different colors for different things that i had in mind i wanted to use the red for my roof the brown for pathways and then original terracotta for some crafting recipes and to convert it into other colors if i so desired down the line i then arrived home on the tail end of the day 59 day 60 i began the day by enchanting some shovels this would give me a little bit of efficiency you see today was going to be the day i was going to start road work i wanted to start building roads everywhere so i could start putting power poles everywhere so i could start relying power all throughout my base without electrocuting myself by accident i spent the rest of the day mining out some blocks with my newfound shovels and placing some brown terracotta it was going to act as my concrete roadway for now day 61 i was having some issues with the vanilla mobs that were spawning around my base they kept attacking me and blowing up blocks so i created these lamps inside of immersive engineering they require power to work but only do they look super cool and provide light but they prevent mobs from spawning within a 32 block radius i began placing light poles everywhere and the lamps on top of them and then linking them together with copper wiring thankfully they don't need any sort of transformer or any sort of capacitors on them they simply link to each other and they transmit power as such i then collected would have been smelting inside of my furnaces as i was going to be using some bricks and some oars very soon i went over to my blast furnace and i swapped out the iron i put some more iron in it and took out the steel that i'd be required for the next builds i worked late this day and did a bunch of micro crafting until i was eventually able to make a core sample drill this drill enables you to sample the dirt beneath you when you stand inside of a trunk it'll tell you what this trunk has inside of it either it'll tell you a specific ore a specific fluid or a specific vein if you get a vein it can be a whole clump of oars if you get a fluid it can be something like lava water or oil oil is something that we'll be looking for next to progress inside of this mod pack so we become an industrial empire day 62-65 this was only supposed to take me 10 minutes but it ended up taking me three full minecraft days i used my drill sampler in a lot of chunks around my base and i kept coming up with nothing there was either no minerals or no liquid or just neither of each it was just a terrific time i kept finding useless veins i found a uranium vein except there's no way really to make nuclear reactors inside of this mod so there's really no point in getting uranium what i really wanted is i wanted an iron vein now this might sound rudimentary but this entire mod is based around steel and to make steel you need a bunch of iron and a bunch of coal so the optimal vein defined would be a vein for coal and for iron but i would take iron at this point as coal is pretty easy to get especially if you put fortune 3 onto it i spent these entire days just running around different trunks i tried to stay close to my base because i didn't want to be transferring items all the way from there to my current base finally on day 65 after a lot of searching i found a vein with iron and gold and oil in it and i was ecstatic because this meant i could get both of the things right from one chunk which would be amazing day 66 to 69. the entire reason we used the core sampler was to find somewhere we could place an excavator an excavator is a machine that excavates ores from the ground it's basically like a quarry but it doesn't actually remove any blocks it just uses the core sampler to detect what types of blocks it'll excavate so i spent these days building it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] day 70 i began the day by making reinforced blast bricks this would enable me to make the next tier furnace which would enable me to make steel a little bit faster i needed a lot of steel for some of the upcoming machines i needed some lava so i hopped back into the nether to grab it the excavator i had just built i didn't have enough power to power it i just wanted to build it because it looked really cool but i had an idea how to primitively power it but for that i needed lava i then crafted a thermosomething generator i forget what they're called but when placed down if you place a hot and cold source opposite sides of it it will then create power i was going to use this to primitively power my excavator and just to see if it would work once hooked up i noticed that it moved slightly this was not terribly efficient but it would get me a small trickle of oars while i worked on other things and working on ways to actually power it permanently days 71-74 this was going to be my last mining expedition and all it lasted three full minecraft days to prep for it i enchanted some iron and some diamond pickaxes with basic efficiency this would allow me to mine ores a little bit quicker making my maximum effort less the next step inside of this mod pack was to create enough energy to power machines like the excavator with those types of machines powered i could finally automate ore production and power production however i needed more bauxite bauxite was realistically the thing that was holding me back to create anything high voltage you need a lot of aluminum aluminum seems to be the highest tier of resource when it comes to creating these wires but aluminum only spawns at high y levels and caves generally dive down really deep really fast so it took me a while to find some initial points of caves where i could find some bauxite so i could actually get crafting more of these high voltage equipment day 75 to 77 i started out day 75 by crafting enough resources to remake my crusher since i'd used a lot of the resources to make my excavator i needed to remake a few of the blocks so i could actually make a crusher again from all the ores i had just mined i then began to rebuild my crusher i can almost build up from memory at this point the amount of times i had torn it down and built it back up again which was great because the wiki is always wrong when it comes to building these items so it's good to actually memorize how to do it i then grabbed all of my oars and i threw them inside the crusher so that it would crush them down into grit each ore duplicates into two grit which can then be smelted into ingots while waiting for it to happen i decided it would be a good idea if i built my house a little bit more so i added some more blocks to it out of the blocks that i had while i was waiting for my crusher to work day 78 between day 77 and day 78 we'll call it 77.5 i crafted a roof for the house i also placed some vents that the pollution would not kill us inside to craft some of the next machinery and buildings that i wanted i needed a lot of materials and i needed it fast these two furnaces just weren't going to cut it so i manually placed down some furnaces like a peasant put some coal on them and threw my grit in them and began smelting down all the resources i would need for my next builds i did a bit of research and i discovered that uranium works as a cool and a hot agent for these thermogenerators so i placed down some blocks to see how much power they would increase it increased a little bit while i was waiting for everything to smelt i decided to start building my factory so i crafted some factory blocks and i used a chisel to make them into unique factory blocks even though i didn't have enough resources to make walls or a ceiling for my factory i knew placing the base would be essential because this way i could place the machines on top of it and i could build around it as i accumulated resources day 79 to 81 it was time to start creating some big machinery so i did a bunch of micro crafting to get some of the blocks i would need to start crafting my first machine after finishing my micro crafting i had all the resources i needed to make what's called a pump jack a pump jack extracts oil from the ground which you can then use later to refine into gasoline or diesel [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] after following the wiki's instructions and successfully building it wrong i youtubed another video on how to make it and successfully made it i then crafted a lot of wooden posts i wanted to start stringing relays all around my base so i could start transferring power to what would soon be my oil refinery day 82 i started out the day by ravaging my carrots i forgot to replant them which would come to haunt me later i then accomplished all the microcrafting it would take to make a distillation tower this takes crude oil and refined it into biodiesel and into gas i used my sample drill to mark out a chunk as i wanted to make sure it would all be built inside of the same chunk in case i needed to chunk load it later the theory behind what i was doing was simple i wanted to use a diesel generator to power my entire base but to do this i need a diesel my distillation tower would not only create diesel but it also create a byproduct of gasoline and also a byproduct of lubricant lubricant is used with all the machines to actually give them a 25 boost in speed when using a diesel generator the diesel you get from your distillation tower only actually uses about 75 of the power required to make itself meaning you have a 25 remainder that the diesel generator has an access so every time i create one bucket of diesel i actually create 50 000 rf that is not used in the creation process of said diesel meaning i can use it to power my entire power grid for 50 000 rf considering that an excavator only requires 4 000 rf per tick and it's one of the more beefier machines this would be plenty day 83 once my pump was actually working i would need a way to get the crude oil to my distillation tower i built these apart on purpose because later down the line it's gonna be much more convenient than my distillation tower over there than it would be to have it next to my pump jack it's a very simple fix to get the crude oil oil over there all you need to do is place pipes that connect from your pump jack to your distillation tower i placed these pipes underground so it would look a little bit cleaner day 84-85 i spent these days troubleshooting my distillation tower and trying to get it to work the first problem i ran into was no crude oil was being imported i was using capacitors to power my pump jack and to power the distillation tower just to see how they worked i then realized that for the crude oil to be pumped out of the tank you needed to put a lever on it this was a simple fix and it started importing my crude oil into my distillation tower because the distillation tower would create two by-products being gasoline and lubricant i needed something to store them so i created two more tanks to actually store these byproducts the distillation tower does a lot of things but what it doesn't do is actually separate the three products it creates nothing inside of the machine separates the outputs meaning that all three outputs come out of one pipe i don't exactly understand how this is logical considering that all of this is based off of real world applications but we'll go with it to actually extract what fluids i wanted to extract i had to put a fluid extractor on the exterior this lets me extract certain fluids different directions depending on what i want to go however i kept running into a problem diesel just would not export for some reason i didn't know why but it wouldn't go into the tank that was nearby i don't know if diesel can't go into tanks or what the problem was but i kept fighting with it and i kept trying to figure out how to flow diesel out day 86 after a few hours of research with my game paused i finally figured out the issues i was having with the diesel pipes i then began creating a diesel generator the generator would work based off of the diesel i was importing from the distillation tower and would then power the actual distillation tower itself currently i had capacitors going that were powering everything but they were powered by windmills and it just wasn't enough power to sustain what i was doing as an attempt to not break the recurring theme i built it according to the wiki once again and once again i built it wrong i then researched a youtube video and built it according to that video and of course it worked out just fine after that i don't know who made this wiki but i don't think they were from this century because nothing in it is at all updated to the current mod to close out the day i dug a hole in the ground and i began to pipe my diesel over to my new diesel generator day 87 i began the day by crafting some more of those poles i was going to need to transfer power all around the world for my new diesel generator however then i was inspired rather than having two lines next to each other one importing one exporting i decided it would be a better idea to run the importing lines underground and this worked perfectly simply what i did was i took the power from the actual diesel generator attached it to a relay and put the relays underground relays work for i think 32 blocks so it was really easy to connect all the wires under the ground another good reason for this is that i'm using high voltage wires that can carry 32 000 rf you want to use high voltage wires because a diesel generator creates a ton of rf however high voltage wires cannot be insulated meaning if you touch them you will most likely die so having them underground is also a safer option because although these poles keep everything overhead if you jump you can hit them and i've had a few experiences where they've zapped me and thrown me back many blocks day 88 i ran out of relays from all this underground wiring i was doing so i crafted some more relays because i was going to need to transport power in a giant circle after placing the relays on top of the posts i placed the connectors on top of the machines this would allow my relays to connect to the connectors and power my machines the first two machines i was going to power were my pump jack and my distillation tower since they were crucial to actually powering my diesel generator once i had a good line going i could then start connecting it to things like my excavator day 89 i finished the line and i connected the last one to my distillation tower i now have to start thinking of ways to troubleshoot because i could only carry a certain amount of rf along these lines i needed to figure out a way that i could get more power onto these relays day 90. after doing more troubleshooting i hooked up my diesel generator to my power lines to see if it would finally work it was time to test my entire theory i'd built this entire power network without really knowing if it was going to work or not so it was time to see if my theory would come to fruition after i connected the final wire to my diesel generator i went and checked all of my machines and everything was running it was a blissful moment day 91 i was running into the problem that even though i was producing enough power i was not transporting enough power each one of these connectors can only transport 4 000 rf per tick so i needed a way to get more of that power on to the relays i came up with another simple theory that i could also apply to my machines have the maximum amount of connectors attached to the machines but have it all connected to one relay have this relay transmit power everywhere meaning one relay can transmit to four connectors in which case all four which meaning 12 000 rf per tick can be inputted into after my dream had been realized and production of ores and everything else could be automated i started to run into an issue that i'd long forgot about pollution for some reason my coke oven that i've been running the entire game had produced less pollution in the time span that it took my diesel generator to create within the first three minutes of it working to solve this pollution crisis i was going to need to clean up the air a little bit but to do that i needed another star oh boy i attempted to go into the nether with steel armor and no looting on my sword in an attempt to kill wither skeletons to get skulls this proved to be very ineffective day 95 to 96 i spent slaying mobs in the night this was to accumulate experience so i get a chance of sword to get looting three then i filled up my metal barrel with water i used my fist trap to get some more jellyfish and i crafted some slime armor this would keep me cool inside of the nether i then spent the next while killing many skeletons and i think three out of the five skeletons that i killed at the very end drop skulls i don't understand how these odds work on the eve of day 100 i spawned the wither and i prepared for the battle of the series day 100 with the ever more polluted world the first thing i wanted to do was to destroy my farmland the reason i wanted to do this was so that my plants would regrow and suck up all the carbon from the atmosphere even though i had now a permanent way of stopping emissions from going into the atmosphere i needed a way to clean up the current ones so i began mowing the lawn the industrial age for most this was a time of hardship long hours at their local factories as the world evolved around them but for some it was a time of vision you see industry is what runs the world as henry ford once said we are entering an era when we shall create resources which shall be so constantly renewed that the only loss will be not to use them there will be a plenteous supply of heat light power that will be a sin not to use all that we want this era is coming now as we emerged into the coming age our only enemy was pollution and once overcome we would have the green light to create a massive industry that would shake the universe to its core
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 1,211,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 days, 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days, 100 days minecraft survival, 100 days hardcore minecraft, industrial revolution, minecraft industrial revolution, 100 days industrial revolution, i spent 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days and this is what happened, lukethenotable, 100 days hardcore, 100 days survival minecraft, survival, hardcore, #minecraft, #100days, #100daysminecraft, modded 100 days, modded minecraft, i survived 100 days in modded minecraft
Id: kdqdLVIQviw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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