I Survived 100 Days Being Hunted By Vampires in Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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i intercepted a letter from one of the vampire barons it spoke of a plan to finally wipe out the humans the plan was for them to send a small group of vampires every 20 days to keep us humans occupied and to slow down our advancements on day 100 they would launch an attack with everything they had i was going to have to survive 100 days being hunted by vampires i looked out at the black temple knowing that in 100 days if i didn't do something the entire human race would be wiped from the face of the earth and with that day one began i originally tried to get some help from some of the locals but uh as you can see they weren't very willing to help so i went to the nearest village and got what resources i could i then spotted some of the local vampire hunters i knew that if i wanted to stand any chance against beating the vampires i was gonna have to join these guys after speaking with them they told me that i was gonna have to go and find an advanced vampire hunter so that i could perform some ritual or something i found a vampire hunter in a village and he told me to go around the back and get some garlic i had to get some sand to make some glass so that i could make a syringe and then make a syringe of garlic i was going to have to inject this into my bloodstream and with that on my first night i became a vampire hunter day two on day two i've got some basic supplies that i would need to go exploring so that i could find a place to settle i made some stone tools got some wood to the basics and then was gonna have to pass through the vampire's territory because i knew of a space that i wanted to get to i was going to have to sneak past all of the vampires and try not to get in contact with any of them i tell you my heart was pounding i found this wide open space i assume something didn't load in that was supposed to but hey it works for me now it was already night time by this point and i didn't really have anywhere to stay so i just built a hovel as you do day three it's time to finally start building first i was gonna have to collect some resources so that i could build a decently sized house i wanted to go for something that i don't usually do something a bit different and i thought having like a sloped roof would be kind of cool so that's what i tried to do i also wanted a bunch of windows just so that i could see everything around me because this house was gonna be in the middle of everything else that i was gonna build i wanted a 360 degree view next i needed to collect a bunch of different resources a bunch of different food types and different ores so that i could create some workers that would basically start to collect resources for me that way i could create more npcs and then eventually get some warriors and that sort of thing but then i came across a vampire in the caves i did not expect this at all and as soon as he spawned those bats my heart just started pumping luckily i managed to kill him and then i continued mining when i came up it was already day and of course there were a bunch of mobs around there was even a zombie in my house look at how ridiculous this fight was i ended up having to break the pressure plate just so that he would stop opening and closing the door i could barely get him what is this ridiculous and at this point it was already getting light on day four to five i just spent the whole time smelting and preparing to make my workers that included getting things like a research table and a few different other bits i also at one point thought i needed a bunch of bamboo yeah i didn't i traveled like 2 000 blocks there and back and i didn't even need them i could have just used sticks the whole time but lesson learned on the plus side i did come across these cool rainbow trees i guess there's that i harvested a few and wanted to plant some back at home on day eight it was finally time to start researching basically the way it works is you research different skills so that you can make different things so right now i'm researching leadership which will allow me to make some workers to do things like farming mining and lumberjacking it's a pretty cool system next i was going to make my animal farms my crop farms and my lumber farms this was so that i could eventually make some more food bundles which were often needed for crafting and were a really good way to feed your workers i then went to get some wood to get some fences for the animal farm day nine it was time to start building i only really needed a small animal farm so i only made it this big i put fences around the borders of where the farm was going to actually work and then had to spend ages getting all of these animals for some reason this was just really difficult i don't know why but it took so long and look at this these other npcs ended up shooting my chicken that was my chicken i also stumbled across this vampire cow i walked up to it thinking it was a normal cow and as soon as i realized my my heart my heart in my search for these damn animals i came across some good boys like this i didn't have any bones on me at the time so i unfortunately couldn't claim him as my own yet but we were gonna come back for him later look at me i'm a chicken wrangler i have all of the chickens as i was transporting these chickens mobs kept running at me and because i was walking backwards they were faster than me so it was a race to try and get these chickens to their pen before the mobs could catch up with me look at this spider who wants my guts don't forget this is hardcore if i die that's it these cows freak me out every time it was so difficult to get these things and of course a zombie tries to get involved i finally got my good boy which i was pretty happy with i then realized there was a way easier way to do this which was just to put some blocks down on the outside and look at that now they can't get out why didn't i think of that earlier next i was just building the rest of my farms and also finally created some workers as you can see they're feeding themselves from the town hall i have to put food in there just to keep them fed otherwise they won't do anything and then gave them their tools and off they went clearly i was gonna need to build a house for these guys because uh that's my bed so i started building a house i kind of wanted it to be like temporary and was gonna build like a big village later but for now this was gonna do i again wanted to do something a little bit different from what i usually do so i tried adding these slabs on the outside of my roof i don't know if it looks good but there you go kind of looks like a witch's hat a bit i got the basic structure up and then set their homes to be in here so that they didn't sleep in my bed and they seemed pretty happy with it obviously it's not finished but we can continue that tomorrow i also realized that i'd put down a crop farm so it ended up just tilling dirt under the animals which didn't really make any sense so it was bouncy time to get rid of that next it was time to get rid of this floor so that i could start building out the bottom layer something like this make sure you light it up because the last thing you want is a bunch of zombies to kill your npcs i then realized that i'd made it one block short and was gonna have to extend the whole thing one block so i did that and then made some modifications to the windows and i think it looks pretty cool i basically wanted it to be like a big dormitory for all of the workers after adding some oat logs just to spice things up a bit i think it turned out pretty cool next i was going to upgrade the farms i knew that i was going to need a lot of npcs and so that's a lot of food to feed people this is the design that i came up with it's only four farms for now but it can eventually be expanded on days 17 to 19 i was basically just collecting a bunch of resources so that i could get some combat npcs to protect my workers i was going to need a bunch of iron and a bunch of gold next before day 20 i was basically just gonna have to spend the rest of the time getting some combat workers my soldiers only had a bit of armor on them so they were taking quite a lot of damage although they seem to be holding their own for now when the main force came through though as you can see the damage really started getting too much i had to run away to get some food momentarily and by the time i came back they were gone all of my hard work up until now they'd cleared out a lot of them so it was only just the stragglers left but this was still dangerous territory as the sun rose i knew that i had a long journey ahead of me for the next five days i was going to build a wall around the whole compound i knew it was going to take quite a while and a lot of effort but it needed to be done just to keep everything safe that way i wouldn't have to worry about mobs random mobs coming in and could focus solely on the vampires i came up with a design that i liked and then basically just repeated it the whole way around i was also testing out some shelters on each of the corners of the wall i came up with something that i liked but didn't love it yet so it needed some work so i decided to bring the pillars down the whole length of the wall and then expand the wall out slightly and they ended up looking pretty cool i also then lit up the whole thing with torches just so that mobs wouldn't spawn on top next it was time for research i was gonna have to research a bunch of stuff so that i could make a windmill when i started building the windmill i didn't really know what i wanted it to look like but i basically just googled a few pictures and came up with the design that i thought might work by day 27 i'd pretty much done the building next it was just time to build the windmill this is a 15 by 15 windmill and i love this mod that looks so cool for the next two infuriating days i basically spent the whole time trying to get these couriers to work basically the way they work is they go round and collect the wheat from each farm and they would then run off to the windmill and put the wheat into the auto crafting bench the auto crafting bench was powered by the windmill this long shaft thing and as you put the wheat in it would automatically create the bread which they would then take back to the town hall and put it in the town hall to feed the workers it was a little bit complicated but it ended up working out quite nicely oh yeah i also extended the farms next i wanted to build a gate so that i could get out of the compound and i was also going to have to build a barracks just so that our soldiers had somewhere to stay i wanted the roof to be flat so that you could go out from the wall and look out over the kingdom i also needed a bunch of windows just so that we could actually see what was going on in the kingdom as well i imagined this more or less being where the gate guards stayed i also added some doors to either side i think that looks pretty cool so all of the beds are in the basement of the barracks which then had a ladder going up to the inside of the wall which then led out to the top of the barracks and also out to the gates as well here i was getting some more soldiers because obviously my last ones didn't make it i knew i was gonna end up needing a lot but for now i had six next it was time for some more research obviously day 40 was coming which is the second wave of vampires and this was going to be bigger than the last so i needed to get some iron armor so i needed to go mining so that i could get some weapons for my soldiers i also wanted to get some research materials so that i could eventually get a quarry i needed to get everything smelted down and crafted into gear before day 40. then i gave them their armor and they were looking pretty good i now had a task force of six fully armored soldiers day 40 arrived and the vampires came out of nowhere they started attacking my guys and i got straight into the fray we were doing a lot better than last time though clearly that armor was helping they were taking a bit of damage but nothing they couldn't handle these vampires are just so persistent they ended up singling out one of my guides and ganging up on them they got him but we got revenge after a hard battle we came out victorious while we lost some men along the way at the end of the day we survived next i wanted to build a quarry so that i could start getting some resources and wouldn't have to mine as much i dug out this massive hole and then dug out some sections for different quarries to go after adjusting the quarries slightly they ended up fitting pretty good and my miners got straight to work i then decided that i was gonna need somewhere to actually store all of these materials and so i created a storage facility that i think ended up looking pretty cool again this whole time i wanted to try stuff that i hadn't really done before using these logs like this was something different for me after adding a bunch of chests it was done i wanted a more open design just so that it was easily accessible next i had to set up the courier for the mines again it would just go around and collect all of the resources from each of the quarries and then go back to the storage facility and put all of the resources in the chests it was getting a bit crowded within the compound and we were definitely running out of beds in the farmer's house so i wanted to create different villages for the different types of npcs this is the layout that i came up with for the farmer's village i didn't want each of the houses to be just carbon copies of each other so i needed some variation between all of them i also tried to use some of the natural landscape in the builds just to change things up look at this house dude it's like in the side of the mountain and stuff that's so cool i then started filling out the path and decorating it before i started actually building the houses just so that i knew how everything would fit together next i started building the houses and again i wanted things to look slightly different but not so different that they didn't look like they were part of the same village if you can't tell already i'm a fan of big windows i spent some time building the rest of the village out and i think it ended up looking pretty cool there's a lot of variation between each of the houses i think using the natural landscape to our advantage actually ended up working out pretty cool next i was going to need a bunch of bows and arrows because i wanted some of the soldiers to have that range so that they didn't take any damage they could still help by outputting damage but wouldn't have to end up taking any i also gave all of my new npcs some shields as well just again so they could tank that damage better and then it was just time to wait for day 60. these waves of vampires were getting bigger and bigger this was the biggest we've faced yet i think the bowmen were doing quite well though they were out putting a lot of damage we were just cleaning up these vampires this time around the last two fights may have been 50 50 but this was definitely our fight they also sent out a vampire baron which are way tougher than the normal vampires this guy almost killed me i ended up having to run away and just letting the soldiers do the damage we did eventually kill him though and i was pretty happy about that we didn't lose nearly as many men this time around as well of course though was gonna have to replace the guys we did lose as cold hearted as it sounds this was war i needed to collect a bunch of resources again and also wanted to give all of my sword wielders diamond swords so they could output even more damage than before it was going to take a long while but it was definitely worth it yeah i ended up getting a lot more soldiers not all of them had diamond swords but the majority of them did and i was happy with that i also wanted to upgrade the lumber field a little bit just because it looked a bit bland and we didn't have nearly enough apples to create the food bundles i was also going to need to extend the wheat farms and also add in some carrot farms so that we could breed the pigs next i started working on the lumberjack stroke mining village this was going to be our second village because the first village was a little bit full i ended up digging out all of the pathways and then realizing that i was going to need to put all of the dirt back anyway so kind of dumb of me next it was time to start building the houses i wanted this village to look different from the other village so i tried out some different designs and also wanted even more variation between the buildings as well i come up with this cool idea to basically make a two-story building or i guess it's just an apartment but it was something that i hadn't really done yet and i think it ended up looking pretty cool so you can definitely tell that this place is made more for miners with the cobblestone roofs i really like the way this village turned out next i needed to clear out some space because i needed more chicken farms for feathers for more arrows because i didn't have anywhere near enough arrows for all of my new bowmen and i was going to need some more later on as well you'll see why luckily i had a bunch of eggs from the other farm so getting the chickens wasn't as tedious as the last time on night 80 i was faced with this this was gonna be a challenging fight but hopefully we had enough men to overpower them this was just an all-out brawl completely relentless there was no room to hesitate and worry about my men as they were really targeting me this time they actually ended up pinning me up against this wall and i had to run away but luckily my men were there to save me a bunch of them got stuck in this hole that i'd created and with the cleave mechanic i just cleaned them up with them targeting me it meant that my soldiers could just damage them without having to worry after that it was just a matter of cleaning up the stragglers this was definitely an overwhelming win for us and i was really proud but i knew that the next two fights were gonna be even harder and so i wanted to train my vampire hunting skills i made a stake and was gonna have to go and kill a bunch of vampires to get a bunch of vampire blood the steak doesn't do a lot of damage but you need to kill the vampires with it because it makes the vampire blood drop one down a bunch more to go i ended up getting some of my soldiers to come and help me kill the vampires as long as i hit them with the stake the blood would drop and this ended up being quite an efficient way to do things i would basically pull the vampires and then lead them back to the castle i needed to go and explore some caves so that i could find a dungeon so that i could find two ancient vampire books this was gonna be required for me to level from levels four to six this chest ended up having a bunch of loot in it way more than i expected i found this cool sword but unfortunately it could only be used by vampires a shame but there you have it i also tried to collect as much iron as possible because i knew i would need it in a while i then needed to find some vampire hunters and luckily i knew just the people i basically traded in my vampire blood for levels and this would get me to level four each level would require more vampire blood but after i got to level four i would need to go back to the advanced vampire hunter which was a pain for me because for some reason the vampire hunter that i used before ended up just disappearing so i was gonna have to travel to a new village luckily i did end up finding one in time i was going to have to trade in my books my pure vampire blood and my vampire fangs to get this hunter intel which i could then give to the vampire hunter trainer in conjunction with some iron which would then level me up i did this once more to get to level six and then i could spend all of my skill points in some pretty cool stuff i went down this hunter weapons table skill tree and got this school called double it which basically meant that i could use the hunter weapons table to create a double crossbow the ingredients were pretty simple and didn't take much effort to get i already had a lot of them and then i could finally use my double crossbow i was gonna need to get some crossbow arrows but that only required one stick and one iron and look at this thing it works so well i also then wanted to get some vampire hunter armor because it worked way better against vampires than regular armor i then realized that i didn't have any garlic so i just took some bone meal and ended up farming up a bunch of garlic quickly after that i created my armor and it looks so cool the last couple of days i basically spent getting as many soldiers as i could and gearing them out as much as i could getting those quarries really helped with this but yeah as you can see i got a lot of soldiers i also spent some time doing some other bits and bobs day 100 the time had finally come they were here with all of their forces and they were out for blood they were ready to end things they didn't want to talk they didn't want to negotiate and finally the battle began as you can see it was a bloodbath both sides lost so many men but i think we were edging out ahead my soldiers were highly trained and had a lot of gear on them at this point so we won the first battle but then out of nowhere a second wave appeared from the rear and this caught us totally off guard luckily we were quick to adapt it was time for me to get into the fight and as you can see my crossbow was doing a lot of work i'm really glad i ended up getting this it meant i could do a lot of damage from far away and wouldn't have to stop to draw a boat this was a long and tedious battle but eventually we did clear them up i knew though that this was nowhere near their full force they were just gonna keep sending group after group after group to wear us down and it was gonna work if we didn't do something different we were gonna blow up the black temple that's right i had gotten a bunch of tnt remember earlier when i said i did some other bits well this is what i was doing look at all of the creepers i had to kill just to get all of this tnt i spent so long farming these damn things it was made a lot easier by the crossbow because it basically meant that they wouldn't explode but here we go finally our last stand it was going to take a bit of effort to fight for all of the vampires to get to the black temple but i knew we could do it and finally we were there at the black temple ready to enter me and my soldiers it was time to save the world we rushed in basically the plan was for my soldiers to distract the vampires long enough for me to build up with tnt and create a massive explosion it was going to take some work to get up there as you can see there were vampires on every level but i managed to pull through it took a lot of effort but we got up to the third layer these vampires did not want me up there they just kept hurling themselves at me regardless of the consequences but luckily i was quick enough to push them all down then i managed to build up and dig out i bought a water bucket with me so that i could jump down quickly and with the thunder crackling in the distance kaboom i had to run away quickly so that i wasn't affected by the blast radius i then hid behind this dirt this dirt mound and the explosion was huge it completely decimated the black temple [Music] [Music] it was over i headed back to the village all of the guys were there ready to greet me for the last 100 days we had been fighting tooth and nail it had finally finally come to an end you
Channel: Kracket
Views: 98,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, 100 days, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, 100 days in minecraft
Id: 2wwqrR1JoTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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