I Survived 100 Days in AFRICA in Minecraft Hardcore!

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i survived 100 days in africa in minecraft hardcore so as you probably guessed already i'm one of the top scientists in the world not because i stay in a lab all day like the other nerds but because i can actually go out onto the field and not die during experiments my boss dr halsey wanted me to go and check out something called the sun god or big belly man that can control lightning and fire either name really before getting into that youtube tells me only 10 of you are subscribed and i'm so close to 1 million subscribers it helped me out a ton if you'd subscribe and if you'd like another 100 days movie dad 20 000 likes and i'll do it lastly i want to give credit to beppo i saw his 100 days africa video and i really love the idea of it so i wanted to try it too also the map is custom made by me but not accurate to africa nor are all the animals in this mod pack this is just for fun and not an accurate representation of africa at all i hope you enjoyed the movie however now the first day the boat chugged me off and sped off i guess they're scared of this part of the land uh anyways i got straight to making some tools this land has a lot of deadly animals and hunters here i don't really want to be caught without any defense after getting stone tools i began to explore around i want to find the sun god's village immediately so i can scout it out and plan an attack which uh i found immediately somehow and then he showed me his lightning powers and after witnessing that i had to leave i need to find a base spot now also i'm very excited for this today's video is sponsored by g fuel for the past eight months i've actually been drinking g fuel and it's helped me conquer worlds and do all of my insane challenges with ease but skies caffeine is terrible i always crash after drinking caffeine well you haven't tried out this bad boy i've never crashed from g-field it's kept me awake for hours completely focused on my task and i wouldn't be able to upload as often as i do right now without it it's the only thing i take for energy on top of that it tastes absolutely amazing it doesn't have a powdery or watery taste i just put a scoop in a bottle man it tastes just like juice my favorite flavors so far are the strawberry shortcake and the sour blue chug rug and on top of all of this if you use my link in the pin to comment below you'll be helping me out tremendously and there's a buy one get one for you right now offer ends on november 30th you won't want to miss this so after exploring the land getting some stuff and making a farm i realized that i made my base right across from the sun gods village which i actually didn't plan on doing i was surprised it was there but as you can tell from my hunger i can't do anything until i get some food in me and this farm grows so i just chopped some water on my small camp and got some resources now as you can see my farm isn't growing uh you know there's tigers right next to me and i'm still starving i was planning on being safe and not going out but that won't work i need to find some food but instead of food i found a pyramid uh it doesn't look like it's one of the three giza pyramids and i don't think there's food this way so i went back said hi to a crab and an eagle and finally began to cook some food i'm luckily saved anne ate up now that i don't need to worry about starving i went mining i still need some coal and iron i also need a bed because uh staying up for five days without sleeping it really isn't enjoyable some furs can be turned into wool i just don't know which ones so i said hi to a tiger some goats a pig you know i i also needed food and then i saw it a second sun god village um yeah this changes everything i don't know if both villages or enemies are teaming up but this just doubled my work also i found an oak tree also known as the best tree jaguar hello oh my gosh you heard oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh god no no run run run run run oh my gosh you hurt so much so yeah stay away from cats i need armor desperately i shouldn't explore too much anymore without it right before heading into the mines i saw one of them the hunters highly aggressive men but they don't seem to know i'm here yet luckily not sure what they're searching for but that's not my problem for now i went into the mines again at my base and went hunting for iron and might i say the caves in africa are insane absolutely beautiful down here they're just very deadly lots of enemies and lava everywhere after a short while of mining i gathered a fair amount of iron smelted it all up and first i wanted to make all iron tools and a sword but uh i probably should have done my armor first given boots aren't the most important but i don't want to step on rocks or a fire ant hill would kind of suck so back to the mines i go and i thought i would find iron all easy peasy like you know with all these caves but no you know there's just coal endless amounts of coal which isn't bad at least i'll never have to worry about fuel and then i broke my last pick which i got lucky i was barely able to get 4 iron oars and now we're in business i should be able to survive a couple hits finally i want to take advantage of this storm it's nice and foggy should help me sneak by any hunters i need to find some animals that can give me white fur for a wool and remember earlier how i saw a pyramid and thought it wasn't part of giza well it is um i found the pyramids of giza and something happened to them there's holes everywhere destroyed sections and hunters all around i found this giant fossil next to the pyramids and got two stacks of bone blocks out of it i want to wait it out a little bit see if the hunters will go away so i can look around the pyramids i found this tomb a well kind of thing and went to check it out it was incredibly suspicious down there and i only got cobwebs out of the place after spending a little bit of time away i went back to the pyramids almost all hunters left and i don't know what they were trying to do but the holes and destruction seemed random like they were trying to find some room of sorts anyways it was getting laid in i was starving so i camped out at the base of the destroyed sections of the pyramid after eating and getting a lot more food i explored the destruction some more i want to find at least one hunter and kill him maybe they'll drop some plans for me or i can find out what they're searching for and also get some revenge on them for causing all of this destruction but it looked like they all left i searched low and high went through one of the tunnels on the pyramids and i couldn't find them anywhere i was heading home when i saw one i saw a hunter waiting for a boat and i jumped him quickly said hi to him right before he shot me and missed me but all he dropped was two coins some fur and uncooked meat the storm cleared up and i didn't feel safe anymore i really needed to return home and then i saw some sheep i i got excited and wanted to see if i could bring them home but a sun god search party found me immediately wanting to fight they surrounded me i thought it was all over for me they they kept on shooting poison darts at me not giving me any room to run away but they were weak to iron you know after saying hi to their entire party they dropped some masks which give me special effects or powers a confusing but nice find i broke my pick had a full inventory and finally found my base after that huge information dumped yesterday all i wanted to do was build this bridge across the river i i wanted to make an easier access to all land masses and chop down some trees for wood you know just a really nice relaxing day today you know we all need those i finished up the bridge and lit it up today it's not the prettiest but it works well and after looking at the scenery and animals for a bit i got an idea i want to know what happens if i wear their mask and walk into the sun god's village will they not attack me can i trade with them well i i was going to find out today i brought a mask with me and i gotta say i look so trustworthy and safe i look exactly like one of them can't even tell a difference i i approached slowly and everything seemed safe they were buying it they didn't seem to worry or think about how i obtained one of these masks and i found out they sell items they're highly interested in gold like the pig ones and the nether and the sun god sells his weapon or some sort of sun weapon that lasts for one hour and it's for seven gold blocks it's honestly pretty cheap and i found out i can sell some watermelon slices to one of them for some gold so i can basically get that sun weapon for free after all of that i headed back home and wanted to check out the other village same story but they saw some new stuff here i can get blow darts and a blow dart gun the the sun god over here sells the same thing but i don't know where to get watermelon i haven't seen any yet but i did see a sleeping tiger at my base so i got something going for me i crafted a night to try and catch it would be a nice pet but it woke up i have to wait for it to sleep uh in in the meantime i went out exploring my main goal right now is to find some watermelon for trading i did find a random lonely pumpkin i can use that later on and then i found a third one a third sun god village i think halsey lied to me and set me up for disaster no idea what i did to her but this is starting to look like a job way too big for one person i returned home to get a mask i wanted to check out the third sun god village but this tiger also wanted to check me out he wandered into my camp and made himself really comfortable i think i need to make a wall soon so this doesn't happen again the tiger wandered into the mine shaft and i quickly blocked it up i'll try and catch you later now i got the mask and headed over to the third sun god village a lot is riding on this i waddled my way into the village and took my time i looked around a little and saw what they were selling and then boom you know there was watermelon i got up to 31 slices of watermelon and our trading is safe i made my way back home after that fun adventure and immediately got to making the farm i would need to prepare a ton of this for some gold and to finish off the day i tended to my farm i was getting low on food again while at base i remembered i would need to make some kibble for the tiger but i need carrots to make it which i don't have so i set out again to find another food item in the process i did find this meteor crash site and it will definitely come in handy in the future maybe and i also got jumped by a search party again but we just had a relaxing talk you know i i said hi to them you know we caught up on live it was a good chat and then i searched the rest of the part of the land couldn't find carrots anywhere sadly but i did see this random ghost thing it seemed confused so i helped it return home and i also returned home maybe there's some carrots on the other side of the land i headed the opposite direction today and brought my coins with me in case i find those hunters again maybe they can trade with me but i i found something i wasn't expecting another pyramid however this one is still intact the hunters didn't blow it up maybe this is the one they're looking for i mean if it is i don't see them anywhere and all i hear inside are spiders so i went inside figuring i was here first and i wanted to see if there was something important in here that they were looking for but inside were just some venomous spiders they wouldn't stop biting me and i nearly died from it now i know how serious this place is i did find some chests but honestly nothing good man i got a name tag and some oars also this poem that someone wrote but it didn't sound like it would lead me to anything i got back to exploring and this place only had tight corridors and cave-ins you know also zombies which this little child kept biting my ankles and screaming at me to take him to disneyland so i took him to the afterlife instead after that fun adventure i made it upstairs and found some chest room my ears were being blown up by spider noises it sounded like they were closing in on me and i needed to be fast i looted it and i found a carrot i i doubt that the hunters were coming for this but this is incredible you know i now i i just need to get out i made my way downstairs and ran to the entrance as fast as i could but i was too late the hunters were at the entrance they were looking for this place and now i'm trapped i don't have the fog to hide me anymore man they noticed me they immediately got to shooting like there was no talking with them i tried to fight them at the entrance but they overpowered me a gun kind of beats a sword i treated back a little bit and one of them followed me nearly killing me and i had to eat the golden apple from the chest upstairs i rushed at him and said hi to him one down many to go the next one made it inside and was looking around i took this opportunity to sneak up to him and see if i could trade which i can but he really wasn't in the mood to trade with me i guess upon making it outside there was no trading allowed still they just wanted to fight which one of them tried to 360 no skill me so i used commando pro and killed him after that i saw my chance to escape and booked it i ran as fast as i could homing got organized having that huge fight for my life i wanted to work on my base finally it's been almost a month since i arrived here and the hunters seem to know where i live now so up first i finally made that fence around my base which didn't take much wood luckily and i feel so much safer in here it's a very nice touch of security that helps you survive easily up next though i want to build my house but i need a lot of wood for that i want to try and keep my buildings natural and fit well with a landscape but from that little time spent shopping down the trees i only got about 64 logs of acacia wood which is most definitely not anywhere near enough for the size of base i want to build so for the next three days i just went around to the trees around my camp and chop them all down i didn't really want to have to cut down any more logs for my remaining time here at the end i got about six stacks of logs and not too shabby up next now i need some cobblestone so i can make some stone bricks however there's a tiger in my mine shaft and i can't catch it until nighttime which i waited for and snuck up to it nope nope nope nope nope not that nope nope okay back to the drawing board and of course the net didn't work so i made a net on a stick which also didn't work and neither did kibble so uh i i have a big orange problem now and i think i need to make a tranquilizer gun for it which the gun is the easy part to make it's really not difficult it's the darts that are the problem and the only one i can make is the fermented spider i one which i need a brown mushroom for i have the other two items just need that little thing which i also have no idea where i can find some maybe in caves or under some trees if i'm lucky but i think i remember seeing a brown mushroom in that well thingy in the desert it was in one of the chests i think so i slowly made my way over there and would you look at that you know my memory wasn't wrong and i wanted to be safe and farm up some more brown mushrooms but that apparently didn't want to work so i hope i only need this one brown mushroom with everything prepared i went to the tiger to a game and 720 no scope y yy ladder stalled him and then caught the massive cat in my tiny net it all makes sense i know i don't know how to tame it you know a kibble didn't work neither did punching it by accident and i'm all out of tranquilizer darts so now this cat lives in my net i'll have to deal with it later i need to learn more about how to tame and i made the data book so i could figure it all out i just have to go up to an animal and look at it with a book it's pretty easy now i just need to find another tiger which bad news doesn't look like i can tame it it doesn't make sense almost like how i went to the shark and sat on it and then it fell in love with me and let me named it so i named it sharknado and then immediately found out that it's a dolphin not a shark i rode at home and then it left me good i didn't want the sharknado dolphin either angry face before i give up on taming the tiger however i want to try out this big cat kibble on him maybe this will tame him somehow i don't know but i got to exploring i need to find a cow a chicken and a pig which they're incredibly hard to find i did find more brown mushrooms but that was all of my luck today i searched around for a few miles wait until the night and still couldn't find one of those animals until today when i found two cows and a chicken but were far from home like spider-man and i need a lead to get them back i have everything but the slime ball for them and i know that snails drop slime here i just need to find those i returned back to my base and i had a slime ball from a snail i said hi to earlier but this only lets me make two leads and i need to make another two so i can get the chicken home so off on an adventure i went i went to find some snails but this will shock you they're incredibly hard to see in this tall grass and i was starting to think that there weren't any snails left until i saw a group of them right under this tree i said hi to them all and paid some coins for slimes i i didn't get it any other way and then went back home and made four more leads but those finally made i went across the bridge and back to the spot where i found the animals and begin the super long journey home oh i also found this really cool parrot and brought him home too i want to collect some awesome animals while i'm here uh once making it home i just put them all on a fence away from the border fence i don't really want any hunters or animals killing them i went back out to find some pigs and i searched a couple hundred miles i swear if there are pigs here they're incredibly great hiders which also makes sense since you know there's a lot of double tall grass here and i was going to search the other side of my base when returning home through the river when i barely saw this pig i freaked out and rushed to it slapped a lead on it and began to bring it home i also found another cow and brought them both home it's looking good now i just need one more pig which hopefully doesn't take long there's one spot i've never really explored and it's the huge mountain behind my camp i made my way over there because no harm in checking then at the top i met one of the guardians of the galaxy yo what's up rocket have you seen any pigs any any pigs i'll i just even just one that's all i i just need one pig oh my gosh rocket thank you now i was there randomly just one pickup here and um yeah i found another pig randomly there was actually three back there at the base of the mountain so in case something happens to my pigs back at base i'm completely good and finally the journey that started because i wanted to tame a tiger is complete but now that i have all of those animals i need to make a place for them to stay and be safe which i also need cobblestone for because i want to make some stone bricks to make everything look pretty you know i gotta make sure that we flex with our base out here and nothing much really happened in the mines i just got some diamonds lots of iron and coal loads of cobblestone i found this weird rock monster that can throw stones at me but it never did because i outsmarted it by going two blocks above it oh and i kept on finding caves and enemies oh no no no no no after saying hi to the locals down here my picks all finally broke but i'm not done with this cave there's still a lot of goodies in it and i need more cobblestone so i made four more picks one back into the mine and got back to work i wasn't going for a certain amount of resources i just wanted to make sure that i wouldn't have to come back down here hopefully um also i i wanted some more anticipating and diamonds i'm still in iron armor and tools that has to change soon and at the end with all of my picks broken i now have a total of 27 diamonds and lots of resources returning to the outside hurt me the same as it does in real life it's too bright out here but more importantly my animals got free i i don't know how their leads broke but i had to quickly gather them all up i took this as a sign to make their houses already so i got to planning i want to try out new techniques and i want to build above the water and i'm making a fun floating kind of island for them but i won grass up there so i terraformed a little bit and gathered up some dirt next i made some stone bricks i got prepared and began to make the staircase going up to their future home i went for two entrances up here i thought it would be fancy you know i always only make one then i made a weird circle outline with stone bricks i didn't want it to be a square i wanted to be a little fancy then i put an undecide outline with a acacia wood inner outline and then dirt in the center it felt like it fit the landscape colors pretty well and it doesn't look too out of place here then i had to make those dirt trails from grass leading up here so the grass could grow which guy it's so slow then i made pillars leading into the water so the platform isn't floating and it makes it look a lot better and here's a basic foundation of the animal houses luckily i'm doing the chicken first wait um uh they don't get a nice house because chickens don't deserve it they know what they did so i did my normal double chest with a hopper on top with a glass prison and then lied to the chicken telling it that it was a portal to a chick in heaven the thing believed me man now i have a perfect chicken farm now for the good animals the right side will be for the pigs middles for the birds and then the left side is for the cows beginning with the pig's housing i stayed with the same color block palette as the foundation i made a big rectangle and wanted to keep it looking pretty natural if that makes sense um you know fences for windows open air so they can breathe well leaves everywhere tall ceiling you know this place wouldn't be claustrophobic at all it didn't take too long luckily especially since i didn't really have a plan for this i was just going off at the top of my head for it next was the cow housing unit and it was the same exact design and build as the pigs except i changed around the leaves placement very slightly and i i just didn't want it to look too much like a clone and i'm very happy with how both of these turned out lastly was the bird building this one was a new design and i was very iffy with it you know i didn't expect to have such little room to build it at the end and i wanted it to be a lot bigger and wider so they could fly around but i didn't want to spend too much longer building this place so i just went with it and created this small box with a tiny tree inside for them it's not the worst but not the best but all animals are moved inside now and they're all safe which is the most important thing to me i spent the first half of today just looking over my buildings and saw that one of the cows got out so i had to add some fences to the doors then i went around and added a slab railing to the edge of the foundation and then lit it up now i believe the animal area is completely done now i want to get out though i i've been at the camp for like two weeks now i'm building non-stop i won an adventure so i went back to that pyramid that the hunters ambushed me at and begin to look around in sections that i haven't explored yet especially since i still hear those spiders everywhere like there's obviously some rooms left i found a place where some spiders were but couldn't find the rest so i began to dig around then i found some obsidian so i began to dig around it and then found this strange staircase upon reaching the bottom there was an unlit nether portal maybe this is what the hunters were looking for i didn't have a flint steel on me and i was out of torches so i made an easy tunnel to the surface so i can come right back without having to explore i made it home got some gravel and immediately turned it into flint now that we can enter the nether i returned back to the pyramid went through the easy entrance and down the stairs i lit up the portal and went through right there to my right was another fortress i don't know if the hunters knew that the portal was here and they need that fortress for something i don't know maybe they're trying to kill the inner dragon i'm not sure but i really didn't care to be here i just got some courts in glowstone and then went right back to the portal and began to head home i'm not kidded out for the nether but i am kidded out to catch me some more animals that's right baby i got me a tortoise i have one at home and i want one over here too i think i'll fit in with the pigs very well i also want a pet beaver strictly for the fact because it's a beaver uh who wouldn't want one and i think this is just a hermit crab i i think it's too tiny to be a coconut crab but i put it with the cows because i think it'd be funny if they tried to pinch their udders later on i found these two hunters and i wanted to see if i could put a lead on them but then they got into a tussle man i started to cheer them on i wanted to see who would be the victor also yes you can you can put a lead on hunters uh after that fun interaction i found these two koalas but the sun god killed one of them don't worry i will get my revenge for it i brought one of the two home then i found three more koalas and this cool black bird and brought them all into their new home which was a pain because koalas are annoying and then i was reminded of my mission and why i'm here another search party came to my place and i thought i was handling it well until i got down to the leader of the search party i was reminded that i'm not strong yet and i can easily die still he's also incredibly fast and i couldn't heal at all luckily i said hi to him and it's time to get back to work i wouldn't mind getting more animals but i need to handle the important things first i have enough diamonds to make full armor luckily but i want to at least make a diamond sword but i need those last three diamonds to mine up some obsidian to make an enchanting table so back to mining i sadly go i only need a few more diamonds luckily and then we're done with mining oh and i'm going to make iron golems instead of using the tiger for the sun god fights it's just easier and faster and on day haha funny number 69 to 71 i was just mining uh there really wasn't anything special to show here i just spaced out mined away and got a lot of resources and got 11 diamonds from this now i don't ever need to mine again i hope pretty please upon getting home i got organized and cooked everything i made all my diamond stuff and then went to that meteor crash site it was the quickest way i know how to get obsidian right now which took like a minute of mining and now i have the enchanting table i uh just need a lot of books which luckily this entire time i was farming sugar cane and various amounts of leather which all of these fancy special leather thingies can turn into normal leather somehow uh so by the luck of me i created 16 bookshelves immediately i was worried that i would have to go out and farm some more leather the enchanting area is done now man i got all my armor enchanted with stuff but not my tools i need to get over level 30 so i can enchant everything else but i also want more leather so i can make some books to enchant with so i went on hunting down some animals for leather again but the experience was too slow i i wouldn't get the amount i needed in time and then the idea came to me well my base the spearmen give a decent amount of experience per kill and there's a sungod village right next to me and i think that's where all these hunt parties come from so i turned my one pumpkin into seeds planted it made all of my iron into iron blocks which i can make six iron golems with and prepared for war it's experienced hunting time well almost you know i spent the entire day just farming because i had to wait for a second pumpkin but i did manage to make like 100 pieces of bread so at least i'll never be hungry again for my remaining amount of time here and then at the end of the day the second pumpkin grew now i'm ready for war i want to enter their base without being a threat at first so i can plant down some iron golems which i did i went straight to the sun god built two iron golems took off the mask and put on my helmet and it was on he immediately smacked me around but the diamonds protecting me i immediately found out that melee won't work on morocco uh i i i don't know how to pronounce it he just hits me away with his huge belly every single time i think he's been eating too many cookies with a cookie god also my iron golems don't help at all i'd have to rely on myself entirely for this i framed some experience while here and then by pure luck i found out that the sun god's lightning bolt doesn't work on water it just gets rid of it i was just trying to keep the spearmen away while i healed but this is incredible yeah except for the part where uh i can't get closer to the sun god to damage him so i had to retreat only range will work on him also i collected a ton of masks so i made the bow it'd be cheap you know i didn't want to do range melee is more fun but it must be done this way however i need more than six arrows to kill all three sun gods i wish i didn't need more but i do so i spent the day getting flint and crafting up arrows all the way to 54. and to be safe i needed a last resort a lava bucket the weakness to everything that's alive that isn't immune to lava obviously but before the fight i need some more experience to enchant the bow you know i give it some more oomph and i went to the sun god village again just to borrow some experience they were generous and gave me enough for level 30. i went back home after that and enchanted a barrett 50 cal i i i mean i i got power four and on breaking three on my bow a true navy seal sniper weapon and speaking of seals i decided to relax before the fight you know just fish you know i think about life laugh at the chickens while i fish but you know enough stalling i waited long enough my time is almost up here and i headed to the village ready for the hardest fight of my life i will kill a sun god today i took a man began shooting him i could hear the sky open up and lightning coming down on me this would be uh oh um wait wait this is uh uh stutters uh well uh the the entire fight took 15 seconds huh uh i guess my bow is a lot stronger than i thought i went over to his throne and picked up his mask the soul visage when wearing it i can summon spearman to help me out in battle wait what this sounds incredible and a game changer i tried it out and summoned one of them and yeah he follows me around seems like a good teammate and gets launched into the air by the iron golem and died he died you're telling me this entire time you didn't do anything you didn't help me at all you you were completely useless and then the first thing you do is kill my teammate so i return home without an iron golem somehow and put everything away i'm not worried about killing the sun gods anymore and i want to finish my base which first began with removing my farms and getting the area ready for the new farms but first i made this tiny bridge i was tired of doing hardcore parkour and it looked pretty cute with the tiny river in my base after everything was cleaned up i began the first farm i'm making them into small floating circles and i wanted to make one circle for every crop but this was taking up so much time and i still had to build my house so i had to cut out a lot of the ideas and settle on two circles only one for carrots and weed and the other for watermelon and pumpkins i was kind of disappointed because i really wanted to make this cool alien looking circle farm structure but in the end you know this doesn't look too bad it fits the theme and works perfectly now all that's left is the house at first i had to go do my morning routine of chucking eggs at the chickens and reminding them that penguins are better after that i tore down the old fence wall and then expanded it and pushed the wall back now i have a good amount of room to build this mansion which is definitely needed and not a waste i spent the remaining time of today preparing the items for the house now for the building i have absolutely no idea what i want or how i want it to look i just randomly placed some corner block markers to see what cool plant i could come up with i didn't want a traditional shape and then use the same color pallet and pattern design as the other billets in here after that i made all walls out of glass i wanted to see the land around me you know i keep my eyes on animals and hunters plus i like the idea of this place being completely open after that i made a small staircase to the second floor and wanted it to not cover the entire first floor i don't know really it just looks better like this to me but then i tore down some of the walls on the second floor to extend it so it hangs over nothing and doesn't follow the first floor entirely it adds depth and makes it look fancier same with the roof i just put slabs over the open areas so the roof has a nice curve to it then made the entire second floor in the ceiling for it out of glass so i can see the night sky while sleeping and see everything around me better not too bad of a house i wish i added more depth and maybe some leaves but you know it's almost day 100 and i can't spend any more time on this bad boy and might i just say this base is looking really beautiful i'm really happy and proud of how it turned out i love the look of the place and the vibe but i i now have to move everything inside and you're probably wondering skies it's day 98 why are you building all this nice gorgeous beautiful buildings well it's for the other scientists that come here you know when i arrived there was absolutely nothing the others can't survive as well as me so i feel like i had to build this place to help them out but i'll leave the organizing and furnishing to them now like every healthy person i woke up today i got the soul visage and all of my masks i was going to create an army i wanted to see what these could do i didn't want to use my bow i wanted a fun fight so i headed over to the second sun god village and got prepared i summoned every single mass that i could and i reached the limit and then went to war i figured the spearmen that i summoned would have helped me you know maybe they would have fought the sun god spearman well no no of course not they turned on me i summoned more enemies for me to fight and they were vicious i couldn't get away from them you know i was dying i i couldn't kill them at all so i ran and lost them in a cave i had two more on me and i needed to heal i used the water bucket strategy again and healed up a tiny amount i was chasing the last one when a hunter came in and the spearmen took the bullet for me maybe literally every bad thing that can happen right now is happening you know everything wants me dead like this cave so i'm not going to play fair anymore i dug under one of the huts i placed water to keep the spearmint back and then use my beard 50 cow to take down the second sun god so uh here's some advice don't ever summon spearmen they won't help you and i return home to prepare for the final fight which i completely planned on choosing i don't have time to waste on this on gods anymore i have to get in say hi and get out so i ran to the camp i placed on my water bucket of anti-sun god material and got to sniping i said hi to the sun god with ease and then made the quick journey to his throne to retrieve his mask i know halsey will want all three of these and i know i know like that that was a cheap ending fight but i came here being told to observe and handle one sun god not three i did way more than the job said and i still delivered and got halsey more mask and info than she would expect anyways uh once i got back to the base i took all the important items that i wanted to take and all of the masks that i could carry after that i quickly went to the river and headed to the beach i need to make it there before the sun sets so i can catch the boat out of here and there we have it i survived 100 days in africa i hope you all enjoyed the movie and uh what would you like to see me survive next [Music] i just wish you understood
Channel: Skyes
Views: 1,419,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyes, notskyes, skyes minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in africa, i survived 100 days in egypt, i survived 100 days in africa in minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days in africa, minecraft hardcore 100 days in africa, i spent 100 days in africa minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in egypt minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in ancient egypt, i survived 100 days in an africa safari minecraft, I Survived 100 Days in the END DIMENSION in Minecraft..., minecraft hardcore
Id: nlTAd_wb0fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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