I Survived 50 Hours in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!

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I survived 50 hours in medieval Minecraft hardcore now my goals are to actually make a base be one of the many dimensions and to obtain powerful loot this mod pack is for 1.9 10.2 and has over 300 mods in it you can only imagine the dangers that are waiting for me if you'd like to see bloopers of this movie stream highlights from my twitch Channel no move don't move don't move don't move don't move [Laughter] or a future like where I meet up with some of my friends you should go subscribe to my brand new second Channel also to see updates and sneak peeks of future videos when I live stream or random ideas from me you should go follow my Twitter now here's me surviving 50 hours of medieval Minecraft hardcore enjoy no no please go back down please please you're actually so valuable to me okay we need to be fast okay that's not what I want to know no no no no no no no jump down he jumped down okay you can stand down there buddy oh my God hi Jesus why did that scare me so much oh my God you're just like my ex-wife I hate you oh my god Woody's down there making all of you that's poor lady don't push me into the lava oh my God hi look at the size of that sucker oh my God oh my God oh I'm so happy I can swing as fast as I can click oh my god get away from me oh yes it's more loot yes no no way I have two friends [Music] foreign but obviously being a human being an avian an elf oh so boring that's why I like shulk I get more inventory space I get armor on my skin I'm just naturally more protected I can actually break stone with my hands however I have to eat a lot more so I'm gonna be a little chubby chub you know I'm gonna be a turbo tubby for this movie why does that look so weird I should prefix this with I haven't looked at this mod pack at all I just downloaded it and it looks fun oh no am I stuck on an island with just sea turtles okay I feel that Sunrise hi buddy oh my God oh my God oh my God this is so weird whoa oh that that is that is not how attacking is supposed to be oh my God I'm already getting hungry okay this is this is gonna be a very fast start okay we don't really have any time to waste I immediately got to work in getting a lot of wood made some wooden tools and I remembered that I can actually just break Cobblestone with my hands so the wooden pick is completely useless and then I had the fun time of figuring out that there's stats on every single tool and I'm going to assume armor as well once I was done I want to chopped down some trees and very luckily the tree cutting mod is in this so if I break one block the entire tree breaks after that we needed to get some food so um I said hi to the locals there's no way that that's an actual like friendly structure I'm actually scared to go to that oh hi buddy I have a feeling you've really hurt oh no don't get near me don't get near me I just need food please thank you wait what oh no no come here come here yes my super strong bow yes yes oh we can eat crab tonight and then speaking of tonight I don't want to be out here okay first off don't mind me you know I'm just uh collecting some Cobblestone with my bare hands and then very luckily I could just use like you know the birch logs and then we can start cooking some food and now I can finally start to heal also I don't want anything to come in here okay so we're all healed up I'm currently making some more charcoal just so you know we can actually uh get to cooking making torches and now hello world the only friendlies are out here right hi I need some string if you don't mind lovely hi buddy don't hit me thank you I made you get on thank you nice more arrows okay that's actually what we really needed and then another nice thing since we actually spawned like right next to the ocean I can drink the ocean I believe hey don't drink ocean water gotcha um that might be an issue I think what I need to do like here's my assumption is quickly go make some glass we then make glass bottles get the nummy ocean water and then can I cook you I really don't want to look on the wicked because I like figuring things out for myself but that might be an issue another thing is possibly we get a campfire I also really want to keep killing things just so I can level up because I desperately need to get to a higher level yeah actually uh I might actually have to research this I really don't know how to make water so we have an issue for me to purify water so I don't you know get poisoned or anything I need a copper cauldron which takes copper obviously and then I need iron and right now I'm incredibly thirsty so now very lucky for us um yeah I have to do this non-stop just so I don't get dehydrated didn't die there we go perfect another thing that I really need to get is a lot of leather which we kind of didn't spawn in a very lucky place because um there's no animals here that I've been seeing so far that can actually draw any leather oh hello carrots okay you'll actually be a very nice sustainable Farm back here yeah I really don't think there's anything for me out here so now it's time to become a Hermit and we desperately need to find some copper and iron pretty fast that is on my top priority list oh hello beautiful you wouldn't happen to have a couple more of you nearby right please don't tell me it was just one oh cool it was two well uh hopefully this won't take too long because here I was just mining out trying to find some oars and then this little buddy spawned in and if you look at that I can now actually just get four iron ingots don't mind if I do and now we can actually get some food I think we'll just get 30. that should be a good enough wow really that was fun I wonder how long he stays on here because I would actually really like it if you stayed forever well hello beautiful do I have a cool friend for you upstairs if you pretty please please give me a lot please oh beautiful we got 30. hey buddy actually before trading with them I also noticed this uh I could just keep leveling up and then I'm putting a lot of stuff into strength right now and now for you yes so we just turned 30 into 40. first I need you boom boom I'm gonna go Bop and then we get chain and then for you I have to make a cauldron so now we have a campfire cauldron pretty please man please I I really don't want to kill you please thank you I actually really don't want you to escape I'm not holding you hostage I'm just being very inviting and welcoming and then luckily this won't take much time whatsoever Boop I need you and then I think we just make a campfire I mean that would make sense don't put you there and then I think we put this on top so then do I just put water into you and it took two of my glass bottles okay a little weird no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please go back down please please you're actually so valuable to me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh ah you little butt head but that's actually so annoying it actually did take two of my glass bottles okay so it's insanely hard to tell with all the smoke ow but I did fill up the cauldron with water so do I just wait oh okay sick and if I take my extra gloss and remake the bottles that it just stole from me okay really nice so now I can actually do this and not get dehydrated at all and wow that really does not fill up that much water time to go back and uh run back and forth a couple hundred times and just keep on making water so if I have a stack of bottles it'll take the entire stack and leave me with one I desperately need to get a lot more iron I really need to make a bucket I it's been a little bit so I've just been doing a lot of Mining and uh I kind of gave up on this floor just because I'm just I'm not finding anything so then I came down here and then I found the ocean and then I found a lot of iron and Lapis Lazuli so I'm finding it did I just say iron I meant copper not iron and now after spending another hour just mining instead of actually playing the mod pack I'm starting to think that I'm not gonna find iron like that easily or at least over here so it might be wise to go and check out this lovely place because I'm very certain that nothing that is gonna happen now ultimately I would really like to find that Goblin but I have a strong feeling that he either died or he despawned this is why I really wanted to keep him because I would have been able to have unlimited food nothing is huge is that a seal okay oh man I am actually really nervous to do this so okay let's go get this done I'm coming so where are all the enemies there's no way that's a friendly place oh actually not the worst actually you know I'm gonna take this now why would I put on Armor that just makes me have less armor so I can actually have on two different armor pieces and then if I want one just for looks I could put on the left one that's not sure cool most importantly why hello beautiful I've been wanting some wool oh my goodness now I can actually go to sleep this is actually so beautiful ah now I can actually go to sleep through the night that's a really cute house that is not really cute enemies oh there's a lot of Enchanted enemies up there wow it's so powerful that it goes off of my screen and I can't see it I can't read you hi no no no no no no no no no I just let me get my loot no no no no I know this is probably your boat but no no oh my God you have so much help I mean I can actually do this all day I I really don't have anywhere to be I do need that boat though day 47 still hitting the drown I really hope you dropped good loot after how long that took to kill it no I did all of that for rotten flesh at the very worst I'm able to level up so I can you know get my strength even higher now just before we go up there oh that's actually huge yes I can't lie I'm actually really scared to go on here I love oh oh no no no no no no no no no oh I do no damage to everyone you do a lot oh no no no no no no no no no I'm okay yeah I'm okay well we'll maybe come back finally have a door I can actually make a bucket now and now you take water from here put it there and now I have unlimited water from here to put into this okay so now that one cute little Hut that is uh hello there green wiener how difficult are you gonna be to kill no no okay thanks for getting me sand I do appreciate that I I don't appreciate you though dude how is it not registering oh so I wonder if I just leave it here on me does that still count like do I still get the effects okay so now as I was saying so this place looks friendly that doesn't well if there's an achievement called the good place surely it has to be good right hello your door was open oh okay so far I'm pretty happy that I came in here but it looks like there's an upstairs oh hey look there's a ladder to actually get to the upstairs nice we got a pumpkin and some extra wheat is this supposed to be a starting house oh hello okay hi beautiful I won't lie I actually kind of like this place a little bit more than my own Island that's a ghost and that skeleton or zombie really wants to kill me however I think this actually should be a really good place for me just to you know make a house now do these weird structures actually hold anything of value so far it's looking like a no oh hey look it actually does only I could read that it's actually really good fine sweet so all of these have it I need the XP I'm really sorry oh finally no more rain okay good now things will actually burn up so at the same time I kind of don't want to make this my base because where's the actual land so far we have only been getting islands and trust me you know I like Islands as much as the next person but um this is a little sad I feel like I should start moving over all my stuff from the hole over here because uh it's definitely better than what I got right now plus it's a lot closer to these places so if I ever want to take them on it's a lot closer to home and you know like I can like refill and heal up a lot faster oh cool another Rod that I can't read alrighty trip one hopefully this does not take long I want to make a backpack because I'm pretty sure I can and they shouldn't be that difficult so here's the thing that I'm kind of worried about in if I break this do I get it back oh I do obviously not you oh I'll take that though okay sweet I was actually a little worried that I would have to remake it even though that wouldn't be an issue and now this time I'm hoping if I put you out here and I actually see it's a nope nope there's still a lot of smoke oh I can actually just use a bucket to load that up I might surprise by that I won't lie I I think just for the content I actually really want to take this on First and I think the proper way to do it is by not going through the front door and we kind of just haul it in there and try to loot up everything as fast as possible why did I just see a boss health bar for about like three frames I'm a lot more scared to go over there now so I think if I kind of start over here why did I just get an achievement called Jaws what does that mean is there a shark nope just a lot of drowned and oh that's probably Jaws the big Skeleton thing quickly get back on this please please please please please I put water here and we start going up okay we need to be first first okay that's not what I want to know no no no no no no Jesus why did that scare me so much hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no my God why why why why why why can't look just pray I can't look come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on start healing start healing I am very lucky that I put down my bucket up there Step go go go go go go go go go go oh my God come on come on come on come on come on come on yeah don't mind me yep don't mind me just going through coming through I'm not even gonna look at the loot just break it as fast as possible get away from me get away from me I just want the loot thank you I'll be safer just to go up right here right break it break it break it take it take it take it looking good I'm I'm not gonna lie I'm actually incredibly shocked at how tanky I am I that doesn't mean that you come over here and start hitting me get off of here this is my platform okay I don't really have any time to look but I'm not really seeing anything that can actually give me any kind of armor hi yes yes my first Slaughter uh here's the issue is that I don't exactly have space anymore I think I'm good to head home and then come right back so far this Expedition is uh very fruitful and Incredibly worth it usually it doesn't go that well like wow I didn't even get down to half a heart so I mean I could very barely read it but this thing looks incredible oh oh look at my health it's so much higher and there's no negatives on it wow I think we wait to go back actually I don't want to go there during the night so now I actually really want to start making Farms the only thing I don't know is how do you grow rice Oh okay that's cool and then we'll just keep all of our farm stuff in this chest I actually really want to dive into uh like the farming and like the cooking the food aspect of this mod pack I think that'd actually bring like a lot of fun to it of a gameplay and hello Pumpkin I I was saying hi to the pumpkin in here not giving you guys a nickname well that is all uh growing what's up boys I know you missed me cause I sure missed you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get down this is mine now stop shooting me stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh hello beautiful hello slightly beautiful hi you guys don't have any loot in there would you oh my God stop trying to shoot me that's actually really rude it's very inconsiderate wow hi you look very angry that I'm up here kind of understandable I where are you going what why are you so smart get down God I'm actually so happy that you take fall damage as you fall down are you done are we cool oh my God look at all of the loot up here look at how incredible it is how are you guys not catching fire okay there is quite literally no point in me trying to kill them so we're not even going to attempt that don't mind me don't mind me wow I am really tanky oh I need I want this one too thank you give me give me give me give me give me oh I'm already full never mind don't give me okay I tried to take as much as I could uh but I'm gonna go as you can tell um I'm I'm actually currently maxed out on a loot in here oh my God how did I do that uh buddy I'm not sharing my boat with you I'm I'm really sorry uh okay there goes my boat never mind I'll just make a new one you guys can have it it was really fun I had a really good time thank you for being so homey and welcoming to me I was like literally nothing wrong with me at all like I'm not in pain okay let's see what did we get oh if I hold shift I can actually read okay so really cool I got completely organized and we actually got a few more uh props first off we got more rice which I still have no idea how to tell when it's fully grown but let's see oh okay so that's fully grown rice so do I have to put this in here oh then I get more rice oh that's actually so cool I love that I'm so easy to impress do I just grow it on here okay I do that's basically it for all the farming however God there was so much loot up there oh I need a boat I'm coming I'm not done stealing oh we got a time limit and before things start spawning and trying to eat me [Music] don't touch me thank you nope not giving you any time I am much faster than you at some point I should really just leave the water up here oh my God what are you no don't touch me do not touch me no no no no no no no no no oh my God you're terrifying oh you just come right back to life don't you there there's no point in me fighting him huh oh uh I will see you guys later please do not follow oh my God you're just like my ex-wife I hate you hey can you back up good boy no no no okay yeah you guys are unbearably tanky and very damaging I don't mind me just jumping through let me steal some of this whoop thank you nope nope nope nope sorry I'm Arrow intolerant right now so I'm on a diet I really don't need any of it thank you oh my God just run just run just run just one just can't just climb come on come on start eating start eating start eating start healing I think I just got a backpack but I honestly can't tell um I'm gonna take that thank you guys so much for attacking each other and not me it makes me feel very welcome here oh we got a cooking pot oh and we got a backpack oh I can do this which means that I can go and loot more yes oh I love that God this game understands me so well hey that's kind of rude quickly quickly quickly now I forgot is there anything actually good up here I'm pretty sure there never was actually no no I think that there was like a a room somewhere in here I remember playing this kind of a mod pack back in the day well it's not looking good for you I know I know I was expecting this to go a lot faster this is a little awkward uh do you do you have a sword that you can draw I mean that's a diamond pick definitely wasn't why does the diamond pick have sharpness five uh so I guess that is everything I mean there's other floors with more Loot on it but I think I've collected enough good stuff from this place was fun boys uh don't write I will not respond oh God I hear them coming up a lot I can't jump over any of this I wasn't there lewd up here hey look there's a barrel wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me touch thank you okay I love you guys so much okay you're getting a little bit too close for my comfort alrighty thanks for the loot everyone I don't think I'm returning because I think I robbed you all pretty well and decently this place is so cute alrighty and now we just get organized okay there we go that's what I'm talking about wait huh I could just put these back in Hold Up Wait wait I can make them better by doing this oh God definitely interesting I hope that I just made myself a better sword we now have cabbage seeds and flax that's so cute oh they're actually growing like you can see them move all right I wanted to make more grapes so we only have one great arm look it's cute God I love the farm oh I've never done that in Minecraft like I've never actually tried out farming so I'm really really loving this I look so cute like I said with that practically done uh I know that there's still more Loot on there oh actually wait I just remembered on there there's usually chest and that actually would be really good to go for okay you slide dogs you haven't gotten rid of me just yet I'm not done robbing you hello no I'm not a government official don't worry okay you can stop shooting me I I get the message okay I know you're very jealous of me you can't do this [Music] stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop it just leave me alone and let me Rob you okay I'll go better for both of us yeah then we just make the water elevator going down and then we hop in okay don't fall off why hello beautiful and that ladies and gentlemen is why you go for these chests very important you guys really don't need to be over here so now that we're done with this gorgeous Place where's my boat what'd you guys do it in my boat once again we lost the boat I really want to go check out this giant skeleton called Jaws which I'm just saying I think this is slightly larger than a Megalodon hello you have any nice loot for me you have anything that I can steal okay so swimming around this I really don't see the point of it other than just being like a cool Landmark so but one thing I can't see the point of subscribing if you're enjoying the movie so far and would like to see more from him I really appreciate if you'd subscribe also if you'd like to see another 50 hours in this mod pack 40 000 likes and I'll upload part 2. now enjoy the rest of the movie well uh not bad I guess we're you know we're done with both of those so at least we're making progress okay that took forever I went through everything I'm completely organized now every everything is looking beautiful okay now we can get up to the important stuff my farm no no no I really don't want to fight you yeah can you just go away you'll probably beat me I just realized on the top left corner it tells me if something's fully grown okay everything's done got organized again and now I want to go back on an adventure that that was torturous being so organized and clean now for you I believe you spawn in a lot of skeletons and I should make a boat but honestly I think I'll be okay with just swimming hello boys oh thank you I am a Pirate you wouldn't happen to mind me yes you know coming on board and robbing you guys would you no no don't don't worry about like holes being made into your ship literally nothing is happening down here okay don't even worry unbearably dark nice take all of this none of them have realized that I'm on board yet very good I hope it stays that way oh hi hey I think they noticed me so how strong are you guys not the strongest that's really good for me and I do like it how you guys don't move so definitely keep that up yeah yep wow that was good fight you guys are very formidable oh there's another boat don't worry just stay in your spots and don't move oh my God you oh my God you do damage oh you do a lot of damage okay goodbye huh death barter too when you die you could pay your way out of death with emeralds really oh my God you were fast please leave my crops alone please stop no don't don't ruin anything please oh you were like really really unsettling and creepy why am I not doing any damage to you I I I I don't know what to do right now you're you're not dead so I can't lie I'm actually not done with that boat even though like I just I want to find the mainland like really badly but I definitely want to keep on attacking them because I feel like I can actually get really good armor from this all right where were the ones that hit really hard okay yep yep yep just need to keep doing a lot of damage to you yeah yeah okay I run and I heal at least we're making progress no we're doing something here I'm coming okay here we go last one yes are there more barrels yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God it didn't even drop anything he broke my pants that's a little sus oh my God Woody is down there making all of you that poor lady you thought I ran away why break through your walls oh anyways the room over here wait where are you this is my type of fight yeah thank you for the emerald I want to say that I probably got rid of everything I want to check out this room right here there's another room but I just can't find it hey look I found the other room oh my God I don't want to go in there okay well surely this boat will be friendly well it's it's more villagers let me guess that boat over there is also pillagers let's see can I sneakily break into here why do you have a melon I'm sorry uh nope I'm no one's home nope I'm sorry wow that looks sick you guys have really cool loot no no you don't need to come back here so don't worry about it but like wow this is so cool wow really cool wow thank you guys so much for being so polite and just letting me Rob you you know here let me give you a complimentary hug that is a spawner all right that is a very big No-No oh it's been fun at Sea definitely it's time to return home okay so now our mission is to find the mainland I'm going to guess this direction is going to be the way to the mainland like I'm really hoping please don't tell me I'm in like an ocean world or a island only world oh first off I'm sorry I'm way too much of a loot Goblin I need to go and check this out is that a villager oh why thank you so much oh definitely thank you okay oh this place is definitely cute um I will most likely never return here so thank you for the loop I really appreciate it other Island surely there has to be a Mainland like there's no way that it's just oceans and Islands right how come you were just laughing and you don't believe me I'm good I really don't care let's salute you I gotta be honest nothing against you guys I'm sure you have really good loot wow I think I am actually in a notionally world another ship another ship for the people who watch this part of the video would you like me to do 100 days on on a raft like the video game rap oh my God how many ships are there that one's floating oh I'm totally good oh I'm so no I'm I'm good wow there is a lot of skeletons oh my God what is going over here oh oh my God I have like five FPS oh I gotta say if your strategy was to lag out the enemy you're doing a phenomenal job why are you looking at me like I'm robbing you okay we need to go this way and we need to go fast what are you it's a giant something wait wait wait are you friendly what are you Giant noodle Branch you look really cool I'm not gonna hit you because I have a feeling that you could like one shot me but you look so cool I have no idea what you do or what you're for but hey it was cool meeting you um I'm going to get out of here as fast as I can because wow that is that is destroying my computer it's just starting to look like the mainlands please don't be an island well I think it's okay oh my God a baby skeleton oh Jesus that's the scariest thing I've ever seen not the skeleton part the baby part wow it's just really really dark I only had to go 1400 blocks I think I'm gonna go and dig myself into a hole and then just uh wait yep I think it's definitely a waiting time oh hello there a lace I can't do anything with you whatsoever but hey I can at least free you there you go yeah be free I love you guys and I'm only fighting you guys just so I can hopefully get some XP oh my God you are so tanky Barry tanky don't really give that much xp uh I'm good I will see you guys later oh Tumbleweed nope nope you guys really you really don't need to be following me it's totally fine hello jungle and really weird looking leaves I can't see anything I hope I don't fall and die bamboo yes we have unlimited sticks now I love the sounds of this place God it's so beautiful now I'm not sure what I'm looking for but I hope to find something soon I heard this place has a lot of structures and it would actually be really cool to find it Well speaking of structures I think I found something whoa okay so that looks like a battle sour I got a pyramid and another Tower in the back oh there's a tower back there that I missed well I think we uh definitely have a lot of stuff to do oh God I was just about to say is this a safe place but apparently no if I can clear out this place easily enough this might actually be a really smart place to make it like as a temporary home I mean truthfully if you can't get up here at all uh you can stay down there I'm not gonna fight you ow hey and look she's laughing at me oh cool cake I'm sure you're not bad to eat okay let's actually go get some wood still not done securing this place oh beautiful God I love that so much oh it just makes it so oh my God you came outside oh yeah okay I was gonna leave you alive but I guess not anymore I didn't expect them to have a way out I'm not gonna lie no no you were out healing my arrows I actually kind of impressive not gonna lie okay where are you guys coming from oh wait oh thank you guys so much wow you actually left me in bed oh okay entire place is looted we've gotten kind of organized I think we're fairly good and I won't lie we're actually kind of in trouble I should have brought in that uh like water purifier pot thing that I had because um this is my last bottle of purified water and next we now only have this which isn't the end of the world it's still doable like I can still survive with it but um yeah kind of messed up there of course I can make another one here but I don't think I have any copper I just slightly an issue however that shouldn't really matter but that's besides the point I want to check out this pyramid surely there has to be like amazing loot inside no enemies whatsoever oh my God what what oh my God okay you're a mimic okay yep yep was not expecting you at all okay yep that actually got me so while I'm here I can't break any blocks because I'm just gonna keep on getting mining fatigue I mean I can probably brute force it and just start breaking through blocks but that'll take probably quite literally 40 minutes just to get through here well at the very least I'm starting to pinpoint where the entrance of this is but yeah we're definitely gonna go back home and sleep I am not staying out here where mobs are gonna be spawning okay so your entrance has to be around here right or am I just supposed to like break through what is in these towers hello any good loot for me to steal I'ma Do It imma get through I know you don't believe me but imma show you oh you're kidding me wait this isn't even to get in all my what was that noise okay uh I'll bite how do I get in here is the entrance at the very top oh hello it's only friendly people down here right okay okay yep we're already starting off strong okay I gotcha I need you gone first thank you why are there so many of you there's a baby okay so we're just gonna go around and take like a very fast speed tour because um yeah that's just a lot of enemies that are gonna take me a very long time to kill surely me running around everywhere not killing anything will not come back to buy me in the butt oh okay yep a lot of skeletons down there okay yep sorry baby yep nope new okay maybe the loot is upstairs what's the point of this place I haven't seen one chest just enemies is this supposed to be like a battle arena where I just go and get a lot of XP but I mean hey it definitely looks cool in here I do like the decorations uh you guys did a phenomenal job that very proud of you oh man oh man with all that exploring and fighting oh man that made me so sleepy it's been fun pyramid uh actually let's run this way so I'm really happy that I was able to find you know actual land and stuff can it not be a jungle though so I could see more than this oh what are you why can I see that through the wall oh you're a villager why hello there and you don't do anything well I like your burger outfit oh now you do oh my God wait that's food oh yeah so I'll give me your give me your roof yes oh my God bread oh oh I need this in case you're wondering yes I am taking your entire roof I'm a very hungry boy oh there's another one oh can I can't go that crazy though that would take too much time I can't see anything tee-hee oh sweet you do have a bed in here thank you oh I wonder if I can grow that oh that's cool like aren't you a crafting table you are nice okay sick so I always have a crafting table with hand beautiful we have a lot of food now plus this also acts as a storage I believe but finally we're very good on food which is really really nice that was one thing I was worried about when coming out here um also I really hate to be the bearer of bad news buddy but um I'm gonna need to sleep here thank you very much ah beautiful day that's a level 11 creeper wow look at how hidden he is oh okay yeah let's let's not get too close to him oh wow I thought that was a villager oh my God you are terrifying oh no no no no no no no no no no you need to die very fast buddy no oh my God you scared I got a solid five years off in my life why am I so slow don't worry I'm not gonna go around here and Rob every single house and take everything from them oh you guys actually have some pretty good loot in here I like this place I can get used to this oh a smoker as well thank you hello the Open Sky oh nothing in my face I can actually see and you still have gorgeous loot here why thank you wow you guys are just so kind I'm actually kind of tempted to see if I could find some form of copper because I know my house is like 1700 blocks away but um I won't lie I kind of want to stay here you know actually being on the mainland you know also with villagers here I can actually like make a lot of farms and you know use them but at the same time I am kind of ravaging this place so I probably shouldn't stay here pretty soon it is not going to be safe ready to Rob OT oh okay gotcha I'll Rob OT as well whoa oh my gosh hello hello gorgeous wow I am actually going to try and keep that repaired and like alive okay so don't worry I didn't even touch The Village at all I didn't even loot it and um if you're wondering where I got more armor from and more torches I I crafted it that doesn't look like a jungle so I kind of want to go left hi boys don't worry you have nothing to worry about I'm not going over there wait how's my hunting to level two I'm not I'm not hunting anything I have a very big feeling that there is a dragon nearby oh well surely there must be like a grandma down here with cookies for me oh wait this is actually a safe place there's villagers oh I was joking I was totally expecting some kind of like dangerous like battle dome thing oh this is so cool vanilla Minecraft should have something like this oh no wait you guys have more loot for me oh my gosh well I'm going to assume that there's something bad in here and I shouldn't go this way so let's actually just check this out and see what's this way um actually kind of shocked there was actually nothing good that way don't worry I'll make sure your place is still secured this place is so cute I won't lie it seems really depressing down here though I get really doesn't seem happy or fun what is through here oh Anna goes down even further hello surely nothing that's gonna give me a heart attack is down here right because that would be very mean to do to me right oh you guys have a swimming pool don't mind me I'm just drinking your bath water I love me some gamer girl oh that is a lot slower than just having a bottle like I think at that rate of drinking it like out of there is just you'll never actually fill up your hydration meter oh my gosh there's even more you guys have a very impressive uh size home and it just keeps continuing it's very creepy down here and I don't know why don't mind me I will be going right back hey did you come over here to donate XP to me you're so kind oh my God no I love you oh you're just so generous thank you so there is a level system but I don't know if higher level enemies actually give me more experience yeah I don't think so oh lifesteal yeah I think I will wear that wow who knew exploring be so profitable and just give me so much good loot oh I actually really do need more arrows so far I think I'm just robbing vegetarian Librarians because everything is just bread really not finding uh anything better kind of a letdown do you mind I'm trying to rob you don't push me into the lava uh it just never ends I think we've seen everything oh cool I get free Iron just say goodbye to the bat and now we have a standard okay so there's not any more space I actually think that there's less now I can make a iron one I'm hoping this gives me more space we need to get some wood May make a crafting table do you mind and then we surround it with all the iron ingots blah blah blah please tell me you have more space no that was kind of useless alrighty let's get back to adventuring so I know this place you know uh we know it very well surely it would have a lot of good loot and I want to find more places you know and it's totally not because I'm scared of the place I mean there might actually be really good loot at that top okay but first I need a grave Rob and then we'll go do it oh it's a coffin that's so cool oh I love that that's actually a really nice touch I'm gonna guess that's like a Pillager Village as honestly I think we just go for the very top and then we just leave there's really no point in me uh trying out anything else my god there are so many of you already I just got here and they're already coming to me don't mind me just coming to steal all of your hard-earned loot nope don't need to shoot me at all it's okay oh you guys seem very angry well at least you guys are fighting I do appreciate that I'm too healed time to heal resistant withering yeater Russ zombie oh my God you have 200 hp oh and you do very mean damage okay you can't get up here right what is that man if we could actually get another backpack that would be tremendously huge I also kind of desperately need that zombie to leave me alone oh it's better than nothing I kind of need armor right now oh backpack oh that's huge oh my God hi I see why they call him eating zombie uh there is no question in my head whatsoever about that anymore for the love of God do not touch me don't worry we're gonna keep doing laps alrighty boys you make sure to not come near me whatsoever and I will keep looting your place up okay get back up the ladder very fast okay fully organized if they can't follow me I just want to see this level that's only if Butthead McGee cannot get down there the boys don't mind me just coming through I'm just want to make sure I didn't leave any loot behind oh my God that was so much yep you guys just stay confused over there okay you're doing a fantastic job some would even call it phenomenal now I smell is it something about me what why don't you want to come over here what am I not good enough for you to attack ah you guys got anything cool down here okay well you have a skeleton yeah you can get off oh God it's a child no no no no no no no no no all righty hope see you guys later was really fun oh we got a third backpack yes no way I think that's one of the eyes I need to actually get into the end we don't even have to go home yet I still have a backpack and a half of space hey what's up boys hey oh my God I just wanted to talk gee I just wanted to ask what is this place oh my God you guys hurt okay yeah this has to be a Pillager Village well we might as well check it out oh you you you you yes give me it give me it yes go go go go go go go yep just get away from those flying rats though and that thing wait I could just oh that's sick I don't even need to hold it I wouldn't mind one more I'm not gonna lie okay well if that lasted incredibly long that was totally worth it yep I'm totally happy right now okay whatever that was does a stupid amount of damage I'm quite jealous of it won't lie I'm coming I want my totem of undying back uh maybe we just take this really slow no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay I need to make my way towards the evoker and then I think I use my arrows that's an evoker okay I thought you were something else wow it is a lot more difficult to use arrows on the small pack oh he actually died wait what Magic Eye without this eye the evoker has no power of course I can leave now and I'd be safe however I really want to secure like a second or even third time him up on dime because you know I I kind of want to be safe dude you have got to be kidding me so literally one touch from them will kill me well I have 52 arrows I suppose it's time I start using them how many Arrow shots do you guys take oh they can actually drop armor there's no way this is a chest oh okay cool cool you're the one that just shoots okay nice is this an actual chest huh sure you'll be really nice on my farm I'm kind of just stunned okay wow that's like just so many random events that just happened uh hey guys it's me again uh oh wait are you an evoker I honestly can't tell uh I don't think you are but I also really don't want you coming near me no no no no no no oh I won an evoker okay we're going for one I'm not gonna be greedy this time homie what's the point of being up here you guys don't have any chance for me to steal it is so useless oh you're mad how do you think I feel oh they're cages do you have any iron golems locked up do you guys have anything locked up all right let's try something if I run over here quickly get inside your building and then just you know block it off am I safe well I do need more arrows so I do greatly appreciate that oh I really do not want to go against you are you an evoker I I don't want to leave without a totem don't come for me oh I'm in I'll give you props you're very persistent and now that I'm over here I realize how bad says oh my God go okay that is definitely not one of my smartest decisions uh especially since it is a lot harder to see them well I mean we could stick around and wait for an evoker to spawn but at the same time I really do not see them doing that and I need armor it might be good to go take that on again maybe I missed some chess and I can find some armor in there alrighty what's up ladies do you happen to have any good armor like I'm talking like good arm or not something that has like five negative effects on it you know you know what I'm saying but please hi hi hi hi you can leave me alone wait aren't I wearing extra armor I am hey would you look at that I have armor again I totally forgot about that and that is why you wear two what keeps throwing me so far well I need to get in that waterfall I need to get into this waterfall get off my mushroom I need that water get off the mushroom too okay okay okay thank you you take that goodbye okay you really followed me bud with my luck I could honestly probably find another one of those and just you know take that on and actually get lewd out of it because I don't think that place has anything else for me and I just keep randomly getting launched off of it very luckily in the water do I even want to go down there oh oh no yeah no oh that did not sound good oh that did not sound good what if I do this wait am I actually supposed to do that I can't lie the willingness to go through that just to probably get into another trap area it really doesn't pique my interest oh cool you're following me well let me explain to you the outside is so much more comfortable than in here like trust me you have no idea so just so nothing can follow me up here goodbye water oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I want to get out of the Jungle I hate this biome immensely why is there a random farm right here don't tell me did I just go in a circle yeah because I remember that with the farm this is really the same place oh don't let me intrude I I really don't want anything to do with you look at the size of that sucker surely there'd be something this way champignon champ champion on champagne champagne dealer oh you got champagne oh my goodness hi are you an enemy well I can't trade with you but I can't steal steal from you and I like that hi bud enjoy your cobweb okay thank you okay now why are there pressure plates in here oh yeah you thought you'd catch a fast one on me huh oh yo thank you so much for the arrows that's what I'm talking about wow oh my God hi I am loving your village it is so kind and good to me and oh my God it just doesn't it never stops giving oh my God I needed a sword that's actually so identical it's mine that that's actually really weird and very suspicious I swore my life I haven't been here before and I planted that oh you can keep that one I'm okay oh I'll take that though is there anything in this really nothing at all well it is bright and it's kind of cool and I think I would really enjoy building with it so thank you so much as I'm pretty sure everyone watching this movie right now understands that I really do not want to go to the nether because if the Overworld is this difficult just imagine that place that used to be a village so I wonder if like lore wise that these little toad people went over there and then just pillow oh hey look it's another random creepy chest oh my so I'm curious about a golden chest because I got a golden key from that one so are they like random chests that also spawn around whoa oh no way it's you I'm gonna take that on yeah that's gonna be a good idea I really wish I could do some cinematic shots for uh the video for you guys it's just I can't get the replay mod to actually show me my replays hello this is like a very weirdly oh my God this is a very weirdly cute uh incredibly overpowered place you got here guys I mean this from the bottom of my heart I love your place why is it so laggy I have a feeling it's because of water yep it's definitely because of the water for the love of God do not tell me that there's a dragon nearby I don't know if they spawn in this mod pack but I really would not put it past the crater for putting them in now if you watched my 100 days in medieval Minecraft I could really use my iron golems right now hello hey okay is it safe to go in no more boom booms waiting for me yo I like this place already yeah that's the type of loot I'm talking about ah time to make the super slow uh Journey up okay yeah you don't you really don't need to shoot me we can actually be friends first off we need to go around light it up oh my God it is so laggy in here and also very painful oh I have no more pants Oh and that sword is broken all right this way just wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God you will not wait I just automatically drink a medium health potion off the ground kind of what am I an animal come on come on come on there you go haha I got where it is your spawner kind of sucks because I don't have any silk touch and I'm pretty sure if I break these I can't actually pick you up and I really don't want to test that out because I kind of don't want to have 500 bees come out of that and then just start attacking there oh I need you even though you're like kind of really bad oh you can sound just like you oh wow it's only Friendly's in here right nothing bad I'm really happy I'm on 1.19 because then you guys can't spawn on anything above one light level oh my God oh my Jesus so ready oh my god oh I'm so happy I can swing as fast as I can click oh my God okay okay don't mind me buddy don't mind me don't don't just don't don't mind me okay you don't you really don't need to be like that okay now I can say hi to you yes hello yes you can have an autograph this would be good nothing come over here please I really want to get organized I was I was in my inventory come on come on no no cheap shots come on oh my hi yep thank you yes yes yes fall into my sword yeah yeah if you guys are doing fantastic beautiful job very beautiful almost as beautiful as me oh God does it actually be a lot easier if I didn't have so much lag you guys are kind of playing very cheap but I'm also very proud of you for that because I would totally be doing the same yeah I was like come on I know one of you fell down here yeah oh we can level up again oh we can level up twice and that's going right into strength nice okay this is starting to repeat a lot and I am not getting tired of this oh dude why was it why are you just waiting in the corner like that like I know you know no I know you're a creeper but that was like actually creepy like in a very unsettling way why is this green wiener so strong and tanky okay there we go oh yeah I don't know anything about spell books like I'm sure some of these are probably like really amazing and there's probably some people leaving comments saying that I really should have taken those but I'm okay I don't read place is so beautiful and very generous hello oh this is gonna be so satisfying that was not that satisfying that that just broke my ax and my frame rate oh okay uh I I kind of regret doing that I can't lie why did I do that I thought that was gonna be so much nicer it didn't even break all of the tree I knew it I knew I heard something oh my God he's gonna be so difficult and Tinky to kill oh thank God did he drop down from up here oh cool so I'm gonna have some skydiving creepers that's awesome oh my God oh my God oh my oh my God what is that you're on fire with a loser what is that oh my god get away from me oh God why does this place have such nightmares there's no enemies in here right they're both really bad but wow you're a little bit better than what I currently have on I think I'm gonna go upstairs first before going down and trust me don't get me wrong I'm really happy that there's no enemies up here uh why is it so empty well if I ever want to escape that goes straight into the river here we go that's what I'm talking about but you know now we're actually starting to get some good loot which I will actually put you on right now oh God I can't reach that oh I can't reach that my boots well if I can't reach you I can at least stop you I hear you but I don't see you and that's kind of the worst combo I just saw one walking towards me I thank you oh God I won't lie it felt like an anime protagonist doing that that felt really nice to be thrown at one of the attackers knocking them back surely something nice is up here oh dear God now no no no no no no no no no no no no why are you not burning up go get them B yeah I believe in you you're gonna do great things yeah go back up your brother yeah go get him break it break it break it break it thank you thank you take it all that actually sounds kind of dope I'll try it out yo let's see this bad boy hey enemies where'd you go oh my God please fall off the edge of course you didn't no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get out get down oh my God please do not follow me please I home hi I wouldn't mind checking out one of the other legs but then after that I'm kind of totally okay to get out of there hi buddy I like these Bridges they're really cute it's housekeeping oh oh that's actually kind of cool potted wither Rose yeah I'll take that hi boys yeah there there's so many of you up there there's like seven there's like seven skeletons oh well now there's a whole lot less what's up boys yeah next up goodbye to you bye to you and you and there we go dude if I ever return home I have so much stuff and you got my hopes up oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my Jesus oh god dude that sounded like it was in real life that didn't even sound like it was in game okay are we all good now and we're almost up there to safety I'm sure there's nothing out there waiting for me at all you guys sure are active oh my God oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh God there's so many in there oh my God oh my God oh my God get away from me stay away from me do not touch me stay away from me do not get no no no no no no no I hit this Tower I hit this Tower I hit this Tower like I respect the Ambush really I do but if you lose like half of your health to it it's probably not the best to do it that way I heard there's so many of you oh my geez I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good I am good I am good I am good oh my God I can't get out I can't get out oh my God I got out okay I'm okay that thing freaks me out and uh honestly at this rate I just keep breaking armor faster than I can find it in there beautiful Tower I love the dungeon I wish the loot was slightly better okay so unless I can find another one of those uh beautiful mob towers that keep on giving me backpacks I actually do have to return home soon over man it has been super profitable and amazing to be out here I have very much still been enjoying my time all I can know I'm actually finding and Gathering a lot more Ores just from exploring are you a mob Who Dares awaken me are you gonna turn into a or something um what was that I swear I felt something oh my God hi uh okay let's leave the creepy tree I feel like I should Harvest that I feel like there's gonna be a lot of comments about how I should have harvested thousands have fallen before these eyes okay yep I sure fell but oh he didn't even drop his face for me what was the point of killing him man why did you tell me to kill him you have got to be kidding me if I'm gonna do this we're gonna have to do it smart I want to try it and take as few damage as possible wow I really wish I had a trident just so I can you know Propel myself up there stuff I want to start from the other side nothing spawn didn't come for me nothing spun didn't come for me stay over there enemies you guys are doing phenomenal don't worry about these six foot four Penguin man sneaking around trying to get into all of your loot man I'm not even near you guys why are you all coming yep don't even look at the loot just break it and go Oh My High by that is the scariest thing I've seen so far here a baby oh nope nope don't care don't care don't care not fighting not fighting no okay we need to go up we need to go up okay too many enemies too many enemies break one of it thank you goodbye yeah yeah go up go up go up go up okay good nothing can uh come up here I think I am good to go right back in with nothing coming after me go go go oh I want that Anvil I need that Anvil Oh I wanna I wanna thank you so we have about five minutes to live before that despawns oh let's go we finally got some nice boots again however the only thing that I'm kind of bummed about is I haven't found a backpack yet what oh my God I thought I heard one of them climbing up the ladder oh don't mind me boy say what's up nerds oh my God you guys do a lot of damage want that thank you oh my God that was so much stuff did I get everything down below there's not really going to be that much good loot anymore and elevator ride going down just take it all we look at it later let's actually just go back up these places are so easy to find I kind of really don't even want a chance Dying by going through that because there's a lot of monsters down there I I honestly think our best bet would to be uh just find another one of these places goodbye uh you're almost out you will most likely never see me again [Applause] hello beautiful oh my God no way it's okay okay okay oh boy thank you for the refill on arrows okay last time you had some amazing loot up here do you think we can uh continue that hey I'm not complaining about that does look like it's starting to get nighttime so I hope you don't mind I totally love to room with you here oh what is that well I think I know where I'm going or one second I just need to say goodbye to them in their language oh okay I scared him I'm sorry ah I mean that's not a bad name for the advancement why do I feel like this is going to be a very dangerous fight you know here let's let's play it smart and we're gonna attack them from above finally I'm up here wow this is oh no way oh no it's one of the mobs who got uh robbed once again I'm not gonna kill him don't worry I'm not that mean you totally thought I was gonna kill him hey excuse me good sir uh what is this build thing I was I was gonna do like a funny bit with you but you actually hit me okay got it don't spend too much time here don't mess with the locals they hurt hi hello again get down get down goodbye I did oh there you go yeah now you guys hopefully can't spawn in here anymore is it safe down here oh I don't have my chest plate in oh no do I not have any chest plate okay I have you what's down here got it absolutely nothing okay thank you for answering my question hello goodbye ow ow why are you guys so smart you're not supposed to be able to use a ladder I mean I got some loot from there I'm totally happy and fine they're actually really cool I wish I could take you home oh what's up I don't know the purpose of them or like if I do something with them oh yeah what if I I still just get milk oh my God not you again yeah go down there oh no way you found a Coliseum and a butt head I'm not trying to hit you cow I'm really not trying to I'm sorry whoa oh dude I totally want to go check that out a lot of my there's gonna be a boss in here this is giving me very strong boss Vibes and you know what here we're gonna take the cool way down and go yeah oh okay there we go now I see the skeletons yeah uh let's just start with the house okay so far it's safe oh Yoo-hoo you got free loot for oh no way this is like uh my house that back like three thousand blocks away oh this is getting bad I'm now having to use my inventory oh no I need to find another backpack so badly whoa oh I know where I'm going to after the coliseum wait wait wait let me get rid of those spawn now why is it so big I don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm actually really shocked you haven't hit me once yet oh I'm too amazing at dodging no yeah this this Arrow has to be like incredibly weak let me down I'm here buddy just die please how are you so tanky oh my God finally I'm sure nothing dangerous is in here I what is that portal frame can't break do I even want to go through this let's go check out the lovely uh house first you know maybe I'll go through that portal that sounds incredibly scary in there all right this place is cute and well after exploring around this entire Place hi buddy hi yeah no I'm really actually wasn't expecting to see you in here I think we've explored everything and oh boy it might be time maybe we go through the portal this is probably gonna lead me to hell isn't it please be friendly please don't make me regrets I have no chest plate alrighty well I hope you have a good loot inside of you very weak enemies no no bosses you have no idea how badly I don't want to do this um oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my God I I'll actually take you on instead you're so much easier oh my God are they breaking the door okay none of these have loot you have Luke I will evader mechanism I won't lie uh this is actually like absolutely nothing to what I was expecting I was expecting a lot more lava and um demons you know oh nope sorry okay gotcha so it's an actual dungeon oh my God no no no no no no um Jesus what was that animation how do I hit you do you want to come in we can talk about this chill chill chill thank you okay so that's a Grenadier yeah we're just gonna snipe you guys once they're here oh cool it's another one of you wow I never get tired of you guys I I I'm hoping this place has something other than oars uh I would greatly appreciate some kind of armor hi wow there's a whole lot of you in there no no no you're really telling you to jump inside of here so am I just like over prepared for this place because you guys are really weak like no offense to you whatsoever I'm sure you guys have like great willpower but you kind of get destroyed in one hit I mean I can't lie this place is actually really cool even if the enemies are bizarre hi hi holy can I not mine by myself why I need to have an audience oh no no grenade no grenade no grenade no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Mark no more we don't need that okay I'm expecting some kind of elevator because I've been finding a whole lot of stuff for that wow guys wouldn't happen to have you know like a backpack lying around would ya whoa I mean that's probably useless to me because let's be real I'm never gonna hit something from the back now as I was saying do you guys have any backpacks in here oh God wait am I lost heads up boys oh man I was so worried I was lost so I won't lie this place kind of seems useless to me um I'm actually kind of tempted to just go back to the portal if I can and find it and then just go back home certainly there has to be like some kind of a boss in here or something good there there's no way this entire Dimension is useless Whoa man I like that one 140 melee crit damage but the others are terrible oh all of my armor is so low oh nope nope I shoot faster whoa no no no no don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me I also wish I could just get mending on everything I think that would just be really nice it would save me a ton please I I know this place just wants to give me some good stuff please even looking at the mini map this entire place is so massive where's your boss come on I know you guys aren't alone in here yeah I think you're slightly better than what I have on right now cool oh let me turn around oh my God you guys do so much damage now why I should have put down a waypoint there we go no no no no no no just let me light up the area please I hi yes no no need to say hi to you all very fast okay at the very least I I can't lose the portal now thank you now we're starting to get some actual good loot more into strength I don't know how I didn't see you I mean now I really see you so I have to be honest um I really don't care to stay here it was definitely fun I like the atmosphere of this place you know I like wow that's actually really cool if it didn't have that many negative side effects to it don't mind me oh man that rhyme was cool and all but yeah not for me okay well next up we can actually go check out that really tall tower that's really hard to see right now I'm coming I hope you have good loot whoa wow this looks so cool like everything is so cool what's that oh God no way is that finally one of the floating villages I think that is oh gee oh Jesus don't touch the snow got it hi bud oh you're a really high level uh no one else is uh that high in there right you guys have a front door like I don't want to be rude and break through you know what actually uh I kind of do want to be rude I'm good they're kind of weak oh broke your spawner I got you what is that oh my God I I want to say at least one chest what is that thing no no no hey it wasn't me that broke all that stuff I just want you guys to know oh my God hi hi bye oh wait I think I see a chest how worth it is it oh my God they're upside down okay well don't mind me I'm just gonna come in here break that oh my that was so much loot I couldn't even pick it all up run back in run back in get the Luke get the loot okay thank you goodbye goodbye why am I slow why am I taking damage it's because I'm cold old we need to get back to the warm place this building is actually super interesting and I I would truly like to take it on a lot of nice chests in there and it seems like there's actual good loot the only issue is I can't really carry anything plus I would also really like to check out that Village but I'm going to assume it's also really cold there so even if I'm not touching anything cold just being in the biome It's Gonna Make Me freeze you seem kind of cool and magical whoa pretty but you oh it's with a heavy heart I don't think we're gonna be finding any more backpacks and I'm kind of all looted up I think it's time to return home man it's 3 100 blocks away okay here we're just gonna check out this biome and then we're going back home I would actually love to bring you home I think that'd be such a cool thing to have I just have like a skeleton horse back at home however that's 3 200 blocks away and we have to go through the ocean and I don't know if I can get it into a boat so for the most part I kind of doubt I would have been able to okay so I'll leave a waypoint here I actually really want to come back to this biome because it's really pretty and surely there has to be something good in here oh oh I mean I was gonna time to loot okay I'm actually really curious what's up in the hot air balloon oh oh oh my God every single one of them is full of loot oh no oh yes yes yes yes oh my gosh we're saved a skillet is a weapon oh God that was such a good find I am actually like truly happy that I came up here I think it's still wise for us you know to head back home though oh when we go to other dimensions it is over for them I'm stealing every single thing in there okay oh my God I almost just fell into a ravine [Music] I'm home oh I've missed you kind of not really if I'm being honest but oh my goodness it's so good to be back this like actually might take me about an hour just to put away everything there you go now we have Patrick so a nice thing about the backpacks is that you can just put them on the ground just like that and I can keep coming back and forth honestly probably crying while I put all this away oh so I noticed that I was going to go back there because it's really pretty however I want to see what's uh in this direction also there's a really fun thing that I found out with every single one of my uh four backpacks if you go into the inventory you actually have a bed right there every single one of them has it that's the little uh red line that you see right there on them so I've been carrying around a bed for no reason anyways oh hey would you look at that it's another ship I haven't seen one of you in a super long time boy hello there hopefully not an island hey do you got any loot in there do you have any uh backpacks oh hi no no no no no no no no no no oh hi no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God why are there so many of you get out of your own house let me Rob it I'm up climb up climb up not the worst definitely the worst oh hi okay so that was a fun find oh wait that's just solid chest you thought you could keep it hidden from me didn't you and I'm good I don't have a horse probably would be cool to use a horse like for once in uh in these movies but it's just I don't see a point now it does look like the land extends this way I mean here we'll go check this out hello housekeeping I'm sorry never mind I don't know why I'm surprised that there's just a lot of fishing stuff in here oh land oh this is looking promising hello I heard there's only friendly things in here right there's no enemies oh hi no no you can get off this is mine thank you so a tower inside of a tower nice I never thought of building something like this but it works I love it okay I spoke too soon I don't really love it now no no no no don't shoot me okay I'm hearing enemies but I'm not seeing enemies is that how it's supposed to be in here yeah we just continue up oh God oh God oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay please stop please stop please stop stop stop stop stop why do I hear flying rats where did you come from is there an evoker in here uh what's in here I was honestly really not that good okay I think we just need to go a very interesting Tower so got it Towers not that good please leave me alone don't follow oh God no no no no this is my water okay and now we run now we run now we run bye bye love your Tower it was really nice I didn't take anything don't worry are you guys still following me I left your Tower I'm sorry for looting it I barely took anything you guys kind of had trash in there anyways if I'm being honest you guys should like really work on your loot oh my God oh my God I was oh God I was gonna do some inventory stuff what is that oh my God oh God oh God oh God just run just run just run just run oh I hate this Forest oh I hate this Force oh I really should not have come here I didn't got any stuff for me no no it's okay yeah see you next fall [Music] what is that oh wait how am I doing that whoa I mean at least now I can actually zoom in oh abandoned house and off we go I'm falling too fast no no no no I wanted to like kind of Glide not really fall down like this oh oh it's this place again yeah I remember you yeah and I remember how annoying you guys are especially if you Chuck poison thank you oh cool there's another just for that I'm looting your entire house oh the village is not in the cold okay nice more more oh no way it's like my starter house oh I love collecting the cool looking fish oh my goodness it's been so long since I've seen you guys what I don't know it uh doesn't really look safe okay so there's three bees in this what if I do this okay and yep they are all mad oh my God don't see me don't see me don't see me I don't want you to die I like how One of the uh one of the bees is representing I like that um I would like it even more if you'd stop trying to steam me yeah but this one's cute I like it oh waste Stone and I'm renamed this hi do you have a bed in here that I can steal yeah don't mind me I'm just gonna take your lava because I have a feeling at some point I might need it plus I I just like robbing you guys oh please be kind to me oh my God why wait what wait is it not a portal huh so it just gives me haste for two and a half minutes Bedrock that was a tad bit anti-climactic I guess thank you for the haste guess I'll continue on I do want to find the other dimensions though because apparently there's five more hello you really like sunflowers like a lot a lot I didn't know I was robbing a florist what are you oh I don't like you what's up buddy what's up homie okay stop stop it stop it stop it thank you for always poisoning me I didn't know I was insulting him in his own language I I have no idea how to turn you on would you like some wine do you bring me to a different place or since I have been here before and there's usually like nothing good in this uh we'll just do like a quick looty so if you know anything about this Dimension if you could leave a comment what's the point of it nope I already know how you work I'm okay I'm just gonna go right here thanks for the arrows why does it always look like you're just trying to stand in front of the chest so I can't take anything please land oh god oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no what is your issue what oh you're actually kind of tanky it's what I would have said if you weren't a loser yellow what's up what's up ghost boys it's me Terrorizer no no no no no so I guess those portals really aren't that rare oh really wait blocks of coal oh yes I actually needed cool so this is amazing as much as I would love to run into the forest we're just gonna hug it go around it kind of stay near the water almost looks like there's a kingdom over there whoa what are you okay so I have an idea now for us a lot more content on here and we're gonna go to the different dimensions and everything and the first one that I really want to go to so I can actually get some armor and tools so I can you know not be weak anymore it's gonna be the Twilight Forest and for that we need one diamond and then for the portal We're not gonna have it that close to the house and I think about here should do fine and then now you just go around the entire thing place down your flowers wow you make it look so pretty then we just fill it up with water and then all that's left drop the diamond and there we go then just before we go in I want to get completely full on everything again and with my four beautiful backpacks it's time to go this would be a good spawn please please please whoa wow oh this looks so beautiful and oh my God okay well there's one boss there's another boss now with the both bosses being back there let's actually just head this direction oh hi that's right you're not the first one I need to go find Naga oh my hello there beautiful please tell me that you're gonna drop me a lot of scales hello your death and demise is here who who I'm like the Grim Reaper boo boo well I like really desperately need better weapons this is atrocious where'd you go where'd you go come here no no no no no no okay actually it might not be worth farming uh nagas if I'm just gonna almost lose my pants to them come here it's not fair I can't run that fast think of my little legs oh god oh no not my helmet oh no no my chest Plate's about to break no just I just I can become a car I'll just finish you off like this if I don't miss there we go that could have gone so much better and now was just for a there's a chess plate okay let's go to the second boss oh that's a really far run I'm really hoping I will be able to find another one before then can I help you no I I don't I don't need to read I am not a nerd no no no that that's okay you you can keep that I don't want to check that out I I don't have a library card thank you there's creepers in here yes oh man I can't wait to loot you oh please have armor please have a helmet I hello there witch action is got me I'm coming for you and uh my image is gonna break right on in like I own the place so in the past there was something that I really needed from this dungeon castle and that was to defeat the Hydra and I'm really hoping that I can actually find a fire resistance potion I really miss having my iron golems I really miss having my iron golems for my 100 days in medieval Minecraft oh God I miss them so much just keep lighting going brick and kill that leads up to the boss which I really can't take on right now hello do you keep any nice helmets in here yeah you can fit through there haha loser please armor please oh no idea what you do I think it's like if I die I keep all my stuff which is kind of pointless because if I die you know I'm dead I guess I'm coming boss oh hi I'll got a baby uh oh God hi hi oh my God there's so many of you in here what's up nerd I forgot how to kill you I won't lie oh wait I already heard it oh okay I truly have absolutely no idea how I did that but sure hey I'll take that okay so I can't hit it back so what if I just like Camp right in front of you and just make it explode like right on your face yeah that's actually working okay sweet this I just died please just get your shield down I don't care about the others I just want you you hurt so much oh my God stay away from me oh no no yes oh Andy teleported right to me anyway hey look there's the chest oh dude I could cry it's finally some r armor oh man I have no idea what this helmet does or crown I guess you can say but at the very least I look cool now the only thing is I don't know what's the next boss I kind of forgot what the third one was at the very least it is possible for the bosses to drop armor so definitely want to stay on top of that I just need to figure out what's the third one okay sweet we're actually really lucky so the Minotaur boss is actually the third boss not the fourth like I thought it was I I don't know why I thought there was a different boss for number three that looks so beautiful looking at the water and hello beautiful oh let's go please go easy on me now the one thing is that I don't think I'm going to be putting down torches because it takes so much to actually light up this entire place and I kind of don't want to lose my visibility okay is there anything in this maze this is to go to the next level wait really yeah please stay over there I really don't want to meet you oh oh my God man don't mind if I do oh no hi buddy hi buddy hi hi no no no let me break it let me break it let me break it thank you please stop hitting me please I have really low armor like it's actually getting really pathetic oh my God that's terrible I sure am finding a lot of you oh God no oh boss where are you to this range I don't know why I have no range at all on my character but it's actually so annoying this has to mean I'm near the boss right because there's starting to be a lot of you right here don't 360 no scope man I found him the boss I what if I just stay right here and just shoot you a lot huh I mean I know this is really cheap and man this sure is a nice way to fight a boss oh my God you can break through oh you can break through yes nope nope nope nope I'm stronger than you I'm stronger no no thank you please please armor please give me good armor and tools please some something usable I I'll actually take that then and for us to get access to the Hydra I just need to eat you Nami Nom Nom in my tummy tum tum and boss number three is now done okay now my only goal is to somehow find my way back to the entrance without taking like any damage which looking at the mini map actually is not that far I need to break you oh yes it's more loot yes no oh my God I'll just look at it later just just take everything we need to get out I don't care yeah just give me at all no no no no no no don't care just give me don't care don't care oh my God just just go just go but there's more loot oh I can't help it I can't help it oh my God I can't help it out I didn't even open the chest what wait that's actually unfair I didn't even open the chest I just broke the metal bars on Army don't hurt me don't hurt me don't harm me no harm me no harm me we actually really need those okay thank you goodbye bye bye don't touch me I can't help it it's another one oh my God oh my God there's so many enemies please I need to look through my inventory this is heavily important there's a chest back there that I didn't lose don't touch me go go go go go oh my God we are so close we're so close yes oh my god there are so many of you in there I mean technically I could just Farm food here as my chest plate breaks but honestly I'm good uh I value armor a lot more than food right now quickly break you don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me oh my God wait I could just get out right here okay see you I think we go for more Constitution I I do want more max Health okay so going through and getting organized so we are kind of good on food it's just I kind of need to get some Stone so I can actually cook it all also I'm gonna need some wood okay so the Hydra actually might be right there uh definitely not in a good position yet to actually fight it over here to you boom and there we go now we just have to wait I just realized in the top left corner if I just hover over a furnace I can actually just watch it cook and there we go so I got organized as well while uh I was waiting so uh we're good on chest plates and I also made a very nice helmet oh boy but the thing that I am worried about is fighting the Hydra so last time I couldn't see the heads so I'm really hoping it's fixed yep yep it's definitely fixed I am terrified to fight that because I believe that thing can one shot me uh I can try my bow and arrow but I only have 62 arrows and this thing will just keep regenerating Health unless I kill it you can try for a little bit I know you fire out a fireball and I can hit it back oh that's right you can the only deal damage if you hit them in the mouth when it's open or you can hit these right back at the Hydra if I could actually aim and that's how you can kill them I'm not getting near this thing at all I I really don't care how long this takes I'm confused they also look confused this entire fight is just really confusing okay so I did a pixel of damage I'm pretty sure they just fielded back I have no idea but this fight is actually really interesting to me yep I just have to wait for a mouse to be open and then that actually deals damage okay this might genuinely take me about an hour to complete seeing the damage if I don't hit your foot with it then it actually just goes under you oh in case you're wondering it's been eight minutes of me just hitting their bombs back at them and then I started to realize that it wasn't taking damage anymore and it's finally doing something it's like I'm fighting for gas right now no no no no no no no no no no get your balls away from me I'm gonna keep giving me more let's go come on we're gonna be here all day there you go how did that not hurt you okay there we go come on don't look like a surprise let's keep going oh my God I'm only halfway done let's go oh my God no no don't hit me don't let me know oh my God you guys are shooting these a lot faster now I mean this is somewhat damaging you again and honestly this is my favorite way to do it because it's just so much easier oh my God okay okay okay okay no give me some easy ones oh my cheese was not the entire us Armada oh no oh my God they're so close this is the longest fight I've been in it seems like you kind of just like ruined your entire attack by you know creating this hole come on come on I just need one more one more ball and it's dead oh don't be shy you can shoot someone is it because I said ball okay fine explosive my bad look there's so sorry that took so long I I don't want to get near its body while it's exploding and that actually worries me a little and now number four is done I went a lot smoother than what I was expecting and another one is coal well uh at this rate I don't think I'm ever going to need coal again for the rest of this so that's really really nice but I'm definitely going to stay here and collect as much as I can [Music] well I don't think I'll have any issue with uh running out of coal anytime soon so I think we're good here why are my legs pink huh however now that we're done with the Hydra it's just time to go and find my least favorite boss the Knight Phantom so for this one it's gonna be really uh kind of difficult to find especially since I'm actually shocked I haven't seen the forest yet also these are really cool oh I remember these in the past oh I want them okay that should suffice me until we find another swamp sup just checking in still running I'm starting to believe that this biome doesn't exist no wait oh my gosh it does exist oh my God oh my gosh it does exist yes oh my God it took so long to find this wow that is really dark Oh yay well I'm Gonna Leave a line that leads right back out to the actual edge of the forest so I can get back out of here now we just need to find some of the uh the brick Jordan lead us into oh my God it is so dark oh oh it is so dark in here why am I starting to get like fog oh my God there's so many enemies oh I think that was a ghost oh get away from me I'm almost out of torches what I don't even want to know you don't even need to show yourself I really don't even care why am I slow what are you there it is I mean the dungeon is here I just can't find the hey look I found the entrance okay let's see what is the safest way in uh before I start continuing down I actually need to find this one room hi yeah that's okay I don't need your book I know this place what I just ran through this entire place and I didn't see anything what I wonder if the dungeon spawned in incorrectly because that's an actual possibility oh hey look it's the pedestal uh here what's like one of the Naga ones just in case if I can't get it back no no no no no no you don't need to come to me oh thank you for it back so now we can actually mine our way through and we can actually take on this dungeon and it's most likely going to be a nightmare nice this place is actually gonna give me more for this y'all okay I'm home oh hi another really nice thing about this dungeon is that it's not the most difficult plus I'll actually be able to get loot from this and I should be able to do it without taking damage oh my God you are new I do not remember enemies like you in here I hear like another chest uh I don't want you to explode on me yeah like that I'm starting to notice that this is a very uh short dungeon no no no no you really don't need to come here man it's okay oh yeah yeah I like that yeah you camp down there please I need some chess please okay I can't lie I I have to take it I can't be picky but wow that really sucks it's not been before but watch the boss's quarters be right back at the pedestal oh my God is that the boss that's the boss room yeah wow hi buddy oh my God there's so many of you I honestly think we should just go fight the boss go fight the boss get that over with however I am not leaving this place yet because I really want to find more of the all right so for this boss uh it has a lot of like fake ones of it and I just have to go around and kill them all and oh my God you guys have so much HP and then they act like vexes oh my God you guys are very tanky I do look at how they sound like ghosts I find that funny I have a feeling you're the real one or you because you actually have a body that is the real one he's teleporting come here buddy there you are come here come on you're less than half wait did he die I just got 73 XP orbs wait wait so was that the boss that I just killed or do I have to kill every single one of these I have to kill every single one of these gotcha okay cool I'm just happy that you guys can't heal yes come on come on you're almost dead yes okay one more down two down I think four to go one come on come on come on oh there goes my boots last one yes yes okay oh yes oh no oh hi it's not the worst I do like the helmets the helmets are at least nice but we finally got the Night Phantom trophy now boss number five five is done so obviously I could just leave right now and I can go after the next boss which is the your guest however this is when we're starting to get into really good loot and I kind of really don't want to leave this place especially since there are some rooms that I haven't even found yet man you're not the worst oh my hi you are amazing okay I'm very happy I came into here oh my goodness I'm so fast oh look at the speed look at the damage now the only downside to me not putting down any torches is that it is going to be incredibly easy and common for me to get lost in here like I just ran in any big circle stop laughing at me you stop laughing at me right now the next like ow ow okay 10 minutes if I don't find any chests then I'll just leave because I know that there's still a massive part of this place that I haven't found yet I don't like you oh you just broke my pants what is with everyone going with my pants first there's one specific room I really want to find and it has like a furnace in there multiple people just I don't want to leave I want that loot so badly okay I think it's time that we leave I really don't want to but well here's the easy way to get out if you're in case anyone's wondering how to do it I do see daylight oh get out of here I looked part of the dungeon so usually once you beat that dungeon you would get on top of the trees and you'd run along them so you could find the next boss but your gas that's in a giant Tower somewhere in this Forest the issue with this mod pack I could do this and this works you know for all leaves every single kind so now I wonder if I just climb up this tree my water from earlier just saved me oh okay let's try that again all right this tree is nicer anyways oh you're kind of cool okay so now if I set my computer on fire and I turn it to 64 chunks oh hey look I found the your guest now we just need to make it all the way way over there I'm sure this will go swimmingly let's do this okay don't touch me don't touch me just run so very luckily I don't really need to know exactly where the tower is I just need to keep running straight and then it'll be in an open area don't touch me no no no no no no no no oh my God there's so many things oh that's a baby yes yes let me let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in close close close close close close the door okay that wasn't so bad I don't know why you were screaming the entire time so now we just okay not that way okay so now we just have to start going through all these little hallways with the very intricate looking doorways hello oh hello okay I like the place already you guys are so kind and welcome man I'm sure nothing bad's gonna happen in the next five seconds oh hi okay um okay okay I really don't get this let's just get through it really fast this place makes no sense to me run run run run run run okay okay uh they don't like that okay yep they really don't like that and I put water on you yes I can okay I'm too smart for you ow ow okay okay can I break you I mean technically yes I can [Music] yes it actually worked okay oh hi uh you stay down there bud it's okay I'll I'll continue on up ahead you really don't need to follow me or anything okay and it's very weird how you're just staring at me oh I love more free food huh and I think I just beat the maze oh oh you guys actually do have stuff hidden in this oh God I just I love all this free loot oh no no no no no no don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me okay arrows don't hurt it no shoots it shoots okay I didn't think that you did but you definitely do yeah they definitely updated this place I mean fine I'll go this way hello does anyone want to donate to me a lot of really good items oh my god oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no Iron Giant please stay away oh you're a lot weaker than the real ones hi hi where's your spawner ah yeah and I think I think this needs to go away thank you is there an iron golem spawner at least I please I please die you deal no damage nice no no no no no no no no so one thing that we can do is I could quite literally just jump right here and then start water bucketing my way all the way to the top and we can actually just skip this entire dungeon however this place also seems to have really good loot Plus for this boss I really need to be getting a lot of arrows you're definitely better than arrows so thank you oh oh my God yeah that's the other danger about uh climbing up the building are these guys constantly shooting at you so uh I think I'm good with not water bucket no Iron Golem so remember how I said I didn't want a water bucket well I don't feel like going down there so the safe way to do this is you make a water pathway right here you let that fall down a little bit just in case if this goes wrong just like that no okay no no no no stop shooting stop shooting screw it water bug in there and let me land in here we swim up to the new water pathway that we just made and then I go into here and then I start dodging all the gas can't hide it from me I know there's a chest down here hello there King please drop your crown for me I can't get the loot oh that's how I was supposed to open oh I broke the puzzle I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry okay usually I don't deal with puzzles my bad my bad down here I mean like a man uh there's four Pathways for me to choose but what if one of them has Loot and I miss it okay so we're near the boss's chamber but they're uh but there was more ways to go and now let's head this direction I don't know if I want to go your destruction anymore oh I'm happy I came this direction I'm not sorry for looting you okay maybe I am a little now if I can just remember which Pathways that I've taken there's one left oh my God hi hi it's a little interesting and I wasn't expecting to see you in there hey I respect the Ambush where do I go to get to the boss I'm going to get you oh my God you just broke my helmet you mini doodoo butt head do you mind okay apparently you do mind okay so I can't seem to find a way to get over that fence fast enough and these lovely things will not stop spawning in so very luckily there's actually water right here very quickly don't mind me okay and here we go Hi boss no no no no okay what are you hey what is on this yeah you just sit right there and watch okay no no no don't attack it's rude I think it was like this oh that's cool sure why not oh this boss fight has changed uh immensely since the last time that I uh played this however it should still be the same and then what I I think I wait for the boss to stand over this which is a really lovely noise can you please come over here this noise is very loud oh yes yes wow that did next to nothing I am so sorry oh my God you do a lot of damage okay yep yep wow you are really quiet totally not breaking my ears please stop looking at me like that I'm sorry no no no no no thank you owie owie owie okay you can stop dealing so much damage sure let's go and do this one hey what's up boys yeah don't mind me I just need to kill your wall and activate you don't think that's gonna pull him in quickly we need to run over to this one oh my God it broke really not looking good okay here we go now this one's looking good daddy chill oh my God oh my God you deal so much damage just need you to get nice and close okay hey bud can you come over here ah you're making now you're coming over you are making this very difficult I hope you know that enough I'm being frank I kind of don't like you pal this one this one this one this one this one don't shoot this oh yes oh phew come here buddy come here come here yes what oh my God it doesn't have enough oh no thank you for joining me today yes it still works one ruin that did not look like a happy stair so another thing is if I don't kill the little gas when they're over these machines then that thing sucks them in and heals yes yes hello there little babies there you go yeah slaughtered the babies to kill Mama yes oh my God there's so many of you I'm here big mama there we go yes yes oh my God that was so painfully loud but we killed the boss yes just let me loot ow and beautiful wow I can make a lot of the uh Vanishing blocks the sixth boss has been defeated what do I do here can you let go of me so I can get away from the fire what am I supposed to do that was really really fun good Enemy No no no no no you're not safe You're Not Safe you almost killed me so I don't believe I looked down here at all the chests okay can you hit him thank you more stuff for me to craft sure you are so dramatic and then you take those and you do that and you take some of these and do that and you quickly do that before gas hits you and blows it up just like that it's been super fun here trust me I loved my stay so much see you all later don't expect any letters from me I will not be writing it especially you you suck now we need to go and find a snowy area so the next boss that we need to go and uh say hi to I mean technically it's a mini boss but we need to go after the alpha Yeti I just made about six pants and every single one of them are bad that's actually impressive there we go you're not the worst so oh ho I'm looking for snow hi bye oh hi I'm still running but look at this really cool place that I found it's like a Halloween Town there's jack-o-lanterns everywhere which if I'm being honest you know what time come on joints these oh is that free loot I smell nope that's a spawner oh but this is Luke whoa hey I was here first no I don't care how mad you are I'm not sharing anything this biome is so cool please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't thank you oh my god even if you look at the mini map this place is huge I wonder if there's a new boss in here or is this place just for fun you're not allowed you're not allowed no no yes oh yes another one yes more loot I'm going to assume that uh you're a trap chest so with that I'm gonna do this what oh that is so cool look at him coming out of the ground that's so cool dude I love this biome Hey look it's another trap chest let me guess you're also trapped no no no no no no no let's just see what it does wow oh my wow you guys weren't trying to kill me you're just trying to eradicate my entire bloodline did you hear the explosion I was crazy I wonder who set that off I seem to have picked up a gathering party while I've just been taking all of my jack-o-lanterns and 64. sweet well I now have 64 jack-o-lanterns so I think that should be good enough for a building I would say please oh my goodness please it's been 80 years since I've seen someone with flesh on their body oh my goodness I promise you I love you you're so cute no you're the best thing to ever leave me alone wow you're so beautiful please come back to these guys come here baby and then let's just quickly check out this lovely maze because usually we could find some arrows in here which would be really good to restock up on just like that come on there has to be one more chest and we can try out the uncrafting table because I'm really curious how that works that's actually not that bad I I actually don't mind that how do you work that's so cool wait and then I can just keep on remaking it oh that's so overpowered I love it wait oh that changes everything so it's a crafting table and then if I don't like it boom I just put it into here you put that back down oh my God wait and I could just keep retrying or is it the same exact oh I can change oh yeah I like that that is my favorite mod that is a mod that I would not mind at all being in vanilla Minecraft oh my gosh yes the snow oh my god I've been looking so long for this not you not you not you not you no no no no no no no not you not you what was that noise oh my God hi nothing going wrong and I should not die at all in here why did you just laugh and not believe me at all oh my God hi yeah nope I am not a baby you don't need to toss me into the air I do not want to go on an airplane ride thank you wow you are really tanky and I do not have that many arrows I only have 10 left interesting boss fight though wait so now you just block my arrows I have no idea how to hit him with my sword oh okay I guess we're just gonna keep dodging don't hit me when hit me are you done princess what am I supposed to do I just like run up and hit you now okay no that is clearly not the answer you're being very childish right now are you done are you done throwing your little temper tantrum you're acting as if I just shot you with 17 arrows okay he did not like that okay is he supposed to be like some giant baby that's definitely the Vibes that I'm getting from him right now yes yes yes yes it stays sitting yes yes good big baby yes yes don't move oh no no no let me down let me down let me down gently hi everyone he's down while he's down it's Snappy time happy time nappy time nappy time here you want your sippy cup boom we're gonna get away from me get away from me yes yes yes please die right now yes okay ow yes you dropped arrows thank you I love you awesome number seven technically a mini boss now dead you go right there now we just need to go and find like a queen's palace actually I could be uh completely wrong on that ignore me no ignore I said ignore me okay definitely not that one how many dogs are here okay we need to get around Petco and then hopefully a ice queen Palace thingy is over here oh my God there's so many dogs why are there so many of you right here yes ice cream smells there's a dog right behind me and in front of me run run yeah I I have a very strong feeling this is supposed to be all ice so it's just making a giant ocean okay well I mean it's kind of better but definitely not fixed hello is there someone that looks like Santa Claus in here that would just like to give me a lot of good loot for free and have no enemies fight me so I mean at the very least what I can do is just check and see like you know whenever I find a chest if it's actually worth it if there's no good loot in there I am totally down to just skip this entire dungeon oh that's interesting so when I turn off all particles because the ocean was lagging me it also turns off sound every single sound okay and of course the loot is actually kind of good so I kind of want to actually explore this entire place this should be interesting especially since I can't hear anything other than a waterfall oh okay come on stop falling please help I've fallen and I can't get up oh you who is there a Jeff Bezos in here I would like to give a donation to me that's right oh my God that's so cool don't break the staircase please thank you oh you're new and gone okay whoever built this place really not a good job man whoever left the loot in this place really not good job I already found the boss so you uh you come here often oh what's with the cold response okay so this is when I attack you okay gotcha gotcha I'm a little slow you know I'm I'm oh okay okay hi yeah sorry didn't mean to do that yeah you see I'm used to bosses you know like actually coming after me and you know trying to kill me not just stand there really weirdly and they're moving like ice block okay why were the beginning bosses a lot harder than the ending bosses please come down um we can talk about this I hope I can kill you within the next 40 minutes it's kind of therapeutic in here come here four three two oh look sweet ah that was super tough close fight oh man we now have the trophy that make number eight completed huh I wonder if there's uh some good loot in there there's a lot of enemies surely you're guarding something right hey bud now I know there has to be good loot in there because you don't want me to go in there so now I really want to go in there just my God just let me get in the room please that's all I wanted to just let me get in there I want the loot get the water there we go hey what's up enemies kind of a lot of you in here stop shooting me please I said please I really hope that there's actually loot in here because that was a little bit more tedious than what I was expecting wow that was totally worth it wow what's up you guys got more loot in here for me please be worth it eh oh my God wait 39 attack damage I am very happy I came up here well by most definitely just found the weapon that I'm gonna use on the next boss and then before we leave is there anything in this room surely something good up here give me give me oh I hope I can find some now I want to take the fun way down and that's by going to the very tippity top of this entire dungeon and then we just jump straight into the the ocean because every single bit of the ice has melted away so now the next place that we have to go to is all the way over there we need to go into the clouds somehow kill giant versions of me and get a Giant's pickaxe wait oh I haven't looted this place okay where's your Graves it's mine I call dibs it's all mine not sharing don't need me don't hit me thank you oh my God there's so many enemies what is there something amazing in here that you guys don't want to share so proud of you God you sound just like me oh God hi hi hi you guys wouldn't happen to have any boots in here would you like Doc Martens kind of lame I feel like you guys could have done better shame on you barely add anything for me to steal okay so before we go in there I kind of need boots uh I think that would help out tremendously and I can't see what these are okay yeah I like the I like the legendary ones okay so let's try just for a little bit more and see if we can uh get some better boots that's actually really not that bad but I hate that negative five percent speed would you look at that it it takes XP oh so it's not for free that's good to know how did I do it so much before was I really using that much xp I got a first test can I actually stand on the land okay cool I'm not getting struck by lightning or being killed so we are actually in the right area so I'm really hoping this doesn't break my ax but I do need wood to build up there so now we're just turning you into Spruce planks and then we go bada boom then I try my best to line it up to where I will go right through the cloud you already know what time it is time to start digging up oh my God oh my God I was not expecting you to be right there oh man God you guys are so beautiful oh God I am not prepared for this I don't know if I can get close to them is that a hoe ho is that a pick is there anything God that looks like another ride armor nope does not look like there's anything cool in there okay so we're kind of technically on a time limit here because the longer we're here the more of these guys are gonna spawn in I don't have that many arrows thank you yes okay yes yes he dropped the pickaxe okay now we just need to bring the Giants away from that you get please be an ax and not a hell giant pickaxe yeah wow that is really good dang okay next up yeah we're gonna put water there we need to wait for that to actually reach the ground as much as I would love to chance water bucketing off of this to the ground I'm kind of okay what are you guys doing up here okay I would love to sightsee would love to look at the ending Castle but we they don't fall down here right they're not coming that looks so pretty and cool now I believe if we go kind of around the center of this Cloud next all that we need to do is dig down because we need to get into this specific cave and in that cave there's gonna be an obsidian Vault and then inside of that there's a tool that I need hello any cave oh a snow no it's the owl please stop please stop you're being really mean you're being really mean and inconsiderate right now listen here Boko this is not the obsidian Vault that is a little one the one I'm looking for is huge there it is nope nope nope oh yes no stop it don't you dare you little what the what the what do what is that what are you you're so creepy and ugly we do a little trolling yeah we do a little little troll in here there we go the lamp Of Cinders so this is why what I need to get through that spiky Forest so we can actually go to the ending boss so cool so we actually got some fairly decent loot um I'm a little tempted to open up this chest but I do um I also don't know if there's anything even worth it in there uh see you later creepy ah now it's just time to go through all of those spiky things and take on that castle I am incredibly scared to go do that however first I need to go get more water wait did I not even need this I could actually just water bucket my way all the way up that this wasn't even needed oh okay it's always good to go through and collect it and foosro oh my God wait yeah you could just like jump into it or like walk into it oh that's so cool day 47 and I'm still trying to make it through the spikes oh my goodness I don't think that this actually ends I'm pretty sure I'm just going through the rainforest okay let's go find another way in maybe if I just water book in my way all the way up this oh my gosh oh finally freedom and I see that I still haven't found the entrance I'm also very curious if this boss was ever created because back when I did this in 2021 or 2022 this wasn't finished I didn't know any better I'd think that they don't want me and side okay I can't lie I tried uh let's do it my way now so Castle very wow yes and I am still no closer to getting inside of there we go what's up boy oh my God that is so cool wait that's so cool dude I would love to build with that oh I like this place oh wait can I take this home with me oh I'm not even joking I'll see you in like 40 minutes so I think I collected enough of them but I have no idea what happened to these three doors it just kind of disappeared and the entire time all doing that if there's a boss I believe it's there since that is one of the highest actually wait no sorry I'm stupid there's the boss this is still very unsettling that I haven't seen any enemies uh hello parkour area one unique monster question mark I don't know why you asking me wait no you probably barely see that that says final Castle work in progress join our Discord server to follow development of the it's still not done hasn't it been in work for like four or five years it even felt like the castle updated a little bit I wonder if there's anything down here well I'm still not seeing any enemies yeah there are no enemies at all okay that was kind of the letdown yeah it feels very off it's very weird how there's no enemies at all in here but once again that concludes the Twilight Forest I do know that there's a giant rainbow sheep hello there do you have a nice loot for me wait isn't there an underground area there is hello now if I remember correctly uh the chests are trapped okay I did not remember correctly they are not trapped oh don't mind me I'll see myself out oh yeah another fun thing that I've actually noticed about these they're actually really good to go inside of and you know some all the way down of course the one time I'm actually gonna show this on the video that doesn't want to have the actual thing that's supposed to be in here oh God I'm gonna drown oh no okay usually inside of these there's a barrel at the bottom and you could actually get nice loot inside of it like it would have some ingots but uh whatever you see it's taking me so long to get back to my portal because this place is just so pretty it has so many nice blocks that I actually want to use back at my base oh I see them I'm coming for you can I get one of the saplings from this and actually make like a rainbow tree I can I see something on my mini map oh it's you wait so every single wall that's on the top left corner that's what I need to get you God oh I don't want to do this but all at the same time I don't know what you give so it's like I don't know if it's worth it or not but let's see if I can even find a sheep and I luckily have shears first off which color do you give because I now have brown can I dye you okay no so we need to get lucky wait you can I dye you white I can then I take you and now I can make that into light blue okay cool now I just need you to keep on regrowing your wool and I have the fun job of of going around and collecting all of the dyes I do not like this grass there you go thank you I'm almost done with all of these and yes I hate flowers I hate Squids I'm hoping that this is actually worth it it's just now it's just a waiting game which luckily this ship seems to really enjoy eating grass like really rapidly so this shouldn't take too long come on come on just one more time just one more time come on that's all I need after that I can quit yes finally thank you oh you man don't lie you just like spending time with me that's why you only gave me one please eat please I'm going to destroy you and your family I'll destroy your bloodline see he thank you okay so that all finally done let's go see this sheep so do I just right click on them or do I just place them near you okay well you seem to be very attracted to wool so oh wait do I delete oh don't tell me I need to in a certain order okay good good so it does it automatically gotcha so you just become a very long boy huh wow that can't be comfortable dude you got a wide load dang so what's the velocity oh my God what is the velocity on that oh consummate boss crumble horn bundle so we got Diamond Emerald coal iron copper lapis lazuli and gold I'm not gonna lie I thought that was another right and I was super happy for a second but I didn't know you actually got a trophy huh well that makes number nine I hate to be that guy you know um what happens if I kill it you know like is that actually possible you have seven HP oh my God don't ever do that again please what happens if I kill you do I get more loot because I'm gonna assume that I can't do anything else right I mean if I'm supposed to do anything else please just leave a comment tell me it let's see what happens if I kill you yeah it's it's looking like nothing so yeah I'm not sure if there's supposed to be something else that I should like know about for the Ram or anything it's not the worst I think I was just expecting like armor or sword words or you know something something like that it was fun I I guess that was a good way to spend almost an hour ah hello portal I missed you anyways now it's time for me to go get organized which I'm hoping doesn't take me that long okay so if I took forever but we're finally completely organized and this is starting to get quite ridiculous so I think it's time that we finally start building okay first area we're building we need a farm and you see I I would love to build this direction I'm just scared of them what was that stormy duplicator of what stormy who Kendall Jenner where because we don't need to build any like super duper massive extravagant Pathways we're just gonna bring this here then we're just gonna build a platform just to hold all of the dirt and then this part's the most important you need to make sure that you run out of wood because while we have not been collecting like any wow okay we are really not doing well um here's the plus side of not surviving on one block or any kind of voided World wow look at all these blocks I can use just now need to spend a couple hours flattening the island and taking all the blocks so I can actually build and play the game I've been playing in this for 31 hours and I just realized that there's a chimney with smoke coming out of it and Hello beautiful and that is why I love the uncrafting table because such a beautiful thing is that the legendary spinning shulker obviously now we need to extend all the grass from here all the way over here because you're not it just looks so much better with grass the next thing that I'm kind of having an issue with I don't exactly have any saplings because I never really thought that they would be important and uh now I'm kind of regretting that because I mean I could just use the uh the palm trees but I don't know how I feel about that why I do have the rainbow oak sapling so we can at least still build with Oak and it'll look pretty really pretty I don't have any jungle Woods actually finish this ah next thing that I really really want to dive into is farming and using all the cooking mods in this and trying out like the kitchen stuff so this is not gonna do and we have a lot of crops to play with so now we just need to build like quite literally a very very massive Farm which I'm going to be needing a whole lot of wood oh my God it's not growing please don't tell me you only grow in the Twilight Forest but does bone meal not work on you I didn't even get one sapling we'll save one just to be safe you know I don't even want a chance that or waste time you know what we're just gonna have our Rainbow Tree Farm in the Twilight Forest which I'm hoping bone meal actually works on there okay so do you work if I use bonemail in here okay you do okay good good okay perfect it actually dropped two so yeah we have to come into here every single time that we want to get wood or I could chop down these which this isn't bad it's just these trees take um a lot of bone meal I think I've used up a stack already on these did I ever loot you oh it's a free Hopper and we now have a second Hopper anyways what I'm getting at uh those trees they they just take so long like they're just really not that good oh don't hurt me oh that's from One Tree yep I think I like these trees the most okay after a couple minutes of work we basically have three stacks so that should be more than enough to do what I want to do right now next let's just go ahead and make the most hideous thing that we possibly can wow ain't she a beaut I think if we just go around no uh I don't know I think maybe it might be better stripped don't blame me too much okay I'm lactose intolerant now I just need to find a tree that I can actually like put over here because I don't want to put any crops here I want to put all my crops over here because I want to make a humongous massive Ultra Farm something good you look very Heavenly wow I'm really sorry for coming down here okay so I know it's really really big uh I ran out of cobblestone also it'd probably be really really really smart to not use my good acts now I don't even have to care I just need this to strip everything and that didn't even finish the platform you might as well just start adding in all of the dirt that we're gonna be needing oh boy I might have to go and remove that entire Hill just to fill up this area which which worse I was I was a lot less and then I think a good sight for my mind like not to be too far from the house but I think like right here should be good enough and well see you in an hour okay so I learned the hard way that while breaking stone with a torch it works out really well for us saving durability on the pick that you don't want to break however you don't really mind that fast so yeah I went and I made another pick that I don't care about so now I'm actually starting to make progress so I kind of want to do another hour of this and I have my buddy again which I may have also bought 64 sponges from no way I have two friends and don't worry these guys they can leave any time that they want they just don't leave because they enjoy being with me down here so much okay so we should have been good on Cobblestone for quite some time I think I can build with a lot of that oh no it is gone there was a giant white bat right there and I was really uh hoping to not have to fight it which I'm happy I don't have to fight it where did it go no way oh my goodness I have free leads thank you for bringing me free leads I got really cool but finally we're done in the mines don't have to worry about any of that anymore and now I just have to go through and put away some stuff that's kind of cool so I wonder if Cobblestone turns into mossy cobblestone just because of the water touching it but that's so cool oh that's gonna look so nice I should also really probably light up this place so now as much as I would love to have mobs spawn on here and come fight me I'm totally good okay and now very obvious thing I need a lot of dirt so I'm still not done uh collecting all the basic resources which honestly I probably should have done this like within hour three or four but let's see how much damage I can do to this entire Hill ah look at that beautiful excavation work so I think I have enough blocks to at least do something and I'm hoping it's also gonna be enough dirt to fill all of this and then probably hopefully if I want to do any terraforming around the place which I'll honestly consider but I don't know if I want to go through ah beautiful I barely had enough sweet you're actually done I still don't know what a plan over here but I don't know if the water here or below the platform will actually keep the uh the ground once I till it watered I have a feeling the answer is no so anyways now we go one two three four and I believe right here then we put you right there so now this is actually watered oh I need a hoe not like that and there you are and now this entire plot of land right here should be good which it's looking like yes I'm incredibly tempted to extend this platform one block over just so I can have four blocks of dirt right here so I don't lose anything not really lose anything but I can actually get like the entire value of uh this land okay you know what yeah no no no we're gonna do it this is gonna bug me is gonna bug me a lot hey stop playing with them stop it stop it this is mine no are you still playing without give it back no stop and there we go okay that was totally worth it don't worry ah so much better okay that's actually like really strangely pleasing because I didn't point this out whatsoever I just put down like a random amount of blocks and I always like it when it randomly works out like this and now basically what I did here I just have to fill in the rest oh and we are now finally done in case you're wondering no I did not have to extend this out four more blocks just so that every single one of these spots would be equal in size and you know no wasted space please don't be thunder okay this might not be good I need wood and this is kind of my only choice so let's see wait this can't even be made into a sign oh no oh no okay uh we might actually have to go on an adventure wow a lot of green wieners on here oh no I want to say our best bet is going this way again I can't believe I'm actually making a trip just to get some trees never saw myself having to do this oh I think that's Oak if we just get saved okay sweet beautiful trip now we can head right back home there we go and now we can finally start getting some wood which would be great you can laugh at that it's not illegal God I love tree cutting mods so much okay now that I can actually make my signs I want to be even more organized which I'm hoping you guys appreciate actually let's not touch anything here I should have seeds for all of this stuff in here probably do some grapes I really don't know what the grapes are used for oh definitely onions and tomatoes oh garlic as well probably should do potatoes okay so this should be a good start and then we'll start off with wheat which now all of the uh the Farms will just go up at like four blocks on every single side everything should be nice and equal and then the reason for the signs is that we can put them right here and then we can actually just write down whatever we're planning so then we can keep track of everything and now we just have to wait I mean we don't have to wait I have a lot of bone meal but we need to get around to planting everything ah this is what organization looks like and we still have six more spots and I most definitely did not plant everything like oh yeah we definitely need cabbage oh I can't grow rice on there that's not good well at the very least we'll just put cabbage over here because hey now I'm just on a mission to where I just want to get every single kind of crop that's all I want to do it's like I'm a retired adventuring Warrior man now I just care about my farm oh wait I have sweet potatoes now our beer worth it and then whatever this thing is and probably go with these and I think I have enough spots for all of these so first off the carrots the entire Farm is completely full which I still don't know if this is gonna be uh all of our crops I mean I can always just expand this pretty easily later on no idea what the oh wait is this just a flower oh no don't tell me you're just a flower no I think that's also a flower oh man okay okay so maybe not everything in here is useful because how do you get more grape seeds because you can't turn them into seeds so it's my only way of getting more just going around to uh grass and then just breaking it so next up the last thing that I kind of really need to do well not really need to but I really want to grow rice as well because I feel like there's gonna be a lot of dishes that require it we're just gonna go around collect all of these just so we can jump start it as fast as possible and that gives us 34 to work with which honestly that's really nice then we just go and take the rest of the dirt that I have and what I'm thinking of doing is just having the right ice here actually no we'll have it here and then we just need to go around and start adding in the ground so that we can actually plant it like it's beautiful you can't see it whatsoever but this entire place right here is covered now we just go around and plant all of you I am totally going to miss one while this is incredibly hard to see sup it's me again no the tree's not gonna break okay phew I thought it was gonna have to do work oh what are you yo what up Shrek I suppose you're not here to talk neither am I oh okay that was a one shot oh wait huh okay yo thank you for the free shovel and bleed and the two green wieners are back and now we go through and then we just add in the logs so now whenever I harvest all of the rice it shouldn't actually like fly over here and lose any so next up now that I have a very beautiful and amazing farm I have no kitchen so the thing is I have a skillet which is apparently a weapon and I do have four cooking pots so I guess whenever I want to get a cookie I'm good however whoa okay so we can actually have sings cupboards counters kitchen sink faucet is there a fridge no oven with fired oven like well I think that we need to actually make the cooking pot which I think I have enough copper I I think I'm good there now for the kitchen I kind of want to just put it here I mean I also think it would be the smartest spot since you know here's the farm oh my cabbages are grown and now we can actually make a fancy floor please don't break my ax oh that's because it's registering every single thing as one tree okay oh oh that was cool what about this mess not can we uh can we break I see the light oh okay so I'm just to make it easier maybe we just do four a really cool thing since I did find that second Hopper we can actually go and make an automated one of this which I absolutely love to do I am definitely going to be needing that Aton yes garlic is all done oh wait you can actually eat it oh god oh okay so uh here's the thing so I made this really nice uh completely made out of log uh area for a kitchen because I have a farm with a lot of things that I would like to make into food and you know we got some cooking pot so I looked on the mod page you know about this mod pack I have no idea what to do with kitchen stuff my assumption is putting this on top of a campfire and then maybe I cook these all together but then I noticed that there's Dimensions okay well uh kind of like more Dimensions than what we've been to and one of them that really and trusted me was the Aether to go there we're gonna need some glowstone which I don't have so if I want to go to the Aether I need to go to the nether I need to get some more glowstone and then we can go and have fun hello I was like what happened to all my stuff whoa this is just like my uh I survived 100 days as a piglet brute in the Nether and whoa it's updated oh God it's a child oh look I found the king well I mean I could go and collect that glowstone right there in the making go but um wow this so interesting hi buddy oh wow I get dehydrated really really fast in here oh we might not really have that much time to explore uh probably should have brought a lot more water bottles okay hi wait I know how to choose this way one second I think I know a way okay so if I make a cauldron okay so then if I fill it up with water one this will actually let me put myself out if I ever catch on fire in another what am I able to pick up well I guess I can't oh but I can't pick up the water oh that kind of just defeated my entire idea uh I guess the other way is just make a lot of water bottles okay I think I have enough water to at least allow me to explore oh I didn't see you before I'm here we don't really need that anymore what is this oh I think you don't care for you yeah I'm good wow that's really garbage and then in here we got some nice stuff oh and you have barrels uh I'm okay okay gotcha so now there's a little uh like old-fashioned Minecraft dungeons in here kind of really want to go up there but at the same time that just seems like such a hassle ah nah okay here I I need the blocks as well I might as well go explore whoa why can't vanilla another look like this this is beautiful beautiful okay gotcha so don't touch those thank you how do I get down well I'll just get oh you guys didn't make a staircase thank you oh you look so cool what are you whoa so what happens if I break you with the mod whoa ow ow ow what are you whoa actually no you look really really quiet I want to take you okay that's the first stack down I have a feeling that we have like five more minutes in here oh yes another chest oh I love the nether it's actually really nice for once quartz sand why I'm actually really shocked that we haven't seen any special mobs in here what is that wait is that a dungeon my thirst goes down faster depending on the biome we're in because this place is pretty uh Dusty interesting okay so it's like a geode just heavily destroyed that's actually really cool hi hi hi hi get oh wait let me hit you and second stack is down my God we barely even explored this place touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me I'm too beautiful for you don't touch me oh whoa oh you look so cool wait give me a closer look wow you look so much cooler yeah magnet cubes should look like that that is a way cooler design why do I feel like I'm gonna fall to my death in there did we just find a bash that is Three Stacks down now why do you guys get angry at me mining those okay it's not my fault maybe you shouldn't make them look so cool hi okay cool yep it's a family get together and okay that's a brute that's a brute oh no that's a brute I need to move oh hi you're scary I have a really nice name I can't pronounce it uh to say that they are tanky is an understatement oh yeah we honestly might just want to put that on for now just so uh they don't want to kill us hopefully hi buddy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you can't give me are you going that way whoa there's blue ew okay four Stacks left anything of value for me to steal something that you and your family just cherishes so I can take it get some emotional damage in there okay I think we need to stop getting distracted in here and we need to actually go and find some glowstone I feel like I'm not gonna find any glowstone in that biome surely over here there's gonna be some okay that took dangerously forever but I got the waters again so now we should hopefully be able to go into the ether for as long as we want so to go to The Ether we basically just copied another portal then once we complete all of that I'm hoping oh I think the last time I was in here was like 2012. it's been a very long time okay give me a good spawn and let's have fun taking quite some time oh oh okay so the Aether is obviously you know it's in the sky wait is that a dungeon oh why hello there are you guys kind no no you were not oh my God you were really not oh my god sweatball um well I don't remember you guys like at all but please do not touch me oh what are you tell me guys I can't walk on these right nope I most definitely cannot I can actually collect these oh wait so is this something that I can walk through but other mobs can't so can I like technically make a door with this I kind of want to collect more okay I'm stealing your Sky I won't that just technically be like self-robbering okay we got 43 don't really care to collect anymore so in here there's three dungeons I don't think that they've updated it and the first one that we need to find is the bronze dungeon to me doesn't take me on a date first jeez okay so now after chopping down all those trees we now have a lot of planks and now we can actually bridge to other Islands which I really really wish I had an elytra oh hey look there's other Islands I thought I found something probably should go put a waypoint on that thing actually or else I don't know how to get home so one thing that I'm looking out for constantly is it's going to be a very big Square tunnel and then that leads to the first dungeon which I'm a little surprised with how much we're not finding it don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me don't mind me just going bridging it has to be near I can smell it oh like that just seems so out of place like it has to be something important something tells me there it's gonna take quite some time to actually find the first dungeon I at least want to find one there's three total and the other two are allegedly a lot easier to find oh my God there's so many oh don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me oh my God you're massive oh my God no no no no no no no no okay those kind of trees have to be special there's no way right I mean I'm seeing them like that everywhere I kind of really don't want to go to that island with the amount of trees that it has I have a feeling that's gonna be really annoying to uh Traverse Oh I thought that was the shrines what ah oh I wasn't never close to them those trees are water just to save myself some time on bridging and materials I'm kind of tempted to see if I can jump and make it to this tree and then from there I could just bridge over to that and I think that would save me a little bit of time plus I kind of want to check out that tree you know what uh let's try it I'm hoping this doesn't kill me hello I missed it am I dead so you don't die when you fall out I feel like I am very far from home oh oh I'm I'm very far from home the Aether is that a Titan from Attack on Titan wait I kind of want to see what that is wait that looks interesting hold up oh yeah now I'm getting distracted like I always do well I have a sneaking suspicion but I think right here if I Tower up I'll reach that okay how high is this island since we have a really nice view up here luckily I have a water bucket I can do this and then we can uh go get more wood from over there don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me oh my God don't touch me please stop touching me luckily this one's taking me along whatsoever don't touch me leave me alone I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to be here how high is this oh my God I was expecting like three four Stacks to get up here but holy I'm going into orbit I feel like Elon Musk is gonna DM me soon dark iron block am I about to see Horrors beyond my imagination oh it's a book it's done is corrupted his soul and nearly mine as well all those innocent lives we took all these poor people whatever evil we thought we were fighting it took control of our minds our bodies we became the evil we sought to destroy they became weebs I feel like I should sleep before exploring all of this those are friendly right you guys just wanna give me a high five if I stand on it uh-huh well uh after reading it there is no way that I'm ever going to do this so apparently there's a giant monster in here it used to be someone's Master they got locked away and I need to go get a staff which was broken up into three different parts scattered throughout the land and I gotta be honest I don't ever seen myself finding all of them so it kind of sucks I was kind of hoping for something well might as well just put the boat down and time to go foreign oh I was expecting to like go under a little bit at least and well don't mind me just time to head home this island is so cool I feel like I should collect the trees they look like really nice apple trees but I don't really have a purpose for apples oh hello there old friend I should probably look into this Dimension more because there has to be something good in there so apparently I found Atlantis now does Atlantis have anything useful other than these Beauties oh I regret coming down here oh no no no no what's up boys don't mind me this is huge we have more Oak ow oh I can actually reach that oh hi okay well hopefully there's something other than just cartography tables everywhere no oh okay no never mind I was gonna say no way a villager but okay you know I kind of feel like that's on brand for them to act like that are they making an aquarium here that's actually kind of cool so with finding this floating magical Village I just went around and um I'm just borrowing all of the lanterns because I really like them man I want them at my house instead and not too bad so I got 65 lanterns and a whole lot of loot uh really love this place I like Atlantis it's actually a really cool addition this should also be in vanilla Minecraft and now instead of having to use my own boat why hello there oh is that gonna hurt me ow ow ow ow ow and now we just continue on our way and hopefully we don't find anything else that looks really shiny that I want to take oh it's shiny wow ooh more shiny and you are almost good yep yep right there cool I love playing on huge mod oh my God hi whoa whoa geez I feel like I'm an Ant-Man and I just went through the quantum realm what just happened what well hello there 21st century uh I'm back now I'm no gynecologist but I don't think this is how it's supposed to look oh my God what I do not like librarian's new am I right above it oh this is a guardian Temple isn't it yeah heavily upgraded Guardian Temple you know it probably doesn't hurt just to go and take a peek oh my God it's hurting oh oh get away from me no never mind never mind don't break my boat don't break my bow I stole it first you can't have it where are you actually it's turning nighttime you might actually be kind of good wait are you are you friendly are you friendly I honestly can't tell you look like a Pillager to me oh you are definitely friendly hello okay now why did you build a house up there and there's no way to get up there it's like you followed a tutorial and then you messed up like I would never do that I don't know how you did see I I never make mistakes well thank you very much for the pit stop here I appreciate your place a ton and uh good luck with the Guardians I hope everything goes well for you will I'm sure it will oh and then one final stop before making it home please don't break my game again like last time what's up okay finally we made it back I'm not done with you I just need to go get organized just so I can loot a lot more I don't have an issue I can stop looting at any time just not this time okay everything's completely organized and now we go back into here I did not miss this place oh I just wish I could have an elytra I'm Coming For You dungeon now to just somehow retrace my tracks okay well surprisingly I still haven't seen anything and instead of going back down there to that water tree might as well just continue this direction oh my God they combine they combine and that's how they get bigger oh no every single way I need a bridge oh no don't touch me I'm starting to think that there's not even a dungeon in this Dimension like the mod pack creator just got rid of everything in here so I feel like it shouldn't be this rare Day 94 still no dungeon what are you well I came up here for nothing I was gonna do something like dramatic like Jin where are you why oh my God I actually don't even see anything there's like nothing how hard is it to find a dungeon oh my God and here's the fun way to get to that Tower oh God don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me you're the first structure I've seen this entire time in here that might actually be useful this really isn't looking good might need to check the mods and see if there's actually dungeons in here because now I'm starting to second guess myself so even after checking the wiki and traveling around for an hour I'm starting to think that either my Aether is glitched or I'm unlucky I've traveled 2 000 blocks away from my portal and I'm just not finding anything whatsoever well um really not any good news so I want an extra 1 000 blocks away from the portal and no matter where I look I just can't find any dungeon not even the first one which is a bronze one I haven't even seen the silver or gold one which I believe the gold one is like that kind of a forest but I've never seen like anything that would you know show a dungeon and then the uh the level two one is the silver which is a giant kind of like like a Roman temple in the sky but I'm kind of like out of ideas of what to do and if I'm being honest I really don't want to explore this place anymore and here before we leave the eighth or out actually I want to check just one last spot oh my God hi hi give me out even out of your mouth out of your mouth oh yeah it's uh very disappointing but I just don't think that the uh The Ether mod in this mod pack works but now let me show you the fun way to get out of the Aether so first you get your nice little trusty bow and then if my plan is correct uh this should prevent me from taking any fall damage in case I were to land on on the land right where's my boat oh God I'm scared oh my god oh I'm 32 000 blocks from my house there is no way I can make it back there in three hours I'm doomed legitimately there is no way to make it back there in three hours there there's no way I'm just gonna keep on finding stuff like this tower that I just want to explore which uh let's definitely go explore this Tower so far it's a paradise for nerds okay okay so other than Aesthetics what's the purpose of this place like don't get me wrong it's very beautiful oh my God wait does this actually work that is so cool it actually works and it spins oh God what is up there level 36 creeper oh oh my God that that's a boss that that is a speeding creeper I'm sure I'm not gonna regret this hey dude and if you want to come down here paper oh my God no no no go faster oh my God they're following me never mind never mind I'm good I'm good I'm good I don't even care if there's loot up there nope see you later I'm good I'm good I'm good oh but at least we turned it on that looks so cool oh at the very least I can take my throw up green boat and oh my God look at how slow I go oh I don't I don't think I'm gonna make it by the end of the movie like at this point I there's no point in you know going after any loot what is that whoa this looks cool I found an armada moment time we might as well check out stuff wait these are all villagers wow I've never seen like an actual okay friendly like wild spawn thing like this oh wow oh my god dude you're actually I've been wanting that this entire movie you have no idea how strong that is dude you're actually kidding this thing is the most overpowered item in this game and I am in love with it you can spawn in unlimited Iron Golems he's level 136. he has a thousand Health oh my dude oh my gosh dude I'm just speechless I can't believe at the end of the movie I find that thing I was looking everywhere in the Twilight Forest for it oh I can only use that Iron Golem kit eight times oh probably shouldn't waste it oh that's my cue to go to sleep oh hey look pets oh oh you guys are actually kind enough to put ladders here wow you're making it a lot easier to rob you now the fact that I'm not finding any other of the uh Iron Golem totems it's kind of worrying but it's also showing just how rare those are please more iron golem kits back here it's not what I was asking for but you know so far so good okay so far not really that good oh okay let's see actually now thinking about it looking at my food uh it probably isn't a bad idea to start taking all your pumpkin pies plus zero Health regeneration what I even include that though it doesn't do anything wow hey you can't and steal for me only I can steal from you we don't we can't share that personality trait doesn't this just spawn in bees which actually is kind of cool not too bad so now after going through the entire Armada um God I wish I could have gotten you earlier you would have been so helpful in the Twilight Forest but now with my pumpkin pie and my brand new best friend with my new best friend ask them to continue on and wow look we already found another thing uh to be honest though probably shouldn't explore this place just because it'll just take quite some time to actually go through everything in here I also don't feel like I'll find anything useful in here or even find an iron golem kit in there so um yep we go onwards whoa no way okay one I think that's a volcano and this is a tropical island yo I saw this in the main menu I've been wanting to find this biome this is so cool oh this biome is so beautiful oh this should definitely be in vanilla Minecraft oh my gosh can you imagine building a base here and having this is your view also I love you bud oh my gosh wow I feel like I'm the Terminator with these scanning for Targets target acquired give me my vote oh I love scenery like this so much definitely one of my top favorites in this game now speaking of top favorites what is this place why do I feel like I'm in a Mario level now this is green what is up here wow that's wow that's some really good World Generation for you bud oh wow phenomenal um I'm good though and then the next area that I want to check out is this volcano I wonder can it explode can we make it erupt well since this says volcanic rock I'm going to assume that there's a glacier up here so what if I do this well I've just figured out how to prevent Pompeii uh oh what are you so it's a tropical island surrounded by three possibly four volcanoes that's kind of cool so do you got loot for me okay apparently no oh wow well cool I'm very happy I found this place thank you I did a whole lot of work for that advancement onwards we need to make it home we are not making it home so this is definitely gonna be a new way of ending a movie because I've never not been at my base tribe of technibly goodness there's so many volcanoes wait is that one erupting oh no oh should I be scared troiki is at the time to be panicking well if it is this is the cutest eruption I've ever seen there's another one oh my gosh that place is huge it definitely can't stop there well it's been fun tropical island not gonna lie I thought that was another uh Lighthouse and a portal right there that you can't see yeah Mushroom Kingdom come here we come wow I sound identical to him oh my gosh you are a big boy are you friendly whoa now that's a big boy well definitely a very unique Place yeah don't mind me boys just cutting right through your town well uh here's a nice update uh we're almost home we're almost there oh god oh wait oh villagers oh okay sweet I was I was expecting a lot of enemies here but um oh my God okay who almost fell down there but uh we're finally we're getting closer to home we're now in the 19 thousands almost there oh I also swapped around my armor because I found out that uh my chest plate was slowing me down so you know we're really zooming now so I'm hoping that makes it a lot faster to actually get to places oh my oh no way it's the floating village I mean we saw one before but wow this one isn't in the cold and it won't kill me oh it's another one of the rules cool places I honestly wish that my world started around like one of these parts just because of how amazing these are they're just so beautiful I love them oh God no no please any biome other than a cold one okay I don't feel like climbing Mount Everest let's go around okay I have a feeling that the huge Cliffs are never gonna end and even better there's no snow so I can't lie for once I'm actually really grateful about there being a huge ocean just because this is a lot faster than running oh look at this forest look how green and vibrant I'm loving the birds that is a really high level Pig oh it's just like the ambience the environment oh it's a kiwi oh no I didn't mean to hit you I was trying to free you I swear I'm not no I'm not me no no I did I didn't mean to no now this just takes me back to my 100 days in Jurassic Park movie Papa you are a chest oh you're safe why does that remind me of like the building Dome that I stayed in you know what yeah I think we can sacrifice some time to go and check this out why not oh oh oh oh oh no no you don't get knocked back at all okay surely you guys have loot in here right I said loot not enemies not don't 360 me oh okay maybe this place isn't that bad to actually go through in the loot you can't really see you guys except for you now I can't exactly tell if there's more oh hey look there's more loot oh you might be fun sure why not oh well if I ever go to the end I'm pretty sure I need you oh hey look at that I do oh it hurt well let's take the easy way down oh don't shoot my boat thank you thank you good to buy don't write I want to respond and well uh it's just time to continue the run back home don't mind me and finally I've made it back home oh my gosh I've missed you and I hate you oh my gosh but finally I've survived 50 hours in medieval Minecraft and honestly another 50 hours on this mod pack I think there's still some stuff that I haven't dived into just yet in here I think there's like two or three more Dimensions that I haven't even explored yet I haven't even built anything there's still some dungeons here that I haven't even explored and conquered so just leave it in the comments down below I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time so yeah
Channel: Skyes
Views: 2,467,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyes, skyes minecraft, sykes, sykes minecraft, skyes 100 days, i survived 50 hours in medieval minecraft hardcore, i survived 50 hours in medieval minecraft full movie, 50 hours in medieval minecraft, i survived 50 hours in medieval times in minecraft hardcore, i survived 50 hours in medieval times in minecraft hardcore full movie, i survived 50 hours in a medieval rpg in minecraft hardcore, skyes 50 hours, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, medieval minecraft
Id: LpsLkm2QVX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 9sec (9129 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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