I Built Minecraft's Smallest Base...

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today we're building the smallest space in Minecraft where with my admin tools and mods my goal is to fend off my friends from ever reaching the interior prize but they can go tiny too so what tiny defenses will I be making stay tuned to find out okay Nesta I'll be back in 2 hours go why are you so big all right so this is a normal Minecraft base and this is going to be my Minecraft base going from Level zero all the way to level five so luckily level zero is done and to actually shrink down we have the size remote and with the size remote we can right click it and we shrink and now that we're shrunk we can go inside my base and as you can see this is the level zero pretty normal Minecraft base where when they go inside it's going to be empty but I'm going to be making the roof a little bit odd and what I mean with that is that we're going to be using a Ghost camo block where these blocks right here are going to blend in and really they just got to jump up here and find this mystery lever that I'm putting right there and the lever is just going to be to level zero to level one and we'll give them a good job too and now you might be wondering how is that going to work it's just a lever well that's where the comes in where when we right click this this is going to be some simple code where it skill is to send the player to the next level when flipped so let's click confirm on that and now when we right click this we're now level one out of five okay time to I should make things deadly so for level one I'm thinking we start things out with the dispenser where why don't we do a line of dispensers right here for example we can make a tower all the way going up where this will only be the first area watch this there we go and as you can see they're already shooting because I added some code where it's going to automatically be f firing let me actually turn on the arrows now there it is and so this will be the first obstacle their goal though is going to be with stone blocks a little parkour all the way up like this there we go or it's a pretty decent parkour but the arrows could kill them at any moment and their goal is now to get to this pressure plate right here where it's going to be sending them to the next part so to make it clear teleport two level one part two oh and to make this harder let's make a barrier there we go completely gone and this will make it a lot harder yeah this is good and real quick to make sure this Works let's right click you this will be simple the next level pressure plate where it's going to send a player to the next level when stepped on sounds straightforward enough and now let's actually step on it and then they get sent to part two which as you can tell lava everywhere but it really doesn't hurt them remember it's easy mode but for this level I'm thinking a lava maze where we're going to be using the ghost cam blocks all around it to up until they get over there let's mess around with the proper maze route and you'll see it in 3 2 1 okay I think we got a good path going right here so they're going to be starting right there and their goal is to get to the gold part right here and that'll complete level one but obviously we got to raise these up but I want to show you guys the main obstacle it's not the fake lava but it's going to be this a hidden death room where we'll put a sign right here saying good luck smiley face because there's going to be a lot of zombies in here to try to kill them so all we need is zombie spawn egg right there and let's goe this to be a little bit different so first let's go to blockbench we finally get to make an actual mob and we're going to be adjusting the brightness and contrast of this guy and making him a little different let's give him some bigger scarier eyes that works and some simple teeth yeah I'm also going to tear up his clothes a little bit and last but not least make his shirt all nasty and dirty kind of looks goofy honestly kind of friendly but let's cck confirm and ask for the name is the terrifying zombie where I'm going to keep it simple they're just going to deal extra damage once I spawn them in so let's click confirm in 3 2 1 and here he is I'm going to spawn a lot of them and when I mean a lot I mean a lot like a lot a lot so really this is the main Challenge and as you can tell by the way they don't make a sound so they won't know a thing so again with these blocks they'll just be falling straight down and actually making all the way back up here and I'll put some more traps along the way until they get there let's raise the walls up first though this is a lot better where again the zombies are still there and I added a couple more traps for example as I go deeper they're going to be falling into this hole right here too and so let's think of a trap real quick for this area as you can tell we have a lot of mods to work with but I think we keep it simple and we do a bunch of witches they can't climb ladders right and that'll be the second surprise anyways though they'll keep going this way and this will be the third and final trap right before they get to the final goal right there which will send them to the level two that being said though in this third trap we're going to do more of a quids it's going to be signed and it's going to say are you subscribed to xoro by the way that question goes to you watching right now too click that subscribe button if you haven't already to see that special animation and the answers will be yes and no each with a different Oak button see if they click yes something good will happen which we'll see later and if they click no let's just say this piston right here it might have a ravager spawn egg in it hey I mean if they can't raate the base I win and to make it more obvious we'll put the yes in Gold but after that third room they can now step on the gold blocks which will begin level two okay so we have a level zero done and level one done and now we're on to level two all right let's go inside here we go okay level two this is where it gets harder we're right away I'm thinking we split this into two and have a water area and a lava area then we're going to make them have to do three decisions so lava water and brown terracotta watch this in 3 2 1 and we got it we're now for level two they have three decisions the water boss skip bosses and have fun in the fire boss now here's the catch we are trying to kill them in the small base so in reality they have to do both the water boss and the fire boss I'll show you guys what I mean soon but let me show you guys what happens if you go in the middle when they right click this and here we are so if they pick the easy option in reality they had to get all the way down here just to get back not the most fun option so that's where the real conent comes in water or fire I already have an area set up for this but let's go to water we're now in the water side where each side is going to have a different boss right now there's no one here but if we go on this other side right over here this is the lava side which also needs a boss and so that's up to us to make real quick where I'm thinking let's go ahead and grab the ravager spawn egg and make a more op version here's what I mean if we drop this guy right here grab our trusty coder item and right click we're going to be making the first water boss where with the base of the ravager it's going to be very simple all we got to do is Color Him nice and blue since he is our water boss after all next up let's import our water texture and overlay it over everything and there we go I know it's not much but this guy will definitely pack a punch let's go confirm in 3 2 1 and now the water boss where the health is going to be 75 and the only skill is going to be the typical charge at the nearest player that should be good and there we have him the water boss where this is boss number one they have to kill and after they defeat him they'll be teleported to this side where we now got to decide who's the Fire Boss going to be I have a bit of an idea for the Baseline why don't we do the Soul Sand and wither skeleton skull combo where I'm not going to B him just yet but let's make it more of a fire boss right click and so for the fire boss I'm thinking we use the weather of course where we'll start with his inval texture you know the blue looking one and we're going to make it more of a fiery orange looking color next up we'll do the same to the shield and last but not least let's actually do the actual weather well we're going to make his eyes bright white and now let's just adjust the saturation and contrast of everything and there he is all right let's click confirm in 3 2 1 and this is the fire boss with health 150 and the special power of throwing lava balls at the player so let's see if in game in 3 2 1 and there he is oh that's so sick and so now we have the fire boss and the water boss and after completing it they go to level three so now that's level two complete and you can't see the lava and water but it works and now for level three where it finally gets hard let me show you guys what I got planned yet again let's go down and let's go inside this one okay level three the theme for this one is going to be puzzles and this time I'm trying to bring on some new mods which start with the spike trap and the powered Spike trap and we also got this cool item called a fan where when we use a redstone torch on it it literally pushes you all the way up so you already know we're about to make a cool parkour with this so I'm thinking let's place these guys all around and try to make a spike parkour where if they touch the spikes well uh they might die and their goal being somewhere up there where they'll get to the next puzzle so give me one sec let me put down all the spikes oh wow I did not know they worked like that oh that's so sick all right let's keep placing these now that is looking good so they'll be starting right here and they'll have to attempt to go through every single fan all the way way to the very end where that's going to teleport them to the second part okay this is actually pretty fun I wonder if I can make it from here nope uh I would have probably died and this is only part one cuz now when they go up to this pressure plate I've already coated it so when they go on top of it they're going to be getting sent to this area right here shout out my friend who helped me make this where as you can see there are a lot of doors and you can't really peek through the doors cuz it's kind of impossible but here's the twist in my inventory I have an item added into the game which is a key and with the key you can go up to any door right click it and it opens and when you go inside well there could be bad stuff and it's mainly bad stuff where as you can see at the end it's literally just a poisonous potato and lots of traps along the way so let's put the iron door back and there's something for every single door their goal is to find the right one to send them to part three and there's a key and every single chest let's do one more why not and here's a simple one magma to the cake and the cake it doesn't really do anything so let's put this back and the right door is going to be this one right here where with our key let's open that up real quick and now when they go on on that pressure plate that's where phase three kicks in let me show you guys and so this is part three uh it's kind of empty but that's where we come in I'm thinking some pillars and lots of skeletons let's do the pillars first there we go some simple pillars and the goal is to open this tomb and you might be wondering how and that's going to be by killing all the skeletons which we haven't made just yet I'll show you guys what's behind that door soon but let's real quick grab the coder and make something more menacing right click and so this is going to be the terrifying skeleton something very simple where we're going to be inverting first the colors of the skeleton then we'll adjust his contrast and brightness and give him some evil red eyes yeah then some green details there we go and now let's get to the code where they're going to work just like skeletons but they're going to be unlocking the door when all of them are dead now let me show you guys how many I'm spawning all right that's number one but we're going to be spawning one on every single pillar on the sides where they're going to have to survive an onslaught of a bunch of skeletons and I don't think they're bringing the best armor and that's immediate as soon as they come in but if they do kill all the skeletons this is going to open up right there and they can go ahead and press this pressure blade which will send them to level four and so this is what we have so far you can even see the fans moving but now it's time for level four or yet again let's get some small Oh Oh wrong way um yep that that this happen sometimes that's a lot better and let's go in here okay so for this level I'm thinking we make a base inside a base inside a base where first we need a base so let me get some help on that in 3 2 1 and we have it it's a big old house inside one block and if we get to the front I'll show you guys what's supposed to be here soon but if you look up on the wall there's these weird portal guys there's a green one there's a pink one and another pink one and really no easy way to getting out and that's the challenge for this part of the base figure out how to move forward where they're supposed to put the portal things right here none of these work though the one that's going to work is this blue one right here where when they grab it if they go straight right here and place it down here it actually lights us a portal which when they go in it takes them all the way to the hidden room which has the pressure plate for the next part of this level and without further Ado now let me show you guys what's in the next part let's go on this and then they get sent to this giant empty room well what that one chcken right there and as you can see there's a chest and a sign that says the x marks a spot inside the chest we have a special item the white hook shot I'll show you guys how it works soon but all that matters is first we need to get the right painting oh wow that was actually first try but pretty much I'm going to get a builder to get a replica of this where their goal is to get into one of the eyes where x marks a spot all right let's get that in there it is oh this is sick oh wait but that's not an X that's where they're supposed to go hold up let me change the hint the answer is in the eye yeah that should be good enough but anyways they're supposed to get this white hook shot and with this thing they need to try to make it all the way up without dying oh gosh oh gosh there we go oh we made it yeah this is harder in my head but you know what it might work anyways once we get to the pressure plate yet again let's get to the next part of the level on this and we made it where all of this have already gone ahead and set up where this is going to be a crafting puzzle as you can see there's a chest for obsidian a chest for diamonds and bookshelves you probably already know that answer but with the crafting table right there all they have to do is craft an enchanting table that being said as time passes I might spawn in a little bit more of uh these guys right here to the point that it might get a 100 zombies in the room cuz they still got to die but if they do get it right and give the source of Fortune they'll be able to pass through and get to the next level which I've already set up too so let's go on this and as you can see we're now in the bee room hello my bees and inside we have a diamond axe so touch bottles of enchanting and an envil might be wondering why and that's because at the end their goal is to collect the beeest so the real challenge is surviving the bees there are so many bees in here and to make it harder we'll be spawning a bit more cuz why not more and more bees so as soon as you break one all of them are going to be mad and if they do survive that that's going to be the pressure plate to level five and that's where I come in let's press this and so now that completes level zero 1 2 3 and four and all that's left is the lava base level five the big finale this is where it gets crazy but before we go in let me show you guys Comin the theme it not these portals but instead the portal gun and if you don't know how the portal gun works pretty much I'll right click there then left click over there and guess what I can see myself and walk straight through pretty sick anyways that's the theme of level five and there's a big surprise at the end of it now that we're in because we're using the portal gun I'm thinking three different challenges so this will be like the challenge up so give me one sec I'm going to get some help for every challenge here it is where we now have Portal 1 2 and three and let me show you guys what we made for each one where with number one they're going to be getting teleported to this area with of course the portal gun and the puzzle is simple with portals they need to get from this side to this side all the way to this chest to get a lever and with the lever they can go ahead and open this door here for now we'll just go right through and now let's get to number two we're here at number two they're going to be getting a special block a companion cube let me put it back but their goal with the companion cube is to actually get it right here where when you step on this it'll give the power to unlock this area a little more complex than that but you'll see when they actually go through it and then they can leave on to number three where number three is a little bit of a harder one where it's literally a rainbow dropper nice little break Shout out the Builder for this one and then they go down here and down here all the way to the final dropper level and they made it to the end want to speed through this one just so I can save some time but now let's go on here and now that's the stage five complete but now for the surprise at the end I'm the final boss and after completing level five the finale it's not going to send them back outside here but instead I've had a bunch of friends help me up something giant let me show you okay ladies and gentlemen when I put out my camera this is what my friends have been making in the background for my final base 3 2 1 the giant bedroom so we've gone from the smallest Bas possible to the biggest Bas possible where their goal is to Simply make it right there where I've already prepared the final battle guys to complete their mission they're going to be needing to beat me in boat race spliffing parkour race and finally a PVP duel to the de and if they win they don't know this but they'll win for me $11,000 and I also get a lot of weapons to choose from we even got like a void CER but that's only if they get this far so without further Ado let's get tiny and get ready for them to go through level zero here we go well welcome buddy to my tiny base um you're you're a little bit too big for that that really is Tiny I can't even see you down there hold on yeah oh oh oh there we go the right size so here's the deal if you want to defeat me you got to go through every single level of this tiny base you don't know what's inside there though are you ready for the challenge yes and I'm just saying if you do beat it and if you do beat me at the end oh you you might have a little prize I'm not haven't told you that yet but you know what you said if if yes you mean when right all right you know what go go in there have fun okay oh he's in here we go all right well I'm watching from the outside you're right now at level zero where it's the easiest one and honestly all you got to do is find your way to the next level so I'm just looking for a button or a lever or okay I'm taking the food is that okay I don't want to starve in here you you take the food oh that was way too easy I already got that oh oh but you know what that was an easy level anyway so now you get it every level has a way to the next level when you're ready for the next level right click the lever hey clicked oh oh oh okay welcome to level two buddy wait what is the idea here so what you're doing here is it's an invisible parkour what they is coming at you at all times and remember if you die you don't have more than one life this is it at all times at all times actually don't know what armor you brought with you is that protection 4 or are we talking like you know just blast protection oh this is just protection one but I figured that's all I would need for this got it it looks so goofy watching you from out here and it's my skin but you know what do your thing buddy this is way too easy n you got to parkour oh oh too too easy huh too easy parkour Master for this hold on one more try where we going where are we going right here right here right here okay okay he's going crazy okay I'm going to speedrun this now and I'm just saying maybe where you're going is the wrong way oh no well either way you're not going the right way anymore I should have made these Arrow fire a little bit more often but it's kind of working it's definitely working cuz I already forgot the path okay this is it oh oh okay okay is this going to be it though you've been here for a good bit oh that's I'm sick of this this is supposed to be the easy level this is the easy level buddy Mr King Tong if you don't do this in the next 60 seconds I'm changing all the arrows to harming arrows go 60 seconds go go go go okay 60 seconds there must only be like 30 seconds left now this is it my final chance where do I go oh is he going to do it is he going to do it right there right there almost there wait where do I go now oh oh come on buddy come on hit him yes no welcome to part two of level one where now you're going to be having to go through this entire Maze and uh make your way out have fun it is so dark in here H yeah okay I see lava the floor is lava too do I need to be avoid oh God my zombies everything in this area is against you oh not fighting the zombies is bald buddy just went for the save stay crouched he's staying Crouch okay they crouched what is this oh I knew it I knew it zomes go okay that's honestly pretty smart just sking that was quick I expected that one okay oh dead end am I going the wrong way there is a one route you haven't gone oh through this wall here no no not sure about that one that's not the one oh literally straight back onto the zombies wait hold on I have a sword come on zombies oh oh you are getting quartered right now I need a golden apple oh wait wait wait are we really going to end it this early come on zombies thing this was not even the harder guys get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out I me some XP at least okay now I have a chance I came down here and then up here oh okay I've not been here before do I go right or do I go straight straight and another hole wait what was that is that questions there are questions oh he's going to take out the zombies let's see all right I respect the XP getting no worries I mean I might need it for later you never know okay so now you have a question are you subscribed to exoro all I'm saying is there is a hint on what the right answer is and you didn't know of course I'm subscribed hey let's go continue on brother I won't tell you what would have happened if you had no but you know just keep going he I forgot which way that I came from oh you just got to figure it out man this way oh oh oh gold nice you made it you're now at level two oh I made it welcome okay what this is is a boss choosing area where you can now choose your route do you want the water route or the fire route water being water boss obviously fire being Fire Boss or you can skip the bosses and have fun that feels like bait but I'm up for the challenge skip bosses and have fun oh welcome to the skip boss area this is honestly the worst decision you could have made really it's up to you to decide how to get out of here there's only one way really and uh if you survive it you know good job is this a dropper here I go oh oh and did we make it was that it well you actually got out of that one very well good job to that but now you actually got to make your decision unless you want to do that same dropper again do you want the water boss or the Fire Boss Fire Boss I just did a lava maze I'm going water boss oh water boss here we go go turn around and here he is oh okay okay okay okay get him buddy oh Buddy's running for his life oh no no no no no and here's the thing if you don't beat him soon I'm spawning in three more so you got to take care of this quick three more come on come on come on come on get me out of here get in the water get in the water nice beating water with water that is smart okay I have a potion of strength here we go this is it how long do I have to kill it I'm going to say you have 30 seconds have fun 30 seconds oh oh he is going crazy with it use the bow use the bow use the bow use the bow got him trapped in the water oh and you did it oh by the way you also got to fight the Fire Boss have fun no I didn't have a choice if you look straight ahead he's waiting for you right there he's a familiar boss but with a couple changes oh okay I see same rule for this one by the way if you take your time for too long new one will be spawning just saying I don't think I really have a choice oh here it goes oh no oh no Nessa this is so loud this is not cool let me get at least one sword hit please but I can't get the Wither close to me I'm just saying this is only medium difficulty right now oh wait you have good spot are you going going to beat fire with fire this is actually pretty high IQ fire arrows oh nice there we go oh he got him stuck he's crazy this is it you're waiting this out it looks like um am I going to have to spawn in a couple more oh he's going for the baele no no no absolutely not I don't think I can even handle one please do not spawn more who knows oh this is the spot this is the spot oh gosh yeah know you actually have him in a great spot he's cheesing it no oh man okay we're in Sword only mode now phas oh yep you got this you got this in cheese mode and that's stage two and now on to level three where your goal is to not touch the ground and make it to the pressure plate up there yep yep that's why you don't want to touch the ground don't touch the ground oh so these are Vans where you can go on top of each one and make your way to the top platform no oh that was too close the top platform so that's where I got to go okay oh he's going for it oh I I love parkour Nessa this is my forte this was supposed to be harder than the last one yeah yo we'll see it'll happen very soon okay that was way too easy oh and now you've made it to the next part here's the thing there's a key in every chest and multiple doors all you got to do is find the right door key in every chest oh okay I'm just going to take every single key I think that's the strategy here okay okay this is way too many keys I just got to start trying doors oh all right first door first door that easy oh oh okay that's not that easy yeah what's in the chest though oh he's going for it poisonous potato yep that wasn't very worth it was it how much name to that dude half AA my spikes are pretty lame no are you ready for the next door though uh once I have this last key oh wait this last key this last key and these last keys and this one now I'm ready for the next door got it all right go ahead hey what's in this one what oh oh that's good this is a special weapon just for you the grave Bane might need that later just saying okay next door potion of poison great drink you might want to take it especially if you don't want the prize but no I'm not going to drink that one oh okay on buddy get him okay okay surprise all right well done well done and now there's two doors will you take the left or the right I've been going in order so far so I'll take the left one okay there's a cake you go for the cake bold move to go for the cake I'm going to eat the cake thanks for the cake all right you know what yeah I didn't really think about that but I guess it was a helpful one all right well done now there's only one room left to go to and that's with the iron door here we go I'm through oh okay and here he goes oh no go defeat the skeletons get them my minions oh this is easy this is easy I should have given them more Health oh no oh no um oh Nesta come on that's a little embarrassing um uh last two skeletons get them come on what are you guys doing there go one and oh that is embarrassing thank you for the extra arrows I was almost out of arrows so well now on to the next pressure plate sadly you may have just defeated the hard stage but now can you defeat level four where your goal is to find the real base as in this is a house the real base yep I'm not saying anything else but all I'm saying is this might be a hard puzzle for you okay I can get outside of the house but I can't get outside of this mini world yeah and you might even have a neighbor wait what are you doing in there hey how's it going what are you doing uh nothing you're just watching right yeah of course maybe who knows I can take this and that is the portal Catalyst okay oh green one as well nice okay a red one a pink one am I supposed to be able to get upstairs I don't know if you will do you want to give up you can give up it isn't exactly a death I'm not giving up Neer I never give up I'm going into the basement going into the basement okay I cannot go into the basement oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I get it I get it are you going to try to go in there I'm going to take the grave Bane with me okay no way he can't hear me but he figured it out for a try here we go into the blue what is this oh did I get it oh you got it what first try literally first try are you serious there's no way I have three more portals I'm pretty that yeah you did that the other ones were traps you can keep going but you're not done with this level though this is the hard one okay well welcome to the next part where you can see a painting and a giant painting where your goal here is to find the answer out that's all I'm saying oh and also there's a chicken right there to join you oh maybe that chicken egg is part of the answer oh oh all right yeah you know I'm going to take it some quick brainstorming I see okay let's see what's in this chest white hook sh there is a hint the answer is in the eye in the eye this orange and red line could be be you do have the hook shot no way can I reach up there nope nope no no you might have to get your uh Spider-Man on oh he's doing it he's doing it go to the eye oh oh oh you may have overshot it oh oh oh please die fall damage please die of fall damage oh I see it oh and he's in am I in congratulations that's only part one of that challenge done go on to the next now in this room no hints just signs have fun just signs books oh books diamonds obsidian oh I knew it I knew I need needed that XP for later oh oh yep yep I think buddy's got it here we go enchantment table but now I craft anything all I can make is the enchant table what if you try right clicking the door with it for a fortune required wow oh there you go like that yeah I mean you're not done though oh oh no no no no no Angry bees a lot of bees have fun I'm allergic to bees Nester oh yeah no uh you might actually die in this one there are so many bees oh there are so many hook shot get me out of here with a hook shot he is getting destroyed right now oh my goodness really what I'm going for right now is that armor to break if anything do I need to climb I'm climbing I'm climbing if you do want to hint on what to do there is a sign on the door I don't think I can get to the door oh gosh buddy is at the very top let me get to the door can I read that from here collect the be nests collect the be Nest oh that might make them even more Angry okay we get down here safely like the be Nest I oh I can just break them okay okay ow that might cause some more problems you better be quick hey come on heal heal heal heal oh he missed one completely oh gosh wait wait wait one more one more one more okay I think there's only one more left right here right here right here all right come over here you're free to go you broke all the nests go go go okay oh well that's stage four complete now it's time for level five the final most difficult one where if you look around you there's a one there's a two and a three I'm not going to give a hint on what you're going to do here but all I'll say is you have the opportunity to give up whenever you want go on to number one and do your thing yeah I feel like you've been way too easy on me this is not going to be fun is it uh well you you'll see it might be fun for you actually all right welcome buddy what you have in your hand now is a portal gun I assume you're pretty familiar with it but your goal now is to get through all these obstacles and keep moving forward with that guy have fun I do like portal if I go there and here okay then we can get to this oh he's doing it okay if I put the right one up there now we're through to here oh I see myself you beat the tutorial round at least can you keep going forward though can I place the lever there and here we go okay you may have completed level one but now can you do number two or this one it's a little bit more difficult here I go okay oh so welcome to the cube puzzle or you have the portal gun again and if you look right beside it there's a little Cube that you're going to have to put in a place to make you progress forward I will tell you though you see that blue thing on the ground yeah try jumping on that thing on this yeah there you go it's a bounce pad oh okay so now you got to figure out what to do fully oh okay putting it down I'll put that down there that's so there's a lot going on here yeah yeah I know okay bucket oh okay good thinking take the lava okay this has to be to do with this what if I put this here okay it's in and then if I put the lava on it and burn it now it's in there oh now I got the lever wait that actually worked cool okay wait this is it this is it now where I need to uh gold block gold block up here lever gold block no not quite lever on here Bridge oh and there you go and across yep you did that very well very nice I I am impressed now go onto the de pressure plate and you have one more challenge after this here I go okay that was level two done but now the final one can you do a level three all right level three oh it's a droper with what is this pretty much it's up to you where you want to drop I just got to get down here carefully so you see that portal down there that's where you want to hit oh oh oh he went straightforward oh did you break your legs doing that or are you good I didn't break my leg oh oh okay oh okay okay now onto this area you can either choose that portal that portal or that portal there's three portals all around maybe four and pretty much just find the way out brown brown blue he blue is like the water at the bottom of a normal dropper I think you have an oversight here by the way if I have the portal gun I take no fall damage watch oh oh um you want this back or you want me to win um yeah can you throw that on the ground real quick uh yeah I kind kind of forgot about that yep well we won't talk about it thank you thank you anyways which way you're going to go we're going to go this way oh okay okay have fun with that go oh and congratulations you made it to the next area but can you figure out this one oh I can figure out this one check it out you ready oh oh oh oh he's going for it oh just like that classic dropper you got in the water but do you know where the next area is um could be de let me check this pressure plate real quick yep that'll do it welcome will all right so this is the final stage look around you into the giant bedroom this is no longer a tiny base or you might be the tiny one now how you feeling yeah I'm feeling a little bit small down here Neer yep yep yep yep yep well anyways your goal right now is getting pretty simple make it to the top of the bed and there's some challenges waiting for you there that you're going to be going 1 V one against me so see you there I've got to get up onto the bed oh I see it I see it already one two there we go where are you at Nesta oh I see you over there oh you're down there welcome so I need you to shrink down yet again and our goal now is to go against each other this is the final part of the challenge as you can see there's one two three and four things you got to beat me in and if you do beat me in all of them or a majority of them you get to win the prize and I'm going to tell you now how much it is the prize is you win $1,000 if you do beat me on that $1,000 if I this the easiest ,000 I'll ever make okay buddy get inside and let's do this here I go all we got to do is come right here and as soon as we start uh and we get to the next side we go into the portal and start the next race are you you ready yeah in 3 2 1 go here we go oh oh oh oh wait wait wait did I just get beat there oh no wait we actually have the real boat race right here completely forgot about that anyways though what do you mean the real boat race this is the real race wait you know where to go we're going to be making one Loop if you can beat me you win that's it are you ready yeah 3 2 1 go here we go oh oh oh oh gosh okay okay let's real quick make our way through inside line oh wait no no no no that's sure I'm tearing ahe what are you doing back there oh gosh all right don't worry I can catch up it's all good oh no he's actually winning the first one come on come on come on come on come on oh you're so far behind oh no yep he's going to cross finish L it's impossible now no just like that oh my all right that's challenge one done come back to the portal and let's do Challenge number two okay time for Challenge number two are you ready for some sple classic in three 2 1 the one that gets to the bottom loses oh my gosh I'm already losing nope no NOP got to be aggressive okay yeah that is one for you too oh gosh oh this is I did not realize I made it kind of like this that's two wait I can't go anywhere that's oh come on oh no I you have the hand right now I keep losing come on no no that's it let's go you're actually going to be able to do this all right let's go to the next one okay round number three if you win this one you win a majority and you win everything if you lose though we got to get to the final round are you ready first one up wins you know what I'm going to give you a head stop I really like P you know what I'm I'm taking it don't worry fell wait Slow Down slow slow down oh oh gosh okay I should have practiced when I made it yes yes yes yes no okay we we're doing good we're doing good we're doing good making moves let's go well I am so sorry but I think uh this is a done deal no yes all right that is round number three for me and it looks like we have to do one final thing where if you do lose this one it's a tie that's no money are you ready sir cuz I am no longer going to be in creative mode wait you were in creative mode uh maybe anyways we are going to be going and entering the Coliseum before we go inside though I need you to do a thing and real quick give me every single item in your inventory every single item every single item even my armor everything what now let's go ahead and enter number three all right sir so the final competitor is me where if you look in the chest you can pick your side do you want the nightmare or the heart stealer you can pick whichever you want uh I'll take the heart stealer oh the one with more damage okay all right well go ahead and pick your armor set too do you want the Gilded or the heroes helmet uh I'm going to take Heroes I'm feeling like a hero today all right well you pretty much got the better one though I do think I have a better effect well let me put on my armor real quick and you know what I'm going to preg gaple this one are you ready sir no I'm going to pregap as well all right here we go oh gosh oh gosh okay okay you know what let me real quick see what this does oh no no no oh Nessa Nessa you can't let me do this Buddy's going aggro get B oh oh oh that's I'm trying hard I'm trying hard I'm trying hard wait no I have no food no food I have no food either this is an even battle come on come on no no no no oh no no no oh just like that oh my goodness well congratulations you beat the tiny base and you now get $1,000 that was the easiest $1,000 in my life all right hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,173,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can, minecraft base, i built a base, minecraft but can you raid my base, i built the most secure minecraft base, minecraft small base, i built minecraft's smallest base, minecraft tiny base, tiniest, small
Id: w14gHWxvCmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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