I Built the World’s Largest Sugarcane Farm in Minecraft!

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this is Aitkin wood my 7 000 day hardcore World in all of that time I've done some pretty insane things and recently I decided that I would travel to the world border over 30 million blocks away that is going to require a bunch of items most importantly paper gunpowder elytres and iron So today we're going to try to get the first of those items the paper I'm going to attempt to set a world record for the largest ever sugarcane farm that can produce over 54 000 sugarcane per hour [Applause] [Music] well first off we need a design for the farm there are several types of sugarcane Farms some use flying machines While others use pistons flying machine Farms might seem like the better option because they can be expanded infinitely but when you unload the chunks they can break and then you need to fix them plus the storage would require hundreds of Hopper mine cards and that would just be a nightmare because of those reasons I decided to build a piston-based farm because these will never break and they work very well after searching the internet for a little while I found a really compact design by Tango Tech it's cheap to build looks really cool and most importantly it's expandable here is one module and here is 1 000 modules this Farm here has 16 000 pieces of sugar cane growing and makes about 54 000 sugarcane per hour now all we need to do is collect the items and build it except there are over 127 000 blocks to collect let's begin with the storage [Music] the eye storage six tileable shulker box loading modules the latest technology provides the solution to the problems you didn't have with the nearly infinite capacity and lava based overflow protection the eye storage is the perfectly efficient device reserved only for the elite this storage is not for the faint of heart taking us today by calling 7189 two side effects of calling this number may include sweating increased blood pressure mood changes anxiety feeling nervous or irritable trouble sleeping headache dizziness after collecting the items for the basic storage we came to our first real problem the 23 000 concrete I needed all right and here we are oh oh wait a minute we have a little I checked around my world and was able to find a few shulker boxes full of concrete looks like we gotta go to the end to get some concrete powder if you didn't know I have a concrete duper in the end that makes collecting the powder really easy and after getting all 23 000 powder I took a trip to my concrete converter now that the largest item was taked off of our list it was time for the next two items at first 17 850 Redstone might seem impossible to collect but when you remember that I have a raid farm that produces thousands of redstone an hour collecting that much shouldn't be an issue while we're here let's talk about raid no no no not this one but raid Shadow Legends I am currently not sponsored by them but you see for my whole life I have really wanted to get a sponsorship just for the memes the issue is they said that I can't get the sponsorship until we reach 500 000 subscribers so it would mean so much if you went down below and clicked the subscribe to help us out now that we got the Redstone let's work on the grass Phantoms and we're gonna see how much we get in total mining all of the grass took about one and a half hours cool now time for the next item the glass I need two separate types of glass 9900 glass panes and 5443 glass blocks how much does that mean in total yes I quickly went around and collected all of the glass I already had [Music] after realizing I didn't have enough I gathered some sand and took a trip to my ocean base where I have an insane super smelter now that we got all the glass we gotta go to the end Dimension again to go to our wither Rose farm great this can be crafted in to die and then we gotta turn all of this glass into black stained glass after collecting items for literally hours I knew I was almost there first of all I need some ice I remembered that once in a stream I had found a frozen ocean where I had mined a ton of ice but for the life of me I could not remember where that ocean was so I vigorously re-watched the Stream and then found the location well now if you remember from earlier there were two more massive items that I needed to collect that were seriously difficult the first was 18 000 sugarcane which like what the heck I need a farm to get the sugar cane to make this Farm putting that aside the absolute worst item I needed was 17 600 Pistons at first glance you might not realize why that is so bad well look at the recipe for crafting a single piston Three Wood one Redstone one iron and four Cobble multiply each of those by seventeen thousand six hundred and you get 52 800 wooden planks seventeen thousand six hundred Redstone seventeen thousand six hundred iron and seventy thousand four hundred Cobblestone well World Records aren't supposed to be easy I took a trip to my iron farm to see how much iron I had please say we have extra iron while I was there I also saw that I had a lot of wood stored up that checked off the wood required but I noticed I still didn't have enough iron I checked my old iron farm and saw that there was a bit more then I traveled to the nuclear base and I found some more iron and that might just be enough moving on to the 70 000 Cobblestone needed I made this Farm a long time ago good thing because I seem to use it in every single video this Farm produces 120 000 Cobble per hour which means it only needs to run for a few minutes to get enough after over 10 hours of collecting items I knew I was almost there it was just time to craft the Pistons [Music] and then we had all of the items except I didn't tell you there was one final item I left out 1.3 million honey blocks just just kidding I only need 266. getting that many honey blocks is still pretty challenging because it requires 1064 honey bottles I know just what we need a honey farm [Music] I went over to the nuclear megabase where I previously moved some bees after getting everything ready I spent a few days breeding bees and crafting new hives until I had exactly 64 beehives full of three bees each jeez that is a lot of beehives from there I found a bee farm on the internet and quickly built it all angry with me no oh oh oh dear that could have been a lot worse okay well anyways it's time to collect a bunch of Honey blocks now I was ready I had spent around 15 hours collecting a hundred and twenty seven thousand items now it was time to build the farm I found a nice area of land in the middle of the desert and then quickly terraformed it into the correct shape that is the storage completed now we gotta build a massive glass wall [Music] now it's time to move on to the first layer that took just a couple of seconds for you but a few hours for me I can't believe we have to build this nine more times actually wow look at how much this is making already as I build more and more layers I got better at building each of them and the time went down [Music] I was able to build the fifth layer in an hour and 45 minutes while building this Farm I questioned my life decisions we can just say that I had a mini midlife crisis as I got to the final few layers I decided to live stream the process [Music] after over 15 hours of building I was down to the final layer final few blocks and then we don't need to go that high here it is and I'm dying no oh man I was too tired to be excited it was official I had set the new world record for the largest ever sugarcane farm the place produces 54 000 sugarcane per hour and then it all goes down into this amazing wall of Honey which makes it incredibly satisfying after that it's collected and then put into shulker boxes [Music] what did this all cost about 35 hours of my life some of my sanity and one Apple commercial hey did you enjoy the video If so it would mean so much if you clicked the Subscribe below to help us reach our goal of 500 000 subscribers anyways I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Wunba
Views: 1,092,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, creative, wunba, diamond, diamonds, 7000, days, challenge, world, record, pyramid, beacon, blocks, dungeons, golden, apples, enchanted, god, sb737, mining, 10000, ores, 100000, 1000, 100, pickaxe, machine, eater, mega, build, builds, farm, farms, music, guiness, smp, modded, mod, mods, minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft but, minecraft survival, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, 7000 days, sugar, cane, sugarcane, fire, works, fireworks, border, world border
Id: gcnrSX0D5NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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