How I Found Minecraft's Rarest Mobs

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today's mission is to find only the rarest Minecraft Mobs some of these mobs have never been seen to this day even abilities that can destroy the game but why am I on this rare hunt you may ask it all started here woo let's go what is that this is my pet just a normal Panda and it's red bro it's a red panda so as you could see this is rub Brom rub all right well he's hey can he do what can he do if you tickle his belly he loves belly rub a he does a Sumer what y wait no way wait where is he going yo watch out watch out oh my God yo no no oh my what just happened you guys are insane Feast Your Eyes Upon Beauty and Grace a pink sheep really wait it's a queen it's a pig her name is it actually no it's not a pig it's a pig it's a pig looks like a pi to me what does it do what does it do her name is Midas and you'll see why shut up no it just converted the crafting table yo it's destroying the arena oh kill it kill it it's grief in the arena it's grief in the arena usch now you guys are reming her what robot air bro you got you got red eyes as pets hold on hold on guys hold on yeah it's just my pet spider spider thatou what it's translucent wait what theck it has a strobelight mode okay wait that's actually kind of Si yeah party party yeah this is my ninja spider and uh he helps me on my missions uh that I go on my ninja missions what do you do on these ninja missions bro bye guys yeah what I've never seen this man go on a mission in where is bro going oh God this is going to be trash now why is he laughing of course we have to save the best for lost I'm next what are you talking you're probably wondering what you're not even last bro yeah what the where's your pet bro just go you're probably wondering where my pet is well matter of fact he's in my hand block I can place him down this is it's alive oh it move stay back get back the only person you won't attack is me what the what you mean oh my God what are you doing is this SpongeBob attack Bionic you just got robbed I didn't mean that I didn't know dude dang now it's my turn Proto you ready to wow them cuz you are the rarest pet of them all and the best one yo what's going on back there and now for the best and rarest pet of them all Proto the dog yeah Sit Boy what yo why are you guys all laughing you think that's red we seen him like a thousand times the servering me bro come on like I mean's sick and all but like bro this is a rare mob competition bro didn't get the memo no no no no no you guys are trying to roast you're just mad that Proto's the best no no no no no I won't take this get him Proto get him honestly Danny Proto's just not rare enough what yeah he smells as well Danny and you're banished until you can find an ultra rare pet just like ours just like yours find some stupid rare mob just like yours all right fine I'm going to take my Proto and I'll find a rare pet and I'll come back and I'll show you the rarest of them all you B no that's it I'm going to get my revenge I swear I hate the mainland anyways just kidding my home is back there now that I've been banished from the S SMP I plan to use gamebreaking methods and illegal tricks to obtain the most rare one of one Unthinkable angry particles starting with baby zombie villager chicken jockey with enchanted diamond armor and an enchanted iron sword in left hand that was a mouthful and not only is it a mouthful it's literally. whatever the balls it says on the screen and so gamers are probably wondering bonic how are you going to do this don't worry okay one thing we got to make sure to do is not get caught by my friends I don't know where they went now that I'm banished though I'm not allowed at my house but no we got to sneak through ninja mode ninjab bnk ninjab bunk ow I just Stu my toe okay hold on why does my house look like that what the dude okay I don't think I was seen by anyone on the server go go go go go make it over here Pearl Pearl what is wrong with my house oh my gosh that was a perfect Pro proo Proto's already in Banished house no entry oh come on guys seriously I can't even say anything in chat cuz these nerds are literally going to probably hunt me down and potentially even kill Proto so Proto Proto oh my gosh where he oh he's just taking a bath bro wait my stuff is it gone oh thank goodness okay they haven't stolen my stuff they just bent did I just hear a door open oh no okay I did who's here oh my gosh who's here I don't see anything dude you can see the black and yellow tape around my house too I'm literally not supposed to be here okay okay someone's around here I'm going to yink my P Chopper what we need to do is just grab ourselves a silk touch there we go I need a silk touch because for our illegal trick to get the rarest mob in the game or at least the rarest so far we're going to need to get a spawner and yoink there you go okay okay I don't see anybody I don't see anybody come on come on call on okay grab grab grab grab grab go go go go go break out break out we out we out Proto we out go go go go go go go we're escaping the motherland Proto oh finally we made it to land okay this is going to be crazy cuz I am literally about to get the rarest mob in the game at least the rarest documented mob in the game with just this bro I am so broke but there's a cave right here what we need to do is find ourselves a spawner and this cave is so massive and juicy I don't know what that means don't ask any questions mangang mob spawner please please please let's go okay we found one okay please be a zombie please be a zombie no with that spider okay that's fine I'm going to go and mine it 3 2 1 with our silk touch yes okay we got it as you can see monster spawner interact with spawn egg sets mob type now unfortunately for us we're in survival mode I can't get M bags but if we grab ourselves some copper and some coal y let's grab some of our coal back make some sticks and a torch my goal is to make an illegal item called a Charged torch and yes let's go dude please tell me it's thundering if it's just raining we're lowkey a little screwed it looks like it's a thunderstorm right what the bro no no oh dude are you guys to be kidding me it's okay Proto has a ton of Health he'll be fine but perfect it is a lightning storm I know exactly what I'm doing okay we all know lightning strikes at the highest point so now that we're here I'm going to go a little bit lower so I don't get my butt smitten off no Proto what are you doing up here oh my gosh this guy is a literal psychopath not only is he super rare cuz yeah he's literally one of one I don't know what those guys were saying my friends are just literally haters he's also a brave dog and a dumb one this illegal method should supercharge the torch it's the other way around there you go okay yeah as long as we see yeah the particles perfect okay now we just wait for lightning strike oaba OA OAA oh oh my goodness yo yo yo yo it worked it worked it worked oh my gosh break this break this break this before we supercharge it too much there we go yoink dude we got the charge torch I did not expect it to look this epic now you're probably wondering what does this have to do did I just seriously drop it no way oh no I did get it I was about to say bro so yeah you guys are probably confused bionic now that you got the charge torch how does that do anything well I will show you Proto Proto Proto get back here with this charge torch no protto I need the zombie please sit sit no Daddy can handle this one all right if we go ahead and maybe just literally make a path up just like this that the zombie can follow perfect perfect perfect and then maybe break that block okay oh my goodness creeper you I don't need you right now directly under place the torch right there okay come on come on come on come on yes follow me you dumb zombie bot come here booger boy like this go like this go like this and 3 2 1 what yes yes yes yes and break this oh my gosh he missed come on come on break this break this break this hold on a second what if I just ender pearl boom smack him did that work oh my gosh it worked come on I'm trying to combo him yes we comboed three zombies I do you got thr charge torch you've served me well so far and so now we can place down the spawner and literally just like a spawn egg change the spawner type but this is only the beginning because now that we have a zombie spawner it should literally just now spawn zombies like that in order to get the rarest mob in the game the 0 or whatever the butt crack we can increase our chances every single time by upgrading our spawner making it rarer and rarer the goal would ultimately to get a jockey spawner so let's make ourselves the ultimate grinder and now to make it an official 200 IQ spawner check this out we have this door right here cuz the water is kind of messed up let's break the torches get these guys spawning and then oh my gosh wait no no oh okay I already messed up I was supposed to place a torch boom okay there you go come on come on oh my gosh oh my gosh it already worked okay we got this really crazy zombie so yeah even though this spawner doesn't literally look that crazy it uh it works pretty pretty well and B our ultimate goal is to get a jockey to spawn and literally bro we just increase our chances there you go it now should spawn straight baby zombies come on come on we only need one jockey and this is going to be insane this mob grinder is not that good but it's going to be enough come on come on yes just fall just fall no come dude it's teasing me it's teasing me go down there you idiot ow oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no yes yes yes please tell me it worked please tell me it worked oh my gosh you stupid baby that's it you're dead I don't condone killing babies unless it's a joy let's go dude okay okay this is crazy this is crazy if I right click it oh my it worked it literally worked it spawns it literally spawns only jockeys now oh dude this is going to be so overpowered oh my goodness dude how lucky are we yo even closer ow okay you know what bro there is no way we got this guy right now using this tactic we made the rarest mob in the game at 0 bajillion zeros now arguably I don't even know like 1 out of 100 and after 20 minutes of a king the spawner this happened wait oh my God yo no no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes drive a lead Drive oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my don't die don't you dare die on me you little freaking rat I've been waiting oh my gosh oh my gosh this is actually crazy this is actually baby zombie villager Dru oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness and there's so many left dude we have so many there left if this actually works we just created the rarest Spawner in the game is it just me or is it also like glitching like every few seconds this thing is like literally tweaking wait what wait why is it already leaded to me did we just bug out the spawner that one just summoned I am so confused right now hold on we got to put all our freaking rare mobs in here because there's something very special about the jockeys and their item data that I'm going to show you guys in a second they spawn with the lead because of the nvt data I think like when it dies dude I don't even know what's going on right now someone please explain it down in the comments but like this is actually crazy I just torched up the spawner because uh um I did a thing dude you got to be kidding me right now this is crazy and I'm about to like literally blow your brains even more check this out let's fill our inventory with the rarest mob in Minecraft so far keyword on so far just watch till the end of this video guys it's only going to get crazier because these items store their data and by items I mean mobs that are items down to even their Shadows if you look at it also can be stackable because they're jockies bro so not only are we literally about to make the most insane item we can keep on stacking this rare mob to increase its Rarity I just messed it up boom Oh my goodness there is no way I'm actually doing this right now I don't even know what I'm doing Gamers but it kicked everyone it kicked everyone oh my goodness um um um um um oh my gosh oh my gosh it worked what what's the limit what's actually the limit ladies and gentlemen oh what am I holding right now dude I I this is actually crazy I've never seen anything like this the only reason why we can't keep sacking them is because literally like there's just too much memory I'm kind of terrified Gamers I want to try out like the smaller one just to see if it's going to you know actually work or or maybe should we just risk it dude I feel like I should just risk it you know what I'm not even going to test it bro the first rare mob victim skidy oh my god did I just see him did I just see him yo yo yo yo okay go go go go go ninjab Bonk mode ninjab Bonk mode get out the boat Proto yeah okay I don't know if he can see my username okay yeah I literally see his username I think he's like twerking I don't know what that guy's up to Proto where'd he go oh my gosh he's actually ninja no don't get back into the water you do you like belly rubs my ultra rare mob likes belly RS good boy good boy okay we literally have the Stacked item I hope he didn't just see that oh my goodness okay go go go go go go hello skid rubs I know you're such a good ultra rare mob I know wait room room did you hear something it's sounded like a common peasant outside my house W what are you doing on the on the motherland huh you're banished pal no no no no no no no I came here come outside just meet me outside bro you're right I am banned or banished or whatever you want to call it yeah what are you doing here here huh it's cuz I came with a present just for you the rarest mob document was that the present don't worry don't worry Proto you don't have to take care of him because this guy will take care of him what the boom what is that this is the most ultra rare mob known to man player oh my it's a shush KOB it's a shush Kabob mob and now what did you do oh my God yeah get him get him illegal mob oh my God I'm going to die it's going to kill me dude it get this is what you get it's an army bro infinite Army you think you're safe you think you're safe get him get him he left let's go one gone another three victims left and the rare mob Hey Little Panda you think you're so rare huh one of one well what if I permanently eliminate you yeah there you go I a I kind of miss him already all right whatever speaking of rare one of one mob the next one is the giant pig this is about to blow your socks off Gamers and we got to make sure we are not seeing Oh my gosh dude go go go go go I don't know how the other guys did not even see chat I should also probably mute up again like an idiot I'm like just yelling on the server on this crafting table right here I think if we just hide Park Proto right here sit there you go good boy if we search up command block oh my goodness yes this is exactly what we're going to need in order to get the giant pig so this is a nerfed command block it's going to take some iron and a nether star and some Redstone now the command tag though is going to need these Nerf command blocks a name tag and a piece of string so we first got to craft the Nerf command block we're going to have to sneak in back into my house what the that's Izzy that's Izzy bro's looking through my chest bro is literally stealing my stuff no I need my iron I really need my iron okay okay okay okay PTO sit right here okay I got this let's throw an ender pearl directly vertically there you go make as little sounds as possible please don't move he has not moved I think we're good I think we're good I think we're good oh I made no I made more noise oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay okay yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay okay go go go go go I got to craft I got to craft quick craft quick like a ninja there you go and five nether Stars okay there you go I made an extra one it doesn't matter escape from the roof oh my gosh oh my gosh look at that little bot we escaped run okay I think we're good here let's park Proto right here here you go buddy you're doing really good I think this is a safe spot on the server only because skidy is offline Elbo kipley is still here I don't see her name or anything but she probably is at her house it's only a matter of time before skidy tells him what I'm up to so we just need to find a Mr Pig hello Mr technoblade don't worry I'm not here to hurt you let's put the command blocks like this the name tag in the middle to make an illegal command tag dude this is crazy it's basically like a command block it even moves like one it's shiny and if I right click it yo it actually works because unlike the command blocks as you guys know in survival mode they they don't work and this one's a nerfed one so I don't even think it would do any I can break it what the sus in order to make the giant pig we need a giant mob while I could summon it using the console command I think this tag only has one use we have to use this command on the giant which will transform the Giants AI into turning it into a pig now the problem is we need a giant and I know exactly how to get one yes oh my gosh I got the pig so now that we got the pig we need one more mob to make this work and we need to use the command tag and the mob is a giant and so once we get our hands on this giant mob we'll be able to use the command tag and use SL SL set the specific giant mob right here Bob DNA Minecraft pig and then we're going to make the Giant and the pig make babies in order to obtain the giant which is something you guys are probably wondering is we'll need to use the most illegal the most crazy the most chaotic method that not even developers not even Minecraft Engineers to this day have been able to figure out please please please please please please please please please please please please fine relax you crying baby man thank you but he despawns in 90 seconds so uh what do what you want with him okay good luck oh thank you Daddy I mean bro sorry wait what what did you call me let's go baby we got him oh my gosh wait Donnie said he despawns in 90 seconds though so now that we have the giant he has no AI if we do any command like slash kill there you go oh my gosh we get it actual like number code or whatever copy that boom command tag let's replace this part right here done oh my gosh command set right click entity to execute so theoretically we should be able to turn this thing into a pig what the wo oh my goodness dude no no shot no shot this thing just got on all fours hey yo hey yo he kind of thick bro dude this is so oh oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh he is actually so terrifying so yeah as you can see bro thinks he's a freaking pig I think you guys know where we're going with this oh my goodness okay I'm going to summon the pig right here give him a carrot Hey Big Boy PUK Kaka face right click him and oh my gosh they're doing it don't look Gamers no dear Lord what have we made how did this guy and this guy even bir that oh my gosh Gamers we did it though we have the rare one of one giant pig that seems to be um does he just eat anything hold on a second wait a second it looks like he's consuming literally anything in its path which is perfect kipley thinks are stupid little pink sheep is so cool right well Gamers what if we show her what our giant pig can do oh my goodness oh my gosh we are literally consuming everything n nom nom nom nom n okay no this is actually crazy this is literally crazy we could just go eat her house and hold on don't pigs normally have an ability when you right click the carrot on a stick like don't they just go faster okay hold on 3 2 1 boom wo wo wo wo wo what's going on Angry particles yo we're going extra fast oh my goodness what the heck this is crazy no way dude okay wait we got to save this we actually got to save this this is the craziest Pig I've ever summoned oh my goodness I almost just fell off no no no no no no no and now to show our next victim kiple oh my God wait what is going on yo I don't think she sees me I don't think she's going to actually see me oh Little Panda can roll he's on one heart damage full red panda no you are better you are better look at you yeah you shine you are golden oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm stuck no she's going to be able to see me hello kly kly oh wa what uh what' you bring over what the why don't you come outside yeah why don't you come outside what is that you made fun of Proto huh well I brought something something better than your dumb gold sheep do not insult my sheep what is this not just any giant pig oh super ultra rare one I'll show you what it can do since you thought Proto was useless yeah minus run run away oh my gosh leave me alone where are you die come here come here kly I'm going to eat you alive do this come on we can talk about this we can talk about this wait it literally just says skipley was killed it doesn't even say by what oh my um good job pigy and now to take care of her stupid mob there's only going to be one rare mob by the end of this video or maybe a few only mine we got to make sure our freaking giant pig just doesn't go out into the world so stay no he just ate his leash off oh my goodness okay whatever we got to clear the scene bro cuz we still got Izzy and liger to troll and now for the next mob one that hasn't even existed in Minecraft since it's the beginning I'm talking about ra right here this mob is literally prehistoric it doesn't even exist and you can't even get access to the first version of Minecraft that it was released on we're on the official Minecraft Wiki right now and honestly there's not even that much information on it if we just keep scrolling down right here aha this is the first time R was introduced in December 19th 2009 Java version inev which if we hover over it yeah it's literally short for in development Minecraft wasn't even released which is why why ra can't even be accessed well unless you're bionic because after researching for hours I found an old copy of the inev version bro it loaded bro we're in I'm in this inep version of Minecraft there's R oh my gosh I'm in survival mode what the heck I have TNT I have bookshelves I have whatever what oh my gosh but more importantly we have access to a world now we have access to R now hypothetically of course I've never done this now that we've actually loaded her and have the files downloaded on my computer could transfer them onto the server creating a new mom but we have to have some sort of method to it and I think I know exactly what we can do okay okay this is it this is it please tell me it worked please tell me it worked okay Proto oh Proto's still here no one said anything no one said anything about the server reload okay that's perfect Gamers all I literally need to do is sneak into Izzy's house is he is he there I don't see his name oh my gosh okay he is he is he is my mic is muted thank you Lord okay probably going to make too much noise sit we got to be so careful he should have a pet frog somewhere no bro please tell me he does yes I knew it okay okay okay this is great he's AFK I have to open the door 3 2 1 kick it open okay we're good we are ninja we are actually a ninja wait speaking of ninja didn't he have some stupid spider around here I don't see it okay it's fine we just have to steal his stupid frog yo there you go got him and yes a name tag okay I'm only going to take one I don't think he is going to notice actually maybe he will I'm just dumping a bunch of trash in there hello Mr Frog we're about to turn you into the rarest mob oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no his his spider oh my go it's like his guard hard pet or something now oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I don't know if we made that much noise though he he didn't move he must not be at his PC let's get out of here we're lowkey out in the open it's fine dude I'm going to put my Anvil down if we get our name tag hopefully if the code Works successfully we should be able to now name it ra and by naming the Frog ra AKA ra equals frog in Spanish it should wait what it didn't work oh my God it's working oh my watch out Proto what the how is this even in Minecraft wo it looks really really glitchy as if it's about to explode uh I am not going to hit her I don't think she has a PP I need to chop so yeah not going to smack her at all that looks like it's about to do something but you know who will hit her or probably hit on her he's not responding in chat though she just oh she follows me without even like having to do anything perfect yeah that's what you call W whz guys I got the best Riz in the game just follow me you little glitch time bomb who somehow doesn't even move I don't think you are ever coded to have movements but you are coded to literally glitch the game just right this way oh my God he's back wait this is perfect this is perfect he doesn't even know I'm outside okay okay hold on I'm going to sneak in there you go close the door hello where is he hey dude hey what's up man why are you in my house I didn't even give you permission to come into my house bro what I'm just here to say hi remember cuz I was banished oh my God yo can you tell your spider to chill bro you didn't realize you're back yeah yeah he's he's chilling bro okay oh he's in defense mode watch out watch out watch out yo chill spider I'm chilling I got my hands up in the air I came back because guess what yeah who's outside who do you bring with you who did I bring with me the ultra rarest mob in the game baby this my God is R do you recogniz her she was from the inev version of Minecraft isn't even supposed to be here that's why she's glitching she actually about yeah I was about to ask is she glitching for you as well or just me I don't know why I I hope it's nothing dangerous yeah wait Rana is doesn't that mean frog that means frog yeah I had to uh I might have had to borrow your your Mr Frog your little green boy that you just got like a Dayo that you really love well he was a he was he was a common frog for her yeah he was a common pet common pet yeah you know just like Proto was right no dude you're an idiot I hate you chill Proto out tto dude I hate this oh no no no what's happening to my game is he what the what just happened he just he just smacked her and then got deleted from The Sur okay okay you know what I'm going to actually just just let her in there she's literally like a nuclear bomb Oh my God she's going to follow me no Proto yeah uh I don't want anything to do with RA bro no work dude yo the only person left is literally lier is he you're watching this I hope I didn't accidentally blow up your PC I hope you're still alive but now that everyone has been taking off the server there's only one guy left and it's liger wait that's not good that's not good okay we got to hurry up he's going to tell liger he's going to tell liger go go go go go go go go go go go go go go for the final mob I want to do something even more powerful than SpongeBob for the final mob we have to make a TNT buddy basically turn this thing alive and so all we need to do is literally just make our famous uh no not iron shovel heart Carver a smaller shovel that somehow stabs Us in the heart and rips out one of our hearts so if we place this guy down and right click him oh my goodness is he just is he just going to follow me around can I can I lead him up did that work wait I think it does work it literally takes my lead follow me little bomb Guy The Invisible freaking lead is working come here oh my gosh Come on wait I he just messaged me lagger is next isn't he no no no no no no go go go go go go go go go we got to blow up liger with his stupid rare wait I'm not even going to stop you w cousin and he just left the game oh my gosh let's go W izy so I have some Gunpowder right here if I right click him oh my gosh he just said sniff yeah there you go if I right click him he says sniff sorry I smell gunpowder nearby I'm allergic you guys are about to see what happens when I right click him with gunpowder yes yes yes follow me wait I thought he was just here is liger not at his house Li girl hello dude this is not good I wanted to show off my well well well hey it isn't the guy who has a common pet ain't that right SpongeBob oh come on dude look at him hey stop what do you want well uh if you look to your right you would see I have a new pet wao wo whoo whoo W get away from my house bro where' you get that yeah what do you mean where I got it don't worry about it yo yo yo chill chill chill don't blow my yo don't yo he's cute he's actually for you look get close let's see if he if he gets yeah if he if he like gets close to you is he going to be friends with my SpongeBob your SpongeBob hates you no he doesn't he loves me are you kidding me stop yeah approach him yeah yeah approach him he's a little shy hey oh he's actually kind of cute oh look at him oh my God you see that wait what did he just say sorry I smell gunpowder nearby I'm allergic sniff what there's no gunpowder here oh I I have some I have [Applause] something he blew us both up oh my god dude wait oh my goodness lager's house is actually destroyed oh my my God why what's the point we did all of this we're friends we don't need R PS we don't need them mine just attacks me he's stupid oh yes let's get rid of them then you're right screw the rare pet slagger we finally started working who cares here's meat let's be friends you're right let's be friends love you bro I love you too man
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,036,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, I Found Minecraft's Rarest Mobs, minecraft's rarest mobs, I Caught Minecraft's Rarest Mobs, minecraft challenge, challenge, family friendly, funny, bionic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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