I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..

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all regular minecraft worlds have an infinite amount of blocks however this one just one i'm going to be attempting my next 100 days challenge on this singular block to be fair i do make an island at some point also this video is close to an hour long so it's kind of considered a movie and since you guys all said that you like this video length i'm hoping for a ton of likes on this video maybe consider subscribing as well since you're down there we're already headed to 200k and i'd love for you guys to be a part of that but other than that sit back relax and enjoy as i take on one block skyblock all right day one i'm on a singular block and i broke it and it did block stuff then it spawned a chest with a couple apples in it and i continued not falling off after breaking the block a few more times i was able to craft some slabs and extend my island not a very tasty looking man spawn but i figured i wouldn't kill him because i'm probably going to need him later i continued slowly breaking the block until it told me that gravel and sand will still fall from there it gave me some water and i had to go underneath the one block to make sure that nothing would fall through after that i was getting back to what was important making a solid foundational home for this piece of bacon tonight as well as seeing what else this block has to offer after a long enough time the tutorial did end and i was finally on to the next stage in 10 seconds i will be moving on to the planes one block which is technically like the same thing as what i was just doing but just now it's labeled planes if you guys have somehow stayed away from the topic of one block on youtube and don't know how this works there are different stages that i progress through as i break this block it's not just me in the planes or in the tutorial realm with this pig the entire time eventually i will progress far enough that i will be able to fight the ender dragon while only on one block okay well no the dimension of the end isn't one block but you get what i mean then i spent the rest of the day mining the block while animals continuously popped out of it as well as finishing up one of the platforms this area right off the start was meant for animals because otherwise i'm not gonna have anywhere to store them so i did an outline with wood and then i did the center with dirt hoping that one day i'm gonna get a grass block to place in here so that that'll spread and maybe eventually i'll get a different wood type that i can use to make this thing look a little bit better but for now oakwood is just gonna have to work before we go more into this video i want to tell you about today's sponsor dragon city dragon city is a free-to-play mobile game that is available on all devices there are thousands of dragons with unique elements and rarities that you can collect train your dragons and teach them new attacks in order to make them more powerful in battle as well as grow your empire by breeding two dragons together and getting one much stronger along the way collect food gold and gems to level up and decorate your island take part in pvp fights where you can challenge your friends and other dragon masters to see who's really the best get those wins under your belt and become the leader of an alliance interact with other dragon masters and join exclusive events where you can unlock special rewards they've also added several mini games that you can participate in weekly as well as claim prizes and new dragons from the battle pass you can even collect dragons from your favorite youtubers such as faze rug wisp and the sidemen download dragon city now by clicking the link in the description and get a special free starter pack of 15 000 food 30 000 gold and the new snowdrift dragon do you have what it takes to become the next dragon master i'd be interested to find out again thank you to dragon city for sponsoring this video now back to your regularly scheduled program day two was me spending my time pushing animals from my current platform to their pen it was probably one of the hardest things ever because these guys didn't move they were not sentient at all i was the only person doing all the work and that's not fun but you know what on the upside we have a mushroom so i have infinite food for the rest of the series and you know uh probably never have a farm big enough to feed all these guys so they're probably gonna start you know what let's not think about that after that it was back to mining this one block and by the way i'm also on stone age now because by the end of last night i finished it i just forgot to tell you so yeah i'm on stone age stone tools and all that kind of stuff let's go then after a long day of hard work a creeper decided to spawn on me that was not very cool but i dealt with it accordingly thankfully i have a bed now because i can shear my sheep and all so yeah that wasn't a big problem day three i don't have much to offer i continued mining a very long time just so i could get enough material to finish off the animal pen the fence wasn't fully done and i was worried that they were gonna escape and fall off the map even though they don't seem to really walk that much and by the end of day three i was moving on to the arctic stage which meant a lot of snow and probably a lot of bad mobs including strays which will give me slowness you know i don't even want to think about it day four i mind until i had enough materials to start my next platform as well as do some decorations on the current ones which i finally had enough spruce to do my next platform was much bigger than i anticipated and i did not have enough wood to finish it so we're about a fourth of the way through but i was able to plant some trees here so that i can get some more wood to finish it off earlier then by the end of the day a large spruce tree grew and i knew i'd be set on spruce for a while day five was pretty uneventful i sat here mining this block in the arctic realm for a very long time just so i could get enough wood to finish out this other platform eventually by the end of the day a couple trees had grew and i was only able to get the outline of this platform done but i did have enough spruce wood to decorate the rest of all my other platforms and then another giant tree grew and i was back to that basics i finished up the tree platform which means that we can have a lot more trees growing at once so i don't have to really worry about wood anymore as well as i was able to do the spruce decorations on the outside to make it look even better then the biggest thing that happened the rest of the day was building another platform because well i'm trying to make this place symmetrical and another platform is needed for that to happen unfortunately it's not finished as again the tree farm isn't producing much yet but it soon will and i'll be able to have all my platforms done extremely fast now day seven i continued the mining process in the ocean stage i kept going till two turtles spawned i got my first diamond and then had to fight off some trident boys i was really hoping for a trident from then but i didn't think i'd get one and i was right then my tree farm yielded me enough wood to finish up the platform from the previous day and i started making another platform look no one else has claimed this area i'm just being the christopher columbus of the sky don't judge i was only able to get the outline done because again my tree farm is like four trees so making an entire platform with four trees is not possible day eight i took deforestation to another high and cut down a ton more spruce trees from there i went ahead and outlined my farm and then filled it with dirt and placed a singular seed that'll grow right after that i finished my day by starting the outline of my chest room now i didn't want to do any medieval stuff because it's one block and i wanted to save all of that kind of building for when i was on the ground so the idea now is open floor plans for one block because i don't have enough time to think about like making big roofs and stuff like that plus i think this building turned out really really nice although it wasn't finished in a day just like rome wasn't built in an hour or whatever the saying is and i have to finish it up the next day and yes that was a hint to what i'll be doing today i started off by finishing the walls with some stairs and trap doors and then moved on to the roof where i kind of took inspiration from my duo's 100 days world with winter and i took some tower design and put it on top of this as like the roof in quotation and then i decided to use prismarine as the block i don't know why i did that but i just figured it would look okay and uh it did i wanted to have some color in the house and i would say that worked out pretty well i then finished up the top of the roof with more spruce and decided to do some interior stuff with stairs and trap doors to make it look more like it's supporting something because i'm gonna make a glass roof now you may think that sounds disgusting which i would have if i ever used glass i never used glass as a roof before but we're gonna try it and overall i labeled this day the best chest room ever i don't know if that's true or not but you know what you guys can judge me down in the comments and then after building an amazing chest room and giving you guys some good content for the last couple of days i decided it would be great to cut trees and organize chests oh oh you guys actually you do want to see that oh oh okay well then here watch me organize some chests no no you guys didn't you clicked off oh well um okay anyway for the people who are still watching day 11 and on this day i decided to make a trap for the next monster party to spawn okay because i knew that we were getting close i hadn't had an aquatic uh monster party yet and i knew i was gonna start mining this block so it would be best for me to make a trap just in case and lo and behold i continued mining this block for a long time and a monster party spawned of course it was guardians it was trident guys i might have had another guardian in there at one point but they probably just jumped off and it was a mess the only way i was able to survive is going past my trap doors and letting none of the monsters get to me they didn't walk in the trap doors which i thought they would have but they just kind of spun around for a little while and just let me kill them so that was pretty interesting and after that i figured it'd be a good idea to put some water all around my islands just in case i did end up falling off at any point i could just get in the water and survive that's not a foolproof plan but it's at least a decent backup then we were back to everyone's favorite deforestation and ending off our day mining the block the only interesting thing that happened was two fish's death um i'm not i'm not smiling you're smiling and on day 13 we finally completed the ocean stage where i was gifted a trident which means i didn't even have to get it out of those guys that spawned from there we went to the jungle phase which i really didn't care much about because jungle wood literally sucks but hey maybe we'll get some panda hint this guy walks off the map then i was able to add some more glass to my house because this roof is still not finished thankfully uh we're slowly getting sand as we go and i finished the day mining the block mining away i don't know what's that song day 14 i decided to put some of my resources and time into a sugarcane farm i made another platform behind my current farm so that i could you know have kind of a theme there laid down the outline put in the dirt added some water and then boom we have a functioning sugarcane farm hopefully this thing is going to grow a lot faster than my current farm because we are still not doing well on that front i don't think these animals are ever going to get fed the next day i was back on the mining grind i wanted to get through this jungle stage as fast as possible because i was not interested in anything it could give me and i was completely right because a monster party spawned with vexes witches skeletons spiders all of the above and it annoyed the heck out of me everything was really easy to beat but the vexes just kind of kept flying away i mean i guess it's not too bad of a thing because i don't really have to worry about them so i can just sit here and mine again but still it's a little weird unfortunately the rest of the day was just me sitting here so day 16 which was totally a day i decided to record and it's definitely not night time and i'm totally not mad about it anyway i'll sum it up for you i decided to take down my tree farm and make it a double wide tree farm so i added that extra platform in the back for spruce trees and then continued to make another platform or keep my current platform for only oak that's probably the best way i can explain it and i'm really sorry i didn't hit that record button but um i mean it's kind of a mess up that's just gonna keep happening i don't know it's youtube all right just relax and as you just saw the sun of day 17 decided to rise and i went back to mining as i kind of just dealt with trees for an entire day you didn't see that but still deforestation is something i do even off camera i hit this block enough that it decided to give me a chest to tell it to stop which i never will and then we were upgraded into our next phase which is classified as the red desert however i kind of view this more as a mesa because i was getting a lot more terracotta than red sand however i did check to see if red sand makes glass and we are in luck we can finally finish our roof that was something i was worried about because sand was not happening thankfully i could just mine this block today and get all the glass i need and while discovering some really cool stuff from this phase i spawned in a villager ian decided to wander around the island a little bit too risque but that's okay he can do whatever he wants but being able to spawn in a villager on only day 17 made me realize that i'm gonna have to expand the island if i'm ever gonna get a villager breeder going and or a villager trading hall so i can get diamond armor and diamond tools then we're gonna need more land area and of course i'm just gonna build here instead of buying the land because uh hopefully no one owns it that's probably like a motto of some country is hopefully no one owns this funny moments anyway basically that just means i finished up another platform so i can extend and make more area for villagers because i don't want them near my base and they are annoying so uh well they're a necessary evil that's that's what we'll call them the 18 i continue to grow the farm and mine some blocks okay i was trying to think of an idea for the villager trading hall and i figured maybe getting some of these blocks would help me think of something heads up it did not but at the end of the day i did start working on extending the platform i already extended to this time i was gonna build something much bigger and much more room for me to walk around on so yeah i started outlining that guy this one's gonna be a big project and when i say big project i mean it took me three days to make this giant platform i obviously started off by finishing what i had finished by making more staircases from every single angle so that i could enter from any point and then just continued to slowly make the outline i wanted to keep the circle shape on opposite ends but i figured connecting them was gonna be the hardest part eventually after having all the outlines done i had to go back for more trees because that's just how this goes and then it was back to trying to make the outline again basically the next three days were just me going back and forth from tree mining looking at discord because i was bored and making more of this platform then one night a giant hoard of zombies decided to chase me down because they thought i had tickets to the next taylor swift concert heads up no one likes her anymore i killed all those guys and continued working the platform took way longer than i expected but overall it turned out really really nice i cannot wait to have all this land to build on now if you're paying a lick of attention you notice that there are a few holes in between my platform and my other platform so i went ahead and grabbed some cobblestone and andesite and then my bucket of water and figured i'm gonna try something i'm not gonna lie i'm trying to make this world a little bit thumbnail worthy so you guys you know clicked on it hopefully and my idea for that right now is to add some really cool ponds in front of like this gigantic island so what i did was make some rock platforms and more like a rock landscape so that i could put some water there and make it like a fountain i guess i switched up between cobblestone and andesite because i didn't really want to smelt stone and somehow it still looked really good then i had a really interesting situation with the water and i i turned out i didn't like i didn't like water anymore but that's okay because i figured it out and now we have a really cool rock pond thing how would you describe this please tell me i mean i don't know how to but it looks really cool in my opinion so maybe you guys can describe it for me then i repeated the same process on the other side and now we have two really awesome rock pawns that lead up to an awesome platform where i'm not going to awesomely fall off yep i know i said awesome a lot so i continued the bit and after the completion of our platform including these rock formations it was time to start working on a villager breeder we have some random villager wandering around right now and he's gonna need a home first things first i started off with a failed attempt and then i went to the real deal with spruce wood and oakwood both stripped and i included those aqua blocks like prismarine and probably this one's also a prismarine but i don't know my blocks so i'm just gonna say they're prismarine i think you can tell the theme i'm going for after the whole chest room because i'm i'm doing like glass roofs now and and you know what it looks good it's more like a rectangle right now but on day 25 i went ahead and finished off the roof by adding like the x not extent into indent no what's the out dent in i don't know the word basically i use spruce stairs slabs and trap doors to make it so that the roof goes out by one so the glass doesn't look terrible and i think this building turned out really really well overall i also built the entire thing while watching a sidemen sunday video so my distraction level was pretty high and if you guys haven't watched the latest one then i would recommend not watching it because it's really good and i don't uh no enjoyment for you only me and by day 26 i figured i'd given you enough entertainment so i went back to mining the block we're still mining in the red sands desert right now and i tried to muster through that as fast as i possibly could it's not because i hate the blocks here or anything it's just because when mobs spawn they're terrifying speaking of that i had a monster party it consisted of husks vindicators and even some pillagers although i did come up with this really smart trapdoor thing that their ai just couldn't figure out so it was pretty easy to farm them then i slowly forced a villager into captivity uh his like his lifetime job where he can earn so much money you remember the b movie they had lifetime jobs right day 27 was classified as a chore day i filled up my bowls and was ready to hit the hay or well the wheat i used my bare hands and grabbed all the harvestable wheat and then i moved on to mining the block the only thing cool that happened was a wandering trader named ferda spawned um no idea where they went i i don't know what happened to him and other than that it was just mining the block the next day i went ahead and threw some bread at villagers and then traded them a ton of steaks the issue with these guys is that i need like diamond armor so it's going to be a long time before i get that which means i'm going to be trading with them for a long time especially this guy who's going to give me the armor after i buy so much useless crap which means that deforestation is gonna be at an all-time high in this world which i don't mind after that i figured it was time to extend my farming operation into another platform this one i raised up in the middle of my other two farming platforms so that it would kinda look better from there we did our regular circle and filled it in overall i'm just hoping that i have the dirt for this area because i did not think ahead when it came to dirt and since symmetry is a man's best friend i decided to make the exact same platform on the other side i've explained this circular thing enough to you so boom there it is done the issue now is the dirt problem um i don't have that much and i'm currently using it for trees animals farms oh and another farm and now i need it for this sec third third farm yeah third farm so once i filled in all that i could i went around trying to scavenge as much dirt as possible first stop was the sugar cane farm because i wasn't using most of it and the bamboo wasn't truly needed right now after that i headed over the animals and stole an outer layer of dirt from them because but i don't feed them anyway so i mean what's the point there i was able to make a semi-okay wheat farm area for this platform but i really do wish i had more dirt and since even if i even if i went to the nether there was no dirt there so there's like no biomes for me to get dirt from it's only this stupid block the next day i finished up the farm then used my diplomatic status to scam some villagers of course they don't know what's going on because they live in a singular hut and will never see the outside world but still they give me free stuff that i don't actually want currently and to continue my capitalistic behavior i went ahead and deforestated some more trees so i could get some more sticks so i can get more emeralds it's a process that will persist a lot in this 100 days because well profits but still at this point i should mention that i chopped down even more trees wait if i'm living in a void does that mean the trees are the only thing providing oxygen to the entire nothingness if so i should stop growing trees we're recreating the lorax now okay so we're over 30 days into this and i have mined a lot more than i should have my island looks really good but my character is not doing great okay we're still in iron armor we only have 33 levels like we don't have a lot of ways to do stuff when it comes to actual minecraft so for the next couple of days i figured it was time to build something that everyone should have in their well i guess one block world or like super flat world or a world where mobs don't spawn as often yup that's a mob grinder and where else am i gonna put a mob grinder right behind my other mobs or animals mobs and animals or mobs but right before i went to do the mob farm i ended up trading with villagers for half diamond armor which means that we can now strip this of its enchantments and enchant it eventually however i don't have the facilities for that so onto the mob farm i made the giant circle then realized that normal mob farms are a 2x2 on the way up and that's gonna kill me because it'll be off by a block since everything here is is odd and that is an even build so i decided to do a three by three instead of a two by two on the interior and let's just say it took a lot more blocks than it needed to now mob farms are not particularly beautiful so i did switch between oak and spruce wood but it didn't give it that much of a better vibe once i got to the top though i only use spruce as that's what i had most of then i started doing the interior which was the canals for the water and then the top part from where the mobs are gonna spawn then i added the trap doors and the slab on the roof like there's a large process to this whole thing and if you guys don't know how to make a mob farm then there's tons of tutorials out there but i don't want to show you the whole process because it's pretty boring now that we have an active mob farm it was time to get back to mining we're in the nether phase and i figured i'm gonna get some ancient debris oh okay well that was much quicker than i thought i went ahead and made myself a diamond pickaxe so i could actually get this ancient debris because i'm not sure if you can actually break it with an iron pickaxe and i didn't want to test it so diamond pickaxe it is then i continued mining and got another ancient debris i don't know what's going on here but i really liked another phase except for when hoglin spawn and try and kill me thankfully the trapdoor saved my life yet again honestly probably one of the biggest brain plays i've done but still it's it's uh it's kind of annoying that they spawned another phase is going to be one of those really good ones and really bad ones at the same time then while rummaging through some chests i noticed that i had an evoker spawn egg which i didn't really process when i got it but that means that that's a guy with a totem okay so maybe i didn't notice it maybe ally did but still it's a totem guy so i instantly went ahead and spawned that guy in and killed him and got my first totem of undying i don't know why i didn't even process the fact that i had this guy in my chest the entire time but now i have a totem that's gonna help me not survive the void but i guess if those hoglands come back i'm good the next day i went ahead and used some sticks that i had gathered to trade my villagers again because capitalism or well more or less dictatorship for money then henry and i were able to make a deal and i got my full diamond armor i mean it wasn't good diamond armor but it's diamond armor nonetheless and i'm not too worried about things that are gonna spawn from this one block anymore after that it was back to some casual tree chopping because well you know what you don't even need the explanation anymore then i decided to chop down my bamboo forest so i could feed an entire army of sumo wrestling pandas yep i know how that sounds but poe is probably retired by now and what else do you think he's gonna be doing other than sumo wrestling okay so you know how i said the nether block is gonna be really good and really bad well that became very apparent when gas decided to spawn they started blowing up and burning my house down so i had to quickly craft a bow and kill them i got the achievement on easy alliance but i don't remember ever relying with these guys there's not enough money in the world to sign a contract with these hairballs however once they were put i went back to mining the block eventually i realized just how hard getting through this block is going to be because i had the first monster party which consisted of blazes hoglands piglens and of course ghasts taking everything out was a journey in and of itself especially while my entire pace was burning down right in front of my eyes and after all of them were dead putting it out was another adventure itself but once it was i realized i had to fix so much of my area thankfully everything is mostly symmetrical so it's pretty easy to just copy and paste from one side to the other for all the good this block gives me it also brings along a lot of bad mojo the next day i remember that i could actually have a voodoo doll of myself as my totem okay it's not like that but at the same time i can also zoom in on the head of it and make it sound like i'm talking to you guys from my hand come on give me some props it's pretty funny then while mining the nether block the shaky ball sack decided to enter our world so you can imagine my surprise when he didn't start dying and by midnight fall we finally finished the nether stage that does mean no more ancient debris or netherite scraps but at this point we have access to the nether itself thanks to all the obby we had to mine the only way to describe this phase was picturesque everything i mined was perfect literally oars honeycomb anything you could have imagined and nothing bad happened then while mining a bee decided to spawn and kindly got out of my personal space and flew underneath the map i'm sure he's fine down there somewhere and that b was not the only disappearance i got back to my villager breeder and there were only two left i had like 1700 in here and i literally don't know where they went i have a prediction that a zombie spawned and then the iron golem outside decided to kill all of the zombie villagers and now i'm stuck with only two i guess i'm technically lucky that the iron golem got to the zombies when they did because i still have two villagers left instead of zero but at the same time why man i could have cured them at the very least could i have i have the stuff for that right i do i could have cured them at the very least come on man then i just put the rest of the glass i have on the roof and continued my day the rest of my day was just filled with mining the block and doing some chores around the island i would include all of it but we're in the perfect stage where nothing bad's gonna happen so the only thing interesting is just me swinging a pickaxe so the next day day 39 i wanted to test whether or not my wood production could be more efficient if it was in the nether so i made my first nether portal and headed in it wasn't long before i found a warped forest and was able to start chopping some wood since the nether does technically have an infinite supply of wood it is possible that it's better to just do all of my wood chopping in here and well democracy capitalism however you want to put it for stick so that i can become extremely rich by the time that i was out i had so much wood that i made it all into sticks and you know what it was quite a big amount unfortunately since i just had you know the zombie purge or whatever happened in there i don't really have many stick guys to trade it to so i guess these will just sit here for now day 40 was more of a chore day where i continued my deforestation efforts to get more capitalism with my villagers that were still in the breeding process and then i kind of sacrificed an iron golem for iron i know he did nothing wrong but at this point i'm kind of worried about how many materials i have i don't think you realize how committed i am to being the richest person in one block like i actually spend days at a time mining wood like literally no joke so yes i'm gonna say something about deforestation on day 41 because that's all i did the next day i realized how many villagers i actually had again and it was time to do some more capitalism these guys still think they're ripping me off when i'm trading them sticks for literal gems then once i had a good amount of emeralds i decided to start trading with the toolsmith my diamond tools currently are pretty bad and they don't have any enchantments on them so i was just hoping for something better than what i currently have from the toolsmith i didn't realize how expensive it was gonna be to actually upgrade this guy all the way to expert or master because yeah yeah every everything was expensive the bells especially at one point he did give me some decent iron tools but they really weren't what i wanted and i did have to end up buying them to upgrade him it wasn't the best thing in the world but i also had to end up spending even more money on stone tools like i think this whole capitalism thing needs to be rethought i'm pretty sure this guy just scammed the crap out of me but he did have some diamond tools for me at the very end which were trash but still better than what i had technically so i went ahead and bought two diamond axes from him and then left him alone i feel like i've been scammed today since my entire emerald stock had basically just gone kaput it was back to chopping trees i swear at some point in these 100 days i will not have to chop trees for emeralds but until then here we are day 43 i took all of my hard-earned material and started scamming more squidwards after one of their own decided to scam me i figured it was time to take from the entire village it's nothing personal uh well i mean if your nose is personal then that that's something i did end up unlocking an efficiency one diamond pickaxe from the tool smith but realized that was also a really big scam however i bought two without realizing i don't have enough iron for an anvil so that was completely useless again the squidward squad had gotten another one over my head and i didn't even realize it till just now the next day i figured i would tackle this block a little bit more and see how far i could get into it i have an efficiency one pickaxe and an unbreaking one axe so i may as well see how far i can get overall this place didn't have too much good loot other than the fact that it was giving me ores more than usual however every block in it was kinda useless and it was just like two or three blocks from every stage the next day i went back to the block mining because this was my favorite stage the amount of resources that i'm currently getting from this thing is kind of nice plus now that i was able to trade for a shovel it's a bit easier getting all the materials if you hadn't noticed the other 44 days i hadn't been mining this thing with a shovel and every single block that required one was broken with my hand the only thing that spawned were donkeys which i had to kill for leather because i need an enchantment table which requires books and i haven't been breeding my cows so sorry and after that some slime spawn but they were kind of ill important plus i value materials over bouncy balls then at one point over the next couple of days i realized that i had collected enough dirt from a few stages to actually make another farm or better yet correct my current farm this bamboo farm was actually not really supposed to be here i don't care that much about bamboo and it looks really really bad especially with me using gravel as the floor so i replaced it with dirt and started my third four fourth farm i'll count the sugar cane as a farm i still haven't gotten a carrot or a potato yet so i'm still using wheat to breed all my villagers the next day i mined straight through to see if i could get to the next level to my surprise i'm on level 9 which means i'm in desolate land somehow i'm only one level away from the end and it's only day 47. thankfully i still have a lot to do on this one block or as it's turned out a few blocks of wood after a full day of mining i realized that my villagers weren't breeding because they didn't have enough beds so i went to my sheep and started shearing all of them i did accidentally hit a mooshroom and it was now a cow but i mean i have a few more mushrooms so it's okay let's hope this amount of beds will get me all of the villagers i could possibly need on to my next activities which were dealing with the animals because well i needed to breed them at some point right and i realized that all of the sheep were kind of killing all of the grass so i had to protect one little piece with some fences after that i broke some more trees traded with the villagers and then stumbled upon a supercharged creeper that came from the one block thankfully i took care of it then had to fight off two evokers giving myself two more totem i'm pretty happy with the fact that i have well more mini-me's but at this point the only way i'm gonna die is from falling off next up was enchanting i figured it's been long enough and all of my tools were in desperate need of an upgrade my axe was really good within chance my pickaxe could have used on braking same thing with my shovel but any of it's better than what i've been using aka on breaking one stuff then i cleared some of my gear from this enchants and decided uh i hated all of the things i just got yeah you noticed this too right it's all fire plot three that's terrible once i rerolled it all i got unbreaking three on one piece prompt three on one piece and aqua affinity on one piece so i don't know if it was better for me to keep the fire protection or not technically the gear did get an upgrade so i'll take it after that it was back to mining the block because i knew i was this close to reaching the end not that i'm ready for it or anything but i figured i should try to get there at one point a giant train of silverfish decided to spawn on me but they don't really do damage so it was kind of cute actually i had to fight off another monster party but at this point nothing really stops me it consisted of silverfish some skeletons an evoker obviously some cave spiders and vexes but truly it wasn't that hard the vexes didn't even have anything in their hands so i knew that was going to be pretty easy plus totems are kind of my thing at this point so collecting those was really fun after that i spent an entire day doing chores which consisted of farms and animal breeding nothing too exciting happened until day 51 when i actually reached the end yes that's right i spent an entire day mining and finally made it to the last phase of this one block as soon as i complete this stage i will be able to go head on with the ender dragon but first i'm pretty sure you guys missed out on some villager trading which means you know what i'm depleting the forest's population or the sky floating trees population then i headed back to the squidward squad to scan more of their noses it's like stealing candy from a baby then i figured i'd dip my toe in one of minecraft's true pleasures rerolling a librarian until they give you what you want however what i wanted was undetermined i wasn't sure if i wanted mending yet but at this point i would settle for something good after a long while of repeating the exact same process over and over and turning down a lot of other really good books i ended up on breaking so i sealed the deal by giving him some sugar cane because i did not have the book or the emeralds for this purchase however that book is gonna come in real handy when i get the elytra the next day i grabbed all the gold that i could possibly find in any of my chests including crafting some nuggets and headed over to the nether a mine down to a lower part where i thought i would find more piglens and well i was correct once i got down there i put a couple in a hole and started trading with them reason being is i needed leather so i could do lectern kind of stuff because i'm gonna start doing villagers and i don't have the required materials since i haven't been breeding my animals very recently i did end up leaving the nether with a lot more leather than i expected they kind of just gave me that instead of anything else so i had almost like a half a stack of leather then i went ahead and just placed a ton of lecterns in the villager breeder so that i could have some librarians if i wanted to re-roll them next up i felt like wood was getting kind of scarce so i went ahead and did more treat chopping what are the odds i know you want to hear these satisfying breaking sounds but i'm just going to skip past this part day 56 the block was actually pretty fun to mine it had a better aesthetic than most blocks just probably because it kept to the end at some point i made an anvil so i could combine my current pickaxe with an unbreaking pickaxe and got a really good god pickaxe along the way a couple endermen spawned and i was able to get some pearls but right now i don't really need that as i'm sure this thing's gonna give me enough pearls to go to the end as well as getting through this block there were a few endermites that spawned in the same silverfish train as we're all used to thankfully these guys don't do much damage and that was the same process that happened while i continued mining this one block the next day one of the first blocks that i'm mine actually ended up being a monster party this included the usuals like endermites enderman some shulkers and overall just easy mobs i say easy but in real minecraft i'd probably be pretty terrified if all these mobs spawn but in reality my gear has gotten pretty good once that was over i continued mining the block as usual after a pretty long day i finally went blind due to the fact that the ender portal had just spawned i got my benevolent gift and was given all of the eyes and the pearls that i need to enter the end unfortunately the portal spawns directly under the one block and i don't have a way to get down there currently before i even had time to process this though it went to its final forever stage this was called the after phase where it combined all previous 10 phases into one meaning i could mine this until well forever at this point then i had a pretty ingenious way of getting down there which meant extending more platforms the next few days i continued carrying out this idea i basically made a staircase all the way down to another platform that was on the same level as this end portal and i continued the circular shape all around so i could do four's different staircases as i needed symmetry then there were platforms in the middle that led directly to the end portal so i could get there obviously and after way way too long it was finally complete and i had four symmetrical areas so i could get down to this portal i know how weird that sounds but yeah i want a lot of things to be symmetrical okay relax then i finish off day 60 by harvesting all the farms that have grown in that amount of time which is literally all of them and you know what you're lucky i didn't you know do more tree stuff because i would have done it i would have done tree stuff you guys would have liked the tree stuff too huh i know you would have your weirdos anyway from there i started working on a sword aka i need a sword for the mob grinder my first ever attempt i only got on breaking and probably wanted to break my monitor because it didn't have on breaking on it after that i did grind some mobs and tried again and actually got on breaking three sharpness three this time so i was okay with that then i started organizing some blocks for an iron farm concept that i have which actually never came true yet because i'm still recording this video while editing but we'll see that included me having to go to the nether and grab more crying obsidian from these piglen men because well i wanted another purple block and i spent the rest of the day outlining my villager trading hall which is going to be very very similar to the breeder just a little bit different color wise this one includes spruce oak and quartz as well as some of the nether stuff because it's opposing to the aqua area which i mean it makes sense to me but overall it's looking pretty slick the next day the focus was the interior of this place which included adding windows and stripping some logs as well as i started outlining the villager stands so where i'm gonna be holding them for the rest of their life i guess then i went ahead and made a pretty cool chest area and then had to shear some sheep so i could add carpet to this place it could definitely use some color in here so i added in some red and purple and white carpet i don't know what it is but i just love this checkerboard pattern in the carpet and i will always use it the next day all i did was work on the roof of this building this time i wasn't watching a sidemen video to get me by so i was a little bit more focused however the roofs of these places are always really complicated and especially since i don't have glass right now i kind of have to work around the fact that i don't have all materials i use the normal stair slabs and trapped doors on the outside so that bumped it out a block and then continued on the top where i would add in blocks that i thought would look cool such as magma cords and nether brick and i finished off the top with more spruce stuff and i think it looks pretty good i spent the entire next day moving eight villagers in the great villager migration basically i took them from the breeder and put them in their forever home and as you guys know boats go in water not on top of wood floating in the sky so it took a while but that's literally all i did today after getting the villagers into their well technical forever home i had to get them into the one block they'll be standing for the rest of their lives so i slowly corralled all of them into their own separate areas and then tried to give them jobs yup this was a mess for some reason every time i tried to give a villager jobs it it wouldn't work and another villager would want that job but they weren't near the thing so i don't know what was going on eventually i crafted all the jobs that i was going to be using so eight different things which included armorsmiths toolsmiths and librarians then i put all of those down at once and villagers did start accepting jobs finally at that point i thought they were just fed up and finally accepted life as soon as a villager i wanted to have a job accepted it i instantly locked their trains the hardest ones are definitely going to be the librarians because they still don't want their job and when i give it to them they want the other's job i don't know what's going on there but they're just really weird and it's going to take a while especially since i have to reroll them a lot oh did i mention re-rolling yeah that's what i did the next day first up i wanted mending so i re-rolled until i had that which was a long process then i wanted anything between sharpness pro and efficiency the next book i was given was efficiency so i was like okay that's really cool but i think the next one i should get is prot which took me the entire day to do mending and efficiency happened within like the first 20 rerolls prod happened within the first thousand i don't know what was going on with this guy but i finally got protection for and i even got it for 24 emeralds that is a crazy good price so i'm totally fine waiting the whole day for that day 67 was pretty boring i started off at the breeder trading with all the fletcher guys for more emeralds then i headed over to the trading hall where i started trading with the new guys so i could upgrade them to get armor and tools and that kind of stuff that i could always buy forever unfortunately my emerald count has dwindled and i'm really running out of ideas to get more i know i can turn villagers and stuff like that but at this point we're really far into the series and i don't know if i have enough time for that so me upgrading these guys might be a slow process or you just might see me mine a ton more wood which you know what you guys probably like then i wanted to test out the one block and see if it'll give me like more sand for a roof or anything at this point but i truly realized that this thing is useless now unless i need something super super bad that i can't find myself in the well minimal areas that i have then there's no point to mining this thing because it gives you so many random blocks and you'll barely ever get the one you want day 68 i kind of failed to record a little bit so that's my bad but just know it was spent with me in the trees okay that's literally all i did remember how i mentioned when i needed more emeralds well i figured the best plan of action to get more emeralds would be to build more trees and to do that i had to get two more platforms going first so i spent my time making two more circular platforms to the left and right of my current spruce tree farm these were going to house just as many spruce trees that were on the other island on these islands that makes sense right anyway while looking over the void i still get severely terrified i don't know when i'm gonna not feel wait i need an elytra and then i won't feel terrified that's right i'm assuming you realize that after i built these platforms i was gonna go to tree chopping right like you guys you guys already took a mental note of that because i did that for the next day like i chopped down so many trees that was my only goal was trees why sticks why emeralds why um dictatorship tree chopping got so intense that it kind of bled into the next day since i didn't even do the oak trees and then more trees grew and it was a cycle after that i also had to finish up some farming jobs so this was more of a chore day but definitely needed after i had this huge amount of wood i had to turn it all into sticks so i could do some trading i added in a ton more fletching tables earlier because well i i want more fletcher's because you know sticks and that's what i do and a lot of them had arrows as their trades so i went around trading with the guys who didn't have arrows and then breaking all other things and then putting them back down and then trading with the guys who weren't arrows again and repeating that process till all of them were stick villagers i ended up getting a pretty decent amount of emeralds out of this but again it's still never going to be enough because well i'm i'm um greedy nope i'm just a dictator yep you're right anyway after that i grinded the mob farm for a little while just so i could get some more levels and um honestly it's kind of fun it's like therapeutic to watch all of these things die especially since none of them have hurt me really this entire 100 days so that's good day 74 i did a lot of stuff that was really random just to prep for this iron farm the concept i have is really really cool but i don't think it turns out very well i started my day with more stick trades because that's what i do and then i organized some of the stuff in my inventory to get ready to build this iron farm by the end of the day i had a very small design for the very end of it kind of put on my island and it looked really bad but it'll look really good in a minute all right ladies and gentlemen it is time to start work on our iron farm remember that really crappy cauldron i made well boom now it's upgraded i think it looks really really nice and this is basically where like the the iron golems are gonna fall into lava and burn after that i built up and started working on the platform where i'm gonna have all of the villagers the what the zombie and that's that's it yeah that's it then i moved the villagers up there because well they're really annoying so i did them first because that makes more sense to me then i got the zombie up there because well i mean i need that guy too and i named him jeffrey after that i made the platform where the iron golems were gonna spawn and added in all the water and signs and stuff like that i totally didn't ruin the lava by the way and have to go the nether we don't talk about it then after all of that hard work um it it didn't work at all like literally it didn't work i don't know why this thing doesn't work but it just doesn't so i had this amazingly ingenious idea to add more villagers up top so i added more rails got them all the way up there and it started working for a little while okay and i the reason i say a little while is because after i slept one time it stopped working i've built iron farms in the past and this is still like a good design to do it i even tested it in a creative world and it still just doesn't work in this world for some reason like i think after 40 iron it stopped working i don't know what's going on is it too close to my other villagers is it too close to villagers that are spawning iron golems because if so i can fix it in 200 days if you guys want that if you guys want 200 days make sure you hit that like button down below because we're going to hit for what what am i doing uh 50 count 50 000 likes yeah that sound that's a lot actually you know what you guys can hit it 50 000 likes for 200 days and i will fix the iron farm then okay so i just realized we're on date 80 and i have this portal that i haven't even gone through yet so i decided it was time to make all the gear i need to fight this dragon obviously i'm combining books right now so i can have full prop for unbreaking three mending gear in the end yeah the end fighting a dragon duh and to do that i had to well get a lot more levels than what i had so we were at the mob grinder for a little bit but eventually i did have a full set of platform breaking three diamond armor then i grabbed my bow blocks some other things that i think i'm gonna be needing in the end and it was time i think i'm ready to finally face the ender dragon 80 days later and i've given myself enough confidence after breaking a singular block and i you know what i could have done it on day 50. come on now you know me all right day 81 i rummaged through my chest and grabbed all the pearls and eyes of ender i'm gonna need for this portal it is finally time i go and take on the ender dragon i started as a man on a dirt block and now i am a man ruling the sky you know who else rules this guy a dragon i'm about to clap i jumped into the portal and man it looks great in here with shaders first things first i took out the covered crystals because well those ones are the most annoying then i pearled around and blew up all the other crystals that they were trying to hide from me the dragon thinks she's so cool but let's be honest i'm the better player here after that it was just both shots in the air and then waiting for her to perch as always this thing is super easy and could always use a buff if you guys haven't seen the fantasy 100 days maybe go check that out real quick but in that 100 days the ender dragon actually had much more health than it does currently right now the only thing he can do is launch me in the air which does nothing because i'm just built different the dragon took a little bit while to perch for the third and final time but eventually when she did i literally couldn't even make it in because she had already dragon breath her perch from there i tried to get in as best as possible but she flung me out and i was back in the air flying for my life but again i'm built different so i landed the water bucket clutch and from there i purled back in to see if i could hit her but she launched me another time i don't know what's going on with this dragon but she really values her personal bubble after that i was able to just kill her with the regular bow because this dragon is literally terrible and finally i conquered the end i grabbed all the xp took the dragon egg and then went to the outer gate from there i spent four days of terrifying travel trying to get to an elytra the worst part about the end is the fact that you never know where first off your escape is or where the heck this this stupid elytra is it always takes so long to find eventually i did run up on an end city but there was no ship fortunately while looting this place i actually noticed another end city where there was a ship i don't know how i missed it but somehow i did maybe my render distance was actually lower than 32 when i found this one and i just cranked it up while i was in here from there i went to the new end city and finally got myself an elytra you have no idea how happy i am especially since i brought fireworks with me so it shouldn't be that long to get out of here right right eventually i did find an end gateway and was returned home safe and sound 86 days later and i have an elytra in one block which means i think i can survive here for the rest of forever now that i'm back home i realized that i gave my iron golem farm a dimensional reset and they still didn't work i have no idea what's happening up there but it literally isn't working at all so i had to take the entire thing down the cauldron is currently still up at this point in the video i don't know if i'm gonna take it down or not yet because i do have a design that i would like to have there but this iron farm just doesn't cut it and i don't know what's going on with it maybe you guys can help me down below in the comments so make sure to let me know your thoughts because i have literally no clue what's going on with it okay so over the life of this one block we have actually gotten two wither skeleton skulls and since i just beat the technical biggest boss in the game i figure we should beat the boss that normally people do after it yeah we're going for the wither in 100 days so i grabbed all the gear i could possibly need and headed straight to the nether after that it was just a hop skip and a jump before i found another fortress now i don't have looting 3 on my sword so killing all these withers was a very very long feat and over the course of the last three days i've actually found multiple fortresses this is at least one of three that i'm sitting at right now and while flying around in the nether i actually did get the third wither skeleton skull that i needed i was actually gonna pass by these withers but then i figured i should come back and boom he actually did drop ahead three days later and we have one third of what we actually need and two thirds of it are already in the chest at home unfortunately when i went through the portal i realized that it was raining when i got back if you guys don't know i've had a pet this entire 100 days or at least most of it and i named it balsack and he was a strider do you know what striders die to yeah rain as soon as i got back i got to witness him die i didn't have any blocks to cover him and i i don't even know what to say anymore all i could do was grab an item frame and put his remains in that and here lies ballsack i know it was a really bad name but he'll forever live in my heart i know we just suffered a loss but it's time to make this game suffer a loss i grabbed everything that i needed for the wither and headed into the end now i have never done the trick to make it like not actually fight back underneath the bedrock but i figured i'd try it so i mined out the cavity and then you know set it up as i placed the last skull i realized that i actually did it first try and i didn't even look this up the wither was stuck underneath the bedrock and was not able to hit me no matter what it did man i even brought potions to this fight and this is like the weakest possible mob ever after about 30 seconds and 12 hits to the tail uh it died which means now i have another star so i can make a beacon but i mean this thing was absolutely terrifyingly bad once i got back i did end up crafting a beacon which means i'm gonna either have to get a ton of blocks for a beacon or maybe just a few and make the light so that it looks cool yeah you guys are probably gonna have to deal with a tier one beacon upon looking at this very failed cauldron i figured it was time i take it down the farm never worked even though i wanted it to so badly and i really love this cauldron design but at this point it's not worth it this thing has been up for literally no reason at this point so i i just took it down it was sad to see it go but realistically i can't have this on the island when it's not doing anything for me plus i have a really cool idea that'll go right here alright so day 93 we now have a beacon which means i have a goal to get first i started off my day with grabbing some oak wood and then making a small pond where i'm gonna put the beacon i added in some diamond gold and iron blocks to make it actually function i don't have enough right now to make a full beacon but right now i can at least set it to speed as well as have that lovely beacon effect in the sky then i went ahead and moved my enchantment table over to this area and set it directly on top of the beacon reason being beacon light can actually go through enchantment tables and i figured it would look pretty cool which it did now for the coolest build that i'm going to be doing in this 100 days i started outlining this spiral effect around the enchantment table i used spruce at first but by the end of the day i started using nether brick and nether wart to get some color i wanted it to be like a rainbow spiral so you know what you guys will just have to see the next day i got back to work i'm not gonna explain the entire build to you because it's really cool when you see it for the first time as you did already see though i started off with red and started going through the color wheel so like a darker red light red orange yellow that kind of stuff the colors that i had to work with were very limited but i did get a decent bit throughout these 100 days so i was able to make it look semi-natural i eventually made my way all the way up into colors like blue and purple at the very top which just overall rounded this thing out very well and with the beacon light i think it makes it look so much better day 95 i pulled a grade a youtuber and forgot to record yep that's the sun setting right now but as you can see i added a bit of detail including some glowing bulbs around the side to make it well even magicaler mad more magical as well as if we actually go on the thing there are some lanterns around it to make it light up during the night time hopefully you can't see him from the front i mean if you look at the back you'll definitely see him but still then at the very bottom near the enchantment table i added black stone and gilded black stone to kind of make it look more corrupted i don't know why i like this but i really do i think it's a great build and i think it turned out so well day 96 i went ahead and chopped up some animals like i was a meat grinder because i was starving then after getting all that settled i moved to the mob farm to see if i could finish one last tax as you know all of my farms are currently made out of wheat as that's the only thing i've gotten but you can actually earn potatoes and carrots from zombies so i figured i'd see if i could take the time out of my day to get a potato or carrot at one point i actually did finally get a potato which meant i was able to plant a potato in one of my farms and grow it with all the bone meal i've received and that's exactly what i did i multiplied this potato ten fold and finally filled up an entire farm for justice one potato to be honest i did wish it was a carrot cause those can go to villagers more than potatoes can but at the same time i'm happy i finally have another food source with the accomplishment of finally finishing up another farm i decided it was time to well do one of the greatest things i'll ever do in this 100 days and that is the last day of tree chopping i know i know i spent a lot of time at the tree farm chopping down spruce trees but let's be honest here you guys liked it so i spent an entire day at the three new tree farms that i have chopping all of what i could down in a day unfortunately by the end of this day i still wasn't even able to get to the third one because there were too many spruce trees i think if i do end up doing 200 days 50k likes by the way then i'm just gonna start dedicating like a 20-day period to woodchopping now i think you're off your rocker if you didn't realize the next day i went ahead and traded with the villagers all that wood was not for me to catch up on well the materials that i don't have anymore it was more for emeralds because i'm going to be upgrading one piece of armor or one tool that i have to netherright so i wanted to make it perfect overall i got around four stacks of emeralds and started making my trade with the trading hall villagers i got another mending book and an efficiency 4 book which i combined onto my axe because well it's been there since day one and what else has it been doing other than getting me wood the entire 100 days yeah i'm putting it all in my axe then before i made my perfect nether eye axe i figured i should heal it up so i turned to the mob farm where i got all of the levels i could possibly need to get the durability up on this bad boy after that it was a few blocks later before i changed my diamond axe into a netherey axe then i pushed the wandering trader off the map okay i just realized my time is running out the sun is rising on day 99 i have one last build to seal off the 100 days in one block skyblock and i still have no materials for it i want to make a small shrine to the dragon egg but to do that i want to use obsidian so i jumped right into the end then i flew to the top of one of these gigantic abbey pillars and started mining i spent more than half of the day up here more than half which means my time for building was limited as soon as i returned home i rushed to accomplish the goal that i had first things first i wanted the dragon egg to look like it was corrupting our land like always and i put it on its own purper pedestal because well it makes it look a little bit unique then i added avi all around the outside as well as end stone to make it look like the end is leaking through then i added two claw-like spikes to the side because i wanted it to look like it was bringing the end here after that i added some extra details around our corruption area and added some shroom lights if i had n rods i swear i would have used them but i didn't have enough time to go into the actual end find the end city again and get them after all that time i think i was actually able to make this dragon egg look like it was meant to be here as well as make it look like it was stealing my island but that's besides the point overall i'm very happy about how this area turned out and how our entire island mess turned out but i think it's time we move on to day 100 signifying our survival of 100 days in one block the last day i wanted to give you all a very peaceful and calming tour of our island everything that we've built over the last 100 days really means a lot and i think we've accomplished so so much for all of you that stuck around thank you guys for watching the entire video all the way through and i hope to see you on the next one as well as if you haven't already go make sure to check out dragon city down below in the description or check out the pinned comment i would love to see you guys post your dragons in my discord so also join that as well link down below in the description and overall if you think i've accomplished the goal of surviving 100 days on one block skyblock and even thrived throughout these 100 days then make sure to hit that like button down below as well as subscribe to the channel any little bit helps and i hope you guys truly have a great rest of your day peace out eagle scout and i'll see you guys in the next one bye bye
Channel: WelcominTV
Views: 5,589,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, game, Minecraft, 100 days, i survived 100 days in one block skyblock in minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in one block skyblock, i survived 100 days in one block minecraft, 100 days full movie, 100 days hardcore, i spent 100 days in one block skyblock minecraft, 100 days but its one block, Itspoppers, skyblock with one block, Minecraft but, mine, craft, 100 days but you only get one block, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, one block skyblock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 28sec (3388 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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