I Survived 100 Days as an ALIEN in Minecraft

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tell me the last time you saw an alien in minecraft exactly welcome to 100 days as an alien where my two friends fbi agents have 100 days to hunt me down as an alien on my home planet the fbi agents want to bring me back to earth to run crazy experiments on me and i cannot let that happen lucky for me though i'll be able to use alien weaponry to help me try and survive on day one i spawned into the world as an alien and in front of me were two fbi agents okay so i'm an alien i look kind of funny and oh my god there's enterman in front of me hey hey there's the alien we've been looking for oh oh my god he shot me oh these things are after me the killer what the heck who are those guys we're with the fbi stuff right now and the chase was on come on oh are they still behind me oh they're still behind me stop there alien i need to get off this island where'd it go i better i could hide on this i gotta get away because they're trying to murder me apparently i see him partner watching sort of just gonna get come on i think you went this way okay let's just go this way it's really close it seems like the endermen are attacking them for some reason just get this thing off of me oh he's too powerful partner i can't watch the guns you're gonna keep bringing them in on it okay this is my chance to get out of here you have to break through this tree i know you're out there earlier you know what we can do let's climb to the top of the tree come on hey you hear that partner oh they hear me they're right there oh he gives me oh oh god the enderman they're back come on up here i can get away from him if i can just get up here okay let me get some blocks yes we're in oh we're in the trees yes they can't catch me now we're good oh okay i can go anywhere now we can move much quicker oh they're like bouncy oh this is so cool i can see on my mini-map they're not near me anymore they must have given up let's just go this way for now so here we go welcome to uh i guess my home planet we gotta get far away from these guys and build the survival base as soon as possible okay so let's get away from them real quick and then we can start looking at designing a base so we can survive against these agents for now the first thing i got to do is get off of this island first things first let's start getting some wood that we can actually use for a base and basic tools because we need that to get started and they already have a head start because they're already working on tools and they started with guns i don't think there's ever been a challenge where my opponents were stronger than i was at the start now they have guns okay wood acquired let's go i want to get as far away from them as possible and into these trees so i can kind of get started here so here we go let's get down here careful only a little damage there let's see if we can get off this island maybe maybe we can get to a different island like over there hopefully this is enough block okay cool we made it we need to find somewhere in a tree that we can build a base okay let's go over here i see something cool i want to go see what it is okay we made it to the top here's the weird thing i saw let's go check this thing out and see if it's of any use oh it's a portal oh okay it's just an end portal this should bring me back to the human world if i were to go through it but i honestly don't know how it works yet so uh we're not gonna worry about that there is a chest here though that's kind of cool just has a ternium helmet so i'm gonna put it on and when i put it on my vision changed whoa the world looks so different with this helmet on what they're on my mini map they're coming this way oh god they're coming this way we gotta get out of here as soon as possible yolo whoa what the heck are you doing what was that okay so this tree looks like the perfect place to build my survival base now would you need to get some stone and also look for some sort of food source nearby because there's got to be some either crop or mob that spawns cause there's different mobs that spawn in each biome that are alien so we just gotta find those and we'll be all set okay i think okay i don't know why killing the alien crashed my game like that but it did so here we go i guess it still died okay oh gimme rub beef okay so these are like alien cows perfect brown carpet yes alien cows spawn on brown carpets you heard it here folks i'll see if i run across some jade stone that i can uh mine up no way oh it's flavor right who knows maybe i can turn this into it too okay cool let's go ahead let's test this out oh my god it turns into a stone pickaxe that worked perfect let's go mind more of that stuff so we can make a furnace and start cooking this food hello what was that wait do i have the power to morph as an alien oh my god i have the power to morph as an alien look i can transform look at this now i'm a little end slime look at me but i've almost no health like this let me quickly change back okay so now that we got a basic base set up let's go and let's start talking about what we have to do to survive these days against the fbi what we're gonna need to do is look into what we actually have on our mod menu and i already look through and i know what i want i wanna craft a laser machine gun it's not even too hard all i need is some redstone dust three iron ingots and two cobblestone but the ammo for it is where it gets expensive i need these things called power stones i also need blue dye and two glowstone dust so all we have to do is find power stones there's only one unfortunate part though when it comes to power stones you can't get the power stones anywhere on this planet you can only get them on earth the place the cia is from however there's a loophole to this these power stones happen to spawn inside of alien cities yes i know they're end cities calm down i can already see the comment section raging learn about plot would you so we just have to get to one of these alien cities and hopefully find a power stone i need to start looking for these things and hopping from island to island base you're you're gonna stay here but if i don't come back for you i'm sorry and just to be safe i'm gonna bring one of you with me but base i know you're nothing special but i need to leave i need to find an alien city away i go i spent all of day three working on getting myself the lassium armor the order to make this is only available on my home planet and it's just as strong as iron making it perfect to take on an alien city oh i see yellow biome nice nice nice nice nice oh oh i made enderman mad hold up oh they're right below me oh my god they're gonna hear me hear me kill this thing okay i killed the enderman did they hear that where'd they go they're moving all around me yeah they're coming okay hold on i need to morph let me quickly morph into an enderman they won't be able to recognize me i have an idea oh they're coming they're coming he attacked the wrong one i'm out of here okay i don't know what's going on he's getting attacked by a bunch though okay i need to i need to switch back i need to move back we gotta run oh he sees me oh he sees me he definitely sees me we need to go oh god keep going i see i see one on my tail oh i got shot from where over there oh he hit me from all that far hey get back here alien you're not getting away man oh i'm out of bullets we're going for him ready nice we got him oh god no no he got me oh oh my god we can turn into him that would be so broken we can trick them later okay nice we got rid of him let's get out of here after escaping the fbi agents i continued looking around for an alien city which turned out to be way harder than i thought and it would take me three days till i finally found one okay we found one well this isn't the first one i found i found a few before this that didn't have n chips but this is the first one that has a ship uh so we need to go get it and we need to get it fast so let's get to work we need to figure a way into this thing let's go we're going to build the second we get in there oh we can't go oh we're levitating well we got to dodge now now we have no choice but to dodge okay dodgy boys okay get out of this chaos where's the ship over this way we need to go inside here come on grab the ladder oh we got the ladder let's go what do we have in here iron oh no gold it looks nice i got the elytra nice some iron armor nice we finally killed the shulker okay let's get this iron chest plate on and we got ourselves some elytra so that worked out well so let's pop these bad boys on and let's use these to go find another end city and hopefully get ourselves some power stones because i want to be able to make a laser gun like how cool would it be to have a laser gun i will be unstoppable with that thing oh yo there's one right there okay i can't tell if it is a ship but it's definitely an end city okay so we just have to get over there this orange biome that's not too hard what is this i'm not gonna worry about that at the moment let's just go up here to the end city we've already done one of these shouldn't be too difficult to do another one okay where's the ship oh the ship's really a pie on this one we need to go this way though to get to it i lied hit me there we go thank you thank you cool yep keep giving me levitate we're almost there okay and we're in nice okay let's okay let's go up here oh my god what is that thing oh there's another one oh i don't know if i want to be here i just want to fly there and get the elytra oh okay hey spicy boy grab as much as i can nice killed him and we have plenty of berries to work with now grab the other elytra oh goodness okay is there anything in here nice two potions of healing that'll definitely come in handy let's check up here for chest let's see if there's any chests in this room oh i got hit great okay let's get down here there's two chests nice i thought so let me quickly get in the chest okay looks like there's some diamond leggings i definitely want those oh we got to take some stuff here there's a ladder nice you know just climb this and then fly out of here nice we did it okay there was no power gems but we definitely got out of there with a good haul i'm sure we're gonna find some power gyms eventually we just have to keep looking i continued flying around the world looking for another city where i might be able to find a power gem however i ended up coming across this cool dungeon instead and decided to enter it okay here we go oh what are those things yo yo what is that also what is that i thought it was an end fortress that's why i came here what are these things oh they don't attack oh they're friendly now it attacks it's not that strong oh all the attacking groups maybe it wasn't a good idea to attack this thing oh they dropped tacos burnt tacos what is this building that's just glass a corporate metropolis what i'm so confused it's just a tower oh my god it's not just a tower wait what is this is this like a dungeon oh i don't like this oh jeez oh yeah they'll kill me down here i have iron right oh my god i can make something i've needed for so long i can't mine iron in this world but i don't need to get here nice i've needed that shield for a while and if i'm gonna be going through this dungeon a shield is a oh we gotta spawn it oh what is that tiny thing well your spawner is dead you're the only one now oh i broke before it's fun really yeah okay i guess we got a sharpness 3 buck but everything else is useless oh a chest room elytra another set of elytra oh my goodness and with diamond sword i mean yeah that's better than my current one it's a looting sword so 100 i'm taking that so this dungeon didn't have a power gem but that's okay because it did have an elytra which is good because it'll obviously speed up finding the power gems hello doggies i guess i i really went back into their home but yeah these dungeons might have power gems and if they do somehow have the power jump then that is going to be super beneficial and we are out of here okay this one should work let's go here let's check this out we haven't been in this one yet okay there's a loot room right here let's go up here okay diamonds we got five diamonds we have better diamond boutons we won't take that a power stone oh that is such good luck so now we have the power stone which can make us our laser gun we just need one more we needed two but we only need one more oh my god dude it's taking so long to find one of these i was literally starting to think maybe they didn't spawn okay well now that we know what spawns we know we can get the laser gun by searching these places the rest of this is junk so let's go ahead and let's get out of here okay we got the loot from that place and i'd say that turned out pretty good and now we're close to being able to make the laser gun with one power gem in hand i only needed one more to actually make a laser gun once i had that i would be able to hold off the fbi agents much easier hey partner come here so we can salute this flag together yep let me get let me get my gun so we get okay perfect [Music] i love it so it's cheeseburgers wait we got another end city just oh no okay we have another end city just up ahead but look at all the golems that are here there's golems everywhere around this one and i need to get up there cause it's a treasure room and it may be the one with the power jump i could ender pearl if i get close i have a good idea here i can avoid all the golems if i just hit my ender pearl right here please don't screw this up i screwed up book it okay that was a fail we didn't die but that was a fail new plan of action okay we're in the treasure room oh thank god okay diamond helmet plus three oh my helmet my curtain was better than diamond okay what about you power stone power so we get two we can make the laser gun we have two let's go i'm also gonna grab this diamond sword because it's stronger than the one i currently have so let's head back to our original base start constructing this laser gun so we can take on the fbi i didn't realize how far i'd been flying on this trip and i realized i was extremely far away from my original base i decided it was not worth heading back so i quickly designed a new one okay base is complete kind of i mean i have to make it really disgusting so let me go ahead and give you a rundown if i fly around my base right now you're not even gonna barely see you can see it through some windows a little bit beyond that the base is pretty well hidden over here right and even if i go over here my base is up here right tree doesn't look too out of place i i built that it doesn't look crazy at a place right and all the pink on the sides is really disguising that there's a base in here so let me show you how you actually enter the base and once you're up here at the tree you simply have to go up here climb this and look right here it's disguised at the bottom of the tree with some leaves blocking it and we use pink ladders just help it blend in a little bit so no one would see it but you come in here you hop in the pink ladders and now you're in my tiny little base so i carve this out into the world and it has a few features that you may recognize like my furnaces and that crafting table we added some chests which only has really one filled at the moment but the other major thing is right here this is my escape hole so let's say someone attacks and they get in the base they're coming down the ladder i can quickly escape by just going here with my elytra and i'm gone and i can just even get over the lip of this plant here and look at this i can fly forever i am out of here it is not hard to just escape and get out of here that's what makes this space the ultimate base it's so high up i have the ultimate way to get out of here anyway uh let me quickly get back up to the tree so get the fight no and after a short climb here we are back at the base now we have all the materials we need to pretty much make a laser gun we have the two power stone we just need two glowstone dust and a blue dye now the glowstone dust is gonna be the hardest part as i have to go to the nether to do that luckily there's tons of obsidian here and so it's not gonna be too hard to quickly just fly around get some obsidian make a portal go to the nether and get the glowstone dust and on top of that i just need a dye it doesn't even matter what type of dye so i can get that really easy too so let me go googly make another portal okay here we go let's grab some of this okay 10 obsidian that's all we need to actually make another portal [Music] so while i was looking around for die i just found this base i think i may have found the cia's base i think so i guess we're just going to intrude oh it's empty maybe they didn't live here i don't think yeah i think this is just an empty base you can find there's some barrels on the outside oh there's barrel right here oh okay we got bones of these wait wait okay well we have the stuff to make a laser gun almost complete we just literally need to go to the nether i don't actually have a way to start this nether portal it turns out so i need to go find flint hold up oh here we go some gravel okay flint and steel there we go and boom okay there we go we had to enable another oops okay it's on let's go welcome to the nether this place is horrifying oh god already yeah it's night baby okay we need to go ahead and find ourselves some glowstone i'm assuming that big ball of glow is glowstone okay let's get some dust we don't even need much okay that should be good enough for now let's go okay now let's make this laser gun so all we need to do is use our power gems we'll have ourselves the ammo we need so we do this and that and now we have blue laser fuel now we just need to make ourselves a laser machine gun these are the missing items we need so we just need to go get the cup oh i've got to grab the cobblestone oh my god one sec again stone acquired iron iron iron and then it goes cobble cobble up here there we go now we have our laser machine gun i think let's try it out okay how do i reload it do i need to put like this in this oh it worked i know of a blue laser machine gun how many shots does it have let's try it out let's go outside and let's shoot this thing and test it out oh it is 250 shots that's not that many okay that's pretty op i can just spam it that is definitely going to come in handy against the fbi they have no idea what they're up against man that was a tough one to make so sometime while i was making that laser gun it turned to day 25 and i guess for the rest of the day i'm gonna spend it looking for dungeons and end cities just to loot up and get some more loot and hopefully find more power gems because uh i'm definitely gonna need more laser guns so that's what we're gonna do for now hopefully when the fbi attacks next we'll be able to hold him off with our laser gun let's go okay we found another dungeon let's break in and let's do it let's go in here go down the ladder and let's enter this dungeon and see what loot we can get whoo hello hi are you running good nice emeralds diamonds gold and iron oh i don't want to hit the center i gotta be really careful broke the spawner nice there we go oh these are the same thing but they got depth strider man this one wins whoa what is all this stuff a lock of emerald what is this block of block of gold oh my god are these blocks of block of diamond no way oh that's so awesome and that's the end of this dungeon it wasn't too great but it did have all those blocks of diamonds and emeralds that was great big end city oh we found a big boy this one's gotta have a power gem and look at all the treasure rooms gotta have a power gym somewhere in here right okay now the question is how do we get in there and pass all the golems that are gonna be around here because i haven't seen any yet but i know there's gonna be some oh i made an enderman mad oh there's some golems okay let's start moving in to there ready okay took some fall damage there but worthwhile okay there's a few different areas we can go this way i guess we're gonna go up let's go for the tall one three we're gonna be too close here oh we got it i got it i got it yes gotta start going up let's just break right here real quick hello thank you a few more levitates we'll be good thank you can't quickly get in here and we're up let's do this here we go okay let's have some fun shall we diamond sword i'm breaking three we don't need that grab the iron a bunch of music discs we're grabbing them all see i can elytra probably over to that ship but then it's getting back it's gonna be a pain let's get the elixir while we're here there we go another elytra and let's fly back levitate me there we go thank you let's go check this one coming through thank you give me a little boost what do you got power jump power stone we got a power stone i keep killing the power gems power stones is any good nope not officially we're out let's go and we got an elytra power stone and elytra that is broken okay let's go back over this way and let's go to safety oh that was a good find that was a really good find let's go back to the base and store up some of this gear and cool we also got the power stone which is great meaning we need one more we can make another laser gun so we're gonna keep looking for those because things are going great for us right now let's go hunt down this alien partner oh god there's an enderman chasing you okay so let's get going on day 27 there is more power gems to be acquired there we go one down and one ender pro this has looting one right no i forgot my looting sword that'll be fine though let's do the next one oh oh they're on my mini-map they're here the fbi's here where are they oh my god they're right below me do they know i'm here oh god they have good armor they're right below this blue tree right in front of me maybe i can take him out with my laser gun it's a good chance to actually test the laser gun out he doesn't know does he see me i just got hit by something he's up there oh he sees me oh okay did i kill him okay one of them's down one of them's down oh i got one of them let's go dude the laser oh i got shot at i got shot at there's another one here oh oh he got me he's pre-firing he's free firing and i gotta kind of like pre-fire him yes the other one enjoy the enderman you guys don't stand a chance here baby hit him oh he's running okay this is getting good okay yeah make the enderman angle did he fall in a hole oh no he's in the water okay he's definitely have to retreat dude the other one's gonna murder him oh god did i look at the enderman oh he's on me now he's on me now he's on me oh he's on me they're both back to look like i need to go i need to go there they're like this way oh yeah i can see him i don't want him to find my base that's like my biggest concern right now oh i almost hit him oh oh i got hit oh this is one heck of a gun battle man okay you know what i'm gonna do i can i can lose them right here okay let's go up here are they starting to come up i don't want oh they're being attacked by a slime i think they're gone i don't see them on my mini map anymore okay i think i lost them i think we're good i think they're gone oh okay let's get back to the base i don't think they they know about the top of this tree yet okay i don't see anyone up here i think we're good heck yeah with the laser gun in hand the fbi stood no chance against me or that's what i thought you see for the next three days everything was fine but on day 31 the fbi agents came back i'm getting the promotion oh no way i'm gonna get the promotion okay climb up here let's get back to the base okay let's fly back i is that their names i just saw names i think i just saw names hold up i saw names over there i got blocks on me i'm good to fly back oh yeah i see them they're here are they coming up they're close oh yeah they were climbing they were climbing up oh yeah i see him okay i shot some lasers and we gotta go wait do they have lasers oh they have lasers that did half my hp oh god drink this we need to climb we need to climb we can't let him get close oh he hit me down i need i need to shoot him a little bit come on come on we're almost there we're up we made it up we made it up oh we need to hide we can ditch them we can ditch they're not gonna find the bait okay i don't see them we're at the top of the base we're good we can get up here let's go down here i don't think they're up here yet so let's just go down here and watch we just gotta hope that this is gonna be good enough let's grab our loot now okay power gem the elytra grab the looting sword iron gold all this okay everything else is gonna have to wait i can't let them find me oh they're up here they're up here i see them i can see them they don't see me though they're getting close they're getting really close just hide oh my god oh they're at the ladder they're at the ladders right now second they peek i'm gonna try and shoot what's up partner seeing anything no nothing yet so i'm still climbing yeah i don't i don't see anything from up here jackpot what i think i might have found the jackpot partner you found a what oh actually uh never mind i uh i didn't see anything i'm getting this promotion baby oh they're here oh oh god oh oh that almost killed me we gotta go i'm gonna hide behind the chest for a second hide behind chest first what's i'm dipping i'm dipping i'm out are they still up there oh they're in my base ain't got nothing worth taking oh yeah well in that case i don't think that's enough [Music] wait what i think they're blowing up my base it's on fire they're burning my base down oh gotta go gonna go enderman just almost killed me i shot at him but i'm gone i gotta go they're blowing up my base there's gonna be nothing left of it oh let's go to this island for a sec we can go check out the damage in a minute oh no yeah it's messed up that's messed up there's an end city here hello i'm barging in do away power stone first chest i grab this is the first one i've looted in days oh yeah better pants and that's really all i'm just taking up being worth we got one of the power stones i want to call them power gems they look more like gems but got another one of those bad boys and now we can get out of here dude look what they did to my base this was such a cool base man hey all my extra stuff survived the one chest that had stuck in it didn't get blown up are you serious either way though unfortunately it looks like my whole thing kind of got destroyed i guess it makes me have to rethink my plan for this entire operation you see i'm trying to survive 100 days against the humans who are attacking me as an alien right what if i can flip it on their head do you see what if i can turn it around and make them the hunted and me the hunter and instead of me having to survive 100 days they'll have to survive the remaining time that's left that sounds good to me but first thing first to do that we have to get to the fbi's home plan you see the fbi is located originally on earth so if we can get back to earth and destroy them and that would technically make me the winner of the challenge since the whole thing is surviving in a homeland and they would fail to survive in theirs so that's what we're gonna do so all we have to do is find one of the portals that spawn in this world get six different crystals that we can put on the pedestals around it and then the portal activates and we're officially on earth and then we can take our revenge for them destroying my favorite base so this is the place where i have to bring the crystals but don't be confused it's not those giant crystals that are spawning everywhere those turn into crystal shards no we need to find what are called eternal crystals and there's only a few ways to find them you can find them inside of crashed ender ships which spawn around but it's extremely rare to find one that way you can find them sometimes at the center of a crystal spawn and sometimes you can find them on the giant stars that spawn around the world so that's the places i'm looking for and let's check out these these are the giant stars i'm talking about sometimes at the centers of these things you can find eternal crystals so let me start checking these out there happens to be like three or four in the area see we got one two three oh there's a bunch well i'm gonna check them all and see what we can find here let's let's dig into the first one we're definitely at the center now let's just start clearing out an area it's right here it's right here we have an eternal crystal let's go okay now we just need to find one two three five more of these and we can go to earth and get revenge for my base and take out the humans i spent days 35 and 36 grabbing more elytra because i was having to do a lot of flying just to find these crystals but when i find them i'm gonna get my revenge on the fbi agents all right we know ryan's been looking for these crystals right yeah so let's just going over the plan one more time when ryan comes in when we see that name plate coming uh we both activate our beds okay all right is certain endermen trapped in this thing oh i thought he was frozen inside that was funny let's go down here let's dig down to the middle what it's already dug out did they find it is there anything down there oh there's an ancient oh god whoa they tried to blow me up there's someone here there's someone here hold on hold on is that trapped oh it is who is this trap do they know about my ender crystals and like my plan to go to earth or why are they getting them because that was opened up already they were looking for them okay i want to go back over this way towards the star if they took that star that's in there that means they know my plan to go to earth or they at least know for some reason i'm collecting the crystal it looks like they might know my plans i don't wait oh no it's right here i have two let's go we haven't that means they don't know my plan or i don't think they know my plan anyway two down four to go and then we're finally on their planet earth it took me another two days to locate the next crystal however with this one i ended up getting extremely lucky okay crystal biome finally i've been looking for one of these bad boys okay let's start here with this pink crazy stripe we'll go from there oh there is one let me get to this thing where is it at boom that's three okay let's keep checking because there's another pink mountain nearby let's check out that big crystal up there shall we see anything let me check on the side here cause it goes a little lower okay so right below that like green thing we just double check from like an upper angle it should be safe oh no it's literally right there it is there's one do we have four we got two in the same biome let's go do we literally have four we need two more we can go back to earth okay let's keep heading out west to find more oh i'm at the base again careful that's a tower to fly oh they have two towers to fly oh wait yo yo the alien's flying right over where in front of you you gotta light her off oh god okay oh we're in trouble we need to go we're chasing we need to get to this next island i can't ditch in my condition my condition ready right into this cave oh that was so close i can't believe we we escaped dude elytra are so op if you know how to use them oh this cave is my life savior mwah thank you after evading the fbi agents yet again i continued to look for crystals as i only needed two more to actually get to the fbi's world through the portal oh i think i found a trick when i'm in here i can see any caves or anything there's a dot this way meaning there's a hollow point somewhere nearby in the relatively this direction oh that would make it so much easier to just mind these things out if there's a oh it's literally there oh my god i just found a trick for finding them we have five eternal crystals we need one more oh let's go baby let's go okay so now that we have five of the crystals i'm thinking we should probably find a complete portal and use that complete portal to get to earth it's gonna be too hard to rebuild one so we're gonna have to find a complete one now i've seen a few in the past but i have not memorized where they are so i just gotta look around bump into one that isn't broken and use that to get to earth it took me four days to find one of the portals that would lead me to the fbi's home planet and now that i know the portal's coordinates i just needed to find the last crystal to actually use it it only took like a billion years but we found this and also i found a new biome i've never seen before so this is actually pretty cool we have a massive crazy biome over here and to make things better we have a working portal right here so let's go ahead and let's put our five eternal crystals in and the last one we need is right up front the only thing is they shoot these massive lasers in the sky which is bound to draw a little bit of attention okay so with it being day 53 that means we have plenty of time to find this last crystal and then spend the time murdering the human so we gotta find this last crystal and then we'll be good so uh we'll go from there and uh everything should be fine okay so i'm just gonna go up here we're gonna climb up the trees so that way we can get height and start flying out looking for the last crystal oh they're here why are they here they're not attacking we're coming alien that's crystal sweet no get away from my crystals no let's get i need to fly i need what's my light trap my lecture's good my lecture's good come on over here he ended up pulled he had to pull no wait where'd the other one even go oh i made nederman angry no not that time enderman is he still invisible oh no he's gone dude after the fbi attacked and took my crystals i knew they were onto my plan to go back to earth so i decided i had to raid their base and get my crystals back now okay their base is literally just up ahead stay low to the ground so they can't see us don't look at any endermen i need to figure out which building would they keep it in oh they're fishing okay let me quickly actually join their teamspeak call and hear what they're saying real fast okay there's a good place to fish huh partner yeah that's as good as the best place okay i don't know which building to go into so i'm just gonna try and i'm just going to fly past and go for the blue building we're definitely going to hear that if we can hear that hey you hear something hey fellas how are you going in our building building hey oh my god hey he's back in our building oh god oh god am i blind i am blind oh my god five three five that's literally all i need to get through stop right there it's american territory oh my god he said we're going back here alien oh i'm flying this way i'm flying this way i'm playing this way i'm going up i'm going in the tower going off the tower those bullets are so close okay go over here oh my god the enderman they're pissed okay over here it seems like that we've ditched them so i'm gonna go ahead and climb back up here and we're gonna make our way back to the portal and i think we have enough to activate it so now we can go to earth and take our revenge on them okay we're back let's go let's put it in this is all of them let's go dude and it is official on day 57 we have the portal and it's activated and now it's time to hunt the humans let's go we're on earth okay so this is earth my vision looks like normal minecraft now but yeah everything looks pretty good it looks like i popped out inside of a forest of some kind anyway i gotta get started on working on a base so that's kind of what we gotta do first is uh get some wood and get to work because we have a lot of work to do after finishing my new base on earth it was time to get my revenge this challenge started where i had to survive 100 days while trying to survive against the fbi agents however now that i'm on their planet it is time to flip the script i'm now the hunter and the fbi is gonna be the hunted let's see if they can survive the remaining 40 days shall we okay so the base is pretty much complete uh we're currently at the end of day 61 but i've finished up the base let me give you a little tour around basic room you got your chests you got your furnaces but the main thing about this base that's important is always having an escape route so i have a cool little tower they could elytra in if they get to the top of those trees but i don't think i have to worry about that but there's a little trap door here i can jump down here dive in the water swim right here and boom we are out of there so we have a quick way out that will definitely catch them off guard you see to win this challenge from this point i'm not only going to need to kill them but i also have to destroy their base because the cia definitely has a base on earth i'm a hundred percent certain of it okay all right back in america baby i had enough for that alien playing it for one day yeah let's get back to our headquarters and uh make some weapons home home sweet home baby did you leave the door open whoop uh no unbelievable we're currently on day 62 and it's time to start looking at what we can do to guaranteed beat the fbi in their own turn so obviously i have good armor right now with diamond armor and his eternium helmet however the issue is i still am rocking an iron chest plate and to make matters worse they also have the exact same gear so it's time to get ahead of them and let me show you how on earth you can make what are called mechs they're giant machines that can do different things from tunneling to moving extremely fast over land to battling and i think i'm going to make the tunneling one so i can upgrade all my enchanted diamond gear into netherrite all i have to do is make the tunneling mech bring it to the nether and dig for another right it should be that simple and so i spent the next five days simply gathering all the items and parts i was gonna need to make this digging mac it was getting really complex so to not bore you here is a five second summary of what happened first i needed to mine a lot of iron using that i made two wheels two digging arms two fuel tanks and a tunnel armor chassis crashing everything together i made a tunnel neck and i'm done and so now i have the digging mech and it's time to get some nether right okay so if we go down this tunnel right here ta-da mac and so this is our digging mech and to get it started i just need to go back and get some coal and this magicite and now this thing should be powered on so if i hop in it should start digging where i look so if i start aiming here and you're gonna notice i start digging through in a straight line i can just do this until i run out of coal fuel and when i run that coal i have to go get more and go from there and i'm going to get a lot of netherrack while doing this but this should make getting ancient debris way easier oh it's debris i saw it we got one yes let's go okay so that's one inch of debris now we're just gonna keep going so we can get enough to upgrade our armor i don't know how much i need but i'm probably gonna try and get like 10 or so but yeah this is gonna be a really fast way to get ancient debris and so i kept digging in a straight line for two days was able to get 11 ancient debris in that time however on day 72 the luckiest thing happened i found the fbi agents keep going we're gonna get another right soon i swear or another ancient debris soon i promise what are you thinking whoa whoa oh whoa [Music] we left you on the alien planet oh hey whoa okay hey whoa whoa whoa whoa cease fire cease fire what what are you doing here we're on earth supposed to be back on your dumb planet we're in the nether um i'm here to get my revenge you destroyed my base you know what in fact i'm flipping this challenge on its head you two are the hunted and i'm the hunter the alien hunts the fbi on their planet for getting revenge what you no you can't do that that's not it's not part of the script yeah that wasn't part of the video and who owns the youtube channel yeah but you you can't yeah this is messed up yeah it's like turning it to one bow you can't you can't fight it it's already happened all right fine fine but if we're gonna go you're gonna hear your comments about this we gotta get right into your comments about this one aren't i you you gotta you gotta give us some time to get out of here okay we're not we're not fighting right here okay fine here's the deal because i didn't tell you about the game change i'm going to give you until the next day what is it day 72 and then i'm gonna start attacking you well on day 73 so you got the rest of d72 you better get kelly oh geez you're gonna regret this yeah okay it's over this is yeah i'll fire back no he's not oh no oh my god i'm almost dead yeah you better back off okay it's time to go back this way and we gotta follow this tunnel the whole way because clearly they were minding this way now that it's day 73 i can actually murder them right so we're gonna go through this tunnel and murder them let's just keep going this way and we'll see if there's anything interesting they missed maybe they missed an ancient debris maybe they didn't i want to actually get the quartz to their base first because i feel like this tunnel would lead to their base right they had to have mine this is only two wide oh yeah there's cobble here hold up we're definitely getting somewhere this could be it this could be the end of the tunnel here's another portal oh my god it's right here let's get their cords that's the main purpose if we can get a kill we're gonna do it on just one of them or or both i don't know i just want to risk my dad hey let's see that's definitely a trap that's gonna alert them okay what are the chords x 219 uh y z negative 55. oh we're gone oh oh god i'm shooting i'm gonna just keep them back keep back okay we're gone oh what was that gun that did a boatload of damage even with my armor i have right now we're gonna go back to the base definitely going to need another right armor for this fight would you get out of my way sir okay we need to get back to the base go go go go so it's visually day 74 i'm getting the nether right scraps taken care of now so we can quickly hop over here and do our thing so we need uh i think four netherright scraps to make any i don't i don't know how this works okay i'm really bad at that okay let's combine the four of those with the four of my things and we have another right ingot throw this bad boy here throw this bad boy here and bada bing badon we have netherrite leggings with prot 4 just like that now that is gonna be useful now let's do the same thing with our boots boom another right boots now we just gotta enchant this bad boy and we'll be ready to go attack let's grab our shulker box and let's go head back to their base and show them what we're made of and we're at the portal let's go in this is either gonna end terribly or end good but with another right i shouldn't take as much damage i still set it off are you kidding me that's fine whoa yo nice sniper tower dude thanks dude oh he's there oh god okay uh battle positions battle positions oh what did i just get hit with who he tried to just kill me that did half my health if he hit me again i was dead they have some new gun up in that tower that just blasted me to pieces well we need to go back to the drawing board okay so it is currently day 75 my netherright was not strong enough to hold up against those human weapons now i looked into it and it turns out there are quite a few human weapons if i type the word gun here you'll see all my laser guns that i can get you'll see that if i go to page 11 on my mod menu look at all these guns they can make everything from an ak-47 to a mossberg 590 what even is that but they can make all sorts of crazy weapons however i still have my basic laser machine gun so to win this i'm gonna have to get creative here's what i'm gonna do it turns out that there are other laser weapons including the laser sniper and the laser shotgun so i just need to go ahead and get the laser sniper and the laser shotgun and then i think i'll have a fighting chance to beat them it was much easier to craft laser weapons now that i was on earth you see the power stone spawns naturally in this world so all i had to do was find a few mine them and i was able to make my laser weapons so these are my brand new two guns the red laser sniper and the yellow laser shotgun with these in hand i really don't think they're gonna stand much of a chance and i think we actually can win this thing well i might be able to kill them at this point i still don't have any good way to destroy their base which means it's time to hunt for some desert temples so that way we can get some tnt i spent the next four days flying around looking for temples i was able to find five in that time and a total of 45 tnt this would definitely be enough to destroy the fbi base it was time to make my final attack and get my revenge i traveled back home on days 87 through 88. it's not that interesting day 89 and we are home okay so we have the 45 tnt we have five golden apples and a god apple that we got in addition at the temples now we just need to go in here go up to the nether portal and launch our final attack i got my shulker box on me perfect it is time to launch this final attack i should be able to win this and then blow up their base it should be easy okay let's hop into the portal oh wait i forgot the redstone torches hold up okay we've got the redstone torches we're good now let's go hey look the portal okay so the next thing that we have to do is pull out our shulker box we're gonna grab our better laser gun to make sure we're fully stocked for this fight the next thing that we're going to do is actually something i've been waiting to do this entire time ready for this [Music] i can transform into them and look it says unicorn man above my name and everything i can use this for my final attack to change them and use my alien powers to come out on top i've been waiting to do this since the start of the episode knowing that i had alien powers that allowed me to transform the thing i wanted to do most is transform into them so i could use it against them to trick them and finish them off let's do this okay we gotta go through and be very careful let's get our blocks immediately because we're gonna have to go over that wall that they've set up immediately there we're gonna be extra careful so we go on these stairs ready am i being tried oh no i think they're just shooting jose seems to know where unicorn man is so i'm gonna have to confuse unicorn man let's morph into jose he's just murdering mops i need you to look away or better video i'll just act like jose let me have a pickaxe okay i just need to get up there oh he's right below me okay i'm just gonna act like i'm ready get over here the pool tower let's break into the tower just like this we're gonna confuse him it's a water tower okay so if we swim up this he's gonna be confused and not realize who i am i'm immediately gonna kill a unicorn man and then i just have to fight primor and kill him and then i blow up the base and i win okay let's just go up here and confuse him do a walk up to him bro what's up what oh oh jose stop stop okay he's hurting me i got him though ready watch this yo that's not me what do you mean that's not you what do you want he jumped oh we got him he's done he's done i saw him die midair okay where's the other one he's low where's my electro i'm gonna use these to get down let's eat the god apple he's under there they have a secret tunnel to get in here we're going fast ready he doesn't see him fire he's on fire he's done fall damage did he die do i need his sniper i need to stamp him i'm going in i'm going to get him with a shot in here ready he's burning he can't escape oh i used my shulker box oh no he's choker boxed me i'm taking a shulker he's just running he's running he wants to live i'm going in the base of going in the fbi base wait oh you're right i'm leading him into the base he's done let's go okay we have to blow up the base and we win this challenge oh it's blowing up i gotta run oh [Music] okay let's place a few more come on get all over here make sure we destroy the chests okay here we go we're out of here man watch this place and the fbi loses look at this destroyed base they had all the advantages from cool secret doors to things and i blew it all up the fbi loses and i oh and i the alien win but i can hear what you're saying right guy it is only day 89 what are you gonna do for the last 11 days if you're not hunting anybody well i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna sit afk in this box for the next 10 days [Music] oh wait what no i died what day was it wait what [Music] you
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,640,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, minecraft alien, minecraft 100 days, 100 day alien, minecraft roleplays, i survived 100 days, minecraft mod, ryguyrocky alien, minecraft custom map, minecraft planet, aliens, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, bronzo, moose, aphmau
Id: LYb9tkR4OsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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