I Survived 100 Days as a DEVIL in Minecraft

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the devil the most evil creature alive and rumored to even have the power to fight God himself the devil is truly something to be feared and that's why I'm gonna become the devil in Minecraft for the next 100 days and to make things fun my two friends have been blessed and turned into angels and now their mission is to try and stop me from getting until day 100 and becoming the strongest devil possible oh look at me I'm a tiny little devil thing I even have a little tail that Wags okay so obviously we're in the nether we gotta get out of here quick because there are two angels that are hunting me down and I'd rather avoid them if I can okay oh God never mind they're here there's a little yeah okay I just have to get away from him which isn't hard because luckily as an imp I have a double jump ability and I can just get around them with my wings and jump in their portal okay now before they get through that portal let me grab some wood real quick okay there's three locks that should definitely be enough oh God they're coming through that is all we're gonna have time for think you're sneaky huh he's getting away okay let's use our flap to get up in a tree somewhere okay that did not work in fact I took fall damage oh I have an idea we can use this tree to get over to this tree get up here quickly put it down down here do I have time to get this nope and we're out of here there's a dolphin we can get Dolphins Grace dolphin please dolphin please yes thank you dolphin yes see you later no okay we officially escaped the Angels which means now we can actually start working on becoming a more upgraded devil now before we do anything I want to unlock an upgrade specifically I want to get my hot hitchfork which is a combat upgrade now to get it I need to kill 15 drowned equip some iron armor and kill a player which honestly doesn't sound that bad guy berry bushes so for now we use this Village as a temporary home so let's start by starting the quest and going ahead and getting the iron armor equipped because that's really easy to do the first things first let's grab some more wood and now let's make some basic tools and a stone pick now let's go to a cave and start mining for 24 iron so we have enough for all the armor okay here's a water cave let's go down here there's a magma so we could luckily breathe and let's see if this leads anywhere okay this definitely looks like a spot I can mine through okay perfect we found our way into a cave now let's just go ahead and start getting some iron okay that's all the iron we're gonna need let's go up and get it smelted and we'll already have the first Power finished okay let's pick a house that we can use for the night I'm gonna pick this one here and I'm gonna start by making a furnace now we're gonna go and start smelting this iron okay now I've stolen a bunch of food stuff from the villagers I think we'll be good for the knife and I think it's pretty fitting the devil would definitely steal from some villagers okay we can already equip the helmet and the chest plate boots complete and there's the last piece of armor perfect good night okay hello it's day two and we already got full iron armor and a shield which is perfect because we have to go kill the 15 drown to finish up this Quest so let's go get ourselves 15 rounds speaking of have you ever wondered what Minecraft 2.0 is gonna be like because I bet it's gonna be a game based in the metaverse just like today's sponsor the sandbox you can download the game for free using the link below in the description box I'm also giving away ten dollars in mine coins to three random people the sandbox has over 300 000 players and over 200 of some of your favorite brand Partnerships including Snoop Dogg Steve Aoki The Walking Dead Adidas Tony Hawk dead mouse with many many more on the way and over 90 experiences to play right now now the Sandbox Alpha season 3 starts on August 24th and it's only gonna last until November 2nd in all there will be 98 experiences for you to play my favorite experience is The Walking Dead because you can work with Carl to rebuild Alexandria interact with Negan himself and even look for food with me shown and fight zombies and playing these experiences can win you up to 1 000 sand you can also earn other rewards through different Community challenges and contests now here's the thing I've actually been saving the best part of this for last and that is you don't even need to pay to play in the alpha playing the sand box is 100 free so how can you win the ten dollars in mine coins go ahead and download the game using my link below on your PC or Mac get to level two in the game by completing quests and then when you're in the alpha Lobby find either Snoop Dogg Steve Aoki or Rick Grimes take a screenshot with them and tag me and the celebrity in that screenshot on Twitter I'll choose three random people at the end of the month to win But You're Gonna Wanna sign up fast because only ten thousand Alpha passes are gonna be given out so don't miss this perfect opportunity just go ahead and sign up by clicking that link in the description down below okay let's hop back in our boat and now let's go find an ocean biome and start killing drown okay I see it drowned right down here and it looks like there is yeah there's an underwater Monument here so let's start killing some drowned okay well looks like that's all the drown they're gonna be here so we gotta go find another one so let's move on okay I think I found another one yep I found another underwater structure oh they're all in here hello Howie okay now let's go back to our boat and now let's go find you another underwater Monument can I see more magmo which usually means yes literally we got another one I don't see any drown this time though oh my god did you throw a try this at me oh we don't want to try it we're gonna be careful oh that's a lot stop there we go I killed the one with the Trident but he unfortunately didn't drop it so I don't get it and we still need five more kills so let's keep looking because the sun's probably gonna be setting in the next three to four minutes okay I think I see two monuments I bet I see some magma up there and there's some magma right below me okay there's definitely some drowned here one down oh there's a bunch oh my God okay there we go 15 to 15 drowned kill there's still one more left behind me but I'm just gonna go get the treasure and leave okay now that that's completely let's go ahead and go home and go to sleep okay hello it's A3 now we just need to go ahead and get one player kill done we'll be all set to go and I do that I basically just gotta go to where they live get a sneak attack kill one and get the heck out of there that's exactly what I'm gonna do let's hopefully get a kill on one of them otherwise we're probably dead already okay they are definitely at the spawn Island not only can I see their names up there but there are torches everywhere so now let's just go ahead and kill the Angels who are definitely just up ahead in this box we just need to sneak attack one of them get the one inside oh come on I'm shielding foreign he killed his own teammate so I can't get the kill there we go we got the kill okay let's put down the boat let's just get out of here it was fine finally time to start on my first base the Devil's Pit okay and our base is complete let me show it to you this is the base area where we got chests last furnaces furnaces smokers crafting tables beds you name it this is where I'm gonna do most of my work and then besides that I really just built these giant walls of cobblestone and glass and the reason I did it is because down below I actually trapped an underwater nether portal and converted it into an on land one so that's my nether portal overall this base isn't really functional as much as it really is just kind of cool and but the best part is it gives me plenty of room to grow meaning there's areas for enchanting tables traps and I don't know anything else the devil might want but now it's time to start working on our second an upgrade and we're gonna work on greedy gaze which requires five emeralds five diamonds ten iron ingots 10 golden gets 32 Redstone Dust 32 lapis lazuli and 32 coal ah that was a long thing to say but yeah if we mind all that we basically get second upgrade so let's get mining okay we've got everything mined up and it's melted which means we officially have everything for the upgrade except for coal and that's because the Coal's in the furnace grab this that should be enough and there we go we can now unlock greedy gaze our second ability which is gonna immediately give us two compasses now first you're gonna notice the entity compass that kind of looks like a little devil this Compass is gonna let me track anything creepers wardens and even the angels and then my other one is the ore Compass which is gonna let me track any oars through walls diamonds iron you name it it's mine now as you can see the sun's already starting to set we're gonna go ahead go to sleep wake up tomorrow and then we can work on getting more Hearts by going from an imp and becoming a fiend okay so to become a fiend we need 32 magma blocks 32 gold ingots and three diamonds the magma is definitely gonna be the easiest though so let's go ahead and head to the Nether and let's gather up 32 magma and then we can start looking for a Bastion for gold so let's go through the Nether Portal now let's go ahead and build down to that magma down there perfect and there's some magma right below so let's start mining okay we officially have 33 magma now let's go and start looking for a Bastion so we can go ahead and get that gold nice and easy okay there we go we found a Bastion and let's go and just collect the gold that we need oh let's quickly collect this gold block on the bridge and now let's go over here and get this gold block on the other side of the bridge now let's go on this side of the Bastion and see if there's any gold blocks in the center there is definitely gold blocks down there okay let's go let's grab all these Gold Blocks there we go we've officially mined up all the blocks now let's go ahead and see what's in the chest oh that's so good four more gold blocks two ancient debris and magma green that was op go away anyway that is definitely enough gold let's skedaddle back through the portal and we're home so let's get going to bed and we can do the upgrade later okay day 12. all we need left is some diamonds then we can go from an imp to a theme so let's quickly go grab those and let's do the upgrade Now using the ore Compass I can actually track diamonds so I've selected Diamond now if I right click it's gonna give me coordinate that we can walk to negative 103 negative 38 303 so if I dig down 10 blocks from there there should be some diamonds down here turns out I have to dig up 10 blocks not down and look there's diamonds let's mine the rest of these up and there we go we already have all the diamonds we need so now if we go ahead and open up our menu and click Evolution you're gonna notice we can now unlocking so goodbye in and hello fiend look at me I look so much cooler I have bone wings I have like six ears I'm like Medusa Cthulhu and a skeleton combined and this is only the beginning because now I've gained the ability to not only flap once but now I can flap twice meaning I basically get the ability to triple jump I'm telling you these angels do not stand a chance against me well anyway now that we got 15 hearts it's time to start picking another upgrade called Souls of the damn uh but first i'm gonna do a little mining the rest of the day because luckily with the ore tracker I can already get diamond armor so that's exactly what I'm gonna do okay we got ourselves 28 diamonds so let's go let's make the chest plate let's make the leggings and let's make the boots and now we have a full set of diamond armor and already on day 12 I already have full diamond armor now let's sleep okay we have all the undead kills completely finished which means now we just gotta kill three gas with their own fireballs and we'll be done that's name blades gold Runners are here what I'm trying to build up come on okay I got one down there's another one over here also building up the side what stuff oh we killed him in like one hit let's go we're so strong as a fiend he's trying to break my bed oh he was low let's go he's done for okay well since they just came to my base and attacked and wasted my time now we don't have time to go get the three gas kills today so we're just gonna wait for sunset go to bed and tomorrow we'll go get the gas kill okay day 15. okay day 15 let's go kill some gas now where are we gonna find some gas let's find somewhere nice and open okay I missed that one okay great now we're on fire thank God we're a fireproof devil yes we got one let's go we finally killed one I was getting so stressed I couldn't kill one of those things still baby let's go yeah why won't this guy shoot it shoot at me you're literally touching me can I punch you yeah now you'll fight me yes three four three the guest was dumb he was a little dumb boy dum-dum anyway now that we're done with that let's go with let's go back to the portal and let's head back to the base and let's go home there we go oh Thunder's here that's why there's CT oh they're setting it off they're setting off we're gonna go back through the nether oh man I can't wait to see the look out of Ryan's face when he sees it here oh he's here he's here okay I'm 90 sure they were about to blow up my base I'm gonna go through and check and see what's going on oh I see a lot of water that's not a good sign oh it's the whole top my base destroyed oh God they destroyed everything I just got attacked oh dude there's nothing left to the space literally oh I see Hunter I have to get him down I don't even see the other one okay there's one up here let's get this one nice hit we killed one of them watch this hit him down baby let's go bye-bye you can't stay underwater forever okay he's actually down in the portal room he doesn't really jump alone he's done he's done foreign anyway all we gotta do left is equip the wither skeleton skull but I kind of gotta make a new base first so let's do that okay well my base got destroyed insanely fast I didn't even really have time to enjoy that bait but whatever it's time to build a new one so let's build the devil pit 2.0 okay welcome to the new base this is probably honestly my most boring base in a while but I was kind of focused on getting all my stuff since everything I had blew up sorry for yelling anyway the space is currently smushed in between two lava waterfalls just to make it slightly difficult to get in I do plan on building some sort of redstone entrance eventually but I haven't had time to do it yet so it's not done but regardless of that at least we got a base to get started in because being baseless thing anyway all we gotta do left is get that one wither skeleton skull so let's go to another find a fortress and go kill a bunch of them till we get a skull into the portal what is this what is this spawn what is this there we go now we're in the nether okay perfect we found another Fortress let's go oh God oh God oh God oh God oh god oh that was a dead end let's keep running around cause we gotta find wither skeletons here we go some wither skeletons let's go boys okay now they're all trapped and no wither skeletons go I hear another one nearby see up here oh yeah he is come on down okay a bunch of wither skeletons down and still no skull to show for it let's keep killing all right these stupid mosquitoes are dead all right well apparently I picked up a wither skeleton skull while fighting all those wither skeletons and mosquitoes and I didn't even notice but I got one and that's all that matters so to finish out this upgrade I just gotta put it on my head that was it done anyway let's go ahead let's head home and we'll do the upgrade tomorrow so let's unlock the souls upgrade where I can now summon mobs to fight for me let me show you now if I go in here the sun's out so they're probably gonna die but you'll see what I mean what uh four skeletons or a wither skeleton and a zombie and my Wither Skeleton comes with a bow and they're free XP but anyway with that upgrade out of the way it's now time to work on our next upgrade sin storage now for this upgrade we need three regeneration potions three enchanted golden apples God apples and three ender chests let's go ahead let's quickly go mine up 24 obsidian because that's what we're gonna need just to make the Ender Chest okay now that we got a bunch of obsidian we can go ahead and start working on the Ender Chest now an ender chest is made with eight obsidian with an Eye of Ender in the center and that also means we need three Eyes of Ender we need blaze powder and ender pearls and I know just the place to go get that my favorite place in the world the nether get it because I'm a devil okay that's three blaze rods which is definitely enough blaze powder now let's go to a Bastion and get ourselves some ender pearls okay we're at a Bastion let's just go ahead and get inside I already grabbed all the gold on this side I lost it all when my base got blown out but there should still be gold on this side of the Bastion okay let's see if there's any gold blocks in these chests nice we got one right here and another one in this one we're off to a good start because we only need like three ender pearls oh yeah we got some more gold in this chest no gold blocks though okay from out here I could see a bunch of gold blocks let's just grab them on the back and that should definitely be enough to get the end of pearls we need nine gold block should definitely be enough to do this trade so let's go trap a couple piglens in a hole and we'll start doing the trade okay now just give these guys our gold real quick and they should start getting to work and hopefully we get three ender pearls from this we definitely should I definitely just saw some ender pearls come through how many do we have they're real four yes that's all we need perfect okay you guys can go in give me my gold back now that we get all the supplies for the Eyes of Ender let's go ahead let's go home okay let's go ahead and let's start by making our eyes a vendor and Surround with a bunch of obsidian and that's gonna give us our three ender chest and just like that we got the under chest done with now we still need three God apples and three regen potions but luckily the regen potions are also pretty easy now we have one leftover Blaze Rod we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get a brewing stand we'll just throw that right on top of our crafting table now let's take some of our sand and let's get it smelting in the bottle we need a guest here when I was killing gas earlier I was already able to get a gas tier so that part of the region potions is already done so all we need to do is make these glass bottles let's throw them in our crafting table now let's go let's fill all these things with water and let's combine them with another War along with a blaze powder you've seen me do this a million times I make awkward potions I throw the gas deer in I get regen potions done and there we go the three potions of regeneration are complete and now all we need is three God apples and sin storage is ours now in the past you've probably seen me go to desert temples to look for them wrong location you guys told me in the comments I should actually go to deep dark cities as they have a way way higher percent chance of spawning a god Apple now this could take a little while but yeah let's get to work it took nearly four days of searching justify find an ancient city and when I found one I was gonna do everything in my power not to summon a warden I simply wanted to get some golden apples and flee okay I'm currently following my entity compass and I'm having it track the silk sensors I don't see any more shulk this way so if there's gonna be a city it's not here oh no there is more there's there's more down here let's follow this oh there's a ton down here oh my God oh my God this is an ancient city okay we found one now we'd have to see if there's any God apples around I want to be careful I really don't want to summon a warden now I see two Shrieker things no okay cool no Warden yet we're all set but also no God app okay let's climb up here there's always chests on top of the towers and not here maybe it's on top yep here's a chest let's go oh yes we got one okay we have one enchanted golden apple some skull okay I see another chest that way let's go for that one next there's actually two there okay no Warden yet oh this is terrifying this is a very dangerous area all I'm trying to do is get to these chests right in here is there any other screamy things nearby okay I'm gonna break this one because I think I can get away with that nice we got away with it let's open this chest okay no God Apple in this one but we do have some really nice Diamond pants hey now let's go check the other one oh it's screaming okay we got two oh okay let's just go get more items we can get it we can stay away from this thing we got a good distance okay let's check this chest we got a god Apple that's all we need another chest here oh my God there's another one two more oh my god oh wait we definitely have enough now let's go let's get out of here before that Warden catches up with me and we're home with the six God apples that we found which is actually more than enough that we even needed let's unlock sin's story now since storage is really cool let me show you basically whenever I kill a monster I store their soul in this box and I can take it back whatever I want and heal myself it's basically like golden apples I can use on the Fly okay and with that complete we can now start looking at our next upgrade which I want to be gluttony's death this basically lets me shoot what I call the devil laser it's just a dark beam of energy that does a ton of damage on top of damage it also Withers them gives them hunger and blinds them so yeah it's pretty op wait I see names nearby partners are here oh God do they see my face wait he may not see our base oh no he does I'm so confused does he see it or not I'm gonna try to throw one in the Buffalo and get some fur yeah give me that meat uh Jose Jose listen we we should really um head into the jungle dude why uh I just think we should head into the jungle my man oh okay let's check check this out oh check out this ant hill dude wait are they leaving oh my God they're leaving what we're not ready for me let's go look at him don't look him oh wait that was a super close call okay let's start working on gluttony's debt we gotta kill 50 wither skeletons gain the glowing effect and kill five players which honestly doesn't sound awful because I think I can just shoot myself with a glowing arrow and I'll start glowing but we'll test that later first things first let's go to the Nether and start killing those wither skeletons right now okay we finished up all the Wither Skeleton kills now we're just gonna kill five players and gain the glowing effect and since I'm already in another let's go ahead let's get that glowing effect by shooting ourselves with one of our spectral arrows now if I shoot this in the air and hit myself I should glow there we go and look I got the glowing effect it actually worked oh that is so stupid Oh I actually did that I'm very happy that that worked okay well we got the glowing effect done just like that and now we just need five player kills but before we do that I'm gonna get some TNT for reasons I'm not gonna specify anyway let's go home okay it is day 37 and it's time to get our five player kills oh and of course we're gonna take our TNT and go attack their base and totally not blow it up and destroy it because they destroyed my last base yeah let's go okay their base has definitely been upgraded to the blast Bend here it is a massive wall it's now two stories and it has a Halo okay we're getting up to their base they haven't seen me yet and we need to kill them five times here okay well one of them breaks in this is where we get our first kill ready oh he's trying to run oh he's done oh he's done yes that's one kill and you are looking and you're in trouble oh he's done and we're in the base okay we just need two more kills nice yes four kills really only need one more let's get this guy you can't kill three trying to go through foreign kills now let's blow their base up where are they spawning down here blow this up and let's oh I can't get out here okay we're alive yeah how's that feeling I've only used 17 T let's go get some more of this planted get up on these walls up on the tree and let's get on the base wait what are you splashing with holy water I think he just splashed me with holy water foreign looks like their beds are somewhere down here [Music] oh and there goes the bends and their base and we are home so let's go and let's do the upgrade and now we have glenny's Dad which is uh this close right glenny's dead on this Bice I mean it missed uh what about you see it blows up oh oh he can't move oh yes he can okay now that we have gluttonous debt let's go ahead and upgrade from a theme to The General of the underworld then to unlock this I need 64 obsidian nine lava buckets and three ancient debris which I would almost be done with if they didn't blow up my first base but anyway we got a lot of work to do so let's get to it first let's go to the Nether and use our ore Compass to actually locate ancient debris it's gonna make completing this part way easier so if I take my or Compass let's go and let's set it to netherride now if I right click it you're gonna see it tells me where I can find an ancient debris so let's head there now boom and there it is there's the ancient debris right here look at that and we found it oh and there's a second one well there we go we already got two ancient debris so we literally just need one more okay there's definitely some near here and then I just have to go up basically 13 blocks oh my God I can already see it let's go okay now that we have the ancient debris let's go find some obsidian and get the nine lava buckets okay with all the obsidian in hand let's go back to the base and quickly grab the nine lava buckets that we're gonna need from the nether okay let's go let's grab our nine buckets of lava here we go we got all nine and we're fighting a big bone steak uh let's get out of here okay we got online buckets of lava let's go ahead let's go to sleep and we'll finish the upgrade tomorrow day 40. let's pick up the general of the underworld and now I'm a general devil I'm looking pretty cool if you ask me now as a general devil I am much stronger I not only have 20 hearts of HP I get three double jumps jump boost one strength two and speed two damn a speedy boy I mean look at me running with this Pitchfork anyway enough fooling around because right now we get the first three double upgrades completely complete the first three combat upgrades completely complete however we only have two utility upgrades completed meaning we need to get one more so let's get the gift upgrade which apparently as long as I am on fire standing in magma or in lava I gain resistance too now all I need to unlock this is 64 magma blocks nine buckets of lava and three fire resistance Potions all really easy to be honest let's go to another first to quickly grab all the magma we're gonna need and there we go we got 64 magma now we just need the nine lava buckets and the fire resistance potion which neither should be too hard okay it is day 42 and we got all the Magnum blocks we need but I also went ahead and grabbed a few extra and the reason I did that is because I actually want to start replacing our floor with Magma because I basically had this realization I can step on magma and not burn and Hunters can't so let's go let's just replace the floor with Magma oh no no I see Hunter's nameplate no I see a name not the time okay hold on hold on if I put magma down they have to step on it right trying to come in the window they're gonna have to come through this they're breaking in from the sides I don't even know where they're coming from I got more magma down oh is that TNT oh God this may not work okay he didn't get in he didn't get in oh my stuff okay I grabbed what I could I don't want Cobblestone field oh they're coming quick grab as much stuff as I can oh nice I got one of them oh he's taking a bunch of my stuff okay he's done okay okay they're dead they're dead is there anything important left okay well I've grabbed pretty much everything I can recover from this base that I can hold in my inventory so we're just gonna take this stuff and uh we're gonna go have to build a new base once again it's time to move to a new base this time it'll be a base that takes full advantage of all of my devil Powers it has a magma floor for protection a lava entrance only I can go through and a secret escape room just in case and welcome to the devil bass 3.0 this time the floor is literally lava send me a video on Twitter if you playing the floor is lava one lucky person who does it will win an Amazon gift card make sure to send it to me on Twitter at ryguyrocky anywho the bass looks pretty normal but there's actually something really cool about it I actually built an upstairs as well if we swamped these lavas now I haven't done anything with it yet and I was thinking about making this the real base up here in the fake base below but right now I just built an exit that goes ahead and exits out this way if we just break these blocks okay but now that we're done with that let's go ahead and let's finish up the gift upgrade now we already have 64 magma blocks so we just need nine lava buckets and three fire resistance potions okay so let's go ahead let's go get some magma cream so we can make the fire resistance potion and then we'll also fill up our lava pockets okay let's grab our nine lava and there we go we got all the lava buckets now let's go get some magma cream and another Blaze Rod there we go blaze rods chat now let's go get some magma cream oh wait there's Magma Cream to this chest I don't even need you need you you guys can go in wait now might as well take these gold Scopes while we're here nice and neat there we go and now we have our three fire resistance potions and if we take a peek at the upgrade we'll see we have the magma blocks we have the fire resistance potions and we have the lava bucket meaning we can go ahead and unlock this upgrade and you'll notice because we're standing on our magma floor we have permanent resistance too okay and now it's day 50. there's only 50 days more to go and we're honestly doing pretty dang good but we're still not strong enough to take on someone with netherrite armor which means we're not strong enough so let's get Hellfire arrows so to unlock them I need to kill skeletons with an arrow on fire once enchanted bow with a Max Level enchantment and ignite 32 TNT let's start by enchanting a bow to level 30 and killing a skeleton with a fire arrow let's get a level 30 enchantment on it and we already have the first part of the quest complete now we're gonna do the easy one which is kill skeletons with a fire arrow oh I did it yes I killed him now he's gonna ignite 32 TNT okay so to blow up 32 TNT we have to first make 32 TNT and if you do the math 32 times 5 is uh on the screen right now because I can't do math let's exit the base because we need to go get sand for the 32 TNT that we have to blow up there we go tell the Sam we need now we have to go down to some caves to kill creepers so we get enough gunpowder and we got all the gunpowder we need to combine with the sansils go back to the base let's make that TNT and let's set it off okay let's set the TNT off here so for each one I ignite it actually counts as one but if a TNT sets off another TNT it's not gonna count so I'm gonna do this individually there we go that's 17 T and there we go that's all 32 TNT lit off anyway we're done with this upgrade so let's go and let's unlock it we know of the exploding arrows let's try it out so if I take these three basic arrows in my inventory and I hit a special button you're gonna see two of the arrows disappear and turned into Hellfire arrows now if I take my bow and shoot it they explode and cause fire where I shoot by the way you're also going to notice I now have dirty Hearts that's because I just used all my sins to give myself 10 extra Hearts okay it is time to go from a general to a fallen angel which is our next devil upgrade I need six strength potions six speed potion six jump potion six instant damage potions six regeneration potions and six fire resistance potions and oh my God I'm struggling to breathe we already have the netherworths we need so we're just getting magma cream and gas tears okay let's start by getting some blaze rods okay we got a blaze rods that is definitely more than enough so let's go ahead and now get to magma cream S three magma creams which is just let's shoot them yes we got one second guess down and we got a guest here two for two baby let's go we got all the stuff from the nether now let's go home that was you need to go get sugar a glistening melon and two rabbit's feet we'll be all set to finish up these potions and become a fallen angel okay let's grab some sugar cane that's all we're gonna need for that okay I got a bunch of melon seeds we'll bring those home so we can grow them and that way we get the melon and the glistening melon tomorrow and now all we need to do is quickly head back to the desert find some rabbits and get a rabbit's foot rabbit's foot I see one there we go we finally got one let's go now we can go home because we have all the ingredients let's get to work on actually putting together these potions oh it said netherworts to all of these potions and that's gonna make our first nine sets of awkward potions now we're gonna go ahead and add a sugar to this one and to this one and then we're gonna add the extra blaze powder to this one that's gonna make six speed potions and three strength potions okay now let's refill these one more time and put three new bottles in on each now let's go ahead and add one of the rabbits feet and let's grab our other rabbit's foot from our chest from earlier and let's put that in the second one now we've completed all our strength potions speed potions and jump potions meaning we just need instant Health regeneration and Fire Resistance so let's grab our magma creams and let's put one Magma Cream in here that'll make the six fire resistance potions and then we're gonna put a gas tier in this final slot and that's gonna go ahead and make regeneration potions now we just need two glistening melons so let's go check on the melons and see if they grow okay looks like we do have some melons That Grew we have two full melons at the minute anyway that gives us 10 melons which is all we need so let's quickly go back to the base and combine these with some gold nuggets let's take two of our melons and completely surround them in Golden nuggets that's going to give us two glistening melons which is all we need to wrap up these Potions there we go with potions of regeneration done and then once this is done over here we're also going to add a glistening melon to this batch and it will get us three potions of healing and they're done okay my whole inventory is literally full of potions let's do this from a general to a fallen angel I'm like an angel with black wings with this upgrade complete we'll go ahead and wake up tomorrow and start working on our next upgrade okay it's now time to work on our next upgrade Unholy water but it's gonna require a dragon's head and a dragon's breath meaning we gotta go to the end let's head back to the nether let's get some more blaze rods then go to a Bastion for ender pearls and then to the end Blaze number two dead there's three okay that is nine total Blazer Rogers is all we need now let's go find a fresh Bastion get a bunch of gold and trade it with the piglens okay I found a fresh Bastion take the gold block and they're gonna be really angry that's okay now let's go in here and see if there's any gold blocks in here well there we go 18 blocks of gold that is definitely all the gold we're gonna need so let's go trade okay let's throw the pickles our gold and see how many ender pearls we can get okay perfect we have 16 to pearls which is all we're gonna need so let's kill it oh how many are in there now there's a bunch in there okay with that we have all the ender pearls and blaze rods we need meaning we can start heading to the end okay so it is day 58 and we are making some great time and now we have 17 Eyes of Ender to help get us to the end portal but before I go let's see if we can quickly enchant our demon pitch for so if I grab the lapis and throw it in you're gonna see I can actually give it sharpness so now my Pitchfork has looting two and sharpness three on it so let's go find the end portal okay let's take an eye and Defender and throw it from here and it's going that way so let's go that way too oh back this way wait what oh we're right on top of it it's right below us if we dig straight down we're gonna get to this thing and there we go we're in okay now we're just gonna go and quickly find the Portal oh I found the portal and there we go now we can go fight the dragon okay we're in and luckily I could just fly over so let's start by getting to the tallest Obsidian Tower and climbing it let's go okay all the hell things are going we just need to kill this guy and he's dead let's go okay now let's grab a few dragon's breath okay perfect and with the dragon dead and we have all 16 dragons breath on us wait whoa Hunter they're probably here for the egg oh I'm trapped I can't break it I got the egg I got the egg no he's taking the egg oh it's gone it's broken don't get in the portal don't get the portal no I gotta go after I gotta go after him okay well the portal just brought me back to my base how am I supposed to get the egg back okay we gotta go look for their base to get that egg back ASAP finding the Angel's base turned out to be way harder than I thought but I finally found it on day 63. okay I think I finally found their base that is oh I know I see him I literally see him and I have the ultimate way to get my egg back see luckily I have Hellfire arrows and I'm about to blow up their base oh yeah he sees me oh the Demon's coming okay I blew a hole in the roof let's go in oh oh oh check wait I'm going through yes I got the dragon egg we already got the dragon egg I need to get out of here oh that hurts wait why can't I put up the fire oh okay one of them's done I'm almost dead I gotta go we got the egg back that's the important part okay well that was really really annoying to get that egg back but I'm glad we did and these Hellfire arrows are way more broken than I realized anyway I'm gonna hold on to the eggs I don't want them to come back and take it well let's go and let's look it on holy water we have the 16 dragons breath and all we need is 16 fermented spider eyes well in the dragon head which we can only get from the outer end so let's go kill some spiders because I need fermented spider eyes and then we're gonna head to the outer end so we can get a dragon head okay let's grab all this as well 43 sugarcane just like that and that is definitely all we need now let's grab some brown mushrooms by breaking this giant brown mushroom down and there we go now we have all the brown mushrooms we need so now we just need some spider eyes so let's go grab those okay and that's 22 spider eyes now we have everything we need for all the fermented spider eyes let's get them quickly crafted up you combine the spider eyes the sugar and the brown mushrooms and now we have all the fermented spider eyes we need meaning all we need left is a dragon's head to finish up the Unholy water upgrade so let's head back to that end portal okay we went through the portal look we already found an end city does it have a ship no it does not it does not have a ship okay well this Sun City was unfortunately useless so let's just keep going from end City to end City getting as many shulkers as we can and hopefully finding a dragon head soon I spent the next couple of days just looking for an end City with an elytra ship now I needed two elytra and I couldn't even find one okay we found an end ship let's go I've already got a ton of shulker shells so all I need is the dragon Ed and one of the pairs of elytra from this ship now we need two elytra so we have to find another one but at least we found one okay let's grab the shulker the shulker oh grab some of the stuff from the chest now let's go find in a second in City luckily with the first pair of elytra in hand finding the second pair was much easier okay we're currently at a second elytra ship but this one I can't reach and the shulker isn't shooting at me so I'm gonna go put five purple blocks on the ground and I should be able to use my elytra to Simply Glide over to that ship oh yeah we're in and now we have the second pair of elytra okay now let's just grab this dragon's head which is right here we now have the dragon's head and two pairs of elytra which is exactly what we needed from the end so we can simply fly back to a portal and head on home okay so we got all the stuff we need in the end now if we look at our upgrades you're gonna see we can unlock Unholy water so let's do that and Unholy water allows us to convert water bottles into Unholy water bottles and you'll see if I throw one it doesn't really do anything but if I throw it on myself if you'll see I start to heal but if I throw it on an angel they're gonna take an absolute bowload of damage poison blindness you name it they got it anyway we only have to go till we're fully done we have the king devil upgrade which we just need three nether stars for we also have the last combat upgrade I just need to kill one wither kill one Warden and kill the players ten times to finish up that one to finish up the last utility upgrade I also need three nether Stars I need three Wither Skeleton skulls and I need 128 Soul Sand so I basically gotta kill a ton of Withers here in fact we need to kill six Withers in all which is a total of 18 wither skulls plus I need an extra three meaning 21 Wither Skeleton skulls this is gonna take a while okay I just saw some more wither skeletons over here let's kill them next there's gotta be demons around here partner oh and I think we just found one no don't you fall don't you fall oh the Hunter's here okay I shot him with some Hellfire arrows I only have 26 left there he goes okay unicorns down I just saw him bird over there he turned invisible oh he fell I'm out attack that didn't work at all anyway let's go back to killing wither skeletons okay we officially have all 21 Wither Skeleton skulls that we need now we just need to grab some Soul Sand really fast and then we can go back home and start fighting some Withers okay now that we have everything we need to fight these Withers we're gonna go ahead and go to sleep and fight them all tomorrow summoning them all one at a time and hopefully getting six nether Stars okay let's start by summoning the Wither just over here there we go wither one is summoned let's go yeah Withers down let's go okay let's go let's pick up the nether star I always need a bunch more of those okay time to fight wither number two let's go two Withers down there we go three Withers down four Withers down let's go there we go the last Withers down we have six nether Stars which is all we need so let's go home and organize what we're doing next okay it's day 77 let's do that upgrade and then we're gonna go grab some Soul Sand okay it is time to turn from a fallen angel into the king of the devils look at me oh my God giant red devil wings giant red muscles I'm huge and I even have a devil spell on my head we officially completed all our devil Evolutions meaning there's only two more slots to go the combat upgrades and the utility upgrades we need to kill players nine times and get a warden kill and we need some Soul Sand so let's go get the Soul Sand first because then we can just finish up that upgrade all together okay I don't fit in my base so I just took out the whole second floor because I wasn't really using it anyway and then I realized I did all that for nothing because I don't even fit in my nether portal so I need to just go grab a few more obsidian so I can make this thing like two blocks taller okay here's my super tall nether portal to go grab some more Soul Sand perfect we have all the Soul Sand we need so now we can unlock fiendish protection which allows us to summon a tiny wither that is gonna fight for us and protect us and there he is look so he's a tiny little wither oh my God he's attacking everything oh God okay welcome home we only have one more upgrade to do and that's to finish up pillar of sulfur and son and I really just need to kill a warden in the players nine times which none of those are that hard so let's start by killing a warden because with this form I think killing a warden should be completely doable okay we gotta find the warden in this ancient city let's fight the ward where'd he spawn oh I killed a warden oh my God that's the first Warden I've ever killed anyway now that we uh finished off a warden we just need those player kills so let's go back to the base and we'll worry about getting those tomorrow day 79. I just need to go ahead and kill a bunch of angels and we'll be good to go so let's go pay them a visit shall we okay I have found the Hunter's base it is literally just up ahead let's get in this tree right here and now we can just jump in their base oh my God come on we got like strength a billion MLG bucket I survived loser oh no he's got to be almost dead nice we got one I saw the other one fly right by okay we're on top of their base and we can start getting these kills now oh yes that counted oh let's go that's four he's done see you later we're up to eight total player kills let's just keep murdering them and there we go 10 out of 10 players killed oh and there goes another you know what I'm gonna take that chance to just go ahead and skedaddle because now we can get fully upgraded and then we're gonna go finish off the last 15 or so Days by having a ton of fun okay it is officially day 80. and I just realized that my pitch for it that was massive at the beating now looks like a tiny little Fork anyway let's unlock the last upgrade which is gonna allow us to spawn a massive Firestorm that catches everything on fire let me show you you can't even see it's so big you can't even see it look at it let's go ahead let's go back to their base and let's crush them again and use our brand new ability on them shall we okay I'm back at the base but it looks like they moved because of all the damage I did you'll see if I use my ability here it actually turns a bunch of the water into obsidian lava and magma so yeah you do not want to be inside this circle anyway they clearly have a new base so let's go find that and let's go kill them with the angels base abandoned I knew they had to have another one not too far away and it turns out I was definitely correct okay I have found their final base oh he sees me already he knows that what I'm coming in for let's do this I currently have Unholy water in my hands let's try this because I haven't gotten to use this on them yet oh it lit them on fire look at that now if I try and use my mini wither attack mini wither oh it's a Wither oh my God oh my God oh dude they do not send a chance look at this there we go unlocked one in he's just watching us ah oh that didn't feel good look at all the lava and fire oh this is not good for you guys trap him ghetto mini with her get him oh they trapped me in this box okay well they fight the mini with her I guess I just gotta sit in a box for a sec oh that shot let's go he's toast let's move into the base destroy their little entrance here so I can actually get in without stepping through cobwebs I'm in position let me know when when I gotta do it I'm bringing him here he sees me oh you're running dude you can't get away oh they have a whole base down here okay we gotta get down there the problem is if I get down there I might be stuck oh no I can jump out I have flights oh that's half my hearts okay get him get with the grenades Get Him With Grenades oh God oh God I can't eat I can't eat oh God I gotta get here no oh my God I just lost I lost angels we won I lost what we finally did it angels for the win baby how did you kill the top level devil wait what we thought with the power of angels and and God yeah okay well you heard it here I lost angels have officially beaten the devil and no there's not much else I can say thanks for watching bye
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 3,306,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, Minecraft 100 days as a devil, Minecraft 100 Days, I Survived 100 Days as a DEVIL in Minecraft, 100 days as a devil, Minecraft 100 day devil, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: vntT6-y4ba0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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