Minecraft 1.20 Tips You Need To Know

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here are 25 tips that you need to know for the new 1.20 update number one hanging signs come with a new feature you may not know about now you can display two messages one in the front and one on the back and you can even dye them different colors this is perfect for two-way doors so you can have an entrant sign on one sign and an exit sign on the other number two the calibrated skulk sensor is way more useful than you might think if you hook it up to a comparator an elect turn with a book in it you can choose what the sensor will detect based on the page number in the book it gives you 15 choices which covers everything from eating to placing blocks to mounting mobs so you can make a trap which only activates when somebody takes damage number three if you're riding your camel off of a mountain and take a large amount of damage you might want to try this out Simply right click to feed the camel a cactus and it will actually heal him two Health points which means that the camel can eat cactuses and heal but running into them still causes damage I'd love for Mojang to explain how that one works number four chiseled bookshelves were finally added in 1.20 and they're hiding a secret notice how they come with six book slots with the help of a redstone comparator you can use it to put out a signal whose strength will match the slot that was last interacted with meaning you could make a secret entrance that will only activate if the correct book slot is clicked number five if you're stuck on an island and the only thing around you is bamboo you can make it out alive bamboo is the fastest growing plant in Minecraft and now you can use it to craft multiple new types of bamboo blocks including the new bamboo raft which looks much cooler than a boat but it works the exact same number six the new torch flower is amazing it's challenging to get because you need the sniffer to get the seeds however once you get this flower it can be used to make a suspicious stew which gives a night vision effect not only does it help you see in the night but also underwater number seven hanging signs don't actually need to be hanging from a structure you can simply place them in the middle of the air this fun feature will let you build a tightrope which you can do challenges on with your friends number eight sheeps can become rainbow with the use of a name tag but can sniffers do the same unfortunately not Minecraft has made it illegal however I do have a secret for you surprisingly the dinnerbone name tag will work on sniffers so you can make these massive mobs flip on their belly hit the Subscribe button if you think the sniffer looks even more cute with this new look number nine the chiseled bookshelf has more than just Redstone see the signs of that bookshelf this beautiful block can be used as a floor or a wall with the books hidden behind it this stylish new floor will be sure to impress number 10. in order to get a sniffer egg you need to brush it out from suspicious sand in warm ocean ruins or obtain it from breeding two existing sniffers which means that you are gonna have to go underwater this could be made easier by obtaining a turtle shell helmet you'll need to collect five scoots which are obtained after turtles grow their babies this helmet will give you water breathing for 10 seconds each time you come up for air number 11. this update brought with it a new music disc titled Relic it has an 8.3 percent chance to drop when Excavating suspicious gravel it's not the catchiest song but it sure sounds interesting number 12. using the new bamboo fences you can now make tiki torches in Minecraft it's true just place two fences with a lantern on Top This stylish light will look great along roads or Bridges you can also use torches if you want to switch it up a bit number 13. if you've been playing Minecraft for a while this one is going to be amazing so remember how you wrote in a sign with some kind of error you would have to rewrite everything over again well now you can edit that part out with ease simply right click and you can change your mistakes not only does this work on hanging signs but it works on regular Signs Now as well number 14. unfortunately Minecraft just got a bit harder you now have to get another upgrade smithing in order to upgrade your diamond gear into netherite luckily it is guaranteed to be found in Bastion treasure rooms There are 16 other smithing templates which allow you to choose from many different colors of armor trim number 15. if you want to find suspicious sand there are a few different options you can take you can look in desert pyramids desert Wells and warm ocean ruins the desert Wells are the easiest to excavate however they all drop different kinds of loot you should choose which one you're targeting number 16. if you're looking for a quick ride maybe consider a camel instead of a horse or a pig camels have some unique bonuses that other mobs can't offer two players can ride in one camel and the camel is immune from most mobs due to its height including zombies vindicators silverfish and more number 17. the new Cherry biomes come with a new Surface block pink petals you can place up to four of these petals in one dirt block they make for a beautiful decoration ore that can be used to make pink dye number 18 hanging signs have an additional use that you probably didn't think of since it's a solid block you can utilize it for a fence around your house it's a great block because you can actually see through parts of it so it works sort of like a chain link fence try it out number 19. sniffers now have the ability to dig up a pitcher pod after five stages of growth it will evolve into a pitcher crop this plant is absolutely beautiful but beyond its good looks it can also be used for cyan die number 20. the pottery shards you got from archeology can be used to make custom pots there are 20 different decorations that you can choose from while these massive pots have some obvious aesthetic appeal there are also some pragmatic issues pots can be waterlogged so they work perfectly as a bridge or as something to cover the water around your farm you can even use them for a water elevator number 21 with all of the new ways to get dying you might be wondering what to do with it thanks for the new update colored variants of beds carpets and wool can be easily dyed in your crafting table number 22 note blocks now have a new use when mob heads are placed on note blocks it will now play the sound from the mob head so if you use a creeper head it'll make creeper sounds it doesn't sound too useful but it could be a good way to troll your friends number 23 I'm sure you're anxious to try out the new sniffer place that sniffer egg on a moss block instead of grass rather than taking 20 minutes to hatch this will ensure that the sniffer is born in just 10 minutes number 24. you've been able to place saplings into flower pots for a while now the problem is most of these saplings look pretty ugly so it's not worth the time luckily the new Cherry saplings look stunning in a flower pot use this decoration Outdoors or even inside of your house to add a touch of color number 25 suspicious gravel has been added in this update in order to find this block you'll want to locate trial ruins these structures can be found in heavily forested biomes such as a tiger snowy tiger old growth Birch and jungle biomes once you're located the suspicious gravel will drop common things like emeralds and coal however the rarest drops include Pottery shards armor trims and more and with that folks hit that like And subscribe button if you enjoyed these tips and click the video on screen for some more content
Channel: Minecraft Done Right
Views: 15,082
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Id: tcm7LeKFKiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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