Dwarf Fortress: Legendary Stories

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It's fun how the recurring theme of Dwarf Fortress in both Adventure and Fortress mode is "I got greedy and I died."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thomar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Cyclops matriarch had quite the story arc, especially when she got revenge for the death of her child and claimed the crossbow as a consolation prize.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarthSunshine1984 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It would be interesting to see another Legends episode like this one but focused on the humans or elves for a change, see what the beardless bastards get up to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mightbebrucewillis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whelp, can't say it was my kind of jam, but I appreciate the effort.

You creating a new world /u/Kruggsmash ? I obviously want to see you mess around with the new toys, but at the same time there's a lot of history to the existing 'verse.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MoarDakkaGoodSir πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a bad habit of ignoring Legends mode. This video shows how awesome it can be to randomly walk through Legends mode links and discover your world.

The bit with the crown being stolen over and over again was hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ledgekindred πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That forgotten beast story was very Lord of the Rings like

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lordhugh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would love more of this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/khorbac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t seem to figure out how to play the game, but I love this YT channel. The storytelling is fantastic.

Anyways, nice video. Now throw it on the pile and make another!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/judahnator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] hello you bearded bastards and welcome back once again to Dwarf Fortress and today we're gonna be trying something a little bit different than usual something a bit experimental I figured that just because there's an imminent new update to the game coming out and a lot of people are gonna be creating new worlds would it be nice to get better grasp of those worlds I think so and the best way to do that without using mods anyways is through Legends mode and so that's what we're going to do today we're going to create a new world and take a look at it through legends mode just to see what we can see try to get a feel for the place we'll take a look at the civilizations the monsters the heroes the people it should be pretty interesting and so let's dive right into it shall we first we will create a new world and let's see here I'm gonna make the world a little bit smaller than usual we'll keep the history very long and everything else can stay as is very good and now we'll just let the world generate the name of this place is myth over to you the future world of course I am speeding things up quite a bit this took about an hour yeah that'll about do it right there making it the year 969 in the age of myth okay we're going to use this world just gonna let it finish up here there we are very good and now we can go into legends mode okay and here we are now the first thing I would like to do is to take a look at the civilizations in this world just we could see all the major players alright well from the looks of it we have two of each race which is pretty interesting we have the stock head of irons as well as the defensive portal dwarven civilizations the routed rains as well as the cloud of practice elven civilizations the Confederation of dining as well as the sweet Confederacy's human civilizations the spiders of portent as well as the plagues of pine goblin civilizations and for Cobalts we have Trog a cloud bin and a cricket deathlessness ten different civilizations a bit more than I expected really but it should be fun we're gonna focus mainly on the dwarves anyways also before we leave this screen I want to plant on the fact that each civilization has its own symbol which you could see over on the right there but for the life of me I cannot find out an easy way to see what that symbol is only this little image now there are ways to view this symbol but no easy way nothing from legends mode not that I've seen anyways but something is particularly neat is that only on this screen right here can you see the color scheme for the symbol and you can see that every single symbol here on the screen does have its own unique colors now just because we're doing kind of out legends mode deep-dive I will show you how I typically go about viewing a civilization symbol plus I really would like to know we're gonna back out a legends mode and go into adventure mode and I'm going to make an adventurer from each of the Dwarven civilizations starting with a stockade of irons and you know also this is a fantastic way to see what the dwarves of a given civilization tend to look like now right here this is a dwarf from the stockade of iron and you can see as clean-shaven sideburns a long mustache a very long beard very long hair no braids a grating raspy voice Jade eyes ampere hair and pale brown skin now we can hit the randomize button a few times and by doing that we can get a taste of what what from the civilization tends to look like alright this guy has greasy wavy hair long combed sideburns combed moustache combed beard combed hair no braids Jade eyes Umbra hair dark brown skin okay and again why this guy does have braided hair a braided beard amber hair amber skin Jade eyes and we'll hit it once more alright this guy's a braided beard to clean shaven head it looks like they're not too strict on their hairstyles in the civilisation and all these dwarves so far have had amber hair and Jade eyes and they've all had fairly dark skin except for this guy right here who has peach skin so yeah it looks like skin color ranges greatly pretty cool continuing on we'll get into adventure mode and we start off in a dwarven fortress I'm just gonna look around until we find a dwarf wearing armor because on that armor will be the civilizations symbol which is one hell of a work around isn't it also you know another good point of doing this is so that we can get a good look at one of our civilizations fortresses and just the population makeup I'm noticing all sorts of different races here a lot of humans elves goblins even so maybe this is a bit of a mixed civilization it could well be okay here we are I had to come all the way up here to the surface but I found us swords dwarfed if we have a look at their armor you can see that on the armor is a rendition of the rare page which is a well designed image of a point cut gem which is the symbol of the stockade of irons this particular civilization yes that has one hell of a workaround to see a symbol but I have really found no easier way also you know I suppose if we take into account the color scheme from that first menu there it would be a dark teal point cut gem with a brown background which is actually really cool I just wish it was easier to view but now we know this symbol looks like and I would also like to see the symbol for that other dwarf in civilization and so we're going to start another adventurer from the defensive portal and before we get to that symbol we're gonna have a look at their description and it looks like hitting the randomize button a few times well I'm seeing a wide variety of different hairstyles again shaved heads some are braided some aren't but every single one of the dwarves from the civilization has brass eyes brown hair and tan skin in the vast majority of them also have a narrow hooked noses it's so interesting to see the differences between civilizations isn't it continuing on well this is very interesting heading through this fortress right here there are just a load of scholars wander around the place we have a naturalist a sage a geographer a chemist mathematician astronomer naturalist you know I don't think I've ever seen that many scholars in one place very interesting also note the wide variety of races like the other fortress there's dwarves humans goblins elves everything very cool okay geez we finally found it this is not a straightforward way to see your damn symbol by the way anyways the symbol of the defensive portal is a dwarf that's it just a simple dwarf easy enough and now that we have that tidbit of information under our belt we're gonna head back up to the main menu and we're going to start playing legends mode once more where we can see a bunch of different options we're gonna want to look into but we're gonna start off with historical figures because I really want to be able to wrap my mind around these dwarven civilizations in one of the best ways we can do that in my opinion is to take a look at the gods that they worshipped now the be kind of scattered around in this list here just heading down we'll start off with the gods worshipped by the stockade of irons they have 12 of them quite a few they do have a couple of fairly typical dwarven gods like I'm asked the god of Valor war fortresses jewels minerals and metal a proper gorvan God and then we also have RAL the goddess of trade wealth and the mountains but they also have some more unique ones as well like the subtle Merc the goddess of Twilight and dusk Oh Greg crow wing is the goddess of trees ah staff the god of lightning ah star the god of death Deacon the god of the sky and rainbows they have a God of discipline Youth longevity festivals consolation disease and deformity yeah a bunch of little specialized gods that makes me think these people are fairly creative and want to know more about the world they need more reasons for things to exist moving on we have the gods of the defensive portal who for the most part seem to be a bit more conventional with their beliefs we have lime old the goddess of Earth volcanoes and mountains thar made the God of War and fortresses Dacus versus added angst Amla mole goddess of wealth and a jewels kneel all the goddess of rulership in Γ‘vila a grat emkin and no sami mad the god of truth you have only a few gods and they seem a bit more traditional that's for sure also we should think back to what we saw in those fortresses the stockade of iron seemed to have an even mix of professions and races for that matter while the defensive portal had a lot more scholars Tamia appears that we have two sides of a coin here while the stockade of iron orbs seem to be more freedom-loving inquisitive curious and just have more zest for life in general while the defensive portals seem to be a bit more conservative traditional into scholarly very interesting isn't it now that we have some information about the two dwarven civilizations I would like to see what part they played in this world and more about the world's history in general so I'm gonna head down to historical maps we're going to open that up and zoom out just a little bit just like that and here we can see the entire world map all the mountains forests rivers and such note the enormous evil inland ocean here very cool this here is how the world in year one and to better see all the civilizations and how they grow we're gonna hit enter we've got buns in both corners elves to the east and west humans sticking to the east seemingly we have two different islands with kobolds on them very interesting and down here to the southwest we could see the birthplace of the defensive portal and over here in the southeast the stockade of irons now we're going to advance time just to see how this world develops year 1 10 20 30 40 50 everything's spreading out one of the kobold islands has been overtaken continuing 60 70 80 90 year 200 it looks like the defensive portal is staying mostly to the southwest while the stockade of irons has a foothold in most of the east continuing - 10 20 30 40 up to year 500 now it's fairly unchanged it looks like the civilizations have begun to solidify a bit stagnate perhaps advancing time to present-day Year 960 and yeah they seem pretty much the same with a defensive portal having a strong grasp to the southwest they have a ton of fortresses over there and the stockade of irons have decided to spread out and cover most of the east the defensive portal has the more conservative of a to have decided to solidify their grip on their homeland while the stockade of iron who we decided are the more curious of the to have spread out into a wide variety of different lands also note that no civilization has touched the entirety of the northwest very interesting the wild lands untouched by the world civilizations also we do have trucka Club in the cobalt civilization over the island here completely untouched as well you got to be curious about them anyways enough that we have a basic understanding of how the world works from a dwarf room perspective we can get to the real fun stuff and I would like to show you this way that I typically go through legends mode that I find very entertaining I don't know how well it'll translate into video form but it couldn't hurt to take a stab at it right let's see how I'm gonna start with civilizations and other entities we'll go with the stockade of irons the more adventurous of the two civilizations and I'm just going to peruse this information here to see what we can see I can already see some pretty cool stuff like for one it looks like our first city is cudgels Khan and in our first year we had a celebration called the mountainous festival in which there were all sorts of events there was a procession a bit of a parade I would imagine featuring incense choirs in front candles and images there was a performance of the electronic reticence a poem perhaps some sort of music maybe there's also a ceremony as part of the festival which featured a telling of the story of the ascension of the first king of our civilization and there were also acrobats and some various recitals overall seems like a fairly big to-do but the interesting thing is is that the mountainous festival does not appear to have been held another time only in that first year why only the first year there were other holidays like the ten celebration here but it looks like the mountainous festival was just a one-time deal I wonder if I had something to do with their king kick cross to change cities who became king of the stockade of irons in year one let's look into him gonna head over to historical figures and here we can see the first King who appears to have died in year one the very year he ascended to the throne uh yeah nothing too interesting here he was killed by a cyclops in his very first year of rulership amidst fame bulbar the most vigor other than that there's not much to say about the guy well I'll tell you what how about we take a look at this Cyclops next I'm wrist fame builder who is still alive today almost a thousand years old now one of the first of her kind she was associated with Thunder strength minerals longevity lightning and light yeah it looks like um wrist here attacked cudgel skunks right after that first mountainous festival attacked a few dwarves killed two including the king I guess it does make sense that they wouldn't have another one of those festivals then just gonna go down a little bit here to see welts this Cyclops has been up to really seems to enjoy attacking dwarves that's for sure but she did fairly consistently through all of her years but in recent years it seems there were some fairly wide gaps in between her attacks she still at it though and she has amassed 184 kills which is not too bad but considering how long she's been alive it still isn't that much moving up a little bit you can see her relate to historical figures all of her children three sons and a daughter three of whom are still alive but her second eldest son has passed 'we didn't really live for that long either interesting how about we look into that fellow Lagaan Jada Braves the direction of bronze born in 195 he was a second eldest son of Omri stand dat trainee taker his father when he was seventeen he was confronted by the Elf fidella dusk owner and leg Adam was able to kill fidella in that same year he was confronted by a different alpha silora who he also killed and then at some point that year he became an enemy of the stockade of irons he was confronted by a dwarf as an minded Dyke who he escaped from but then the following year who's confronted by MoMA's step tomb who he was killed by it looks like upon killing the Cyclops a dwarf named oily sprayed and I don't know what that is but it certainly sounds interesting I'll tell you what let's switch over to MoMA's step tomb now all right looks like MoMA's was born in 126 the eldest daughter of her family and when she was just a baby she was attacked by a gloom troll but luckily she was able to escape and then it looks like she was married when she was still very young became a ranger started wandering the wilds and then had some interactions with several different people who appeared weapon spies or something there was a human a goblin at some point she confronted and struck down a human not too sure what their deal is oh and there we have it in 213 when she was approaching her 100th birthday she confronted that Cyclops and killed the Cyclops not a big deal really and then yes it said she named oily sprayed after killing the Cyclops but if we go down a little bit here very interesting it looks like nine years later she was confronted by the Cyclops amidst famed boulder the most figure leg on the cyclopses mother MoMA's was killed by arm rest and oily sprayed was taken by arm rest that's very interesting isn't it okay let's take a look at oil he sprayed an artifact diluted by a vengeful mother Cyclops will go down to artifacts here and here we have it Evos Tarot no oily sprayed was a legendary copper crossbow it is encrusted with well-crafted cushioned Shora yeah bhishan's in mezes with spikes of schist yes they received its name from MoMA's after she killed leg on it was stolen by leggins mother and made a family heirloom by that hour Cyclops here pretty cool see just like that I started at some random point and we already have a very interesting story it's cool to think that oily spray is still owned by this family of Cyclops just waiting for someone to pick it up alright I'm gonna back up a little bit here and we're going to start again back in the civilizations tab here and I'm gonna go to the other dwarven civilization the defensive portal let's see what we can find from them alright let's have a look here at a glance that seems pretty similar to the stockade of irons remarkably similar actually you can see that a queen rose up in year one but then a second queen rose up in the second year so something was to happen to that first one let's have a look just for the hell of it Saigon's wheeled skinned alright yes she became queen in year one took part in a footrace as part of the festival of bells now that's nice but then later that year she was struck down and then devoured by a forgotten Beast um so Skye's menaces the hell of riddles well that's a shame let us swing over to um sews just to see what that beasts dealers okay um so skies menaces be hell of riddles was a forgotten beast it was the only one of its kind an enormous toad with lidless eyes it has a long swing trunk and undulates rhythmically its pale blue skin is warty beware its noxious secretions I'm so suppose associated with water lies and caverns alrighty now we're just gonna start heading down here in year one this creature became an enemy of the defensive portal and for good reason - it looks like the thing just pretty much went crazy and started to following a bunch of different animals dwarves but that was just an initial attack apparently but then 60 years later it came back and attacked these dwarves again killing a few of them in destroying open channels which it then took as its lair yeah it looks like the creature just kind of hung around that place for a while a couple of adventurers came in to try to face the creature but were killed and no problem quite a few dwarves actually you know for the most part looks like this forgotten beats is perfectly content just sitting in the ruins of this old fortress but venturers keep coming in and getting killed yeah a lot of adventurers being killed oh but in the year 692 almshouse was struck down by the dwarf of a Bach tongues of spatters pretty knee inva Bach named cloudy to Barry after killing the Beast I guess we should have a look at valve Achtung spiders now but first actually I wanted to look at this open channels place which is a dwarven fortress that was created by the stockade of irons so I was wrong actually that Forgotten Beast first attack the defensive portals and then that second attack was against the stockade of irons here at open channels and just going on the list here you can see all the dwarves who were killed by The Forgotten Beast um so who was killed in 692 and then the fortress was left vacant for nearly 300 years when only just recently a small coalition of necromancer's seemed to have taken the place for their own very interesting isn't that anyway she's outside no really not to the dwarf who killed that forgotten beast of a pocket on spatters upon reaching adulthood he became a crafts dwarf in just a few years later he was taken by a fel moon and he murdered azzam painted stricken and created a maze berry wood that Dwarfs remains another item we'll have to take a look at but first just moving down here he became a wood crafter married moved to trammel orb where he became an administrator then began wandering the wilds which is when he confronted that Forgotten Beast that he then killed and he named clouted berry whatever that is a few more years passed and he eventually confronted a giant alligator channel blunt the storming tenacity of cudgels and was killed by the giant alligator upon his death clouded bury was taken by a different Wharf and made an heirloom of unbalanced seals family not too sure who that is anyways I think we should take a look at those artifacts now we'll start with that fell moon artifact Voland eula a maze bury a legendary dwarf bone Greaves all craftsmanship is of the highest quality that is strange craftsmanship but it was made by dwarf right normally it would say crafts dwarf ship huh anyways they are encircled with bands of guava wood and mahogany and also adorned with hanging rings of lychee would not too much else to say they're really I know is we had that second artifact nakawara faerie Ally clouded bury the contained tempest something else that's pretty strange is that that is an ell the name spoken in the elf language I don't know why that would be I did have a look and this dwarf is part of the defensive portals not an elven civilization so I don't know why that would be anyways it's a bismuth bronze buckler that menaces with spikes of silt and well crafted peridot and also onna is an image of a white millet plant in cinnabar huh okay anyways we're gonna back out here once more we've had a couple good stories so far the story of a vengeful mother Cyclops as well as the story of a forgotten beast that lurked in a ruined fortress for many generations both finally killed but there's got to be something better out there right I would think so I'm gonna do a little bit of digging and see if we can find something well here's a pretty cool one nursers writer cherished a chameleon man who was one of the very first of his kind actually in year seven he settled in the forest of rain and then a couple years later he settled in a place called golden gorge which is the Dwarven hillocks owned by the defensive portal and there he became a doctor ambitious the place was attacked by a Yeti but he was able to escape in the following year he was the very first to discover the surgical method of scraping will a bright chameleon although a couple years later he became obsessed with his own mortality and sought to extend his life by any means starting to head down a bad path I think he wrote a couple books dreams of scraping really into that scraping I guess he also authored a scraping and other travesties maybe he's turning away from it a bit oh but then he offered great scraping back into it full force following that he was the very first to discover the use of practice models and surgery as well as the use of animals as surgical models and he also discovered anatomical studies for medical edification a really bright fellow it seems he then offered a book it all begins with Anatomy and it doesn't seem like he ever discovered a way to extend his life because in the year 43 he died of old age was still but what an interesting character certainly not as epic as some of the other ones not a hue or anything like that didn't do much fighting treasure hunting but regardless it just makes the world feel that much more alive I'd say I just love that sort of stuff let's see what else we got okay here's an interest in one gal al Ghul folks the lizard brute a demon and master of the spiders of Port and a goblin civilization in a time before time this thing entered the world the help of the gods and honestly it didn't really do that much kind of just sat around in its dark fortress just doing literally nothing until the year seven 98 when gala was murdered by a dwarf known as lor Bao envel okay not too interesting quite yet but if we take a look at that dwarf lore about envel well they're pretty standard dwarf of the defensive portal and things get a bit confusing here because I don't know why a dwarf of the defensive portal would move to courage monsters a dark fortress owned by goblins but he did and while there was taken by a fel mood and in this foul mood murdered the lizard brew - Galgo soaks and with the demons remains made a star of saints and artifact which they then gave to the defensive portal just like that I don't know why they would do that the events that would lead up to that it's all kind of obscure really but we could still have a look at that artifact if fa a-- Lilla star of saints a lizard brute bone animal trap all craftsmanship is of the highest quality once again very strange and it is adorned with hanging rings of cedar and oak what an odd mix I believe this one too has an elf named favela lo yet definitely elven this thing was made by a dwarf who lived in a goblin fortress all craftsmanship is of the highest quality and he gave it an elf name I'm not too sure what's going on here but it's a cool artifact nonetheless and we're on the subject of artifacts I do have another one here at Shechem rent opens a steel crown and this one's really good I think rent opens is a steel crown all craftsmanship is of the highest quality is encircled with bands of pear-cut reds finals and menaces with spikes of moonstone a fairly simple beginning it was created in a dwarven fortress I believe by a dwarf made an heirloom of that Dwarfs family was tossed around for a couple years lost a couple times recovered nothing too exciting just yet finally it was gifted to the defensive portal and made a treasure belonging to the civilization at some point I guess it must have passed over to the stockade of irons because it ended up in cudgel skunks their capital which was shortly thereafter attacked by a rock known as zob willful leopards who I guess destroyed the place and made Carlos Khan's its lair now it's toward the crown there which makes sense and it stayed there for a few years but was recovered by a dwarf who brought it to a fortress which was attacked by a dragon fast see flicker fire who brought it back to their lair where it was recovered by a dwarf brought back to a fortress taken once again by Patsy flicker fire the dragon was taken back by a dwarf was taken by the rock once more taken by a dwarf once again and then finally was taken by a cyclops known as Earth were glimmered painted in made a family heirloom of a cyclops family now the interesting thing is that this Cyclops here aura is the son of Larina dashed wonder at the playful strength who's his son of Omri Fame Boulder and a trainee taker those two Cyclops who were talking about before isn't that interesting one interesting family of Cyclops they certainly do seem to have a lot of stories relating to them and it's good to see their grandchildren keeping up with that legacy now I know we're bout to where I'm pretty wildly at this point but while we were looking at that dragon I noticed that they have a very prolific history here like extremely prolific they have done an awful lot in this world and they have over 500 notable kills which is saying something and they've also amassed quite a few number of treasures in their lair and I don't know we're all kind of just laying around in there but I really want to see it so I want to see if I could try to find where this dragon's lair is just having a look here it looks like it's layer is named a bronze echoed the murky paddles okay gonna pop back into adventure mode okay here we are starting off at a hillock surrounded by my friends and family my name is ed Zell lnu knows Mothman because I am in fact a Mothman now I'm gonna ask around a bit just to see if anybody could tell me where this dragon is well I don't know I've spent some time yelling at these people asking if anybody knows where this dragon is but nobody seems to know so I guess I'm gonna leave and find someone who can't help me well they probably can this abandoned Norvin fortress I was hoping someone would be here but I'm not seeing much of anything now I'm trying to look for a weapon because I don't have a sort of weapon whatsoever but what I do have is my musical instrument a lemmas made of draft bone you see Ed's well here is not a warrior in the least but while he is in fact is a fantastic stringed instrumentalist anyways I don't see anything here so I guess we'll just spend the night and find a different place tomorrow okay here we are easy enough following day I found myself in this hillocks here and the chubby mayor was able to tell me where the exact location to that layer is which is far to the southwest so it looks like we have some traveling to do thank you very much but this Mothman has to fly now should be noted that I am moving a very slowly now I did pick up some cat meat in plump helmets which shouldn't be weighing me down that much but I did take all of my points out of strength so I am incredibly frail just a frail moth man off to see a dragon it's gonna go great oh boy just had a look at the map and it is quite a distance away let's get to it alright I've been travelling for a couple days now and the road has taken me to the lands of the defensive portal such and our dwarves not nearly as friendly as my friends in this pocket of iron's that's for sure I did mean to grab some plump helmets from them food and drink is not a problem and I've already travelled and could have on the way to that layer I imagine I should get there before the end of the day and I suppose we'll see what happens I did try to get some dwarves to come with me but no such luck even the drunks were laughing at me which is kind of sad but no matter we got this okay and here we are that layer is just down to my south right now kind of terrified um at some point I realized I do have a spear it was strapped to my back and I didn't realize it was back there I guess and I do also have a dagger so we're good not slowed down by any sort of items right now and you know what because my walkman I think I'm gonna start flying the Dragons cannot fly so that might be for the best might be able to breathe fire upwards though which is a bit terrifying we'll just play it safe just gonna fly - I think I'm right above it um okay I should be good right there now I'll head downwards just ever so slowly easy okay we're on the ground looks to be a wooden amulet I'll take it well we got around here oh there's the dragon hi we have a wooden scepter on the ground here but I'm not too interested in that I'm gonna start flying again maybe maybe not guess not no matter does alter that dragon it has any interest in coming after me so that's good oh but now it's moving very quickly I'm going up up up up up above okay we're up we're up and looking back down at the ground yeah it looks like that dragon blew out some fire awesome gonna head down this way here where we've discovered a cave entrance very interesting back down on the ground now maybe this is the lair right here I guess that would make sense it's a cave huh yeah there are some treasures just kind of scattered about the area gems figurines no sign of that dry I think it went back to its business over by the river which is nice no here we go the entrance to the cavern just I think the quickest to peak here yeah not really seem to too much in here just a bunch of winding twisting corridors and a few treasures I'll put that in quotes just little crafts and things pretty much garbage it looks like that cavern let down to the lower levels deep under the earth don't really want to be down here and so we're gonna head back up Oh neat looks like that dragon came down it's right here just above me that's not good I'm gonna start flying fast maximum flight speed nope too late we were almost immediately incinerated that is a damn shame right there well so be it we did see some treasures I was kind of hoping they would be in a big pile somewhere with a dragon guarding over it but no no no not quite just kind of a bunch of assorted trash just character about the woods but still pretty cool it's good to know that it's all out there somewhere well you know I guess we're getting towards the end of the episode here and that's kind of outdoor with a pretty intense look at this world's history found the differences between two dwarven civilizations and also poked around a bit at some of the heroes and legends interesting artifacts and such and of course we also let a musical Mothman to his fiery death fun fun fun of course this episode's not going to be up everyone's alley I know that it was a little bit different but hopefully you enjoyed it regardless and who knows maybe you learn some new ideas and ways to spice up your own Dwarf Fortress worlds just a little bit more regardless let me know what you thought and we could do some more this stuff perhaps I hope you enjoyed yourselves today and I certainly hope to see you next time and until then my beautiful bearded bastards [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kruggsmash
Views: 126,159
Rating: 4.9589109 out of 5
Keywords: dwarf, fortress, gameplay, letsplay, series, tutorial, support, help, adventure, dwarves, fantasy, simulation, management, game, survival, roguelike, drawing, artwork, show, roleplay, rp, story, vampire, animal man, legends, mode
Id: 98CnBDoyS5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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