The Legendary Capital Ironpeak | Community Fortress

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in Iron Peak violence Reigns Supreme a fortress that's been around for roughly 30 years at war with multiple civilizations has been fighting a bloodbath of a battle back and forth with almost no end in sight fighting with goblins and the closest Elven civilization all of them are at war with each other and not to mention the agitated Wildlife living the vicinity around the outskirts of the Fortress pits are full of bodies regularly shortest lands point to the original Expedition leader and now Duke has over 500 kills on his own holding the military to a high standard ready to unleash bolts at the gates and trap any other unsuspecting survivors the lava Motes and the grand Metropolis of the great capital of iron Peak show the fortress's might and no one will even dare threaten their walls for their impenetrable force Stands Strong the king disdains Marshall prowess however half of the Fortress remains in active military duty there's no other way to keep the Fortress functioning or surviving iron Peak is a gold standard of how to withstand battles of war against any invading Goblin force all the remaining Dwarven fortresses in the world look to iron Peak as something to strive for and something they one day hope to achieve hello everybody and welcome back to another Community Fortress in this video we're gonna be taking a look at the Fortress called iron Peak scented on the Discord by cardic if you're new to this show and would like to send a fortress for me to have a look at you can do that via my Discord server there's a link down in the description below in there there's a room called the DF save sharing room just kind of take a peek at what other people are doing and then maybe it'll pop up on this show in a month or so let's dive in so this Fortress Is this kind of massive mess of violence uh right when I loaded The Fortress up initially there was a fight going on and I had to kind of wait for the fight to finish up uh somehow the creator of this Fortress has managed to make marks dwarves work this is still completely lost on me I have no idea uh how to make them work in this version some sort of conflicts between different ammunition types or something I'm not sure exactly what they're doing here to make it work so if if they do see this video if they could leave a comment that would be red uh but uh frankly we have uh this kind of outer area with uh kind of outer defense and as you can see if you look if you're uh careful and you're looking at the mini map this Fortress is kind of huge so it's going to probably take a little bit to go through but let's just start off with the entrance because that's the way that most people will enter the fort so as we kind of scroll over here to the right you can kind of see that there is a lot of gear on the ground and a lot of like vomit and blood out front as well as uh many remains of unfortunate visitors as we scroll over here to the right uh you're gonna kind of see that this is a very tall multi-layer area designed for dwarves to shoot down in uh it's very very well defended and super super tall I assume they must have started at the top by digging in here and then just slowly channeled it down seeing as there is an iron wall there and then a gap so I'm assuming they started from the top and then just slowly chiseled downwards uh which is you know very effective method of building a defensive system like this as we move over to the right you can see that the the armor just kind of keeps going I would have built some sort of like Minecart system blocked off by some sort of draw Bridges or something so that I can easily transport all of this stuff out of here and to another location to then be melted down instead of just sitting here because it's gonna take a billion years to actually get rid of all of these items as a backup measure they do also have three like Engineers here that fire ballistas they are legendary Siege operators I'm assuming they trained them using catapults the bonus with catapults is catapults do not have Friendly Fire whereas ballistas do so if you want to train up uh your dwarves on firing uh Siege equipment it's best to use catapults and not ballistas uh you'll get less accidental oopsies uh as we kind of look around this edge here there is uh much space for the military to fight and a bunch of military dwarves in the center here this whole thing is about is a Barracks I would assume nope not a Barracks it is just uh where they happen to be stationed at this time there is however a Barracks down here um and we can of course move up a layer and see the other barrackses so the barrackses are kind of on this upper layer and there are kind of above ground walkways down to where the Marx dwarfs shoot quite a cool little thing frankly then we have a bunch of bedrooms that are all assigned to military dwarves and we can keep going up to this kind of lava Castle thing which really like is just space for the dwarves to shoot arrows down which really makes me excited for that AI rework that I've heard is apparently in the works uh down here we have uh this beautiful Temple and this space goes up one more layer up to here which is just kind of covered in Boulders for the time being so we can move back down through here and then kind of go over to the main entry of the fort as you can see there is a bunch of levers here which uh control all the hidden fun stuff in the fort and then after you cross the Steel Bridge into the Fortress you can see this absolutely beautiful layup so let's work over to the left first so here we have a small Tavern called the Gilded Diamond as well as a collection of bedrooms uh which I would assume are connected to the tavern but I could be wrong uh yes they are in fact connected to the tavern if we do select the tavern and look at this uh rented rooms nine so if you actually have dwarves in your Fortress that are visitors they will in fact take these rooms um so that's cool uh and then over here we have the uh kitchens for this setup as well as a little walkway here which kind of goes from the kitchens down into here and down in here we have our two powered Mill Stones which are powered by this little river underneath here which water comes from up above spilling down from over here which comes from up here which spills down from uh the uh other Waterway here which then comes from up here which you you guessed it comes from this um these pumps right here I would assume unless there's water coming from elsewhere are these powered yes they are so we can move down all the way through here no spoils uh for later and you can see the water is very clearly coming from still moving over here okay so did you get that water come over here flow down into here down into here all the way along this little creek all the way over here to the this side but not much gets passed because it's all getting yunked up by these two pumps which is also uh powered by this huge selection of water wheels it's one hell of a way to do it I mean frame rate's great on this fort by the way it runs at like 40 considering uh there's 216 population that's pretty damn good so no complaints there we can then move up along uh this pump stack again back to uh where it heads out of and then we can follow this back down and then back down into here so it's pretty safe to assume that all water that is being dispersed around this fort is coming from that Creek uh we can then follow this down here back to where we were and you can see that we have underground farming here uh which is using irrigated farming soil I would assume um which is growing a variety of things um this is mostly growing above ground crops right here because there is glass up top you could just use regular floor you don't actually have to use glass glass is not like um necessary for sun to go through the game considers uh like solid floors to be sun passable over here we have a selection of uh well very clearly giant rhinos I don't actually know how you're feeding all of these in here because I was under the impression that rhinos needed like an absolute absurd amount of food and I've had problems with them starving to death with less than this so I don't know how you're feeding them all on that tiny patch of grass but God speed I suppose and then here we have a bajillion llamas and sheep as well as some cattle which is lovely to see up here we have a guild which is the leafy Grotto which is a great name and this is uh the farmer Guild Hall and then we can move back over to that main area that we were exploring earlier so let's move over here to the left shall we've got this long walkway that moves down into this housing District now this housing district is constructed blocks in this hollowed out chamber so we've got this entryway then we've got uh if we go to the right over here it moves down into kind of a upper housing district with these nicer bedrooms uh and much bigger houses as well as some workshops down in here with a well in the middle and trading Depot filled with stuff for trading very very well planned out and very very nice looking I love these flash balls like everybody loves me everybody loves the flesh balls for their calming roundness and very calming that's uh that little fleshball section there and then over here we have just a statue of uh short Hass um and uh then we have some bedrooms uh somebody really really likes amulets and earrings from jewelry and uh so we can move through here on this side or we could back up and uh check out this Central entryway so this Central entryway has this library and we can move up through the library and see all the various levels on the library which just kind of keeps going until it hits here I guess that's where they started the construction of this thing and I guess built around it by channeling down from the top that's like one hell of a piece of work that um and then over here we have even more bedrooms missing uh this whole setup though instead of actually being bedrooms like I initially assumed uh this is our Hospital which is uh pretty well stocked with just about everything you'd need and also uh has uh the the wells in the center which are of course fed by that same water structure and we can move forward so this is kind of your central walkway which connects the the previous two that we talked about together um and the way you enter in is via these ramps up at the front and then you can kind of scatter around one thing I would have done if I was building a fort like this I would have like wet some of the ground around here to have some trees growing in here just for you know a little bit of a nature I would say not that like you know you necessarily want above ground trees growing in here but like some you know some Cavern trees I I like the look of mushrooms and fortresses like this and then we have these uh lovely little living spaces around here I'm assuming for the furnace operators and uh metalsmiths and down here we have this not quite full enough um Lava reservoir reservoir uh I think three of uh three three of seven is enough to power them I would want this to be like a steady five like this actually makes me a little nervous I'd be scared that like something would cause it to slosh and then like you'd lose power and get a bunch of job cancellations but it does look beautiful um of course these bedrooms everywhere and there's like little various Guild Halls kind of scattered around the place uh close by where the main works are uh here is uh where all of the the stone cutting or masonry whatever whatever term you prefer takes place uh this is a space for uh making obsidians so you pour a bunch of water into here pour a bunch of lava down into here and then dump the water on the lava pretty simple uh works very well very effective uh and then up here we have more bedrooms it just kind of keeps going uh over here is the combat Arena which wasn't something I showed off in the Preamble but uh is something that was noted as uh their uh one of the more prized possessions of this Fortress essentially um you construct the the cages in here um and then uh another way you could do it actually is from a layer above or two layers above with a hole and then you throw uh uh set them to be pastured in that zone which is kind of how I prefer to do this kind of thing set them to be pastured into there and they will literally throw or sorry not not pass you to use a a pit Pond Zone over over a hole in the ground and then set them to be like thrown in essentially uh which is the way I like to do it and I would do it with two combatants or alternatively you can chain people up and all that jazz and uh anyway yeah I know they've got Goblin fight pit essentially so um shout outs to fight club uh first rule of Fight Club as we don't talk about Fight Club and of course just for added excitement uh there are spike traps that they can be knocked into because who doesn't love a good Spike trap um up around the edges of this we we do have uh viewing positions um I will note that very very few dwarves actually like watching violence so unless they're already in the military and very used to it um if you were to actually tell them to sit here and socialize or whatever while there's fights going on it would just scare them and you'd hurt your fortress's mood so if you are going to build an arena like this just be just be wary that like a lot of dwarves don't actually enjoy that kind of thing um as we continue to move around over here is this beautiful beautiful set of offices um and this very shranky uh like lava chamber that's not full enough um but it's for artifacts obviously um and then up above here is our King and the the king sits right here he's got two lovers and one child I hope they stay alive uh is the child alive I don't even know uh yeah only daughter doesn't live here well there you go uh live Ash is of course the king of this Fortress who's currently having meaning which is why there's a diplomacy thing up there um and then I actually I wonder are you part of the same faction Diplomat citizen of the disemboweled nightmares huh well that is interesting um I was I was I was not expecting the Dwarven traders to have that as their as their leader interesting World they've got here that's for sure um there's various viewpoints and these are multi-layered ceilings these feel like they should have roofs on them unless I'm going crazy yeah no these these feel like they should have roofs on them I'm not sure what those rooms are for I guess like unfinished offices but even that feels like it should have a roof on it I don't know um but uh from there this right here is a is the King's office of course and um the king is not satisfied with much um I will note that when I first opened this screen up the noble screen by hitting n on the keyboard I actually got the tutorial pop up meaning that the creator of this Fortress hasn't used this screen yet which I don't know how you're playing the video game without opening that screen unless there's some sort of weird bug where it like resets um that's kind of crazy to me um in this Central Area we have some ramps going down and those ramps lead to these tombs and then down here in the center uh is a malachite coffin which is the King's coffin which is one of the few things the king is actually satisfied with um so work on satisfying that King I would say over here we have some temples and a ton of little small coffin spaces uh we can move up and move over to the left side of the Fortress now I love the little Rainbow Kitty room I remember seeing this actually on my Discord this is like daycare basically for the kids um I'm assuming they have their own burrow yeah daycare Borough so it's literally just for kids um I hope that the kids are allowed to leave to go get booze um because otherwise those are gonna be some sad kids but uh regardless lovely little kitty kitty deck daycare area um I like these multi-floored bedrooms especially for these bigger ones these are for some Barons a couple of Barons these beautiful this is a beautiful little setup here like the kind of four stairs with the with the little bedrooms on either side very very nice looking I really really like that layout um once again more calming flesh balls um and then all the way down here is at the bottom is a little well with more craft store shops around the edges and this kind of beautiful well structure now I need to find the stairs that lead down so bear with me for a second here I've already like run through this Fortress but it's always kind of a challenge going through a fortress that you didn't build so um there's our pump stack which is the source of the lava which goes all the way down to the lava sea and this pump stack um has a big thing written here that says not enough pressure I guess assuming that that means that uh it like does it's not actually able to pump up because I guess they were originally trying to um get the lava from this this lava shoot right here but it just it didn't work out so they instead then rerouted down to lower where it does work so there you go um I would have like tripled up these pumps just to get more flow but uh you know you don't need to do that I think that there's another stairway down somewhere let's see if we can find it um although I could be going crazy there's these spikes down here yeah it looks like it's just that going down so pretty much that's it for iron Peak this is one heck of a port let's see if there's anything up that I've missed I think there's a tower yeah there's a tower on the surface that I would like to show you um we can move up and this whole Mountain because this is the mountain biome which so it's just Baron Rock but I think it's right here I remember seeing it I've definitely found it at least once we've got this whole pumping set up which is seemingly unfinished ah there we go this is it I think two stairs going up here it is yeah got this surface kind of like maybe original entrance I don't even know but this is a iron wall Tower definitely some sort of defensive structure uh based on all of the uh I guess unfinished business there um but you got this little these little stairs that go all the way up to here that are then sealed off and uh we've got a baroness who's worshiping in here because this is a temple which is dedicated to datan of course it is uh and then there's of course a mudstone bridge I would replace that with iron or Steel come on you can do better than that and uh overall a beautiful Fortress that runs surprisingly well at least on my rig considering the scale of it and I absolutely love some of the designs you've got going on here this is this is a gorgeous one so thank you very much for sending this Fortress into the show once again if you would like to have a fortress shown on this show simply send it in on my Discord and I'll get to it when I get to it and uh thank you very much to everybody who's done so thus far and honestly if you enjoy these videos and you'd like to see them continue because I know I would um sending in fortresses is a great way to help with that but also right now you can see my patrons on the screen an average video for me on this channel makes me about a dollar fifty to five dollars on a good one um so generally after about 40 minutes to an hour and a half of work on each video um any kind of support on the patreon is greatly appreciated or alternatively picking up a pizza merch in my merch store because I try and keep ads and uh sponsorships out of my content so thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Blind
Views: 8,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, screenshots, Adventure mode, Legends mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, modding, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress for Beginners, Minecart stockpiles, quantum stockpiles, quick stockpiles, community forts, Ironpeak, capital, legendary
Id: 5YVTT1sC19U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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