Dwarf Fortress - Wells (Complete Guide / Tutorial)

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hello everybody and welcome to another Dwarf Fortress tutorial in this video I'm going to be covering how to make Wells four different techniques as well as some tips and tricks around these four different techniques of making four different types of Wells we're going to be covering the materials required for a well and how to construct them how to make a well on the edge of water buckets pumps and with an aquifer and also all of these different sections of the video are time stamped down beneath so if you would like to just simply jump to a specific spot and learn that particular technique links are in the description let's Dive In [Music] so now that we're in game you can clearly see that there is a big open space of grass right here and we're going to construct a couple of workshops to construct all of the materials that we need to build a well the first thing we're going to need is a mechanics Workshop now a mechanics Workshop can be constructed out of whatever material you like and uses folders and turns them into mechanisms so we're going to open up the building screen we're going to go to workshops we're going to click on workshops and we're going to grab the mechanics Workshop which can either be selected by hitting h on the keyboard or simply clicking it you're then going to place the mechanics Workshop wherever you see fit and then choose your material of choice the second thing we are going to need to build a well is we are going to need a stone worker shop now once again a stoneworker shop can be made out of any material you like and can be selected by hitting t on the keyboard in the workshop screen we're then going to place this workshop and select our material of choice to make the workshop out of we're going to need a woodworker shop our carpentry shops to be specific now this is going to be used to make a bucket wood is not the only material you can use to make a bucket you can also use metal but for this video we're going to be using a woodworker shop and once again we select the material of our choice once those three workshops have been constructed we need to make ourselves a clothes Workshop this can be found in the clothing and leather section of the workshop menu this is going to be used to make a rope once that has been placed just like the other workshops we're going to open up the mechanics screen and we are going to queue up some rock mechanisms from there we're going to open up the stone workers screen and we're going to cue up some rock blocks and then lastly we are going to open up our clothing shop and Carpenter shops and cue up a bucket and a cloth rope and then once that gets cued up we can see that the dwarves are building all of the materials we need for our well this brings us to the start of the first type of well a surface well this is just any water that you find that isn't salty of course assuming it's not on an ocean so like the this puddle or this River here can have a well built on it so we're going to go hit B on the keyboard or click the build screen we're going to open up machines and fluids and we are going to go to well you might be wondering what exactly is a well used for a well is a space for dwarves to get water dwarves do not drink water and do not want to do to drink water they should be drinking alcohol however if there is no alcohol available they will drink water on a whim they get really upset if you make them drink water straight out of a puddle and prefer to drink it out of a well if they absolutely need to Wells are also very important for hospitals as they are how dwarves gain water to clean wounds with so any injured dwarf is going to need access to a well or some sort of water source and if it's in a well it'll be a better water source than if it's just pulled directly out of the river so we're going to place this well down on the ground we're going to use Sandstone blocks we're going to use an almond bucket and we're going to use a pigtail rope and we're going to use a chalk mechanism this is then going to construct this as well and then what we're going to do once we've built the weld is we're going to hit Zed on the keyboard as the well is building we're going to select the Water Source tool and we're going to drag a water source around this well as you can see some of this water source is over top of this River meaning they will actually use this River as well which we don't want so we can either build floors or I can remove those squares from the Water Source allowing for us to have a well that is operational that dwarves have access to the second type of well is something that you can use underground quite easily if you're somewhere that doesn't have an aquifer so we're going to use this area by our little farm here now the way this type of well works is quite simple you just need to dig out a little bit of space once you have some space dug out then what you're going to do is you are going to channel one layer down this removes the floor as well as the blocks under the floor this is what I call a bucket well this is not the most optimal type of well and not generally what I would recommend you build however it's good to know how to make different types of wells for your future Prosperity indoor Fortress now we have this hole in the ground which is quite useful and we are going to hit Zed on the keyboard we're then going to go to pit and pond over here on the left once I've selected pit and pond we are then going to drag uh that that little zone right over top of the hole we're then going to click accept then here we're going to see two options we can set it as a pit or we can set it as a pond we can also tell them to throw animals in there it's a very good way to throw things you don't like into a volcano but we're going to set it as a pond now that it's set as a pond any dwarf that is available is going to go grab a bucket and fill the pond so our metal crafter here is doing the task since the wells at six of seven we'll just call it full now what we can do is we can click on the uh pit Pawn Zone and just set it to be a pit so the dwarves stop dumping buckets of water into it and then simply go to the machines and fluids section once again select the well and then place it over top of the hole once again we're gonna use blocks buckets and a rope and our mechanisms and then the dwarves are going to construct it this will work pretty effectively however keep in mind it will dry up and will need to be refilled which means you'll have to kind of keep an eye on the well itself also if your surface water freezes in the winter or if you have to deal with a very long Siege you may run out of water meaning while this is one of the simpler ways of making it well and safer than leaving it outside it's not the most practical so let's dive into something a little bit more complicated that's also much more effective so now we are looking for an aquifer so that we can make a aquifer well now aquifers scare a lot of people away however they are one of the most efficient ways to find a well as you can see we've dug right up to the edge of an aqua for here and what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to force the dwarves to keep digging now there's several different ways we could do this we could dig down from the surface into the aquifer or we could just dig sideways into the wall and let the dwarves do their work and push away the aquifer as the dwarves continue to dig into the aquifer we're going to slowly start to see water dripping down from the ceiling now what we're going to do is we're going to wall off the side so that there's a little bit of space for the dwarves to you know um get themselves stuck underground inevitably so we'll have to take them out look at you guys should very intelligent now that we've saved the dwarf and sealed off that final spot it's a little bit sticky looking but I'm sure it'll be fine now what we're going to do is we're going to go one layer above and we're going to dig up to where the aquifer is from one layer above so the dwarves are going to dig all the way over then what you're going to do once they've dug over is you're going to dig a hole down into the area this will slowly fill up it'll take a little bit but give it half a season or so if you accidentally leave any rocks or Boulders in with the in with the water an easy way to fix this is simply click on the little invisibility tool and then remove it you don't need to see it there and this will slowly fill up it'll take a little bit of time because this is only a light aquifer but once you've done that just simply proceed as normal grab the machines and fluids Tab and place your well on top of it using the same materials as previous then what's going to happen is the dwarves are going to come over construct your well and then as this fills up once it hits about I think it's three of five it needs to be full it will be considered a functional well and the dwarves will be able to get water from it unlike surface well designs this will not freeze and will be infinite one of the most important reasons to settle on an aquifer if you ask me and now we enter into the final type of well this is going to be filling up a well using a pump system now this is going to be a little bit trickier than the previous ones we've done but I should be able to give you a setup that should be quite simple now to make a pump you're going to need a pipe section and an enormous Corkscrew there's multiple different materials you can make these out of but for this video we're just going to be using wood so the first thing we're going to need to do now that the pump pieces are constructed is we're going to need to select where the pump is going to go it needs two Open Spaces to be constructed so we're going to pump from here in the water down this way so as you can see there is some space and we're going to channel down now we are then going to wait for the dwarves to dig this out and then go inside of here and then dig one over and then down again so our well is gonna end up going right here uh and it shouldn't take too long to fill but we're gonna have to be a little bit careful uh on the actual digging of it uh because we we may end up flooding things if I don't do this uh safely so instead of doing it so close to the edge here let's actually move it a little bit further this way to give us a little bit more leeway time now underneath here this zone is going to need to be dug out so that we can actually get the water to where we need it to be so we're going to fill up this little space down here and also for fanciness sake we can make the reservoir a little bigger by going down an extra layer and now that the reservoir is dug out we're gonna go one layer above and we are going to channel in this upper layer now the last step for this rather precarious setup is we're going to need to set up our pump we're going to go to the machines and fluids section the build screen click on the pump and we want it to Pump from the left to the right so if you look at these little arrows here on the pump itself you can see that it goes from the left to the right we are then going to place it right next to the river we're going to use our pieces the pipe section and the corkscrew as well as a single block to build this now something you should know about pumps the front piece right here on the right where the water comes out of acts as a wall so if I take a wall tool and I build a wall around the front of the pump it will be treated as a wall thus not allowing any water to escape backwards and wash your dwarf back into the creek I see some people being very scared of using pumps for this kind of reason and I just want you to know that if you just simply build around the front like this it'll be quite safe for the door to operate the pump and you will not need to worry about the dwarf drowning of course you could use machines for this but that's a little bit complicated for this video we have our Reservoir and we have our pump we're going to click on the pump and we're going to pump manually we're going to allow a dwarf to begin pumping and we're going to feather the pause button here as you can see inaud here has claimed the pump and has begun pumping it's going to pump quite quickly so we're gonna need to be quite careful with this here comes the water it fills up the reservoir and just like that we're gonna go up to the dwarf and we're going to tell the dwarf to stop pumping the reservoir fills up we have a good amount of water in there and now we can build our well there is one final reason why you should use pumps to make your wells like this instead of using an aquifer is if you have salt water and you want clean water this is the only way to purify salt water in Dwarf Fortress meaning you will not get any like salt in your water and be able to drink it and use it for wet wounds if it's an ocean so if you're settled on an ocean you need to know this setup granted most ocean embarks also come with an aquifer so you also have the option to make aquifer Wells now that the well is being constructed I hope that you found this video informative or entertaining or at the very least a little bit interesting if you would like to see more tutorials check out my channel on YouTube or alternatively the Kit Fox channel on YouTube where these videos are being dual posted I just want to say thank you very much to everybody for watching this video and I hope to see you in the next one foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blind
Views: 14,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress, dwarf fortress tutorial, dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress playthrough, dwarf fortress guide, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress tips, dwarf fortress tricks, dwarf fortress lets play, dwarf fortress tutorial series, dwarf fortress ep 1, dwarf fortress blind, dwarf fortress steam, dwarf fortress tutorial 2023, getting started, beginners guide, guide, new player guide, tutorial, learning dwarf fortress, crash course, indie gam, Wells, complete guide
Id: NvVcr6obZxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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