I Stole TURTLE EGGS in Minecraft Hardcore!

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I don't think my villagers are going to like me today I've made some changes to the vending machine and I'll welcome back to Minecraft hardcore survival if you new around here this is my villager vending machine which is pretty much where I keep all my villages that have one of every single job so that I can trade with them but last time they messed me around they ripped me off and it was it was a painful experience I spent about an hour and a half trading to try and get some upgrades to my diamond armor and let's just say it didn't go well so today I'm going to teach them a lesson and create more villages and force them all to be librarians that's right today we are making this entire village full of librarians not the not that the weapons Smiths not the armor Smiths none of those useless boys we're going for librarians because they can give you specific books and then you can lock them in and make them trade for that forever basically so the way I'm doing this is I've made these two little pipes out the back of my bending machine because these are the only villages that are left the rest just died somehow so I've got this guy ready and set up he's already lost his job which is unfortunate all that's a cat we need to be careful because that cat might try and attack my herb my turtle which is bad anyway let's focus back on the villagers this guy is gonna come out real quick oh I should have finished this off how did you just change into a farmer how did that how did that happen I need some more rails I put the rails away what am i doing I don't have that cat yet I need to go and get some fish to stay there cat I'll be right back rails and weather bye well I put the fish right eat them all maybe I did eat them all weird there were 100% be some in here look at that beautiful I'm gonna grab I don't like 10 sometimes these cats like to be a bit picky I'm not even sure why I'm collecting cats I think it's one of the achievements is to get every single type of cat so that's what I'm trying to do I think eventually we'll try and get every achievement but for now let's focus on this cat one come here you come here I've got some important villager business to take care of so please don't take long do you want to live in a flying car so this one is cute so cute our first time as well welcome to the fam now you actually you don't need to go too far I just need to make a big pit again the cat is pushing you stay there kitty watch this man make sure he doesn't go far I need to make another villager pit which is uh it's gonna be quite upsetting for the guys because they are 100% going to remember being in the pit at least once because they're all from the original troop and if you didn't see it before we did this last time we just built a giant pits put loads of beds down and hope that the villagers made babies and luckily for us it worked so I'm gonna do this again and try and get some decent books because I can keep resetting their jobs and stuff and the goal is to be able to get a really really strong set of armor because last time we found the stronghold we've already got what we need for the wither as well so our bosses are ready to go they're ready when we are so I'm mr. cat I need you to move please I'm gonna send this villager in here we go but-but-but-but come back this way please sir you've got a date with a giant hole here we go see you later I'm sorry to do this to you I really am but you know what it's going to be fine don't panic and don't escape okay the next one is gonna be interesting I'm just gonna make it so that he just falls out I don't know if he's gonna take damage I don't know if that works but let's see I'm also gonna need to make a lot of beds as well let's go all the way to the top cuz the villagers I've chosen I haven't actually traded with or used yet and this guy stayed as a farmer because he didn't feel like helping the cause so you my friend are gonna go off the edge right now let's see if this works I want to scoop you up in a minecart buddy let's do this oh man yes Oh No Oh beautiful let's take this down there we go see you need to feather falling boots my friend but unfortunately you didn't have them right you need to go into the the little hole okay there we go why do they all change into farmers that's super weird okay actually you can be the you can be the pit watcher you can tell me how many villages have been made if they're behaving themselves just don't fall in the pit okay you're one of the cutest cats that we have don't ask any please but you are let's face it but now we need some beds and we need to get rid of this for him there we go beds we need beds here we go let's just make I don't even know how many to make that's gonna make 21 we don't quite need 21 let's do one two three four five six seven okay that's not so bad seven to start with and then we need our bread as well so we should probably grab all these but let's put the beds in first are we need to light it up as well this should be enough right one two yep yep yep they're enjoying it they're enjoying their stay so far I don't even know if it works this way I'm pretty sure it does I need to go before the zombies come keep an eye on them please kitty if any of them die it's all your fault let's sleep right now we need to grab all of this so we can make some breads then we just throw out them throw at them and let the magic happen and then we need to make we to prepare the area we're gonna put them in let's turn this all into bread I usually sell all my wheat so it seems weird actually turning it into bread so I need six bread I think did you survive oh well okay sorry was i interrupting something one two three one two three take it share it enjoy it I promise not to eat it you need to make a baby please at the magic happen come on come on I'm not giving you any more bread why you why are you staring at me this isn't weird stop you won't you keep an eye on them kitty I want to see this I want to see this magic happen I'm just gonna quickly check how to make a I think it's a lectern I think that's what we need bookshelves and birch slabs luckily we have a lot of books scrap these are old quick that should do nicely I think we should make five to start off with and then what was it slabs as well we do there this I'm gonna have to look it up lectern oh it's like upside-down okay let's make one of those another one of those do we have enough to make five has anything happens yet do you need bread is that what you need one two three why is the farmer training no I don't ah why are you picking it up bro come on don't be like this I feel like we've been in a time machine this is like what five episodes ago one two three don't let the farmers steal it I heard it I didn't pick it up yes the farmers are stealing it all this should work they definitely should make a baby no angry clouds please this is the perfect environment for love oh yes let's go okay we have one already one of these is gonna stay because I've traded with him before I think it's this guy yeah he'll stay the same if I make him into it yes that's the way it goes now the only problem is I think to get the enchanted book you need to trade with him to get him up to the second level let me check nope it is one of the first trades you can get so if I take this out reset you and then do this again should that change yo it what's not back I don't want knock back knock backs actually pretty annoying keep resetting Lord three oh my goodness this is this is actually working this is great so if I do that and then this he just gonna keep changing backwards law three don't need that so I'm going to keep resetting this guy because every time this happens he gets a new book and there's an equal chance of all unbreaking that's a good one but then when I trade with him once he'll be locked in I'm breaking is actually really good you know I'm gonna keep going I kind of want mending secretly let's just keep going to see what we get so that didn't have any next one respiration three that's good too because I can put that on do I need that though because of the scoop I don't think I do this is perfect guys silk touch oh man it's so cheap as well he loses it pretty much instantly to frost Walker that's kind of cool thorns now that's a good one right I'm getting you some money boy thorns twenty-one and a book not too bad let's go and get that 21 emeralds in a book and then eventually when we get more villages that we can just keep doing that over and over again to get the enchantments that we want I need to ship that villager off and then the next two are gonna then breed together which is slightly weird because they're like in the same family but doesn't really apply on minecraft so is it weird I'm not too sure I probably is emeralds already got 25 oh no oh no let me organize this stuff real quick you heard me right I'm organizing we need more emeralds desperately what can I sell to get emeralds I can sell I'm gonna have to make some more paper let's get some more let's get some more cheddar um I'll be like five minutes I just want to get rid of all this oh oh fancy seeing you here okay that's um that's great protect his back protect the second dozen so please I can actually cry I'm not going to you don't worry that'd be weird let's just grab all of this I turned it all into paper give me them emeralds sweet big boy emeralds thank you for your services sir so I had a change of heart I feel like I'm looking for one certain book and I also need to be careful I don't hit a villager now because this guy will destroy my life can you imagine dying to this I don't think so lose your job please lose your job instantly I don't want thorns anymore thorns to his Goods I don't want it anymore but that's sad great what are we 1 I've got protection to section 3 section 4 protection I need a protection book protection or mending that's what I need ah there we go perfect right we go next aqua affinity I don't even know what that is but it sounds cool wait are they ready to make another baby yet if I give you 1 2 3 don't Nick it again he just took it why are you always taking these things I want to give it to you don't walk away don't walk away this is this is a gift for you and you only take it yes okay they should make another baby now oh man this is perfect imagine be changed job during they change looks and everything they're like wait that's not what you look like before that's not the person I married you're doing a great job up there kitty cat I appreciate you I'm just baby up here there we go sweet right back to work see this is going to work this is actually way quicker the building this entire thing then doing all the stuff I did last episode I may want to cry but don't worry I figured it out now I've got the hacks I squashed shot miss v I just got shot miss v I'm gonna have to buy this from you buddy you are locked in congratulations welcome to the team he can't lose his job now I don't think anyways so that's such a good one sharpness v - I'm gonna have to use him once though that's the problem I'm gonna have to do this out of wool which is slightly annoying but I'm gonna have to do the old and have to be the old trick I did before so these guys can't get out man that cost me a lot of emeralds I've only got 11 left but that is uh that's such a good book sharpness 5 on the old sword fellas I don't know how much it's gonna cost me to put on though let's do it right now I'm too excited to do it a sharpness for sharpness 536 out but that's gonna make it insanely good sword 36 level is my goodness right let's keep that safe and sound in there perfect right this is gonna work oh no the little babies have escaped no no no no no get get down get down how did this happen oh this is bad they're just running around like it's nobody's business I thought you were watching them kitty cat now he's running underneath the vending machine if you grow up under there it's dead I guess I didn't have the babies before right so they couldn't move through this so I guess it doesn't really matter I'm gonna need you to make some other babies because they keep escaping have the breads there we go have that bread no farmer farmer Joe take this are there going to sleep great off this is not going to plan wait what are the children doing yes I can trap them in again yeah not gonna know what hit them I wonder if that will work I still think they can climb up that but we'll see oh oh okay don't mind if you do is that another baby sweet and I don't think these guys have escaped yet that's three in total so these babies take 20 minutes to grow up so when one of them is grown up I can whisk this guy off into the village which is going to be operated by whoa he's gonna have this basically they're gonna have their own little apartments out here so I don't want to extend this anymore and this is just going to be librarian so gonna be protected by iron doors so none of them can die it's gonna be glorious so the other thing I wanted to do apart from trying to save up for my armor is try and get this guy out the minecart so off camera I tried to get him out the minecart but his hitbox is so big that you can't get the minecart off of him because he's so fat so we're gonna have to figure that out I think I'm gonna have to use a cactus maybe I think that's the only way to get it to work the other thing I want to do is turn this into my little turtle sanctuary and I think that should work even though it's kind of a pit right now I need to start exploding things so I can make this a little bit more of an open area and we're gonna fill this with sand little bit of water and hopefully link it up with like the other bit of sand over there we care of our little sanctuary underneath our castle I think that'll be cute if we fill it up like this that's gonna be awesome but we also need to find another turtles so otherwise there aren't gonna be any eggs are there yeah look at that looks way better and then if we link it up with put all this sand round here until it meets the desert I think that's gonna look awesome first let's blow some stuff up need to be careful not to die I think we'll be fine let's blow things up we've got 20 TNT oh that's magical I really don't think this works very well just because smooth stone has a really good blast radius look at that it hardly did that did like nine blocks right it might even be quicker just to use the pickaxe with a better efficiency on it okay I got nineteen TNT to use so I'm gonna use them yes explode my pretties explode do what you were meant to do I think on dirt it's actually pretty good oh that wasn't that wasn't in the plan I knew I had to be careful but uh to think that was gonna happen now bad will be broken now who decided to give me TNT huh who decided this just patch this up like it never happened okay guys none of this happened fix back to normal nothing happened you didn't see anything maybe I'll just go with the pickaxe for this bit just saying is it worth just doing it like this instead don't break my cloud oh that might actually be better doing on the surface instead it's a I'm sure that broke more blocks I mean it's probably very similar but looks like it does more I've got loads of these to use I ain't gonna use them for anything else let's just keep exploding them we do need to be careful of my sheep up top so this is gonna be the water bit and then the rest is just gonna be sand it looks really different under here I've actually made loads of room and we need a lot more sand though like a ton more and maybe some glowstone in the middle that might be quite cool yeah put some there let me go grab some real quick our villagers should be aged up by now this is taking a while there we go that should light up nice and proper so this needs to be pretty flat still I still have 13 TNT to do it and then we need to figure out how to game out the minecart oh man it's gonna be tragic hello oh we have a new contender for uh well we need someone else to give us good books okay right let's do this again shall we there we go back oh oh my goodness he just got mending straight away this guy's an absolute legends I'm gonna have to keep you there his trades weren't changed were they because I don't have I don't have 30 emeralds oh my goodness this guy's a hero an absolute hero are you kidding me another one just grew up as well so we can keep doing this 30 emeralds 30 come on I don't think I have 30 emeralds eleven yeah I definitely have thirty emeralds I can sell paper oh man how do I need to see what else I can use to buy emeralds of people bending is so good I could put mending on all my armor that's incredible need some emeralds desperately my friends and there we go take it all I think you got some more eighteen he buys glass for emeralds is a pretty good one because glass is pretty cheap please don't lose your book buddy that's such a good one or have a lot of wheat as well I can make all of this into muddy paints I've got pains I'm gonna sell everything I have to be able to make this work actually one two three and then one two three you should make a baby now there we go that's the good stuff right maybe rich puppies how many did I need was it 30 I think I needed 30 this is good well we taking all my paper what an absolute boss more oh you take 23 a time okay maybe not more about glass panes anybody glass panes you I can sell to 20 year time wow that that was good I want so many hay bales though oh my goodness right take all my hay I don't need any of it I'm still trading with him even though he's sleeping freaky how many have I got 48 okay I'm gonna do the trade with icon he's sleeping how many more beds do I needs one two okay I've got literally one free beds man a wonderful builds get more iron golems as well that that could be a thing hey this looks way better I need to finish it though I'm get distracted there's so many jobs come buddy come buddy which one is it bent mending yes oh I've got a book of mending so he needs to stay he is now gonna stay like that so that means we can trade mending with him forever which is incredible how much does it cost to put it on though we got a lot of experience for trading with these guys so a quick look-see shall we so if I put mending on this five it only costs five it's on every piece let's have a look so mending okay that cost nine I'm not sure why that costs more this costs five and this costs three I should probably do it now before they get too expensive right I think that's because it's got so many enchantments on it so I just get mending on everything that's gonna make it perfect I'm doing it whoa okay it broke fantastic that's great news so now we are mending on our chest plate ah that's so good now I need one with protection which we can now try and roll for because we've got some spare villages this might not take too long actually let me just grab what I what I put in here so don't actually need to do it this way anymore and let's start rolling for protection protection is gonna be my main one right now you are the chosen one Accra affinity no oho this guy has just booked himself a place 31 emeralds for protection for that's max that's the maximum one that you can get now I just need to keep him can I keep him in a minecart will that work no stay here buddy stay here you're gonna have to stay here get in get in this right now I am not letting you go anywhere do not change your trade protection for oh man that took me awhile that's gonna allow us to max all of our armor like literally all of it I need 30 emeralds though which is going to be a pain in the butt thirty thirty one is 31 enough I need to know this is gonna be so good this is this literally makes armor the best it is as long as we've got the emeralds come on buddy you know you want this to be true I'm gonna keep you alive for as long as I can you are one of the best villages in here yes as an all thirty-one is perfect as well oh we got in protection for oh man you're lovely man you get the biggest kiss the biggest of kisses now don't die please don't die just stay where you are I'm probably gonna put you back in the hole just to keep you safe because you got an iron golem in there with you oh we're gonna see how much this costs though we're gonna need a lot of levels to be able to win to combine it but this is going to be perfect after all the failed attempts we now have unlimited mending unlimited protection for we have smite 5 to put on our sword we're gonna be close to perfect when we're done here it's crazy oh and you guys told me to grind this off I think to try and get some extra levels cuz it's pretty much a waste of time now how much it's gonna cost protection to boots or money some more ambulances well with this that's 11 and puts it all the way up to protection for then these too bad so the helmet is 11 plus 5 that's 16 levels and then this one is seven oh that's not even that bad then we'll have full protection the only other book we really need is unbreaking skinny jr. we've broken the game over here broken the game what do I want to put these on first cuz as well we need to get emerald spell to buy these over and over again as well but that goes from protection 3 its protection far 4 I'm going to do it on the pants first there we go that breaks as well so now we've got protection for protection for texture the three protection - oh man I've used all my emeralds so I need to make sure that I stack up some more emeralds and then we're good to go we've also got mending on deck as well so as soon as I add mending to these - this is gonna be like perfect armor perfect all we need is unbreaking and I'll do that some other time because I want to finish off this turtle sanctuary because we've been majorly distracted this episode but I think fairly enough right we are taking you back to the hole my friends the villager hole where you were born where you were raised I just had to take him away for a little bit because he wasn't resetting as a villager now he's done he's done his duty and gonna join the rest of civilization a hero an absolute hero I think I can take this away now and then he shouldn't reset there we go that's what I'm talking about gone buddy got going with your arms raised well your arm raised high your singular arm and be praised a hero oh my goodness I can't believe we got that it's so easy this is the best way to do it by far look at him everyone's so happy to see him I'm worried that the I'm not gonna try and get out of that minecart because one hit to the villager and the iron golems gonna destroy me right now I need to do this this curler sanctuary thing so let's grab some water buckets and let's do this then we need we also need shears to go and get some sea grass as well what make you look nice you know how much I hate water in Minecraft it has no logic to it whatsoever at least it's only one high it gets less of a headache if it's one high oh yeah your boy has done it okay so that's gonna go there is this sea grass so I could just Nick this I'm also gonna need a cactus I need to grow this bamboo as well I definitely need to do that I need some rails I've got my silk touch axe because I need to get the glass and save it what else do I need the shears in here they are gimme dues I need to snip some of this sea grass I don't want to snip all of it actually no yes I do I'm gonna snip all of it here we go that makes such a satisfying noise so let's put bits of this down here just to make you look all nice there we go that's the stuff right there look at that look how cozy that looks that looks beautiful maybe we could put bamboo around the edge just to make a look a little bit nicer because for now I need to get rid of all of this a lot of TNT is gonna have to happen which means I should probably wait to do this but you know what I'm so impatient I'm just gonna do it we don't even know if he's gonna like it yet but let's see so we're gonna have to run him into a cactus so that the minecart breaks I'm pretty sure that's what I'm gonna need to do here if not we could potentially kill our friends I definitely don't want to do that because he took me so long to get here let's see if this works I'm gonna have to get rid of it like as soon as he bumps into it it's gonna have to go otherwise we're gonna have a dead sea turtle on our hands and I can't be having that right let's go friends this is the only way I could think of doing it don't go too fast yeah this is perfect right please kill the mine car we're gonna lose the minecart okay we're not even gonna lose the minecart oh it was magical and I think he likes it he went straight in oh my heart is full so full now we could probably get rid of this and the reason I'm doing this is because I have silk ties with the ass okay I'm not that stupid see look pretty is down here I should probably keep a two high thing going on because otherwise your boys just gonna escape I don't feel like I want that to happen there we go it's all sand should be comfy on your butt I'm gonna choose apart from this bit I need some more sand I'm gonna go and find another turtle I need a minecart and lots of rails let me go and get the rest of my rails and let's go find another one I reckon same place should probably work come on Turtles how do you make a turtle cry what a Turtles even do like that turtle sound maybe they saw me take away the other one that's why they don't want to talk to me anymore found one I've actually found one there's one right here um all there's two this is amazing this one's going a bit crazy I've got some sea grass so I should be able to make you follow me but you can't put leads on them that's the only problem my other problem is getting this bad boy back before nighttime so I don't want it to be killed by anything yes he's on land come this way come this way your fat body you can do it I mean you're not fat you're just big bones look go slower they are getting the minecart though getting the minecart though come on this way yes whoo-hoo almost went in the always wet in the wrong way this is all good I don't like those sounds either come on just get up get up there we go perfect okay this should be it the final journey this has taken me so long to do and finally the turtle journeys are over this is it Pig if you could kindly get out the way please thank you so you were already out the way but I just wanted to kill you because it's my rage come on turtle don't make this harder than it has to be you're gonna start a family it's an exciting time for you I promise here we go the last little bit go on get up there why are you getting hurt what's happening if if it'd have died right there I'd have been so upset going off the ramp let's go oh dear I did not mean to hurt you yes you made it I'm so proud of you I never ever want to do that again okay well that's half the battle we also need to get you out of that minecart so let's grab our trusty cactus and let's try this here we go and but thank goodness you didn't die if you died then I don't even know what I'd have done I really don't you made it guys are you pleased are you pleased sea grass and sea grass these guys should now mate when they make it towards each other anyway it's gonna take them a while but uh there are riots is happening come on lay eggs and then I will protect them with my life you have my promise my absolute promise it'll happen I saw experience but then see much else happening you're gonna lay eggs somewhere and be real nice if you could because that's all we've been waiting for I built this whole thing for you you can't waste it now come on please don't are you gonna lay these babies there I have to give you more sea grass wait wait wait wait wait what's happening what are you guys doing that's not how it works wait I'm reading the wiki and apparently apparently one of them gets fatter than the other one oh yeah look this one's fatter but apparently they like to travel back to their home beach and then they make Turtles I am not kidding you this is what actually happens I need a silk touch you know I'm gonna leave you guys here I'm gonna go back to the ocean where those turtles are and then I'm gonna bring some eggs are you telling me that I just had to find those turtles make them breed wait for the eggs and then just bring them here is that what I had to do I'm upset I should have looked up first all that way all that way one of them is definitely preggers but I literally transported two turtles 1,000 blocks each and it's not even gonna work this is the greatest day I'm so pleased right homeys I'm back no no no no I can hear him from here I can hit him from here these do these attack them do they attack the Turtles I think they might do oh no he's ripped all the Turtles what's this that's kind of cool whoa okay calm now did you kill all the turtles you punk surely not where are they what did you do to them ah there's one where is ah thank goodness you didn't kill them all this is great okay sea grass at the ready then they'll go back to their home beach and they'll be good to go right this is for you and then this is for you give me your eggs so I can steal them please there's the experience so one of them is pregnant I don't know which one I'm gonna guess Oh what are you doing here go away please no one likes you you might be laying them she might be laying him it might be happening I I don't have silk touch on me I promise it's not gonna happen I'm not gonna steal your eggs except I might it's happening look at this she's just like she's trying to dig through these blocks I think that's what they do to lay their eggs you know ice gangs in nighttime too quick lay them lay them I don't think she's doing it right there you go ah that's better look at her go this is magical they might have happened ah it happens is she gonna guard them or is she gonna leave I think she might leave so the rules for this if you grab the eggs with silk touch you can move them to a new location and the baby turtles remember their new hatching location as their home Beach so I'm gonna I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it stop looking me in the eyes like that I promise go and mind your own business please I just want her to budge along I'm gonna hide this so she doesn't think I'm being aggressive pork chops you don't like pork chops go and get out of here swim be free don't look behind you I'm actually nervous this is for eggs this is the maximum as well oh that sound is horrible one of them broke and died I'm not sure why but I got three tile eggs school I didn't even know you could grab them like this hence why I got two turtles to travel in a minecart for a thousand blocks embarrassing with bad hello friends so this turtle is gonna stay pregnant for a very long time home beaches all the way over there right let's try this bam bam bam oh my goodness this is the cutest they just grow they just grew before my very eyes so this should hatch three turtles which means I can then breed them together which again is kind of sketchy but it's gonna mean that all of these are gonna have their very own home Beach right here a pup needs to know quite sure what to do with these two now apparently the eggs grow faster at night but the problem with that is you've got zombies who actively seek out turtle eggs and stamp on them just like this they're evil but I think we've only got one stage to go and then they'll hatch in this brand-new little sanctuary that we've made so underneath the floating castle we're gonna have turtles baby turtles who think this is their home it's so cute yeah these guys are very confused these turtles have no idea what's going on I'm gonna sit and stare at these until they hatch I'm gonna protect them with my life look at these eyes these are the eyes of a man recording minecraft a half-past 10:00 at night and is already been recording for 2 hours and 10 minutes half of which was transporting these guys to a place where they couldn't lay eggs so you know that I am going to protect these until they hatch literally gonna stare at them until my eyes bleed it's not gonna happen is it I need to protect my villages I need to make sure that nothing is attacking them you better make sure that this is the case to my last golems didn't necessarily live up to the task so I'm gonna quickly sleep and I don't know if these are gonna hatch just yet they hatch quicker at night but I can't go through the night and protect them because my villagers might die and I don't want that to happen I guess really no because they've got all the books that I need in the stuff oh this has been it's been quite the journey so far but luckily we've got this made I just need to make a look a little bit nicer I need to put a 2x2 wall like this up but I might do it in like sandstone or something a little bit cooler maybe even glass that might be cool too what do you think buddy I haven't said hi to you all day your saddle is cold and not been worn for a while I'm sorry about that we've been doing lots of other things I've been keeping you safe like I'm gonna keep these safe I could I could actually build a glass tower around them just like I did with one of you guys but I don't think I'm going to these are gonna take a while there's no like said technique on how to hatch these it just takes a random amount of time and I don't know whether because I planted them whether the eggs are now back to stage 1 because you did see them go green once but I don't know about the rest so what are we we were actually due today so the main thing we did was we got the books that we needed aw man he's happy oh he's ready he's like no zombies came let's go so we made a whole pit of librarians who are actually chilling out look at them they're sharing ideas they know what they're doing we got smite 5 mending sharpness for 5 it might be sharpness 5 actually we got protection as well someone's changed someone's definitely changed respiration sharpness mending someone's changed their protection book did I not buy off them no I must have done how where's the protection one God hey kitty this was your job he was supposed to watch over them don't give me that don't give me those eyes no but anyway we've got some good trades today which means and we've got it oh wait wait wait wait wait did he must have died he legit died he's just showing me what happened oh I reckon that's what happened he died when he was in here then the mending guy got in oh that's so unfortunate he actually died what's an absolute weakling you know what we'd have time for weaklings anyway he deserved it I probably that happened one of them murdered the other one it's so bad you pushed him through there and he died that's so unfortunate man okay we're gonna have to re-roll for that one and that was a protection for one - it's gonna take me so long to get anyway guys this was a little bit of a slower episode but that's fine we managed to get our turtles going which was good even though we waste a little bit of time transporting them for no reason but we got these my prized possessions my prized eggs anyone touches these they're dead instantly oh we did also make this as well which is kind of cute but guys thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like the be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are new for daily videos and I'll see you all in the next one good bye [Music] hostess I swing wagon candle campus super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,338,839
Rating: 4.9326062 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: m0k6TMsU4zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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