I CHEATED DEATH in Minecraft Hardcore!

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the game is telling me how to play again it's acting like I didn't just destroy seven waves of rage in the previous episode come on now game give me some credit please hey welcome back to Minecraft hardcore survival we're today just look at the hotbar it's shiny it's beautiful it's worth a lot of money and I'm today we're gonna give it for a little bit of a test drive I said last time that I would test out some of these well I'm gonna get to test out one of them so I might end up needing more of them depending on how far we get in this series if you want to take on like the wither and the ender dragon which I'm definitely gonna do then I'm gonna need a few of these I'm pretty sure but these are the totems of undying they are quite frankly tiny little golden villages with emerald eyes and they look beautiful but today I'm gonna test one of these out since we have a few to spare I am going to create something to jump off of and try and cheat death in Minecraft a hardcore I haven't actually looked up whether this is possible yet um this could go horribly horribly wrong I've got a few plans for today one of them involves extending this and another one involves jumping off at the top of it and hoping to survive dying because if I don't the whole world's gone and I die in real life okay maybe that doesn't happen but imagine if it did stakes are high and my bridge is on fire okay we've got a little bit of battle damage from when the images came but we succeeded with the help of incredible hey buddy how's it going dude I guess we better get started what should we do first I think I'm running out of space here so what I wanted to do was it kind of extend outwards I always said I was gonna do that but to do that I'm gonna need me some stone so I better start cooking this sweet sweet cobblestone I got a crossbow with piercing on it not sure I need these anymore BOTS live in chanting let's just go ahead and bat craft wooden planks game game we've been over this already I'm not new to this I'm in doing this for a fair while I think I'm okay my chests are a mess this extension needs to happen give me as much cobblestone as you've got and I'm gonna crack it into here and hopefully we could start building with it do I have I do have a water bucket on me okay let's go and put out the bridge because I think buddy sir buddy sorry is gonna be a little bit scared so there we go there's number one two three and four buddy are you scared no he's don't even even know you had no idea the fires were behind him what an absolute champion and in credit Alma thank you so much for your help last episodes keeping the villagers safe because we've lost three men doing this rest in peace not sure why I'm doing this oh my try the contacted them from the dead yeah you got a big job to do it's a lot of responsibility but I think he's got it even though he's tied to a post otherwise you'd run away wouldn't you well there's a lot on my mind there's a lot that I want to do I want to expand this but that means I need to build another cloud need to build another Tower but I also want to jump off the top and try and cheat death which I think I'm going to do and I also want to capture loads of different animals good ones and bad ones but first off let me grab this real quick is my looking to jump on kind of sick joke is this hold up it is well let's turn that straight off shall we let's go to sleep see if our cats bring us any more gifts I think you have to be standing to give me gifts I'm not too sure though let's just sleep normally and see what happens give me gifts I was listening for the noise and I didn't hear it I'm like if you guys fish could I do that no no interested in fish are you cats a weird don't be potting anything against me okay okay there's staring at me they're like I swear I swear we're not plotting anything please don't bring more cats here so we could take over the world right first things first let's check the audience Hammonds on the book bane of arthropods that's sucks really really sucks okay never fight there's no inch on a book today we need to plan this new area I think we're gonna have to make a little corridor here so these things are going to have to move I don't have silk touch yeah it's the RIP glass but it's fine it's absolutely fine I might actually make like a see-through glass roofs tunnel corridor I'm not too sure the plan is to build that then I'm gonna dive off the top of it I think that's high enough to die right I'm not sure how many hearts I normally take but if I jump straight off the top of here whoa I almost did it already ha that was terrible I would not have had the reaction time to put this in my off hand this is how it works but I'm not gonna do it just yet that would be stupid let's make a new section that we can jump off properly yeah I'm pretty sure that's high enough as long as I don't hit the water big splash and we're gonna make it so yeah oak planks on the bottom and then it's just gonna be a walkway I think that's gonna be fine if we go on your oak planks on us that's one thing I'm actually running out of Loki running out of oak planks I've got everything but some oak planks that's terrible because I'm lazy I'm just gonna make this bit in slabs for now where do those go there we go 15 oak slabs you know what it's kind of more efficient to do it this way anyway you get double your Woodsworth how long are we gonna make this I will want to decorate at some point but I don't know how long I want to make it I don't think too long because otherwise it's gonna look a little bit weird how is it gonna look with four let's have a quick oh no oh my goodness why are we doing this to myself what why keep your cool buddy you didn't see a thing and actually I think it might take a little bit more height to be able to kill us so I'm gonna go extra I'm gonna build something so tall like a huge diving board and dive off of it so far that's looking pretty cool I might go one more two more maybe and then start building the next Tower I'm gonna need some more words probably go grab some more wood shouldn't I right be right back gotta go in chop chop okay and back to my wood chopping adventures there was a giant tree and I chopped it down I'm not gonna say it was uh it was manly of me but it was a big tree and it put up quite the fight just saying I can't even remember why I went to get these was it because of the floor I can't even remember let's just plop this down like this I think I said the two more maybe across yeah there we go and then I'm just gonna build a tower there's pretty much identical to this to the side and make it my storage tower so give me about four hours and how do i replicate to see you guys it is a [Music] [Music] I think I've done it already to be honest I've done a little extension I've only done it one floor high and that's because wait I'm stuck up here didn't think about this did I I'm gonna have to do it I'm gonna have to do the danger drop this one isn't too bad though oh okay maybe it is maybe it is another Dom squid has died I need to protect you guys soon I promise soon I've given you so much stuff you're not wearing your golden pants from last time why I'm grateful I'm grateful squid oh no I forgot to do the outside okay this is gonna look a little bit weird for now but when it gets up to too high that's gonna be that's gonna be a pretty nice-looking castle right there I just need to add the stone bricks around the edge which I need the stone for but I should now be able to move all my stuff across which is going to be such a headache it's unreal so let's just make some new chests ah this is gonna be painful ah oh no look at it it's an absolute mess where the chests at showing me the chests that's what I want right now there they are two glorious chests now let's get all this stuff ready before it'll be spawns and then I'll be an extremely sad individual all my stuff is going in a corner and then I'll pick it up in a second this is probably not the best way to do it but you know what I've got two chests worth of stuff to put in here so I can't really think of any other way to do it I'll see you in about another two hours and see if I could transport all my stuff here and also make it organized I'm not promising anything but I think I'll be able to do it hmm what is going on here I had no idea that you could put item frames on the floor and like this I don't quite know how to do it I want a labeling system try to stick on the window you know I'm just gonna stick it on the window this is valuables you see I'm learning look how many still isn't gonna be organized in time I feel like I should just do this off camera otherwise it's gonna be an extremely boring setup I'm gonna do this for next time I think and then maybe extend upwards as well and do the bottom part I've shown you how much I've built and I'm gonna do the rest off camera because otherwise that's gonna be boring and I still have so much stuff to try and fit in as well it's crazy cuz it's just always been here I take it it has nothing in it except for this it's episode one there's no way really oh dear we've got more important things to do today wait where am i where am I totems did I leave them in here I can't just be leaving these bad boys behind where are they oh I'm panicking where are they they're in here okay how many have we got one two three four five six seven that's not bad we will have six left in total after this little experiment right let me just quickly see if there's any ill adjourns those guys those guys the rich dudes are back gifts gifts gifts I don't care if you're plotting against me give me gifts and all be forgiven don't you worry gifts please come on absolutely no thank you guys I think I do have to make them stand up so they can actually go out and get gifts maybe that's what I'm doing wrong and today is the day of planning and preparing for future excursions is that word of the day that might just be word of the day excursions I have for blaze rods I already have you don't craft anything else with blaze rods right I'm pretty sure it's just the brewing stands I'm just gonna craft these one into blaze powder so blaze powders we need for certain crafting so I'm gonna see if we can go back to one of the nether fortresses to gather some more blaze powder beakers we have the ender pearls they're over here somewhere we have we at the end opposed to do it we have more than enough to find a stronghold and then fill the the edge of the portal with eyes of ender so that should be covered but we're obviously gonna need a few more of these so let's go and get some of those right now I've got my totems of undying and then we'll come back and build something magnificent we need to a hey hey hey hey no no get you can't just swim in the river and think you're gonna get away with it huh oh now you go on fight it try to make it back in it's like please let me swim not if you want to women you pay me in Emerald's okay apart from the squids and maybe the fish and buddy buddy can swim too right to the nether let's do some actual serious nether action because the only thing we've done is kind of run straight through it I want to do a little bit of exploring hopefully I'm prepared enough a little bit worried that I'm not I should be fine ow was I just saying what are you doing here excuse me no get back through I gave you a chance what just happened then something came from somewhere else is there another one here I'm like fueling the nether with my mobs that's not the plan where is the closest nether fortress to here should I just use my my little running spot seriously though where is the entrance to my little shortcut where is that how have I lost it already wait I'm an idiot this is the wrong bit of nether isn't it okay panic over I forgot I had to run to a different place to be able for that to work right oh look they are I love the baby zombie pigmen I still want to capture one that's on a chicken oh hey guys how you doing I come in peace please don't attack me wait wait hold on so oh the baby ones so cute I will steal all the baby Pigman in the Minecraft world okay maybe not I think mums come to moms come to sort me out I'll leave your child alone I'm sorry but look that's the nether portal from the other side of my world I'm pretty sure so we're really close yeah because my original portal is just up here there it is the original one outside my castle then I literally just walk what like 50 blocks this way because the blocks in the nether is like times eight remember when we were building that and it's right here that's like perfect so perfect because I don't then need to run into the middle of the ocean find that little square why didn't I think of this before I'm not that smart okay I think we've realized this in this series and somehow I'm still alive it's a miracle I know right let's go to the nether fortress let's see what we can grab I also kind of want to put some glowstone in the bottom of my castle so underneath the clouds so that it starts to uh oh wait I don't have a lead on me if I come across another one of those mobs I'm gonna be super upset yeah I want to fill the bottom with glowstone so it lights up oh okay so I'm really close to this never Castle now which is great this fortress let's go let's do this I'm gonna go and explore a brand new one I want to go up there I think I see blazes up there and that's what I need I probably should have brewed a fire resistance potion first that would have been smarts but remember not too smart small old brain in here six diamonds holy cow that was amazing that's got to be one of the top lutes that you can get right man if we can find some more loot like that I'm set I'm actually gonna take the chest as well because I actually need those we also need to start putting some nether warts around our house that we can start growing this - I don't think you need loads for Perea because there's not that much brewing you're gonna do and how much do we just get when he nether warts gold chest plate no thank you I am actually gonna leave this here don't need the flint and steel either unless something really bad happens but he is gonna be so pleased always gonna look fantastic he looks good in the gold already let's not get it twisted here but in that he's going to be a sir he's gonna look the part as well another diamonds more iron this nether fortress has the goods what you got in here more diamonds another diamond horse armor I don't really need more than one diamond horse armor but that's such a good find let's see what else we can get from this what is what aha I found them come to Papa I need some of these these blazes right here I kind of want to hit them with looting but they're also kind of terrifying at the same time yep there's lots of em spawning there's some out okay yep I definitely should have wore that with me don't burn off my armor remember remember if it gets too crazy take off your pants in-game not while you're watching I'll be weird okay maybe I will just shoot them it's probably not worth the risk there's a lot of them spawning yeah I think it's definitely not worth the risk they just drop one it doesn't even take that long to drop one so looting probably not needed here to be honest I just don't want my armor to burn off if that's even a thing oh no oh no oh no I have not got I'm withered as well great this is going well so far right there's hide in this hole real quick why did I bring seven totems with me I even anger myself water bucket why is that here nether brick fence get out of here we don't need that what I do need though Manny hits me every time I take icon block this right give me your blaze rod I need as many of these as I can get and get some experience from this as well by also when I see if I can get myself some of those wither skull heads I don't know if it's gonna happen hey we can at least try let me just rip you away from those blazes real quick look take three I heard if you shout looting three at the same time gives you a 10% more chance for it to spawn we take three do better not just happen that did not just happen that did not just happen yes it worked I'm just saying first time I shout it and we get the wither skull heads that's the first time I have ever got someone no way I look super cool I did say we were preparing for other things today but let me just put my brain protector back on Oh No stop it you're interrupting my glory it's going here for some safety okay there's no safety that's not safety dude they're everywhere with a boss that could be a potential first boss for us to take on originally I was gonna do ender dragon first but the problem with the ender dragon is the void I think it's actually more scary to do the ender dragon in the hardcore in particular than the wither because with the wither we can use all of these over and over again we don't need to use a shield on we're gonna see I just get the life out of me looting three oh you have to be joking you have to be joking this isn't real this isn't real is this real I say to myself that if I shout looting 3 I get the wither skulls it gives you a 10% bigger chance obviously that's absolute nonsense it lies complete lies I don't know what sound just came out of my mouth but mmm move past that look at my wither skulls I've got two of them I'm going in for my third the luck is real I have so many of them swooning there's four over there whoa guys right guys I know there's a little party going on over here but I'm gonna need your heads I need to test out this little theory of mine if this happens three times in a row I don't even know what to say coming up looting great looting great okay didn't work three times in a row that would have been I don't know the chances of that that would have been pretty incredible I really want to go for this third head now no no no no no okay I'm gonna put some put some lights on here just so they stop spawning for a little bit Oh what did I just say I just tried to stop you sporting and you come in like this huh I think so go away give you a blazer out plays on give me it looting three looting three I saw like a madman a madman in the nether just shouting it's not that different to normal really is it come away from the edge look you know what I'm gonna help you out here come and attack me coming exactly looting I didn't get to finish the word it's fine but I just saw another one of those cake men and I said I wasn't gonna bring a lead with me come on give me your heads we got it I've only killed like ten of them and I've got three of them that's all I need where did that Pigman chicken go I saw one I swear I saw what there it is how do I get it back to my place I want you I want to keep you as bye child I can't believe I second-guessed myself I said I wanted to bring a lead with me I think I could lead the chicken I'm pretty sure I have nothing on me apart from this but if I hit the pig man they're gonna be mangry at me right that's gonna happen I'm not risking this I was I was gonna destroy fish she wrote him but if if I hit the pig man and the Pikmin go crazy that's even more powerful than a wither I guarantee you that's more powerful than where the boss I've seen two of them now though I'm sure those are so rare why didn't I bring a lead with me and I bet next time when I do bring a lead with me I'm not gonna be able to find one I'm gonna have to leave him behind I don't actually know where my home is which could be quite the problem I need to find my bridge and get out of here because I feel like we've made some good progress I've got three wither skull heads so the wither boss can actually happen at some point not yet oh there it is there's my bridge but how do I get to it huh why do I take these risks no one will ever know but I'm pretty sure that's my bridge if I just go over here I've got so much stuff on me it doesn't even matter cause if I die I'm done for no I think I'm fine I think I find I think I'm fine please please be okay don't die don't die I'm okay it's fine I'm not gonna die am i I'm not gonna die I've got the potion of healing I'm gonna drink it right now okay I didn't need to drink it my heart is pounding out my chest I can't believe I just did that it could have all been over right then and there and now I'm standing and they were a pool of fire I am not cut out for this somehow I have survived maybe maybe the luck is just balancing out right I found three wither skeleton heads and now the games like nope no more luck for you you're about to be dealt a real nasty hand I'm actually kinda out of breath from that that was I held my breath I didn't even know what to say and I have no idea which way I need to go I have a feeling it's this way if I could be wrong I'm out guys it's been a pleasure but I am I am leaving I'm taking my goods and I'm going home I came for blaze rods which I did collect but I left with three wither skeleton skulls that's a result right there if there was anywhere that I was going to nearly die it'll be here no doubt about it it was going to be here but for now I'm still alive I'm still safe I'm still just about in one piece albeit a bit singed and I just want to check on my armor as well and see if I've got it okay it's not doing too bad you know what though I found 13 diamonds in here this has been the luckiest nether trip I have ever done in my life ah found ya I'm so glad is it that that saves me like at least a 500 block trek to be able to go over into that water swim down you know the dealio the thing we did last time pretty much how we survived please don't be nighttime please don't be a raid waiting for me we're good hahaha buddy guess what I've got check it out I'm going to wear one just to freak you out look what I've got I got myself a weather skeleton not just one not just two but three of these bad boys that's right buddy I know it's pretty crazy how are you doing in quite alarming you're doing okay look what I've got buddy look I'll show you them three right where should we put this I feel like we should display them until we use them I'm still salty as well that just reminded me walking through his lead this is lead even they're great buddy you broke it you broke your lead and now I've even got it on me I haven't there's another cat's ah what do I do hold on a second his lead is broken - this must be a glitch right this must be a glitch why is this happening I'm gonna have to use more slime balls now that's just that just a bear riches riches 33 diamonds don't mind if I do oh yeah buddy's new armor as well let's go I'm gonna put a blaze roads in here gasps steering here it's already going into shambles right now this organisation I'm just not good at it that's good looking chest right there a chest full of valuables and a saddle where are my slime rules oh there they are okay I don't know if I have any string though string might actually be more valuable right now for some reason oh there we go 26 right let's make some more leads how do I make them again a completely forgot help help I'm embarrassing myself there we go two leads I'm gonna go and sleep first I'm not risking dying I've already almost died and we're gonna try and cheat death at the end here as well can you guys sit up please I would like gifts from you let's see what happens look at the advancement oh it makes me so pleased that we've got that you gave me something rabbit hide which one of you killed a rabbit huh which one of you I think it's this one in the middle the one that doesn't obey me he's the creepy looking one just saying until we get a skinless one and then that would be the creepy one okay buddy and incredible have switched slots this is not acceptable come with me I feel like if you go through the nether they kind of the leaves just deletes which is which I ain't cool with me because leads are expensive like really expensive no no no no no go back in ah he died in front of my eyes I should laugh that's sad um where should we put this I'm gonna do a dirt wither to display these and I'm gonna give sir buddy his brand new outfit right here we go so this is how you build a wither normally you use soul sand if this creates a wither by the way I ain't about it fighting the dirt wither no no no no that's not gonna happen there's one there's two there's three there's our dirt wither ready to be made that should keep those safe I'm not gonna lose them at all and now buddy oh my goodness you are in for a treat sir take this off what you look like without it on you look so weird glorious I mean I mean glorious but hold up did he already have diamond horse armor I can't remember if he didn't he looks amazing if he did still looks great Oh what could I say now real quick I am noticing there are a few cats around and then we'll get to the crazy dive board thing that I want to create to test out the totem of an iron I'm just too excited too much stuff has happened right now I need a some raw cod let's just take the whole thing I've seen two cats where the cats at kitty kitty kitty this is gonna make up to five cats my cat's army will be created is there a way to change the way they look or is it just completely random so I really want to get the skinless ones we just once got two different eye colors that's freaky oh man I got a freaky cat a gifted cat that's what I meant come with me gifted cat we're gonna go and tame another friend's gingy over here and then you're gonna come join me in my under construction castle what are they doing hey what are you doing it's the one that's plotting against me all the time can you just sit please okay it looks menacing right cats I'm employing you to do a very important job you need to keep an eye on the one that is plotting against me he's one of two twins so you might get confused about who's who but I am positive that they are plotting something and I need to employ you two to keep an eye on them for me okay you got that nice straightaway let's go to the castle let's do this we're gonna be best friends right you don't like campfires do you so whoa I told you he tried he just tried to kill me didn't he he wanted to push me off the bridge there's guys these guys these cats how many are up here gingy's here okay Siam ez is here I need to give them proper names right you since do what I tell you I should probably do LA I'm gonna make his collar I make it blue you sit here I think they sit on chests which is kind of an annoying problem that they have let me see if I can dye the other ones color blue so this yeah you can so red means evil schemer that's what I'm gonna call you yeah I see you stop staring at me the other cat won't cross the bridge for goodness sake have five cats they said it'll be fun okay this is not going well is it I've gave away too comfortable come on kitty across the bridge maybe it's because they can see the water through the bridge that's it come on kitty come on there we go not so scary right now up the water tube there we go you're gonna sit on the chest as well aren't you you know what you can stay there for now the bed isn't made big enough for all of us I'm just gonna make this whole floor beds I think that's what I'm gonna do room for all of my cats my gift givers my gift bearers right I think the time has come I think the time has come to try out the totem of undying I believe if you have it in your offhand as long as your hearts go to zero you will survive and my worlds and life won't be deleted let's just grab a load of cobblestone I can't open this with you guys sitting on it please maybe they just don't want me to try this maybe it's an omen cats are pretty good at that let's go to the top let's see if this works I'm gonna build a tower as high as can be and then I'm gonna try this I shouldn't do this should I I'm gonna land right next to buddy sir buddy so buddy I need you to catch me if this goes wrong for this world this is a great view look at this I probably should have googled if this works but I'm just gonna do it I'm gonna hold my breath just like when I was on fire in the nether and jump I've just remembered I was meant to make this out of woods so I could burn it ok let's go back down to the blonds sorry guys false alarm give me give me a second the idea is I started off 2 3 4 with 5 bits of cobblestone and then the fire won't spread to my actual house let's do 6 just for good luck then we're just gonna do a stack of wood then we can set fire to it and hopefully burn it down if not I don't know what else I'm gonna do I'm gonna eat potentially my last meal and then I'm gonna throw myself off the roof I'm terrified she terrified okay where is my bridge my bridge is this way and I'm gonna do it the totem of undying is in my off hand if I die it should spring me back to life 3 2 1 Geronimo yes buddy did you see that what you weren't looking what's wrong with you did you are man you're gonna have to watch the video when we put it live oh no ma'am I just realized my my hero of the village is gone dude we did it pose mode to use a totem oven dying to cheat death I don't know what that hand movement was that was pretty uh pretty awkward oh you know what while we're here I want to fix this I noticed when I was watching back my other video that this was not I've just used all my wood haven't I oh no I was gonna put vents gates there but I feel like a balk wordly used all my words what I want to do is put two fence gates down here to make sure this is better accessible I think so if I do that and then this okay that definitely didn't work in the way I planned no actually you know what I think it works now if I leave those open I should be able to just run straight through as long as I double them up that is right let's sleep let's try and get these cats up to the top so I can actually get gifts all of you guys boo god we've got a bigger bed now evil I know you're evil inside I can see the fire in your eyes right I've cheated death and now I can sleep I was worried that I wasn't gonna be able to sleep again what did they just give me they might give me a raw card that time thank you appreciate it not you not you like slow mean you know what I think that's a pretty eventful episode I cannot believe that we got three weather skeleton heads today I'm sure they're really rare unless they've made them a little bit less Wreckers that was quick that was really quick but we're prepared for the wither in terms of armor and stuff we definitely are not prepared for the wither we need some extra protection make this all protection 5 and then we're ready we've got a pretty decent bow and then we just need to run look at this okay the ceremony is not complete unless I uh unless they burn this that looks ridiculous what hopefully this doesn't burn down my entire house let's see what happens can I reach up there I'm not gonna fall off the game so don't have and buying totem on me right let's light the fuse hopefully that spreads all the way to the top and I've wasted all that word but hey it's fine you know what it's okay I think it's gonna burn just don't burn out because that would be they'll be slightly awkward is that actually gonna work have a bird um oh now the cobblestone is caught fire the bird out now I'm gonna have to go up there and risk my life again just to recollect my wood great this is a thing go to plan and I can't believe you missed it buddy I gave you a new outfit and everything I do feel like we've given him diamond horse armor before what do you think diamond door Gold's I'm kind of leaning towards gold to be honest I think gold just suits him better I mean look at that it looks so good I'm choosing gold but let me know what you guys think today was extremely productive I did not expect to get these today we got the blaze rods that we wanted as well I put them away somewhere so that we can go and find a stronghold we extended the castle a little bit I will finish this off and get rid of this disgusting piece of architecture up here for next time rough night guys hope you enjoyed I certainly did if you're hyped for the next episode please leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new so you can catch up with the series as and when the videos come out and check out my other videos too thank you so much watching we cheated death I've done it a broken Minecraft we've got six more times so we can do that and I think we're ready for the wither see you later guys good bye [Music] hostess bar swing wagon candle campus of fulcrum band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,123,298
Rating: 4.9400096 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: ktIf2yf3coY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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