Hitting people with anvils when they least suspect it - EC60

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today we build an anvil launching system to hit people who think they're taking a psychology test [Applause] [Music] and here is the master plan ice tower enchanting station cannon cannon bang simple yes however before we think about putting a cannon on top of one of my ice towers we gotta build an ice tower to put a can on the top do you remember how last episode i said uh it doesn't look the best but it works i'm pretty sure that goes for this tower too it's not the best but it will work wait what are you doing sir you'd think that as i build more towers i'd be getting better yeah it needs a bit of tweaking pro skill time [Music] oh oh i hate it when i fall pretty sure i used like an extra shulker box of ice there but i'm hoping it looks good is it an improvement uh no now all we got to do is add some snow and i really hope i'm not gonna run out of snow because collecting yeah okay because collecting snow is terrible how did i get back time to go ham okay question if we put a snow golem on top of this tower do you think he'll survive only one way to find out i guess alrighty richie we'll see how long you survive while we're at it i guess we should probably put one on each island oh we got jimmy we got richie and we got bob who do you think is gonna survive the longest this isn't good but i've already forgot what i called the snow golem so to keep them straight one of them is gonna be iron one of this is gonna be gold and one of them is gonna be another ride richie oh there goes the angle bob and i'm pretty sure i called this guy jimmy but i'm from the future here and i started calling him douglas how you spelled douglas so that right there is ritchie bob i think bob was the one on this tower no wait no no that was douglas and then bob is the one on the tower on here we're making an anvil launching system right and that means we need a lot of annabelles dude it's an entire step now we just need some sort of storage placey thing nothing super spectacular but just a nice little quiet place to put hundreds of vandals something with iron bars iron and what else maybe some terracotta oh and some smooth stone okay so we're gonna take some of this and i'm thinking iron stone iron stone and then in the middle perfect wait i have an idea okay that's better and before i forget this like sort of has to do with the flying anvils project you know how we built that mob farm it's been producing so much gunpowder and what i want to do with that gunpowder is uh yeah okay now i just gotta remember exactly where the sand portal is i'm pretty sure i put some sand blocks down somewhere like to mark where i'm going yeah okay so we just follow the sand this portal is so hidden this is up here there's like little crabby i'm pretty sure this isn't the mining desert but i mean we're getting pretty far on in the season i don't think anybody will like notice never actually mine sand with tnt well i mean i guess unless you include my demos here okay so that was four blocks of tnt and four and a bit stacks of sand dude that is such a good return yeah one of the primary reasons i built the mob farm was just so i could have a lot of tnt to get a lot of sand to get a lot of glass to build an ice tower definitely overkill to use this in sand like look how much glass already happened it was just an excuse to use a lot of tnt ice tower done anvil storage done the floor is done now we just need to do the enchanting table and the launcher and then so for the enchanting table we need paper and we need leather and to get paper we need sugar cane look down in here it's in one of these chests there's just yeah like i've just been storing all this up this is all manually farmed sugar cane get a little bit of paper i don't know how much we'll need but i think the leather we should be able to get from the shopping district sieves shop no it's all gone wasn't i looking for leather just the other day do you have leather kind of wish there was a control f button okay floor four nether weather two three four yes four stacks one diamond jeez everybody sells stuff for so cheap do i pay is there pay here okay thank you very much oh crap flying like a madman today [Music] how did i mess that up leather plus paper plus wood equals books i guess more specifically bookshelves how many do we need 16 no i think it's 15 right because a bookshelf is two levels and you need to get to level 30. yeah yeah it's 15 obsidian diamonds and a book over to the tower and then where do we put it probably like right here okay i need to check to see if it's level 30 we're going to use every last bit of piece of wood is it level 30 yes oh so touch not bad [Music] so i'm pretty sure only two of them are around we have this guy i i think he's bob and then over here we got the o.g my man richie but i can't find the third way i've been circling around the tower i can't find him and i can't remember what i named him either we'll just call him douglas douglas the lost snow golem oh and a bit of a side note when i was making the the golem check sign this thing has been here for so long if you guys don't remember we had somebody install a camera for us it's an armor stand right but it's an invisible armor stand so i can't get rid of it unless i i find a book yeah okay here we go so i've never done this check target stand visible yes yeah okay there we go i really needed to do this for a while so check target visible stand and then okay i'm such a pro guys did you see how fast i did that i can't remember what that's from oh no no no you know what it is when these fake camera thingies got installed we needed a way to prove that they were like legit cameras the stamp of approval that is enough fooling around with the snow golems so now when you play minecraft you have like the wasd sort of thing and then over here you have your shift button and so you have to stretch your pinky from all the way over here to here basically i've been doing so many speed runs lately that my left arm started to get sore because i was sprinting so much oh and well i don't know if this is that impressive but i got like 52 minutes beat minecraft in 52 minutes i think i followed all the rules so i might submit it because i've had this idea i kind of want to be a rounded out person who plays minecraft you know how some people are like the redstoners some people are the builders i'd rather be a master of all trades than kind of just focused on one and to be a master of speedrunning well i guess not a master but i feel like having a sub hour time is pretty good another bit of news guys i've been doing youtube an entire year i was actually gonna make a video about it and i got like the intro done but i i just didn't know how to make it there were so many things i could do i could do like an overview like the story of my youtube experience i could show all of like the failed clips that i have you know what i'll do a poll because i think it'd be kind of fun to do a desk tour this is the thing i see all the time but you guys have never seen anyways if you guys want to see like a one year video let me know right now we are currently building the launcher thingy essentially it's three parts so we have this piston right here and this one's powered so we can put the anvils on top of here this is like our storage thing we're gonna unpower it then power it wait why are you not can i not power this piston okay okay there we go so i think the problem was that we were unpowering it and if the anvil is like sitting on the ground then we can't push it so as it's falling we have to retract it and then extend it and push it out and that is part one so we're gonna push the anvils from the loader thing there's gonna be a giant column here onto the slime block launch it up and launch it sideways down to our unsuspecting visitor yeah that's the whole plan don't let me do it but i may have the first part figured out so if we break this uh-huh uh-huh okay timing's off stick number two oh yeah so we got it to launch up now we just need to activate this guy and and and now just baby this one please please please please oh that's so close oh and that's the problem take number whatever number oh shoot i messed it up on launch launch launch launch launch where did the anvil go try it again huh i don't even know what happened 83 i'm 83 sure this will work oh 10 to 15 minutes of testing this is what we got boom yeah look at it go dude i'm gonna load this thing up okay okay ready ready ready rapid fire no choke move dude you're you're gonna die no what how did you survive there's no way they don't take damage right is he gonna survive no way he survives he survived how many of you knew that snow golems don't take fall damage that should have been a question on the game show it's going it's going it's going and oh it went right in between theoretically if we beat it down there right dude that fart that's amazing oh my gosh i'm so surprised that didn't kill me next step of the plan we need to make cannon number two and then we need to get one of the echoes over here somehow i'll find a way to convince him to come over here but we'll have him come over here press a button run redstone all the way over there all the way up that anvil comes over and crushes them instantly though we run into a problem how do you run a redstone signal that vertical for that long i know we could go with like the slab method i've seen these things where you like have a whole bunch of slime blocks in a row right and then you have a redstone block at the top this might not work but i can't see how it wouldn't right we have a direction so if i've done everything right and i probably haven't we should get something to launch i'm not sure if that updated it maybe we gotta like no hmm it's not changing and now if i tune this we should see an anvil fly [Music] yes yes this is gonna be glorious i'm gonna lure one of the echoes over here and i'm gonna be like tune this note block which note is your favorite note okay i'm tuning you know this one is kind of cool little do they know they'll get too oh this is gonna be so great before i go ahead and kill them i should probably get like a shulker box system ready so i can pick up all their stuff and i guess i should probably put away all of my stuff the never-ending project of putting stuff away just uh loading up the anvil launcher got some extra anvils i can't think of anything that would go wrong you don't like think it's it's like rude to just like have people come over to your base and then kill them [Music] well no turning back now oh i'm getting nervous is everything ready this is the point in the episode where i question myself why did i do this like is this is this gonna ruin friendship i don't know how good of a liar i am i literally just have to say come over to my base so i can test something and i'm just going to kill you i guess i'm just getting nervous after much deliberation i'm pretty sure i figured out a way to fool these guys first you got to make him complacent this page should take him about 30 seconds to solve and nothing will happen so hopefully they won't be on their guard but as soon as they turn the page this is when we hit them with the anvil hello oh siv dude what's up have you ever taken a psychology class uh yeah so it's just like a couple of psychology tests of sorts the instructions are basically in the book i'm just gonna get in my cinematic mode from here just like read it out loud is there anything wrong with this i love paris in the the springtime there's there's two thousands you got that really quick i'm surprised i think i've seen this kind of thing before okay that might make sense okay lesson one the brain is a tricky thing only illusions seem to be everywhere [Music] now yes earth what was that i was just kidding about the whole psychology thing so it's huh oh yeah sorry about the helmet the anvil kind of like broke instantly sorry
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 1,169,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft 1.16.1 survival, Echocraft, Minecraft let's play, Let's play Minecraft, rekrap2, rekrap, rek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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