Why I have Steve's face - EC30

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[Music] there's something i need to talk about and no it's not the potato it's my face yeah so i've gotten so so many questions about my face believe it or not and i guess it's not as weird as you might think well maybe it is as weird as you think but this skin the face is steve's face and for some people that's surprising because they look at my subscriber account and they're like hey you have like 14 000 subscribers why in the world do you still have steve's face well it's actually not that simple you see i actually have a problem with my minecraft account and for a while i couldn't change my skin and so i was left with the default skin that i had since i was 10. i mean i'm pretty sure i just searched up like guy with jack or something and just just to clarify this is not the skin that i had as a 10 year old this is how it goes back when i was 10 i got my my old skin it was just like a blue jacket guy with a standard steve face right and i really didn't care what my minecraft skin looked like you know i was just playing minecraft having fun but then fast forward a couple years when i started making videos well i was conscious of the fact that this was a pretty generic skin is like the steve face i was like geez how am i how am i supposed to build like a brand around this house people supposed to like recognize me i'm just like the typical minecraft face right and so one day i decided to see if i could change it but i couldn't and i have a whole entire video about that basically i can't change my skin through the mojang website but i can change it through the mojang launcher if that makes any sense this means that i can't play realms but i can play everything else everything's good so yeah there's the news although this year we're like migrating minecraft accounts like everybody so i'm a little nervous to see what happens to mine but long story short i couldn't change the skin for a long time and then i was into the whole youtube thing and i just really don't want to change it you know minecraft is my favorite game maybe it's kind of fitting that i have the minecraft face you know this is what i've grown up with i don't know it's a bit of a whole mess but faces aside i hope you guys are having a wonderful day i i'm gonna build this actually i already built it here's here's the footage [Music] so since the last episode i've done a lot of work off camera we built a little bit of this on stream and i think it's coming along nice so just to give you the rundown this is supposed to be like a bigger version of these ice bikes and i think i'm doing a decent job i had a couple mess ups so i had to clean that up but it's very organic looking freestyled the whole thing and the goal is to like have a main pillar and then slowly veer off to the side this is not a good angle ah it's not a great angle either okay i like this angle so the goal is to have it slowly if you're off to like a straight away right here and then slowly come into a point and i think i'm doing an okay job so far you know like i said this is totally a freestyle project and we're almost ready to put the storage system in here uh it's not as much space as i thought i would have so we're gonna have a bit of a difficult time fitting in but i think we can do it oh and guys i haven't only been building that ice farm look oh at this down here [Music] okay i did a ton of mining actually not a ton but i really really love this place i've never seen anybody who has a speed mine with the lanterns on it i think this just makes it look so much more official and i'm not doing the typical thing mining out every single block i'm making it you know more of an adventure okay it's more to look nice than to be super efficient we have like these cave systems like wrapping in and out of the speed mining zone and i think it's pretty darn cool sadly i think we've only gotten like three patches of diamond out of all of this mining but hey you know a few diamonds is better than no diamonds am i right so yeah basically the technique we just come up to here and we just start going ham we don't even worry about where we're going we just start placing the blocks put this in our off hand and every so often we'll just place down a couple lanterns i don't even have to worry about keeping a strict pattern like some people to go like this okay i'm gonna make the perfect three by three okay oh oh messed up right there gonna put those back no no no i'm just kind of all over the place not only have i been doing some speed mining i've also been doing some ice mining so yeah if you guys don't remember this is kind of our our secret covert operation of getting ice okay most people are like no save the icebergs okay you got to keep them nice pristine don't touch them at all it's the scenery yeah we're kind of mining into them but i think it's adding to the area which is it's pretty cool like look at this thing it's like a mine but i suffied no that's not a word i don't know it's kind of just like an ice mine i guess we have the basalt instead of wood we have the soul lanterns instead of the regular lanterns and i don't know something about this is just so cool to me i love walking through here i think it adds so much to the area i mean like come on previously it was just a solid container of ice now we have some story to it which is pretty cool and over here we have another section i've been working on pretty sweet i'd say and i also want to add like a bridge right here i think that would be so cool i don't know exactly what i'd make the bridge out of if you have any ideas let me know i'll probably end up making it out of like basalt and just ice or something we're dead we're dead we're dead oh that i don't even know what happened there this is why you leave your pants on guys okay don't don't take me out of context there guys i just took my armor off because i needed to do the intro and then i just run into a creeper get blown up so embarrassing wait do we have like a i feel like we might have a backup elytra maybe oh we do oh that's actually fantastic oh and we got the backup worm gotcha gotcha i think i did this on stream okay definitely thought i was gonna have to swim across this entire ocean but no no no i think we're good and i'm also confused how let me out of here thank you i'm also confused how anything spawned in here what i mean because they can't spawn on ice right and they can't spawn on lanterns can they so i have no idea how they did that okay good we got the you are amazing elijah this is the first one i got guys it was a gift from dc so we're gonna try our best not to lose it i'm still so confused how did anything spawn please let me know if you have any ideas like how on a side note this shopping district is coming along really really well mayu is doing a fantastic job so as you've seen in those caves we've been collecting quite a bit ice so we can continue designing our wall maybe here's an idea what if we have like some see-through bits in the ice wall kind of like this how does that look i mean that's not terrible how is that yeah i think i like that it kind of breaks up the texture a little bit like i said i'm still struggling a little bit to see how this looks but i did get a good suggestion somebody said that i should try using some dyed glass [Music] okay blue glass acquired i don't know how i'm going to use this maybe we'll try the same kind of technique with the glass no i don't think i like that oh wow i thought it'd be a lot less see-through with that glass um huh this is a bit tricky a bit tricky indeed maybe i do have an idea okay so imagine we have a wall and we have the crenellations on top just like this and then down below we have the reverse crenellations kind of what we were talking about before but if we extend this all the way along i don't know if it would look super great so what if we took some snow and we kind of broke it up into sections kind of like this i don't know and we could also add some quartz i don't know if i have any of that quartz quartz quartz now i think we're fresh out oh okay so we have a bit of quartz down here okay uh that's why we have the fire resistance potion on us okay there we go we got some courts and now i'm thinking we'll probably use some stairs and some slabs because all we really need to do is add more detail right because you can't really make stairs out of snow but you can with quartz so how does like that look maybe that how is that that's definitely a little bit more detail oh no nope that's the wrong pick oh you know what i'm completely forgetting i'm forgetting the snow layers of course oh yeah snow layers would be perfect okay what about what about this this definitely hold the phone hold the phone okay we gotta do some stuff first guys we got to do the comments i got a couple on stream and i have a couple for this episode we'll start with the ones for the episode we have over the river and uh so peter he was saying that i should build an icebridge over the river you know not not this like a big icebridge the walkover and that would be pretty dang sweet and then we also have the common to add the blueglass so i tried it out i didn't like it in the wall per se but i think that i'll add it some other places okay now to the stream comments these ones are pretty fun so first up we have sharpie by thomas so the story goes i was going to the enderman grinder right and i was repairing stuff and somebody suggested a name for the sword sharpie that it's just amazing we also have record now to be completely honest i thought that said at first and so i was like okay just gonna ignore that in the uh the chat and then i read it i was like oh record you know we broke a record on the stream guys so i think that's a fun little addition and then we have pancakes and if you're wondering what pancakes is well pancake uh he's a little bit dangerous okay where is he at oh oh there he is guys a wild pancake ready ready ready yup yup there's pancakes there's pancakes just chilling so that is the domain of pancakes alrighty so now back to the episode i have an ice wall designed and all planned out oh that hurt a little bit and wouldn't it be a little rude if i just ended the up [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 407,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft 1.16.1 survival, Echocraft, Minecraft let's play, Let's play Minecraft
Id: PFSrc_AXgzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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