I Convinced Philza His Wife Isn’t Real...

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[Laughter] my friend vilsa is a 32 year old minecraft streamer and he's married i am 16 and definitely not married so this was very funny also most people who first watch my videos find me really annoying so if you don't find me annoying then please subscribe again you might still dislike me by the end of the video but if you don't please check to see if you subscribed subscribing is free and you can always unsubscribe enjoy what's it like being old what's it like being a child i forgot i am that got really sad really quick i have so much wisdom and you are merely a child what the hell is that oh i see you bills are my grand give me things please i should probably uh no watch this away you're dead so you're old then eh i'm no i'm following you i'm half a stack years old 32 so double my age that's all that's old when you were 16 man was you man was in womb when you didn't exist i was in college [Laughter] okay so i was in the bloody old womb whilst you were out of college you are so and i mean it's nice old yes i am i am older than you yes the grand scheme of things i'm not very old though like i still feel like kind of young in my head i don't feel like i've gotten like any kind of slaughter i mean i tell you i sprinted after a thief the other day [Laughter] you didn't tell me no no i didn't i i couldn't have predicted it it was gonna go down that route tell me about this oh so i was like i was out in my local town with kristen we were like in the shop um and i saw this dude kind of like trying to get on a bike but he couldn't get on his bike it wasn't a motorbike it's like a pedal bike right and he was like struggling and he had like some stuff under his arm and this butcher was like chasing him i was like okay that's kind of weird well i'll keep an eye on this i'll just keep an eye on it and then some woman like that he passed like screamed something so i was like oh maybe he stole a purse or something i don't know i still couldn't see what he what he had and then he goes out he's still struggling to get on his bike he goes out into the street and always gets run over by bus and i'm just like bro what is happening what what are we living in the film right now he almost died in front of like a bunch of people because the bus was going quick and then he kind of struggled to get like on the other side of the street and he's he paused for a bit and i was like you know what i can i better get chase after him right now so i just dropped the shoes i was holding for kristen because we're in a shoe shop i just dropped the shoes just sprinted outside uh and just chased him down and i got close enough to him that he was like you know what i don't want to get caught so he just dropped the [ __ ] he was holding and just like kept going i was like no i i made him drop the things that he stole here's me thinking it was a purse guess what it was what pork the dude literally just stole like two huge joints of pork and i was like stood there like bruh i thought you just chased down and you just were like sorry wife i need to go and i need to go and fight crime so what's it like being married dude it's all right it's kenny it's really nice knowing that you have someone how do i phil how do i get married because i'm i'm in the mood to get in the mood yeah i reckon tonight's the night to marry you first no no all i do all i do is just stare people down at college that's not i intimidate them until they love me that's not how no no i stay i just i sit in the city center staring at people and then if they stare back that's when i know that they're not ready so anyway don't make eye contact that's what you are ready to marry and then you hook yeah yeah then i hold them down yeah so how do i go about how do i speed this whole thing up because i'm 16 now i'm kind of ready you don't want to speed this there's no no i'm ready there's nothing speedy about this you don't i'm ready for it for the love of my life you don't speed things up when it comes to marriage okay so how do i do this now uh you have a couple options you can go to like a marriage office or you have to like get married in a church and dude to get married in the church you have to like meet the the priest and stuff and he has to like approve you phil i am not going to get tommy phil no offense but no priest is gonna approve of the things i don't do i'm i'm really sorry i'd say i'm ready i've learned a lot do you mean you're ready to be in a relationship i'm ready i'm ready for uh marriage so you're jumping the gun again you can't it's not a case of just go get married no believe me if i walked hard enough i'd get a girl if it's morally wrong to order a wife i understand how do i get a wife phil how do you get a wife yeah so you find someone you love it's pretty different how do i farm wives [Laughter] it's not like minecraft i'm ready i'm ready you can't just look up a youtube tutorial and be like all right i just built this and then wife you have to be you know you have to learn what the what they're about you have to kind of like socialize okay what if i don't want to it's kind of a big deal you can't just marry a stranger so you are so old where's kristen he's in the other room right now i'm gonna talk to kristen yeah okay this is gonna go well all right so i can get to join the vc or i can just get her to walk in the room if you want and just give her the headphones she's here already hi kristen tommy hello what's up kristen phil's your husband is being so unhelpful sounds like him yeah he's not the greatest you don't have to tell me how do i kristen how do i go about getting a wife of mine i'm ready i'm 16 now legally legally in britain i can yeah well i don't know how did you meet five i've never gotten away so that's kind of tricky um we met on on twitch so i don't know i guess meet women on twitch i don't say that okay kristen kristen jesus christ there has been significant proof throughout the years that that is a horrible horrible horrible idea you asked how we met and that's how we met okay telling you the truth how do i go about this better and more efficiently because i'm just saying a wife would be more likes wholesome likes i'd farm ours constantly she could get a channel i wouldn't give away she could bring in the primes she would not bring in the price together um i mean have you gone out in the public to talk to that one time yeah i don't want to talk about that one time that i did it though you're my girlfriend i saw i saw that one yeah oh that's uh that one that one time oh yeah a lot of people saw that one time have you thought of making a dating profile is that okay no i think you have to be 18. then again i could lie oh don't lie that's bad don't lie that's why would i lie when i'm me that's true you have nothing to hide i'm just i think i think now i've turned 16 and now i've now i've done this big war i'm ready to settle down i don't know i think you're right in the middle of the age where it's like you you shouldn't really be caring about women but you want to no i'm ready to get married and settle down phil do we know anybody do we know anybody that we can hook up with tommy uh do we know any singles that want to be wives [Music] yeah that would be that would be really strange if you did i have to say i i don't know how i don't know how kids your age meet people minecraft no no i'm not no not tick-tock it hits me on tickets wait no wait no can you put phil back on oh he wants to speak to you did he take away anything from what i said did you take did you take anything away from what kristen said no i thought so yeah he said no what [Laughter] yeah phil she um she recommended i i use tick tock no i'm the one that shouted tic toc in the background because i didn't i didn't know i was just like oh this has gone so no no no no that's not even i know that that's just the absolute worst thing to do in the entire world i'm just saying i'm just thinking of just things that your like dem your demographic use reddit so like when i was young it was like credit yeah me a wife when i was young um it was like my space right my space people made each other on myspace they had like friends on there like friend groups also tom was my friend on myspace but then he never talked to me which was weird [Music] moba hello well i tried asking phil and his wife on how to get a wife and it turned out that they were the wrong wrong wrong people to ask they suggested getting a tick tock girl a tick-tock girl well you do like tik tok i i hate tick-tock so much basically well what happened was where he was asking how to get a wife and he wanted one quick and i was trying to tell him it's not a thing that happened yeah but how do i get one fast and you know he doesn't listen so good questions yeah thank you well his advice for getting a girl was and i quote why don't you try tick-tock why don't i see if i can set you up with any girls my age and i went no anyway i'm in the mood for a wife and i've said this now and you've been unhelpful so phil i'd really appreciate if you could exactly i'm legally old enough to have a wife so what's stopping me i mean [Music] excuse you your personality you're very insufferable i don't think i don't think there's a point in the wife for you really well i reckon i'd get more likes you probably wouldn't i would argue you'd get less likes yeah i think you'd get less likes especially if your wife hates you as much as i do well that's it then i hate wives i hate why i want i want rid of all of them anyone who is a wife can go away phil you know what you need to do phil are you a wife phil phil phil question for a friend how do i get my friend a divorce without him knowing tell me we want to rid the world of wives i want to rid the world of wives we feel like you'd be quite a good start for this phil how did you get a wife and how can we remove her how can we remove her without without there being any tracers [Laughter] who is that who is that who is that who is that film first through the door who is that who is that i thought it's that's your mother phil it's that phil it's like your friend who's a girl but nothing more oh that was your what that was your white i don't think you have one of those anymore yeah your friends have decided otherwise like it's like a really bad looks like a really bad sitcom where like i just get i i is everything going to go back to normal soon is it gonna phil you're old and this is this is you have no idea we've got phil we've gotta get you married we've gotta get you we've got to get you married but to a to an object phil it's been so long and you've had it's been so long and you all you do is complain to us about how lonely you are all you do is complain you go my name is filser i am lonely all i know is hardcore and sleep you're just like yes yes you are yes you are yes you are you are happy you have no wife you have no wife i still have a ring on my finger eat it it will taste good just enjoy the taste of metal and then eat them i think i think wives aren't real actually i think phil you're not missing out you literally met christina yeah i've never met kristen i've never met we slept in your house i've never met kristen i've met and you slept on your own it was very sad you cried a lot we were on the beach yeah crying you you you gave me pebbles i know she's trying to cheer you up because you were cracks they were pretty pebbles i i i'm happy that wives are not in this world they were a good invention by the media wipes are like grass why why is that they just they grow and they grow and they grow and sometimes you just gotta calm down sometimes they burst sometimes you must remove them from yours sometimes you must yeah sometimes a wife overstays their welcome phil and it's true it's true and don't use violence just just violence i think i think if i had a wife i'd say to her you're not real go away and then if she did not go away that's when i get the lawnmower i say wife wife lie down wife it's good for it's good for you lie down lie down and ignore the sound of chopping oh my god literally murder is uh murder is by the media like santa claus like santa claus and then i'd say bye-bye oh bye bye-bye i see you nice you choose stacey you choose danger and then i would skip tuesdays from then on who needs tuesday who needs tuesday sunday monday wednesday birthday why are we it's wednesday why don't we why don't we just have 11 saturdays in a row forever i'll meet you on saturday which one i think we should also remove the concept of gravity name all the forces upon you you have friction you have you have everything but when you get to gravity it's gone the bombs that hold your atoms together i don't know them all i know is thursday man ghost wilbur is on some [ __ ] right jesus christ talking about removing gravity phil you're the one who's claiming to have a wife yeah you're the one who had a wife here nice one nice one wife have on that yeah how was that that must have been a really dark time what was the happiest moment of your life phil was it divorce oh jesus the happiest moment of my life was when i knew that wives didn't exist well but we should we should start a wife disappearal service so phil who are you married to kristen it didn't work it didn't work you're not gonna brainwash me with your craziness dude you literally burst into the room before screaming no when you talked about
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 6,821,110
Rating: 4.9566774 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, philza, philza wife, wilbur soot, dreams sister, tommyinnit dreams sister, dream war, dream smp, fun, I Spoke To Dream's Mom, I Spoke To Dream's Sister, I Spoke To Philza’s Wife
Id: 8PZyzjpVFhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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