how my COLLEGE found my channel...

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now contrary to popular belief i am still 16. and i don't know how either however in britain when you're 16 you have to go to college 16 to 18 you have to go to a college and recently about two months ago i started college the other thing that i am is a minecraft player whether or not you are a youtuber or not being a minecraft player is never the coolest thing now today i'm gonna be telling you about how after only two weeks my entire college found out that i am a minecraft youtuber now people of the tube and this is genuinely true most people when they first discover my channel find me really annoying so if you do enjoy the video then please subscribe if you don't hate me by the end of the video it really really helps out oh my god let's tell you about how this all went down i don't know if you've noticed by the way uh but we've been in a lockdown uh and during that lockdown i spent most of my days in a call with my friend tubo literally just working on youtube because i spent from quarantined boys we went from 100k to 1 million so it was a pretty strange time so i hadn't really experienced what it was like uh to be a person and and go outside so the idea of going to college was very exciting for me because i thought look i'm going to be able to go to college i'm going to be able to see people i'm going to be able to be surrounded by just all of the women i mean that's what happens when your friends have fixed that it just it i mean that's just what happens the first day of college i had to get the bus into town so on the very first morning i went and you know i just met wilbur before so i was sitting with good posture like this i was going yeah yeah because that's what will advise me to do he said yeah you got to fix your posture man you look uh like a little gremlin and then a hooded man got on the bus and then the man took off his face mask so i thought okay yeah a little bit of a red flag maybe maybe maybe he has lung problems i don't know you never assume the worst in people other than when you do because he's wearing a hood and holy [ __ ] is he gonna stab me please for the love of god don't stab me i literally i can't i can't afford to be stabbed right now and then and i [ __ ] you not at at 7 30 a.m on a wednesday morning the man got some weed out of his bag and he just started rolling it and i am sad now contrary to popular belief i don't do many drugs that's not true actually that's not true after that just terrible terrible starts in the morning my intention was to keep the channel quiet because one thing you don't want your first impression to be to a load of new people is hey i'm a minecraft youtuber because of the current state of the world i have college once a week how easy is that boys i have college once a week for nine hours i have it for nine i am in college studying editing for a nine hour day so i got that never having gone to this school before and the first thing i did was sit down in the lesson and i got there about 10 minutes early but most people were there it was just dead silent no one spoke and we just sat there and i was sat quite frankly checking reddit and i sat there for the first 10 minutes until the teacher came in and started i was like i didn't really know how to sit and i was you know when you're just kind of worried that everyone's looking at you oh he's sad oh my god let's pity him let's leave a like pity like i was alone i actually on the first day messaged phils and minecraft on instagram and he was like oh hey mate it's all right mate so you'll be all right matt god feels so great guys just be more like phil and then the favorite thing for everyone who likes to sit by themselves you had to introduce yourself and here was my dilemma i didn't know if in my introduction i wanted to say hey guys i play minecraft and i looked around and there were a few women in the class and you got to bear in mind i love women so much and to see one in in in person was incredible for me and i wasn't going to screw this up so i went hello i'm i'm tom and i i like editing i like premiere pro and editing i'm i like editing that's why i that's why i do editing and then they went okay go around and i went so i went for lunch uh and i sat by myself uh in the in the in the town center uh listening to the gus and eddie podcast and whilst most people start speaking to people not me because that's not how i roll i'm too cool for friends then we get into the second lesson uh and we had this teacher and and i'm really sorry because i think i still have this teacher for some lessons he just had a youtube channel uh he like directed music videos and he made an effort to tell us how many views it had he's watching right now isn't he i really hope not the odds that they they show this in class are pretty high um hi guys yeah so he was talking about the fact that he's directed uh music videos in the past and the line he said was yeah i checked up on it a few weeks ago and uh my music videos collectively we're unlocking about 100 million views i'm on the road to a bill myself come on man i know i know that every night for the past month you have checked your analytics but i didn't say that i actually just sat quietly however this goes on to how i met my first friend guys you should always meet people through making fun of other people it's just the only nice thing to do and that's what i did so i met my friend uh uh do i use his real name or not okay just for him i will i met my friend louie i did admittedly say to him hey big l i'm gonna be honest when i first met you i thought you were gonna stab me and he went oh that's very insulting and i went okay okay then i finished my first day at college which went well so from there throughout the next week i spoke to wilbur and phil because i was very very very unsure listen should i or should i not tell this college about my channel because when i did it at my previous school all that happened was [ __ ] and everyone looked at me and i did not enjoy it and they all went listen if this is what you're passionate about and is all you do you should probably talk about it but so in the end i went okay you know what next time in college if it comes up if people ask me what did i do this week i will tell them that i spoke to pokemane so it'd been a week and it was the second day of college now you thought the first day was weird that i just immediately sat next to a man smoking weed and sat by myself and saw women for the first time it only got so much stranger from here and this was the day the one nine hour day where everyone found my channel you gotta remember in the span from uh this this lock down we've been in i have gone from 100 000 to like 1.2 million subscribers so i suddenly started getting recognized in public literally five seconds away from the campus i got recognized for the second time i was walking in literally like one road away from my college you told me in it there we go yes and he goes can i get a photo and i go yeah sure man and then he proceeds to put his arm right next to me and i have to go this i mean i'm really i don't know if you've i don't know if you've seen but there's a bit of a uh and i don't know if anyone else has noticed this but there's a bit of a virus going around and then i was already i always get a bit shaken up when i get recognized because it's always like straight i mean it happened to dave but it's always so strange uh it's cool though like it's really cool if you see me feel free to say hi but it's always strange so i go into college and this time there are two friends that i've met from the first time uh barry uh and louie so this is one i told the first people about my channel and it was it was getting very nerve-wracking already because we were at the first break of the day and they said what did you do this week they went oh well i worked at the chip shop or while i worked down the golf club then i went oh yeah i played a lot of minecraft uh and streamed and i went huh i went oh yeah i mean this is my my big thing they went oh cool and do you know what the big thing is boys they weren't that weird about it which was exciting so that was a little bit more into the uh into the day and i was feeling more comfortable i had two friends uh louis big l as i called him which again is really just a bit that i didn't stream but i'd never be able to stop doing my on stream bits in real life and that's why girls don't talk to me apparently i don't get it either and now is when i'm going to introduce you to a new character henry now on week one i saw henry and i thought he seems all right and he is a lovely guy by the way i am friends with him but henry is somewhat of a loud character and and probably not who you would want finding your youtube channel as i'm sure you can see we're foreshadowing but from this point onwards things started getting especially weird i went on the school computer and we had to go on youtube because obviously i'm studying film you can and the first video in my recommended was one of dreams like manhunt so i texted him going hey hey dream you you kind of why are you at my why are you at my school dream so i texted him he was like ah actually i think i think he didn't reply if i'm honest with you and i'm as i'm sat there working away behind me henry uh the quite loud but he seemed very lovely fella started singing and i went okay singing while you're working man i'm literally right behind you i really appreciate i'm trying to write an essay here and the words he sang were and i [ __ ] you not sat behind me he went i hate you not he went you're in her bed but i'm in her twitch chat i've got the key but you've got the doormat oh [ __ ] so if anyone doesn't know my friend will like wilbur as you would know him uh it's a mute he does music as well as youtube and one of the his upcoming songs your new boyfriend the chorus lyrics are that what he's sung but here's the especially interesting thing is that those lyrics have only been heard in one place on the internet by that time one place only my stream so i am sat there absolutely freaked the [ __ ] out i text will i go wilbur there is a guy sat behind me in college right now singing your song what do i do oh my god what the actual [ __ ] you know what wilbur says he goes tell him you know the guy tell him you're texting him and i go well shut up man but i was freaking out so i go okay what do i do the day of reckoning two days into college is already upon me i'm going to have to tell this guy about my channel and it's henry so the entire college is going to know about my channel so i look at him and i go were you singing were you singing uh wilbur by any chance he goes yeah yeah and then he goes this is my favorite bit and he goes hang on a second you look like that british guy that dream plays minecraft with and i sit there for a second like holy [ __ ] this is it for me he looks at me dead in the eyes and go you look like the british guy that dream plays minecraft with george not found [Music] and i thought what the [ __ ] so if you didn't know dream uh the the youtuber my good friend plays minecraft with two british people george.found and me and i go yeah okay and he goes yeah you look like george he's gonna i'm gonna have to tell him about my channel now aren't i like i'm gonna i'm just gonna have to even though to most people this youtube channel is really cringy as i said most people when they find this channel just think i'm really annoying and that's fine but there are a few people that don't by the way if you don't you can subscribe you know i'm sorry to ask you i know it always kind of ruins the immersion when you ask in the middle of the video but i just you know i thought i thought i'd say if you still don't hate me so go right i've got to speak to him and so i go i go just to speak to henry but the the thing about henry is that unlike me he is very socially confident so i go to speak to him and he's on the other side of the class speaking to girls wow i sounded like such a minecraft player when i said that and i go well yep i'm not going over near him i thought maybe i could though let me no this this can't be my first impression with the only women of this class so i go hey henry so you say you're like wilbur and he goes yep yeah a lot where did you hear that song that you were singing because i know that the only place that that song has been played and you can play a clip archie um it's from my stream yeah yeah you're in her bed but i'm in her twitch chat i've got her key but you're just a doormat why don't you go on wilbu's channel to see where you found the song so he goes on wilbur's channel uh and he's looking and he goes i just can't i can't work out who you sound like or who you look like when i go oh and then he finds this wilburtham miller i'm like holding a gun like this and he goes yeah you look like that guy and he plays the video and he goes oh yeah you sound like him as well i go and he goes up oh yeah yeah you do and there we go and then he looks down at his phone and he looks up at me and he looks down at his phone and he looks up at me again and then he goes wait i go yeah and he goes what does [ __ ] wanna go pl please be subtle about it henry um please and he goes and i go yeah oh my god this this is terrible this is the worst thing ever and i think just when it can't get worse doesn't sort off he doesn't immediately shout it instead he goes cool it's the first time i went holy [ __ ] wait people think it's cool but get this guys get this and you're not gonna believe this i don't get made fun of because it turns out when you go to a college for the people who are remotely interesting and and you know all studying film and have similar interests they go that's cool and move on with their day and and charge their phone the teacher was nice about it the teacher mentioned it i was like oh you do it was like yeah it's like cool and i went yes now i only get great a's but there is one last plot twist to this story everyone in the other the other how my school found my channel mr brett played my videos in class he was from my old school and i don't go to that school anymore but my good friend aaron does and after about four months mr brett watched the video and he watched the entire thing aaron told me because he went because aaron still has him for maths and he went erin could you just come over and speak to me you want to know what you said to aaron i can't believe this he went he went erin so i was reading the comments on the video yeah and they were saying that apparently tom apparently tom makes loads of money and someone someone said and this isn't true but someone said that he might make more money than me erin how much money does tom make and aaron just stood there laughing and then he walked off that was it that was the end that was the finale of the mr brett saga the thing is i know i said at the end of the uh the last one which actually was about like seven months ago now how my school found my channel video um that we'd have a prom we won't so i will never see any of them again so mr brett if you're watching don't scroll to the comments section my friend i couldn't believe it but all in all boys pretty good i mean that was all right right that could have been so much worse so i was pretty chuffed
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 17,568,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, school, storytime, school story, technoblade, wilbur soot, minecraft storytime, commentary, college, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, That Time My College Discovered My YouTube Channel, how my COLLEGE found my channel...
Id: wnTgkprki1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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