I Spent 500 Days on Sea Ice in Rimworld

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I spent 500 Days on the sea ice in Rim world can I survive freezing temperatures on a place without resources and make it into a thriving Base by organ harvesting I'm playing on the hardest difficulty welcome to rim world so yeah we're going to do a multiple part series to try to win here in Rim world with a fluid ideology here I have set so this will be quite interesting but yeah let's just see how this goes okay so I've planned out the blueprint here so right with this lamp is is the middle point of the map let's just get started here with silver I'm going to have her haul and start constructing before we freeze we also have a wolfier fan rear homes this bonded to Silver so we got a mood buff from that but we need to feed it oh well silver time to get to work really important that you haul in the morning it is -6 Celsius which will start off the hypothermia yeah it's getting and quite warm I think we start off in the summer but here we go hypothermia silver work making the walls out of silver I mean you use it to trade but in the early game we need to conserve steel and wood so silver will have to do only eight percent hypothermia yeah because our manipulation is quite low because of hypothermia that's why we're botching a lot of stuff so getting a park or something like that is optimal filter has now constructed a wind turbine and will continue working on the base the roof area now the bunnies here will go for our food they are slowly coming in we have a few snow hairs we might want to kill we need a butcher spot and we can make use of shelves in 1.4 but stockpiles will have to do let's work on the bed and the heater here construction skill to low we need level five are you kidding me well we have 4.3 maybe we will reach it I will really need to get up that construction skill it's five degrees Celsius though so it should be fine I'm too hauling all the medicine components and everything there we go by Nightfall we have a base up we still need heaters but since it's summer we're actually not increasing our hypothermia I think I have a plan a wooden chair here has a 94 work to build so if I do this and I start constructing here that's going to take a long time and we should level this up there we go and I think I will cancel this building right before it's finished to get my resources back yeah we get everything back so you can essentially level up construction infinitively for this is great to this and now silver has level 5 construction so I mean yeah you can theoretically level that up infinitively without losing material as long as you cancel it before it finishes work on the heater there we go is nice and warm now I will store bodies out here in the cold since it acts as a freezer let's make a roof area there we go now we need to do is research our dog can be quite useful or our exotic arctic wolf oh my goodness we got fairy ship chunks straight away this is huge and we also have an ancient EXO Strider I can destroy these for steel chunks but we want to get batteries and then microelectronics to start trading the early game will mostly be spent researching we will need Hydroponics as well or a steady supply of food and I should also kill all these hairs let's do that here we go help us wolf our shooting is only at level two but we're leveling it up there we go butcher corpse always consume this food before the package survival meals because this will eventually spoil towards the end of day two I now have batteries almost halfway researched finally got batteries I think I'm just going to make this thing outside okay right here that will take up a lot of Steel unfortunately but battery is needed there we go and now we're safe the next thing we will work on is probably Hydroponics now oh we have visitors but yeah since we have a fluid ideology we need to do rituals and such so we can get more fluid points and evolve our ideology the ritual spot now I can make silver the leader let's do a soulless celebration a shaman Merchant thank you with my silver I can buy more food oh we got a fun soulless celebration which will give us plus five mood for six days so this is what I'm trading I decided to buy chickens because now I can just butcher them or slaughter them to get a bunch more Meats back sorry rooster I can't keep these chickens out here I also have one herbal medicine for organ harvesting we need a lot of silver yeah we have a lot more meat from this Argo pods from Randy with psychoid leaves they gave us 12 gold as a gift this will be useful for the multi-analyzer ah the days are calm with fan rear and silver as we keep on researching Hydroponics is halfway done soon just calm days oh snow here okay now what I'm going to lure the snow here I don't want to spend time hunting it just place this South here and now it should come running look at that it is coming straight for package survival meal and shoot it I'm on there we go free food my God more ship chunks okay I mean I guess this playthrough will be quite Swift for some reason silver is not doing Recreation got Hydroponics so now we will go for microelectronics however why won't you do Recreation I've set all the bars there well done 100 IQ is just to set their schedule to meditate and now they're getting Recreation oh I'm not Hunter pack 50 raid points from Randy two of them well done stay inside fan rear hopefully they don't get the scarier uh rods there's a chance that they will stay fresh I do not want to risk this oh no repair that door there we go we got one fresh one that ten days have passed here on the sea ice we're doing quite all right microelectronics is underway I really want to deconstruct these ship trunks right now so silver 80s still in total and over well 23 components so we have a bunch of cargo pods we had and we also have the EXO Strider so I want to make an electric smelter 170 steel and two components but I think it's 20 steel per chunk so I mean that is 140 I mean more than enough work on this deal chunk and I also have this powered Tab 2 mod which let me see all the power I'm using that smells metal from Forever well now I will simply have to haul a bunch of Steel chunks and right now it is I mean still summer but winter will be very cold so more steel for a second heater oh still slag chunks aren't that heavy only eight kilograms so I can pick them up oh no huge zit hey at least it's nice and warm in here and free construction points for repairing it so almost level six construction wander joins well we will see how he is or she oh no free parka on renamed the colony the Frozen Empire is the name we got our free revolver I mean we're going to have to kill her but before we do that I'm just going to have her equip my charge rifle and actually just have her destroy these things for steel trunks oh you're going to have to be a slave until you die while she's doing that for us relaxing oh a lot of slag chunks from the sexual Strider this is actually so much steel uh final one before she gets berserked okay now I'm going to have to do something very cruel in prisoner UH 60 chance well I wanted to harvest her organs so do this oh she straight up died we will get a minus five for two days oh not too bad another thing I will make is a butcher's table and now instead of using a butcher spot I believe a butcher's spot only yields 70 meat so butcher table eat up the human now storage is looking oh a marble meteorite so we can get stone blocks but a stone cutters table nice quite expensive well we have all of these like chunks I have to haul so let's do that one silver is awake so I have the smart speed mod which lets me configure this to go very fast so this is so much steel 22 slag trunks Jesus that's like 440 steel I believe oh no I forgot to put this under a roof time to start smelting oh we only get 15 not 20 I miscalculated but still quite a lot or 122 steel I can make a lot with that while silver is playing horseshoes we are 15 days in we need human Raiders soon or I might starve visitors hmm free food this is all that I'm trading a bunch of good stuff I think I want to expand the base slightly 120 steal for this wall section I believe actually a bit more but this will have to do this will become the freezer I also need hydroponics in a separate room they gave us 71 silver now I can have this stockpile in here preferably and I can also have all the food wonderful I mean minus 19 outside I need one more heater as well oh yeah the expanded base looks great now unfortunately our food stockpile is shrinking and no human Raiders from Randy what is he up to one more heater nice and warm The Next Step would be Hydroponics so I probably want to grow Nutri fungus or rice and now to get that a sun lamp would be preferable Hydroponics right here and since this electric smelter is not a new so I'm going to have to disable it two Hydroponics should do it right and 250 steel we have barely enough Lee silver first one was a success second one level six that should help us there we go now a Sunland is 40 steel I believe which is barely enough plop that thing down perfect things are looking good so this area finally hmm problem we have a big problem power we need more power yeah we don't have enough steel for more power this will not work unfortunately too much power for now I think I will grow fiber corn now fiber corn can grow in light below 51 only have a little bit of food left not good Randy I've only had one raid and I believe I'm on a Randy random 500 losing is fun what is going on oh no malnutrition severe oh my food I'm gonna tough to accept this then rescue I'm going to rescue you if you know what I mean the one silver organ harvesting that's extract the a long Kenyan heart oh you just I just use glitter wool medicine Jesus all that is a guaranteed success at least but use herbal medicine or surgery fail we can practice our medical scale which is great we accidentally cut her left and right kidney so hard it is surgery failed once again art now oh no silver isn't a days great silver it's minus 41 Celsius winter has arrived continue operating now we need food ah finally right oh my goodness pigs a lot of food and Oregon harvesting that's Davis oh I think they're attacking him yeah they will prepare okay I have time hopefully time enough to organ Harvest ah it failed come on make this one work there we go and straight into the book I mean that is insane timing at the moment they die of a heart being removed straight into the butcher's table finally meet um Link's animal Migration I need this as well but the raid here the pigs come maybe I can enrage the Linksys so they fight each other that should do it now I need to take care of this oh no not my uh not my wind turbine this should do it oh they're playing there we go I need to fix up the wind turbine and we've got a stab in her heart lots of food at least what the hell oh I think I know what's going on here you can tend through it you can tend to animals through walls like this what the hell it is actually minus 44 we are so cold look at our stockpile though lots of food Forest weather for pay boggy rain for 20 days for one of these rewards I'm not sure I mean 20 days is a long time let's start smelting down these things let's see how much a knife will give us only eight steel I need to make armchair out of human lever for Comfort hopefully this won't watch oh that's a lot of work though there we go normal human lever chair and one thing I would also like to do is replace this wooden door once you get back the wood and this place has human liver animal flap you know who doesn't love human doors my God it's minus 48 Celsius outside our second raid here on this CI it's only one guy let me see here our wealth oh that is a bit strange Randy well I guess every Raiders in the same size let's do this oh it's actually going to minus 48 Celsius is he going to die of hypothermia yup he is if I can kite him until he gets down I can Harvest his organs oh it's no medicine never mind damn silver level three shooting and that accurate let me train up my medical skill though so if you strip them out here you will have to go back out for the clothing so I'm just going to capture him as he is okay he can die now execute oh I forgot to strip him Jesus I really need grenades so I can get rid of these things I mean so much clothing not too much wealth is good oh I forgot to turn off my electric smelter ah we should be fine I would also like to make an electric stove silver Heroes for cooking so if only we could cook down the meals minus 54 Celsius out here but indoors it is holding off strong look at that it's overall days later and we have a transport crash I mean I'm not sure if I should recruit anyone without a stable power source and get that I need more steel more power more Hydroponics well then she will die type of fermia and blood sauce or Muffler wool Parts guy that's significantly better than my light lever duster almost done with microelectronics and I can get a comms console to hopefully start trading but I need steel for that it's just a waiting game for Caravans I have a lot of organs to sell so as long as they bring me steel I could also destroy this EXO strider for extra steel chunks I believe Oriole pods with skulls and two steel chunks okay while we do like a skull Spike so let's get one of those I actually don't want to waste steel now though so microelectronics well then I'm not sure what to research I mean I have everything available and the advanced lights [Music] I mean not good if we stay outside but we can tolerate -60 now with our Muffler will park us so it should be fine oh no only 10 human Meats left ah no more food if this continues I might have to butcher fan rear I will simply have to research some other stuff while I wait for Caravans my goodness what is Randy doing wait when did we get ship chunks fields of you know two from those will save us I also need to get more fluid points here so I would have to do a few more rituals I did get a Christmas tree here but that's quite expensive I mean uh this is from the sea ice so we got cargo pods right here um full of slag chunks and a bunch of hops we got gas operation but as I said we need Traders now I also want to go out to get some uh steel slide chunks 211 raid points well done our fan rear will save us yeah um inputs and uh this on the sea ice if you see here they have called weakness so they will die all I really have to do is kite them around now we have food poisoning though yeah two of them are already down there we go there fleeing but the sky will get down to some organ harvesting with this medicine but yeah food poisoning is messing everything up oh we got a quest here for four human bodies I mean this is great but I have to accept it in let's just do this let's see here bad back he moves at half speed but she's actually decked out well you're going to have to die eitherkins oh they're fleeing at least we get barrel and to eat against for food okay Barrel you're dying now that silver is out of her little days I can do some organ harvesting let's extract uh of course long and hard only of two medicine there we go we got both the lung and the hearts now we need a caravan to sell at least we have food for days well with this much I mean the storage we need shelves I cannot afford to waste the meat though personally I can smell all the knives my battery has been broken down repair dot I also have a slate meteorite so I mean we can get some stone blocks up in here now then comms console I don't even have enough space in my base but I'm going to have to place this thing down a normal trade Beacon there we go so once we get a Trader now we can get a caravan and orbital Traders hmm only mine is 34 outside and summer is coming visitor and Warner joins uh free food hmm Parks here are incapable of violence we have so much clothing to get rid of up more organ harvesting let me see here I need to sell things that take up space so all my weapons have left to buy up all of this okay this is all that I'm trading a bunch of clothing and weapons to buy herbal medicine and pamlican for organ harvesting here we go hard long Kenny liver just like that and the heart will be Flawless oh no at least we have a bunch more stuff now keep on researching we need Traders right now we have so many lungs and hearts we also have fiber core I need to harvest this right now where it's going to die to power let's see how much we get we don't get anything uh we get barely any wood maybe this isn't worth it now these Hydroponics another transport crash a 16 year old with uh not sure if I should recruit people I'm going to make a bold move here but deconstruct Hydroponics here I uh need to steal again so orbital trade Beacon I also want to make an electric stove yes so I can start cooking eating this raw food is not good let's start cooking some simple meals there we go who let her cook silver no way our first exotic illustrator so for the first batch on trading off all of this I'm going to do that right now and then move this right here and now sell off kidney yes all the organs and I will need some plus steel yup I think I'm content with this some plus deal there we go a bunch of stuff so the sculpture will improve our mood while the base is thriving silver is doing all right I mean not too much bad stuff our wealth has gone down a bit 23 000 is not too shabby right now we have 2 300 silver let's also do some rituals hopefully this will uh yeah I need more development points terrible yeah and fun now we need eight more development points visitors or when a combat supplier what is Randy doing so the most useful purchase here will be frog grenade so there's not really much else to buy I mean maybe some medicine but fry grenades will allow me to hold this choke point and this is what I'm selling to visitors maybe buy some food even more visitors I don't think we will be able to trade with these here we go we got six like chunks the reason I want a lot of Steel is so that I can make a cooler because us actually it's going to start becoming positive degrees in the summer that's the Crypt transporter only one scorcher oh I'm going to do this right now here's the ship bunch more steel from this here they come I mean the scorcher is not a problem in melee coming through oh no igniting everything [Music] there we go now all I need to do is deconstruct this get the mechling silver only us uh yeah one crafting probably want to get the mechlik on another crafter okay well we have deconstructed the ship we have a bunch of steel lined up everything is looking good and this is our wealth graph and our population growth all in this mood has been quite bad now what I want to do with the frag grenades is get rid of this trash yeah there we go I would also like to sell or destroy the cycloid leaves I mean there's no real use for them and uh well indoors here you can see it's seven Celsius that is not good at all I'm just going to have to make the cooler right now ah yes as I say that a singular Pig with a wow I mean he is decked out smoke pot could be useful especially against Mech clusters because Mac turrets cannot attack you through smoke there we go got a cooler now I'm directing the heat out here I mean if I know why it's better to have it's nice and warm in here decided what to steal and leave oh we downed him more organs and to the sky and extract his organs I'm going to have to use regular medicine I mean it's a net profit there's a bunch of animal fell from fenrir I mean our dog there we go and the Heart there we go another single failed surgery our medical start at like four now it's seven yup waiting for more Traders and just researching let's see what the next interesting event is biofuel refining I think I'm going to go for solar panels maybe research everything and we have a psychic suit oh right from all my 300 raid points okay ramping up the difficulty quite a lot I should consider decreasing my wealth oh well this will be very good now they don't have any talks grenades or such so that's great okay let's simply do this I think grenades would be quite useful let's hit our nice one right here perfect oh my God oh they're already fleeing oh no they will escape oh it's only minus five Celsius now I will have to let them go more organ harvesting more Merchant let's go silver I also forgot about my ship chunks band rear got shots but yeah not nothing too serious but let's wait for them to arrive at the trade let's just harvest the heart we only have one medicine there we go and butcher that human okay this is all that I'm trading organs weapons and clothing for 18 herbal medicines so we can get 18 organs then it's a net profit this will be our main business here on the sea ice yeah I really need to sell off this human liver let me also get this ship trunks down here I'm going to research everything in this section no way more rare from bows also got cargo pods no way 23 which vegetarian fine meals let me get that straight away now that is like a lot of food let's take care of these things then my goodness wait did we destroy her rear right leg she's moving at 20 oh she's just really old we can easily kite this there we go easy from boom let's get the other one this one is nice and young though got a ball Goods Trader Jesus well let's butcher these things up and sell their lever and everything we can just let it Fleet out now look how much blood is on the map Yep this one is that as well let's move so slow there we go on the ball Goods Trader will love this oh this one has wood and 500 steel okay first batch a bunch of Steel now we need to move this out here so that was the second batch right there a bunch of wood medicine and silver I also need to sell off my psychoid leave something need that there we go this is huge look at a DOT steel well done this has been very successful get the steel now we can expand the base get Hydroponics more power hopefully I would also like to mine this marble here for marble blocks so the next step is expanding the base I'm going to make a new room right here okay we have a lot to work on uh you're simply going to see the oldest will turn off silver work on this reform base here we go so halfway done here well this is so much more space but defenses are also a priority there we go look at the expanded base I would also like to make a few shelves if we get more items but we still have 500 steel I would also need to make a table let's just get another steel table and human arm chair I'd also like to get a chess table for more Recreation okay bass is calm and nice now I can actually get more Hydroponics uh grow rice need more power just table armchair and steel table all of this because of a Trader yeah so if you see right here this one single chair uh you can actually sit sideways on it so doesn't really matter which direction it is I believe I would also like to get a steel mini turrets here essentially we would have this off but it could be very useful in the future all right K got the gun turret get some human liver sandbags well our square base is looking kind of nice I also want to get a paler bench here because someone to make a from Buffer Park uh button-down shirt for protection so let's get that now I might want to wait for another colonist I think we can afford it it's got toxifier generator let's try to recruit someone else I'm going to make this uh prison area I think down here uh let's also haul everything this is filthy okay I'm going to construct a power wire here so if you didn't know you can reconnect this or anything with power to an unpowered uh conduit power conduits and just like that it's disabled so well now we're just waiting around for more Raiders so I can hopefully recruit someone if I also make one of these things skull Spike outer doors uh IDs probably fertility procedures how would it be to get babies on the sea ice more cargo pods with baby food just as I was talking about having babies here I need to make a few shelves now we have too much okay let's get some shelves oh my okay several separate groups of edokin and there's quite a lot of them do I accept this I will I have seven days still so bunch of time I also want to get a stone cutters table perhaps mine the salt make shelves out of them or walls it's five Celsius outside it's uh summer the sky hasn't been this bright three stone oh my goodness the floor underneath will uh be Stone I wonder if this somehow affects the game this is no longer ice hey we at least got four of them we got a Rel click quest for our sacred relics so let's do this let's get a stone cutters table okay finally stone blocks I'm making a bunch of marble shelves to preserve storage now the reason I don't want wooden or steel shelves is because they can burn I want to make my whole base unburnable eventually well done I mean our base is nice and calm let's see ice is quiet you need to get these ship chunks I think we're ready to accept this Quest here it will expire in 2.5 days uh it's six people I mean why not I need an advanced component eventually so here they are foreign [Music] we lost our wind turbine but at least they're all dead Jesus and we got our reward pen to Fan rear we also got an eat Akin here not sure maybe I should recruit term he is too smart hard worker Night Owl animals artist you know what why not the mirror the better and having a milliest in the future could be great there you go okay we are fine there we go wind turbine back up oh no I think koi um uh I think she was pregnant but her baby uh I think because she got injured her baby died yeah miscarried I lost my child we are resting up mechanoids our first Mac greatest to Pikeman and a Lancer should be too difficult oh nice shot silver I need to repair those no fan rear uh as long as we can get this Pike man this mini turret is attacking all the shots there we go and silver oh my this is stressful while the sea ice is quite hard now we need to rest stop okay ah Jesus all all the Raiders our wounds are healing up quite nicely here uh storage is looking a bit tight I probably need one more heater for Koya he is freezing in here convert I also want to do all the rituals a fun soulless celebration we need more development points look at our moods serious pain ah that will be over soon I would really like to grind down these bodies for 150 steel we got an animal Migration full of rats so I don't have time for this we're slowly converting Koya here it will be quite some time since we only have one social I'm to get rid of some wealth um Power we need more wind turbines okay okay I mean not much happening on the sea ice hmm a suppression wave which will reduce consciousness of all females I'm not sure I mean we already have glitter wall medicine we got fertility procedures now we just need a male oh well something like you thermal power is solidly relevant to research let's go for maybe fire foam I can also have a dance party here look at Silver and fun that's what we'd like to see only six more points but a transport I mean he is good in intellectual and medical but he has a prosthetic heart stabskar he will have to die organ harvesting let's go let's do this long can I in the heart there we go silver oh no I shouldn't have gone for the prosthetic heart I don't deliver I forgot about this prosthetic heart oh my God I'm mechan it's more complex that's actually quite close if we want to get multiple mechanic force one day I was also going to wait for a Wanderer so I can craft from both firm like high quality thrombopher Parker and button-down shirts but uh no one will come so let's just do this okay silver a normal quality that I'm satisfied and it's awful and the button-down shirt poor I mean not bad silver though she decides to wear that well done from Buffer Park uh maybe I should get the pans for Extra Protection but 49 we barely have enough for pants we got a poor pant I mean at least for fully decked out in from buffer uh psychic look at this mess so this is not too bad its effects only male people so theoretically we don't need to mess with this right now since Koya and silver is a female we will just let this be our transport crash well we don't have infinite food this guy is part of a faction though so I just have to wait for him to die then we can yeah butcher him up I found out we uh this electric stove takes up a lot of power so I would love to manually enable and disable it wander joints please don't tell me yes 20 crafting nine crafting Jesus this guy could have made me good and excellent oh my oh oh look at that that timing right hold on a second this guy has nine crafting 11 medical fast Walker he does have a bad back but maybe I should keep him I'm not sure I'll have to think this over food wise three people in a dog that's like four people let me make a bed good for I cannot make a bed how about a bedroll human lever bedroll yeah a lot of ones have to give up one of these people artists well then I will have to convert this guy anyway so oh this is a very tough choice do I have ferrim do I keep three really good pawns the reason I don't like magic so much is because of his bad back and wooden hand it will make him quite slow but bionics exists and he's only 59 rare thrombos there is actually no way well then two more of them I will have to release magic to craft uh all the dusters and parkas and so on right now we have six shootings so this should be better much better than the last time this will take quite some time but it's already got a permanent brain shot injury I can just let it be now it will bleed out and more cargo pods from Randy full of wart got an exotic good Strider now what the hell this is what I'm trading bunch of Origins for psychic shock Clans and one Advanced component well then one of the thrombos are down time for the next one got a ride from the mech Hive ah this will take care of the uh the Raiders hopefully the from ball there are two of them two ciphers one problem with magic here is he is being affected by the psychic droner so uh I'm not sure if I should take him out meccanoids hmm are they not okay they are attacking each other take out the ciphers yeah we all know the thrama will bleed out there we go the battle should be dead there we go now we just have to wait inside for the throttle to die I mean slice and dice those Cipher blades are impeccable yeah uh I think magic will have to die organ harvesting oh wait before we do that we need to make all the uh the clothing I forgot and this Rumble is stud perfect I got a quest to uh from the Empire to lend him my colonists for 17 days so magic you can go start tailoring for me you naked man look at all this Blood I need to sell off all of this stuff more cargo pods face masks hmm lots of Steel we can expand he made a normal Park oh thank goodness y'all I need to smelt down some more chunks so I need to haul okay magic done making the pants I don't care if you're tired on excellent now you're going to uh yeah we need Advanced components get in their magic I will see you in the shadow realm even more cargo what the hell uh Randy is blessing me tonight well free food now I need to expand the base I mean this is horrible no storage I'm thinking we make the base like a circle who doesn't love circles on the sea ice so our next expansion would be all of this I mean all this storage so expand the freezer or this doesn't need to be the freezer let me see work on the silver oh no I should not be feeding Koya human meat no more power on it to disable this and make all of this roof done don't want to make this area the free serum there we go they reformed base we can see the temperature look at that very warm inside the freezer is nice and cool as it should be um at least storage has been expanded upon so will our wealth and uh raids will be bigger almost recruit uh converted Koya and we need to recruit her which will be quite some time with 17 resistance now the next big task would be uh defenses and probably getting some more wind turbines well then the base is looking very nice right now not too many complications and we have converted our first colonist future colonists then we get one more reform points so now we need to recruit firm and I'm not sure what to do with the steel right now uh we we have enough food for our people so let me think oh it's finally snowing look at all the blood go away we still have quite a lot to haul but we are on a good start oh both Goods Trader for the first batch I'm buying a bunch of Steel and wood and our second batch this is what our second batch will be I believe I can now encase this part right here we have four Advanced components for the future though so we're set let me a smelt down some more steel get the perimeter here around our power system and then we can go from there with more power we can start making Hydroponics maybe transport or passar from the Empire well I mean good combatist but we don't really need him wander joins let's see here Genie aesthetic uh abrasive crafting intellectual hmm should I keep him double passion and shooting I think it could be quite good and welcome back I will need to convert you the Mystic rage oh poor silver Ruby welcome aboard you're going to have to go to prison for a while so I can come oh wait a second she joined with our ideology oh and I don't even have to do anything with you you are aboard yeah I think we need new trim paste I'm not sure I mean we do have a good cook but we also have enough wood for a second bed I have a bunch of these complex quests I want to do eventually but we will see now Ruby here a stubble passion in shooting so she can uh I'm not sure maybe equip a pump shotgun let's work on a bad for Ruby and she can actually become a mechanic horse since she has good crafting so install mechlink got a lifter right so here we go uh the wind turbine will be encased here and we can place forward on which will definitely help us now theoretically I could go for toxic fire generators so I mean maybe I will have Ruby just start smelting this down a meccanoid cluster hmm what is this we have I mean more steel but this will be quite hard well we have grenades actually so shouldn't be too bad eventually I want to expand the base like this we will see got one wind turbine I also want to have quick access through here and then I need some defensive systems maybe around here what two wind turbines I think it's safe to say we can get one more battery now this is quite a lot of Steel but as you probably know from the last episode we got a lot of it though if um I'm not sure if we're going to keep these wind turbines I might go for let's say uh maybe toxifier generators but I would have to store it and maybe I can just dump it out here also going top to move this mini turret there we go I mean look at this we are thriving on the sea ice our own little compound where we can relax looks like we still have 700 steel left over so what I think I'm going to do is down here I will make this a workshop area I also need bedrooms and all of that but let's worry about that later where do I have my research room actually I think I'm going to have it right here so I unfortunately have to move this again and we are expanding a bit too fast maybe but Ah that's all right so the mechanoids here I've also woken up so it's only one thing to do deal with this arctic fox haunting us how do we deal with this let's do this oh we got two of them go on Jesus no well done I accidentally ignited all of that now all we have to do is take care of the turrets all I have to do is pop smoke and now this is free there we go I will send a machining table to grind down all of these mechanoids now all I need to do is get all of this free steel silver is back off oh combat supplier I decided to sell some weapons and buy a chain shotgun this thing is not good long range but it could be useful uh close range now I need to make a machining table as well to get back some steel hollandists returned ah look who it is Magic now unfortunately I don't really need you organ harvesting and we got all the organs foreign [Music] silver and resistance of coal uh transport crash another hussar people have to die yeah now I really need this steel high-tech research bench let's get all of this up let's start by reading mechanoids now Robbie will get back some steel animal Migration of wolves that's too risky oh do we keep getting food poisoning I really should have gone for nutrient Pace the human joins uh against 16 men hunting Arctic wolves why not let's see this girl not so good we already know what we're doing with kyori I let kyori get hypothermia so we don't have to arrest her and risk getting uh uh resistance so time for more organ harvesting there we go well then the base is looking quite good yeah I'm not sure what's happening but every single meal has food poisoning we were doing fine earlier oh no Compact and Machinery meteorite wow oh slave ship now as well unfortunately no good slaves they do want all of my organs still so lots of free silver and now we can finally go out again I'd like to construct this high-tech um true combat supplier let's make a human lever armchair for Ruby to research on and we can go for all of this I think maybe getting a soul Trifles would be good maybe go straight for multi-analyzer also got all this steel that I can deconstruct not sure if I should go for uh mechanoids the only thing that will be useful now is a lifter there we go look at the base now our well 34 000 is not too shabby the lower the better prices of belief curious no you need to stay on our ideology once we have a wrecked or converted koiab then I'm going to open this whole thing up and then we will go from there probably need a heater in here and I should just make a vent silver is currently idle yeah I mean not much to do oh you know what she can actually start mining just like this I mean all those components down here will last us forever uh food is getting low though our food is running dangerously low well then we have a Mech cluster with Emi Dynamo which has centipede blasters so I'm going to deal with this let's do this hmm we should be safe [Music] hopefully that Lancer doesn't hit us [Music] oh silver [Music] there we go foreign [Music] [Music] Crush ah he has had to die out here actually two Celsius outside summer no my he is not too shabby but we cannot support more people I also don't really need these skulls here I think they're always stuff uh yeah too much wealth so let's just destroy them oh my goodness raid let's do this [Music] this will be difficult let's see if we have any good pigs Jesus look at this pork belly at this dude right here or she I mean if only I could support more colonists foreign [Music] actually need more food please come back up organs are more important than to Luxembourg ah do I recruiter hmm I've been thinking about it um I've decided to organ Harvest Luxembourg but now uh she is quite good but I mean Amelia is versus a shooter who has nearsighted um that's wise I think Koya will be more sufficient so I mean melee is really important and ah that stings if only we had more food but we need food and we're soon about to recruit Koya we need more food though we're running low I need to destroy these skulls and clothing bunch of human meat but we need more food I'm going to have to do Hydroponics where should I have my Hydroponics area would be good if it was in the center probably need more steel I still want to take this out for bunch of Steel we will wait until we break through the Koya and we will head out Horizon break yes down her [Music] there we go oh now only 75 meat I'm going to make a really bold move here but uh wind power is uh well I'm going to have to get rid of it we need space so toxifier generators is on the menu we uh don't need batteries since it gives a constant power of 1400 watts each and I'm just going to have the Hydroponics area right here I think it will be a good plan I think it will work so let's do this now we are going to get pollution but on the sea ice as you know uh the bugs can be frozen or we can just dump it out here to let it I mean nothing will happen on the map oh we recruited Koya Aura is your name now we need to deconstruct these wind turbines oh no Aurora what how in the world no shot trip of amps oh they're going to die well then and I need to rescue arura let's see here we need our wolf at least this suspend taking care of for me [Music] come on Silver nice we really need to handle this they are not getting hypothermia since it's four celsius if only it hadn't been summer at least we got her inside time to do this [Music] oh no fire oh [Music] they are fleeing but oh no uninstall the turret Jesus I almost lost that hand to ourselves now so much food and we're done with this the psychic droner everybody's nice and safe I also want to merge this in there we go the reform bases coming up I can also deconstruct the battery still do them with toxifier generators I need Hydroponics now more food or Hydroponics I probably need a few more toxifier generators right now I only have that is barely any steel well now all of this is available though so much more steel for me at 3 is search basic Mac Tech Ruby will go out here nice I need to destroy this as well and I already our melee is equipped from the horn ball Goods traitor no way oh it's only a tribal one but still psychic droner has 60 steel the interesting thing about the sea ice is that you're limited on resources so steel feels more rewarding to get hmm should I go for ducks and uh I'm gonna go for a duck Colony maybe let's let's do docs I mean why not one male and female this is all that I'm trading I will need a pen marker so for now they will just have to be in here is that a good Strider I also need the priest roll nobody really has good social oh well Ruby we can also do a bunch of rituals outfits all goes well fun nice I need Hydroponics right now so for the perfect Hydroponics placement you want to go one two one two one two and like a shuriken you want to go one two three and four and then just like this and this fits perfectly if you see here uh so pretty good we're simply going to get a few Hydroponics up I also need to trade with the Exotic good Strider I think one other way to get um stone blocks is by buying sculptures and deconstructing them I'm not sure if I want to do this but let me try it well this is the first batch I need I'm just shuffling around the orbital trade Beacon can't afford to build another one second batch I'm selling off organs and a thrombo horn I need to get steel right now so I can do all of this hmm my gifts late Club so to get this uh sun lamp all I would need is to more toxifier generators pop dot is 250 steel I cannot afford it and right now I need to pump out all of this pollution it's spreading pollution pumps hmm that looks like a jade sculpture but it's out of wood ah the color this building was painted so you can actually buy stuff out of painted colors let's see here a lot of Steel acquired my goodness well I mean if you don't know most of the world's meteorites are found in Antarctica because they're so easy to see these meteorites so make sense that we're getting a lot of them on the sea ice Royal tribute collector useless we have a bunch of duck eggs but they're freezing I'll have to make this fast I can make two more blocks of fire generators [Music] neander fall raid though the Empire is hostile towards it's uh the Neanderthals so this should be free meat uh just to be sure I have to kite them out here though here they come our wealth is still quite low I mean 39 000 is more than acceptable yup hopefully we can get some weapons if any other false manager down them foreign [Music] let's see here female Neanderthal 11 crafting great memory cannibal psychically hyper psychiat and alcohol addiction though uh we cannot do it we can we we need a male we need kids and their weapons become steel we have a lot of Excess power here you can see this should be more than enough now we can make the Hydroponics except we have literally no steel all we need is some other bulkheads Trader we also have a bunch of granite we have to mine we forgot so we haven't done it yet meccanoid cluster oh no this is some interesting way of getting more steel here we go let's see if we can handle this [Music] oh having a milliest especially on eat Akin melee is this wonderful let's do this well that should be the end of it foreign what the hell where the hell did this guy come from [Music] oh silver there we go I'll rescue everyone haul everything back punch more steel thank goodness we have two medic transport crash addicted to luciferium that's a dead Pawn unfortunately we only have one herbal medicine so no organ harvesting oh I forgot her is sunlight all oh my goodness compacted plastial meteorite I think the plan here is to us leave the meteorites be until you really need them otherwise their wealth increases unnecessarily so do that I also need to get rid of all of this wealth uh the wart here I also do not need here we go get the grenades yeah he says how much water are you bringing human meat has throtted away my God it's actually quite warm in here I've set up this stockpile here so that uh only food and things that rot are in the freezer here and the rest is down here so with that done our wealth is not 39 000 it was at 41. uh pollution is not looking great we need more pollution pumps I can also deconstruct this research bench and we don't need it ball Goods Trader no way and it's actually uh uh yeah the league of the awkward of evidence will be the Outland Traders but yeah this is all that I'm trading selling off a bunch of stuff and buying steel well with that we can get a bunch of this and hydroponics is coming up according to the wiki one pollution pump can support two generators so there should be enough right now we can start getting rice hmm not actually enough power still while we do have 400 steel we can get two more uh pollution pumps goats join well that's free meat I'm sorry gold Sweden not having enough food for you oh my look at our food storage barely anything there we go enough power for decades a flash storm there we go and we can make two more Hydroponics let's do that who Rose of rice now initially I did think we can have dark spot ah it's not worth it and we got basic Mech Tech let's go for something like multi analyzer continued out and we have got a bunch of stone blocks from this um this here with stone blocks so I can make a bunch of walls yeah not much for a ruler to do just relaxing the rice is already almost grown once we have one this will be 2 000 steel but unlimited food would be great if it is running a bit low one thing I can do is deconstruct walls here and replace it with slates and get back on steel but it's too steel per wall so might not be worth it right now oh wait I don't have a heater in here well I'm not supposed to say dumb move of course you know heater in one more heater that should do it yeah so it's currently for a uh yeah 4 AM 5 a.m and it is I think summer or winter uh and the Arctic polls as I said hallway sunny or always winter some some times of the year everybody's all you don't I need a raid or something it looks like I need a few more pumps like two more I need some more even more steel visitors oh a bunch of tribe people they did have some pemmican but it's probably not enough we got multi-analyzer to get one of those 50 plus I mean we have everything except for steel I think we should get growth that's maybe but that requires a lot of food but kids are way better than any colonists you can find you can get them really good traits since for Idol not as well have a pollution removal area oh food a really good Pawn but yeah we are going to devour her I need to get some herbal medicine so organ harvesting uh we cannot she's part of a faction um my phone issue was an independent refugee hmm finally food well then it's a proper raid uh snipers attacking immediately I mean sniper rifles in the future could be really useful oh ball Goods Trader wait what is Eve doing I can use my steel mini turret this will buy enough time I think got one of them sniper rifle is ours equip this oh nice shots up they're attacking here oh they are fleeing but I need food oh fast learner Genie 19 intellectual but we already have Ruby we will find better people that's organ Harvest Lumi powerful shooter Hawk wait a second oh my goodness do I should I take on another Genie I mean why not we can try I'm literally having another Craft Run researcher will speed it up the game significantly oh they aren't good combatists but this one has careful shooting double passion and as long as they don't get hit am I right they have 289 steel this is all I'm training a bunch of stuff let's see if we can convert this girl now we can make a few more Hydroponics and support the extra colonists six Hydro power mad snow here literally the only animal on the map is haunting us right I'm not taking any risks especially with a genie thank you we got that I will actually have our room equip all of this from buffer stuff since while emilius the one who's taking more most of the damage needs a slave ship inbound pretty much all useless nothing for me to trade hmm what is happening to the heat here temperature in the base is not looking good we need an extra heater combat supplier I just decided to sell some weapons they do have EMP grenades so we'll take that I promise you that will save us one day and as I said I want to turn the human level into proper money so let's see here I think the most profitable would be to make Park I mean dusters maybe let's see one thing I can also make with this plus they'll meet you right are plus steel uh simple helmets if we can make yeah we need three visitors ex-husband ex-husband of colonist silver is in here they're leaving because of dangerous temperatures fight with them now I just decided to sell Muffler Park um by uh yeah it's package survival meals transport crash delicate wimp baseliner that is horrible it's time to organ Harvest what happened here this guy free food hypothermia bad back Alzheimer's we need to do organ harvesting right now chunks of spacecraft ah now we're going to organ Harvest and we got every single organ perfect let's see here so Ruby is producing up these still simple helmets now we got two I also want to do a bunch more of these rituals one thing I can make with these blocks is the small altar we will worry about that later let's do this oh fun Unforgettable we literally need one more Point let's make this work on reform ideology let's do this the first change is adding human Primacy here though essentially we get the production specialist which is the best role in the game in my opinion and then we can change here as well so these are the changes I only added the production specialist I think but that is that now we need 12 points to reform uh pretty good with the production specialist I think I will add that to Ruby I will have to remove the moral guide from her unfortunately I will make our uh moral guide perfect colony is flourishing it is minus 49 Celsius out here I'm going to need one more heater we also converted um that's recruiter having one extra colonists will be great but no more Genies after this they are horrible combatists no way rare for rumbos I also want an electric tailor bench which is much more efficient the great thing with the production specialist is they get a plus one quality to whatever they make so human level duster serum look at that 560 dollars let's make dusters forever I forgot about the from bows why are these from those not getting enraged there we go come on over your Skype [Music] there we go Oneness down oh my free food okay so the Empire wants me to get a guy here to hide out for 16 hours for so many Raiders might do this for the psychic shock Clans honestly [Music] I should really get Ruby on the charge rifle [Music] well that is how you handle it I also want to get let me see here I permanently want from both for armor oh here we go only a loud ingredients 51 to 100 hit points and now it should be working let's see Ruby do this or Ruby will go out here use a work drive on her look at that Masterwork from buffer oh my I think uh your needs that yeah we have great armor on everyone psychic drone we will continue my goodness minus 54 Celsius yeah this is not great we were losing a lot of heat to this room right here so now that that's closed off we have fixed the issue now let's see a tower power tab we have uh we're consuming 7000 Watts I'm producing 8400 so pretty good uh during a solar flare everything just dies we got growth about let's just research maybe Precision rifling gets assault rifles I have to get rid of all of this clothing because of that oh my goodness are you kidding me that is a whole Centurion after me already our wealth is at 52 000 because of what is because we produce those thrombopher dusters I'm going to have to construct this right here now I told you earlier the that it was good we bought EMP grenades because damn that is going to be handy I have this Quest here I also need to do so maybe I just accept this uh he has arrived way out here he does come with uh oh that can help us [Music] when is he killed them all oh no what's happened here we got uh we only have the Centurion left oh no the ciphers thank goodness we have a hussar foreign [Music] [Music] there we go uh we did lose a bunch of HP but everybody seems fine well of course I had to accept this quest in order to face off a bunch of uh Raiders oh this guy is going to die we're going to fail the quest it is literally so cold outside ah he died do we still get the raids or no well it doesn't matter because we've done it I forgot to use fenrir he's just been chilling here the whole time look how much steel we got from that nice well then that was quite insane not psychic soup for every single colonist I forgot who knew me here is a female I promise you the next colonist has to be a male we can also make two more Hydroponics uh we need one more heater I think all good Strider let's go oh my goodness a thousand steel RK a huge operation selling off organs clothing that we made light leather for medicine and a thousand steel maybe I should buy some more wood here we go all of a sudden we are thriving I should really also conserve our clearable medicine we barely have anything left so time to start using normal medicine let me actually buy a bit more medicine I think we have enough food soon to support everyone I'm just kidding how much how many Hydroponics you need to support one Pawn full of fries I also want to make this an airlock here because we are they are the heat here heat transfers way too much there we go base looks much better oh my thesaur here died unfortunately another meccanoid cluster oh this one is not so bad an unstable power cell is something we could use other than that it's only three uh true first so to speak and we have smoked pop as I said so not a problem all we need to do is handle the cipher let's do this take care of the military [Music] there we go they're all just dead that was a close one [Music] there we go and well looks like we got the unstable Power Cell unscathed wonderful lost form mood up for now it will have to be in the freezer but yeah we'll close it off since we have 900 steel and more coming with this Mech cluster I think I will make five Hydroponics we almost have Looney recruited 14.6 resistance our beds were in the prison area I didn't even notice it's five when I did this thing sadistic rage how the hell are you losing to a wimp Genie yeah you're so silver oh no the food bench I'll rip all of our food we need more uh one simple way to block this is by building a wall we could literally cannot afford a food binge there we go just wait it out another transport Crush why don't all right eat again but as I said we need a male so we can get kids at least we can do organ harvesting now oh we only have one herbal medicine we have to extract the heart the surgery failed of course just execute the sky or a girl got a slave ship no good slaves as always I'm just selling off a revolver both good Strider now Jesus if we wanted to we could buy a thousand Limestone blocks to construct with this is what I'm buying 500 steel wheels of our human liver duster here I don't at all I'm going to sell it off for 273 silver I can afford more Hydroponics now great no way another compacted plastial meteorite will be very useful in the future Argo pods with kibble let's construct more Hydroponics one silver is sealed up I'm not sure if I want to do this but getting mechanoids I would have to get a Mech recharger and mix just stator Dome meteorite silver or Jesus exotic Goods Trader what is happening well no matter look at all of that I'm going to grow some heel root actually we don't have enough plant skills uh chunks of spacecraft now I do need cotton maybe get some tanktoria dive this is all that I'm selling yes from bow horns I have 800 steel almost 900. I could complete all the Hydroponics right now I'm just going to do it I would also like to get an art bench if I could but I need to make sculptures out of Jade preferably here we go a full set of Hydroponics I'm also going to research three sewing so I can get the Bonsai pot I'm going to have bonsai trees in the colony animal Migration of Arctic wolves that might be tough I believe I should try this though let's see what happens uh we got one Revenge help me [Music] ah that was not a challenge can I kill these last two please last one can go on we got four of them rounds for another one ah this this is very bad and I don't have medicine to organ Harvest oh I got a Mech cluster here a hundred and uh I mean 885 oh no a centipede this does look a bit bad but I promise you we can do this let's do this all we need this EMP grenade smoke pop looks like we have no smoke pop charges I have another idea never mind I don't I've been thinking about it I don't think I can actually take this on um yeah that centipede Blaster is gonna be a huge problem and no smoke pop thank God it doesn't have an actual threat it will just restrict our colonists and rice is coming in quite nicely four year old baseliner wants to join for unwilling uh or unknown fret while silver will mine some silver Oliver has a tantrum a district rage oh wow you just um destroyed Lenny's nice fingers oh no only the toes ah what this girl Laura you're punching her when she stoned shame well done not much happening we're researching three sewing so we can get the bonsai tree on that supplier not much to trade maybe I'll buy some medicine we got tree sewing maybe let's get tarpet making get some nice carpet let's get some Bonsai pots in our let's see the sponsai tree gives 12 building we have so much fun with this rice we also think Toria coming in die so maybe I will make a Styling Station this will improve mood when people after or are wearing their favorite color or ideology colors so this will be worth it here we go thyself let's go for secondary prefer favorite color Let's Go arctic fall uh we will have to deal with this ride and deliver we also got cloth coming in meccanoids are woken up oh I guess there was a countdown activator well anybody that passes through here will die so free food oh food binge we have to do this truck deliver wall there we go no more food we got carpet making let's do that research multi analyzer I mean uh construct one of these we can do this right now and we also have a migration of Arctic wolves maybe this will be worth it Yep they're all coming free food there we go that was a close one [Music] mechanic cluster Jesus I mean this is free steel but around he has been quite active recently now so far as I can see only a bunch of turrets this one should be manageable at least so that's good now I have everybody restricted here in this area right now if I wanted to I can have kids I mean we should have enough for growth of that uh growth Vats do take up a lot of food I'm going to research Shields so I can get a shield belt for a rep oh silver infection that is our first one Clear World medicine for that uh 130 tank quality she will be fine if you clean up the area I really need to get a clean sweeper Lumi here had a crisis of beliefs I can use reassure uh slightly goes up we also have enough claw for a poker's table here so I can just put this down now this Mega Lloyds have woken up well then silver is fully healed its use of work driven Aurora mood is also very important thing so maybe I just make lavish meals I believe you do waste a few um of the food but compared to let's say simple meals but mood is very important was it we got Shields molt analyzer is also ah there we go now we can get something like fabrication let's go Argo pods with hi Kitty now with lavish meals everybody is nice and happy I'm also going to construct some carpets here just in the center it will look good there we go two plus mood from the -3 on Ice um how close we are almost done recruiting Lumi probably the hardest threat yet a house 1 100 fret Point Siege from wasters they have snipers well then we simply have to deal with this now I need a sniper maybe what this is actually great because they provided me with tons of steel let's see here barely out of range tell this Wrecker [Music] oh what a shock Ruby right in there oh my goodness did you see that shot now we need to go all the way back hopefully we can deal with this let's see how this goes I should have gotten another change shotgun wait a second are they coming for this oh my they actually are oh this is all free I need to I have two do I have two shock lenses um I have one shock Lance here I can use I'm just going to look through these people and see if there are any good ones I looked through most of them but the good pawns are females I want male so I can get kids so no recruits but yeah this is actually great [Music] organ harvesting uh we only have one medicine and we actually get inside and let uh let the rest fight let's see here I think they're all dead [Music] oh they're playing now I want all of this loot so I'm going to have to take care of these turrets but as you can see their bunch of people I need this well we have done it free food lots of people now I am probably going to have to use medicine I mean this is so many organs there we go need to capture them I think I got three of them so nine organs away this girl's right kidney was destroyed eight organs got some Flack armor and now we can go out here here we go Harvest long candy heart shuttle crash might take this for the joy wire I will accept this soon IRA has a tantrum and destroyed power wires oh well we got a bunch of organs and we got a new recruit welcome Catherine Rose ah there we go and now there's a party everybody will be fine I wanna turn trim destroying high-tech research patch no researching for us all good Strider hello well we will have to rebuild the base clean things up Catherine Rose you're a good crafter intellectual actually have better shooting skill than everybody else this is all that I'm trading buying die wood cloth and selling off some stuff now I can build more carpet also visitors please have steel oh and I completely forgot about this we have so not many resources right here we go out to reinforce barrels for mortars this is all that I'm trading I need a new high-tech Silo research bench we should be able to afford it there we go keep on researching I also need um class steel simple helmet for Catherine Ruby Heroes twenty intellectual excellent Steel Plus steel simple helmet well there are not much happening just relaxing need to clean up the base let's see here this room is very impressive and Rich some our colonists are quite happy everybody is super happy let's do a few rituals Unforgettable and a dance party which will be fun look at all these mood Buffs Masterwork human liver duster this thing costs 1 000 silver so the next step would be to expand the base and get a workshop so right down here so I can afford 20 all of these walls for a full of rocks Granite blocks and slay got fabrication damn that was fast and I can research Advanced fabrication why not we are on normal research speed rubies just cranking them out but uh her elongated finger construct this Workshop Outdoors it's minus three uh it's summer maybe I should research the lock armor look at that now I need a few heaters in here I'll warm the place up and it's time to move everything in here here we go the reform base and our wealth is uh what the hell 66 000 uh probably from all those organs why the hell is all my food rotting 11 Celsius 8 Celsius outside oh wait this was not set to -5 Jesus yeah not much happening I mean we're just waiting around ah War Merchant and without the snow you can see where all the meteorites have landed from the marvels of a ship trunk here this is all that um trading selling whatever our also has enough planting skill for heel root let's go a lot of that for organ harvesting exotic good Strider now this is all that I'm trading buying a lot of gold for the future term to television and sub chickens we will have how to slaughter here so maximum of maybe 10 chickens yeah this is all right that should provide me with a lot of eggs on Advanced fabrication Jesus now we are stuffed to Branch off and research all of this maybe go for mortars first oh we already have that uh I'm going to go for assault rifles then I also wanted to do these complexes so nice and warm let's do this let's go for a rub and silver hopefully they don't exit through here then ah that is exactly what they're doing well then we have to cancel the Caravan I have to take care of that threat I wish I could exit from whichever part of the map uh position rifling hmm long range Mineral Scanner could be interesting let's go for sterile materials let's try this again to head over here maybe if I try to exit through some we're here that's spring fan rear with us there we go it works of course I just had to what the hell is Ronnie doing a lot of Rangers of course this had to happen now we are four people so we should be fine but luckily no ciphers so shouldn't be as hard they have an angle thank you it's going tough to go a little bit closer the hell is happening here I need to disconnect the turret so they come in here we go [Music] Dot tesseron [Music] we're good we are not good left kidney destroyed on Silver now we can deal with the rest of this silver needs to tend to herself there we go oh left kidney on Silver destroyed which means we needed another one oh well we are at least done Jesus that was quite difficult but more steel now oh my goodness how are the chickens doing this steel miniature has been helping us their own materials I'm going to research everything maybe xenogenetics eventually I also need to get a shield belt for a 50 steel 20 plus steel two components not bad Ruby you make this excellent Shield belt for ra no don't destroy my human liver armchairs I'm going to install some vents in the base for the Imposter and I'm going to need a few more heaters I'm also going to continue the Caravan before we were rudely interrupted by Randy anus meccanoids let's try this again oh we got chicken eggs coming in we got xenogenetic let me go for Gene processors I would like to start making assault rifles all good Strider passing by this is all that I'm trading a bunch of Steel and medicine and by trading like that our wealth has gone down oh no that's just because of the Caravan okay rare thrombos oh my finally and we're almost uh yeah we're almost here at the mechanitor complex now I'm just going to deal with this so I imagine if I could bring home all of the steel or some heat I'm bush here we are now we can get our second mechanism maybe Catherine should I'm not sure if we're going to have so many Mech another Ambush I also want to hack this uh yeah a bunch of militares now let's head on down to this I'm back at home we need to do the thrombos what a shot wow those shots one shot right in the heart there we go this fumble is dead let's go for the second one there we go caught in the rear left leg [Music] this one will bleed out as well look he just let them bleed out got Gene processor I'm not sure what to go for anymore maybe hospital beds hmm we are starving but sure look at that we have a bunch of chicks we need more power I will need to disable some of these buildings we have arrived at the ancient complex lots of good stuff to find luciferian [Music] right from pigs a lot of them let's see a bit too warm for them in here [Music] foreign [Music] ER oh you have to die there is no way you just killed our dog I'm going to have to uh I'm going to make a butcher spot butcher up all these bodies and eat them you will die squiggle I will shoot you oh we will remember you if anywhere well then this whole place is burning down this is all that I'm bringing home and rear will be remembered all good straighter this is all that I'm selling I know I might have to come in from another angle I'm going straight into the mech got a solar flare everything will die everything died to the cold here we are back home wow there's no shot we got a man Hunter pack and inside right now let's just continue what are Randy this wait can I not to activate this well how is this in case um why are the animals stopped activating this all I need to do is shoot it I have an idea here we go this is how you do it we wait we wait no there we go this will be hell repaired our door they're all just dying but if I can uh get rid of all of this this is so in case what the hell is going on here but uh oh I accidentally left that open well done now that's my problem there's literally hell on my doorstep let's see here are they going to come for us now uh we don't have fenwear to help us or the centipede should be easy [Music] here we go have to be careful here [Music] got one of them [Music] oh no they're coming from uh oh thank goodness we have Amelia's we would have been long dead there we go [Music] all right all we need to do is wait for aura's shield belt and we can take on the turrets visitors this is not a good time to visit us well I will take care of this [Music] I need to take care of these Mech assemblers right now got the plague no way here we go oh no oh my goodness that double explosion silver you need to get here right now we are safe but tantrum no way and that's it all around you around around here you need to turn to our right now my cluster has been defeated [Music] there we go Jesus now we will recover I'm going to need glitterable medicine for this there we go literal meds I'm going to use preach Health on Silver once our is up it's the only reason we're alive this infection is not looking so good for the silver we got hospital beds research I mean let's do everything else yeah he says this place is filthy the next thing I'm going for is a clean sweeper I need to make a mixture stator here or 98 10 with glitter meds you know what I will administer go juice on our ramp though she can do pre-child there we go now we should be safe cannot lose silver I uh we should be fine now the next task is to expand um this right here I want to move this defensive system out here make this all a recreational slash sleeping area we got some thrombopher armor coming in legendary what the hell Catherine this thing will deflect nuclear missiles towards you of 74 sharp well sub this open right here got package survival meals let me just research everything and Silver's plague is sufficient it will be oh tantrum yeah the left kidney on Silver is something we need food bench unacceptable block of storage we've got IEDs what's silver here I thought her plague would be good we need to turn to that straight away oh no way we catch shot we are fine that was a close one there got Sandstone meat right now I'm going to go for plate armor to see how it would be to make flark armor I also need to expand on power got a slave ship otherwise I can buy slaves and get their organs for profit this is what I'm trading I will buy the child into child you do not get to see what happens next that's organ Harvest this kid I'm sorry surgery failed no I need the kidney for the kidney level use medicine a plate armor go for maybe death rest surgery failed silver what finally got the kidney there we go and what we can do just drop all of that down we can go ahead and sell everything but the kidney and then buy this slave and harvest her organs long kidney heart there we go oh the slave ship just left but that is a profit we'll make a nice armchair out of YouTube got death rest let's go for flak armor Yax join okay welcome well then construct more power expand this and Slaughter reacts another compacted Machinery meteorites were fine with components bronze Port crash my goodness look at this a high mates but as you find out delicate cadots violence slack armor [Music] Jesus I'm just going to keep on researching Ruby is doing it too fast I think I would also like to get another uh high-tech research bench since everybody has nothing to do here we go and get our human liver arm charm there we go the expanded research room [Music] exotic Goods trailer and on 2 000 raid points we can manage this because there's no ciphers but still quite a lot here they come [Music] [Music] Jesus we are all very hurt [Music] uninstall the turret Jesus only one more Pikeman while we have a shield belt so there should be no problem and to yourself silver what oh there's no way there we go Jesus I mean Randy we have to save the base oh get inside now at least we have more steel I mean okay um shred down these Max expand the security system we need more security our wealth is at 70 000 not Prosthetics maybe research bionic Replacements a singularity kill box would be quite good here but I have no stone I do have some Sandstone here but I will have to make one of those if I want to survive everybody is healed up I need a kidney on Silver now install Kenny left kidney hopefully this will work there we go we have uh built up quite a bit of toxic waste packs I can't stomp it out here another meccanoid cluster now this is for males but why Randy to be fair this is not too difficult I have smoke pop and it's barely anything okay no more waiting around let's expand the base a bionic Replacements get everything here we go so now we'll make a proper defensive system hopefully well done this looks very good I also want to uh get this electric stove here maybe move my unstable Power Cell here we go work on this transport crash a female let's extract organs there we go all the organs oh look at the base now I'm going to mine the sandstone and hopefully I can make a kill box [Music] Cipher raid this will be interesting thank you [Music] [Music] Windows is going well I think oh my goodness CMP grenades foreign [Music] infection oh my goodness clean up the base everybody is fine we need a kill box well done not much happening on the sea ice except for rounding literally bombing us with events oh well we will recover we got multi-barrel weapons which means means miniguns not sure if I should make mean again since they cost so much but let's just research everything else Jesus already got transported what the hell go for auto Cannon turrets whatever let's see if I can make this Singularity kill box here okay I have a rough outline of the kill box here essentially I'm going to make it out of plus still here I mean we have tons of it most of it will be out of last deal and then some of it out of sandstone well then got a bunch of oh no or uh destroying all of my my stuff here we go work on this transport crash next to mechanoids my goodness minus 64 Celsius all of our heaters are not sufficient this is very bad ah no we need more food good we need we need the heat everybody's starting to frostbite oh well free KFC got Ultra Cannon turrets let me just research everything home Tourette maybe go for I'm not even sure you television cargo pods with uh goose eggs okay another Sandstone meteorite well that changes things up a little bit oh my goodness how fast are we researching faces not screen television Catherine here is a good minor uh here we go get her to mine minus 53 Celsius I mean this is insane nobody can survive oh well at least the singularity kill box is coming up in a bit more plus steel oh we have more than enough for the doors oh that is uh almost 250 plus still worth of doors 200. ah Catherine is such a good Miner I mean at least she has a passion I didn't even know that she had this good mining I'm going to have to make the walls just like this let's see here if this holds up out flat screen television maybe I should go for medicine production drug production as I said medicine production can also do diabolous to get started Mech Tech maybe I'll do that here we go a single article box is up cargo pods ah insect jelly I finally feel safe for once in this playthrough but now I have no steel but a lot of security oh my we have come quite a far a long way since which are rich Antrim temperature in the base is quite stable and it is complete the singularity kill box out of place deal well um keep on researching stop medicine production hmm we have so much 12th we need our old terms so we need more resources for this I need to make one of these things I also want to take care of this Mech cluster so that's an extra unstable power cell needs smoke pop do I have that when to use the psychic ah it's time to test out the kill box okay this time only seven ciphers yes I will have to stay indoors singularity they're all just dead [Music] Cypher [Music] there we go and the last one Jesus that is how we do it wow it is working wonderfully oh no infection so many chickens look at that going to manage Auto Slaughter reform it like this yep we got vitals monitor I mean look at our research almost done with it all transport crash and still female got every single organs without complications well then everybody's Idol should really consider cleaning all the dirt outside I've got deep drilling what do I even go for chunks of spacecraft I might have to kill them after reaching all the plants we literally have no more food that's unfortunate but I will have to kill them all do not watch this I think I should take this out with sniper rifles this will take a while or military take out the centipede [Music] we need to take this centipedeal [Music] no hiding room he's fighting a centipede ah it's dead you can rest now this will be an easy kill dollar flare it's actually two Celsius outside nice and warm chunks of space for a half it also need to take care of the cluster time to deal with the rest of it Jesus this is hard oh what a shot there we go okay so we finally did it and all this human meat will spoil soon and to everyone got a combat supplier please take my organs yeah I would like to make more change shotguns for the kill box this is what I'm trading well done piece upon the cold grounds once again bunch more steel coming in okay I think we have delayed it too long but I mean meccanoids so maybe we get a Mech recharger for our lifter we really need haulers and cleaners that's a lot of Steel but it will be worth it here we go here so the blueprints right now we can finally recharge let's make some basic sub cores and we will make a clean sweeper lifter Eve helping us out got the clean sweeper coming in oh yeah this lifter is really good for us [Music] now the good thing is this will be uh not a problem since we can just shoot them all they're so slow [Music] what happens if we talk some gas the uh turtles thank you there we go walking up three shooting points we just leveled up from level 12 to level 14. [Music] there we go They're All Dead we got clean sweeper wall scene welcome aboard I need more exit points for my base let's research recall armor maybe marine armor for the future Argo pods with meat exotic guns freighter will they buy my organs this is what I'm trading some lungs and organs and selling from the horns we already got recon armor time from marine armor not much happening on the rim or just uh yeah living day by day still have to take this out I would also like to get kids got the flu on two people I would also like to do a few more events oh fun is what we like to see and fun arctic fox migration [Music] filtering them out I have a quest here I can do assault I can't put four wasters I think I'll take this with the advanced component let's do this let's see this oh my the first time we're not on the sea ice actual actual nature [Music] there we go oh my goodness I might have found a really good phone so we have a dirt ball here we shot out this left eye but um look at this dude he can mate with everyone with these traits and skills Jesus well then attend to the sky there's a turret here to take care of we will have to install a bionic guy on that dude I mean we do have bionic Replacements but we do need a fabrication bench we need more steel uh nothing much I wonder if I can load up the bodies I want to take them home I can set this to load oh yeah I can take all of this I can take the battery far from popper wait I can take everything let's just take everything oh I can also take wait a second this is a good Strat I can load up how much I want and while I first need to capture this dude there we go this is everything that I'm loading we just took everything instantly these sauce lots of granite trunks we took the whole base with us yay oh oh now we can build more structures I'm going to deconstruct these things we will recruit zoril here an organ Harvest pajamas berserk no shot left ear destroyed damn having Genies um yeah everybody's having a mental break and we also got a Mech clusters with sun blocker if we have so many Granite blocks now let's convert Cyril here that will take quite some time exotic Goods Trader oh my goodness let's see if we can somehow animals don't activate that there we go ah this will be great oh they're all dead what the hell oh my they're all almost dead let's see if we can deal with this only two lancers and one centipede Gunner as if we can take out the Lancers [Music] yeah this range finder is really good we've literally shot off these things are both freaking us kite the centipede [Music] as long as oh no there we go I know this will be us no brainer just take out this uh mini slider turret we also got more change shotguns for the kill box everything is looking good there we go the whole map is safe bunch of food every SMGs will be used for no storage space Oh Jesus I can make Sandstone shelves toxic Fallout looks like we'll have to stay inside but first all Everything Jesus how much wealth do we have 91 those are a lot of imps one group is fleeing I found this really good input here will run uh he has really good skills so I mean why not get him shock him [Music] foreign here and also arrest some of these Sims for organs okay they're all fine let's see here Harvest organs Largo pods from Randy with skulls got all the organs all these bodies are rough because of the toxic Fallout I think butcher everything we have so much steel so much Lou to look at this almost a hundred thousand wealth we literally have human meat for days our Ruby is melting down the stuff Catherine Rose hauling I'm actually going to have her grenade some of this stuff because this is way too much wealth slave ship this is all that I'm trading a bulk Goods Trader now this is the first batch that I'm trading a bunch of stuff and this is the second batch Jesus that is so much lift yeah I mean the colony has been thriving I mean so far we've taken a lot from Randy wonderful so we're wealth was at 98 000 now it's at 91. still quite bad you'll have quite a lot of food 1 200 steel what the hell do I do with that to make a fabrication bench now we're going to clean up the map a bit since it's a mess transport crash eat Akin organ harvesting rare thrombos no shot four of them well done we will take care of those oh we got marine armor already let me see if I can take out the rest of the thrombos only two left we are fine let's see if we can take out the last one [Music] rip wall seated and see see him right there permanent brain shot injury [Music] Jesus for a shot Catherine well then they're all dead yeah we really need a second cook I mean this is taking way too long for Ron you need to be recruited oh we converted rural we got fibrous mechalites the best disease yeah look at the map now nice and calm not a single threat wow centipedes oh yeah this is just great uh this will be oh hell [Music] I got the termite and I just kite these things no this will be hard [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign destroyed [Music] we should be fine now surely [Music] come on we can do this no no [Music] silver [Music] Jesus oh my goodness let's assess the situation uh long destroyed oh my goodness that's all of them okay uh we need to turn to everyone Jesus what the hell is Randy sending me oh no centipede Blaster is sci-fi psychic shocked it we need to rescue everyone almost over we have done it truly from nothing to a big colony I need to cover up the base before everything deteriorates uh you cannot be in your centipede oh we can't just kill it uh we need to eat rest everyone oh another day we're getting serious hypothermia things are not looking so good Catherine Jesus what is going on you need to feed people we will be fine in the end High psychic drone for females great okay we can rest with the centipede out here as well oh no toxic waste pack storage is filled up everybody is sad let's see the colonists mood graph the lowest it's ever been catatonic we need clean sweeper to clean up the mess let's preach Health on someone oh everybody's already healed well then a bunch of stuff has been destroyed no more raids around the place time at least we are more still in place still right Ruby and shredstone the remains of the robots we need more far power or uh far power should I say so these two men they will be handy everybody has a crisis of belief well done resurrecting lifter things are starting to look good again it will also dump toxic waste back here no storage for it everything is going back up Ruby is making from buffer porcas I can also start making Jade sculptures I believe 93 migration of mayo sloth we also just have this random centipede wandering around let's see if we can kill these Mayo sloth thank you [Music] thought went well now I forgot to have him not on the right choke point he was getting beat up by three Mega sloth at least more food animal Migration of polar bears now I mean we got sniper rifles let's snipe these creatures okay sauce it's getting destroyed look at this instead I heck and love sniper rifles and the last one oh it will get away there we go we got another lifter and our current wealth has hit a hundred thousand oh yeah we're rebuilding everything not much is happening roron had a crisis of belief and uh it's not in our ideology volcanic winter I also forgot about this humb blocker here I need to take care of that which I'll get over here animal Migration of Curry bows hunting season [Music] exhaust fresh oh my that sound off the sniper rifle is the most satisfying thing we have arrived let's see what we're dealing with oh that's quite a lot sunblock him got it let's get out of here minus 58 Celsius outside the volcanic Winters upon the sea ice it's extra cold [Music] and also make sterile materials and uh research rooms let's do that look at that green all that research defoliatorship okay we will have to take care of that eventually yeah let's take care of it now they are quite fast now we cannot travel outside of our base love to destroy that with mortars or something we have us a huge Siege from irakins so all we need to do is go out there I'm going to let them build the mortars then we attack an exotic Goods Trader I has decided to sell some from bow horns [Music] no that's rip they're not attacking me after I've killed their whole damn ride on assault rifle they really don't care there we go finally Ikea sniped them literally wiping out their entire faction [Music] I need you [Music] another fleeing we literally have leveled up so much no good edokins we also got two mortars here lovely and we have food for days so many organs no they're all silver good thing I have this thing ready look how many organs we just got from that raid you know what I will reduce the resistance of these people that they're at zero and then convert them look at that human meat so much might have to expand the freezer let me just do this and our power tab is um we are literally On the Border I think it's minus 10 000 Watts lost 10 200. gold ore meteorite no way I also have a bunch of mortars I can use maybe I have some right here or we can also Paint The Colonnade paint something like this okay I already had a sadistic range and tour of the leg of rural bunch of visitors this is all that I'm Trading oh no looks like I got all my loot back oh there's snowy winter storms are upon the sea ice once again minus 16 Celsius so I think summer is coming our wealth is at 120 000 and the colony is becoming more and more yellow day by day going to make some sterile materials here in the kitchen we have soon researched everything there is to research well except for these things I would also construct some fabrication benches I'm thinking right down here make one oh we need more components luckily we have some right down here why the hell are we having a party in the freezer party spot should be in here exotic good Strider first random selling smoke Leaf second round I'm selling off a bunch of organs some buying Advanced components components and glitter meds silver to constructed a fabrication bench look at that and I'll look at everything we've researched already we can make components Advanced components marine armor of course you'll need a lot of ingredients but that's a good start I also need to align all of these components since they're relevant now I will need to make high explosive shells but as you can see cam fuel is something we don't have now the easiest way would be just to grind down the rice here with us too expensive let's get our biofuel Refinery get this down and hook all of this up to power and transport crash guy from The Empire free food oh my goodness this defoliator ship has expanded all the way out here I will need to take care of that right now we need biofuel Ruby and start refining 70 rice becomes 35 can fuel that's um it's good enough we already have six high explosive shells well then let's do this now intellectual and shooting is what we need so so buffering here has 16 shooting 19 intellectual let's see this perfect shot there we go let's prepare the kill ball oh nice shots Jesus we haven't missed a single shot both Goods Trader oh there's no way free Jesus look at that yup here they all die oh my [Music] only one more shot oh no all my food is burning up and I don't mean this food I clearly mean this kind of food a one shot that Catherine doesn't do is a mess there we go we might need EMP grenades oh silver EMP launcher [Music] there we go we are free for goodness sake all all the food all good straighter hmm yeah these people will probably have steel okay this is what I'm trading so I'm selling off a bunch of stuff as you can see I'm buying neutral elements so I can produce medicine not of uh heel root new Ramen and cloth and of course more stealing components base is looking good we have 11 000 silver ready to be used we also have a bunch of human lever here I will probably make more human liver chairs and the rest will become human dusters for selling oh my goodness elephant so no these people will die we have to stay indoors get inside now oh my foreign [Music] look how much blood oh my I might need more Hydroponics though it's six Celsius outside nice and warm but the plague on Ruby we only have nine medicine I need to make a drug lab with this so I can make medicine so plop this thing down I think I will also make one constructoid to repair the base and such it will be very useful there we go steel drug lab I have researched everything like look at this we we are not limited make medicine here until we have like 50 the sea ice is I guess we're not going out anytime soon Jesus that's a lot of waste rap and Randy random sending us a female human with the last name rat you're funny running not much sharpening except for I cannot hear anything because of these constant rats and we've almost recruited these two our war Merchant more food another waste rats will eat my human meat [Music] oh maybe we'll we'll be fine they're literally getting poisoned to death by their waste rats Jesus what the hell is going on on the outside world we've almost got the whole thing here carpeted I could place this TV right here look at that ah what a wonderful base and we gotta constructoid welcome back Wally as I said I need more Hydroponics more food to support our people we are relying too much on outside sources like meat we also reduce the resistance we will recruit Roar on any day now we converted roron time to recruit let's see if we can handle these elephants there we go got one foreign there we go the outside world is safe I think everybody can go outside and Ruby here is making medicine great new recruiter on hooking animals intellectual welcome aboard Raptor now impedes are not good in the cold but Rumble for parka will suffice we will have you equip uh change shotgun maybe right leg torn off on Raptor we will need a pig leg on you we will also have to move this bed let's see if we can install this Peg Leg there we go it's um not that good but it will suffice we also don't have enough power I think if we need more Hydroponics we will need more power look how many human level dusters we have to sell and our wealth is at 130 000 and it constructs a few more talk Safari generator trunks of spacecraft most of the bass has been sorted the map has been compacted into all of this junk I need to grenade an incendiary launcher would be sufficient Everything Burns Royal tribute collector and right now we're hauling all the toxic waste packs to the edge of the map this will become polluted forever look at that the Ring of toxic waste pack and we also got a combat supplier well we have 11 000 12 000 Silvers hopefully we can buy some armor or weapons this is all that I'm trading selling off a bunch of stuff uh smokes viewer I reckon I don't want him gone for four days then we have no one to plant might as well get an agree hand I would also like to summon diabolus to get starter Mac attack I mean that could be useful and maybe we can get some kids so romance Maybe new lovers rafter and silver let's have them try for a baby then that we will need a double wooden double bed Masterwork wouldn't double bed uh YouTube can sleep on that now I don't have to worry about your mood charm and Merchant hopefully your wood this is all that I decided to buy and I also need more Hydroponics as I said yeah Sun lamps take up so much power I would need even more toxic fire generators but I would place it down right here and we would only need one more toxify generator to uh sustain ourselves so get this and we can make two Hydroponics here eventually we will need all to launch a ship so we also got an ugly hand welcome wall G now we can technically get our out since we don't need her now another problem we have is we need more heaters because ah or is it enough to power to heat up this place I want to merge them together uh we should be good there we go home and we got shuriken Hydroponics layout let's see he a raptor and silver there we go hopefully they can become pregnant I didn't notice but um now that we've recruited Raptor he's some male we never we never got psychic soup male we only got four females I mean makes sense we need more steel I would like to make what I said we need a right long for Catherine I forgot we also need um I for zoril worg animal Migration equipped these sniper rifles [Music] they will die instantly run into Brian there we go free food and outskirts of the map have but nah well they have a lot of toxic waste packs ready to curio rate we're already seeing the uh the pollution kick in transport crash we have only three medicine to organ Harvest with Blossom red destroyed a smoke spewer surgery failed we need to keep on operating we have no more medicine another failure we got STAR Flight Basics let me research all of this we only got the heart look how many 19 human liver dusters waiting to be sold our wealth as increa oh decreased good another transport crash trading good Genie but uh I mean we have enough I really need a uh a long Dome let's try to get to the left long I would love to use regular medicine there we go got the long and we've arrived at the smokes viewer ah this shouldn't be too hard yeah I'm surprised you can just uh go around it like this damn silver why are you failing okay maybe because she's on the floor smoke Spirit destroyed got out of here now okay we got every single organ out of our team and now I need a long on Catherine Rose let's use glitter meds for this there we go long has been restored another transport crash Legend well I mean I can see why he is pretty pretty good oh well more organs Manhunter Park I want to see us great 43 links looks like or I will have to wait and we also got every single organ here this iron will try this actually so hard to convert I mean this is taking forever to convert an iron-willed person look how many human liver dusters we have chunks of spacecraft marriage is sawn for Raptor and silver correct silver pregnant our first child well that is just great and I always caravanus ran out of food um we need to kill these things so soon let's do this kill everything uh we need to enter now all the Linksys have disappeared not much to Doom now my colonists are idle we need more steel as always oh it's finally snowing well that took quite some time now we can clean up the rest of the map here well then I want to extract some ovens let's see how Raptor Raptor I'm not sure if I want dirt small jeans I mean nearsighted desire a really bad Gene to have on Shooters so the input Gene with very fast runner this is a great Gene let's see this so this is uh impaired Aurora so input it again not too shabby very fast runner only 80 percent are hungry this one from Catherine and raptorus horrible and then we have Raptor and Ruby which is also horrible so what we're looking for is itaken into jeans put them on fire so now we can implant these embryos into Aurora if we wanted to or maybe I am wrong I'll need a growth that 150 steel Jesus waste pack infestation oh yeah that's a lot it will simply restrict oh we got blight cargo pods with uh slice caps well good Strider finally more steel this is what I'm trading a bunch of stuff look at that now I can make much more like an art bench I can also we bought 800 steel now we can make a growth maybe make that in the research room growth watts and maybe get a few more Hydroponics and now we can make large sculpture out of Jade that we have uh one two we have two artists nice all in our uh your main purpose for was to make sculptures so get to this I would also like to make advanced components here that is 20 steel each transport crash more organs oh no she's part of a faction never mind you can die now this growth that will take so much nutrition I will make two more Hydroponics and just like that no more steel we will need all the children stuff so here we go not much happening I got the uh the wooden school desk and learning board for the future polar bear animal Migration wonderful oh they escaped never mind only one escaped cargo pods with mega sloth meet from Randy we got on an absolute huge trombone migration I think we will need our uh our androids for this [Music] thumb repair [Music] um Revenge only two of them I have fires view here from raptor which will save us [Music] let's get the last one uh there are still three more [Music] and the last one oh no this is not good we have to kite this one it's only one though so there we go six of them or seven I don't even remember I also got a combat supplier I sold off some organs and that's it but I think I will buy a zoo summer for our so let's do this there we go compacted Machinery meteorite on our solar flare will kill off everything almost converted zero look at this Jade sculpture it is minus 60 Celsius we need more heaters oh my this is great you remember the um the assault we did we got a shuttle sent to us well I think we will accept this for the advanced components we need four soldiers so and now we can bring home a lot of sandstone chunks Maybe foreign there we go I'm also going to bring home these bodies and the cages I forgot to do that last time I just realized when I uh when I just got the shuttle out of there but now I will open these and bring home the human meat okay not much else to Doom it slowed up everything this is all that I'm bringing a bunch of stuff and just like that we're heading back let's see this look at all of that Jesus I've also got one extra heater or a bunch of marble blocks I can finish constructing I think I'm also going to insert embryo here where the hell uh the embryo of rapun Aurora where did it go I think it's gone what the hell Silver's baby prop it's coming let's see here my goodness this is way better look at these jeans hold an insert embryo but this will take up a lot of food but we got a bunch more steel I need one more toxic fire generator for this all down there there we go it's coming in the baby almost converted zorrell ah the colony has expanded quite a bit 150 000 well the last space research STAR Flight sensors we also have 400 marble blocks let's also do some rituals not fun we can now reform the ideology I think I'm going to go for a cannibal okay this is the reformed ideology nothing is missing I think now we can get uh this thing cannibal platter only is thriving no raids from Randy in a while we also converted Zorro time to recruit I would also like to make a bionic eye from him 15 plus still four Advanced components it's going to take quite some time but it will be worth it okay I'm not sure why that I didn't think of this earlier but you can actually get uh ground penetrating scanner and scan things now I thought that we were on the CI so there's no way to you drill for resources but apparently you can so this will change things up a lot I also want to expand the bass a bit maybe make a dedicated uh alter room I'm going to make an ideology room more storage well then we can barely afford this so let's do this and new recruit Zorro welcome Cornelius God Frey it will be a great asset well done time to expand the base once again and now we can move this bed [Music] um mechanoid raid oh no this is not good we also activated the insects oh no what is happening here this is not good everything is fine I think the mechanoids will die if we can take care of this the insects won oh they're all getting hypothermic [Music] I'm actually going to make carnivore lavish Meals forever out of uh yeah insect meat because it will offset the minus for Moody buff with uh yeah it's plus eight the plus 12 for lavish meals I believe or plus eight [Music] I think we can kite these things but [Music] they're all that I know except for these Mega scarves we need to finish off I do not want to have to deal oh we got the Oracle Nexus and silver in labor and I'll gather for childbirth come on Silver you can do this healthy childbirth and welcome Ron and now we have all this Loot on the map compacted steel meteorites we need that and I forgot to name this baby I'll come recara work on the expanded base it's going quite well in a ground penetrating scanner even more cargo pods with insect jelly right after killing insects and look how much uh we are getting here yeah I mean our wealth is increasing like quite a lot today and the recara here is a nice happy baby but once um this baby is born and it will go back into the growth fast until it's three I believe over and Raptor were getting married and then God friends silver had a social fight Godfrey directly insulted Silver's father's hairstyle okay pollution in the mouth is increasing healthy that birth look at that a male you will be named Giga Chad and go back into the growth not a good Strider and a bulk Goods Trader what the hell oh that means more steel from the Exotic Goods Trader I'm trading all of this and from the bulk Goods Trader I am trading all of this need more toxifier generators oh my so it actually worked did you always steep drill like this I feel like it must have changed but we got infinite steel infinite resources all Goods Trader oh more steel oh look at the base now it's great oh another because of dangerous temperature now need more toxified generators now we'll move this storage area in here also got cargo pods with Alpac I will I want to scan steel closer to us a nicely organized base we don't have much to do so I'm going to have to mine the steel probably need a camfield power generator here I know what toxifier generator another bulk Goods Trader this is what I'm trading I'm buying up a lot of slate blocks like a thousand so we can construct with this just fortify the base further I'm going to finish construction off the circle there we go it's looking great where's Park infestation another one let's see here how is it going with the Outpost I forgot our outposts also need heaters well done the base is looking great the next expansion would be something like this I reckon but I mean that's I would also like more heaters in the base like right here ah the base is heating up quite nicely here let's see The Outpost here can we finish this there we go y'all look at that oh God Frey can drill finally oh and I forgot to install the bionic eye on him do we have a bionic eye we didn't make it all bionic eye left eye yeah we'll need our kids to do mining for the most part so let's focus on that there we go bionic eye we scan uranium we have also floored in this entire Barracks nice let's see here yes infinite steel now we can start working on Advanced components and components I also want to summon the diabolous to get Stan Mech Tech so let's do that thank you there we go it started a signal trip to our Mech Tech and high Mech Tech also like to make another cooking station we need it rare from balls Jesus that's free food and Catherine is mining here they all come this is how we do it all that well then Rumble meat for days and I'm also going to make an unpowered meat again here and the Raiders come in here one by one instead of all at once let's see your Ruby is making Advanced components now once we're done with the singularity I don't want this forever I want uh a kill box like in my let's say I destroyed every Faction play through a large field to shoot from yeah Chad became a child remain colonist savidu Recreation speaking of which I will also need to make him some kid stuff I also want to make plastial simple helmets and plus steel kid helmet and it's also mine all the metroids on the map that's starting Mac attack or high Mac attack we will need a Mech band antenna he got shot we'll have to wear excellent from buffer clothing really going out in -22 Celsius it's going to get hypothermia he can apparently survive -78 yes a mad snow here oh it's got more steel right here legendary from before kid Parker hmm we might need more power soon uh tried to romance Godfrey and Aura and other lovers I mean I do wonder how uh a dirt small baby would be oh well now I need another bed I don't have to worry about their moods also visitors ah rob during Giga Chad they're off the dad is teaching the child uh speaking of which recurrah can go into the girl fat until she's a child I would like one more ground Penny fighting scanner that's going to place it right here here we go two of them arctic wolf migration we're getting toxic buildup on Simple Solution pollution removal area and we're using slightly too much power fully scan plus still right here I think we're set let's make another Outpost here all good straighter more steel this is all that I'm Trading Manhunter pack cougars everybody stay indoors need a few more toxifier generators this is just perfect oh my that's a lot of them [Music] twinders they have been weakened wonder if it's playing let's do this [Music] they're playing oh no they're going to activate the insects need to turn to everyone [Music] this is great I need go juice for this became a child ah please help us fire spume [Music] Jesus what the hell is going on foreign ER and he might lose enough Consciousness once his gojus expires so I need to pump him full of Go Juice he also lost a leg hey look at those injuries well done oh this is horrible at least we have our kids here to help us recurr out this up and everything map is a mess new shuttle Quest I'm not sure about this I'm not sure if I should do this but why not let's see here uh I think we will fail this Quest yeah this is going well look how much food we have as well I would also like another kid though so our uh and um yeah Raptor the Go Juice is keeping our alive and food storage is filling up our kids are helping out significantly and more steel where hmm I have a quest here I can do 85 man hunting elephants and I mean they will eventually starve so or could kick I maybe and we have the final hydroponic we have so much food great my cluster with Emi well then Laura he's already fully healed but uh a bunch of scars our wealth is at 187 000 now um silver and Raptor are getting married hold on they will be happy forever Caravan arrived take care of this right now and back home we go I need to get rid of all of those uh that clothing and even more steel I think we're fine on that accidentally destroyed uh Rock get doomsday rocket launcher I think I would also like to do a cannibal platter Feast let's do our home hominid Fiesta everybody eat up that was very fun everybody is happy he also scanned the rain uh deep drill infestation I guess it's not good wait a second I can't slur them to this I'll pass Empire oh they're all dead and we got free food great got a free assault rifle hello is back I also like to take on the war Queens so Mick Ben antenna how the hell do I already have 1650 steel well then we're Queen foreign I think I'll make some paved tiles in the base just to all of this floor in the entire base and maybe here now we have proper flooring cargo pods with potatoes lowering the entire base why not most of the base has been floored and look at this I also made another constructoid here we go whole base has been floored in and I would work on better defensive systems I want to make up proper kill box okay I planned out this uh huge kill box here yeah I mean this should be pretty good I think all the can turrets and uranium slug turrets all over here and so yeah let's simply work on this man well we're just going to expand I also want to make assault rifles make a Heat box in here maybe we could make assault rifles for everyone would be good so let's sub Ruby do that and how's it going already almost done arctic fox hunting Giga chart what the hell happened here Gaga type of fermia I need to deal with this so here we go I mean all the cannon turrets when we get all of this Masterwork assault rifle I think we're going to do every single assault rifle Masterwork got time Mech Tech don't have enough slate block you need to make it out of steel for now let me get a lot of steel mini turrets hmm just a sigh and building bunch of pigs and we simply have Catherine and Ruby take this on there we go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] bodies we also have this thing right here well then butcher up to humans we have so much food I will probably have to cook it all down just make food forever well done the kill box the main kill box is uh coming up I would also like uh I need more storage for the food I mean look at this another wet oh that is huge more good Strider this is the first batch I'm trading bunch of Marvel blocks Snape blocks I will also replace most of this with stone blocks now I think I'm going to make this a hospital here maybe a prisoner room I don't know legendary assault rifle this thing the awesome nuclear bombs every shot light no way okay the hugest project look at these defensive systems burner kill box for humans and animals defensive system we got legendary assault rifles coming in I also want more kids so Azure needs to extract your ovum Raptor fertilize let's see here my goodness very good genes insert that okay silver you cannot cook I need you to construct another Masterwork assault rifle I also need more power as always that's me plan out another fabrication bench let's see here kill boxes come in quite nicely but look what's on the other end a sea of pollution is uh coming in another must work assault rifle and we need more storage enemies expand storage to here temporarily I'm not sure why we start getting zits when we have no batteries and the harvesting of Steel oh no deep real exhausted no more steel well I'm going to have to do this get all of the plush deal we scan more steel Jesus right here I also need a shooting specialist so if I can find a good shooter then we need to recruit them even more steel I mean we're fine on resources who died here three reinforced barrels we have so many reinforced barrels we we're fine with the mortar and more rare from bows here we go there we go there's still two more [Music] Jesus these legendary assault rifles well except for huge mix but yeah we can take more than I can handle combat supplier uh look at all this this clothing we need to destroy marble meteorite it's -61 here are you all right and the kill box is almost done that was quick we scan more uranium there we go kill box is ready healthy that bird oh she uh no strong melee damage because it has weak melee damage but well from our patreon or YouTube member we have kame you will go into the growth mat until you're 30 years old child ah perfect 35 ciphers to test the kill box let's close up the singularity we also have a combat supplier well then this is all that I'm trading buying a lot of medicine hmm seems to be working oh this will be hell but oh well here we go [Music] standing up our shooting skills [Music] no looks like we're fine but uh we did take some damage thank God no arms or legs were cut off thanks to our fumble for armor well then more steel and repair the kill box Argo pods with mate too deep infestation all the way up here oh Jesus why did I have a rick Heist I forgot he had a peg leg well then save our another right from the Mac Hive Jesus that's a lot of them and we barely repair the kill block here we go [Music] let's see here diabolus will die [Music] [Applause] what the hell is that Diablo attack [Music] there's some more I used a legionary no this is tough repair the whole thing we need more plus still now I wonder if I should just deconstruct this whole Singularity kill box I'm thinking about it all good straight arms oh I'm buying a bunch of new Ramen for medicine for the future and granite blocks you probably know why to construct the Outer Circle also make a new fabrication bench crossport Crush but a good artists maybe but and we also got too deep infestation there we go I really need bionic legs on a wrap both legs of Peg let's also work on Mech large magistrator soft scanner and rip scanner that's organ Harvest down here hargo pods with vegetarian fine meals look at all those organs marriage is Sun for Aura and Godfrey I'm not sure if we should keep this one Slaughter and we have all of this okay let's deconstruct all of this Tommy became a child wild and welcome aboard child I also want to get into um what is it xenogenetics but yeah deconstruct all of this here we go no more Singularity it was good while it lasted and let's insert recurring to this tell me what are you doing why haven't you put on clothes yes kids a tunneler here I need more Mech band I'm going to make gal bandwidth Park where it is now we have 50 team bandwidth now we can make tonger there we go got a planner coming in I also want to get a centipede Gunner let me get um I need more humans so I can make fabric or some paramedics and I also need to get more Mouse to work assault rifles and I also want more kids so extract all them out of Aura oh that's pretty good 150 hunger rate but very fast runner insert embryon look how much steel that is Jesus exotic good Strider this is what I'm trading I'm also going to do a few events and I also want to do a Christmas party I mean how will this go oh no [Music] um I just triggered all those insects well then one thing I can do activate the Heat box there's no way we're winning that getting quite warm in there oh they're all burning looks like we got all of them we are free once again rare from bows let's do this maybe I should do it indoors glorious Christmas tree party upon the cold grounds there we go it was fun now I have to take care of this Rumbles [Music] uh we can do the rest out here Jesus they just get shredded another Manhunter pack polar bears but they're actually going to eat all my food I know what let's deal with this [Music] looks like they're all dead Okay Randy any more raids for me I also want to make the hospital room right now those sterile tiles like this oh we got another Quest here the Empire wants me to carry five soldiers to defeat seven wasters I'm going to take the um hyperweave we also got a polka Strider okay this is what I'm trading and let's attack [Music] thank you they're all fleeing nothing much more human meat this is all that I'm bringing but a bunch more heaters and everything I'm going to need more vents across the base notable Goods Trader not much to trade I need to make a proper storage room I think a lot more storage down here after I've done the hospital room oh God damn it I should have taken prisoners I completely forgot both moment for Giga Chad ah he is actually Decked Out jogger lost very fast runner mining passion and crafting passion I'm going to tell them mine and we got toxin filtration look at our research let's see here Giga Chad's first deep drilling operation you will be great and look at the assault rifles we are masterware Masterwork legendary Masterwork I'm going to encase all of this I think having a storage room next to the workshop is a good idea so I think I'm just going to construct all around here got the tunneler Mr Krabs so maybe get I'm in here we will get another one I mean two toners would be great yeah base is looking very good working on the outer wall got the vitals monitor here once it gets all the medicine got a combat supplier this is all that I'm trading Manhunter Pack full of Works let's see I want toner fares foreign this is all that I'm trading I also noticed that this kill box is one towel too high from the center here so might have to change that still that bird ah great it will be butchered oh rip baby it will become a nice sofa cargo pods with gold I'm going to need another kid though so extract all them from Aura I think everybody has Masterwork will need one and then we have all the Masterwork assault rifles growth moment for rikara so this is what I'm going for trigger happy shooting Mining and intellectual passion look at all that Rod stink smokes viewer so yeah we got a smoke sphere on the map and uh well I also got Mr and Mrs Krabs welcome aboard YouTube will be great assets look at the kill box now looks great the base is nice and warm except for the freezer and the toxic waste pack ball what the ball Goods Trident the last Masterwork assault rifle everything is looking good I also need to work on more storage as I said no way we can actually have vampires in our Colony let's do this ah here they are let's see if Mr and Mrs crab can handle this alone oh we down one of them [Music] paramedic maybe well then let's have someone become a vampire I'll see the shooting specialist I think here I can become a vampire I mean she doesn't have too many good genes I need to capture these people maybe in here brawl reinforcements well and that is just great well we need more people now please just down them there we go now capture these people I need to put these people in the rip scanner let's do this insert these people there we go rip scanner and these people two people in the Reps counter finally I also forgot to insert embryo this one right here very good Jesus no rest a bunch of imps need to activate the Heat box look at that AI path here we go capture capture capture got two of them good enough got a bunch of them I need more people capture all of them maybe I should look for a shooting specialist oh my cess here he has double passion shooting oh I'll call addiction oh actually found a pretty good Pawn here jogger Nimble I want this guy okay so kubrov and and zes I also need to make this uh proper prisoner room I mean this looks horrible so let's do that right now is this here yes this guy will become our shooting specialist as I said tough on an input I also need to insert people into the risk scanner he has so much to do and I could revolve infection we need these people alive more rip scanner More Everything organ harvesting we also need more power Jesus we need to keep some people alive for himojan he I'm going to make two fabric cores and two paramedics actually three fabric cores and two paramedics everybody's doing fine we still have a bunch of people here organ harvesting how many we have five high sub cores more got a fabric core finally rafty right from pigs now only one thing we can do heat up the kill box Royal tribute collector [Music] they're made it through [Music] I am [Music] they're fleeing oh so much loot give me all of it [Music] oh my goodness we are set for life I need more storage now Jesus look how much human liver we have our wealth is uh 350 000 we can do the r Connexus and we've scanned a bunch more stuff here like uh steel how many uh we still have four high sub cores let's just get uh two more we got paramedic welcome redo of healer look at the ocean of pollution at the edge of the map we need more Steel on an exotic good straighter I decided to buy um an oracle Tech arm because why not and some glitter wheel medicine actually need components look how much food we have I mean this is insane oh I got another fabric core let's go welcome crafter Jesus look at all of that what the hell legendary work Rumble for button down shirt again and look at all that human meat six thousand Prison Break [Music] this is not good oh thank goodness speed of healer [Music] I've had enough of you well done everybody is fine healthy childbirth male uh edakin impede well comes up manzi I'm also going to work uh continue working on the outer wall here now we only have three prisoners we also need more power to expand this oh not berserk oh this guy has an I'll call it withdrawal you know what I'm going to do I'm going to get this right here I'm going to install peg legs and then remove them so you cannot walk and then I'll just install bionic legs from the Seas recruited this is what you get for being addicted and just like that this guy cannot walk uh storage here is filled up maybe I just make this area storage as well and just like that the base is nice again oh we scan plus deal well then the colony is literally so good I mean we're Unstoppable now I would also like to construct a few more fabrication benches one and two animal Migration grizzly bears I don't need that and prisoners are doing well Yep this guy literally wants to die at least this withdrawal is going away foxifier generators need more of that God free hair already has level 19 mining I mean look at this monitor Park oh we can take care of this might need more heaters no more steel let me get maybe this one up here let's try it with exotic Goods Trader in the future I'm going to need cataphract armors so I'm buying the first set of tech prints you need two Tech prints for uh cat attack armor Argo pods with Synthroid the up man Z became a child mental state crying the baby is crying psychic shirt oh that's a lot of them let's take care of this right now I also need to deconstruct all of these urns do not need them Ruby and Katherine start bombing them up Jesus we will easily deal with this [Music] only two more shots now a mechanoid cluster with a sun blocker they have a Mech low and high Shield which means I'm going to have to take care of this now while the sun does not matter what the hell are these misses used to hit these all the time Ruby [Music] one more ah barely hit it tonight there shouldn't be too difficult I hope [Music] thank you my goodness [Music] our room oh that's a close one rip Zoo summer foreign well done it looks like they're all dead I also have to restrict my colonists from going near this thing that was hard but now we have steel I also got a mega screen television from the Exotic Goods Trader I'd as well put this down somewhere at least we have steel for days with this where is Park infestation ah yes do not go here how is this here doing yeah no legs but he's getting converted and his withdrawal is almost gone soon oh I forgot about all of this get the steel and resources I will probably need another Machining table and smelter well then the workshop is looking great I should also get Mech boosters around the colonnade especially in the workshop another too deep infestation foreign Gunner soon but as you see need more steel and maybe more glass steel I would also like Ultram neck tech for the uh the mechlord armor I also need to take care of this smokes viewer here in ancient complex so let me just get maybe Aura and somebody else Aura and Raptor get out of here oh no do not go out that way wait we will barely avoid that I think [Music] volcanic wind term and we've arrived I think this complex uh is not meant for two people infestation oh no oh no oh this is not good this is not good at all I should have brought more people this is horrible I think Gora might be dead first few no keep on running over this is not good no he's barely up the Border I'm on our uh oh my goodness we just lost all right oh my goodness oh I didn't think that infestation would kill us like that Jesus no that's so sad I think Godfrey and our uh wait a second neutral The Exodus of dominion however it was not killed by him I mean she was killed I mean how is she part of the Empire now oh Jesus for that at least she's not dead my mother are lost if the Empire raids us we will bring her back Jesus now we don't have a planter we do have Angry hands but oh no we need another moral guide I think Godfrey can become an immoral guide [Music] I'm also going to do a soulless celebration get the moods up boring my fiance are in Lost there we go minus 18 on Godfrey we've arrived at the smokes viewer this is not a problem and pick up all the components and go back home oh we uh have no resistance on Cub Road how about this he is still depressed but the alcohol addiction is going away yep solar flares are also not so good for the colony well done another Mech cluster here I guess the southern part of the map is just off limits and the Raptor is back office Hiatus also got a transport crash well then Oregon Harvest radio healer organ Harvest web also want Mech boosters another transport crash die from the Empire we got all the organs out of web I also need to set up another mining Outpost for steel oh God 3 is very sad Affair Raptor flirted with Ruby choco well would you look at that well then Ruby and Raptor then the silver has to sleep alone there we go and they're making love straight away we also converted kumarov time to recruit him combat supplier so this is what I'm trading selling weapons and armor and lying a Samurai helmet oh wow we just had to land out here we got all of it nice little summon Oracle Tech arm we need to install I say Ruby you're going to become a god let's see here video feeler [Music] there we go Oracle check arm oh I forgot uh Rico running to death rest since she's a vampire then we make a death rest casket for her I also want to make here a glue side pump this device allows the death Thruster to move faster after Jeffress is complete I'll need a few hemogen though and we recruited cover of Welcome then it's mostly the research and scanning equipped on a soul trifle and a wonderful party growth moment for gigachad 10 years old Jesus well then I think we got the best traits for him look at this tough fast learner hard worker iron World maybe I haven't become a millius at some point anyways this is what I'm going for him maybe we can do art to the Future yeah I get a shot uh jogger tough I mean this is amazing he can actually do art Argo pods from Randy with hyperweave got a bunch of hemogen here and the recover now here can't hear us strong melee damage robust and tough so I believe he will become Amelia spot as a child he will have to do shooting because otherwise he will get obliterated hold on let me make this a vampire room scan plus deal let's go well then let's have rikara here death rest let's see what happens here so she should get a movement speed bonus when she wakes up we also have a bunch of marble I need to use the workshop oh no that's all my marble uh paved tiles is good I'm probably going to do some more organ harvesting in the future so I'll need more bed serum temperature in the base looking good shuttle that wants to land and I bet you those here against are going to mall us if we accept that Quest let's make a centipede Gunner how much band we're four so we we have enough barely I mean to the Limit I also want to kill Apple crotons so let's do that I'm going to wait for one more exotic good Raider so I can get catafract armor which is better than marine armor speaking of which I need to apply Tech print there it is cut off Rock armor and we got this centipede Gunner coming in and like six seven days Jesus the first double curtain I also need to make EMP shawls to take care of these Mech clusters and here they come uh we don't have Aurora to help us tank Jesus [Music] yeah there we go well done we are free even more cargo pods with slice caps from around a random Ruby is pregnant babies jeans I mean to be honest not too bad very fast runner is the only good trait though um you know what let's keep it we scan Jade I really need that for sculptures but it's in the middle of hell I also need to mine all of this place deal not a good Strider let's see if they have cut a fract armor not this time this is what I decided to trade a death rest capacity serum this will allow us to um what is it have one more benefits to our death rest you see here one out of one difference capacity a few minutes amplifier this thing here amplifies the gain of hemogen so you don't have to consume as much blood to get the same effect I also need to kill more war Queens because I want what is it called primarily Metro Station processors with diabolous chips but also control sub link so this thing will increase the work speed of every Mech connected and you can have more Mech groups this is free steel as well so spam the smack band antennas I would also like to get bionics now we're going to have two bionic spines here we go this is the build setup and we're going to have Ruby summon War Queen I also wanted to get into xenogenetics xenogenetics could be in here so Gene extractors being processors well I'm going to have to forbid that but that is the future plan let's see here uh War Queen and rickara is soft Oculus soid Rush a hundred oh that's pretty good I want her to ingest the first capacity serum [Music] there we go [Music] another exotic Goods Trader oh I forgot to bring in the mystery Mrs scrubs let me see if they have cut a fracked armor they do well then I guess cataphract farmer is coming in I didn't know we already have free control sub link and one high control sub link and two Metro station processors let me see if there are any good genes I can buy ah nothing much to trade I think I'm done also need to study the uh Nano chip from the upper Croton let's research cataract armor first there we go and the math is uh quite polluted namely 11 migration of bisons do I need food actually I do need food where's my human raid okay so stay a stye instantly I also need even more power let me see if I can summon more war Queen 12 hours and this is coming in as well centipede Gunner growth moment for coming I'm going to cover going to research and she doesn't have good mining uh great memory let's go let's summon the next War Queen nothing too difficult [Music] wait a second did uh did an EMP grenade explode what else wait a second how the hell did that gun turret explode [Music] there we go well that next War Queen we can summon in 1.3 days let me also install control sub link matches station processors so Ruby here has control sub link level four lecture station processor level two another exotic good Strider I actually have no more steel only 1 600 oh nothing to trade look at Ruby here level 20 crafting level plant intellectual oh we need more food rope moment for recara I decided to go for double passion intellectual yeah and martialist mushrooms ah whatever cross pod crush and zap nonzi get out of here let me take care of this Mech cluster let's hold fire get this one EMP here we go and now bomb this thing up let's see if this will work there we go broke it for disarmed 0.4 hours that's fairly anything well we are hitting the shots maybe I should destroy the unstable power cells I'm not sure there we go oh yeah now let's deal with all of this only two more shots and no up to summon War queen as well you're shredding them more Queen a few of them I mean no damage taken that is because of mystery misses crabs I mean they're taking all the damage oh no we need Mr and this is crab syrup [Music] what's up [Music] oh Jesus well this time did not go so well uh zap Nancy and Kami our EMP grenadayers took quite some damage we are not quite free yet because these mechanoids will uh yeah assemble more centipedes here we go let's see if we can deal with these foreign there we go I mean Masterwork assault rifles just killed them all ah is this no longer has uh alcohol addiction to convert him and so much Steel well I guess no no rest for us [Music] oh we have high Shield [Music] [Music] Jesus there we go well then get back inside because more mechanoids are coming [Music] only one more group coming in I would also like to take care of this sunblocker [Music] there we go and we see the sun oh there's still a volcanic winter and this Mech cluster will awaken in 13 hours look at that centipede Gunner welcome Senti here come the last mechanoids ah look at this one I'm going to let every single Mech assembler complete and then we will take this thing out somehow foreign cluster is now shut down now one thing I could do is activate the mega spiders I'm going to have to sacrifice someone maybe Eve that's not a good idea wait sorry actually attacking now let's see if this will work come on please attack it oh wait I could just uh I could just smolder it right we have a group of muffalos I need to take care of the muffalos more food [Music] don't have to arrest Godfrey so he doesn't get destroyed there we go and we have to release him and now we can have him become the priest let me see if I can mortar this thing oh yeah there's this thing in front insects attack bear and play all come this will be hell [Music] hopefully this will take care of them I would also like to murder the whole thing [Music] [Applause] let's see here I think the n6 might win [Music] yeah he says what the hell is going on ah that was a very good idea I think we can deal with the rest of them this also solves our food problem or never mind it's all burnt up now that we have a centipede Gunner are they going for my kill block I think they're coming for my kill box all the food has been saved by Randy snow [Music] sun tea is stealing a lot of damage [Music] [Applause] well they're all dead now I have to deal with this let me see if I can deal with the Mech cluster alone this whole thing it's only the max I need more food well as I said we have insect meat I think I'm going to go from the frontier head first with the witnesser and Mrs Krabs [Music] there we go [Music] and that should be all of it and now this one is a little bit tougher a wide flank like this [Music] [Music] well that went a little bit uh wrong I have to retreat okay I mean it is what it is it happens now we need to risk everyone murderous rage who are you going to murder Catherine it's not allow that at least all of this is done and we need more food now from the insects strongs of spacecraft let's go we converted this so now it can be recruited well then I recruited Robo here we're going to install some peg legs on on him he will become the shooting specialist oh never mind we have bionic behind leg and arm for robo this is all that I'm trading I'm going to start melting down basically uh chain shot guns heavy SMGs lmgs all of this all right let's take care of the rest of this my cluster no Shield [Music] thank you there we go got a bunch more power cells and while the base is finally calm here we go gets all of this we can finally roam around the map freely bionic legs on Robo bionic spine on Bennetts I would also like to kill more upper cribbons for the mechlord armor as I said and I also need more power apparently I need to clean up this filthy map and how step by Honor Corporation going quite well robom is up let's make him the shooting specialist wonderful I guess you can take uh Ruby's legendaries now Catherine's legendary assault rifle cargo pods football we also have all the sublinks now cut off racked armor that gets Ultra mechtech and well not to fracked helmet and cataract armor now this will need a lot of advanced components plus still in uranium uranium I can only make two cataphract armor with this uranium but we scanned a lot so right here for example get this let's summon Apple Croton get some warm uh Shield units or upper crit and Nano chips I also need War Queen chips I think here it is goats join uh Slaughter please [Music] there we go [Music] all right I forgot about your Robo you're supposed to be in the center here there we go and unrestrict and I'm closing these unstable power cells I mean if it has the name unstable in it then you better close it off our how much power do we have look at this Quest a bunch of M I think I'll take this for the uh here or maximum if you accept the imps will arrive in five days so free food but yeah uh that's a lot of people it can help around oh it can actually do a lot of stuff for me mine are not so useless Jesus this is great might need more beds for them so I'm just going to allow them to sleep in here ah I mean not much happening quite calm days exotic Goods trailer this is all that I'm trading buying death rest capacity serum and unattractive Gene pack essentially three complex complex points or yeah metabolic efficiency let me get recovered to enjoy Justice oh she needs more blood well then bunch of people are mining and this is how the map looks like after all the cleaning that we've done at a bunch of catafract helmets coming in and how to crack armor combat supplier this is all that I'm Trading help me I'm rabbit is hunting us we also scan more steel right here look at that and we got uranium coming in and we have Carter fracked helmets coming in look at that Rubin labor oh we need to rescue her everybody participates or only raptured it has been canceled too deep infestation is uh such a trap to me now [Music] laughs great insect meat oh we got baby here we go you're very good welcome so highlight we're going to insert you into the growth that we also 45 human level dusters to be sold all right six Celsius outside nice and warm and our wealth is uh 330 000 it has gone down Ultra Mech Tech I wonder if I can make the mechlord armor here we go mechlord and that will be quite expensive but well worth it I will need a little more upper crit and chips let me summon more Apple crotons make Lord Helmet okay eat I can ride well and everybody get in here no we got shot what the hell Giga chart truly survived that we need help okay got shot survives two doomsday rocket launchers Jesus [Music] we need help they are fleeing uh not my fabrication benches somebody needs to trigger this Jesus what the hell was that Giga Chad he survived two doomsdays and didn't even get a single a leg torn off or anything Jesus well then now we need to rebuild everything look at this mess yeah healer you better rescue this kid you'll become the best mealiest on the planet I would also like to extract some jeans a bunch of human meat we are surviving well already repairing and rebuilding Masterwork mechlord helmet here we go 27 bandwidth I'd actually like to make one more Fabric or Argo pods with corn from Randy random he saw that I had no food and gave me some Jesus Neanderthal raid this will be hell but I need food so no heat block I need to plug this wall come on Silver there we go let's deal with this they're coming in one by one what the hell is oh we need to they're breaking in right here and there shouldn't be a problem if I keep this choke point all Millions those would kill I mean what is going on Jesus oh they're fleeing or one group is I mean what the hell is even going on I mean we have even more of them let's see here's so many Neanderthals Romo doing work I suppose leveling up our skills we're just wreaking them what happened here rickara how did this guy get in here yay zoster playing what the hell and now we have ends oh no this is not good what the hell is going on here [Music] we need fire foam here [Music] where the hell is my Fire Phone [Music] exhaust they're all fleeing what I actually like to look for on Neanderthal oh my this is Neanderthal right here steadfast tough double passion melee that's just 10 to the base now we need healer here to help us and to recover I also wanted this Neanderthal ah this Godly Neanderthal will escape and I have so many good ones tough neanderthals oh we're all right rescue everyone more human meat for us the aftermath is quite a bloodied up Colony but yeah we're fine pods arrived and we completed the quest okay attended to everyone everybody is fine everybody has a mental break but we will be fine now that we have this much human meat also got one more fabricorn now we have four of them about a day later I mean we're already recovering quite nicely legendary work legendary from buffer pants more people have catafract armor nice to see uh looks like I'm not summing doors here anymore if we want to exit the base then we need a double lock like this maybe and our kids Giga Shadows recovered from two doomsday rocket launchers I mean he is tough recurr up left leg cut off we have to install down more steel right here I think I need more Mercury Chargers so many clubs and Spears we can smelt owls have to cook down all this food I'm probably going to get a crematorium down here break up Ruby and Raptor oh wait no Raptor and silver can be lovers too deep thank you They're All Dead I see when will I get a break well then we have to deal with this oh that was quick I need more food so let's not prepare the Heat box why the hell they're destroying my walls again foreign no way how does this happen uh somebody help what our kids just got obliterated because we don't have any gun turret oh they're silly and we lost two of our kids are you serious no need to recruit some more oh no what's happening here this is not good so I found this uh edak in here super bass blood loss crafting double passion intellectual double so I mean this guy is insane it's recruiting we also need to do funerals for our kids everybody is freedom no way Super Bus has unwavering loyalty ah everybody is sad we will go on 8 000 human level though combat supplier thank you and raptor is so sad my daughter my son zap manzi died broke enough he is so sad so much trash to be sold this is all that I'm trading a lot of stuff I decided to also buy what is a cataphract armor and caterprice helmet and marine armor Jesus Randy has pumped us with raids finally got a crematorium well done we have a bunch more food a bunch more human level 9 000.3 will also bury zatman Z and Kami they will have a funeral for the both of them where he's packing for station again I now have to restrict them uh did we just butcher Kami oh Jesus let's begin funeral for coming it was a great child uh and a gun tourists there would have saved us but they won short term and uh let's do the same for zap manzi he was he was good the whole highlights became a child all then welcome aboard green hair color I've never seen that and welcome aboard soul I light hopefully you won't die look how much food we have Jesus we still have uh well no more butchering all the human subbing process into 270 uh 500 meals Prison Break um super bad this guy got grenades we will destroy both of his legs installed Peg Leg it will become a hemogen farm forever you will never be able to walk ever again and falls and human liver I've never seen that we also all of this we need to haul and how many steel psych chunks do we have ham that's a lot okay um we're going to deal with the sponge of mechanoids now what would sit well I'm going to activate the insects this will be fun this should be very interesting the two Mega forces will collide I believe the insects will win thank you Argo Parts in the middle of this you you're having a freak Show over this you're the one who caused this let's simply do this [Music] I used the insect mate [Music] all the insects are dead the only DMP grenades Jesus oh that's pretty much all I've done well that was fun from Randy sending me hell like look at these few it's like I'm on ship launch like this is not ship launch Randy exotic good Strider to help me without her leaving I keep forgetting about the dangerous temperature I also need a lot of clean sweeper I would also like to get more kids let's see here maybe we get the oven set off the offering make one more growth Lots need more kids and then we have Dennis fertilize let's see these jeans not bad I want to see dirt mold jeans God free fertilize hopefully we don't get nearsighted uh we did get nearsighted faces being repaired hastily here things are starting to look good getting a lot more steel but it's always in high demand ah forgot that we have uh oh no this is it's not a 900 pack 20 snow hair migration only we needed food now it's time to clean the whole map once again I would also like to construct more turrets for example I have uranium slug turrets here 300 steel is insane though and Yaks join might need one more lifter gave up or after Raptor looks like he will uh be fine oh Raptor uh he is going to we need to down him [Music] there we go I've also need more our world trade Beauty collector all of them let's get then it's to fertilize let's see here oh this is pretty good I really like input genes and irakin there we go two nice babies coming in oh a party but yeah it has been 500 days here in Rim world I mean that was quite insane we have progressed cataphract armor coming in but yeah I mean this is going right lots of resources anyways if you want to continue on the safe I'll take instead of becoming a patron remember anyways thanks to my patrons members who feel bored and watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 723,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yrl9o3tj3Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 53sec (13013 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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