I Spent 50 Hours on a Corrupt Project Zomboid Server

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in Project zomboid the main threat to you is usually the zombies there's thousands of them their sole purpose is to kill you and they will never stop coming but what if you had to worry about something other than the zombies what if the threat was watching your every movement determining the perfect moment to try and take you out and that's basically the idea of the type of server I'd be playing on today a project zomboid PVP server where you can still die to zombies but also get killed raid looted robbed kidnapped Etc by the other players on the server so I'd be spending 50 real life hours over the next week on this server and let me tell you it got a whole lot crazier than I'd ever imagined but before we get to that we had to start at the beginning with me joining a project zomboid PVP server called nus gaming now project zomboid is not really a game known for its PVP aspect so this was basically the only server that I could find but with 40 other players on the server I needed some ways to protect myself so I came up with a set of goals for me to complete while I was in the town of Rosewood that I started in and my first goal was to get a gun because it gave me my best chance to survive against other players and my second goal was to get a kill because I've never really fought anyone in zomo before so if I can get some practice before I have anything valuable on me it'd go a long way and my third and last goal was to get a car because while Rosewood is a great town to start in it doesn't really have much to loot other than a few good stores so a car would give me a way to get out of here with a relatively solid plan I made my way towards the police station clearing any zombies in the way always and you are not bad as I'm going to you hit the SP I'm a big b Hunter with the when I got to the police station I made my way inside to loot the Armory and there wasn't really anything valuable left in here I mean the server had wiped 2 and 1/2 weeks ago but loot did respawn every six real life hours but without anything in here I could probably guess who looted this police station already this loot cycle so I I had to cross off getting a gun off my goal list for now and went back into the neighborhood looking for a working car and after I already found a gas can I just siphoned some gas from one car I found and put some in this van now I had a way to get around the map but I wouldn't get too far before I found something a bit [Music] familiar this van belongs to the duo from before if their loot was here I could try and find a gun but I would is still outnumbered so I Tred to be as careful as I could no no no no no no off off off sprinters dude after checking out some of the cabinets it turned out their loot was here but if only I'd known that I wasn't alone no no no no no no one of them was already dead but I decided to run away and heal because I didn't expect to fight two of them at once but I did already grab a gun from one of the storage containers so before the Dead one came back I loaded up the gun and when back in for more oh my god dude after getting jump scared by that zombie I found no one else in the building so I took a look at the chat and saw that the dude had just combat loged or logged off in the middle of the fight so I took this opportunity to look around but while I was doing so he had logged back into the server yes yes and without even taking a hit he was dead but as I got to looting there was one thing that I didn't realize on the server after you die you can respawn in any town that you choose and these guys most likely spawned back in the town of Rosewood that I was in now the spawns are usually random which would buy me enough time to get out of here before they found their way to my location but without me realizing that I was standing here clueless of what was about to [Music] come no no no no no no [Music] die you [Music] die yes yes yes now with both of them dead again I looted as much as I could taking all their guns ammo and and any other Essentials I'd need later on and I got out of there heading west on this road until I found some sort of town but I didn't find a town I found a city and it was called raven Creek now heading into a City without being properly prepared is a pretty bad idea but I had just taken on two players at once completed all my goals and I was ready for anything or so I thought because cities are known for their dense population and driving a loud car would attract a lot of [Music] attention no no oh my God sprinters dude after barely surviving that I drove my van down the road and found a gun store and this gun store wasn't looted yet which meant it was full of guns and ammo more than I'd ever need and in this gun store is where I discover the shop function of the server where you can buy and sell items such as guns ammo the zombie rers car and Pokémon cards for some reason but using this shop I could sell all the guns I didn't have ammo for or just wouldn't need and make this a worthwhile life even if I ended up dying so I listed my best items packed the rest of the guns in the van and drove to the center of the city where I might have ended up getting overrun and died no no no no get off but as I said I had 10 guns safe in the shop system which I could redeem whenever I wanted to so for this next life I decided to go somewhere with a whole lot more Loot and a whole lot more players this city of Louisville now I've been playing for a few hours at this point and it was getting pretty lonely so I spawned into the city got a few of the basics and a working car and asked in the chat if anyone would like to meet and somebody named brother agreed so I went to meet at the spot in the city that I knew the best hello what's up man wait where are you can I what how far are you uh out from the entrance I'm here I'm just keeping a low profile are you like hiding in a bush right now dude I'm not here to Ambush anybody I'm just here to like talk and see what somebody else on this uh in this City's doing dude like I'm I'm lonely out here yeah same how long you been here uh I mean I just got here today I'm checking out the city there's no one here it's all dead just all zombies I saw you killing a bunch of people earlier well no that that was uh that was down in where was it Rosewood there was a Duo who was kind of annoying I don't know I just wanted to experience the PVP a little bit but that got that got boring pretty quickly so I'm just you know walking around Louisville checking it out so you not want to come out here I mean I I I have a gun I can drop it well that's uh always a hard thing to negotiate I I I'm fine with like I don't know just coming face to face I'm not I don't really have anything to lose all right I'm coming out I don't have a gun hello yeah what's up what's up y okay okay okay so how long have you been like rowing around Louisville uh I just been on this server a couple days but I've been in Louisville just today really damn I mean is anyone like hostile out here I don't really know like what the deal is cuz everyone seem this is is like a PVP server right so I mean everyone seems a little aggressive oh yeah for sure I mean that's why I didn't want to come out I'm trying not to get my rocked I mean have you died out here it doesn't like I mean it's kind of like oh yeah look at this mall dude it's a dead like no one's there's no zombies no people well it's like 3: in the morning right now right yeah but there's like there are people online there's people like in chat there's people like here somewhere I mean obviously the map is huge but some nights crazier than others damn some of those guys are real like Raiders like that guy Viper and strudel they're on all the time and they'll come kill your ass now brother just mentioned two names Viper and strudel he went on to explain how these two are part of the CT Clan which did have another member that I'd meet later on but checking the server's battle metrics Viper had the most hours played on the server and the most zombie kills stral had pretty similar stats but all this isn't really important right now all you have to remember is that this clan was dangerous and would be a huge part of the story later on but for now I had to ask brother a question but um I was going to ask like I don't know are you are you looking for someone to team up with for a little bit I don't need to like team with you forever but I'm just I'm kind of bored yeah sure we can make a faction right now now that we were going to be a part of the same faction he brought me out of the mall and I followed him to his base so this is this is a really shitty building that not many people are going to want to loot that's why I'm based up in here if you leave like if you leave cars in this parking lot or you kill zombies that walk close to it it'll give people Clues to know that we're here if there's just like 40 zombies dead out front somebody's going to be like yeah somebody obviously is hiding this is my secret rope press E bro yeah so I I destroyed the staircase that was right here so this is just a hole right now I I need to get some planks and floor it up but nobody can see this this is this is completely hidden I'm going to build like all kinds of crates up here for storage and then this floor once I get more planks I'm just going to build a a whole second floor and you can't see can see yeah yeah you can't see from there no yeah damn but later when we like are leveled up all our this is just like a beginning base once we get all our leveled up we could build an even cooler base it's just a matter of like hoarding skills and hoarding all your equipment after I dropped all the items I had on me brother had to log off for the night so for the rest of day one I made it my mission to try and impress him and gather as much as I could getting him the equipment that he wanted to move into the upgraded base and paying him back for trusting me and letting me move into his home and so I made my way to any local spot that I could find to loot I looted a library for some books convenience store for some food and a gun store for whatever was left in there but the real loot would be in the mall because loot respawned every sit real life hours so I waited for it to respawn and when I did and headed over there there was already a guy with a gun in the garage and he easily killed me because I had a crossbow but when I came back he had left his truck and trailer in the garage so I looted as much as I could and got out of there and since the mall wasn't really safe anymore I headed back to chops and trees to finish that second floor of our base just like brother had wanted yo brother are you here what's up man you see all the stuff I got yeah I saw it I sent you a message on I think I found you there brother had sent me a message on Discord and he had said that the admins wanted us to move our base they didn't tell him why but the building we had to move to was here literally right next to her now this wouldn't be the first time the admins involved themselves when they shouldn't have but regardless we now had a new place to live so I brought as many items as I could from all of our storage containers even the ones from the new second floor that I might have wasted my time building and I brought all these items to the new base but in the middle of one of these trips something didn't sound right [Music] outside that was just a factor delivery the sponsor of today's video are you ever stuck in your house hungry but can't go outside because of the massive horde out there well Fator has all you Gamers covered because you can heat and eat a chef quality meal in Just 2 minutes giving you time to get back to the more important things in life the meals also come pre-prepared meaning having a cooking level of zero is no problem and since there's no prep there's no mess left over afterwards this is 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two of them dude they're all dead what the hell did you kill him with I got a bow I was just shooting him constantly and then I killed the other one with an axe absolutely Savage with the duo dead I looted them and any tools I needed from the hardware store I then spent the next 2 hours picking up storage containers from a nearby construction yard giving us more than enough space in our new base but I had collected a lot of stuff last night much more than I showed before meaning that I was doing a lot of trips back and forth and in the middle of one of these trips I heard something suspicious [Music] outside and that was Viper Z the same person from the Colt Clan brother had previously warned me about now fighting him here was a big problem because it was literally right outside our base and if he found our base and attacked us we wouldn't really have enough guns or ammo to properly fight a fully armored Challenger like he had so that meant that we needed to stock up on the most powerful guns and ammo that we could find and when you're on a PVP server the best way you can do that is base hunting or going around to look for secret bases like ours and borrowing their stuff now brother had been playing on the server for a few months now and by doing so had some pretty useful information and that information was that there was a field of cars here the same one where he stole this red armored Challenger from and if there's a field of rare cars out there there's probably a base nearby but he wasn't able to find the base when he was out there so that's where we'd head to Scouting Around that location to hopefully get some guns but there was also a military base on the way so we'd stop at both locations to maximize the efficiency of this trip so we started to make our way through the city past the military checkpoint and into a random Forest where brother had said the military base was located after searching for a bit we had found it and it was filled to the brim with guns I mean that's what you expect from looting a military base but I didn't expect it to have this much but regardless we loaded up our car and made our way towards the field and after brother hit a few too many trees we needed a new car and along the way is where we found this truck that wasn't in the best condition but it could hold a lot of items so we took it the rest of the way and stopped in the field that brother had found the car in before and after some looking we found what we were looking for Not only was this a safe house but a safe house with the same green car that vipers he was driving before and if this was one of his bases this was a dangerous spot to be in so we had to move quickly I started by looting the downstairs which had dozens of guns in it but this was only the start because upstairs was the motherload it contained more guns than I've ever seen in one place and I wanted all of them so we loaded up this Jeep in trailer and got out of there as fast as we could beining it back home with all the loot safely in our base we stored it upstairs and I started what would be known as the gun floor not only a representation of our wealth but also a place for us to store our weapons because we were running out of space in our base but now since we had all these guns we were ready for any attack Viper could set on us in retaliation for raiding one of his bases but after looking back on the footage this wasn't his base the cars outside were inspectable and while I couldn't inspect the green Challenger this truck was owned by someone who wasn't in the cult Clan so Viper was still out there and we needed more defenses but brother was already having issues with one of the the code lock doors because the plug-in wasn't working right so the owner came on and asked me about it what doors brother having issues with my God you scar are you an admin yep uh there's this door right here he was asking if it's locked now the reason I'm showing you this is because the owner is also an active player on the server and his name is torstein while I don't blame him for playing on the server that he's paying to create I do admit it rooted me out at the time that he was in a clan that actively raids other groups on the server and also knew the location of every group on the server there was another admin who was a part of the staff team that we'll meet later but just keep this fact in mind for now but after we finished fixing up the codes I headed to bed leading us to day three hello how do I how do I uh get down I'll show you so check this out look out there's a hole in the floor right here I can't see and you can use this oh Jesus this codes are so long I can just you don't know that [Music] song so oh bro I didn't say it out loud after putting all my codes in we decided to try out some of the new guns we got from the safe house that we found so we made our way to the mall and as usual it wasn't [Music] empty [Music] [Music] [Music] yo you did it I saw him in his car I put my reticle over him I shot through the back I don't know if I hit him though he got out and ran oh so was this one right there's not another one that's about to come up on us uh it's a good question up up up inside inside inside inside inside uh in the in the alley in the alley after some time the dude who shot at us left the mall but that does not mean it was safe because someone familiar came by and all they were looking for was action [Music] this was Viper Z with the same green Challenger that he had before now we could try and Ambush them waiting until they enter the mall to give it our best shot at taking them out or try and work out some sort of deal so they sto terrorizing us and others on the server like they did to me and these few people who they killed in chat earlier and my decision was to take my chance at peace no Ora are you here hello what's up what's up how you doing I'm just here to talk dude I don't are you friends with Viper I mean if you tell me if there's anyone else with you right now then I could tell you if I am or not listen okay I have brother he's on my team okay he's here hi brother how you doing doing good what city you guys live in uh we live in the countryside you got to you got to have that uh that Rushing Water what are you guys doing I'm just curious like what's uh um well we just jumped a dude called Walter White and uh gnome so they were new players so I mean like it wasn't really too too much of a big deal the guy that's talking is Orma the third piece of the cult Clan Trio who had been waiting to meet and he didn't seem like the friendliest type I I I really want to ask the question why was there a a dead body out there from the player listen okay they shot at us okay really only looked like there was uh one person that shot at him you exam the bullet casing oning over there you he didn't have no guns on him well yeah we took the guns but I don't know I mean like I just want to like you know talk to you dude like CU you and Viper I mean I just know Viper yesterday he was running around he killed me yesterday um I just want like some like peace possibly like not not all this violence not all this destruction gunshots and everything gunshots are pretty fun though yeah I like them all right I know I mean there's a different way of going about this Arma but I mean I mean I didn't say we're going to shoot you you never said that orma's the first person that killed me when I started this game damn I mean a nothing you can do about it too too too much since he was getting pretty suspicious we decided to leave the mall after getting out of there as fast as we could we headed to some local store salute and that's when they started taunting us in our messages now I don't blame them for acting like this because this is a PVP server after all but acting this way is what drives new players away from staying on the server and this is when brother and I decided to try and do one of the hardest things we could do for the sake of all the new players on This Server find and raid the Colt Clan's base now if you don't know this map is basically the size of real life Kentucky so finding them would not be too easy but doing some math could help us out we have seen Viper and others in all these location so far and doing the math based on their fight response time if they're gr about 60 MPH we have this radius which is still massive but at least it's a start but even if we did find them Viper sent this in the server Discord meaning that he had an inherent advantage in any fight against us because he just land more shots this was something that we'd have to work on after we did this search so brother and I split up searching the forest because of something Orma said earlier uh we live in the countryside yeah you got to you got to have that uh that rushing water and we were off trying to both make our ways through this Forest to find something that's hiding out here and it wouldn't be too long until I found something that gave me some sort of hope uh what is that while this wasn't really a base it was a start because I knew people are out here so I kept on making my way through the forest and after a while I found out the hard way that forcing my car through the forest doesn't really make sense because Viper would have to have some sort of distinct path to get his green Challenger in and out and with my car pretty much stuck in here I decided to go on foot looking for anything that I could find and I found this which seemed like the end of the world at the time but there was much more out there and it' only be a matter of time before I figured that out but at the time I did not know that so I headed back to find the car and after spending 15 minutes finding it I went back to this path to look around one more [Music] time bro now this base was here about 50 ft off the path meaning that I basically have wasted the past 40 minutes looking for bases in this this location when I could have just looked past this clearing but it was time to see if all that searching was worth it oh my God and based off the first few crates it definitely was this place was absolutely loaded with everything we'd need guns ammo armor materials supplies even VHS tapes to help me level up my skills it was all here I thought this might be the cult Clan but on the server they had the skill Journal mod enabled and people usually leave them in their base to regain their skills if they die and none of the names on this journals match the members of the Colt Clan but that doesn't mean these people weren't online so I grabbed as much as I could loaded up one of their trucks and trailers and got out of there and with all this loot we needed some more space to store it all so we upgraded some storage containers added a generator and some lights to our base and also committed to upgrading our important skills like aiming and reloading because we knew a fight between us and the CT Clan was bound to happened again so leveling up these skills would just level the playing field between us but that was a mission for tomorrow because while I haven't shown too much from this day searching around this massive forest and organizing all the stuff in our base took a lot of time before we could log off though something wasn't right in our [Music] base bro what is that are you trolling me dude I'm walking there's a thing playing Meow in my ears I do not hear that it is so loud okay now it's oh my God come in here come in here the that was so loud this is fuka the head admin of the staff team and another active player on the server as I said before them knowing our somewhat secret base locations and being a part of Clans that actively raid other bases on the server just didn't feel right to me but for now just keep both of them in mind it wouldn't be too long until I met both of them again on not so friendly terms but with the noise finally fixed I hid the vehicles that we had in the nearby storage yard and went to sleep hello when I got online brother had his friend called nail join us and they had made a few upgrades to the base hey uh did you see the hole I added in the floor oh no where follow me don't fall into this hole or you'll have to beat the Wall down like this more right here yeah it really is I should probably get rid of it but oh oh so you have to go this way way yeah yeah yeah oh my god [Music] dude oh what happened you know what happened dude you got bit no I'm in the hole after getting out of that the focus for today was to level up my skills to somewhat match those of Viper so any fight between us would kind of be fair but that process is pretty boring just taking a lot of time to grind out each skill so skipping past that the one thing that we did do slind on day four is this this is new interesting this was somebody's base and it used the same mechanic that brother used on our first base a sheet rope that you pull up when you got off and it seemed like they had already picked theirs up so the only way to get in was to build up from the side since this building was already safe Zone which meant that you couldn't build any structures inside the building so we tried to do so building some stairs on the side of their Zone and while in zomboid you can't jump gaps like these for some reason the safe house radius just let us build floors oh my god it worked yes go go go go and we were in now we had already had a ton of loot from both the bases that we looted but with these guys so close to us we decided to take most of their weapons so they wouldn't be much of a problem in the future talking about problems the Colt Clan was still one of them and we decided to meet with vagrant one of the solos on the server who had been attacked by the col clan in the past to talk about some plans we had for Viper and his group what's up who is that is that vagrant what's up dude yeah he doesn't have a mic here come I mean this is not really the best place to talk here here we got a little table here okay there's somebody on the server I've seen you die too seen myself die to it's been terrorizing all of us you know who that is yep exactly dude exactly I'm asking you are you interested in getting back at them are you interested in trying to take them out trying to get rid of their green Mustang and do something good for this server because they are sweating on a semic casual server I don't have any hours in this game they killed me didn't even talk to me dude starting an alliance without much convincing vagrant was on board with the plan giving us confidence that this plan would do the server Justice fueling us to grind our skills for the rest of day four just in case we'd ever need to get into a gunfight with the Colt Clan again in the future now I had begun day five as a solo and checking the server's battle metrics the CT Clan was online so I went to the one place in Louisville that I thought they'd be the place that connects the city to the rest of the map [Music] what the oh my God and of course that was strudel member of the CT Clan after dying like this I made sure to stay in the death screen and see where he went and he went this way which isn't guaranteed the direction of his base but I mean we didn't have really much else to go on but this info might be useful later on so I respawned back in Louisville gathered what was left of my stuff and found that the neighbors who raided yesterday were back online because of something brother said to me when I met him if you leave cars in this parking lot or you kill zombies that walk close to it it'll give people Clues to know that we're here the car that was there before disappeared so I waited for the owner to come back and hopefully Ambush them for anything that they had well this is kind of mean they are just way too close for comfort and taking any guns that they had from them now would just save us from being killed later on after killing him it only be so long until he is back here to get his revenge so with the floor still there I built the same stairs from last time and I was in yet again I looted any weapons that I could find making sure they wouldn't have anything to attack Us in retaliation for the now two raids on them but I do admit looking back at this this was not the right thing to do to new players like these guys obviously were because I was doing the same thing that I was trying to stop the Colt Clan from doing but as I was looting they had started complaining in the chat that I had broken a rule or exploited in some way so I got out of there but before I could make it back home what Harvest you're going to be issued a 24-hour ban for what do you mean I I built the staircase was that your base no but you allowed to build outside the safe zones and you're you're allow you're not allowed to go into someone's safe Zone like that it's on the road I thought it's like uh I thought it's like raiding I can give the stuff back I know it's like that and with barely any discussion I was now banned from the server for 24 hours which leads us into probably the most controversial part of this video now the rule that I had supposedly broken was this one which would mean that these kind of bases were unraidable without the Rope down which on a PVP server kind of ruins the point of raiding if you can't even get to their loot without breaking a rule but regardless I hadn't broken that rule because I wasn't the one who built inside their safe house radius brother did now I wasn't about to snitch him out but I wasn't taking the fall for something I didn't do so I sent the rule to the admin that Banned Me and now it was a perm ban after talking it out with the owner torstein and if you want to read the DMS feel free to pause I sent him the clip of me getting into their base and he reluctantly agreed that I hadn't broken any rules so he unbanned me for now now even though I didn't break a rule it made sense why I was banned why even have all these rules in the first place if this was a PVP server it just feels like they're putting all these restrictions on raiding making players not even want to raid in the first place with a threat of getting banned but regardless I was now unbanned for the server and decided to take a break for a little bit [Music] and when I hopped back on later in the day I was still in the same spot that the admin was talking to me in and now I had to make my way all the way back to base while this would take forever this did give me the opportunity to find something that would be instrumental and something that we did later in the day oh this wasn't just a semiu it was fully loaded with items a this trailer is full of which made this feel kind of script and also made me feel that the owner would just say I hacked this in or something but after getting the semi- working I spent the next 20 real life minutes driving to base and as I went to go stash a semi- truck in the forest I found an ATV now this was the perfect vehicle for Forest base hunting making it much easier than what I was trying to do before with the sedan so as we brought it back to base brother fits it up and we were off we were going to go back into the forest to scout for more bases now even though I'd been here before I hadn't gone too far out but this time I was committing to find exactly how far out we could go there two men in their quad I feel like there's more bases this way before we went to look in the untraded areas of the forest we headed back to the base that I looted earlier to check if the owners came back online does it look new noack dude damn bro they took everything they moved somewhere okay we're finding we're finding them we're finding where they moved to yes sir sir yes sir I drove down here before I met you and was looking I didn't see anything no I think you you got to commit though you got to commit commit to the bit Yeah once you commit you'll find like anything okay see look look once you commit oh yeah this is the end of the uh the map I think I drove out here the other day uh yeah I think it I didn't keep going though CU it kind of just end what is it what is the end you know we're going to find I never found it I I got tired of seeing nothing on the map pretty much like Christopher Columbus we kept heading into the unknown determined to find what lies at the edge of the world we're just going to drive into the Flat Earth bro I'm telling you there's just going to be a base just I'm probably not on the edge but I'll go I'll go diagonal then oh see bro what is this bro hey watch out dude there's going to be stakes in the ground what the see what is this I'm telling you dude come it okay okay okay okay okay be careful do not die to the spikes your Get Your Gun bro it's them it's a bro what the this is definitely them this is 100% them here come in here bro did it this is it this is so dumb how is you what were you say through some sort of Miracle we had found the cult Clan's base or at least thought we did but didn't know for sure yet now you could say that I was hacking or this was scripted but just check this map out for a second you see that it was literally there the whole time on mapop project zombo.com so we could have found them a lot faster if we had just opened our eyes but it was time to figure out how to get into this place because the vehicle blocking the entrance was claim meaning that you couldn't get into it all right what do we do here we got to get we got to go back and get a sledgehammer dude let's what do you want to oh wait we got sledgehammers right here these guys are so dumb not they're not broken oh I can hit this window um what is with this this is taking forever this is like the hardest door I've ever seen so BS that you can just block with a car dude uh yeah that is I don't know how that is though cuz I can't get in that car yeah it's like safe oh wait no we can just push it right yeah we can definitely just push it well let me get this thing up there and see yeah we can push it oh let's go dude push that can you get through yeah it's going it's going okay okay keep going keep going keep going can you walk in no no no keep going keep going we need to like leave something or leave uh leave a not something a boom box playing uh oh come here come okay be careful be careful yeah look for traps dude dude they've killed me in like every one of these cars what is this seems so scripted well I think the moderator is on their team too when we checked the tables they had the best guns in the game on them but that was only the start bro there's so much come come here no no come here come here you can't see it like look at all these crates there's so many crates there like all the guns on the server dude these guys were absolutely loaded having more guns and ammo than we had collected in our 5 days on the server but the only question is who were these guys here's str's book I just found his book strudel yeah that's str's book bro B with that info we knew for sure that this was the cult Clan and had to get all the stuff out of here as fast as we could because if we didn't they'd eventually come online and easily stop us with their mats out skills so I grabbed their biggest unclaimed truck and loaded everything that I could with the only thing stopping me being the weight limit of the truck and we drove all the way back to base in the grass which took an absurd amount of time but eventually I had made it back home I stashed a truck in a nearby construction yard and went to go grab that same semi- truck from before I also pick someone up that you might be familiar with what's up this is vagrant the solo who was a victim of the cult Clan who was interested to see what their base look like and he wanted to take a few things for himself so we headed all the way back in the grass again and we were back to do another run now as I said near the start of the video these guys had the most hours played on the server so they were online a lot and I didn't know if theyd get back on soon and try and stop us so we looted everything that we could all their debt out clothes armor their valuable books literally everything that we could find but there was something that I needed to take care of before I left their base for the last time so brother and vagrant left in the semi- TR while I took away the one thing that they valued the most their green armored Challenger while it is claimed meaning that I can't drive it or dismantle the parts I can hide it in the forest so that's what I did making sure that these guys won't be able to kill any new players using this overpowered car but I didn't only take the green armor Challenger I took every armor Challenger that they had and hid them as best as I could all over the forest then I took the only unclaimed Challenger that they had and headed home with basically the rest their loot but this wasn't my last run home no I had gotten greedy I went back there one last time to make sure I hadn't missed anything and it turns out we had left a truckload of guns and other Essentials but while I was distracted trying to destroy the rest of their cars give me out give me out give me out Viper was now online and I had somehow survived direct fire from him but now I had awoken the Beast he was on the server and knew for sure that I was the one who raided him this was a huge problem because his brother said one of the moderators refren the Colt Clan and so Viper could report us for hacking to find their base or something that would just make the staff team act in his favor or he could just radar base somehow and get all of his stuff back so now it was a race against the clock to get everything out of here and give all of Viper stuff back to all the people it belonged to the new players on the server that him and his clan have killed throughout this entire wife I started with the truck that I escaped with loading up bags full of the Colt Clan's guns armor and any other Essentials and hid them all throughout Louisville with the hope that any new player looting these stores would get an easy start after that was done I then coordinated with newer groups on the server to get them each a truckload of items taking from the gun floor that I started at the beginning of the wife but it was worth it undoing all the harm that the CT Clan Has Done To This Server bro this thing is full Viper was at the Viper was at the checkpoint oh he's trying to like stop me from going out but yeah bro there's so much stuff in here if you want any more stuff just let me know well I didn't have a history with that guy the next group that I gave loot to definitely deserved it coming from us oh what's up this is Fran the same group that we raided twice and I got banned for raiding that one time okay here um I'll drop it sorry for messing with you dude I didn't mean to piss you guys off I mean this is a PVP server but let's hope this makes up for it with that loose end tied up it was time to get out my biggest shipment yet I took everything that I could fully dismantling our gun floor and taking everything that would be of value to the group that this would be going to and with the base mostly empty and the CT Clan still nowhere to be seen I began the long trk to the scoots base which being all the way across the map would give me time to reminisce upon what felt like a short but sweet 50 hours on this PVP [Music] server that guy Viper and strudel they're on all the time they come kill your ass this clan was dangerous and would be a huge part of the story later on and that was Viper Z try and do one of the hardest things we could do for the sake of all the new players on This Server find and raid the C Clans base oh see see here come in here bro this is it I did [Music] it he you there what's up when I got to the drop off point 40 minutes later I handed him all the loot that I had left on me and he killed me so I could respawn back at base but I would never return back to base because someone on the server did something that I hadn't expected him to do why am I banned I was banned from the server for a second time when I properly made a ticket in their Discord and try to reason with them the owner torstein said I had hacked and drove claim cars into the forest when I showed him the clip of me obviously not hacking he still didn't believe me and then the head admin fukano accused me of esping to find their base at this point I was done as I told him here from the start I wanted to promote This Server because it was fun for the majority of the time that I was playing on here but with the stupid rating rules and the power tripping admins it made it not a good server to be on which is why I'm announcing that in conjunction with Mr braa we are creating our own project Zomboy PVP server it'll have custom plugins non-playing admins and a staff team that won't power trip as hard as these guys obviously did if you want to play on the server join the Discord in the link in the description I'm going to try and record some content like this video on there when the server launches for the first time relatively soon oh and if you're wondering what happened to the cult Clan after I was banned I told every group leader on the server their base location and they handled the rest from [Music] there [Music] wereing in fact it was a little bit frightening but they fought with expert timing there were funky China from funky China Town they were chopping them up they were chopping them down
Channel: HarvestZ
Views: 754,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, pz, Harvest, Harvest Zomboid, Harvest Rust, HarvestZ, I spent 50 hours, Project Zomboid 50 Hours, Project Zomboid PVP, Zombie PVP, Project Zomboid Harvest, Project Zomboid Multiplayer, pz multiplayer, pz mods, project zomboid mods, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid multiplayer, project zomboid game
Id: NxRDiv9B0lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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