Can We Survive a HARDCORE IRONMAN Wipe? | Project Zomboid Multiplayer | Ironman Complete Series

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hey hello howdy how you doing welcome to the super cut of my project zomboid hardcore Iron Man series this video features a group of eight YouTubers working together to survive one of the hardest dedicated servers in the pz community we'll start from nothing and work our way deep into Louisville where we'll establish a base make several looting runs and build up our defenses all over the course of about one month in game all of our hard work comes together in a grand finale where we defend our base from endless waves of zombies until there's only one Survivor a very special thank you to the creators who are willing to work with me on such short notice I have links to all of their channels down in the description so go check them out and show them some love alright let's get into it we chose West Point as our spawn location since we figured most players would spawn Rosewood leaving us one of the larger cities to ransack on white day I went with a high strength High Fitness build along with burglar occupation giving me the ability to hotwire cars on day one I also put an emphasis on short blade Weaponry since I figured most players would run with blunt weapons giving me a larger pool to work with since I went with deprived I spawned in naked so I set out in search of clothing and after quickly looting the starter home getting started would be the most difficult portion of the event for reference the starting Zombie Pop is about two and a half times higher than a normal game with an additional 1.5 times Peak multiplier throw in the fact that I have no shoes and I'm effectively one cut away from becoming a day one statistic luckily I was able to Circle back to the corpse and lose some clothing along with a cowboy hat to get me started with the basics covered I began making my way to twiggies which was our designated meeting location along the way I ran into little flight hey that's me together we were able to kite zombies through the school and Hotwire our first car [Music] it was during this endeavor that the server managed to claim its first victims [Music] with a working vehicle the two of us continued our journey across West Point while driving we came across a red Jeep sitting outside of a house so I hopped out and scooped that as well giving us two vehicles Before Sunrise luckily it already had a key in the ignition so I just had to press W and we were good to go flame was a little ahead of me so by the time we got to twiggies he was already in the middle of being potentially overrun willing to risk the Jeep I slammed into a few zombies before hopping out and using my chef knife to help secure the area funny enough Coco was also in the vicinity and came to lend a helping hand I tried to keep the zombies away from the others since flame was out of weapons so he could really only push zombies around there's multiple players in the same area you really want to space out and stay in a designated area to lower the risk of accidentally kiting zombies into another player so we did just that well in the process of clearing twiggies another player named Samuel showed up to help out as well he's actually in the process of looting the gun store right at the north of twiggy's and came over when he heard a struggling together our small band of Misfits was able to secure twiggies by 5 20 that morning about 30 minutes after that some dude who fights sprinters on the rooftops of Louisville showed up in Ted Bundy's van and approximately 30 minutes after that a wild Hazard appeared bringing all of his Fanboys that had to be dealt with foreign 's once again secure we set out to loot the gun store which Sam had broken into by eating a Molotov at it and climbing in through the side as a group we decided to focus on the most common weapons and ammo such as nine millimeter rounds and 12 gauge shells since shotguns and pistols are the most prevalent weapons we'll be able to find and use it also allows us to leave some extra loot for the other players on the server without just keeping everything for ourselves comp came wandering in from the trees at around 8am and with that we just needed to find Newbert and ghost while waiting for them to find their way to us the group decided to head out to West Point's Main Street and see if we could find anything useful at the hardware stores if you don't know there's the main hardware store that's on the corner of a four-way intersection but there's also a hidden hardware store not listed on the official pz map in between the post office and food market the big issue we ran into right away was the team of Misfit YouTubers made one fatal mistake they left me in charge of directions after making a wrong turn in the back entrances of some shops one block away from the actual hardware store we were ambushed by a few dozen zombies equipped with items like screwdrivers one knife and a baseball bat we fought for our lives with the hopes of finding an additional weapon on any of the zombie corpses we slaughtered while the group cleaned up the remaining zombies I set to work Hotwire in the nearby cars since they're all in much better condition than what we were currently driving with the car is hotwired and ready for use I ran back to the fence line to help comp and Rick take out their meeting zombies after finally deciding to stop and ask for directions we reached the location of the Hidden hardware store only to find it ransacked whoever beat us here left a few gems that we could use though items such as a ball ping Hammer lug wrench and a propane torch were all incredibly useful to us so I threw them in my backpack before heading upstairs to loot the apartment I was able to find a needle that we could use for tailoring and stitching along with a ton of dried foods that we can use to tackle the fact that we all went underweight as a starting trade in the bedroom I found a ton of guns but only a Mossberg and Remington were worth taking as we didn't have any ammo for the M14 and the other shotgun was in terrible condition with some new weapons available to our group Hazard I took out the zombies outside while the rest of the team went into the nearby shops to loot what they could get their hands on thank you for throwing our loot in the back of the vehicles we all settle down to watch some cartoons together after wrapping up our Teen Titans Marathon we walked outside to see a spooky ghost waiting by the cars for us [Music] since we still had one more Goofy Goober to link up with we began making our way downtown Vanessa Carlton style towards the warehouses on the southern end of West Point to see what we can find the answer a ton of zombies and a bus after finding an initial spot to park we broke out into groups one group would head to the warehouses and self storage units to see what they could loot another group would work with the zombies moving as many out of the way as possible and killing the rest leaving the final group to leave the gas station and fill up the empty gaskets I went with the runners pulling a few hundred zombies and leading them into the tree line to the south of the warehouses and gas station it seemed like a good idea in the moment but in reality it only made a small dent in the overall zombie count in the area fortunately while I was leading one group into the woods the rest of the team was busy clearing the area around the bus allowing me to head back towards it since I was the only one in the group with the ability to hotwire initially the zombies were tolerable but that quickly escalated forced me to round up another group and lead them to the trees behind the bus this one didn't work too well though and most of the zombies ended up just passing through the trees directly back to me in an effort that'd make the vehicle jealous luckily comp and little flame had circled back just as my meat cleaver broke and com sacrifices baseball bat for the cause before heading back to the warehouse to continue looting similar to the school about 12 hours ago flame began kiting the zombies around while I focused on hot wiring [Music] with the bus secured we all split up with plans to meet at the gas station towards the center of West Point this was a much safer location where we could catch our Breath Take stock on our weapons and fuel up our vehicles all in safety there was just one problem we'd forgotten the green car with a trunk full of guns ammo and food just sitting back into the warehouse we figured it'd be safer to head back with a small team so flame and I stole the car from earlier and set out to retrieve the gear yeah um here if you want to drive around all right kind of maneuver through this there we go as long as this starts up away yep I get yes he can make it yeah I I turned it on but I couldn't back out so I just jumped out of zombies didn't get okay at least the car's running so I should be good you got it yep all right I'm coming back then with all our loot accounted for we took care of our moodles and geared up as best we could given the circumstances I mean like waiting to get into Louisville Oh you mean that I mean we can go like rewards Lily and then stop like in the middle I mean we hit at the shooting range there we go you can do that so one down to the plan okay so we are at the gas station right now we're moving gear over from the green car and then we're gonna head out and start making our way to Louisville am I oh I don't know are you I can okay I'm gonna throw a bunch of like guns name on there then it was around this time that a wild ginger came over to graze on the nearby grassy Plains we accepted him into our small tribe of wandering idiots and set off for Louisville it was already around seven o'clock at this point so we didn't plan on truly heading into the city until sunrise the following day but we figured it wouldn't be a terrible plan to begin making our way there and stopping where we felt safe when the Sun finally set everything seemed to be going according to plan we had a few working Vehicles no one had died yet and we even had a developing hierarchy of blue heart hat members while stopping to loot the bridge I made the mistake of smashing a window without holding a weapon giving myself a deep wound and forcing the doctor to come to my age thought I had a weapon equipped did you open no no anyone have a needle and some red I do come to me come to doctor get over here oh I gotta take the classes where are you come over here oh Coco oh it's the right forearm too turns out he's not even a real doctor he's just some dude who found a pack of crayons and wrote I am a doctor on a piece of paper and we all just kind of believed him the whole time Coco was chatting to me the group voiced their displeasure with the bus's condition but I knew they were really just super jealous of my sweet driving skills oh the bus the bus I uh crashed into a tree because to prove my worth I abandoned the damaged bus and headed back into West Point with Newburgh to find another this actually wasn't all that difficult and we managed to find another one sitting in the spiffo's parking lot well we did this another group hit up the mechanic shop right outside of the East entrance to West Point and ghosts contributed by Finding Nemo with a spear I made it back to the group at around 10 o'clock with the Magic School Bus in perfect condition it even came equipped with an m19 and some cigarettes in the glove box which I didn't even know buses had but hey I learned something new every day while hanging out we found a pretty glaring bug within pz multiplayer where seemingly for no reason players will just disappear for random members in this case flame is standing next to me but he doesn't appear until he gets back into a car and re-exits I am I'm right in front of you you're invisible for me then oh let me get into my car and get out Gotta Love song You See Me Now Yep there we go okay perfect okay anyway now that the group is all together we hopped into our cars and began making our way down the highway towards Louisville very proud of us that we're all still alive a whole day there's a bus station and a small distance outside of the military checkpoint so we chose to stop there until morning we arrived just before midnight and got to work clear in the area [Music] foreign fast forward to the morning and we found ourselves cruising along the highway towards certain death s power oh damn son who's cooking the checkpoint wasn't nearly as bad as we expected it to be likely because players had beaten us to it this is a blessing and a curse see I don't think it would have been possible for us to make it through this section unscathed if we were the first to arrive but that also means we get the leftover loot that wasn't worth taking at least by another player's standards we weren't able to find any guns or even a lot of ammo but we did manage to Come Away with a full set of ponchos for every player in that group along with some n16 mags and of some military backpacks which were much needed considering up until this point I was still rocking a school backpack with less than half the storage space Oh and Rick found a ghillie suit so that was cool with most of the checkpoint looted we began pushing into Louisville I wasn't a big fan of the bus though so I get there to comp and decided to continue on a motorcycle I found surely he would take fantastic care of it be better than me look at this oh God it just happened since we still needed guns and ammo we targeted a gun store in the southeast of Louisville since it was likely that anyone who had beaten us here already would Target the larger pois first leaving the small shops relatively unloaded the only hiccup at this point was the fact that com kept D scene while driving so I had to go back and pull off the rescue attempt of a lifetime mainly because the game had bugged out again and comp decided to impersonate John Cena so I couldn't even see him I could only see the zombies shambling along behind where he was the gun store is in the middle of a series of shops right outside of a neighborhood so we expected the place to be swarming with zombies but in actuality the place was pretty calm we're new to the Sledge to get into this hunting supply so I moved up the street to find a hardware store in hopes of finding the Sledgehammer the store itself was unlooted but didn't have anything of value outside of a couple packs of cabbage seeds some nails and a hammer a lot of sludge we only had one other method of breaking into the hunting supply see with fire spread off you can effectively eat molotovs at the walls they'll burn down one piece but won't spread to the surrounding buildings or other walls the only downside is you risk destroying whatever's on the other side of the wall you hit this was a painstaking process that took multiple attempts to pull off eventually flame was able to blow a hole in the Western Wall giving us access into the building yeah you got there we go I'm in wait wait can we get out the funny part with this is that we're stuck almost all of us were stuck inside the hunting supply unable to hop back through due to the metal weapons Locker blocking the path we can't pick it up and we need carpentry level 3 to move the locker completely at hazard's Mercy we began looting the entire store in hopes that he could power level his weight into freeiness after being freed from the hunting supply store we set our sights on a nearby fire station with the hopes of gathering some axes which we need to farm logs and planks with at this point a couple zombies had begun making their way over to us so I focused on them to flee the road for the rest of the group living group looted the fire station I stayed outside to defend the area and took the time to level my combat skills a little bit something that we desperately need for the finale [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] up there Rick hopped on the back of my bike and we moved north towards the second fire station which coincidentally was the primary base of operations for the liberating Louisville series I had a ton of fun with the motorcycles to play through and honestly I think I may prefer them to normal cars going forward as long as you keep your speed below 50 miles an hour you're very smooth and easy to turn anything above 50 though and you begin to lose control of the bike we chose to go ahead of the group and serve as more of the scout team dealing with the majority of the zombies so that the rest of the group could roll up and begin looting the place okay with the rest of the group catching up to us I changed Focus to help loot the place so that we could establish a base before the sunset I didn't find another ax where's that uh crowbar uh oh I got a sledgehammer uh it's in the garage the first rack on the right hand side [Music] Sledgehammer two axes so far I mean like one of the storage rooms a lot of Tire pumps all right coming out oh my drop stuff out here two windows uh axes oh they're not gonna fit in the trailer no yeah I'm gonna throw the slides in the truck in hindsight I definitely should have moved the bike out of the way because just as I was walking over to get back on it luckily it was still in driving condition despite being stone cold summer through the concrete all in all we left both fire stations with around 10 axes nothing left to do for the day we began making our way to what would be our final home the duration of this playthrough I'm scared it's gonna go for it or not okay just Ghost Rider behind us wow turning this into MX versus ATV we made it to our base destination later that evening far enough away from the city that the finale wouldn't impact the other players in the server but close enough that we can make looting runs into town Fort Knox would be our Helm steep a base that came equipped with some pretty solid defenses but a large enough opening for us to shape it however we felt the need to oh here we go they should have heard that right I mean there's basically no zombies in here dude you killed the clown bro uh roof is clear clown clown where I want that fit with the fort secured we settle down for a midnight Feast of painkillers and bourbon I have 213 kills so far which bunny enough is one of the highest in the group at this point skill Wise It's about what I expected with three levels in short blade one in maintenance and then twos and all of Jody sets aside from sprinting oh it's getting there next morning I broke my leg before I started recording it's gonna be a few days before this thing heals so I consider just farming my first aid by impersonating John McLean and walking on glass the only hold up is that we're missing first aid Volume 2 so it happened to my bike and set up for the mall luckily most of it had already been cleared by Rick and Hazard and so there shouldn't be too many zombies hanging around I actually streamed a lot of this with a group so if you want to watch that it's up in the top right corner of your screen right now anyway back to the adventure like I said a lot of this has been pushed by some other members of the group which gave me easy access to the mall library right inside the entrance not only did I find volume 2 but I also grabbed a ton of books and skill magazines that we need for the future with nothing but time on my side I made my way back to base and removed my shoes and socks before placing some broken glass on the floor I'm receiving the power level first aid [Music] [Music] [Music] at around eight o'clock new Bird's mod Aragon picked me up and took me back into town to loot them all some more we needed food and general supplies and I was one of the only members at the base at the time and for once it wasn't me who crashed a vehicle ow ow ow with my bike totaled we proceeded on foot reaching the mall parking lot about an hour later where we found Newbert and Bricks power level and mechanics now that we had strengthened numbers I felt comfortable heading out on a small looting run with them in search of weapons and VHS tapes we checked out the baseball bat Factory first which ended up almost killing the four of us after crashing the bike again we hopped out with the intention of just gunning done anything in the area but got swarmed before I could fire more than one shell [Music] Aragon slowed the zombies with like power hobbled my way down the street before Rick's came to the rescue dropping me off in a safer location to hide in while he went back to the others [Music] we had a brief moment of Peace before a house alarm triggered pulling in dozens of zombies while I immersed myself in Peak 90s fashion truth be told Rick 100 carried me here I was a liability to the fullest extent with a broken leg and two stitched feet making it near impossible for me to walk it wasn't all bad though I learned that Rick has superpowers and could kill zombies even without touching them [Music] foreign but I know the truth and now you do too it was around this time that Aragon managed to make one massive mistake he underestimated the power of the pz Gods there's like four has her head shown up at this point as well so normally this wouldn't be too big of an issue but you see Hazard broke his leg way before I did back at the end of episode one so two of the five in our group were essentially immobilized forcing us to retreat back to the mall okay Newbert came up with this genius idea to head back on foot while I handled the police cruiser to go pick up hazard since he had both working legs and I was a literal foreign with all of us safely back at base I figured it was a good idea to just sit here until my injuries healed or at least until the entire group was ready to move it wasn't the end of the world though there was no shortage of things to do around the base so I got to work planting a garden this took a considerable amount of time as the well is outside the base so I had to hobble back and forth with buckets and water bottles to water the entire Garden later that evening we got wind of another group looting them all so Neubert flame and I hopped in a car to take a trip down in loot whatever we could get our hands on before there was nothing left which led to the following incident oh my hell what are you guys doing my foot is fractured [Laughter] it's like you guys freaking manifested we were gonna die if we get T-boned that white speed by the oh my God like 20 miles with Flame's foot splinted we set back out for the mall the grocery store section was completely untouched giving us a few days worth of food given the group size I also hit up the gardening store to grab some more seeds and watering cans which would be incredibly useful later on all right outside of that though the mall was all scraps almost every store had been completely destroyed leaving us only a couple items spread amongst the corpses with only some food and gardening supplies we headed back to base revving early the following morning nothing too crazy happened throughout the night I re-watered the garden which was a little faster this time since I had watering cans but outside of that we all just kind of hung out and waited for Sunrise feeling overconfident and Having learned nothing from yesterday's Fiasco we gave it another shot with less people Newbert flame and I set out the next morning with the hopes of reaching it before anyone else in Louisville got their hands on the weapons looking back I think we were a little paranoid that if players had already looted them all it was only a matter of time before they targeted the warehouse they hadn't even looted it already flame and I went in while Newbert acted as our getaway driver kiting the zombies around outside to prevent us from getting swarmed this worked for a few minutes but after the car stalled flame and I were forced to retreat into the warehouse section of the factory leaving Newbert outside to fend for himself while we grabbed whatever we could carry without encumbering ourselves let's go rescue a friend I took a decent part of the world on me so you should be all right I do have a shotgun if needed I do myself that's so unfair the headphones no that's the only exit that's the only exit out there well we have to loop around here come this way we can lose them back here right oh no I'm on a high excision now now did you grab a quick rest yes I did there's there's chairs back here excessive those chairs go there's chairs like I can always still shoot so it's all right well we still gotta make it back yeah like I shot earlier so it's flying if you shoot inside we managed to grab 18 baseball bats which should be more than enough for the group before getting the car started and heading back to base also Newbert has no idea who the Llama King Carl Weezer is so head on over to his channel and Bully this man for his unspeakable sin against mankind you don't know who Carl Weezer is oh my God chat sounds like did you hear what this man just said I don't know wheezer is over the next 10 in-game days or so the group went on a few raids and cleaned up the base some I had hopped off to do some life stuff with the family and just hung out around the base waiting to heal from my injuries I expanded the garden as a means to keep busy while I healed up which is another way of me saying I finally healed from my broken leg and managed to get first aid level 7 in the process all of that in anticipation of the big raid we are about to pull off you see there are several zombie cures spread throughout Knox County with a couple of them located in the Saint Peregrine hospital at this point Newbert and Aragon had been bit so it became a necessity to reach the hospital before anyone else had a chance to loot it now it wouldn't be as simple as just walking in the front door now if you've seen any of the community events my staff has run in the past you know that they like to go above and beyond for the added difficulty and you'll see what I mean in just a second the cures were located at the top of the hospital but there was a distinct path to follow all the windows in the ground floor had been welded shut along with some of the staircases having been removed forcing us on a single maze-like path to find our way up the building the zombies were layered along with the building so that each floor contained a larger amount of zombies slowing our progress immensely and also allowing zombies to work their way over to us from the ground floors due to the sounds of gunfire along the way we noticed that there were green arrows pointing Us in the direction of the next staircase so at least in a general sense of direction those zombies are wagging really hard is the server joinable yeah the white list is still open no that's just general desync if you're someone complaining then the biggest issue we ran into on the second floor was just the sheer amount of d-sync with the amount of players in such a small area coupled with a few thousand zombies scattered through the cell really doesn't number on the server on top of that multiple players hitting the same zombie risk completely breaking a multiplayer server because Game Dev am I right to counter this we tried to stagger our shotgun blast that we didn't have an instance where three or four of us were shooting the same zombie at the exact same time thank God this thing does snow damage foreign [Music] as we made our way deeper into the hospital we found that whole sections of the hallway were blocked by metal fencing forcing us to go down a pre-designated path directly into larger groups of zombies on top of that there were also these small doorways with zombies packed in like sardines waiting to Ambush us foreign [Music] once we reach the third floor we set up a sheet rope ladder for us to escape with provided that no zombies were waiting for us in the parking lot it was around this time that a random player had wandered into the hospital up to the third floor and appeared behind us he didn't really do much at first just kind of watching from the background and offering his services at the most opportune times if you're watching Rick's just having a conversation with him right now we've done left oh so we're coming here someone just get bit no everybody oh he's he's leading the charge with his Pitchfork what a hero [Music] [Music] over here dude hey you guys you didn't even shut the door up here oh foreign behind you [Music] oh that's long [Music] what are you doing the survey at the center for a white list it's all it's in the general announcements on my Discord what the hell are they coming from go back down I guess we're going up the stairs the fourth floor was a massive Ambush point but with the payout we've been hunting for a lab room was set up here with a handful of zombification cures for us to grab along with the cures were several metal crates including hundreds of boxes of shotgun shells [Music] oh remember that random bystander from earlier well he saved me a ton of time when I got separated from the group on the way back crafting a sheetrobe ladder to get us outside and back into the parking lot naturally I let him go first so I knew if it was safe or not his payback for him covering me we souped up a car in the parking lot and gave him a cure for his troubles this is a muscle memory on the way back to base Rick and Aragon had wrecked their car so has there a nice stop to defend them from zombies while they transferred supplies oh oh they're heavy foreign okay maybe you should give it a quick you guys want to put your put your stuff in the trailer and we can drive you back but we have to get my van though you can get a van later we can get the van later yeah I'll put the undercuts in the uh there's any members not yet no all right I'm not gonna try fighting with this arms yeah so you guys are here yeah we're in the middle of the road we offered them a ride back but they were determined to get the ambulance up and running again so Hazard and I just headed back to base with whatever we could carry with the raid completed and the supply successfully delivered back to base all we have left to do is build up some fortifications around the base and we'll be ready for the hordes getting started I need sheet rope because I'm going to have to commit Mass deforestation so I set off to find some zombies near the mall luckily if you were hanging around near the Northeast parking lot so I took care of them before heading back to Gear Up [Music] [Applause] [Music] with a 40 sheet rope a couple axes and a saw I set up to purge the nearby tree line this took forever since I went in with a slow worker trait making it incredibly time consuming to do anything from cutting down trees to even picking up logs thank you foreign [Music] consuming tasks came with sawing the logs which took several IRL hours over the course of this build [Music] it took early into the next morning to saw through all the logs from the first Hall but I ended up with around 430 planks to work with I spent most of the early morning moving planks to the top floor of the fort where I began the long process of fencing in the third floor multiple group members including myself had fallen off of here on our own accord so I can't imagine how chaotic it would be if we threw a few thousand zombies into the mix as well laughs I chose to build out walkways from each of the four corners this way we could space out some more to prevent the group from getting back into a corner and choosing between getting torn to shreds or breaking their legs by jumping into the abyss the slow worker Troy was a real killer for me since it extends to carpentry in general and makes building fences and flooring incredibly tedious foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] through the early morning before I ran out of planks forcing me into another round of tree chopping Madness foreign [Music] several hours later and I'm back at base song More logs into planks [Music] [Music] by that evening I had finished sawing all my planks and began working on building again with a focus on continuing the platform [Music] about an hour into the second round of building I fell off the platform in which Aragon had to fix me up at this point Aragon and Rick's had hopped on and were eager to help running planks up to me while I continued building [Music] it wasn't until the end of the second day of building that we realized we could just build a sheet rope ladder off the main platform allowing us to run planks and logs up here in seconds instead of hobbling back and forth every couple minutes Rick began placing piles of planks along the wall which I took to utilizing while him and Aragon set out to chop down some more trees do we have more axes the building continued on for several days while I took a break came back to the next day to see Brick and Aragon had been putting in a ton of work on the base fencing in a massive chunk of the platform and setting Planks on every several tiles for me to continue with oh it also broke my other leg when I missed the sheet rail platform by one tile and just threw myself over the edge thank you I began using the excess planks to build the windows around the interior staircases so that if anyone got caught inside they could Retreat up the stairs and hopped through their Windows which would slow down the zombies chasing them foreign I completely walled in both sets of stairs in the southern end of the base I figured having two escapes was enough and if we kept all four staircases open along with the exterior stairs Well we'd be stormed within minutes the Duo's work wasn't contained in just the base either they also chopped down dozens of trees allow me to bypass the grind of having to spend hours and hours on the same process I did have the honor to photobomb one of Rick's thumbnails before a stream so I wanted to include that in here as well with the platforms fully built out I began layering fencing along each walkway so that zombies would be tripped up as they closed in effectively prolonging the inevitable [Music] that's wrapping up the platform I switched Focus to the ground floor we have our last stand built out but we didn't have any initial defenses to hold the zombies at Bay I wanted to build a set where we could all contribute if we had to fall back while allowing any injured to retreat and heal up my solution was to buy as much time as possible by layering fencing every tile so the zombies would have to fall over each fence lay down stand up register and then hop and expense one at a time repeating the process I did a similar wall near the sheet rope building out a rectangle fencing to slow down any advancing zombies closer to the Rope I built out a windowed building that would force zombies to fall through single file before being able to swing at the Rope The Hope here is that while a player is climbing Through the Windows the zombies will hit the fence giving the player enough time to climb to the top of the platform before the zombies make it through the windows and destroy the rope with anyone on it which could risk killing the player I finished up fencing at the main gate that afternoon the only issue with this is that we can't bring any vehicles in or out of the base from this point onwards some defenses now built out I moved on to the next task see we're an incredibly unorganized group and I've really just been dumping loot in any crates we had with no Rhyme or Reason to it to address this I built a ton of crates in the center platform and began moving all of our weapons non-perishable food medical supplies and ammo into a centralized location I tried to keep the crates organized by weapon type as well and even crafted a ton of Spears with the excess planks as a friendly reminder to all the keyboard connoisseurs in the comments already we decided to avoid any cheese builds for the sake of keeping this as entertaining as possible so no fence crate fence builds to save us this time [Music] with certain Doom around the corner I took time to relax in a froggy chair we had made it to Fort Knox included valuable supplies and weapons and built solid defenses chose to leave the courtyard fairly open to allow us to kite zombies into varying Corners to keep each other safe but the final battle would come down to Pure skill everything we have built is intended to allow us as players to showcase our skill and combat both as a unit and what we can do once the bodies start to pile up and plants Fall Apart [Music] what could possibly go wrong both legs gone boom everyone was online the base was as fortified as it was about to get and we were ready to die there's just one final adventure for us to go on before our deal my staff like they tend to do went above and beyond building on a small location for us to explore prior to the finale so we made our way south to investigate I'm supposed to tell you guys this was all made using brush tools coming up in the location we found a cabin styled Outpost with a man laying on the floor who had unalived himself the group found a lower note so they had me read it because apparently I'm the interim Morgan Freeman to Greg brother I'm sorry I had to set off to the ship a group moved into the fort and have started to build up defenses so our backup plan is gone there are too many of them to kill on our own so I'm going to the ship now hurry we don't have much time until the mass board and the South reaches our Hideout I've left you old six to keep you safe while you make your way to me try to leave without that group seeing you let them deal with the horde it might buy us some more time to set sail and then he shot himself and I took his revolver so sad oh yeah moving out back we found a massive Warehouse inside it we found Stacks and stacks of gold which served literally no purpose other than the fact that we could brag to everyone that we had gold and they did Mo gold broke stuff already yeah moving further down was the cafeteria along with Library our group didn't care so much about knowledge as they did for the hundreds of hot dogs sitting in the kitchen area you know what I like wearing he loses what are you losers looking for we've got gold right here which you guys rather have eyelets of gold or dinner with Jay-Z me personally I'm taking the dinner with Jay-Z Gold come back knowledge is this is immeasurable yeah hurry oh we focus on hot dogs and gold New Burton flame found the true gold mine inside was everything we could have dreamed of AR-15s shotguns AKs attachments for guns and enough ammo to go to war with the state of Kentucky hello all right and at this point we dropped the shuck oh wow you were in line with a lot of things somehow we managed to back the van into the compound and loaded it with everything we could get our hands on Come on load me up I think I'm getting paid by the hour you right all right I grabbed an AR for myself and a backup for if and when it decided to jam up during battle as we began making our way back to base a Helly event trigger we didn't think much of it at the time but little did we know it would end up killing all of us in a matter of hours smoke hold on hold on okay no time my new word I'm so sorry at the entrance to the compound we began unloading the cars the biggest issue is that the pallets of gold were obviously very heavy so we can only move one at a time while this was happening I took up watching the third floor I ended up making it just in time to see zombies beginning to trickle into the driveway oh guys we need that we need to bring the gold in before the zombies can get it they're here to steal it they're already touching it I'm bringing the van this classic it's got all the ammo in it's too late for you after a few moments of this I got so bored with OverWatch that I just said screw it and headed outside to join the rest of them and repelling the attack here it is yeah I agree you're going for the gold I tried to conserve ammo early by using knives while I could seeing as the zombies were taking their sweet time getting to us but the knives are where it's at for now for the head aches look at how enthusiastic we are about this right now [Music] yep I mean there's like three they're just here for the ring exactly all right the van is unloaded all right we're losing ground you guys need to kill him faster [Applause] it's just sitting back here eating hot dogs well there's there's got to be a general right somebody has to control this mess kill the commander a friendly reminder part of that gate is broken so it's almost not even worth like shutting the gate just have to defend or just hop over the fencing all right all in all we managed to hold the main entrance for about an hour before being forced to retreat [Music] here we go boys there's no point holding that gate let's get back yeah get back behind this one I know Spirits were so high since we were confident in the fencing just slowed them down probably rearmed and prepared for the next line of defense similar to the hospital raid back in episode 2 the men carrying shotguns staggered their shots to maximize damage like just listen to this foreign say that five times fast I headed up to the wall to assess the damage in all honesty we were holding out pretty well for a bunch of Misfits I mean it also helped the zombies were stuck pathing directly into the walls of the forge but hey we'll take every ounce of cheese we can get here to be able to come from I will slow we'll just slowly work through the ones up here shortly after that I was called back downstairs to the entrance where zombies were beginning to destroy the fencing around this time we encountered some of the strangest desync the game has ever thrown at us don't worry it gets so much worse later on for those wondering just how unstable Zomboy and multiplayer can become but anyway we ran into this issue where these other members in the group didn't appear to be shooting leading me to believe they were just watching me take on this massive horde Born Into the gates the the good audio was all decent so like it doesn't make any sounds when you guys are shooting so it sounds like I'm the only one shooting on my end and you guys felt just like watching in reality they were in fact shooting the game just wasn't displaying it on my end this fixed itself in time and led to a beautiful Symphony of gunshots and explosions later on but before that something very important to happen see Rick's tried to buy the group some time with a pipe bomb after zombies had broken through the fencing yeah I have to reload oh that hurt oh God you killed me what where were you I was nearby enough not dead yet but that is not gonna happen you throw a pipe bomb eat it do you need a doctor don't go get in there a solid idea in theory but this ended up shredding little flame in the process almost killing him and forcing Dr Coco to drop what he was doing and intend to play effectively taking a fourth of our group out of the fight entirely it was around this time where the zombie desync began to quite literally break the game zombies began teleporting all over the place going from storming through the center wall to teleporting back to the main entrance providing me the opportunity to fire rounds into the masses the goal yeah you just like return the slab we will not give them the gold screw that upstairs remember how all the gun audio stopped a while back well it fixed itself all at once every as if the audio t-sync and teleporting zombies wasn't enough unfortunately after the zombies broken The Horde claimed its first victim come on start start so I want you to pay attention to the time in the top right corner see for everyone else the sun is about to set but for me this continued for most of the finale but ends up correcting itself at the end at least partially with a ground floor completely overrun most of us had fallen back to the center platform for a brief moment of peace while checking the exterior I noticed something that practically sealed Our Fate at least for me the game had limited its rendering to only the current cell effectively trapping me in Fort Knox foreign the big issue now is that we forgot all our 556 ammo down by the fencing leaving me to undertake a suicide mission to retrieve it along with some of the other gear I could get my hands on with the zombies bugging out trying to path their way to the players above them it made the ground floor easier than it looked foreign sure there were hundreds of zombies just loading around but they weren't all that interested in me at least at first [Music] only a real threat at the moment was the teleporting zombies which would sometimes appear practically right on top of me forcing me to always be on my guard [Music] my original plan was to just push the stairs the interior but that was quickly abandoned when I saw just how many zombies were standing around next to them forcing me back outside it's time for some expert kiting the northern section of the Courtyard by the garden was completely cleared so I just kept biting my time until I found an opening to squeeze through while kiting the group on the western side of the wall began hatching plans to try and rescue me these included clearing out the stairs both interior and exterior as well as placing sheet rope ladders on the perimeter at this point if you go west that we're trying to go to West there oh yeah wait which side are you on interior exterior because I'm exterior still exterior okay uh there there's too many of them yeah the big issue with the sheet rope ladders is that my game is so decent that it's 5 30 pm on my end and almost 11 pm for the others which resulted in me being unable to see any of the Rope ladders that they placed for me along with players going invisible for me such as Aragon who had fallen downstairs and was on the ground floor alongside me eventually leading to the second casualty of the group years of cod zombies I think someone died I'm adding another one so I think this is where the bus was right there are two ropes next to the where the bus was they're not in for me and I still see the fences on my side free for you yeah and then they're breaking through the north now from mine like that kill box so it is it is getting Messier but uh we're still still moving hopefully time to eat a burger boys where are you going I'm just I'm just looking I'll just get another idea of the situation down there there we go how about the situation up here unfortunately Aragon was just the tip of the iceberg within minutes Rick's and comp allowed desperately trying to reach Vehicles near the entrance were swarmed and fell to the undead we're gonna be okay okay during this time Hazard had his final staying long me in the courtyard I'm not sure how he ended up there but he went out on his own terms it came to Marcus from the original John Wick I think as long as some of them fall from above right here come on start start if that wasn't enough little flame passed shortly after while attempting to escape not at this point Goku escaped so it's literally I'm the only one left that's walking around I'm gonna check the north side outside right now there's a lot of them on the Windows he runs a 357 and like three knives left if you could make it out over here and just like that we were down to Coco ghost and myself with all of us separated it became a cat and mouse game of how long can I keep kiting until I slip up around this time Coco had managed to build a rope ladder off the northern wall and escaped to the outside of Fort Knox for some reason instead of fleeing he chose to stay back and try to help me in ghosts who were still trapped inside the walls with the big predicament being that unfortunately with only two of us left for the zombies to aggro it only upscaled the difficulty for me and ghost my goal was to get back up to the third floor where I could find Coco's rope ladder and get to the outside of the fort but we found out pretty quickly that no matter where I tried to go the zombies were already flooding it oh all right Coco made a call out about the entrance of the fort being relatively clear so I began making my way over there to see if I could use that as a way out oh that's a wall oh for some reason I thought we were way back over here we go this is where all the close calls start to pile up call it sheer luck but I'll take every minute of it clear yeah I'm outside on the east side with a big ball of zombies on me get all over me if you can manage to get outside we could you know have a grand escape from this beautiful place maybe retake it another day shoots a gas tanker go out Rick Grimes oh okay you know I don't know you might talk me into it uh-oh this might be my end here I had a near-death experience maybe just like three seconds ago there's no way um what's what's to stop me from just jumping you're gonna break your leg okay and that's that's not the best outside of the entrance it's completely clear they're not even agree bad idea bad idea bad idea I mean you know a broken leg eventually the time had corrected itself and by that I mean I was still about 12 hours behind the rest of the players but at least I wasn't stuck in a loop anymore oh and I also found another cowboy hat since mine had been knocked off when I tripped a while back you know all right we have a white cowboy hat oh wait oh no oh it's a garbage bag we have a white cowboy hat now so it's not you know it only gives like plus two damage instead of plus ten but it'll do now the goal was to group up as many zombies as possible to pull them away from the main entrance that I could attempt to link up with Coco and ghost this led to the jankiest moment I've ever experienced in Zomboy I'm really not sure how this happened I definitely should have died there but going back through the footage I noticed something thank you I'm the only one in the fort at this point but when I go down instead of a zombie bite triggering the game was so broken that it spawned in a literal Molotov I have absolutely no idea how this happens and I haven't been able to recreate it since but we caught it live on stream as well what a quality multiplayer experience anyway after grouping up the stragglers and moving them to the Northern end of the courtyard I was able to run back and scoop up a pipe bomb to try out which didn't really do all that much but it brought me enough time to do one more loop around and walk out the front door unfortunately for me the map still wasn't loading any cells outside of Fort Knox which means there was only one way out for me ghost had broken his leg from jumping off the third floor making him a liability in anything other than shooting a gun and Coco was entirely out of ammo having to rely on whatever melee weapons he could get his hands on while making what felt like our final stand I killed neubert's zombified corpse looting a zombification gear off his body I could have taken it and lived to continue fighting but there wasn't really a point even if I took it I wouldn't be able to escape I was forever confined to the cell containing Fort Knox it became obvious in that moment wouldn't need it to be done with one last hurray I sprinted back into the fort pulling in any zombies behind me I just needed to buy enough time for Coco and ghost to find a vehicle and flee at this point I turned my focus to any players still alive on the server listen there is so much ammo up here there's food there's medical supplies there's knives there's hot dogs there's axes there's weapons there's booze not as many as SKS looks like a lot of the ammo was taken shotgun shows There's a Zombie cure it's gonna be in the center crate [Music] thank you all it's been great [Music] thank you all so much for watching this series was recorded over the course of about five days with a group of eight YouTubers a moderator and several of my admins facilitating everything from builds to events to running the finale this was some of the most fun I've had in projects onboard in years and I'm forever grateful to this group who were all willing to work with me on such a large project on such short notice a very special thank you to the random player who was waiting to loot our base after we died while deciding to hot mic someone's stream audio through voice so you can all get a nice ad during my death scene I appreciate you all and as always thanks for stopping by
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 224,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Predz Ironman, Zomboid Ironman, Project Zomboid, Zomboid, Zomboid MP, Project Zomboid Multiplayer, Zomboid Multiplayer, Single Life, Zomboid 1 Life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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