I Spent 100 Days in Official Rust!

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100 days in Rust a game filled with ferocious animals deadly radiation annoying scientists life-threatening Patrol helicopters Clans zergs and over 300 other online players but just surviving as in all I plan to make these 100 days even harder for myself by setting a list of challenges from running every monument in the game to building an insane unique base farming over a 100,000 sulfur all while creating enemies and allies along the way but will those enemies stop me from reaching day 100 well to find that out I got to start with day one on the beach all right we are in it is me Jay Tellis back again with another video and boys I hope you're ready for a long one pause anyways server just swiped and I got to get to a build spot this swipe I've set myself a list of goals that I need to accomplish within 100 days from simple tasks like finding a build spot to more timec consuming ones like running every monument in the game at the end of the day to successfully complete this challenge I need to finish all the tasks on my list within the 100 day time limit and to start day one I have to make the most important decision one that will greatly impact the rest of this wipe and that's where I'm going to be building my base since it's the beginning of the month all servers just wiped meaning any build spot is up for grabs but the better the build spot the more contested it will be with that in mind I don't want to be right next to any monuments although I want to be close enough to get into any action that pops off that's when I noticed the ice lake at x25 although it's isolated being in the snow and right next to Stone Cory is insane for resources plus it's not far from sewer Arctic oxom and power plant monuments that would give me access to every key card Type green blue and red so with the build spot in mind I just have to be the first one to get there but it's swipe day who knows how many others are trying to do the same thing what I do know is I just hit 300,000 subscribers which means I'm nearly halfway to 1 million and if you boys like this video and want to help me get there I'd appreciate you guys subscribing now let's get off this Beach I made my way Inland and found a tool crate with a combat knife and collected everything needed for a bow using that combat knife I showed a player what it would be like to live in the UK I'm going to shank this kid he's pissed I also took out his friend that was attempting to run away this isn't going to matter till much later but you're probably going to want to remember this guy I continued my journey towards the snow with great Pace I'm pretty sure I'm the only one out here well the only player remember what I said about ferocious animals sh no yeah Yogi Bear got me you fat bear no big deal though cuz after trying to get the right spawn about a thousand times I was finally back in the right place unfortunately my body got looted it's all right though I didn't have anything I couldn't quickly Farm back up so after smacking a few nodes getting a love tap from another player and farming a few trees I had all the resources for my starter base while getting those resources I did have a run in with Yogi Bear's cousin oh no not again not again please leave me alone luckily I made it out alive this time and after taking some Revenge shots at the polar bear I figured it was time for me to start heading towards the base spot along the way I noticed I wasn't seeing any other players around from the looks of it I'm the first one out here I got to the ice leg safely without any distractions and this base spot is perfect it's massive with more than enough room to build anything I have planned so I quickly dropped down the starter that's literally just a one by one for now and with the TC placed this build spot is secure now that the base spot is full decided and the starter is down I really need to focus on securing this spot by building up my main base I don't typically live at a just any normal base though in today is no exception I have a base that was designed purely for this video with help from another Creator buttercat the only issue is this base is not cheap to have this base fully set up and upgraded I'm going to need about 270,000 Stone 60,000 metal fragments and over 1,000 hqm plus another 40,000 wood just to place every foundation wall and roof it's definitely not going to be a quick base to get down but I'm not leaving my computer until it's done although the Sun is setting which marks the end of day one day one has been completed for day two I know I need a lot of farm but with only stone tools it would be impossible so I'm shifting my focus from farming to instead upgrading my tools in order to do that I'm going to need to get my hands on a workbench to get the ability to craft metal or Salvage tools so I made my way over to power plant smacking every Barrel in sight then recycled everything I collected for scrap and cloth although I had to run straight back home to place a bag since I didn't have enough cloth to do it earlier but on my way back I noticed another player getting mauled by a bear who else could be all the way out here Jay smelly this is actually my friend and fellow YouTuber horgi I actually don't know if you could call him a YouTuber now he hasn't posted in over a year but he's looking to get back into rust and he offered to help me out with farming the abundance of resources I have to collect and I'm not going to say no to some help although he's got to get all the way back here because yeah he uh just got merked so in the meantime I bagged him expanded the base placed a box furnace and tier one workbench down but then I quickly realized I don't have the blueprint to craft metal pickaxe and oh yeah corgi's back I am here hello my friend which means I should probably upgrade these doors and add some code locks okay now you can get in and out but as I was saying I don't have the blueprint to craft metal pickaxe therefore I need to get some scrap to learn it what's the best way to get scrap well running monuments of course and if you remember one of my goals is to run every monument in the game but running every monument doesn't mean just simply walking into each one in Rust there are five different categories of monuments where the lowest tier ones only Supply you with a green card which is abandoned cabins Lighthouse oxom supermarket and junkyard but in order to count those monuments as completed I need to get the key card from each individual one and the same applies for all the higher tier monuments I need to either e get the key card or the loot the key card gives me access to to count the monument as officially completed so porgi and I made the plan to scope out The Monuments collect some scrap for blueprints and gather Intel about the groups in our area and it wasn't long after getting close to one of the monuments in our area that we had our first running with a group because as we were going by Arctic we noticed somebody trying to take it oh yeah yeah yeah he's up there where I see him hit him he's dead although after taking him out we quickly came to the realization that he wasn't the only one over here and his team already had revolvers now normally I would fight but in the snow cloth is scarce and the guy we just took out just so happened to have a bunch of cloth components so we decided to instead ditch the fight and recycle at oxom unfortunately there was no key card so I can't check oxom off the list yet but while waiting for the components to recycle a guy rode up on a horse guy here on a horse M I'm dead damn I just got a BB no nice I'm going to try to push him I head shot him he's dead I quickly looted up the player I just took out and the recycler then started to make my way home just at the end of day two and with the start of day three I noticed we already have 399 scraps so we're extremely close to crafting up a tier 2 workbench and with that comes the ability to craft guns and Salvage tools to get the last of the scrap I wanted to go check out another Monument that's in our area power plant on the way over there I took it a few be just for leather and low grade smacked a few barrels and then the second I got inside I took out a guy I killed him with one Arrow oh my it seems like he just ran power plant for us and after a quick recycle I now have everything needed for a tier 2 workbench tier 2 down using that I crafted up pythons right away unfortunately I can't craft Salvage tools just yet because I'm still missing a few blades but after a quick search around our area with our new pythons collecting them should be no problem I'm shooting like I'm playing with my toes oh this guy's about to this guy's running for his base did you get him oh yeah holy it was a successful day and I now have everything needed to craft up a salvage pick so the second the sunrose on day four I went out to put it to use so we can start upgrading this base although while farming I noticed somebody was watching me oh there's a guy on me how close I killed him okay well never mind I don't know what the hell he was doing all the way out here though compound bat oh my eyes on me oh he had a jackhammer big getting this Jackhammer is amazing but this all happened within one grid of my base and if he already has a jackhammer it's safe to assume that he might not be alone in case of that I want to shift my focus from farming to instead upgrading the base with the resources I currently have and not long after I started upgrading I got a visit from a familiar face there's a guy running over here on the ice he's dead uh it's eyes on me that is not good eyes on me was coming over with a pump shotgun to take a closer look at our base luckily I caught him before he could do anything although it's now guaranteed that he knows where we live since I've only ever seen him alone I'm not sure how much of a threat is going to be oh wait what is that in the sky oh it's just to sponsor of today's video War Thunder War Thunder is a free-to-play Online vehicle combat game that focuses on historical accuracy with many ways to play featuring ground sea and air battles plus the amazing Graphics will make you feel fully immersed into the game play and using my link in the description you could join the thousands of other players active right now and if you're a new player or returning player after 6 months you'll earn lots of free rewards including premium Vehicles a premium prium account and much more Plus on top of that to celebrate the holidays and new year until the end of January all players get three exclusive stale decals but only for a limited time so play for free right now on PS5 Xbox series X PC and all the previous generation consoles thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video I may not know how many there are what I do know for sure is I'm not taking any chances I need to get some more doors down and expand this last floor okay that should put us in a good spot now the base is looking uh it's looking like something I know the base looks like a bit of a monstrosity right now but that's kind of the point with the design it's going to have three towers built up on these circles and three drop downs well there will be three I just had to build the last one the trick with this base is to confuse the Raiders on which drop down leads down into the main Loop cuz only one of them does it's a nightmare for any Raiders that attempt to go through doors and once the base is fully built up I'll show you just how confusing rting into it will be and expanding the bases in very necessary right now because there's no groups that should be able to rate into a base of this size this early into white well as long as there's no Clans or zergs in my area groups like that progress at an entirely different pace and on day five I saw it firsthand cuz we were planning to run Arctic to upgrade our guns until we realized someone already beat us to it and they were still here and there seemed to be a lot of them dude I feel like I just saw like three of them three you're coming in here right now right 30 seconds there's one right in front of me I'm like he's dead Okay taking one of them out seems nice but from what I saw when I first came in there's a whole lot more of them left and while I was trying to make a move I caught one of them trying to flank around killed one and this guy was loaded oh my God he's loaded although while I was doing that Porgy ended up dying and there were still at least three left and it was only a matter of time before the two I took out re kitted and P back so instead of fighting I decided to take the Tactical retreat with the prop tactical Retreat boys I got an extra Python and an air drop I'm not F that interaction was just the beginning of our rivalry with the bigger groups in our area and stealing from larger groups definitely can bring some repercussions so to be safe I want to get back to upgrading my base my main concern isn't getting more farm at this moment though it's cooking all the metal I currently have more efficiently the base still has wooden doors because how long it's taking for the metal to cook with only two furnaces so I desperately need to upgrade my furnace system and looking at my list setting up an automatic furnace system is on my list of goals although in order to do that I'm going to need to get my hands on some tech trash for batteries and solar panels with that in mind as night fell I decided to go over the power plant to try to get some Once I arrived I saw that I wasn't the only one trying to do a late night power plant run but from what I could see they're recycling so maybe I could sneak up they're right in here I don't know how many there are there's three I killed two okay that that was quick one more left where are they I killed the last one nice uh I think they I think they were running power from what I could see these three guys just ran power plan and they had all the tech trash I need plus an SMG body the second the sun came up day six has begun and I used the tech trash I just got to instantly craft up everything for the electric furnace system I also crafted up a Thompson with the SMG body then got right to setting up the electricity and while I was doing that porgi went out to get more Farm but as he was doing that he started to get jumped by another grou and only I get to beat on porgi so I went over to help him where I took out a player with a sar I killed one Mr B I don't currently have SAR research so I grabbed it and went right home to change that and with Porgy now safe I got back to setting up electricity sh why isn't this working for some reason no matter how many times I do this I always manage to mess something up org tried helping damn brother what the luckily I managed to figure it out and then you put it in this oh yeah it works teamwork with the furnac is now cooking all the metal without me having to touch a thing I can now get back to focusing on collecting more Farm although I'm not going to just be using a jackhammer to collect it it's time for me to take advantage of this build spot from running power plant I've slowly been collecting up diesel fuel what's diesel fuel for well running Stone C of course all right so you put the diesel fuel in here and then you go and crank that John and it should give us a bunch of F and after doing that overnight on day seven I'm sure you could see why I wanted to build here and with all that stone and a little bit of wood farming I can now get back to expanding the base but as I said earlier this base is going to take a ton of farm and it wasn't long before I ran out all right we're at a farm but we got one at our TC down and the whole footprint so I got right back out with the Jackhammer although while I was out farming I noticed something that intrigued me I just seen the doors being opened up here on this Lake OH a group on a nearby ice lake has a camper right outside their base and getting a car is on my list of goals so stealing it would save me the time of finding a car myself but they seem to be outside and before I could make the decision on what to do they were heading right towards me they came outside and not only were there two in front of me I also had to worry about the one on their roof God they're roof camping up there like a second how the hell does he see me I killed one nice almost there dude this guy on his roof is so annoying I'm 1 HP but I killed the second the two on ground now taken out all that slept is the one on their roof but fighting at their base puts me at a disadvantage because I'm outnumbered and they have respawns I hit the one on their roof a bit oh there's there's one pushing me right now I don't I think I'm going to die here damn dude horgi showed up not long after and got taken out also but it was by a familiar face it's eyes on me the same person I took out for the Jackhammer and the person who attempted to come over in door campus lives at t24 on the ice Lake he may have gotten his Jackhammer back but I don't care I have my eyes on something that would be far more valuable right now that camper it would also make farming so much easier but stealing it while it's right outside their base is going to be borderline impossible I need a way to bait them away from their base that's when I remembered I stole a supply drop earlier with is the perfect bait to bring them towards us I threw the supply drop and now all we have to do is wait to see if the bait works and it wasn't long before pory spotted a camper heading our way yeah the Camper's coming camper coming I'm getting off the roof cuz there's no cover up here all right I have to hide behind the you tell me when they're right on you okay okay they're like right next to me the air drop's just about to come down right next to me I hit them hard like they're both one I hit one I think I I think I killed them both yeah yeah yeah they're they're both dead they spawned back in the camper I killed one taking them out here gave us all our guns back we had just lost and more and while I looted the airdrop porgi watched over the camper to make sure they didn't drive away the air drop didn't have any crazy loot but the shotgun and shells I just got are perfect to break into the camper and with the lock now destroyed we could steal it for ourselves although the camper isn't secured yet we need to put a lock of our own on it in order to do that I researched carlift placed it down and now I can put a lock on it camper secured baby go we've successfully stolen the camper and in doing so secured a car although with the growing base and a camper sitting outside it's only a matter of time before enemies start to notice us I just didn't realize how soon it was going to be cuz on the start of day eight I opened the front door to this oh we're being watched we chased them down in the camper and tracked them back to a tugboat although without taking any of them out I never got to learn their names but whoever that was has their eyes on us I should probably get back to upgrading this base although that's not the only thing I have on my list to do at this point I've got the base spot secured the auto smelter set up and I have a car but there's still so much to do I still haven't completed a single Monument yet although with my camper getting around to each Monument is a lot easier now so I went over to oxom finally securing the Green Card oxom secured then using the blue card I got from the guys I killed recycling earlier I ran power [Applause] plant power plant secure ooh and more Tech trash I don't want to travel too far away from base right now just in case whoever was in that Tugboat pays a visit if I want to have the ability to leave my base whenever I want unattended I need to get this base completed so I'm putting running every monument on pause for now and getting back to building up the base with the diesel fuel I just got from Power I ran Stone Cory again and used all that farm to expand the base some more I started with building up all the towers set up the third drop down third floor access and began work on the shooting floor but I ran out of materials again so on day nine it was time for me to go out and farm and after hitting what felt like every node in my area I went back to finishing up the shooting floor first setting up a way up to it then ramp Peak Downs Windows Embers and then fully sealed in the roof and by day 10 you could really see the base taking shape the exterior of the base is progressing nicely but the interior is lacking to fix that I need to get some garage doors in order to crap them I'm going to need some gears and the best place to find those are in the train tunnels so I spent as much time as possible down here shooting every last bullet I had and once I finally came up I had a bunch of components in 10 gears and after recycling all the extra components I used those gears to craft up ladder hatches yeah I forgot about the garage doors that's okay though cuz with the start of day 11 I have more ammo and I'm ready to stay down here until I have nothing left although after clearing out all the tunnel dwellers I realized I forgot the fuel for my train in the camp I forgot the fuel it was a calculated mistake though because when I went up to get the fuel I caught someone trying to break into my car B trying to break in my car unfortunately someone knows I'm out here now and I can't just leave my car so I took it back to base Depot all the loot and planed to head right back to the train tunnel entrance but before I had the chance to someone started talking outside my base you guys there yo what's up I'm a I'm a solo I got raided earlier uh towards the west and I was looking to see if you guys would be cool if I built a little farm on the river here and I'm uh happy to give you guys some cough and teas once I get rolling along the way [Music] uh ye yeah yeah you're cool don't worry I'll leave you you let me know if anyone's giving you any problems all right cusy I'll remember you after catching someone attempting to break into my camper just moments ago I was hesitant to trust anybody in my area but this guy's intentions seemed genuine plus one of my goals is to create an ally and if what he said is true about setting up a farm and supplying me with resources like cloth and teas he'd be an amazing one but in Rust you can never be too quick to trust others so for the next few days I'll keep my eye on him although that means Running Train Tunnels for Gears is going to have to wait instead I'm going to do some work closer to base I ran Stone Cory and then started farming nodes in the area but then I quickly realized someone built a TC next to the Quarry I asked our new neighbor about it and he told me it wasn't him I'm not sure who it was but to ensure they don't get any more built I farmed a bunch of trees to craft up some TCS of my own and on day 12 I went over and placed them all around the Cor just to ensure whoever placed the first one couldn't take it over I then got back to upgrades on my main base I built another outer TC set some interior doors and then spent the rest of the day farming materials so that on day 13 I could set up the outer TCS finish all the gate houses and with the scrap I got from the train tunnel run earlier research stone wall although before I could craft the walls I need more Stone and Yogi Bear's cousin seems to not have forgotten about me but you know what I forgot about the roof so all the farm I thought I was getting for the walls i instead used to start working on it I didn't get much done though because while I was setting it up a raid started popping off and based off the directions the explosives were coming from I think it's eyes on me's base getting raided right now and whoever's raiding them is throwing a ton of explosives into the base so many that by the time I got over there they were already packing up to leave but this has a chance to be the best case scenario for me I just can't miss oh I killed one oh there's another one on the roof shot I think I downed him oh my God oh my I can't hold all this I just got to go they're going to be back any minute now one of them may have gotten away but I'm pretty sure I got the best of the loot out of it getting out with an inventory like this is insane I tried to go back and grab the rest but they already beat me to the loot damn it's all gone honestly I don't really care though because the inventory I made it out with is insane and they're definitely not going to be happy about losing that the guy that had all that sulfur is someone whose name you're going to not want to forget but present me doesn't know that just yet what I do know is I don't want to wake up offline like eyes on me group so I need to get to finishing this base day for I ignored all distractions and finished the roof completely set up barricades with the blades I've been accumulating from the train tunnel runs and then fully sealed in the base with the compound walls it's felt like forever but after an extremely long grind the base is finally done it has all three towers set up the shooting floor compound and drop downs also if you're curious about the confusing part of the base well there's no front door how do you get in well in order to get in the base you need to get past the funnel wall with shotgun trap into the tower climb all the way up the tower go through the shooting floor down the two ladder hatches and then pick the right drop down out of the three that leads you into the core it's a nightmare for anybody wanting to get in including myself wait where am I and hopefully it's enough to deter any Raiders right now cuz I'm due for a little break but just in case it isn't I have a backup plan someone that can wake me up just in case anything happens and it's someone you guys know and love the obese electrician L she took one look at my amazing electricity room asked if she was free to fix it to me it looked perfect but if she wants to make it better she could have free reain to do whatever she wants however L took the free reign a little too literally cuz after I got back on day 15 I logged on to this what what oh he's awake what did you do what's beyond here oh it's Porgy what up guys the decorations are a bit questionable but hey the base is organized we got an upgrade furnace system and most importantly the base is still here it wasn't the only one behind the base decorations though the artist behind most of these uh beautiful paintings is my friend and Discord admin loo so you may see him around here and there painting although the base decorations are what I'm focused on cuz now that the base is organized I can really see what we're well supplied in and not so much since all my time was focused on getting the base up my guns and component boxes are looking a little bit lackluster but my farm boxes definitely aren't especially my sulfur box and using this sulfur I could definitely change the state of all of my boxes with some raids although I don't have any explosive blueprints or a tier three workbench yet therefore getting all that is going to be on the top of my to-do list and I plan to get right to it but I found out rather quickly that the decorations weren't the only thing that changed while I was gone because after waving to who I thought was the Ally we made yesterday I quickly found out it wasn't him that is not Coy out of curiosity on how the troups in my area have been progressing I went out for a little Drive I came across a new base that same AK guy fighting what seemed to be the base owner and a completely different group that jumped me while I was trying to watch the fight dude where did all these guys come from God mother my area has gotten a lot more active in my absence I need to get explosives researched so I could start evicting people in order to craft explosives I'm going to need 1,250 scrap for the tier 3 workbench 500p scrap for the launcher 500 scrap for the explosive and 125 scrap for the rocket itself yeah I need a lot of scrap so I spent days 16 and 17 down in the train tunnels taking out every single tunnel groller I could and after recycling I only have enough for a tier three workbench but hey a new day a new workbench and now on day 18 using that workbench we now have AK man I just killed a guy and got this AK I swear although I still need more scrap before I could craft up explosives 1,125 scrap to be exact and if I go down into the train tunnels one more time I'm laying on those train tracks and pray one comes along and hits me yeah if you can't tell Running Train tunnels is boring and it's starting to get to me but what's another place I could get a ton of scrap and maybe get some of the explosive items I need large Oil ring and it's not that far away but you know what is far away fishing Village I have no way of getting to large right now so I'm going to have to figure out something else to do for day 19 well that was until I I heard this there's a mini flying over our base what it's landing on the roof wait what someone just landed their mini on our roof are they planning to raid well he doesn't seem to have a launcher maybe they were scouting for a raid and expected us to be offline I'm not sure what I am sure about is we're not letting him leave what was this guy planning he I think he has a lad I'm pretty sure he's going to try to ladder up and then parachute off the second he ladders I'm picking up this window and you you open the door and shoot him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right go go go go go go go I hit him hard hard he's dead nice well that's a free taking that guy out at a first glance may seem nice we got a free mini and a free full metal AK kit but I know it's no time to celebrate we're being watched and I have no idea when they're planning to make their move in case of it being anytime soon I spent all of day 20 using the metal we have to upgrade the base then on day 21 I placed shotgun traps garage doors large furnaces lockers and a turret at this point the Sun is setting and and there's still no sign of anybody coming to the base well that was until I heard this first round of cloth is completed if you want to grab some oh it's just our Ally from yesterday gooy I forgot about him in all this chaos in my time off he seems to have gotten his farm up and running and he invited me over to come check it out I have arrived this this your cut holy yeah getting him as an ally was a great decision I spent the rest of the night waiting around to see if any raid was coming but no one showed up and I can't just waste another day waiting around base I still need to get explosives and luckily I just so happened to get a mini delivered right to me so that problem of getting to large oil rig has been solv therefore on day 22 porgi and I head over but as we got close we realized someone else was already here although we didn't come all this way to turn around we're here to fight and after getting dropped off on ball I had a clear view of everyone on LGE yeah he's on helipad he just went under the player on helipad knew I was up here so he instantly went to hide underneath but he isn't the only one on here cuz after I took a look around I spotted another one by Red Room I killed the one by Red Room I'm so low though I'm going to try and bait after spending some time looking around from what I could tell the guy under heli is the last one left so using the parachute I got from the guy earlier I jumped right off ball holy dude that was sick all right he should just be right under heli using that parachute had the guy clueless cuz he had no idea I was coming up right from behind him buddy was gearing up down there who is you John Smith and it was unfortunate timing for them cuz just moments after taking them out the crate open oh an explosion too that's one way to complete our joy R but the crate opening just then wasn't the only surprise cuz after checking the body of the first guy I took out I realized who we just fought wait this was the AK guy that landed on our roof the same guy that landed on my roof giving us the mini and AK kit just lost their oil rig seconds before the crate open purely because of one mess up it's safe to assume I've done enough to make an enemy out of them but hey I'm not complaining this counter gave me scrap comps guns and most importantly an explosive one of the three things I need to raid I researched it the second I got home and all I need is rocket and launcher those are probably two of the hardest things to come by though instead of spending hours searching or thousands of scrap using the te Tree on day 23 I went over to cousy's farm to ask if he had the blueprint to craft boom where he told me he had every blueprint in the game so I added him to team and invited him inside to craft up everything I'd need and after getting him to do that he told me he had to get off for a bit hours all right I'll see you when you're only after that did I realized I only had him craft the rocket I forgot about the launcher it's okay though that just means we're going to have to research it on our own so while I crafted up Rockets pory went down into the train tunnels until he gathered up enough scps you go Lord damn okay hey launcher is researched and with the Rockets crafted the launcher researched we were ready to do our first raid but after searching around the area I realized there wasn't many bases around why well we'll find that out later the good news is that base I saw earlier when I first got on is still here and from what I could see they haven't expanded much besides adding a few turrets we prepared to gear up to head right over but before I could grab the Rockets I realized the sun was setting and raing in the dark on the middle of a lake in the snow isn't the best condition so I de deed to wait till the morning of day 24 to raid but just before the sun came up I heard the sound of rockets popping off the base we were planning to raid is getting raided right now and after taking a closer look there's two of them raiding one with the bolty watching while the other one raids and that bolty guy spotted us although that's not going to stop us from fighting for this raid hit the bolty three times and after hitting the bolty guy three times Porgy finish him guy seems have no plans to fight though he instead decided to just seal himself into the raid although that wasn't going to be enough we already had the Rockets prepared to raid in anyways so while I watched over the base pory went and grabbed some Rockets but just as he went to shoot the first one no way the Raider rocketed us but not before porgi got off a rocket himself and that rocket not only took out the Raider it also took out his bag so when I spawned on an outside bag close by I was the first one to make it back I think it's all open in here no yeah no I cleared 2C I'm going to I'm going to oh my God bro it is loaded as you could tell the base is loaded and I managed to seal it completely but the Raiders were already back and outside so instead of risking the loot by opening I respawned at base to grab a kit and fight them off at least that was the plan until I heard a mini flying in is that a mini yeah they're they're landing on the roof right now I'm going to try to that that was not smart I I don't know how many doors I left open the same guy that landed on our roof earlier is back and this time he's not alone and I may have left some doors open by mistake yeah no they're they're in the tower I prepared for this though by setting up kits in the bottom of each Tower just in case so I could use that as a flank but I had to be quick cuz this wasn't any friendly visit they were here to raid they're raiding us I killed one nice nice nice all right I'm kind of flanking one right now oh he killed me last one's 1 HP in the tower here I have here you taking AK okay all right I hit him I did him decent I'm dead I'm dead I was able to sneak up behind him and take him out that didn't feel like a real raid attempt they only came in hasm mats with a few stacks of explow ammo and after catching them outside waving at me it was all but guaranteed this was just a visit for information although in return it gave me a little information on them do you remember the raid I countered on day 13 well it's now confirmed that the guy that's been landing on my base is part of the same team that I caught off flying eyes on me you know the guys that I stole all that stuff from of course that's why they've been checking up on me so much these guys are 100% planning to raid me but based on how much they're checking up on us I don't think they're looking for an online so I need to get this base more equipped for a raid before I get off I started with adding lights around all my compound gates to ensure no one can build over although base upgrades aren't all I have to do because I still have the raid that I need to transfer all the loot out of so for day 25 and 26 that's all I did and once I was done with that I spent day 27 crafting and placing as many turrets as I possibly could to stop them from landing on our roof at this point El was going a little insane from all the wiring my ears but couldn't stop yet so on day 28 I crafted and placed an oil refinery more garage doors and upgraded the whole base to metal then on day 29 I set up Locker kits placed a ton of outside bags and waited for the raid but it never came and this is where I made a mistake L was getting on soon and I was extremely tired so I figured I could hop off cuz it wouldn't be long before she was on to watch the base but just as I closed my eyes I was woken up to this Tellies you need to get on right now I just looked on they're in our base they're in the cor right now you need to get on day 30 The Raid is here but I'm late and they're everywhere what the since L logged in Midway through the offline by the time I got on they were already in and already broke all my inside bags using the last few kits I have I attempted to fight them off but no matter how many I killed there was always more no way he just rocketed me like that if you haven't noticed by now this is the same group that's been landing on my roof scoping us out although this time there was a lot more than so many of them what happened there was like two or three of them before and based off how many players they brought you know they seen us as a threat even with us being offline so much so that they started to grief the base to stop us from re building no way they're griefing the base too are you kidding that would be enough to stop any normal group but not me it's only day 30 I still got 70 days left to get back at them I'm definitely not gone yet and they made the mistake of placing the TC in a spot where I can access it so after grabbing some pythons out of the turrets I destroyed it and with the start of day 31 it's time to repair this base and that starts with me getting enough wood for a new TC but while I was out I noticed the Raiders were still transferring loot and they just had their heli unattended let me fix that come on no way he didn't notice just took their heli well I don't know what else to do with this thing bye-bye have fun transfer now anyways I replaced the TC sealed the hole in the base with a temporary wood door and then plan to go out and get some wood to fix the compound but I noticed some guys were in my outer TC what the hell are these guys doing what they were trying to grief me although this wasn't the same team that just raided me who was it well after a quick look around my area I could make an educated guess this is probably the guys trying to grief me because with us gone they'd have the area to themselves unfortunately for them that's not going to work and after sealing the compound all that was left to do was take take care of the damage the Raiders did but they really did a number on the base by putting a metal wall and metal ceiling right in the middle of it but I'll deal with it cuz I'm not getting pushed off this server or pushed out of this base John Smith and all you little offliners I'll be back for you although it's going to take a bit of time to get back to where I was and so that it doesn't feel too repetitive I'm going to speed through these next few days day 32 I found forgi sleeping in the tower with an MP5 and using that MP5 as protection I wanted to work on securing key cards again I got a green card from oxom and use that to get a blue card from sewer okay ypp sewers is completed the plan was to run power and get a red but on my way over there I got a little distracted the first guy wasn't really a distraction though what really caught my attention was this oh and they were heading right towards me oh no they're right on [Music] me okay that's one that's another oh my god of course there's one more and he's suppressed bro I where's the ak ak thank you oh the last one's running I took out every last one of them and in doing so I secured a ton of materials two AKs and two jackhammers that are going to help a ton when it comes to Breaking the metal wall and ceiling it was just going to take a lot of time time that we don't have right now because on day 33 our new neighbors took heli we sure as hell didn't make it easy for them all although even with us trying to stop them they managed to make it inside with the heli Loop but not before we managed to steal a few of their guns and drain a ton of their resources like ammo and meds which really affected what happened to them next uh um no way that's our neighbors they're getting raided we tried countering but without a lot of kits and them having a huge raid base plus a bunch of players it was nearly impossible yeah the Raiders are already in I mean at least we don't have to deal with them anymore that's what they for trying to grief my outer TCS and with them now gone we could solely focus on getting back on our feet to help with that on day 34 Cousy gave me some orti and in return porgi Drew him a big shirt hey yo he didn't quite like it we also finished soft siding and fixed everything the Raiders grief then on day 35 I used one of the ores to do nothing besides Farm getting a ton of material but just like the problem we had earlier we've got a ton of of material although not much when it comes to components therefore Day 36 I've ran Arctic Arctic secured and power plant to get some quick scrap and comps using the scrap I collected I researched armor to get the ability to craft gear sets but with my lack of components I still can't craft them so on day 37 i instead crafted up an AK and went down into a place I didn't want to go the train tunnels I spent so much time down here that Not only was I down here for all of day 37 I was farming it for some of day 38 as well and after coming up at Outpost I recycled all my extra components I got and used that scrap to buy a mini then on day 39 after using all the sewing kits I gathered to craft up a bunch of gear sets we were pretty much back to where we were before getting ready hey our boxes are looking good on day 40 since all the sulfur I collected with the Ortiz earlier was cooked we were ready to do some raids well after turning it into rockets and using those Rockets I rided all the bases in our area but for some reason we couldn't find anything bigger than a 2x two it was like there was something stopping people from building in this area these bases are all so poor will this base had loot nope looking at the map I seen one base with their shop on and it was by no means close but maybe they're the reason and I haven't been down that far so I have no idea what their base looks like but after talking to cusi about it he told me those were the original guys who raided him when he first got on the server and there's a high chance they're the same group that raided me if that's so I'm going to stay away from their base for a while to stay off their radar cuz I still have some base upgrades to do and I got right to it on day 41 I replaced my main TC so it wasn't in the middle of my base then began work on setting up outer TCS along the entire IC leag I also began construction on another thing from my list a car garage if you can't tell why I'm lining the ice lake with TCS it's because I plan to add another layer of compound walls but it's just going to take a ton of stone and I thought to myself what can help me collect farm at a faster r a car with a storage module having a storage module on your car makes it so you don't have to Depot as often and since you're in a car you can get no to Noe even faster I just got to find a car Wait whatever happened to my camper I had day 42 with the mission of finding a car I set out riding the above ground trains until I could spot one I didn't realize how much of a challenge that would be though I traveled across the entire map before finding one luckily it was perfect and after a long drive home I finished the garage and added the store module to the back of it Moment of Truth it is done look at that beautiful little thing and on day 43 I went out with a Jack ammer to really see how useful this car is and it did not disappoint holy since I now have all the stone to craft the walls I spent all of day 44 crafting and then placing them but I still need gates to fully finish it I just don't have the gears to craft them so on day 45 I went down into the train Tunnels for the millionth time although this time was different I wasn't the only only one running it there's a train coming right at me there's another train no [Music] way oh my I whiffed I think I seen one run up here I took out not one but two separate teams getting even more Loot and after getting to out post and recycling I had so much extra scrap that I used it to buy another mini with that I scoped out my area looking at all the bases and there seems to be a fair amount of new bases being built up but what I didn't realize was someone else was scoping out the bases in my area too although it wasn't any of the bases I just looked at what base was being watched well on day 46 I found that out when the sound of rockets got shot off at cousy's base no cusy is getting raided and of course he's not on to defend it who's raiding him well I can only assume it's the same group who raided me because before I could even get out to help they were already watching my base making it nearly impossible to get out I can't get out when they're watching over here I finally got an opening and since I saw them flying in a scrap I made sure to be extra prepared by bringing an HP launcher the thing is I'm only going to have one chance at this because the reason I was able to get out of my base without being shot was because they're leaving right now come on come on yes oh my god the shot was insane but because of the new vehicle physics only one of the bodies fell out but hey one's better than none unfortunately cousy's base is fully rided but me countering at least kept them away from his farm and in case those are the guys who raided me I spent all of day 47 setting up Locker kits and placing a ton of shotgun traps just in case they came to pay a visit but when nothing came and day 48 started I took a look at my explosive box and realized I have more more than enough to do a raid so I went to go check out those new bases I saw being built earlier although there seemed to be a big fight breaking out because the two groups living here built extremely close to one another and if you can't tell the area is extremely active therefore raing around here wouldn't be a good idea so to kill time while waiting for the fighting to die down on day 49 ell and I ran excavator to get some hqm to upgrade the base although that isn't the only reason I wanted to come down here since excavator is in such a good spot there's a high chance there's some loaded BAS around to raid and after using all our Diesel and collecting all the hqm we took a look around spotting what looked to be the perfect base no turrets looks like it's completely made out of stone and it's extremely close to excavator so I Depot the hqm and waited for the new day to start and on day 50 I grabbed all the rockets and went over to Ray all right place your bets will this base be loaded let's see I was correct about the base being fully Stone now I just got to see if I was was right about assuming it was loaded if these are the drop boxes there is a high chance it is juice mag oh it's fully open in here oh nice and TC's unlocked oh is it loaded okay oh my God what the unfortunately this team turned all their sulfur into satchels but hey I'll take any explosives I could get and getting these Satchel alone made the raap profitable not to mention the rest of the loot in the base although it's not secured yet there's some counters that are attempting to make some moves so I sealed off the base and now I just got to deal with them they're persistent too cuz after fighting them for all of day 51 they showed no sign of stopping always one or two guys coming over with grub guns and ladders to try to steal our mini while one sat on the hill watching to ensure that we couldn't leave these guys are little Mad Men bro they're everywhere out here he's laddering up oh no your ankles they're broken but I have a plan to counter them and I took the idea straight out of Donald's notes I need to build a wall now with that done there's no chance of them seeing us take off so we started transferring the loot as fast as possible although with the base being so far from ours it took forever to move everything taking up the rest of day 51 and all of day 52 but now it's safe to say we're even more loaded than we were before getting rided I didn't forget about what I did to those guys earlier with the HP though they might be coming for revenge and I'm not taking any chances so on day 53 I upgraded the base even more with the metal I got from the raid and finally got around to finishing my second compound layer oh it is done it is beautiful I've done it besides a few things the base is just about finished although getting some more kits in case of a raid isn't a terrible idea therefore on day 54 I set out to use my explosives to try to raid for some I initially wanted to raid one of the nearby bases that I saw fighting earlier but after taking a look at them I realized they were both raided who could have done that since I already had the Rockets out I might as well raid something so I picked some random base I seen on the water and blew in getting everything inside and thanks to my car I could transfer everything home instantly then on day 55 kusie finally got back on and I explained everything that happened while he was gone but he let me in on a little secret there wasn't any loot in the base they raided besides a bit of up the whole purpose of the base was built as a decoy to B people into raing making them waste their Rockets there instead of using them on his farm and the whole time his Lo was safely tucked away in here kusy outsmarted the Raiders for now but I'm worried that they may assume that if the loot wasn't in that base that it's probably in the farm and come back later for an easy raid although it has been a while since they raided and there hasn't been any sign of them so they probably aren't coming at this point though I'm do for a break and Porgy just got on so while I'm away he's going to look after the Bas but before getting off I told porgi that he not only has to protect our base he has to protect kusie with his life and well let me tell you porgi was prepared to die because not long after me getting off they came back for that F I got one bad boy one B oh do bad boys that are in desperate need for [Music] banging um oh AK easy M to you bitchi made sure to keep cusy safe and guess who was raiding yeah the same guys who raided us the difference this time is there wasn't over 10 of them and we were doing the rocket pvping although they're definitely not going to be happy about what just happened but I sure as hell was waking up to hear the news and it was a great way to start off day 56 although I noticed a new base being built up not far away from us and since pory got all those Rockets from the Raiders last night I figured I should put them to use hello my friend can I come in does that technically count as the online raid oh my God I didn't think it was going to have anything this thing was poor where did this guy go oh oh oops the base was loaded with Farm poor guy though since I had my car I got everything out in one transfer run and for only five rockets and some explow ammo this raid was well worth it on day 57 since it was still early I was eating and chilling in base when something came out that's on my list to complete H oh you fat helicopter get your ass over here I want your loot oh my go down go down in the compound in the compound did it go in the compound oh Ellie complete now will it give us any oh C4 rocket armored door okay an an [Music] explosive great heli giving me two C4 rocket crates an armored door and an explosive we don't talk about that crate though I did want to finish eating my food though so for day 58 I sat around base eating looking over the base just making sure no one comes poking around after the heli tape but no one did well until day 59 but it was just Cousy and we had a conversation about something that was going on l26 on the map was slowly expanding their vending machines closer and closer to our base and it was a high probability that they're the ones who raided me but cusi explained to me that it wasn't just a High chance they definitely are the ones who raided me because on one of their vending machines they're flexing everyone they've raided and guess whose chords were on there mine l26 is where John Smith and all the other people who raided me live and now that I know for sure we could bring the fight to them but only after I do the last thing to fully secure my base and that's get some Sam site set up because when messing with a group that's basically 10 plus players it guarantees that they're going to be using mlrs rockets and Sam sites are the only way to defend against them although Sam sites aren't cheap costing 500 scrap each one but you guys already know by now wouldn't need a scrap train tunnels is the place to go it's just going to be a long trip I spent all of day 60 and 61 collecting all the components I could and after recycling I had enough scrap for three Sam sites and enough for a mini and on day 62 I flew home setting them up right away now the base upgrades are officially completed and it's looking beautiful but I felt like I can make it look even better it's just going to take a long time oh dude I got to make this base blue yeah I got a little carried away spending all of day 63 spraying my base blue but after seeing one side of it looking like Papa Smurf's cheeks I knew I had to do the rest although before I could finish heli came out and I wasn't just going to let it fly over there she blows and taking heli secured me another C4 rocket crate metal chest plate AK and some rifle ammo that honestly wasn't bad then on day 64 I finished turning the base completely blue and now with nothing left to do to the base I feel like it's about time for me to go have a look at l26 but on my way over there something caught my attention a camper with a storage module driving through the snow they've got to be loaded and after following the camper I seen I realized there wasn't just one camper but there were two why are there two campers going through the snow where's the second oh I tried fighting the guys off with my SAR but with them having respawns it was a losing battle I need to get rid of those respawns how well by breaking into their camper of course so I grabbed an AK kit and an HV launcher and headed straight back oh dude I doubt they're still here oh they are after confirming they're still out here I knew I still had a chance at this but it's not going to be easy oh dude that AK guy's above me I got I'm I'm shooting this and I'm I'm wrapping around there he is I got to make sure they can't drive away all right that should do the trck oh no I just died to fall damage since I died to fall damage they didn't know they killed me so it gave me time to get back and because of how fast I was iau them off guard and picked up a free kill although he wasn't the only one left and with those campers the one I just took out was already back too no he spawned in on the camper but using my Artist lovo as a distraction running up to them I was able to sneak right behind dude perfect I'm behind them now they're not going to know I'm here killed AK there's only one more kill the head with them now all taken out I just had to ensure they can't drive away so I grabbed the launcher off the body and hit the camper again can you get back over here quick yeah this could be l26 the camper may not be able to drive but they sure as hell can still spawn in it so I got to get over there and make sure they don't fix it and drive off but before that I dropped all my extra loot to loo just in case I died here here take all this then I finally went over I killed one trying to get in the [Music] camper oh they're fixing [Music] it here catch I don't think that quite worked for him I could destroy the lock I just got to clear the beds and after breaking the lock clearing all the beds and fully breaking the other campers they had no respawns left which meant all the loot is ours oh my God oh my dude it's so loaded so after repairing the unlocked camper we drove it right back to our garage securing all the farm and a new camper dude there is no way we just managed to do that oh my God now this isn't confirmed but based on their name and the direction those campers came from I'm assuming that is l26 there aren't many other groups that would be rolling around with two separate campers farming with that many kits at each one but Clans don't usually appreciate it when you mess with their farming and I already know by now these guys hold grudges and in case of a raid I spent day 65 prepping the base just in case setting up beds and crafting up kits for lockers although they never showed up them not showing up seems to be reoccurring at this point so on day 66 I finally made it a priority to go check out their base although I'm not just going to take the long drive down there to just look at their base I also plan to work towards completing one of my goals that I've been neglecting this whole time completing every monument so far I've done oxom sewer power plant Arctic giant excavator and large oil rig it seems like a lot Until you realize how many more monuments I have left to do although with this new camper it'll make do in The Monuments a breeze so after packing everything i' need I set off to l26 First stopping at Harbor Harbor complete and then finally taking a look at l26 yeah they've got a chy base I already assume that though because of how many people there were when they raided me but if I want to do anything to them I'm going to have to get a bit creative although first I got to run some monuments I ran train yard train yard complete abandoned cabins abandoned cabins complete Lighthouse oh my God Lighthouse mining Outpost satellite dish I have swept so many cards satellite dish complete junkyard junkyard baby water treatment uh water treatment complete Supermarket come here you fat pig yes Supermarket complete fairy terminal there's not really a card here but fa terminal complete Dome Dome complete and then military tuns okay these Elite crits are pretty shape I don't want to do this bro these scientists in here are so beefy okay okay all right I'm not going to lie oh a Tommy okay military tons complete at this point all I have left to do is Airfield missile silo launch site small oil rig cargo and Bradley but I'm running out of room in this camper so I went home to Depot and if you were curious this is everything I got from running all those monuments on day 67 I realized setup a farm base was still on my to-do list so I began building one on the ice lake with all the extra resources we have although after completing it I realized building it wasn't really necessary since kusie has become such a close Ally to the point where his farm is our farm at least uh we could say farm base complete kind of and speaking of cusy on day 68 he had a very important conversation with a familiar face and do you want to guess what they just told cusi they're quitting the server at least that's what they're claiming should I believe them well that would explain why they haven't retaliated after everything we've been doing to them something just doesn't feel right about this although there is one way to find out if they've truly quit it's time to prepare to raid l26 for the rest of day 68 and 69 I put together all my sulfur crafting up as many Rockets as possible and while I took care of that kusie went over to their base setting up a tower crafting up a bunch of compound bows and Flame arrows to take out the Sam sites then with the start of Day 70 we were ready to begin starting by taking taking out all their sand sites oh I got it it broke the last one broke then while in a mini we hovered over their base taking out all their turrets with HV rockets and once they were all gone we filled up with rockets and we were ready to raid guess who was sleeping on their roof John Smith maybe they did quit although it hasn't been long since cusi talked to them and if they're still awake with Russ plus setup on their phone once we start W in they'll get notified but I'm ready to take the gamble we've officially broke through the first layer and if they got the raate alarm they'll be notified now oh it's open oh my God so many heads they didn't despawn there we go now the other ones we've officially opened up their entire open core now we just got to make sure they didn't despawn oh my God no they didn't despawn it's all here it's all still here no way they just quit with all of this they're so loaded oh my God three m2s and almost a line of l9s what the hell bro there's oh my God these guys quit with not only a ton of loot but an entire vending machine filled with rockets the fact that they'd rather quit with the Rockets theyve farmed instead of attempting to raid us after everything we did just shows how scared they were of us but hey I'll happily take them all in case counters come or the base owners get online I had cusy grab all the rockets and Depot them while I watched over the base and after taking a closer look at all these boxes oh my box ofing AK this was the richest base I have ever raed fcking loaded dude how do you even get this much loot I noticed there were still some garage doors with boxes behind them so I blew in to check what was in them and little did I know this space could be even more loaded oh my god dude it doesn't stop all this loot is fun to look at but it's not safe being in here we need to start transferring so Cousy and I got right to it okay let's Depot everything in this box brother that's just one transfer run from me and two from cusy and we already have one box completely filled although there's still so much left to transfer and it's going to take a lot of time what I didn't know at this point though was time is exactly what we don't have oh I'm dead they're on they spawned in luckily it was too late for them and we already got out with all of their Rockets which made their blood boil calling us Bots claiming we were watching their battle metrics to offline them and so much more it's quite ironic that they call us Bots and offliners when they brought 10 plus people to offline my base and the only way John Smith killed me during the raid was with an HV rocket but hey if I just lost all my Rockets to two guys that have been pissing me off the entire wipe I'd be mad too he was begging us to come back and continue the raid but I knew telling him no would make him even more Angry what took me by surprise was what he said next though he let everyone know where we live and that we just all their Rockets turning us into the Most Wanted group on the server luckily on day 71 kusie explained to me that he had something that could help us in this situation a stash base it was originally intended to hold all his farm loot while he was off in case of a raid but now it's the perfect spot to stash all the Rockets okay show me how it seals and with them now all in a safe spot I want to go check on l26 to see if they fixed up their base although after getting a view on their base I realized the hole is still there and John Smith was logged off on the roof losing all their Rockets made him and his group officially quit and now we have access to all their loot the biggest and richest clan on the server has been taken down and it was by a solo that they offlined on day one and me I don't really know what you call me but me and cusy for the win at least what I thought was a win I didn't realize there was an even bigger group out there and because of what we just did we've caught their attention but for now they're not the focus what I need to do is get all this loot out of their base and over to mine I set up boxes in the compound to make the transfer runs even faster but no matter what this is going to take forever I spent the rest of day 71 transferring and Day 72 although I had a little mess up while flying oh no misclick anyways I got straight back to transferring spending all of day 73 transferring also but on day 74 our transfer run was interrupted oh there's a guy shooting at me right outside the base survive rest in peace mini who are these guys Me O RP a massive Zerg that makes l26 look tiny this whole time I had no idea they existed but looking through this wipe they've always been there I was just so focused on l26 now looking back this explains why there was such a lack of bases in my area and how every time a base seemed to get built up it was raided within a day we've been ring between a huge Clan and a giant Zerg and now one of the members of that Zerg is at my front door step in case they're planning to raid I put a bunch of the hqm we got into upgrading the base then started setting up towers around the compound because we still need to survive another 26 days dude this has the perfect view I finished up the towers on day 75 and while I was doing that loo went out and got us some new means of transportation because after what orp did our last mini didn't make it and using the attack heli we got right back to transferring loot although while I was transferring I noticed there was a garage door we still hadn't blown so I got right to fixing it oh it's boom more Rockets oh my god dude I am glad I blew into this for day 76 day 77 and day 78 I did nothing but transfer Loot and upgrade base and on day 79 I had the base finally cleared out all that was left was to raid their shops now l26 is gone but the Bounty they left on us for stealing their boom definitely isn't they announced to the whole server that we had all their loot making us the biggest target so it's time to prepare on day 80 we went on a huge recycle run getting even more hqm we had so many components that we were recycling until day 81 and using all the hqm I just got I crafted up as many armor double doors as humanly possible and set up kits in each Tower then finish the base preparations off on day 82 by spending the day placing TCS all around to stop anyone from building a raid base and with that now complete the base is prepared for a raid I just had to wait for it to come spending from day 83 to day 88 doing nothing but waiting for the raid although it never came maybe it was because I never got off if that's the case I have a plan that could draw them in but first I need to complete the last few monuments on my list cuz I only got 12 days left on day 89 I went over to Airfield completing that Airfield complet compl then missile silo which uh is about the most insane Monument ever dude this Monument should not be allow and underwater Labs which is definitely not so insane do not waste your key cards on Labs bro this is plus with the start of day 90 I took care of small oil rig oh my God small oil rig complete and cargo let's go cargo and with all those monuments now taken care of there's only one one left to focus launch sight although you already know who lives by launch o RP and I doubt they're going to be happy about me being around their base but this is where my plan comes into action on day 91 I grabbed a bunch of materials and traveled all the way to launch setting up a new base just outside of it I plan to use this base to not only complete the rest of my challenges but also as a way to wreak havoc on an area that they think they have under control and losing that control will definitely make them angry so after spending all of day 92 transferring over a bunch of supplies from Main base we're ready to start using this base to run the red key card although before I had the chance on day 93 someone started taking Bradley oh wait there's none of them by crates I'm going to get up on this crows this there there's one on cobal I I downed him on coall there's one below me I I killed the guy below me just loot the crates sadly this was an orp taken Bradley but hey we secured all of it bro we just moved in man we're going to get raided and since there's no Bradley right now I might as well run the red key card all right time to enjoy some [Music] radiation launch site complete baby well it's not completed exactly yet I want to take Bradley down myself still therefore I waed around for it to respawn although while I was waiting Loa was painting at Main base when he told me he started to hear some SAR shots outside but when I spawned in to check it out I realized pretty quickly that it wasn't any normal SAR shooting that's explo ammo you donkey oh my God there's like five of them in here I think I killed him I took out all the Raiders but this was definitely not orp it was just a few grubs feeding for loot why were they so interested in the lockers well probably because they raided all my Towers stealing the kits out of them that's why they were so interested in the lockers they stole the AKs yeah not my smartest decision but with them all taken out in the start of Day 94 Bradley should have respawned so I went over to take it all right Bradley's down now we got to just wait on orp although orp never showed up I got a completely uncontested Bradley when orp lives this close to launch site I don't know what's going on with them at this point but this launch site base seems like a lost cause I decided since they aren't active in the area there's no point to keep this much loot in a 2X two so towards the end of day 95 I flew over from Main base to start transferring the loot out but before I could even land the mini someone started taking Bradley they're taking Brad and this group seemed to have come prepared cuz they were all wearing night vision but that just makes them easier to see for me killed him although this time I wasn't here alone Loa was here with me oh I'm dead oh he was with me for a short amount of time dude this guy it's M2 for sure but him dying gave me information about who we were fighting it's orp this is the opportunity I've been waiting for it's the perfect time to get under their skin although I can't just sit back sniping forever they're going to end up finding me luckily I know know which direction they'll be running out of so I flanked around to wait for him I don't know if they got out I think there's still like one more on Silo yeah yeah yeah he's up here he's going to be coming down any second that's what you get oh wait there's another one is he not yeah I killed them all I officially wiped them all out solo stealing a ton of guns and kits from them Unfortunately they got away with the Bradley loot but hey taking them all out felt amazing although now this Bas is definitely way too loaded to not transfer the loot at it so for the rest of day 96 all I did was transfer and on day 97 using 20 diesel I ran excavator for as much hqm as possible just just in case of a raid at this point it would be crazy for them not to but we only have 3 days left I put all the hqm in the auto cooker and left that to cook while I went AFK on day 98 but while I was taking that break orp finally made their move to get those l26 Rockets oh sh they're shooting at us Sams yo I'm back what's going on uh they built a massive Tower huge Tower there snipers yeah massive Tower have they started rocketing yet n they're just shooting at our Sams right now what the hell is going on no dude so many Rockets bro what is what is happening while I was gone orp set up a massive raid base that has four to five guys inside with snipers just watching over our shooting floor and if you try to peek your head gets taken right off their job in that Tower is to do nothing but put us on bag timer drain our resources and take out our Sam sites so that the rest of their team can commence the second part of their raid plan a Non-Stop volley of mlrs rockets continuously hitting the base the second the Sams are gone to weaken the base and take out our compound this raid strategy is called The Siege raid a nearly impossible strategy to defend against when outnumbered by this much but it's only day 98 I still have to survive two more days to complete this Challenge and at this rate we're not going to make it but I didn't come this far to give up down knowing an mlrs strike will be coming soon to minimize the effectiveness I grabbed all the hqm in base and started upgrading okay the whole shooting floor is hqm now then as night fell I snuck out with a suppressor to attempt to take out the players on the raid base holding our shooting floor doing that will give KUSI lvo and L the opportunity to shoot rockets at the raid base to try to break in and it's working this could work guys I just need to keep killing them while you guys rocket but with how many Raiders there are it's only a matter of time before they start sending people out to hunt me and sadly they found me faster than I assumed they would no way they already found me what the now without me keeping them off their roof they got right back to making it impossible for us to use our shooting floor holding the base down completely until day break and on day 99 The Siege raid begins god dude one more day baby one more day come on that mlrs strike opened our entire compound and with a clear view on our base they started rocketing I got to seal this compound so they can't just Pummel the base oh fire I sealed another side nice under the pressure of everything going on I misplaced the last wall but I don't have time to focus on that one of the towers is about to crumble although while I focused the towers the Raiders noticed the mistake I made and started to send grubs in with the objective of grabbing any kits or guns that can get their hands on and running them straight back to the raid base to slowly drain our lockers dude they're sending nakeds in I tried fixing the mistake I made but it just isn't possible oh God it's too wide just like their mother I need to forget about sealing off the grubs for now and continue upgrading the side of the base they're rating from but I'm running low on hqm and as I went inside to get more they finally made their push to really startop raiding all right it's safe to assume they're on ground now I got to go stop them from rocketing before they breach there's so many of them on the right side I killed one I made it into the hemp face I killed another one dude they are surrounding I continued to take out as many of them as I could but it didn't matter cuz for every one there were about 10 more God they rocketed me dude what did I do to deserve this man look how many there are over here I got to spawn in and try to kill a few of them they're here for those l26 Rockets man I killed one get on what the heck is going on I killed another one bro I I I'm taking them all out right now I'm loading in it's going to be a minute though oh my God it just shot a rocket at me kill one k two there's an M2 guy shooting on the outside I killed two more killed the launcher guy what the hell is going on L just Seal Seal to the best of your ability these L just seal I'm killing them all out here all right no there was one more I may have gotten taken out but before that I killed so many of them that had to affect them raiding right no while I was distracted taking everybody out on the left side the Raiders on the right side breached into core and they were pushing into the base right now but I could stop him I killed all the people in the breach with the Raiders in the breach now taken care of I need to switch my focus from pvping to sealing the base I found ceiling mats on a body I got to fall but I can't fall all the way down nice get that bro two dead I got to just [Music] drop three dead four dead five dead how many are there I I have the base sealed the basee is sealed ni nice the base is fully sealed I managed to get the base completely sealed and now all I need to do is seal the compound and they'll officially be locked out but as I went to place the walls I learned something on on building block they put an outer TC with a Turret on it and they weren't done raiding yet but the Sun is setting right now all I need to do is survive this night and I'll reach day 100 although orp really wants to find these Rockets and we're running at the kids I don't think we have any more kits on the shooting floor give me the [Music] AK oh my God they're raiding again I'm dead but for some reason they only shot one more rocket maybe they ran out a boom with that hunch in mind porgi and I managed to scr up two kids and we went over to their raid base just as a mini was flying in I killed one the other one's lasered I killed raid base too they had to have been getting more Rockets no well I was right about them getting more Rockets they were here to level the base dude they're shooting so many Rockets guys I I think their Foundation wiping us all right I got a DB wait the sun is rising we made it it's 3 100 yeah oh they're not stopping though you're not done raiding yet though oh there's some loot in here let's go one more chance at this never mind they seen you yeah this is too far gone I don't think there's any chance of me winning at this point dude they got everything out of the base already we don't even have a core anymore yo yo yo yo yo yo orp dumped over 100 Rockets into this base for what I can only assume was them trying to find the 200 rockets that John Smith claimed we stole from l26 but they were never here you guys should know where the Rockets were this whole time safely tucked away in cusy stash base not finding the Rockets definitely did not make them happy and I decided to rub a little salt in the wound yo boys did you guys uh did you guys find any rockets in my base I forgot where I put them because of that they may have raided pussy's base looking for the Rockets but the base they rid just so happened to be cousy's bait base so they wasted even more or Rockets getting nothing orp did win the raid and secure all my loot but they didn't need anything they got from me they're a zerg they already have tons of kits components and guns what they really rided for were those l26 rockets and they got none of them so I'm satisfied with that even if I didn't win because what I did was successfully reach 100 days in Rust and in that time I accomplished so much and made one of the greatest allies of all my time playing the game and if you're wondering what I did with the Rockets well they did start to poke around the stash base after a while so i r in the ocean so long Rockets you will be missed hey if I can't have them no one can I was nice and I did offer to give them a hint on where I put the Rockets but they didn't seem to want to hear it all right guys I'll tell you where the Rockets are if you ask nicely whoa that does not sound friendly shut up shut up shut up you don't want to find the Rockets man be quiet Qui don't you want the Rockets I got all the Rockets anyways I hope you boys enjoyed the longer video this was a ton of work for me to put together but take it as a special thank you for 300,000 subscribers and also don't forget to try out War Thunder for free and claim your rewards with the link down in the description and if you like this video I bet your beautiful self would enjoyed my last video too so go watch it
Channel: JTeles
Views: 1,274,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust funny, rust gameplay, rust pvp, rust raid, rust solo, rust base build, rust clans, rust compound, rust funny moments, rust jackpot raid, rust movie, rust plays, rust pvp highlights, rust raids, rust solo infiltration, rust solo pvp, rust solo survival, rust survival, solo rust, solo survival, rust base, rust overpowered, online raid, living in rust, Online Raid, living on rust, rust update, 100 Days in, JTeles, Castle base, 100 days in rust
Id: va0ZtXyKmBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 19sec (5179 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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