Project Zomboid with Mods was a Mistake...

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so last time we played project zomboid it didn't go too well no we're killing we're killing you some relax relax Rel but this time this time would be different oh what the just happened oh was the Tre right there drink drink drink drink drink keep drinking make cannabis infused butter chocolate cookie dough gummies oh my God so first you know I had to get some drip oh my God I fin a d track pants no way yes yo look at if you can find me I'm all dripped out now so this is the place we spawned in and it was actually pretty nice it also had a fire escape which I'm sure won't cause any problems hey Robie did you are you actually ADHD Robie in the game in the game no in real life real life also oh I'm dead really Robie just died yeah he just died in front of me how did he die fell off buing here we go no what let's build water over my desk godam I got you a gift Robbie over here the boom box the I see what you're talking about look in no look over here near the frying pan something you really need they spelled ader all wrong they probably spelled the way they they say in their country like that's racist today our goal was to go find some food so we don't starve to death oh my God but you know what the first thing we found was drip shop dude I have a designer jacket on now what the [ __ ] Bing goofy ass jacket bro goofy [ __ ] you see what I'm wearing now here balling you're just a hater [Music] oh go back run no run oh my god oh oh my God I Tri Robbie I'm good I'm good oh my God he run Robbie Robbie Robbie behind you oh we got to we got to get out so this looting run was all right you know we found some snacks and stuff and then we were making our way back to the apartment until should I open in this car no are you high I also have the key for this car really give it to me well I need to look for it oh my God two hours later cover mate I mean can't take this long dude I don't I don't know oh I found it here I dropped it we should have just got the other car Angel this is a little to be honest why didn't we just get the other car yeah I'm not driving this it's not starting oh it's about to be 22 in like 30 seconds has no battery we have to take the battery out the van but we don't have enough time to do that this car is so fat oh no this is so bad oh we got to run dude we're not going to have enough time to do this [ __ ] ouch got to run home run run to to be night we got like 2 seconds so lit of night when we awoke the next day we were under attack by an unknown amount of zombies we're actually like under attack I don't know what to do there actually are a lot of zombies we might have to leave we literally can't yeah we can't [Music] leave where is he oh my God ah what's happening I get bit what's happening how many are there oh my god dude just hit them bro when I get bit I got bit I can't see what's happening close the door heal yourself he yourself heal yourself I'm scratched it's about to be daytime we just got to hold off till 6:00 let me eat some food close the door Phil I hear a lot of them out there I'm going to take my gun out what no I I realize why my character feels so tired I I ate sleeping pills you're going to have a you my adal I I do actually transaction complete time now oh my God what are you doing get bit you get bit you stupid fun oh another one another one oh there's three of them there's two of them D scared the [ __ ] out of me dude oh my God D you ain't SE no zombies dripped out like this you're right today our goal was to find a saw and a hammer so we could barricade this B up and something like last night wouldn't happen again oh lot of zombies oh my God a lot of zombies oh oh my god oh I found a uh Giga Mar oh that should be good I should be oh no go past oh okay come on Angel J Mark the Mars oh there's so much food here oh found a bag of flower tortillas so what I'll get that for you what do you mean get that for me Robin cuz you're Mexican I hear a hoorde I I hear a hoorde too oh sh there is a bunch of zombies coming in the back of the store it's only like six it's only like six six six six oh this guy's got a gun [Music] oh clear this place right lot of zombies guys lot of zombies get out get out get out trust me there there's a lot oh my God God get back get back get back get back get back push me again I think hand it it just pushed me again dude up Robbie don't look behind you Robbie I'm going to start screaming don't do it Rob I swear to God you keep on pranking me I'm going to start screaming look behind you dumb F there's nobody there look look [Music] look just turn around okay yep we got to keep on moving okay there you go uhoh where is it oh where is it in is it in here is it in here relax good so I can't see you're like hitting theing wall is in here I feel like something is attracting them here probably me oh my God that's quite a why does it have to do that that sound gone they're gone already one's coming one's coming R oh my God how many are there ah where is it is it in here yeah it's in here it's in here it's in here is it just cut I think this B is W oh my God you skip it hey you closed me out [ __ ] heal your fuing bandage yeah he got dirty bandage on it was it us dude all right what happened you griefed us cuz you had a dirty bandage on we've been fighting all these zombies it's not dirty it hasn't been dir I just cleaned it it was dirty We just cleaned it oh whoops I just took it off hey we actually get more experience at night Robia so we're leveling up our combat by this yeah but you almost got bit yeah I did almost got what does that mean you're saying that kind of weird here what do you mean we got something we got to worry about here got nothing to worry about all right oh crap don't run ah what the hell more coming guys be Rob wake up damn on me and wake up mother oh my God they're disappearing out of nowhere none of you guys are bleeding right have a dirty rag on you got a dirty rag on you [ __ ] I do I do I do I do you always why you always do this o I got a can opener oh my God that's amazing that literally is amazing oh I'm back home I ended up back home should I pick up some desert there's a saw in front of her house oh you need you need you needed a saw I had one really what he's been say I said it like 50 times oh I'm joking perfect [Music] oh did y'all break that no Robbie did Robbie did I'm a snitch Robbie sorry there a zombie [ __ ] wake up he's killing him for us I might be infected what do you mean I don't know how though stop moving I'm not biding I want to check what does it say you are you wobbling kind of weird I'm queasy I'm I'm agitated oh you're infected hey Robbie I got I got something here I don't know what this is though Robbie you know what this is on the floor [Music] yeah like that yep hey hey Robbie get the [ __ ] out of here leave me alone mother hey I I have the bong here Robbie what do you have oh [ __ ] that was my bong I put that there let me take a let me just take a hit Robbie all right you can smoke some of it you're you're a zombie you don't got much time left let's just smoke some that's true oh actually my bong already has has weed in it oh [ __ ] smoke up bro holy [ __ ] oh I'm queasy guys I'm queasy I might be a zombie I smoke some weed give me three bowls Robbie here you go oh my God were you trying to kill me take that hit Robbie take the hit God damn God damn you got to take some more off [ __ ] how high can you get in this game I know I don't see a high effect I think I think we got to do it more right yeah how am I still unhappy after taking all these hits maybe we need some painkillers oh what the [ __ ] just happened Angel what the [ __ ] what did you just do [ __ ] I didn't do anything you did something it's it's a bog dude what the did you just do I I I placed a bong down all of our shit's going to burn it's not burning smoke just a bunch of smoke oh we hot box it Robin oh can we stay in there then yeah that's it's running it's running out oh I'm queasy now I'm getting queasy I do have lemongrass do you think that will help us I that does sound like something that would help oh zombie zombie zombie Angel zombie zombie Angel zombie wait that's not real it's in the corner yes it is I'm inside come back inside and close the door no oh it got attracted the bong I think oh God damn it what' you do man don't worry I'm fine all right here someone take one lemongrass each or two if it does if this doesn't work then uh we might be infected all right I'm good I feel better now I do feel better too oh great yeah I feel better too Ang you want put you down like a dog I feel better I'm serious just roll the joint dude what the you get to explod us again so today was going to be exciting cuz we're going to take the car out take the car out on the wide open lands of Raven Creek make cannabis infused butter chocolate cookie dough gummies you in the store where are you I don't see you in here I'm in the can this is like a cannabis store where I'm coming out of it right now got weed in there I took it all a you [ __ ] all right I put in the battery can I drive yeah oh boy where we want to go angel I don't know we can't drive that way Robie that's where our base is well we could Pro I'm trying to just get on the road we already are on a road this is just how the road's going to look like forever oh better I [ __ ] up this car Rob I'm trying to avoid the trees a tree right there dude you you [ __ ] me we should have went the way I was going dude dude you need to shut the [ __ ] up we're going the way I said oh my God all right like you would know any better where to go I do know where to go tell me where then just keep going down there's like a road down south next to the gas station you have to take your left yeah left you to go take left this way no the other way go all the way back and then go take you can go through those trees to your to your right right there through the gas station oh my God the barricade there you can fit through that little hole right there oh my I'm dude we can't we're tracking we're going to track way too many zombies you got to get out I'm getting out bro you can drive if you want oh oh don't run me over all right let's see what you get got see what you got Vin Diesel see you're just trapping the tree down behind you behind you behind you oh no I can't even drive through here you got to back up you got to back up hold on there's a lot of we got to run maybey behind you just needs to get a weapon and help us I'm sleeping right now guess oh Robbie we just need to run all rob you ready to go loot before it's night time we're going to have like no time to loot we need we need some food we're going to get [ __ ] but I'm I'm ready we got approximately 10 minutes to loot it's like I am Legends robing except I'm Will Smith and you're the dog I wait does the dog die yeah oh there's a firefighter zombie here take his armor oh God we're about to lose a door what door what are you what are you doing dude you leave you alone for one second and and you CA catastrophe oh there's s zombies in the house got one more floor to loot we got to we're going to make this one quick dude we got to go now we got to make this one quick Robie why do you always love to rush it all right we got to go rob we got to go now you [ __ ] I'm leaving I'm leaving too no running right I'm running you're running I'm running you're such a fu I'm running I'm I'm running home dude so follow me to your right to your right huh got like 30 got like a minute left how many zombies are up here several I can't see anything oh I hear something was that sound my God yeah who's looking who who's oh Robbie wants to Robbie we can't hear you Robbie Robbie Robbie stop don't do this Robbie Robbie's going to kill me don't kill him Robbie stop it stop swinging oh no it is I'm joking my [Music] P my P guys I need to show you something if we uses I closed off the entrance to the base so we can only use a sheet rope now yeah so Angel just pretty much shoved a bunch of [ __ ] into the stairwell to block any zombies and then we just had to slide down this rope like a bunch of firemen all right I'm coming guys I'm actually really thirsty though hold on I want to get a drink I am quite thirsty myself too I used all the water to uh clean my clothes is that what you did I was wondering where all our water went yeah where did we park the car uh-oh that can't be good R should we run should we we need a I'm already exerted I can't fight much longer all right let's go in through the truck I on the key I'm like where's the key for this just run Robie just run I'll be able to get out just leave [Music] me oh I found the I found the keys I'm pretty yeah I found the keys they're in my [Music] backpack whose red wine is this I'm going to take it that's my red wine [ __ ] you take it I'll kill all of you all right relax you a blunt rob you I'll take one did y'all hear that or is that just me CU you smoking right right that is not y'all hear that right no I hear what oh what the hell what the [ __ ] was that it's schizophrenia I got we got I got some pills for schizophrenia in the thing should I not smoke all these plants I'm I'm in I'm fine oh we got a lot of alcohol on me come over here come drink with me why are we drinking see who drinks the most you die from drinking too much I hope not drink drink drink drink drink keep drinking dude de fast as I can drinking my last one over here we got to go to we got to find another liquor store right let's go go kill some zombies yeah it's night time why are we going out when it's night time enjo the beautiful view over here don't fall off I'm going to start screaming there there's my oh my God don't let him break the window oh yeah let's go back up before more come I'm going to die no I'm going what are you doing why did you go back down why did you go back down I'm back up I can't I had to jump down dude I can't even I can't tell what the stairs are I'm I managed to to escape them I'm going smash one of these bottles don't do it bro I feel like we need some excitement we just had an excitement right now I almost died 10 zombies came from a window and almost murdered me yeah but I didn't see that yeah so we were a little hung over but you know we still went out if I just laid around when I was hung over I wouldn't even be recording this right now I'm being a little nasty boy over here are you you there's a zombie I feel like coming up behind you I'm going to be wet I'm going to drink the water that I washed myself in that's disgusting uh there's a magazine here go through the other door you [ __ ] what do you mean you're walking into the wall no I'm not yes you are you're you're you're what are you doing what you what are you talking about schizophrenic I see you insane what was happening there man nothing happened I don't know what you're talking about all right good so and you attracted a freaking zombie my are you exhausted or sleepy Robbie behind you behind you Robbie behind you run Robbie run one of the zombies at a katana I'm calling it my God how many more are there dude we cannot handle more let's go find the [Music] [Music] katana [ __ ] we can get out here going to park in the parking spots for that can't be good oh I think he's at this he's at your barricade oh he's all way top I killed him but our barricade is broken I hear I'm panicked again oh that's not you oh there I feel it's still up let's go into the H the fing room you stupid [ __ ] uh my Char having a get to attack I'm heating up my M oh I'm going to add some soy sauce I'm going add some hot sauce add some salt oh this is going to be busting man you want some of this you hungry I'm a little hungry you go my friend it's all nice and seasoned I take a blun here real quick my character's being a little sad you know people out there they might be surviving we're in here we're thriving we're thriving we're chill we got BLS we got soy sauce hot sauce sausages I'm going to put on some music why you naked changes all I see racist faces that's you racist not for that so the next day we're going to venture out deeper into Raven Creek which I bet I guess is a modded map every game we play downloads like 600 mods it fills up my computer I got half a terabyte of mods installed bro oh my God oh my God there's a shot there's actually a ton of them Angel oh my God oh my God the weird looking Hispanic dude oh yeah okay I'm driving the the Chevy I'm trying I'm trying to cut down these trees over here okay hold on holes I'm trying to find the stairs okay I really left B uh Robbie we've got company where where where oh my run dude we cannot no no I'm not yeah I'm not doing this dude this I'm too tired trees trees trees show me Tre trees oh there's a chance for in-game noise to play for a gunshot and zombies will actually pretend oh my God I don't know why my character is so panicked right now holy crap I need to smoke a joint or something holy [ __ ] maybe we can sa the night in one of these what do you think Robie yeah we can do that there might be a lot of zombies in here though I don't think there's that many I don't know I kind of I kind of hear like sometimes sometimes you just hear things think this oh oh my God oh my God angel oh my God angel there's like 90 of them oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my God this guy has a lot of gear on that guy has a cure on him with the black suits a temporary here oh yeah anded up where'd you go you still in the same area yeah I found some edibles over here you want one Robin oh I just got bit really yeah you could use the yeah might not work you won't really find out so do I need to take it right now right yeah you have to take it quick you have to right click on it and click break it hopefully it works 20% chance I'm F you want to sleep sure oh yeah here here here eat [Music] this come here oh what are you giving me now couple gifts just for you man look I'm going to drink my second one here oh I can't even drink I'm too full I should just drink the rest of my at this point whatever right yeah [ __ ] it now I'm plastered in the middle of the city you plastered and I'm bit I'm going to turn on you any second turn on me any second now so just open the door and let them in so we can kill them I don't know they're going to bust through eventually right actually you're right let's just let them in many are there there's three and I killed all of them with one swing they're trying to break through again Angel really yes that's a lot of them oh my God Robbie we're not going to make it oh my God dead yeah he just Clips through them come back here I can barricade the door doesn't need a man I'd be shocked if we get overwhelmed who do you want to who do you want to put you down [ __ ] or me who puts you down Robbie um I think I'm going to go out fighting oh [ __ ] oh my god let's stand back let's stand back at our this door over here yeah where we can where we get in you barric there's so many of them they're here they're here they're here oh my God no no no no oh found a bag of a flower tortillas so what I'll get that for you what are you doing what do you mean I'll defend you cuz I'm already bit was the Tre right there dude you you [ __ ] me you should have went the way I was going dude you want some oh black oh my God oh my God are you fine Rie oh yeah I'm good you're good I'm going to go out there and die like a [Music] man I don't run you're you're attracting them to me don't worry AEL I'll draw him away I died did you actually yeah you dragged them all to me you just ran away from them they all started coming to me I just died too oh I'm the Survivor [Music] yep change it wake up in the morning and I ask myself life worth living should I blast myself
Channel: Robasaur
Views: 3,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid mods, gaming, funny, gaming funny moments, minecraft nostalgia
Id: Vy9oMUO44yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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