3000 Players Simulate Earth Civilization in Rust

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I like it how even the video stutters at 15 fps

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yko 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2023 🗫︎ replies

This video is dope af!!!!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Blitzzkreig_ 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2023 🗫︎ replies
in the biggest social experiment ever done  in Rust we gathered 3,000 players and put   them on a replica map of the Earth to simulate  civilization there are no rules or guidelines   for these players they can colonize countries  conquer territories or if it comes down to it   start world wars in this video you'll see  politics between countries at Daily United   Nation meetings Wars breaking out between  countries and continents and many different   types of governments forming as everyone has the  same goal in mind ruling the server so with that   being said said this is the rust map and all  these question marks will be characters that   will be revealed throughout this video that  play a huge role in the storyline of this   video there are 3,000 players throughout this  4-day event with 300 of those players being   content creators nevertheless I present to you  3,000 players simulate Earth civilization in Rust in the first hour of the event players spawn  around the world across all continents we have   North America South America Australia Europe  Asia Africa and for those who got unlucky and   had to start in the freezing snow Antarctica  why is it so damn cold and soon all players   would start to migrate to where they'd want  to permanently settle for this event but our   first character being introduced is in North  America specifically the United States and his   name is President brawo men you see this  land in front of us this is where we will   build our Capital now bral and his men were  the first group to secure the United States   land therefore self-proclaim braal as president  a strict but determined leader to make America a   strong unified nation in this event a rich and  non-divided Society where cities and Villages   could exist together we will do everything  we can to protect this land as it is ours   as president brolo and his men chopped down  every tree and killed every animal in sight   they'd soon clear out the area of where they  built the capital of the United States of America now building in America comes with  great responsibility because nearby the area   51 location is the mlrs monument a monument in  Russ where you can missile strike anywhere on   the map in the safety of your own home this  POS is a great threat to Every Other Nation   so president bra holds a lot of power  with this weapon in his country not too   far away from the USA however is their  neighboring country Mexico Mexico was   just getting their start to building their  country but president BR and his men saw [Music] this at the start of the event America was  already attacking the people of Mexico bra   feared that Mexico would also want control  of the mlrs monument and so the USA invaded   Mexico's [Music] land since this was  so early in the event and people didn't   even have guns yet bra wasn't worried  about other countries interfering with   this attack but this Invasion would be  the start of the America versus Mexico war and I spoke with President bra and his men and  they told me they were going to secure the country   protect our citizens and you know if anybody with  us we'll with them the only people we don't like   right now is uh the people down in Mexico but like  bra predicted the leader of Mexico Carnage doesn't   TR the USA having control of the mlrs weapon he  believes that Mexico should have control of it   since they're more trustworthy we've been fighting  the US this whole this whole time right we've been   trying to take control of abandoned military base  due to numbers we have lost it they went deep they   got like three rows of comps earlier it's nothing  we can't get back it's all good now this would   be a common occurrence for Wars to start around  the server people wanting control of lands it's   a huge advantage to settle your land early before  others colonize it so throughout the world as all   the other countries were doing the same thing  building up their land we'd see many different   kinds of leadership by country leaders for example  emperor of Rome Harvest who had a presentation   slideshow for his Roman soldiers with a detailed  ranking system within the Roman Empire now Harvest   informed me that Rome stood for uniform and peace  this is the Roman Empire we're in Rome gather   all of Rome together make this whole area a nice  uniform peaceful Empire and peaceful area and his   goal would be to keep peace within Europe since  all these other countries are building extremely   close to each other but the only thing that wasn't  peaceful was the team in the Middle East which   also happened to be where the best clan in Russ  was living Ot Ot over there they're causing issues   they're causing trouble they have so many people  in their group they're insane right now dude this   was team OT I've collabed with OT in many of my  videos and they're known for being a clan with the   best pvpers in Rust they've built in the Middle  East because there's four oil drills scattered   in this area which would make them Filthy Rich if  they controled these also the fact that OT stands   for oil team so it fits the name that they build  here I spoke with with the leader of OT tanza   fany hey tanza now OT was a big organization so  they had two leaders OT tanza was more of the   political leader where he'd run base operations  and negotiate with other countries while the other   leader OT dling was their War General this guy  is dangerous he doesn't care he wants violence   dling is leading the Rome team and raid team  they have been raiding teams they have been   killing and making people very angry so it was a  balanced leadership with one guy doing the talking   and the other does the fighting and already OT  dling was traveling around the world causing trouble oh my God oh my God that's a war crime  bro make something is a warme want to die war   never changes fancy war never changes look  into my eyes fancy think this is my first   war right off the bat I could tell OT dling  was a businessman he was strictly here to   rule the server and already express interest  in conquering Antarctica I'm going to check   out Antarctica man Antarctica get probably  loaded they got hella [ __ ] down there OT   dling believed the people of Antarctica would  be rich in resources because this land had a   lot of resource nodes you see in Russ resource  nodes spawn around more in the snow and since   this entire continent was covered in snow  OT dling had good reason to believe these   people would be rich OT wanted blood and the night  invasion of Antarctica was about to commence for them yeah he's de he's dead said OT landed  their boats on the shores of Antarctica and   began their night Invasion slaughtering  the antarcticans there was something on   this mysterious continent that OT was looking  for something they believed the antarcticans   were gatekeeping from the server they couldn't  find anything for now but their assault ended   when OT discovered a large base in the middle  of Antarctica and that's where they struck gold now since the map is the world I know what  you're thinking did someone build in North Korea   and the answer is yes of course someone did in  fact North Korea was being ran by a bunch of   YouTubers and honestly it's exactly what you would  expect welcome to North Korea get we execute our   civilians for fun my introduction to North Korea  was the Supreme leaders killing their people like   it was nothing and yelling at them to go farm  killing this guy oh my God oh my God everyone   in Bas get out there I have the arazi enemy  to all all will fall before us I don't care   who you are that is not K this man brought Tech  trash he's a hero of North Korea North Korea were   treating their citizens very poorly so it'll be  interesting to see how their society advances but   one group who hates the North Koreans is Yum  leader of Australia there's been a few pesky   North Koreans around we've kept them out pretty  easily the reason Australia and North Korea are   fighting is because of this Landmark the Mariana  Trench a deep trench far down in the ocean filled   with loot it's beautiful down here it's peaceful  perfect for exploration but the marot trench is   in Japan territory so I went to go speak to  the leader of Japan plumbus oh I like your   fits dude I like the Japanese armor like style  you guys are going that's so cool now Japan was   heavily secured with high walls around their  entire Island blubus the leader of Japan did   this to keep the violent North Koreans out of  his land since they're so close to each other   but these countries realized they needed to form  as one in order to protect the Mariana Trench so   a peace deal was eventually made between these  two countries we are in excellent terms now we   just if you actually I'll show you come with me  I I erected The Bridge of Peace between North   Korea and Japan we have we have made trade deals  I told them that they can use the northern Japan   island for resources in order to signify their  bonding North Korea and Japan formed the Bridge   of Peace so all citizens of both countries knew  there was Unity to write the wrongs of our past   I heard you guys are on Peaceful terms you know  with Japan and North Korea is is that true it is   indeed we are all North Koreans and so it was  confirmed with the leaders of North Korea and   Japan that there were peace in these territories  both parties agreed to share the Marana trench   as it would be more beneficial for long-term  growth it was the best option for both these   territories since they're located so close  to each other and together North Korea and   Japan would Thrive off one another North Korea  wasn't the only dangerous environment to live   in because up in Greenland ice glaciers prevented  people from building large bases but the people   of Greenland resorted to a bridge system in  order to cross glaciers but since this map   is so huge and thousands of players would be  joining throughout this 4-day event it would   be hard to acquire news throughout the server to  know what's going on how would someone in North   America know if there's a war happening all the  way in Australia well that's what the news team is for welcome to confusion news this is your  One-Stop destination for breaking news from   around the map confusion has dedicated his  responsibilities to provide valuable news   to the server the team goes around the server  collecting reports and confusion edits these   news episodes and post them in the global Warfare  Discord where over 6,000 people can be found the   news team has been on top not just with PVP but  with also finding groundbreaking news you guys   are under the protection of OT correct well yes we  are as you just heard the news team is also under   the protection of OT we don't know why yet but  some speculate this might be to push out OT prop   Ganda to recruit more pvpers for their Clan but  something was off with the news team when I asked   them everyone's relying on you no no fake news  all right of course never never never okay right   never we never do that no no never never okay all  right sounds good guys I'll see you have a good   time yeah you don't have to worry over back in  Europe the Europeans would quickly discover that   these living conditions were extremely difficult  and it would start to cause arguments between the   Nations well they shot at the first Arrow at us  when we all getting our base down the issue is   England doesn't have the resources that we need  so we do have to go out of this area as mentioned   earlier Europe is very condensed and the people  of the United Kingdom realized they didn't have   resources they needed which causes them to go  to other territories to farm and now everyone's   getting mad the only hope for a war to not break  out between Europe is in the hands of emperor of   Rome Harvest remember he vowed earlier to keep  peace in Europe uniform peaceful Empire and   peaceful area and since he has the largest army  out of all the nations the Roman Empire it's his   duty to keep everyone happy me and wium go to  Farmer Conrad he's all stressed out he's saying   that the UK are killing him over in Denmark were  peaceful Farmers providing food and resources to   keep the European nations alive but the UK killed  one of their farmers and harvest didn't stand for   this bullying luckily award didn't break out but  tension were becoming very strong in Europe yo   Conrad are you home Conrad it's fancy oh my God  hello fancy how are you doing man man we're just   trying to live at peaceful life here and just  Farm you know the way of farming but there's   a lot of guys roaming around and killing all the  farmers man Conrad and the farmers stood for peace   and all they wanted to do was help Europe get  through this Great Depression of low resources   and be able to feed the people in Europe you  see this this big water area right here we're   going to we're going to fill this up with farms  and you see this this flat area over here we're   going to have a nice roleplay Village we're going  to have a nice peaceful area where where people   can just relax and have fun but there was one  group who saw the farmers intentions and they   did not like this and they were not from Europe  either but they were the neighboring country Russia meanwhile I think it's  time to introduce you to a new   continent it's a beautiful piece of land this is [Music] Africa just like in real life this continent  is known for being rich and resources here   the players will find the giant excavator pit in  four mining Cory scattered around the continent   and there was one man who they called the king  of Africa and his name is Diamond kid Diamond   kid Diamond kid leader of Africa how are you  doing good friends welcome to Africa fancy   we're thriving here in Africa lots of resources  lots of food we have water Diamond kid informed   me that there were two parts of Africa South  Africa and normal Africa South Africa was very   hostile wants to colonize Madagascar a group of  individuals who changed their names to different   characters from the movie Madagascar and next  thing you know they say yeah you're friends   with Madagascar and they they shoot me in the head  oh battle for Madagascar is that true that's true   this is true so you are supporting Madagascar  but Diamond kid and the people of Africa vowed   to protect the island of Madagascar and stop  South Africa from taking more lands and with   such weird timing a desperate message was sent  out into the global chat from Madagascar oh my   God OT is on OT is oh my God OT is on their  Island oh my God OT is on Madagascar right   now guys oh everyone gear up everyone gear up  and go to Madagascar right now OT is attacking   Madagascar go go go I'm I'm going to go over there  go go go go go literally as I was speaking to the   king of Africa OT began attacking Madagascar  we already know OT is the biggest threat so   far on the server and as soon as I tuned in the  people of Madagascar were being ravaged OT didn't   Lan the War General arrived on their Tugboat  and sieged the entire Island similar to how   they did in Antarctica the Madagascar Island  has very minimal resources and the Primitive   Islanders couldn't fight off ot's heavy Weaponry  their people were being killed off OT was door   camping their [Applause] [Music] buildings but  fortunately OT realized there was nothing here   worth their time and soon would pack up their  boat to leave dling what what is your men doing   right now you're attacking the peaceful country  in Madagascar dling no no okay wait wait wait   sorry fancy we got to talk we got to talk yeah we  do need to talk here well thing about a fancy if   everybody was just Allied and everyone was just  buddy buddied up and just free farming them the   islands that'd be no fun that has to be some that  has to be some beef that has to be some violence I   mean OT dling makes a point this is civilization  people will continue to fight on this server and   this is just the beginning of it we're still  in stage one where every country is getting   established but soon This Server will start to see  more Wars as tensions around the world grow but   as for OT the world domination continued as they  sailed country to Country on their Tugboat looking   for their next victory first it was Antarctica  and now it was Madagascar who would be the next   victim to fall under OT with that being said it's  time to visit a new continent so I welcome you to   South America the biggest country by far building  in South America was a Brazilian community and   they already had a massive base built hello  hello is everyone home man my friend how's   it going fancy man I don't understand anything  you talking can you talk so L please now there   was a language barrier here we had to figure  out because these players were actually from   Brazil so English wasn't their first language  but luckily they did have a few translators with them fine we all we we own South America man oh  Brazil eliminating Brazil seemed to be thriving   in South America but Brazil had a secret  that no one knew about and that secret was   how deadly these players were you'll understand  later in the video but as night time settled on   the second night of the server there was a moment  of peace and silence as all the countries could   rest after a stressful day of building up  their countries but that peace wouldn't last long he had to run fast it was his only chance  of escaping a soldier from North Korea escaped   the dictatorship of the Supreme leaders and fled  to the Middle East where he met with ot to report   the war crimes that are being committed in  North Korea this Soldier snitched out the   entire country of North Korea explaining they  were killing their civilians and treating them   poorly and OT HT enough so hot dling and his  men arrived on the beaches of Japan to went   around the walls to start their attack it's a  good thing blumb emperor of Japan placed these   walls around his country because knowing OT they  probably would have attacked him as well OT made   it pass Japan and started shooting up the entire  country of North Korea to prove a point to the   Supreme leaders to not execute their civilians  the North Koreans started freaking out as they   knew they were outgunned in this surprise attack  what's happening what's happening my bu what's   really interesting however was how strategic  this attack was because in Rush the sun comes   up on the east side of the server which happens  to be where North Korea is OT perfectly timed   their arrival before the sunrise and cleared out  the entire country right before the sun came up   it was brutal watching OT Slaughter through  all these North Koreans but after about 10   minutes of attacking it looked like OT was about  to leave as they profited many weapons and armor   from this attack but the supreme leader porgi  would make a huge mistake that would backfire   immediately T this is your final warning if  you do not leave now I will fart all over your keyboards why would poor G say that that was the  ultimate disrespect to OT so they turned right   around and went back for round two but this time  they didn't show remorse OT immediately laded up   North Korea's base and completely took control  of their roof access and now the North Koreans   were panicking even more yo who's in the main  base who's in the main base if porgi would have   just been quiet none of this would be happening  but it got worse cuz one of the North Koreans   opened the roof access door and now OT had entry  to the entire base OT had control of all of North   Korea's loot inside their base all because porgi  was talking smack through the megaphone Antarctica   Madagascar and now North Korea OT was proving a  point that the Middle East nations were a strong   uniform country not to mess [Music] with with  all this violence happening around the world   with countries attacking arguing and going to war  it raised the question who should be the Defenders   Of Peace there needed to be an organization  to act as a police force to keep countries in   check and that was the duty of the United Nations  group also known as the UN the un's goal was to   keep peace between countries and resolve conflicts  happening the UN was built in Cuba and was already   constructing a massive wall around the perimeter  I met with muala who was the leader of the UN and   soon I'd meet with a massive team behind this  movement oh my God where did everyone just come   from so we're trying to be the peacekeepers of  the server and we are going to be hosting daily   meetings with all the world leaders now the UN  plans to create an assembly hall for all leaders   to gather in one building to resolve conflicts  through politics and discussion and once a day   all leaders of every country would join in this  building to discuss politics in the server but   speaking of politics we'd see the very first  Alliance made between two large Nations OT and   the United States OT tanza the political leader  of OT met met with President BR in the middle of   a desert and together these two countries had  an interest in combining their powers and uh I   think America can be a very crucial alliance with  you guys and I wanted to formally you know ask if   you guys would like to Alliance and I can make  it worth your while President BR was persistent   on alliancing with OT as they've been dominating  the server and could be a huge Ally in fighting   against Mexico America also has access to the  mlrs launcher which could assist OT in future   raids where bra could missile strike an entire  country both par could benefit from each other   only if negotiations go well uh okay yeah we  can defin we definitely always uh always need   something uh I would like to ask also like what  do you guys want their return let's say we you   know had you do a hit on someone you raid them or  whatever honestly all we want is the out of there   R explained the ongoing war in North America  against Mexico and he quite literally placed   a bounty on them yeah it's like a circle base  with like a shell and uh that's pretty much it   it's pretty bad do you need the name of the guy  the main man who's running that base who is it   um well I'll tell you he is a streamer his name is  Carnage he had a lot to say about taking our land   from us an agreement was made and now two large  and very strong countries were teaming together   the United States and OT realized the benefits of  teaming together and their first project would be   taking out Mexico so the us could have full  ownership of the mlrs launcher and 30 minutes   later it was happening again another nighttime  Siege the fourth VI them soon about to be Mexico   all right boys this is Operation dark oh Fancy  Fancy Fancy did you see the operation on North   Korea I saw it man I saw the whole thing bro BR  br's Team has been uh has been wiped few times   by this team close to them taking their Monument  controlling the military base that burlo wants   to obviously control so he ordered a hit he  promised us resources and good alliance and   uh anything we need if we go ra them this was  going to be a quick inter out mission for OT as   they arrived on the beaches of Florida to travel  down to Mexico the people of Mexico had no idea   this attack was about to happen but they soon we  about to find out OT arrived to Mexico and would   start to build their raid base only a few members  of Mexico were home so this raid would end very   quickly OT started raiding through Mexico's base  and a few soldiers from Mexico were fighting back   on the hill trying to stop the attack and take  back what was theirs but OT had too much control   of the situation and quickly shut down any form of  resistance Mexico's base was raided right to their coreas a very important deal was made on this  day of the event the United States was very   pleased of the work from OT and taking out their  number one competitor in North America president   BR paid OT off for their hits and now America  had full control of the mlrs launcher which he   could use to assist OT and raids this was a  mutual benefiting relationship between these   two countries which would give them a a huge  advantage over the world word got around on the   server that OT and America were teamed and now  every country realized the other key aspect to   this event creating allies it's not only important  to attack other nations and conquered territory   but OT in the USA demonstrated that you also  need friends on the server to [Applause] survive   welcome to Global News we're here to provide  credible and groundbreaking information we dig   for information that nobody else can find we are  Channel 9 Global News GL all right now and coming   back to the office we have territory updates  and base locations with reporter kezo thanks   for that big sexy today on the Territory news  several large countries have taken their places   on the globe OT have the Middle East in a choke  hole demonstrating their incredible and Admiral   skills early on in the event over in America the  USA is defending its territory against Invaders   Mexico and Greenland so far they've been led by  a Fearless brol in defending successfully and   just so you're not confused this episode just  came out right after OT raid in Mexico so now   you're updated that Mexico is no longer a threat  to president BR in South America there are several   smaller groups and a slow starting United Nations  in the north who are now Gathering some steam in   Australia so winter spotted living out of a wonky  Shack what it lacks in defenses it makes up for   in love Yom has been seen living the life on the  west coast and finally North Korea and Jaan going   to war watch this space as we hear trouble is over  in the East wait a second that's not entirely true   is it earlier in this video I highlighted North  Korea and Japan were actually on great terms   they even built the Bridge of Peace The Bridge  of Peace between North Korea and Japan uh so   North Korea and Japan do not like each other right  now it has been very apparent we have made trade   deals I told them that they can use the northern  Japan island all you have to do is just look in   chat and you'll see we are all North Koreans but  anyways that has been your daily news for today   you will see us later tonight maybe if you have  any news report it and make sure to add us in   chat everyone's relying on you no no fake news  all right of course never never never the news   team was manipulating the server into believing  false information and trying to control tensions   between other countries this was a malicious move  by confusion and no one knows that he's doing this   but it's a mastermind idea that could give him  an advantage in this event meanwhile checking   back in on Rome the Roman Empire was growing and  I was even able to visit their ceremony where I   witnessed several members be promoted within the  raking system one of these people being YouTuber   wium who is now the second in command of Rome oh  guys uh you may know me as Willie it's actually   may Will Jim guys what's up Harvest believed  wilum is the best representative to speak at   Future un meetings and help promote peace in  Europe but one thing I was curious about was   how Mexico is doing we saw them get raided early  by the US and then again by OT Mexico was taking   a brutal beating and so early into the event  so I spoke with Carnage leader of Mexico to   see if they were surrendering in this event  yo uh Carnage are you home yeah what up what   up what up I I I I hear enthusiam in your voice  and that's good but I saw what happened earlier   and I wanted to get your take on it man we just  got roam rated pretty that was that was unlucky   as hell so everybody started panicking and running  back and then and it was a it was a freaking mess   yeah the US ones are Le and we're not going to  give it to them we're not we're going to fight   for it this is our country we're going to defend  our country to the very last man yeah we're not   giving up man we're not giving up Mexico does  not give up no matter under if the whole world   comes against us we will fight until the last man  standing you you you are a motivation bro you are   awesome you are a great leader man it's going to  be a bloody war with America and OT man but you   guys got you guys got Pride here for sure even  after being raided twice even after suffering   tons of losses to America and OT Mexico was  not backing down Mexico was lucky to have a   courageous leader like Carnage keeping motivation  within his country Carnage let president BR have   the mlrs launcher for now but OT America didn't  just stomp out the fire of Mexico they poured   gasoline on it because now Mexico is pissed now  Mexico has a reason to keep fighting and they   will have their Revenge but OT wasn't bothered by  this in fact they had complet completely forgot   about Mexico because just like every other  country they've attacked they were moving on   to their next Target and that's exactly where OT  was heading right now Antarctica earlier in this   video OT attacked Antarctica and that's how we  were introduced to them but they were going right   back to finish the job they started but not just  to shoot up the place this time this time to raid   the headquarters of Antarctica is in the center  of the continent and it's the same base OT scouted earlier Antarctica knew this attack was coming  was Antarctica stream sniping possibly did they   get their Intel from another country also  possible I have no idea how they knew this   attack was coming but it was too late for ot to  pull out now they had to commit the antarctican   stormed on the roof trading shots with OT Clan  knowing that the most dangerous team was now   raiding them OT is Fresh Off raiding Mexico  and attacking numerous countries so they're   all warmed up OT was getting their raid base  going but since Antarctica somehow knew this   attack was coming they showed great resistance  right off the bat High walls were being placed   every for cover and OT was trying to establish  control at the front of the base and because   of those walls the antarcticans knew they had  to push up to attack OT deaths were everywhere   in this battle both sides were dying in this  massive battle but once OT started rocketing   Antarctica lost control OT was able to Siege into  the base and climb up the top levels preventing   anaro from using the shootdown floors but after  the long lasting fight OT did the same thing   they did to Mexico and eventually blew into  the core their base and secured all the loot   the snow in Antarctica was read after that Bloody  War but OT had successfully raided the Antarctica headquarters got some groundbreaking news  groundbreaking news watch now watch uh whose   base are we standing in right now airpods  OT has just completely wiped out Antarctica   otherwise known as earpods group according to an  OT member the reason for this raid is that the   leader earpods had stolen one of OT Liams base  builds a year ago was this trade Justified what   do you think now there was still one country who  had my attention and that was Brazil so I went   back to South America there's just something  so intriguing about this country because they   didn't speak English I wanted to learn more about  them and understand the culture they're bringing   to the server and I'm glad I met with one of their  translators because I was about to learn something   crazy happening to Brazil as you can see Brazil  took over South America and the whole of Brazil   as well obviously I don't know man we've been  betrayed by by we were really trying to be really   friendly in the beginning some people calling  themselves the UN striking first I don't know   how that works you know what sort of un this  say that shoots first and ask questions later   according to Kira here the UN was attacking Brazil  at first I was confused because the UN stands for   peace and are the Protectors of the server they're  not supposed to be attacking other countries so I   learned from Kira that Brazil has a president  so I went to go speak with their leader to get   more info on this the the president is is uh is  currently raiding 025 Northeast I asked juny the   president of Brazil about his thoughts on the  UN yeah yeah sure uh which my base come here   hey let's go so I heard you're the president of  Brazil is that true yeah yeah yeah I I I I would   like ra un but I think the meeting is good but  I don't know I could tell juny the president of   Brazil felt conflicted he wasn't sure why the UN  was attacking Brazil but he thought the daily un   meetings that will be hosted are cool he wants to  like them but it's very hard when his people are   being killed by them the UN was doing something  they weren't supposed to be doing attacking other   countries and promoting violence the worst part  about it though is the Brazilians don't speak   fluent English so it'll be difficult for them to  expose the UN on their corrupt actions but I went   to the UN to see if their allegations were true oh  I I I don't think there's there's I think Brazil   may feel the tension between us but I think we're  pretty pretty friendly with them you know we're   just uh trying to trying to find and trying to  get built up and trying to make some good stuff   but we'd like Brazil to come so we can talk it  out a bit more we're hoping we can squash as   much beef as possible but we were still fight  for justice there was just something off with   the UN on how they responded to my question he  basically confirmed that these allegations were   true and the UN was attacking Brazil Brazil and  the UN were on the verge of an allout war from   starting but over in Europe a new rivalry was  about to begin Russia heard about the peaceful   farmers in Europe trying to get them through  the Great Depression and Russia was wasn't going   to allow their neighboring countries to be more  economically stable than them this is the hashtag Clan the hashtag clan that represents Russia was  now raiding the peaceful farmers of Denmark and   it was completely unnecessary God the farmers are  being raided right now no no these poor Farmers   don't want to fight they just want to provide  food and resources for the people of Europe   but Russia was a attacking this base as if it  was the bank that had all the cash in it Russia   felt if Europe got through the Great Depression  it would pose a threat to them so not only did   they raid the farmers but they continue to run  through the European nations and attack all the   other citizens as an act of terrorism don't  deserve this oh my God that's that's messed   up that's messed up Conrad oh my God F has cled  us they raided us why why did they raid you why   I don't know I was telling them that this is the  weed farmers and we're just some friendly Farmers   but they didn't listen they didn't want to talk  with me now everything is gone now one person   who didn't appreciate this attack was emperor of  Rome Harvest we know his motive is to keep peace   between Europe so this was a wakeup call for him  this was also something Harvest intended to bring   up at the UN meeting in hopes that the UN would  step forward and resolve this but little does   harvest or anyone know the UN is also secretly  committing Act of terrorism to Brazil there were   too many Secrets happening around the world but  eventually they would be leaked but it was now   time for the very first un meeting of this event  where all leaders from every country would meet   together in one building for the first time the  UN created The Meeting Hall but since it's only   day one the roof wasn't finished yet but in future  meetings this building would be complete the UN   staff are in blue gear surrounding the meeting  hall for security measures so no one comes in   and assassinates a leader the UN also placed  beds for all leaders so that way no one could   bring bring a dangerous weapon into the building  that's also the reason why every leader doesn't   have armor it's all on Peaceful grounds thank  you and welcome to the first inaugural Global   Leadership meeting here in the United Nations  Assembly Hall together side by side we can   meet to address World conflicts and work together  for a better and peaceful world here's how the UN   meetings work Moy DOA who is the UN director would  go up to the map and call up a country to speak is   there anybody here from North America I think we  can all work together by making a peaceful world   I don't think war is really worth it so far the  first meeting was going well to fast forward some   of the boring talk most countries were wanting  to keep peace and looking good in front of the   UN and all leaders but things didn't get heated  until a group of protesters were being chased   by un guards outside the building and little did  everyone know one of these protesters would start   an entire War the UN sucks the UN is corrupt you  guys suck you guys suck that was the UN Moy DOA   the leader of the UN thought it was someone who  stuck inside the building screaming she couldn't   tell who it was so she killed the first person  she thought it was and do you know out of all   the people she could have killed it happened  to be the Vice President of Brazil now the UN   has been attacking Brazil all day one and the  people of Brazil don't know why since they're   supposed to be the Defenders Of Peace the only  reason why Brazil hasn't been fighting back is   because they think the UN meetings are good I  think the meeting is good so even though this   was a pure accident and muy doala thought she was  killing the mic spammer Brazil saw this as another   way to disrespect them and there were going  to be consequences for this there's more team   there's more teams anyone that's located in South  America you you guys kill mying Chad I'm going   you gift [Music] it Brazil had enough they were  tired of being pushed around in Silence from the   UN so they they got geared up that night to send  a message to the world that you don't disrespect Brazil it was pure silence when running  back to the UN building as these soldiers   knew this would be the start of the Brazilian  War there are a lot of pressing matters that   we should talk about and since I'm here  we might as well talk about it right now   Conrad can you come speak with me can you come  down here there's something very sad that just   happened we were all some peaceful Farmers  they didn't want to communicate and they   straight up raided our farm in our village #  Clan raided the weed Farmers raiding the the Scandinavians Stand Together  getting raided we're getting raided Brazil knew there would be  consequences after attacking the UN   but that didn't matter to them  the whole world would see them   as violent people but but in reality  they were just fighting back for their freedom all the UN security had to report back  and hold the Lions to defend their bases so I   po My Radar to see how many attackers there  were holy [ __ ] yep it's South America South   America's coming over to shoot everyone up  that guy was not kidding in the meeting now   Brazil didn't bring all their explosives this  was just a warning to the UN but now Brazil's   reputation was down the drain because  everyone thinks Brazil just shot up the   UN for no reason they were misunderstood  but they need to find a way to expose the UN well the next morning a new player joined the  server but this wasn't just a normal player hence   why he's getting his own introduction this would  be someone who changes the entire world and his   name is coconuty Koko traveled the entire world  through deserts mountains and Roads to find the   perfect country to settle in but it wasn't until  he came across a small humble town of only a few   villagers located in North America now although  this town was very poor and small in Koko's eyes   it was beautiful and he wanted to make this place  his home this would be the start of Aradia to be   honest with you we might have to up our town for  appearance level I feel like our town looks very   poor got to get more [ __ ] going you know we  I mean we I don't know like listen guys I'm   supposed to if I'm trying to be the president of  the United States of America I can't be associated   with a job sign is that a massage parlor that's  a massage that's your that's my house what the   [ __ ] wait that's my house what the I can't  live in a massage parlor guys NE we need like   solar panels and like irrigation and hyponic and  crops and stuff we got to get a water sorus we got   to get uh pigs we got to make this town stand up  we got to make it technologically advanced Maybe   okay um it's a far stretch but maybe we could  find someone to massage people and someone off   I mean that would at least attract some tourism  I got to do more meetings but we got to get this   town growing now Koko just mentioned something  very important Koko wants to take presidency   of the United States of America if I'm trying to  be the president of the United States of America   now obviously there's an issue because the fierce  president BR is already running the United States   bra has been attacking Mexico and creating  alliances with OT BR is Untouchable compared   to coconut Koko was a mayor of the small poor  town but it would be his goal somehow some way   to make it to the top and gain presidency of the  United States he was the only person willing to   stand up against braal and was already starting  arguments in the US me giving you the base was   me humbling myself to give you respect president  and you spat all over me with your men you guys   didn't trust me so this forced coconut be to  start a new war but this wasn't a country versus   country War this was a civil war I'm a this town  right here may appear small and humble but we're   looking to make a difference kokab B was quick  to realize the tyranny of President BR and one   thing he doesn't like is bullies some called Koco  the Savior that North America needed because this   entire time the United States has been under  strict Authority enforced by bra so kokoni   was the one to start the retaliation against  the authority this was the American Civil War coconut be officially started the Civil War  against President BR America was under attack and   the entire country was fighting in this Civil War  coconut be's town was quickly growing as he was   recruiting more soldiers to his side and soon he'd  have an army to go against bral would you like to   join the cause and join the movement yes there  was nowhere safe for this country every single   citizen living here was in war you could either  choose to fight for your freedom with coconut   be in the town of aadia it's either you're with me  or you're against me or standby with President bro   and keeping strict security of the United States  Koko was like Robin Hood he was stealing guns and   armor from the rich country of the United States  and supplying aadia residents to fight against the   US president bro was not expecting this to happen  as he was dealing with big problems like the war   against Mexico or sustaining his relationship with  OT so having to deal with a Civil War and losing   guns and armor was detrimental to his time but  this would just be the start of the American Civil   War a battle of a Small Town versus the United  States of America what you're witnessing is going   to be a birth of a Mecca it's all going to happen  right before your eyes but before day one ended   cokin B had one final meeting with the UN what  would happen if the US were to top one fall what   would happen then what would be your action from  the UN if you take an action we're going to stay   out of it Coco perfect okay I was a bit worried  that you guys were going to step in to uh absolve   this war that's going on uh in America but if you  guys were want to step aside and let me handle and   take care of business then in uh I guess in  12 hours time there will be a new president   that will be me the UN was doing exactly the  opposite of what they stood for instead of being   peacekeepers for the world they were continuing  to allow violence between other countries but   why why was the UN push ing for violence when  they're supposed to keep the peace on day one   we learned the dominance of OT as they raided  and attacked numerous countries while forming a   strong alliance with the United States of America  we know the US is at war with Mexico and the news   station for the server is pushing out fake news  North Korea and Japan formed their Alliance bar   at war with Australia and emperor of Rome Harvest  is struggling to restore peace in Europe because   the Russian hashtag Clan are attacking the  peaceful Farmers Antarctica was eliminated and   completely raided by OT and the Brazilian War has  started against the United Nations and we close   off day one with coconut bees plan to take over  the United States and become the new president   how will these issues be resolved will War start  to break out well let's see what happens on day two welcome to day two of global Warfare day two  would bring a lot more action to the server as all   the countries had day one to build up and farm and  day two we'd see more territory fighting politics   between countries and Wars breaking out between  nations and continents so let's go see what the   players are up to today up it was a fresh new day  which meant fresh new stories for the news team   and they were traveling to North Korea for  the next big scoop but remember North Korea   is not a fan of the news team because they were  blasted in malicious lies saying Japan and North   Korea were at War uh so North Korea and Japan do  not like each other right now it has been very apparent get that well what's been going on in happy Old North  Korea I want to call North Koreans they're not   slaving away hard enough hon well that's about  all we needed to ask all right play outro Costa   outro outro please all right everybody the fake  news media the fake news media North Korea wasn't   going to forget what the news team had said about  them and they weren't going to let them leave peacefully go you're the king no I'm the king oh  the North Koreans had the news team pinned in a   country full of people that hated them North  Korea destroyed the news van barely leaving it   functional but somehow the news team was able to  escape this would be a story that the news team   could use to their advantage but unfortunately  had to leave behind two of their reporters to   be captured by North Koreans moving over to  South America the Brazilians were ready to   prove their dominance the Brazilians had built  up their Community with a strong Unified base   and a peaceful flla in which they'd invite  other countries to hang out and enjoy the   beauty of Brazil but Brazil wasn't all sunshine  and rainbow because they were about to raid FY   Su ma looks like you're busy are you guys about  to do something where you guys going R I wish   you guys the best of luck okay I hope you guys  succeed okay Brazil on top Brazil on top good luck guys Brazil had Pride on this team but the only  thing that was bothering them was how the UN was   treating them killing the vice president at the  leader meeting and invading Brazilian territory   Brazil felt a little left out because they  didn't speak fluent English and they didn't   want to be disrespected by this and well a  base in North America was about to pay for that we're not a part of America we're  trying to kill them please don't do this   while watching that raid that's when I realized  how deadly the Brazilians were if Brazil doesn't   start getting the respect they deserve  any country could be next on their hit list I checked back in on Farmer Conrad who was  brutally raided by the hashtag Clan earlier in   this event and he seemed to be doing much  better we couldn't have done it without the   help of harvest and all the other people man  we are farming now we are back to farming I   almost gave up I almost quit fancy that's why  I wanted to talk to you man I wanted give you   that motivation bro and I'm glad you stuck there  I love you fancy meanwhile in the top of Africa   for some reason France was established there  and I was able to bump in out a conversation   with the France leader and president of the United  States BR how many people you got online right now   uh a lot like I think that we're full in team UI  right now we're trying to recover cuz we've been   we've been having some issues with Mexico all day  yesterday I do want to work out something you guys   and I can help you and you guys help me that' be  awesome okay okay now this felt like deja vu all   over again I think America can be a very crucial  alliance with you guys once again bra was trying   to make alliances with big teams to support his  war in North America we saw him alliance with   OT in the Middle East and now he's doing the  same thing with France bra was pinned in North   America with Mexico going to war in aadia causing  a Civil War and now the president realizes he has   to continue to ask for help from other countries  I'm glad that we could meet I hope that the US and   the French can work together throughout the rest  of this event I hope so as well I think we'll be   a great Ally to each other y yep yep yep but it's  seems bro had made another peace deal with the   king of Africa Diamond kid watch Jack hamers from  the USA doing trade deals we got 17 oil barrels   and we put them inside of excavator so president  BR had also made an alliance with the king   of Africa a very strategic one as the people of  Africa would Supply president bro resources since   their continent is very rich but Africa is still  at war with South Africa South Africa they walled   off um sua Cory and you know we don't even knew s  Cory so we didn't really care but like we kind of   took offense to that so you know the people of  South Africa have been w falling off Cory's and   preventing the rest of the people from using its  resources but Diamond kid is depending on America   to supply them with Weaponry to fight this African  War during negotiations bra promised the people of   Africa that they would have the support of America  in this war USA is our Ally what allies do they   they protect each other they support each other  and that's exactly what we're going to do I went   to the United States to speak to BR and there  I discovered their password system it takes so   [ __ ] long to climb up this base I'm Not Who  the fck can IAM away it's me bro what are you   doing what do you mean wait what's the code word  what's the code word what's the code word oh he   doesn't know code word oh apple juice apple juice  apple juice is that it is that the code word fancy   help meit someone's getting their ass beat down  there [ __ ] out of here all right Mr President   I need to talk to you man cuz I've been watching  you for the past 12 hours you seem to be very busy   you seem to one be having a lot of enemies going  after you and then two I see you you're having a   lot of meetings I actually accidentally walked in  on you twice having two different meetings today   this entire side of the world at the moment has  become sort of a Hot Zone for PVP there is a group   by the name of uh Mexico they've been trying to F  with us at any moment they can and they're trying   to reclaim their land I'm not even going to lie  I wasn't expecting coconut to beat a pull up but   I also more more so I wasn't expecting coconut be  to be aing rat man he was starting [ __ ] man God   damn that guy was a pain in the ass yesterday  but we we dealt with it we dealt with it what   do you oh wait what do you mean what how did you  deal with it well there's a little village in in   in uh i14 you can check for yourself and so that's  what I did I went over to Acadia and that's when I   discovered the truth the United States of America  had raided the town of aadia all of the buildings   were destroyed and looted it was now a ghost town  the president had ended the Civil [Music] War   although this was a major victory for president  BR his main Ally OT were unhappy with him as we   know bra placed a bounty of Mexico starting his  relationship with OT but tanza came over to the   USA for a meeting so obviously yesterday after  we did a Mexico hit for you guys after that we   wanted to go straight for Antarctica we were we  were expecting amas strike from but uh apologize   listen I know I know what you're going to say I  know what you're going to say now their agreement   was after OT took out Mexico the USA would have  access to the MLS launcher and could assist OT   in future raids remember when OT went to raid  Antarctica president bra was supposed to MLS   the base but he didn't OT was expecting a missile  strike from the USA during that raid but it never   came through all of the antarcticans were on the  roof and that raid would have lasted minutes but   instead that War lasted a full hour so OT tanzo  was not happy with the president breaking his   promises I apologize guys that we couldn't  help you in that situation and I'm telling   you this I would have if I could have I I wanted  to help you I did but I couldn't I just couldn't   at the time I I know you guys are working with  the news team closely and I think they are the ones oh my God not us not us not us not us  not us that's not us that's not US during   that conversation a soldier from Mexico snuck  in the base and assassinated both the president   and the leader of OT furthermore proving that  Mexico didn't forget what the USA and OT had   done to them on day one it's Mexico Mexico you  want to get sieged again oh my God OT is pissed   yo I have a bed but Mexico's combine bro oh holy  [ __ ] their bases are big enough I need I need   to update you tanza I'm not going to lie Mexico  has been really striking back so I went over to   Mexico to see how big they've expanded and OT  Tano was not kidding Mexico had expanded by a lot Mexico had four bases the size of br's main  base and a huge compound surrounding Mexico like   I said earlier OT in the USA didn't stop out  the fire when they raid Mexico on day one they   poured gasoline on it Mexico was back in this  event stronger than ever during day two however   braal sent one of his soldiers to conquer Hawaii  he would use these islands to help build a Navy   away from the mainland and to my surprise when  I checked back in on them there are a few new   residents living on these islands hello fancy  how's it going so yeah what's life been like   on Hawaii though there been a little bit of  struggle with resources but pretty good you   can you can blame this guy for that yeah whoever  made this map didn't put trees on here although   resources were very scarce on Hawaii they were  building a strong Harbor of tugboats and had a   Navy Fleet on standby for the USA you guys got  tugboats yeah we have four hey four tug boats   oh my gosh you have like a Navy over here this is  where president BR keeps all the USA's boats they   even had a hotel for any residents wanting to take  a vacation to Hawaii come check out my Hotel o   Welcome Hotel checking back in on North Korea the  ongoing war against Australia was going very well   for the North Koreans we took the first W uh we  just took a W at oil rig we beat Australia and we   got a free Scrappy from them look at that that's  theirs so has the war been ongoing with you in   Australia yeah it's been pretty consistent but I  did hear you guys assaulted the news team you guys   know anything about that edited footage you guys  hate North Korea North Korea was still angry at   the news team for lying about them in the first  episode we saw they rocketed the news van when   they were in North Korean territory so these two  groups were still unhappy with each other but a   new group was emerging on day two of the server  a very dangerous one this is Trappist [Music] stand this is a group led by YouTubers dirt  Rider and archam known for making trap bases   and they built in Afghanistan they have a horse  farm for unlimited scrap and they use that scrap   to buy helies and cause Terror around the  world we're the terrorist organization of   the server and we don't like anything going on  that wasn't approved by us if it is approved   by us we'll still blow it up this group is only  here to cause violence and with that being said   traan personally invited me to watch an attack  they were about to launch on Rome now Emperor   Harvest of Rome is currently constructing the  Coliseum for all Romans to enjoy fights and   giving away prizes for his soldiers but trapan  was about to launch an attack on this building   Harvest was just having a meeting with OT  Tano but soon his entire country would be   under attack we have like a ton of sulur just  dispers some the different villagers bases and   we also [Music] have trapan launched a massive  heli Siege on Rome shooting missiles down at   the Roman Coliseum helies flooded the air as  the Romans tried shooting back to stop this   attack some of the trapan pilots were shot  out of the air and the Roman Empire was on   Red Alert all citizens had to report back to  the capital and defend this National attack   but fortunately for Rome trapin had used all of  their rockets in the surviving Pilots flew back   home out of the 14 trapan attackers Rome only  took down five of them the national attack on   Rome shook the European nations and that's  when Europe realized they needed a stronger security but back in Hawaii these beautiful  islands were about to see its end as we saw   the peaceful Islanders had very little  defense and only a few residents living   there but because it's US Territory Carnage  the leader of Mexico was about to launch an attack a few of the Hawaii residents saw this attack  coming and were able to rescue the tug bus   from being stolen by Mexico but had to leave  behind everything on the island and Carnage   of the Mexican soldiers destroyed all of  it the Hawaiians aren't really a part of   the American versus Mexican war since they're  so far away and isolated from North America so   this is very low of Carnage to attack a small  group of peaceful Islanders but since bral   keeps America's tugboats here the Hawaiians  are automatically considered a part of br Navy Carnage was enraged that he wasn't  able to take America's tugbo and that the   Hawaiians sacrificed their Islands in order  to save the Navy Fleet so Carnage made sure   that Hawaii felt the wrath of Mexico after  all the fighting and the wars between these   countries this was Mexico's way of saying we  are back Carnage wanted to send president BR a   message that day and it was certainly received  did you guys just invade Hawaii is that what   just happened yeah yeah we're taking over the  US man we're taking back the land they stole   from us we heard we saw a couple videos of the  US telling ot to radios or some something like   that so yeah we're just getting payback on the  US man so there's no peace options at all like   it's just completely War like at all zero z0 z0  alliances with the US now although Mexico didn't   take any boats from the Hawaii Navy he ransacked  all the buildings and left nothing behind when   the word got out to president BR it was too  late and he failed to defend his people of Hawaii but with that being said it was time for  the day 2 un meeting where all leaders around   the world would meet for the second time this  was an opportunity for all leaders to discuss   their issues and present them in front of the  world and obviously a lot had happened so this   would be a very crucial meeting world leaders  thank you so much for coming so we're going   to go around and see if there's any pressing  issues that anybody currently has if anybody   wants uh to take the stage for a moment oh all  right going Carnage is it true I saw a video I   saw a video that you told ot to raid us is that  true his name is Carnage so he ordered a hit he   promised us [Music] resources I cannot confirm  or deny that is it true that you raided a bunch   of innocent farmers and role players ERS along  the entirety of the West Coast of America did   you guys just invade Hawaii yeah we're taking  over the US man yes I raided a bunch of [ __ ]   talkers at least if we raid we raid them ourselves  we don't ask for help to raid somebody is there   going to be peace between USA and Mexico is there  anything we can resolve Time Zero peace all take   a seat take a seat how's Hawaii how's Hawaii oh  oh that that's personal now is the time to speak   up would anyone else like to go to the center and  address an issue against another Community yes me   I have with the news they're spreading propaganda  I even have proof spreading fake news about North   Korea I don't think the Daily News Channel can  be trusted anymore we came to North Korea to   visit on business and we were attacked by  your villagers you're the king no I'm the   king Western capitalistic lies come uh come Rus  [ __ ] huh before I begin my message I'd like to   tell you a bit of a story my name is coconut b i  immigrated over to Alaska with a future in sight   I then met president brol who promised me a great  future in the American dream work hard he said   get paid taxes he said I called president bro to  which he did absolutely nothing he doesn't care   about us I think the fact that Mexico comes into  our country makes me believe that this man is is   not fit to lead nobody respects president bro and  his passive aggressive ways of dealing and leading   I would like to step up to the stands and become  the president and the leader of the Free World   let this be a warning sometimes conflict must  take place in order for peace to prosper [ __ ]   president Bro [ __ ] the vice president we need  to make America great again so far the second un   meeting was going well many of the countries were  able to discuss their issues and some were able to   resolve conflict but no one realized there was a  group group in the building that wasn't supposed   to be there and that was the trapist stand leaders  Trappist stand wanted to make their presence known   on Day 2 and the whole world was about to find  out we're the terrorist organization of the server and we don't like anything  going on that wasn't approved by   us if it is approved by us we'll still blow it up my name is Willie you might also know me  as wi let us remember our shared humanity   and unite in the pursuit of Peace  we can rewrite the narratives that   bind us let compassion and Justice be our  Legacy we are all capable of greatness in   this room come on guys let's lead  with love not hate thank you very much how do you know how did you know there submarines coming run run [ __ ]  run trapist leaders somehow snuck into the UN   building With Grenades and started blowing  up the leaders throughout the world and it   looked outside after the missile strike hit  and the heles were flying over bombing the   UN buildings please please oh my God we need  counter this way now oh my God I need to call   my team I need to call my bring here right  now bro on this day of global Warfare the   entire world learned the danger of trapist  many of the world leaders were assassinated   during this attack in the UN failed to provide  security and protect the people the attack on   the UN was heard around the world that  day I'm good I'm good I got it I got it after that un meeting I posted an announcement  in the global Warfare Discord because tomorrow on   day three a very important event would  happen on the server this is the video   that was broadcasted to all the players if  you're listening to this message I need your help somewhere random on the map I'll be  locked in a building with guards it's your   goal to free me from this building and escort  me back to your main base I'm going to have a   live tracker on me so anyone on the server  can see my location moving on the map and   will be attempting to do the same thing as  you if a group dies and fails to escort me   I stand still waiting for the next person  or group to come grab me I'm not allowed   to transporting helicopters cars horses or  trains everything must be on foot now why   do all this what's the point well the person  or group that successfully escorts me back   to their main base will receive a nuclear  bomb and this is what it's capable [Music] of the person who wins this event will be the  most powerful person on the server and has   the capability of wiping out anyone on the  server instantly this is the only nuke that   will be on the server so good luck and so it was  official the entire server now knew that a nuke   would come into play that can wipe out any base  on the map the players realized that tomorrow   would be a massive day and every country needs  to go for this nuke as it holds a ton of power   but the only person who seemed unbothered by  this was was coconut B cuz he had something   else on his mind remember last night president BR  raided the town of Acadia so Koko logged onto his   server with nothing and well he knew the only  group on the server who hated BR just as much   as he [Music] did Carnage Carnage nice to meet you  oh yo yo what up what up I see you're doing great   things with uh Mexico I'm very uh yeah you like  it yeah I love it VI Mexico listen to Carnage I   understand you guys have a personal affairs with  uh with us and the president right now is that   correct yeah president I think he's a piece of  [ __ ] we're based over in uh i14 right now at   aadia we have a small town I'm thinking it' be  a real shame if we uh we merge right the capital   together be a real shame I'm down to do something  with you and your people I guess we can keep a   keep a contact for now and keep each other posted  on what's going to happen but you guys decide to   attack us just know that uh you have the support  of support of Arcadia negotiations went very well   for Arcadia and Mexico these two groups formed a  deal because they both had a common enemy but as   this was happening things were looking very  bad in Europe the Russian hashtag Clan was   raiding the peaceful Farmers again I toed right  into attack and the farmers were not happy this   time all right guys there will have to be a war  now we don't let this slide but all of a sudden   there was a resistance emperor Rome Harvest vowed  there would be peace in Europe and he was not   letting the Russians get away this time Rome and  Greece stormed over to the farmers base to stop   the raid on the farmers because Europe could  no longer let violence enter their continent   and it was working Rome and Greece had pushed  back the hashtag Clan to Russia and stopped   the attack on Europe but this wasn't enough for  Emperor Harvest he wanted to make a statement to   Russia and so Harvest gathered the entirety of  Europe alongside with OT do you remember right   before trapist attacked the Coliseum Harvest was  meeting with the leader of of OT Emperor Harvest   had convinced OT in negotiations earlier to help  raid the hashtag Clan because if Russia kept   attacking the European nations they'd eventually  start attacking the Middle East and since there   are ton of oil drills in the Middle East OT  wasn't going to let that happen and so the plan   was complete and all parties knew what they had  to do and you know who tried to raid the farmers   and who tried to take everything from them it was  hashtag Clan trying to make a peaceful Nation with   Farmers they not only raided us once they raided  us twice yes for the farmers okay this is for the farmers we'll we'll probably raid slow like don't  think it's going to be a Pummel or anything any   enemy kits that you get just take it back to  your red base instantly Don't Panic if they're   like pushing out and stuff this Li 50 of us just  be good fors Roman GRE would stay in the back with   the raid base and OT would be doing their Dirty  Work pushing in raiding through the base it was   an obliteration now the hashtag Clan knew but  it felt like being bullied by the bigger fish   and experienced the same treatment they been  giving to the peaceful Farmers when you have   the best clan in Russ raiding you along with  Rome and Greece two massive countries there was   nothing the # Clan could do in this raid would  quickly be over the hashtag Clan was officially   removed from the server and peace was restored  back in [Music] Europe over back in America a   new war would begin today would be the downfall  of president brao in the United States because   earlier today two groups who hate brw merged  together Mexico and aadia you guys decide to   attack us just know that you have the support of  Arcadia Mexico wants their revenge and coconut B   wants presidency this was a two versus one battle  take control of that Tower Roger that we'll take   control of that Tower we're going we got it we  got it there was a giant Tower overlooking the   United States and br's men were positioned there  Mexico soldiers couldn't push in because of this   Tower so Carnage ass signed coconut being his  forces to take it over team we're going to take   that wood Tower to our East laders right here  because because this Tower overlooks the entire   Battlefield this would be a crucial point to  control take that that Tower boys go to the   tower meanwhile Mexico were building up their  raid bases and preparing for this attack the US   soldiers realized they were outnumbered here with  two countries attacking them so president BR made   a quick call to even the odds go go there's a  huge team in our town like a 20 from our town   side town are youing serious it's not getting ra  it's not getting ra they're just pushing through   it they're going to flank Mexico right now the  French were Now in America and they were coming   right to the raid to support brolo this was  no longer a battle now this is a World War all   right no no we got to fall back we have to fall  back we need to fight that team we need to fight   that 20 man go to Mexico they're going to kill  them we saw earlier today BR make an alliance   with the French I think we'll be a great Ally to  each other defit and he had called them over to   help America because BR didn't have enough men  to win this war coconut be had to cut them off   to prevent the French from reaching Mexico go go  go Mexico Mexico the 20 guys coming for you what   direction what direction they're coming to the  raid we're going to hold for you from high 14   we'll handle them on my marker red marker all on  the Rock but take them out here they are that's them take them the [ __ ] out charge in let's go  France wasn't expecting the cut off and their   men were dying left and right the admirable  leadership by coconut be allowed him and his   men to prevent France from reaching Mexico  to stop the raid on brw so it left France   no choice but to fall back and Retreat out of  America they're far back aadia had pushed back   the French soldiers and now could return back  to the raid on President br we took them out   let's go back to the raid boys mission [Music]  accomplished returning back to battle leader   of Mexico Carnage was able to take control  of the tower but he needed reinforcements   badly because he was stuck up there alone  te let's go let's go let's go on [Music] me America was now taking heavy damage the  Mexican soldiers were now able to push up and   start rocketing the base America had lost a lot  of momentum now that they realized that France was   leaving their country and not able to help the USA  Carnage yeah come up here I'm up here I took over   the tower I'm coming I'm coming how we doing how's  Mexico doing good good good we we took out a 20 man look come here I'm going to  leave you I got to go back with   my team destroy these bags okay destroy all  these bags all these We Will We Will We Will   [Music] cage believe it or not that's when  this raid took a quick turn and now aadia   Mexico would start to lose momentum because  America still had one more Alliance to call in get out get out get out OT arrived in North America now president BR  wasn't alone you see OT had just finished raiding   the hashtag Clan before this raid so they were  already geared up weapons ready to go and left   Russia to immediately go assist president bra  no one was expecting them to pull up and worst   of all OT landed behind both of these teams so  now Mexico and aadia were the ones pinched in   the middle what's going on possible fight from  the south oh my God oh my God there's a 50 man   coming from the south it might be OT it might be  OT they're here to counter us for OT this would be   an easy In-N-Out job all they had to do was cross  the road and Flake Mexico and with coconut being   and aidia stuck up in the tower there was no one  in their way to stop them they had full control of   the situation holy holy there they're all there  they're all there holy [ __ ] they're going for Mexico they're rocking these mother these  mother these Traders Traders and that's   when Koko realized it this battle was going  to be lost OT managed to get behind Mexico   and stopped their attack and president BR  was able to secure his base in the night   time thinking back it makes sense why OT  would arrive in America for this world war   OT and America established their Alliance  by raiding Mexico on day one and earlier   today we saw a Mexican Soldier assassinate  the leader of OT so oil team was more than   happy to crash this party on day two of  global Warfare BR demonstrated that having   allies in this event is a huge factor and  he owed them a lot for saving his ass today [Music] [Music] and as the war in North America was  concluding over in Africa a new one was about to start you see the people of Africa were still  being tormented by the group in South Africa   South Africa was blocking all the cors  and preventing ing their own people of   this continent from accessing valuable resources  Diamond kid the king of Africa had no choice but   to go to Australia for help and they were ready  to assist the people of Africa and together they   signed a treaty to Alliance to form as one  to raid South Africa in South Africa from   day one has been f with us f with us all  and we will not let that stand who's with me this was the battle for Africa 60 minutes later after a long fought battle Africa  and Australia failed to raid South Africa dead   bodies were everywhere as the people of Africa and  Australia felt defeated leader of Africa Diamond   kid made an alliance earlier with the USA so they  could help him with this raid but they never did   Diamond kid then realized that President BR left  him in the dust and let Africa fight a losing War us is our Ally what allies do they they  protect each other they support each other and   that's exactly what we're going to do Australia  was the only group willing to help Diamond kid   but since everything was so rushed and America  didn't send Africa Rockets this unorganized raid   was doomed from the start South Africa would  continue to take over the rest of the continent   and would continue to control all resources in  [Music] Africa on day two of global Warfare we   saw a lot more politics between count countes  which led to more Wars happening everyone is   starting to make alliances now as people realize  it's crucial to thrive on this server but day   three tomorrow would change the entire event as  the hostage event will take place in the country   that wins it will be receiving a nuclear bomb that  can destroy any base in seconds tomorrow would be   a very stressful day for [Music] everyone welcome  to day three of global Warfare tensions were very   high today as the hostage event would be held and  one country would be obtaining a nuke a nuclear   bomb that can destroy any base in seconds so with  that being said let's go see what the players are   up to today once again it was a fresh new  day which meant fresh new stories for the   news team except they were about to get a story  in fact North Korea and Japan were heading right   towards the news team to raid them ever since  day one North Korea and the News team have been   beefing this entire event because confusion lied  about North Korea in the first episode but the   thing that did it the most for North Korea is  what confusion said in front of all the leaders   at the UN meeting yesterday think just come uh  come R Us [ __ ] huh well North Korea took that personally North Korea and their Ally Japan  completely obliterated the news station and   finally put an end to the fake news spreading  on the server over in North America day three   for them starts with an important conversation  with President BR and coconut B hello president   hello president this is uh the big man C be  speaking C speaking we need to have a talk we   need have a talk Mr President how can I help you  Bravo do you love America I love America that's   why I want that's why I'm president coconut B  yeah but Bravo who made you president who made   you president I mean Koko makes a point bra kind  of self-elected himself as president and there   needed to be a proper election we've had a lot  of turmoil we've had a lot of Bloodshed I think   it's time to call for a ceasefire and I think we  should have a reelection and whoever wins should   become president let's let America decide who they  want to lead we should do a reelection we'll have   a poll and we'll have everybody have their notes  we'll have a mailbox and we'll have a person that   is third party running the election I think I can  agree to that BR raided aadia and coconut be tried   raiding the President yesterday the only way peace  would be restored in the USA is if there was a   fair election and so kokonut be met with President  BR and his men to discuss how they were going to   hold this election and right off the bat there  was argument because this election could easily be   rigged and no one wanted that would considerably  rigged if it was not in Discord shut the hell up   not even involved all right I'm putting myself  involved I decided to step in because there   needed to be a third party running things and we  couldn't agree on if the election should be held   in aadia or the United States Territory so both  groups agreed on a coin flip if coconut B wins   the coin flip the election would be held in aadia  if president bralo wins the election would be held   in the United States I'll be blue I'll be blue  let's fancy or spin it or you spin it you spin   right guys Coco is blue and BR is red this is  for home field advantage here we go good luck boys One Clap USA USA USA USA roll oh all right  that is for coconut B coconut B is the winner it   was Now official kokona B won the coin flip and  the election we be held in his territory giving   him HomeField Advantage have your men STP their  sets let's do this thing we'll be there we'll be   there at morning okay sounds good we'll prepare  for you guys see you guys soon make America great   again welcome to election day it was a very  crucial day for the Americans as the voters   piled into the election building after all the  fighting and the wars between these two groups   it was the first time both Acadia and the United  States sat down together on Peaceful terms both   sides understood that America would drastically  change after this election and so we separated   the voters on different sides and it was actually  looking like it was going to be a very close vote   there were an even amount of people on both sides  so one by one we begin to count the votes Cowboy   you're good silver back good a coup you're good  Darius you're good P you're good Darth you're good M everyone line up for Bravo J  super bombar devil you're good   next up next up Eclipse you're good  the voting was over and now it was   time to reopen the building and bring in  all the Americans for the final [Music] reveal thank you all for joining the election  today you all have casted your vote for a good   cause this was a very close vote the winner won  by two votes the winner and your new president cut B coconut B had done it Koko was now the  newly elected president of the United   States I am the new president we will make  this country Again country again America is   now one America is now one presid br will be  my vice pleas and we have merged that's one   it [Music] start after the election a new UN  meeting was scheduled with all the leaders but   this would be a very important meeting as it  would be the last meeting before the hostage   event one of these world leaders would be  obtaining a nuke later in day three and a   lot of leaders feared if OT got a hold of this  nuke everyone would be in danger it's it takes   like 10 seconds and your base is gone it throw  they throw it the nuke comes down it's blown   up it's it's gone it's vaporized okay it's  dangerous we need to take control of this   thing we all need to bend together okay if the  main concern is Harvest holding on to the nuke   how do you all feel about the UN holding  on to the nuke absolutely not absolutely absolutely everyone in favor of an  emergency meeting after the competition later but during this meeting vice president  of Brazil TDY wanted to speak up about the   unjust ways the UN has been treating  Brazil because remember the UN has   continuously entered South American territory  attacking Brazil without anyone knowing every time I don't you I want you to take I throw the  right here because I don't I don't like you and   don't trust you when you is bad why don't you  trust us what's your you qu killing my people   on South America every day s they start we  just let everyone shoot us and do nothing and   not have any resources just want to talk and  you shoot my people every time I try to talk   like here I got killed the first day the second  day I don't have voice Brazil don't have voice   in this event now this was real this wasn't the  Brazil leader role playing Brazil actually felt   like they were not being included in this  event no one cares about bra speaking you know you have a voice but here yeah but my people  are chilling in the fava and you and guys call me   to fa and shoot everyone I think this is a  personal issue I think you guys hadle this after Brazil was complet completely ignored  and swept under the rug remember all the   leaders think Brazil are violent people and  are lying because they were the ones who shot   up the first un meeting but little does everyone  here know toddy is speaking the truth and the UN   started this war the UN were the ones secretly  attacking Brazil but once again everyone excused   Brazil and they weren't able to expose the UN  but there is one country who did listen in the   background there was one country who recognized  that Brazil was being treated unfairly here and   they were going to change that there was  complications with the nuke some leaders   decided they wouldn't use it if they got it  and many others said they would but coconut B   remembered how OT screwed him over during the raid  yesterday on bralo these Traders these Traders I   think I could speak for everybody in here when  I say oil team this isn't a pup server this is   fancy orbs charity event these people form their  40 Man groups with their 10,000 hour players and   they think they can come in here and Bully us  like they do with all the other servers I say   no I ask every country of the world to join me  and getting that nuke button and eliminating OT   off the server we must restore balance in this  world if you stand with me you stand against   violence and against bullies World readers come  to the center if you say down with OT this entire   event OT has been the villains of the server  attacking every country without resistance or   punishment Madagascar North Korea Mexico antar  IA Russia and Aradia the world leaders realized   it was finally time to come together because quite  frankly that was the only way OT could be [Music] defeated take your stand and Bre aad [Music] I'm all right what's up guys we're at undisclosed  location because we got raided news team got   raided sorry that won't happen again all  right into the news so uh coconut B has   won the election over former president bral  and now he leads the United States of America   uh congratulations to president coconut B uh  he now owns America and another shocking news   story Harvest is gathering all the W leaders to  raid OT this is going to be the biggest battle   of the century we got a bro you want to Nuke  us we get it we get it what you say man you   want everyone to vote and you want everyone  to vote OT so they'll nuke us also we can't   forget nuclear war at 8:00 p.m. EST be there  or be square it was 1 hour before the hostage   events all countries were getting geared up and  ready for this allout war and just to give you   a recap this is how the hostage event Works  my location will be somewhere random on the   map no one knows where yet a country must break  me out of my building with guards and escort me   back to their base whoever succeeds I give them  the nuke but because my location is live on the   map everyone on the server will know where I  am and everyone will be attempting to do the   same thing it's less than 1 minute until the  hostage event starts I've placed myself in   the top right of Russia a very abandoned sulfur  Cory far enough away from all the countries the   admins for this event are my guards and there's  five floors with guards on each level once the   guards are cleared any team can grab me and start  escorting me away it's nice to have absolutely no   cover like do I use the stairs hey guys have fun  bro there's someone coming guess I'm coming I'm   first I'm first sit down kid so far it was quiet  it was too quiet for now only a few stragglers   were pulling up to the escort base but we  knew the entire server was making their way over oh there oh my God L to 10 oh my God scared  you're going to die oh my God boys oh my God two   10 there oh yeah people are coming Get Ready  Get Ready guys the early birds who got to the   base first were getting established around the  perimeter no one wanted to be the first one to   push in but they wanted to be the first to  claim their spot around the tower everyone   was making carefully calculated decisions as  there was only one shot to get this right yep   first fl's gone first floor is gone all right  first floor's gone second floor you're up oh my   God a new huge team oh my God whose team is this  uh okay OT is here boys OT is here it it is it   is OT it is and an honor to serve a long time  OT arrived at the event and was now eyeing out   the building France was the only other country on  the opposite side so OT was here very early and   that's when OT decided to push into the building  first and this could be very bad for all the other countries thir floor oh i r all you're mine let's go where we going where  we going boys let's go take me out let's go get   me out of here get me out of here boys OT was the  first team to capture me so this group must take   me to their base in the Middle East this was not  good for the rest of the world but we still had   to somehow get out of this building alive we're  going back to ot's base we're going to the Middle   East all all all tell me when we're tell me when  we're going I'll stay here we got to hold it we   got it we got Melo Melo you're my main guy I'm  following we're going to your Bas me I think you   got me first so Melo I'm following you okay okay  you're going to follow me at this point everyone   was feeling the pressure including ot looking  at their body language they had no idea how to   escape this building alive as all the other  countries were slowly surrounding the base   and that's when OT decided screw it we're just  going to send this let's go let's go go go go go follow me follow me the entire world could now see my tracker  moving live on the map and since I announced   who took control of me the server knows it's  OT on the move this is what every country   leader feared OT winning the hostage event and  receiving the nuke the world leaders needed to   act fast or else we'd be in the Middle  East in no time OT wasn't alone in this event at today's un meeting Brazil felt  like their voice wasn't heard so OT said   hey the whole world is against us too  why don't we team up together OT and   Brazil formed as one to win the hostage event  all 100 of them created a pink and colorful   kit and surprised the World by teaming  together min mini 130 in the sky in the sky okay okay thank you for saving me with OT oh my God oh my God we're being  we're being bombed we're being bombed   oh my God follow me follow me follow  me oh we're going to get cut off we   weren't just about to get cut off though  we were about to walk right into a trap   we were about to run through traan  we're about halfway there guys holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're in Afghanistan territory oh [ __ ] we're running into  landmines guys you brought us to a land holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God yeah Snuffy I'm I'm with you Snuffy I'm with  you Snuffy Snuffy I'm following you this was the   first miscalculation OT made in the event and  everyone was freaking out not knowing what   to do we had accidentally ran into trapist stand  territory and now we were stuck in the middle of a Minefield the war why why' you bring  us to Afghanistan boys what were we   thinking what were we thinking go to  the road go to the road go to the road   and that road was exactly where trapin  wanted us to go because now they had a   clear highway to bomb us from the skyf  road don't CL together you're going an   H me don't CL together don't CL together  holy [ __ ] go them down shoot all the [Music] minis oh OT was losing a lot of members  from the landmines in the air strike   attacks but there was still a solid core  group escorting me at the front and at   this point all the world leaders realized  they couldn't catch up they had to cut OT   and Brazil off instead we're almost there  boys we're almost home we defend our base   oh shoot I think they might be jump something  El in the hill we're winning in the [Music] hill we're B ambushed oh my God we're being  ambushed I'm with you Snuffy I'm with you   Snuffy's down where do I go where do I go I need  someone to tag me I need to be tagged all right   Liam I'm following you Liam I'm I'm on you Liam  Liam you got me you got me Liam where are we going   Liam so dead who am I folling all right June June  June got me June got me time follow me let's go   I'm going I'm going go the open the door open the  door let's go open the door get in get in let's go OT and Brazil had done it they had won the  hostage event and we now about to receive the   nuke juny president of Brazil was the final  person to tag me and bring me in ot's base OT   and Brazil had formed as one group and since the  first person that tagged me from the group was an   OT member juny was allowed to bring me to ot's  base since they identified as one J oh my God   Jun come down here man come down here you were  the the last person to escort me and you got me   inside the base looks like Brazil and OT teamed  up for this to use ot's base so but you are the   the owner of this nuclear bomb now I like to  go over a few things with you so I'm going to   give you the nuke you can do whatever you want  with it you can give it to another person you   can give it to another team oh my God it's a  smoke grenade so wherever you throw it that's   where the nuke will drop an aircraft will come  in it takes like 45 seconds and it goes boom   everything everything everything in the area  goes boom but yeah here we go June here we go that is the nuclear bomb in your hands oh  oh my god let's go congrats guys congrats and   after that juny the president of Brazil handed  the nuke off to OT which was a great amount of   trust considering this is a brand new alliance but  this would strengthen the relationship between OT   and Brazil but could handing off this nuke to OT  be a mistake on Brazil's end we're going to find   out today remember I hate youan youan I know  you guys you guys here I hate you I'm coming mother oh [ __ ] now OT winning the hostage event  was the worst possible outcome for everyone else   on the server the most dominant group now had the  most powerful weapon on the server and The Vibes   were very low on day three and I'm not kidding  this was a very dark day for the event because   that nuke was the only hope of defeating OT  and now that opportunity is gone there was   only one other option for ot to be defeated and  that was for every country around the world to   team up and raid OT at once if all countries  could combine their powers together and raid   OT before they use the nuke it's the only chance  the world has at stopping them which brings us to Antarctica you see Antarctica invited  all the world leaders to meet on this   continent everyone thought that Antarctica  was eliminated out of this event on day one   because OT raided them and it was reported  on the news but little did we know that   Antarctica was still playing and in the  background they were preparing for this   moment to get their revenge on OT Antarctica  was in the background this entire time staying   hidden waiting for the perfect moment to  strike and now was the time it was like an   Illuminati meeting the strongest leaders coming  together in a very private and secluded area   to discuss one of the most important events  that will change the direction of the server [Music] representatives from the United States Rome  Australia Greece Mexico the UN France Antarctica   North Korea and even Tristan had to form a plan  on how they were going to raid the strongest team   on the server yeah OT needs to be removed off  the server I think uh a strategy to raate OT   is really simple all of us come together at the  same time we all mobilize our units is one and we   push back OT forces as we move in we all set up  our raid bases next to each other while we cover   each other when all the raid bases are set up for  all the world countries we merge raid onto OT and   Foundation wipe them get him the off the server OT  is a threat to everybody on the server okay they   are a group of the best pvpers in Rust they're the  best clan in Rust has been proved multiple times   in multiple different fancy or videos they can  take me out they can take you you you cage maram   they can't take my ass I'm buil Different built  different so everyone should prepare everyone get   kits Rockets whatever you can bring as much as you  can to this raid yeah I mean if we just all Pummel   in from different sides OT won't be able to do  anything but what matters is all of us are there   at the same time and we're all using our Firepower  to push OT back if we go separate they'll pick us   off we can't let that happen we can't give them a  chance we won't even let them breathe that's the   point of numbers right guys 2 hours and 39 minutes  from now okay perfect. agree gather Rockets gather   kits gather as many people as you can and so the  entire server went to work that night 2 hours and   39 minutes 2 hours and 39 minutes to craft as  many explosives prepare all weaponry and each   country to assemble their soldiers for war which  now brings us to Rome emperor of Rome Harvest   completed the construction of the C ofam invited  all leaders in their armies to come together for a   speech the final speech before the biggest raid in  Rust history and so slowly country after country   poured into this massive building and equipped  blue armor the color of trust and loyalty in   order for this raid to work every country must  put their differences aside and trust one another   with their Rockets weapons and ammunition as all  the countries arrived in Rome the speech for the   biggest raid in Rust was about to be given this  was a beautiful moment in gaming history not a   single person in this room tried messing up this  moment to troll or killing everyone with a grenade   everyone in this room realized how big of a moment  this is for rust hello world how are you all doing   today on this fine day it's quite simple everybody  we have gathered you all here in this Discord in   this server to bring balance and restore purpose  in This Server as I look out into the crowd and   I look into the eyes of all these metal face  masks I look in your eyes and I see ambition   I see purpose I see determination and it's with  that same energy everybody we are going to take   out oil team and we're going to decimate them off  the server I am with you and you are with me they   have the nuke but they don't realize we have  the atomic bomb we are the nuke my f take let's go let's go let's go [Music] OT knew this attack was coming and gave  Raiders respect meaning when the first   explosive goes off that's when the raid starts  and that's when they'll start fighting back a   very honorable move by them but little  did everyone know this was just a buy time go ahead [Music] over you see vice president bro didn't go  to that raid in fact he stayed in America during   that speech as he looked around the country of  what used to be his land taken by coconut B in   the election and now Coco was giving the speech  for the biggest raid taking the spotlight you   see that was supposed to be braw but then he  remembered he owed a favor during the Battle   of America braw was saved by OT and stopped Mexico  and aadia from raiding the US OT was there for bra   when he needed them the most so he was going to do  the same for them all of the loyal soldiers under   bral's presidency stayed back with him and refused  to fight with coconut B BR may not have presidency   but he's sure as hell had loyal soldiers BR  was going to betray the World by doing this but   he wasn't the only team about to help OT because  Brazil was right there doing the same thing I mean   Brazil and OT work together to win the nuke how  could they not OT tanza told both of these teams   exactly where to meet in the Northern parts of  Africa Brazil and bra's men didn't speak the same   language but they both understood the assignment  Brazil we are with you stop that's what is [Music] this Brazil where's BR where's br oh come on what's up  BR right here oh how's it going I little   bit confused right now on the same side yeah  meanwhile at the raid all countries had built   their raid bases and were in position seconds  away from rocketing this will be a new record   for Russ for the biggest raid in history there are  200 Raiders 50 Defenders 100 players from BR and   Brazil about to counter there are appr imately  350 to 400 players all at this rate but for OT   this was not good because the nuke is somewhere  still in this base hidden in a small locked box   this base is going to be destroyed no matter  what but the only thing that matters is finding   this nuke three two one let's walk with that Bo  out boys let's go I will find I will find I will   keep figh it on till the end I will fight to live  I will fight to live I will fight until the day I again come on let away changes in the airide make I feel the worldall was backing down the W down [Music] the ot's base was being destroyed there was  nothing they could do because of the pure   amount of rockets hitting their base a giant hole  was made exposing all of ot's loot which allowed   Raiders to start pushing in all of the countries  were looting ot's loot as a form of payback after   all the times OT has raided and looted them one  of the Raiders were even able to break the main   TC in ot's base we have TC we have TC destroyed  TC destroyed at this point it looked like OT was   going to lose but when nighttime hit things  started to changed because Brazil and bra's   men came to the raid and that reinforcements was  helping I saw the man braal himself with my own   two eyes and there he was at the top of ot's base  with his former American soldiers shooting down   at all the Raiders because of that night time  and Brazil and bra's men coming to the support   of OT they were slowly able to repair the base as  the Raiders couldn't see in the darkness and by   morning time all the countries would run out of  rockets and this raid would be declared [Music] over [Music] on day three of global Warfare OT  proved why they're called the best clan in   Rust bra paid back the favor he owed to them with  Brazil standing by their side a massive wall of   ggs were sent in the chat that day because  although OT defended The Raid against the   entire world history was made un rust today  and that was something that everyone could acknowledge [Music] now despite OT stealing  their base there were still hundreds of players   pouring into the core of their base looting  their boxes breaking TC and getting out with   tons of weapons OT still took a massive hit and  lost tons of loot from that raid but did someone   loot the small box with a nuke that's all that  mattered is did someone get the nuke but after   that raid the server needed a restart because  the amount of action that took place in one   area and unfortunately this is where our story  ends for coconut B there was nothing left for   Koko to accomplish I mean just think about how  Grand his story is he started in a small humble   town of a few villagers we got to get this  town growing to go on to lead the American   Civil War it's either you're with me or you're  against me to then being a general and leading   the Battle of America T winning the presidency  of the United States I am the new president and   finally giving giving the speech and commanding  the biggest raid in Rust history let's rock with   that clock out boys let's go and so with 20  seconds left until the restart Koko spent his   final seconds with the very people who started  this thing with him surrounded by the soldiers   of Acadia hey good meeting all of you guys man  hey it was a godamn pleasure fighting with you   guys man it was a godamn pleasure everybody  bye everybody fun I'm hopping off the server   it's been a godamn honor guys thank you so  much for helping me out and and playing on   my team and building aadia it's been a wild  last 3 days everybody I love you [Music] goodbye the only question on everyone's mind  after that raid was did someone get the nuke   after hundreds of rockets poured into  this base and countless players flooding   into loot their boxes did OT still have  that nuke and it's time to find out yo dling yo yo can I can I see it  do do do you have it secured come in here holy [ __ ] it's been in this box the  whole time yep it never moved yep that is that is   truly impressive the whole world in my hands right  now fancy the whole world in my hands fancy just   know before we do this before we do this we don't  live by anybody's rules we call the shots we make   the wars and so it was confirmed OT still had  possession of the nuke the final un meeting   was called and this would determine which country  would be nuked which country would be completely   wiped off the server from the first ever nuke and  rust take a seat please guys welcome to the emery   meeting well said well saido this meeting was  requested by Ot Ot would you like to take the   floor and let everyone know why you called this  meeting hello hello welcome everybody welcome   welcome so as you all know uh we possess the  the one thing that everybody wants right now   the nuke despite what's been said in chat people  talking saying they got the nuke the nuke is ours   and the nuke is secure it's in our base let's  go around the world let's let's hear your case   what do you guys have to offer oil team Rome will  start Rome will start so I have a proposition for   you guys what's the place that causes all the  issues what brings us all the drama what gets   us talking to each other causing conflicts and  not resolving anything it's this place right here the nuke nuke the UN take it out no  more things no more conflicts we will be   with each other we will not be violent I can't  see each other anymore all right where's brail   where is Brazil Step Up Brazil here and then  OT called down Brazil to give their thoughts   on who should be nuked and what completely  shocked me and something I've never seen   in Russ before is juny the president of  Brazil brought his own translator to the meeting since the first day we tried to speak  here in the mid and the UN has neglected like   all the our rights to speak here and besides  that our vice president got killed in the first day juny was doing it Brazil was finally exposing  the UN in front of all the [Music] leaders so we   try to try to talk again we try to contact ATT  to un to resolve all the issues they didn't want to so I need to I need to ask you do you really  trust the UN do you really trust their their means   to do all the things no and one by one OT members  were F1 killing to respawn back at their base the   decision was already made the UN was going to  be nuked in the case of nuclear or radiological   Fallout people Ming around potential targets  such as military bases and chemical plants may   be advised to evacuate OT switched their armor  to blue because that's when they realized they   were the ones bringing peace to the server they  switched from their iconic red barrel chest plate   to a blue one because the UN didn't deserve to  represent blue anymore OT traveled all the way   through Africa across the Atlantic Ocean and met  with Brazil and South America they were going to   do this together you're not going to need that  much listen all that matters is we get it off   it doesn't matter if we die afterwards if we  get it off it's done we don't care about the   blute we don't care about anything we just care  about the statement right yeah guys let's go we   need everybody let's go let's West go west guys go  west go west Brazil was already at the un's walls   waiting for ot to bring the nuke and together they  would fight through to get to the un's main base   okay this is it guys this is what all the work has  been the ra to this the hostage rescue everything   open it up listen listen cut right cut right and  hook the walls cut right and hook the walls listen   here's what we have to do everybody get out of  the bottom get out of the bottom I'm going to   Al we're going to open this door and then we're  going to Buck at the external that's in there so   we can wall maybe this is the push this is the  push we got to go can you wall H we got to go [Music] we OT dling the War General had the nuke  in his hands he was going to be the one   that throws this and it was at this point I  finally understand what you meant dling it   all makes sense now and you try to tell  me from the start it's the very first   thing you told me when I met you at the  tugboat war never changes fancy war never   changes we don't live by anybody's rules  we call the shots we make the wars [ __ ] [Music] peace he threw it  he threw it let's go oh my godun a oh oh my God oh my God my god wow look at it you  is gone the nuk look at it bro it's climbing up oh God it's G good ridd oh my God oh my  God look can you see it now Jesus let's go let's go let's go let's go I'm building the new I am Brazil finally ended the   war against the UN it was over there  was no more corruption Brazil had won number OT had done the world a favor that day by  nuking the UN which brings me to my next point   was OT actually the villains of the server yes  they raided an it attacked numerous countries   but what about the good things that they did they  helped restore peace in Europe by raiding Russia   they were the only group to comfort Brazil when  they felt left out of the event and as we just   witnessed OT listened to the world and nuked  the UN ending their corruption to the server I   don't know but let me know your thoughts in the  comments after that nuke it seemed everything   went back to a peaceful State everyone forgave  OT after that and weren't even mad that they   lost the raid because history was made unrust on  this day there were no more Wars or politics now   that they when was gone it finally seemed that  peace was restored back on the server so with   that being said I think it's a great moment  to see how all of our character stories end   the leader of the Russian hashtag Clan who was  bullying the peaceful farmers of Europe actually   changed his ways and ended up joining the farmers  we came to a conclusion now spinky is one of us   he became a farmer done a lot of thinking and I  decided that it was time to come over here and   make amends Conrad look look out here bro you  did it you said out exactly what you said and   you established an entire fun roleplay Community  here man the king of Africa Diamond kid retired   from his leadership after losing the battle  of Africa and built pyramids for him and his   remaining Warriors to be exiled finally did it  welcome to the first floor final meeting room   floor oh this is supreme leader of North Korea  porgi was the only remaining leader from his   country but also retired to build Atlantis around  the underwater labs how long have you been working   on this I don't want to know fancy I don't want  to know oh I'm going to grab all my civilians   and we're all going to hide in underwater Labs  muy doala the director of the UN was emotionally   scarred after watching everything she built be  completely destroyed after the nuke but she and   her team still had hope moving forward honestly  fancy I think this is unforgivable I think the   good guys can always find a reason to keep going  and that's what we're going to keep doing will   jum who we saw a few times in this video actually  ended up not being wium instead it was YouTuber   mimo wium was never on this he's never this  entire time he was using a voice changer and   was infiltrating the Roman Empire Antarctica  would go on to make igloo hotels for anyone   wanting to take a vacation to their continent now  that the world knew Antarctica was still playing   and not eliminated by OT on day one they would  see a lot more tourists Brazil and OT celebrated   their success in South America not only defeating  the UN and winning the Brazilian War but defending   a raid against the entire world if these two  teams hadn't merged together none of this would   be possible and finally we end the video with  the same person who started it president bra   bra would go on to raid Mexico one final time in  hopes to eliminate them but ultimately failed the   America versus Mexico war ended in a stalemate  all the wars deaths Politics the fighting it was   all for nothing it's a little life lesson because  no one came up on top but both teams lost so much   out of the this war thank you for watching the  biggest video on my channel ever if you did make   it to this point I think it's worthy asking you  to subscribe if you haven't because this took me   3 months to edit there's so many stories and lore  that happened on the server that I unfortunately   wasn't able to show in this video so I want to  ask the players if you are a player in the event   comment a story down below what's a memory from  this event or a story that you could share with   someone in the comments below this was also  a charity event where we raised $43,000 for   St Jude the tiltify link is still active and  in the description if you'd like to donate   well guys thank you for listening to my voice  for like the last 2 hours holy [ __ ] this is   like my final voice over so with that being said  that's it for Global Warfare that is until next time
Channel: FancyOrb
Views: 4,141,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust movie, fancyorb, rust civilization, civilization simulation, minecraft civilization, rust console, rust raid, rust earth map, rust global warfare, earth civilization, rust event, rust gameplay, facepunch, rust survival, rust nuke
Id: uN9D9m1wRgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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