Golden Wind Manga is Coming in English!! How Long Could it Take Until Viz Publishes Jojolion?!

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this media just announced that they're going to be doing the jojo's bizarre adventure golden wind manga in hardcovers starting next summer stay tuned we'll talk about it all right so i'm a big jojo's fan i've been a big jojo's bizarre adventure fan for years and if you've been watching my channel for a while you might know that because i mention it a lot since back in i think 2005 is when it was when it first started being published uh in the us they started with the paperback editions of um part three stardust crusaders and of course they started with three because it's the most popular part and in the us we already had the original ova series uh had come out and people were familiar with the series from video games and stuff like that um so it was the first one that they published and i immediately fell for it i loved the idea i loved the stands i loved the characters but i was always curious about you know the previous parts because they never came to the us and at the time back in 2005 i wasn't savvy enough online to figure out where i could read it and it wasn't as popularly available so i never wound up reading the original parts you know part one and two phantom blood and battle tendency and i never went past part three i collected all the paperbacks as they came out it took several years for them to finally release everything and i think it originally started doing four volumes a year then they moved to three volumes a year and i don't know the schedule was all over the place but eventually they did publish all of it and there was like no hope that we would ever get any more jojo's because it wasn't that popular it wasn't so popular that it would warrant viz to release more until years down the line eventually the anime would start up in japan and prove to be extremely popular and they started to publish the hardcover editions based on the jojonium editions from japan and those got published in english so for the first time we wound up getting the english adaptation of part one which was in three of these hard covers and part two battle tendency which wound up in four of these hard covers and then we also got new hardcover editions of part three so i no longer have the paperback editions of part 3 because i opted for the 10 hardcovers instead and these are beautiful volumes they're you know oversized compared to the standard volume of manga they collect multiple volumes in one volume so originally part uh 3 for instance i think was 17 volumes long and it's collected across 10 volumes now the jojonium editions in japan did not continue past part 3. so there was a big question in the air about whether or not they were going to continue releasing past part three and start doing english editions of time and is unbreakable and it seemed you know obviously they have to because the anime is still going and it's very popular diamond is unbreakable was extremely popular in the anime and of course we did get the diamond is unbreakable uh manga coming out in america and now they're doing a different hardcover edition not based exactly on anything that was in japan there was a two in one kind of omnibus edition that came out in japan um and that's kind of what we have here is these hardcover two and one volumes of diamond is unbreakable now i have volume six here volume seven is due out at the beginning of uh november so actually next week at this point and this will be wrapped up across nine two and one volumes as originally diamonds unbreakable was a 18 volume run so volume 9 of diamond is unbreakable comes out in may of 2021. the series has been releasing on a quarterly schedule so four volumes a year every three months now they just dropped the announcement um i think today or yesterday last night i don't know exactly what it was of part five golden wind or oreo vento is getting an english translation and they said it will be in hardcover editions now i have to assume that they're going to be releasing the i'm gonna make a couple of assumptions and i think they're pretty safe assumptions i have to assume they're going to be releasing these in two and one volumes and the second big assumption is that they're going to continue the quarterly releases of jojo they're going to continue releasing um every three months so if that's true and they've said it's going to be the summer of 2021 then we should see the first volume of golden wind in english in august of next year 2021. now i'm really excited i love golden wind it's a fun part of the manga they're all fun i love jojo's every single part even the least popular part uh part six arguably uh i i still like that one quite a bit as well and part five the anime was great has you know great animation and stuff there's a lot of awesome characters in there i mean if you're watching this video you probably already know that so anyway i'm really excited and i've been really excited for this to happen and i you know i could just gush on and on and on about how excited i am for this and to have it in these nice hardcover editions is also fantastic so my question though is once they do this how long then is it going to take for us to get to each subsequent part now let's assume that viz is going to continue releasing jojo that they're not gonna stop after part five now i say that because part six has not been animated yet i think there are still plans to do this and maybe things have been held up because of pandemic reasons or whatever the case may be but i believe that you know stone ocean will eventually get animated it's just been quite a bit longer between parts five and six than we've been used to with the prior parts i don't know if there's like licensing things that they're trying to go through because there is a part in there that kind of deals with very um some stuff that's very similar to a huge uh company that exists in the us so i don't know there's some sort of issue there i don't know if there would be or not but whatever so whatever the holdup is let's say that they just continue to release the jojo's hardcovers past part five and they go into part six and they don't take breaks and they continue to do this in a quarterly fashion so every three months we get a hardcover of jojo i'm also going to make the assumption just just for us to save time and for the sake of you know making it easier part 5 was originally 17 volumes which doesn't break into half obviously as easy as part you know four did with 18 volumes i'm gonna just say let's say they do eight volumes for part five and either one of them is a three in one or they split one of the 17 volumes into two and do like a couple of two and a half length hardcovers just for the sake of argument and the same thing would have to be true for part six so for the sake of making the math easier and for the sake of argument let's say that they don't take any breaks between parts that they continue a quarterly schedule releasing one hardcover every four months they continue to be two-in-one hardcovers with the exception of you know doing something with parts five and six to make sure that there is uh an even number that that we have eight volumes of these hard covers on each of you if you get what i'm saying and they just keep going they keep going with it so what would the timeline look like so part five if there are eight volumes we're going to see this published from and i have my notes to the side that's why i keep looking to the side so part 4 is going to end may of 2021. part 5 if if number one comes out there's no breaks like i said we're going to assume that it comes out august 2021 and this would last eight eight volumes keep putting up one hand eight volumes will complete in may of 2023 so it would take two years basically to get through that part part six would then start up in august again of 2023 so just three months after part five ends and this would last to may of 2025 so we have the august to may deal going on and i'm pretty sure that part four started in august of 2019 so you know two year period starting from august going through may for part four part five and part six um actually i take that back part four has nine volumes so it would have started may of 2019 and then lasted until may of 2021. so eight volumes of five from august to may 2021 to 2023 volume six eight volumes august 2023 to may 2025 part seven we finally get to part seven in august of 2025 now part seven was 24 volumes long it was a longer part the series had moved from uh you know being a weekly series to being a monthly title and it wound up being longer 24 total volume so two and one once again we can do that evenly 12 hardcover two and one volumes makes it a little easier but this is gonna last for three years not for two years like the previous two parts because it's that much longer so 12 volumes of this two in one release starting in august of 2025 that means that that's not going to end until may of 2028. we're almost in the 2030s at this point so that means that part 8 joe jolien we're not going to start at this rate until august of 2028 and right now jojolian is as long as part 7 was as long as steel ball run is there's i think there's 24 physical volumes released and there's more chapters after that so if i'm wrong about that someone's going to correct me but let's let's just go with that let's just go with 12 volumes to say when it's going to get caught up to when we in the u.s at this rate are going to be caught up to where japan is right now uh just arbitrarily saying that they have 24 volumes of jojolian at the moment so 12 two in one volumes for us to release in the us 12 two in one volumes of joe jolien will be released from august 2028 through may of 2031. so by that point obviously that is ten years a whole decade in the future uh you know ten and a half years really ten and a half years of if jojo keeps going on at this point and does not take a break 10 years worth of monthly chapters 10 and a half years is 126 chapters of jojo's now this could be i don't i don't know what iraqis plan is i don't know when joe julian is planning on being ended i'm like two or three chapters behind right now so i have no idea exactly what's going on at the moment so i don't know if it's about to come to a close or anything like that i don't know if he plans on doing a part nine after this i don't know how far he plans to go with jojo at all um but that's 126 additional monthly chapters given that he takes no breaks from month to month which he probably will that would be released between now and 20 20 31 in may 126 chapters if there are roughly four chapters per volume which is pretty typical for a monthly series let's just go with four to make the math easy that's what 40 41 or so volumes yeah like 41 volumes worth of material i i just i'm doing the math here because it's funny um 41 additional volumes worth of material of jojo's stuff that that would mean that he could wrap up part eight and potentially if a part nine does happen and it continues to be as long as the previous parts have been he could also wrap up part nine and we could probably be in part 10 by the time that viz media at the current rate that they're going would catch up to where japan is right now with 24 volumes of jojolian so we'd be at 24 of joe jolie and there would still be like 40 something volumes worth of material beyond that that we are still behind um so i yeah i this is why i i know a lot of times you know it's a sensitive subject but this is why i read jojo's online because i'm gonna be 40 years old in you know 2031 by the time that that volume comes out and if there's still more material and that's like uh you know what i say 40 something volumes worth and there's only four volumes per year that we're releasing in the us or that visa is releasing in the us then that is an additional 10 plus years of material um so i'd be 50 years old when that stuff comes out that's why i read this online because i while i'm not saying that i don't imagine at 50 years old i'm gonna not be reading manga or something at that point i guarantee for the rest of my life i will be because i already have been for 20 years and i've not slowed down at all in fact i've just picked up the pace um anyway point being that's a lot of material so we'll see what happens i guess we'll come back to this video in 10 years and see how this is aged but it would be fantastic if if this continues at this pace then awesome but it would be fantastic if at some point they would speed up the release and maybe start doing monthly um two in one volumes to kind of get us to a better pace because they're doing monthly two and one volumes if you can imagine that then if they do a volume of steel ball run for instance every single month we would have that series finished within a year and that would be fantastic but i i don't know what's planned to happen i don't know what viz is planning on doing i don't even know if viz is planning on doing part six um i'm sure if the anime does happen they'll continue doing it but at the moment my my big concern is whether or not that's actually gonna happen which i hope it does because part six is fine but i just want them to get the steel ball run because i love steel ball run if you watched my favorite completed manga series video steel ball run was up there on that video so i have very strong feelings about it anyway this was just a fun video kind of with me doing the math in my head about um how long it would take to get caught up and how long it would take to get to jojolian so um i hope this was enjoyed i hope this was informative uh if you're new to my channel this is not the typical type of video usually i'm like talking about actual stories and not just random numbers in my head uh if you've been around i hope this was fun to watch uh thank you so much for watching the video i'll see you guys on the next one peace out
Channel: The Omnibus Collector
Views: 22,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manga, jojo's bizarre adventure, golden wind, steel ball run, stone ocean, jojolion, battle tendency, phantom blood, stardust crusaders, diamond is unbreakable, hirohiko araki, viz media, shonen jump, anime
Id: rdkTdE3Gbak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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