When You Stretch Your Neck Into Lower Orbit

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today it's all about the size of my neck the bigger it goes the better we're gonna do it's already what we would probably call an unnatural length but when you compare to some of the other people here we've got a little ways to go we're currently getting 0.1 studs per second which is the growth of our neck but if we complete games based on our neck length we can increase that like we need a 28 to get through here but not too much so we can go over that this one back to zero so we fit through the shapely hole we're good at that one then this one we've got to do what's called a snap jump so to get close we jump and press uh that and it's supposed to pull us up to our head and we can get over the wall and then there's games like this where we have to snap jump all the way to the top but that wouldn't actually be that hard to do it just kind of time consuming we gotta raise our head then we gotta go and jump in give ourselves a boost we might be able to make it to the top as is or we might be stuck here waiting a little while okay we barely made that we've got a few more layers to go where are we to make it but again I do get an icy of all the other games from here so let's try this one again Snapchat okay you gotta do that really close to the wall conveniently though you freeze right before that so you can go over there 45 studs which would be about that big we'll go 47 then we got a snap jump at 52 oh we're not quite big enough we're made up to Jesus a little bit ready go jump and oh so close right now I feel like this guy okay I've got one more jump to make for the big victory press R right about here and we cleared it one victory for us give me that thing one win so now I get an extra uh studs per second boost at least for a few seconds and then we're back to our Baseline it looks like you can buy your first pet for two wins so I just need to win that game one more time and there's a cool ocean I want to cross but we're gonna need a longer neck to do it because right now we drown if this jump might be a little bit close given that I don't almost have enough clearance to get over uh that didn't count where's the hitbox on that okay cleared the stupid wall got this second big head one more win so now we get a basic egg for a basic person What's it gonna be a dog a common dog which gave us an extra 0.01 studs per second which makes me think there's actually a better way to do this okay we're once again gonna use our snap jump to see how far up the wall we can get we have about 50 uh stud length it's probably not gonna be enough to reach the top but it's got to be closer uh closer to 80 now this might almost do the trick oh it might be closer to 100 before we get to the top 90 is enough to get me up that step but that's definitely got to be 100 up there but I can see the big giraffe over there and some kind of laser experiment going on up there and there's definitely some big tall stuff in this guy I maybe got distracted for a second and this happened our neck Could Be This Tall which is actually a good deal of the way up the tower without even leaving the ground makes it a little bit hard to navigate from here but at least we can see the height of uh the difficulty so that's one jump and we're a little bit far from the wall but you get the idea we're going to be able to scale this thing in no time at all uh even from there we can skip the last like two steps because they're probably probably like 100 each so now we get another win we probably could have used better our long neck there but I'll take the two wins because then we get another pet anyway that's really what it's all about I just want a friend we got a Duke which may not have made any different to my studs per second I also bought better luck for pets so I'm not really sure how I ended up with another dog but it is what it is I've not waited too long I have 168.5 studs and it seems like it wouldn't take that long to make that but I actually had a few days to have food poisoning in between then and now so it actually took quite a while but we're going to pick up right where we left off by trying to complete the wall jump we're just gonna jump up again and again and again and see where that can get us because I know uh 173 should get us to the top of this for another few wins for hopefully another pet that was more than enough give me that thing one more basic egg for one more basic idiot this time we got a rat which is uncommon I would assume they're already all equipped the best so we're up to 0.13 studs per second which is still very slow and because it's so bar is quite slow we're going to make sure we can have an extra two pets equipped despite the fact we don't have two more then maybe actually two times activity wins and net growth just for the sake of actually making some progress here today we need a neck that can touch the end of the universe maybe that's your bear goal today we're gonna have a neck so long that we put our head outside the universe to see what's out there we can actually watch it grow in real time now if I keep pressing e keep pushing putting us around Max height I gotta get to the top of that wall so for this one apparently we only need 50 neck length I'm not really sure how this works you snap jump to get to the platform I think is what it says so you got to kind of navigate along here uh I think there's probably an easier way to do this but I don't really know it offhand so we're just gonna kind of do that and then we're gonna try it along here we could probably just make this never mind okay this time we're gonna go actually uh proper neck jump gotta do that a few more times but I think I'm starting to get the hang of this the hardest part is knowing where to land because you don't really have a top down view properly you're kind of estimating where you're Landing luckily guessing and estimating is a large part of my life in general now we got to keep our head above the water but below the spikes that seems reasonable enough so we go down there we just go up a little bit and camera angles are probably the hardest part of this if we go down a little bit this one's just time consuming and annoying uh this one we've got to go just a little bit higher but we've also got to be careful to navigate through the gaps uh thing like maybe we should zoom in a little bit that's easier then I think we can't touch the red parts we gotta go like this then I think we can just jump there and uh there uh this one I'm not gonna risk we've made it too far slow and steady wins the race now oh no I don't know what I just touched okay well um no one takes a long time so we're gonna take a look at this one down here this one gives us eight wins it's a pretty hard difficulty but we'll see how far we can get with a 90.82 neck length which is not very far at all we're probably gonna need at least 200 for that one though to go across here 95 studs or more Lowell oh didn't mean to do that already it's painful being this dumb but we have 101 so we should be able to just uh moving ramp our way across that our head is above the water we look very happy we are the best little giraffe there ever was Mega skyscrapers 20 wins I don't think we're going to get to the top of that there is a pretty giraffe there's hole in the wall here there's also a better egg a jungle egg we need 15 minutes for that we definitely don't have 15 wins so let's see if we can go through this this is only three wins this should be easy it's uh okay this one moves pretty quick 45 studs going up snap job so we're going way up so we gotta press that oh I made a mistyped that I'm gonna blame the controls that has nothing to do whatsoever with my skills it just takes a long time to get the trophies on this side so it's weird you have to save up for so long to get over here okay we're gonna do a bigger snap jump and got it and we're going to the top whoops uh all the way up please apparently you can sit here I just don't know why my head wasn't going all the way up snap jump 130. oh you can actually sit here because it's not red on the bottom so we're gonna wait for 130 and then we're going over the problem now is I'm stuck against the wall so if I go up oh I can still do this okay perfect so we'll snap jump and then we gotta stay on zero studs and then we gotta go way up 105 can we make it through where are we yup just barely for all that incredible stress we're gonna get six wins times two twelve and then we get a 44 second boost where we can use it to stress ourselves out with something new a goose pet I guess he thought that'd be a lot more expensive I'll take one of those why not so now I've got four pets equipped that puts me up to point four studs per second which is way ahead of where we just were but I did also buy my progress so how many times can I buy this Goose maybe we can just totally break things by just continually buying things we're not really supposed to buy that actually made a difference 0.55 studs second so this Tower is obviously at least 1400 studs tall there's a guy up there probably him who's 1400 studs away you can actually do the math to figure out how big those are I'm too lazy but we need to be way taller to finish that so let's take our five good pets and cruise across the ocean again trying to find the game that's most efficient which if we were much stronger would be this one but I don't know how to get to the top of that there's a little thing right here actually for now we're just kind of sitting here waiting while we inch incrementally taller what we definitely need is one of these for 15 wins so we need another uh nine to get there but at the rate of our growth we should be able to get some easy win somewhere else I'm just really curious as to what this thing is now that I look at it I see it's actually a window so I don't think we're going to be able to get in there we just observe it but we'll take a nice look hey how y'all doing I'm just growing past your window for a second to see what you're up to so we'll walk our very tall selves over to this uh medium skyscraper we'll call it that'll give us eight wins I think times two so that'll give us what we need for a better pet so let's see how far the current uh about 200 is dead neck length will get us I'm hoping actually quite a ways up here so far so good we're up to the purple Zone we're just in okay we're to a different purple Zone maybe just probably not this one though we only got another few to go but that also might be like 300 studs by the top but we do get a nice view there's a coming soon Zone that we're gonna get to see we've done that one already we've done this one that one's annoying so we're not doing it anymore and when you zoom out you really feel how short we are still for doing this Tower so I'm gonna let this run for a couple minutes okay maybe a minor change of plans we're up to 413 studs we're still not even to the next level we are way up here though and for the sake of doing something ridiculous today we're gonna have to go ahead and buy a Little Neck length I don't love doing this either but for the sake of uh results we're going to so that was an extra 100 link that didn't even get us to the next one so let's try 500 neck length when in doubt we just pay for things to escalate unreasonably so at times so we're now 1030 tall oh I didn't realize I could extend actually so that was kind of dumb but with the 1034 wow can we not actually reach the next level yet that's um okay this wall is ridiculously hard I was sitting here thinking this would take like five minutes to be able to just naturally do so we're gonna have to buy a thousand neck length we now have a 2 000 tall net we still can't do it what how do you get to the top of this you buy more neck that's how you just keep going and going we will not be defeated okay I might have done the next thing wrong again when you snap jump it takes you okay yeah I was wrong we have a long neck now at least well rumor is the neck is still growing today what is that there's something up in the sky what is that how do we get there I know I wanted to get to the top of this but I'm curious as to what that is can we get there okay well for now uh we're gonna do this ridiculous jump try and land on this I think we got it directly we're gonna take those wins for whatever reason then I'm really quick just gonna buy a thousand neck length to start mostly just so we can cross the water and buy ourselves a jungle egg this will hopefully have something amazing in it a rare Axolotl which will take us from 0.55 studs per second up to 0.67 which might not sound like a lot but that's actually pretty good so we just need a few more of those pets and yeah I'm just Shameless they're gonna buy them at this point because I think would actually take like weeks to do this naturally and we don't have weeks so we're just gonna buy your progress okay so we bought some more of these I don't think I bought triple hatch I don't really care because we at least have time to open these one at a time it doesn't take that long there's another Axolotl I think we can combine pets at some point too if we get enough of them there is an uncommon monkey and a very sleuth if we equip best now that gives us 0.88 studs per second I don't know if there's pet combiners in this or not but I'm so curious about that uh floating platform in the sky I think it's probably too far to jump to but maybe if we have the height we can actually jump onto it in theory if we're if we're strong enough like tall enough we probably can do it so we're just gonna add a few thousand neck length at the cost of I don't know what and still my beautiful floating platform eludes me I gotta see what's up there so every 1000 length costs 548 Robux I don't know what that actually costs but I don't really care I've got a Golem I really can't tell if it's getting closer or not this is gonna drive me nuts like I'm over 10 000 studs tall at this point which is pretty ridiculous I've just purchased myself another 22 000 roughly Robux which is hopefully enough to get to the top uh that should mean we were able to buy another 44 000 length which might seem excessive because it is but there's a platform in the sky that I don't understand uh another thing I never really noticed was a floating Castle kind of in the middle of the area here I should really look around more the trick is it's kind of floating over the water so I'm gonna have to do probably a really big snap jump to get there which is okay because I've got a lot of uh height I can use to do that so let's go all the way to the top uh this isn't our top hello why does our snap job not take us all the way up this is going to take well only a second anyways we're gonna snap jump and move forward not quite but they're actually kind of close all right maybe a few more thousand we can get there I bought myself up to 31 000 uh height uh the game might physically limit you to 2 000. I just realized for the first time it kind of stops me there so I made it has bought a lot of hype for absolutely no reason at all did I at least make the leaderboard not even close hmm well it was a fun experiment there's a platform in the sky but we limit out a 2 000 physical Heights so yeah whatever [Music] thank you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 591,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dlj1dhtCyP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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