I Survived 100 days in STAR WARS Minecraft Galaxy...Here's What Happened...

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in today's video i'm gonna try to survive for 100 days in the star wars galaxy i have three main goals first i need to find a way to get to planet tatooine that's where i will begin training to become a powerful jedi knight and second i need to find a way to infiltrate the evil empire's death star and sabotage it before it destroys my home and for my final goal i need to find and defeat darth vader himself and put an end to his tyrannical reign over the galaxy subscribe answer those notifications guys because you know yoda said so alright and hit that like button because i really need some good luck and that's gonna help trust me all right let's go come on come on copy base one i've been hit right wing is taking critical damage [Applause] oh great now i'm stuck here you're alive whoa whoa whoa yeah yeah i am lucky me right where am i anyways follow me uh okay oh wait up oh perfect thank you er what you're on earth oh dude i asked that like a wall anyways it doesn't matter man listen my ship's got a busted hyperdrive and i don't think i'm going to be able to make it off this planet unless you help me so what do you say you win and this is where my journey begins apparently sodi's entire family was wiped out by the empire years ago and he'd been surviving alone ever since and so he agreed to help me fix my starfighter under one condition yeah he wanted to join me on my mission to become a jedi and stop the empire before it blows up my home plan and you know destroys the whole universe and so you know i was gonna need all the help i could get so i agreed and we got right to work he kind of gave me a stone pickaxe and we began mining for some resources needed to craft the hyperdrive and fix my x-wing titanium more baby nice good job josh thanks man we've been tomorrow yo we we need this too so that's got to be diamonds please tell me this isn't chromium that's definitely chromium no look at it no i swear i just heard something bro oh there's a skeleton no it's not a skeleton oh my that was a close one what kind of creatures you have on her luckily the hyperdrive wasn't insanely expensive but it did require us to go to the nether because well we need a blaze powder so we made another portal and we went there and then after a couple of days of some grinding some hard work we managed to get everything okay i have the hyperdrive sand boom tattooing hyperdrive that's that's all i need finally we finally crafted the hyperdrive the beginnings of my journey to become a jedi master was getting closer however we still needed to prepare a bit more you know we are traveling to a completely different planet so we made sure to load up on supplies like food and ammo and then we did some target practice to get that muscle memory kicking in and by day 15 we were finally ready all right i should do it you sure you still want to join me i mean there's a small chance you'll ever see this place again just saying after what happened all those years ago i'd be lucky if i never see this place again there's just one more thing i have to do goodbye buddy all right let's go ah all right let's do this you better not be touching any buttons ah planet tatooine not exactly your most friendly planet yeah there's a lot of criminals and smugglers here but i heard there was a jedi master here so now we just gotta find him whoa we made it what the yo what dude this place is awesome ooh look at this guy what's up buddy he's a repair droid dude this place is sick it is a person can't have too much coffee that's ridiculous so stupid hey you better watch where you're going i i'm sorry i'm sorry man listen i'm actually looking for someone uh i'm willing to pay if you can help me find them oh how about you go in there and buy me a cup of coffee because they said i've had too much which is not true by the way all right all right deal deal let's do it all right oh you guys try and keep up yeah hey uh i'm paying you remember oh my gosh well uh at least we don't have to pay him now right just as we realized we were now lost in the middle of the desert next thing we knew a bunch of tuscan ravers had spawned began attacking us but luckily we were able to escape a lot so we set up the camp tonight because tomorrow we were going to need to somehow find this jedi so how are we gonna find this guy we'll find him he's close i can feel it and there's the jedi so we finally found him but there was this random bird that attacked us so we we killed it and we were finally able to talk to him and he gave me this dagobah hyperdrive and he mentioned that there was someone on planet dagobah that could potentially help me fulfill my destiny of becoming a jedi and defeating the empire so we made our way back to the x-wing all right oh dude this hyperdrive's not going to work for our x-wing you know what that means here we go yeah that's a problem we realized the dagobah hyperdrive wasn't gonna work for the x-wing we actually needed a y-wing luckily there was one just waiting to be borrowed so so we came up with a plan all right you ready for this yeah let's do it there we go let's do this too oh my gosh you shot me my gun's overheating [Music] okay one two we made the journey to planet dagobah i i guess this swampy place somehow has a person who's going to help me fulfill my destiny i don't know that that's crazy but i guess we'll see whoa what's in the water is this place nice land and josh bro it could have been a lot worse all right that wasn't too bad ah this place gives me a weird feeling yeah i don't know about this place yeah it doesn't smell too great either oh that's that's probably me i find toilet paper earlier sodium i began our not so great venture through the swamp trudging our way through the mud for the next couple of days and for the most part there seemed to be no sign of life now that was until we got attacked by these frog people what the did you hear that oh dude i have no idea those things look mean dude i thought there was like nothing else alive here man for a second bro i don't think anything good is here we should just leave no he's here i can feel it come on let's go that's a big tree look there it is see i told you i don't think the bolts are doing any damage he's healing oh he's too strong he's too strong hold on back up okay let's just leave him alone bro he's too strong hello anyone home yoda oh yoda you look younger than ever man jedi master i am leader of the jedi order i was send something i do the force is strong in you i'm force sensitive i always knew the force was within me yoda gave me a holocrom which is how you level up your force now we just need to get xp and master our skills luckily our next mission was going to be just perfect for that we needed to go to planet hoth there's an empire base located there we needed to steal one of their ships so we can infiltrate the death star this uh this is not gonna be easy though all right you ready for this we got this here we go we traveled to planet high oh funny funny let's just head north all right as we push through this storm i remember that there was this ore called exonium and i was gonna need that later on to craft a lightsaber and it only spawns on this planet so we went and we mined the bunch and afterwards we found some tauntauns and so we saddled them up you know just to make traveling a bit easier and that's when we ran into what seems to be some sort of small stormtrooper outpost yo there's two stormtroopers we should just go around him no no no let's take him out i got an idea attack oh get wrecked nice dude nice what we destroyed him yo how do i look uh ugly perfect thanks all right let's let's go actually grab some armor you're gonna need it that's part of my plan all right thank you i hope this works all right let's go let's do it this imperial outpost here on hoth isn't exactly the easiest to infiltrate i mean this entire place is just filled with stormtroopers so we needed to be extra careful all right let's do this there's a speeder bike room i'm not gonna notice a thing right nope all right let's uh go take a look around here come on i've always wanted to no too late hey bro sony look at me okay maybe we should what are you guys doing uh yep nothing you didn't see anything yes i did come with me now alright alright i can't believe you guys all right come on in this let's go now go go go go run run run run make it run for it let's go let's get out of here we made it the death star the plan is uh simple you know just infiltrate sabotage and try not to die okay all right this way this way this way all right let's go just one of you guys howdy partner exactly hey how's it going how's it going man it's the uh the reactor portion right here maybe it's another drill maybe it's okay what do you say now now oh i one shot him [Applause] nice okay looks like that's everyone all right we gotta grab this tnt all right let's okay we need to find the main room okay um i think it's this way is that it it might be oh yes this is it no no one's even in here okay we need to blow up each one of these power units right here okay let's do it all right this is 20 times tnt hopefully this uh does the job hopefully should we just do a little extra for sure i got extra yeah put some up top bro this place is going to go boom it sure is a lot of tnt i definitely don't want to be here when this goes off nope we got to hurry too all right coasters should be it all right let's go let's go yo hey how's it going guys empire is the best go go go go go go go go go go go go go here we go [Music] it's been a while since i've been here home to the ewoks oh there's one right there i don't know if they're gonna be too friendly are we feisty over the next couple of days we traveled to various planets to extract the rest of the oars i needed to craft the lightsaber i also gained more experience with the force during this time and all this did take a while but i mean there was no way i was going to be able to stand a chance against darth vader without a lightsaber so i mean it was necessary eventually we landed on the final planet that contained the last resources we needed planet island yeah this place is home to a jedi temple which is where you can find the kyber crystal mines as well as the lightsaber forge i was so close to getting that lightsaber i just i could not believe how far we'd come and after doing a bunch and i mean like a ton of mining i crafted all these lightsaber parts and then headed to the forge it was time and i felt ready you ready for this josh i'm ready i've waited my whole life for this i got it no way i'm a jedi baby let me see i'm a jedi [Music] okay let's head to a nearby rebel base and go get intel on vader he's mine sounds good no way all right let's go good work thank you sir yeah we've got his location but first there's an emergency i need you to help me with the wookies on yavin are being invaded they need as much help as they can get hurry of course the wookies have been strong allies all right let's go hello hurry this is not looking good save you guys die you stupid stormtrooper how dare you guys attack the wookies die god there's too [Music] no many sodie yo you good don't worry i'm coming i'm coming ah yes let's go let's go let's go here hop down hop down hop down we gotta go we gotta go so he got injured really badly so he took cover while i went back to help save the weekends god how good you guys not the wookies oh it's raining yes this is gonna help this is gonna help big time put out the fire put out the fire yes you guys okay everyone good you're welcome buddy any time now i'm headed for vader next wish me luck all right so let's go buddy you okay you're okay let's go you're safe you're safe man oh i don't know if i'm gonna make it oh you'll make it bro come on pretty bad i'll get you healed up bro almost there but here you go oh yes we arrived at the yavin base and i immediately took sodium to the healing chambers and luckily it wasn't too late he was gonna be okay while sodi healed i sharpened my focus and did my best to prepare myself mentally and physically for possibly the biggest battle of my life day 97 we received word and it was time where is he we just got word he's invading islam he's trying to take over the crystal mines hurry this could be the end of everything if you don't stop him i'm on it we arrived on island i can just feel his presence tainting this planet already ah attack oh we ready to the kuiper mines all right let's go [Music] run josh die oh they're everywhere yo they're everywhere they're everywhere vader's not here where is he what the forge he's after the forge there he is oh that's good let's get up i'm gonna kill you this is for my family no no no no no no no you need to die for that you're gonna pay you're going to die i gotta run i can't believe sony's dead this is it i have to kill him i have to kill him you're so evil die die no kill you and make you perish like your friend there's something i need to tell you josh i am your father stop fighting what princess leia yes echo wow that's crazy subscribe
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 1,129,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft hardcore, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days harcore trios, 100 days in hardcore modded minecraft, 100 days mc, survival challenge minecraft, minecraft with friends, 100 days with friends, 100 days minecraft hardcore with friends, 100 days hardcore trios challenge, modded minecraft, 100 days mc best video, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, star wars minecraft, 100 days star wars
Id: Dc8D-jqY2lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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