I Spent 100 Days in 1.17 HARDCORE MODDED Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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hey what's up guys the uh the new minecraft update came out yeah that's right minecraft 1.17 it has a bunch of new features in one now like these little cute things here huh yeah would you look at that but uh you know what's even cooler you my friend are about to witness minecraft yeah that's right i created the world's very first minecraft 1.17 mod pack hey i'm sure some of you guys are going to want to play along so don't worry i set up a spot in my discord just click the link in the description and there you'll find all the information and everything you'll need to get set up yeah so there's over 160 mods installed so uh this is gonna be uh should be pretty entertaining oh geez it's huge oh no no check this out right here you see that castle right there yep super dangerous deadly but inside of it has some of the best loot i've ever seen but you know it's not going to be easy taking on that whole castle in hardcore mode but luckily though there's guns yeah that's right lots of guns and even an rpg check this out there's also like a ton of insane medieval weapons and there's even a mod that allows you to make really op armor with the ender dragon scales so well yeah we definitely got to make sure to take the dragon out well i i guess it's time huh this is gonna be great do me a favor and hit that subscribe button if you enjoyed the video and make sure to watch until the end to see how everything turns out i present to you surviving 100 days in hardcore modded minecraft 1.17 let's go baby what is that is that a goat it's a goat what's up buddy have you been oh it's the it's the new coal too there's goats everywhere let me see if i can ah okay that was a close one i need to remember this is hardcore guys and so it begins day one i hope you guys got a snack in our comfortable because this this is uh gonna be quite the journey oh too hey what's up oh i've only had bones i'll tame you soon soon i to i want a pet dog we need to chop a tree let's go first tree job baby come on here we go there we go oh yes that's right we have vane miner kind of buried blueberries i would have never guessed that can we take these plants oh yes oh i can plant my own blueberry bushes awesome have you ever gotten bored in minecraft before because i know i have and that's why i was so excited because not only was there a brand new update to explore but also a ton of new mods as well like like watch what happens when i kill this poor chicken who's soaking cheese i'm sorry chickens you guys know the drill oh what what are you are you good what what wait a second what yeah so apparently this is the uh the rpg style loot mod so i just had to find the hitbox and then i was able to loot the chicken but uh that's pretty cool it makes it so every single mob in the game drops a body like that that's i mean that's pretty cool yeah right but after transferring a couple more chickens to uh the the next dimension i i found some copper yeah from the new update we got a cave oh it's copper can we mine copper no we can't we need a stone pickaxe maybe all right let's get some stone it's my first time mining copper oh is it raining already of course first day we already got rain it's fine it's fine because i'm about to get copper baby i mind some and i found out you can actually make copper tools and armor i wasn't sure if that was a part of the new update or a mod i added either way it was hype because after cooking up some delicious raw chicken i was able to smell some copper and make a copper pickaxe yes copper pickaxe perfect nice and then we'll make like a sword or something yeah things were going great just great until they they weren't first it started raining then it started getting dark and then i found a bunch of these chicken eggs that led me right up to a chicken and a skeleton i killed the chicken but the skeleton it nearly killed me uh oh bad idea bad idea we're like one shot nope nope nope or creeper okay there's only one thing i know to do in this situation dig down dig down and hope oh okay eat a chicken chill out we're good we're good i'm a shop boys listen i was determined to make it 100 days or i wasn't gonna die in the first night so i played as safe or smart you could say yeah i went mining while it was dark and i found some iron and coal and it was a good thing too because on day two i fought this enderman but luckily i had a shield in a chest plate so he didn't scare me one bit where'd he go where'd he go oh no oh gosh oh wait dude drop it let's see i got the body thing yes okay we got ender pearl nice hey that was uh it was easy yeah all right cool oh look leafs are falling from the trees after all that though i was pretty hungry so i cooked up some more chicken i got some chicken hey hey hey hey looking finger licking hey hey hey hey i got some chicken hey hey now i'm not sure if it was the uh the dopamine from that delicious chicken rushing in my head here as i walked towards this lake i don't know but uh i decided this was going to be the place where i began building my house maybe we could set up a starter home here i mean this is kind of cool it's like uh my own personal lake i'll take that i'm claiming this land i'm gonna get a gun i need a gun yeah so i got to work actually i had a vision of exactly what i wanted to build already in mind so i was excited to hurry up and get the resources and everything i needed but uh you know usually i go mining early game but you know sometimes it's nice to just have a place already settled before you start getting a ton of items and uh your inventory starts overflowing this could not be set up better for a home got a nice little lake right here we could put a house right here some docks got a river to fish in skeleton somewhere i hear it i hear you okay question is where do we want to start building and how on day three i was just about to get started when i found the sheep sleeping oh this sheep what happened no what happened over here did he die in this bush oh it does hurt all right moment of science for the sheep all right okay day three i got a lot of work done i was making the house out of spruce here so i began setting up the layout and that's when i realized there's a bunch of grass in the way so i spent the rest of the day just digging and some people may not like digging but i like digging so yeah it was nice and check out that sunset man oh gorgeous would you look at that gorgeous gorgeous i worked on the house all day on day four and uh then this happened what what's that what what i did not mean to do that okay so i guess you can pick up stuff in this okay this is so weird how do i how did i do that shift shift right click okay cool okay there we go day five i did some more work on the house and hey it's actually coming along but uh i got a bit sidetracked and ended up finding this random village nearby whoa it's a house i didn't even it's just like super close to my house no way it's a whole village okay hello any anyone here hello sticks for an emerald are you kidding me are you kidding me oh yeah so i found this villager trading sticks for emeralds and normally i wouldn't care about emeralds except that uh there's this mod in here that makes it so you can craft emerald tools and armor yeah and that stuff's pretty good so when he got a bunch more sticks and kept trading until he wouldn't let me anymore okay there 21 emeralds oh my gosh that's that's crazy 21 emeralds jeez nice i traded for some arrows and then the next day i crafted an emerald pickaxe and chest plate and helmet yeah i was feeling uh pretty confident now i almost had a full set of armor bars and so i tested out my new strength on this enderman guy enderman die die oh yeah baby he going got him he can't erect buddy easy i was feeling pretty good at this point i really wanted to just finish my house though so i put in a ton of work and just kept on building for like two days straight but then i got sidetracked because i remember this is the caves and cliffs updates so i wanted to go check out the caves and see what i could find yeah it was a good thing i went down here these caves were insane and then hey look i i noticed something shiny underwater wha what's that wait is this is this diamond oh yes let's go baby all right we got one diamond not that much but uh it's a start i'm excited about it wait is this more hold on it's so hard to tell underwater with the new texture i don't know what it looks like oh sticking wild of mine oh my gosh no way we just got seven diamonds from that yes sir we got diamonds just like that man this was uh all going pretty well usually around this time i start to think something bad's about to happen oh my gosh i cannot believe how lucky i am oh man yeah i got really lucky there or maybe just got close to being really unlucky what ring of invisibility things took a turn for the good actually i found this cool uh ring of invisibility which i'm pretty sure is gonna be useful at some point in the future so yeah awesome then i found some really crazy underground cave biomes like i've never seen anything like this this whole thing was like covered in obsidian it was crazy and these creepers man there was so many of them i've never seen anything like this ever hold on let's try and grab some obsidian it worked so much obsidian oh what the oh my gosh he just teleport like an enderman hey guys just imagine teleporting enemy creepers like oh this could go bad at any second i'm now no longer safe ever one could just teleport right behind me next thing you know it's gg's i returned to the surface i was not gonna risk it anymore plus i got some decent loot already and that's when i found out you can make amethyst tools and armor if you don't know what amethyst is it's a crystal they added in the 1.17 update i'm sure you've seen it and this stuff is strong too so that means if i could find an aim at this geode i can make some really good tools and armor i could not wait to dive into all the mods and go explore and whatnot but i really needed to just finish my house and all i really needed was a roof and some touching up and finally after a ton of grinding i finished it there she is not too bad right i mean uh no just for a couple days of work we still got some upgrades we can do some some small things we don't have the inside done yeah i think it looks pretty good i i don't know i like it i like it feels feels like home and i'm excited to grow in this area because there's a lot of room for expansion and i think it's like the perfect spot got bushes we got everything yeah i am super excited to just expand and dive into these mods now that we got a a place to live and a place to grow so uh let's get to it another beautiful day in the square world of minecraft then out of nowhere i get attacked by this bushman whoa whoa what's this what's happening he's shooting dude this guy blends in with the leaves what oh we killed him let's go oh we drop bullets nice we need to make a gun i need i need better weapons all right i can't be dying out here okay so after that attack i knew i needed a weapon upgrade and so i ended up making this medieval diamond battle axe and it was pretty good it was it was pretty sick actually i really wanted to enchant everything though so that was my next plan to make an enchantment table but i needed sugarcane and leather so i went to go get some sugar cane and then lured in two cows and a sheep into a small pin i set up the beginnings of a new chapter in life farming the inside of my house needed an upgrade so i added a smaller room inside and i think it came out pretty good i wasn't exactly sure what it was going to be for but i knew one thing i was ready to go exploring and see what this brand new modded world had to offer man i was intrigued and curious as to what new kind of i don't know blocks and mobs i would run into you know the first thing i found though was this abandoned shipwreck which actually has some decent loops so i took it on and set fire to it and then that's when i found this new pack right have fun uh burning i'm out a starfish what it's a starfish oh i got a starfish what should i name him patrick patrick patrick the starfish don't worry buddy i'm gonna i'm gonna keep you safe and take you home yeah i ended up naming him patrick i was excited i didn't have to go on this journey alone anymore now that patrick was joining me but uh anyways i spent quite some time venturing the ocean and to be honest i enjoyed it you know it was relaxing sometimes it's nice to just poke open a capri sun and load in some new chunks in minecraft you know but anyways eventually i did find land and there was a bunch of horses which was perfect because well i need a leather to make bookshelves to enchant you probably shouldn't watch this sorry buddy i'm sorry all right i had to yeah but i suppose i went on a sort of a frenzy here i was enjoying you know using my new diamond battle axe russian v going for a cow tipping here oh he's gone but then i found this village in the middle of the swamp so i raided it and i grabbed a smithing table and this was lucky you'll see why soon but anyways i realized i finally had enough materials to make a glider and that's right that's actually the reason i was murdering everything because i also need to make a hang glider you know to make traveling easier but yeah i finally made it and it was awesome this was great yo okay awesome oh we're step boys we're set i'm ready for the nether we got food looking real good now that i have my glider and a bunch of leather i headed home and i crafted a boat because i saw that if you put a bow in a smithing table with an emerald you can make an emerald bow let's try it out on fish see if i can hit a fish got it nice okay yeah seems legit all right i also made a backpack and upgraded it to an iron one and then i went and put patrick in his new home now that we're home first okay i'm getting sidetracked here i know but first patrick here's your new home buddy [Music] enjoy it enjoy it man have fun all right now it was time for guns i made a gun table which is what you use to craft all the weapons and ammo there was some really cool guns but i realized pretty much every single one required black terracotta to craft which you know i didn't have at the moment so instead i redirected my attention towards making an enchantment table but not just any enchantment table a dark enchantment table it's not scary it's actually it's useful because it lets you choose what enchantments you're going to get and that definitely sounds like something i would want you know why not the only problem though is that it takes crying obsidian to craft it and the only place i knew to find that was in those random ancient nether portals that spawned throughout the world so uh so i began my journey to the nearest one i spotted on the map and and that's when i ran into my first lucky block oh you got to be careful of these things wait what is that a lucky block wait hold on hold on these things are dangerous i i don't know too much about these but i know you can uh you could die from these possibly the question is do i uh open it in hardcore i'm scared boys i'm scared i don't think i should do it you know i should just leave huh you know what fine i'ma do it just for you guys i'm gonna open this lucky block in hardcore minecraft and hope nothing happens yeah what whoa it's an upside down bun okay i'll take it i'll take it yeah a bunny out of all things but i mean hey it could have been worse and plus that's uh that's a free pet i made sure to trap it that way we could come back before i continued on to the portal and i finally made it but there was only one piece of crying obsidian so uh it was on to the next i guess and uh this uh this is just sad man this is i travel like a thousand blocks to what i thought was a portal and it was a shipwreck so that was i felt dumb i'm gonna be honest that is not a portal gosh dang it that looked like a portal man well and this is uh when you could say my bad luck streak started subscribing three seconds to save this innocent chicken's life three two one ah you did it nice uh when you could say my bad luck streak started i guess uh not only did the next sport i find not have any crying obsidian but uh the one right after that was literally inside a mountain like like what and it also didn't have any oh my gosh then i was just chilling gliding to the next portal using uh one hand to drink my coffee and this happens ah oh she get a coffee die you stupid creeper oh i need your gunpowder oh get rekt alright ready [Music] yes yeah that was a close one but finally after what seemed like forever i finally found a portal with a bunch of crying obsidian and not only that but there was a lucky block in the chest boys i'm doing it i'm doing it sun setting i had some coffee man and i'm feeling like you know i'm feeling wild so screw it oh it's just flowers it's just flowers it's just flowers you know maybe some diamond blocks or something would have been nice but um it was getting dark and i should have slept but i wanted to go get the cocoa beans in the jungle that i saw because well i thought i needed brown terracotta not black terracotta oh all of a sudden i get attacked by this hitman oh whoa buddy chill oh gosh oh gosh this guy's shooting me it's a hitman he's shooting me how am i gonna he died that was that was actually not too bad let's loot him yeah this jungle was not friendly i couldn't go 10 blocks without getting attacked by some sort of creeper whoa no no no no no no no don't you do it don't you do it you know this jungle seems uh like not the safest place to be not one not not at all oh what the heck oh my gosh listen i hate to admit it but uh the rest of this day i literally just kept trying to trickshot this sheet from like two blocks up and i literally i didn't even this was it was embarrassing cut cut where was i okay yeah i finally made it back home man it felt so great to be back home i immediately crafted the dark enchantment table and set up a spot for it in the backyard this should make it so we can choose our enchantments yes there it is it works so if we just slide these we can get sharpness five you can see how many levels it costs right over here oh let's see we want looting three uh on breaking three we're up to 18 levels how much levels do we have 25 okay let's try this again boom all right 18 levels um mending would be pretty cool and then we just press this to enchant oh that's awesome okay we definitely need to go grind xp oh we have so much to do oh yeah this thing was awesome i was so hyped to get the battle axe enchanted so i celebrated by force breeding all the animals in their very limited space and then uh i finally crafted my first gun a shotgun baby hopefully this works now there we go shotgun perfect now we just need some shotgun shells we have just enough gunpowder but we need gold nuggets and iron nuggets shotgun shell there we go 10 shotgun shells now we got a shotgun baby and it's nighttime perfect i'm feeling like murdering the whole village right now baby die spider oh what did it hit him oh oh i got him that time okay no shoot gosh take it no sheep get in everybody all right this is not going good all right stay in there i'm figuring out this shotgun you press r to reload you only get two shots bam bam let's go baby yeah this shotgun wasn't the best but uh it was fun you know pop pop popping off some rounds so uh i decided though i wanted to upgrade to an ak 16 60 not wait no 48 47 yeah ak-47 i wanted to upgrade to one of those two all right boys i'm taking a nap i think we should uh maybe build an ak and go to the nether that sounds like a plan all right let's do it hey guess what time it was nether portal yeah i'm crafting another portal okay even got the corners looking nice okay ready set oh nether portal there it is you guys ready wait before we go there's one thing i want to do and that is make an ak-47 and a trebuchet trebuchet trebuchet trabuchet whatever however you say it you'll see you'll see okay first let's make the ak-47 boom ak-47 baby all right what kind of ammo does that take just normal bullets so we got the ak i'm looking good oh oh shoot i just fired off a bullet okay that's uh dangerous all right all right we gotta be careful with that all right this thing trebuchet oh it's it's easy to make what oh okay all right then just like that boom trebuchet baby um your girl sees one of these at your place yeah yeah you know you know what's up oh geez it's huge oh my gosh whoa way too big oh no no [Music] oh my gosh no way that oh i could use my glider that was awesome what no way i landed that that was so close i did i literally i thought this thing maybe threw blocks i didn't know through people and boom there she is the troubleshoot and it's glory okay so we got to be really careful with this thing all right but i got an idea now that i have a glider potentially you know i can launch myself i'm going in boys wish me luck yo no way this is so perfect i could use this to like leave my house area oh my gosh the world looks sick from up here yo we could just fly around oh my gosh look at our house coming along man gotta love minecraft guys the trebuchet thingy it is awesome i had so much fun with it but now it was time to head to the nether and so i did i walked right in probably should get like a totem of undying or something first but uh you know what they say man yolo right hello pigmen you guys are looking extra piggy today i'm not exactly sure how but uh the nether portal spawned right in another fortress which is lucky except that everything started attacking me and you know none of my armor was enchanted so i started taking a lot of damage so i just straight up dipped i was out and i had seen this uh interesting piece of armor called the greyhound and all it took was iron to make so i decided to craft it for fun and just you know see how it looks it looks pretty cool check me out baby i look medieval af yeah but then i decided hey it's probably time to make a modded storage system and luckily there's this mod installed called tom's simple storage mod and let me tell you this mod is actually super well done it's very simple to set up the only thing though is i need glowstone and quartz so i headed up to the nether and i know i literally just left i didn't want to be back here at all and then of course right as i grab some glowstone i fall oh hey a chest what that is so random how did that's literally fate like that's just weird bro that's just weird i literally almost fall find a what the heck am i doing what am i doing my life i seriously i need to rethink i need to rethink everything yeah i got the loot but was it worth it things take a horrible turn here i could feel something was close by and i was right what is that whoa it's a demon no no no please oh my gosh what was that thing oh he's right there he's right there okay where do i literally this was my worst nightmare i ran for what seemed forever and managed to grab some courts before i finally made it back to my house alive and safe okay well uh i'm alive i'm alive that is that was not fun actually that was that was probably like the worst thing ever but i feel much better now that i'm in the overworld now we're gonna make this awesome storage system it's gonna be great i began setting up the storage system and in case you're wondering how listen guys let me tell you it's the most simple story system i've ever seen in my life okay all you have to do is place an inventory connector and then a crafting terminal right on top of that and then so any chest that is connected 16 blocks in any direction will show all the items in the main crafting terminal that's that's literally it that's all you have to do and now you have access to literally all your items in one single spot and you can even search for your items and craft inside the terminal yeah all of our stuff is in here and so now we have our storage system set up sick man i'm really excited about this we can take these chests down we don't need them anymore now that we have the storage system set up i did a bit more remodeling and then i remembered the bunny we left in the mountains so i made a golden lasso this thing uh it lets you pick up animals so i went to go bring it back home okay i think the rabbit's this way the upside down rabbit is that it right there i think that's it i hope you're alive bunny all right fingers crossed man hello bunny oh yes you're alive you're still upside down man i i don't know how the blood's not like affecting your head like that but all right let's go back home baby i headed back home with the bunny and it made a nice little cage for the guy he and he seemed to like it introducing the new bunny what's up you are so cute enjoy your new life in this cage is he dancing wait listen closely this bunny was clearly making a beat so i sing along to you know make him feel welcome i made an escape rope now i have no idea what this does but i had to put it to the test okay i saw this thing it's called an escape rope i want to try it out see what it does oh whoa wait what it just teleported me through the roof wait what now it doesn't work wait does it i think it shoots you to the roof what yo that is so p okay okay i'm glad we made that nice ah well that was cool not as cool as what's about to happen though i was ready to go geode hunting yeah that's right i wanted amethyst armor asap so uh i got prepared for yet another cave journey and uh this one was it was actually pretty sick the cave systems are they're so much better the sad thing is though i didn't record any audio for like three days during this and that's of course when i find a name of this geode and so i'm just gonna actually play some of these noises for you guys it makes some crazy cool noises take a listen yeah i managed to get enough amethyst for an entire set of armor and so i headed back home oh yeah i'm home baby we got the amethyst shards boys we did it a successful adventure hopefully many more to come hey look i crafted the armor and also when emerald axle which is the only thing i had enough levels to enchant so you know it was all worth it though yeah i'm looking fresh yeah i'm looking fresh yeah and i'm a test yeah no i'm kidding i was looking pretty strong though huh the only thing though is i still needed enough xp to enchant all of my armor and whatnot so you know i decided to go to the nether to go mine quartz for xp but that didn't last long no that was a bad idea i was back at my house when i realized i still hadn't crafted a time in the bottle yet hey you remember this day it stores up time in your inventory and then you can use it to speed up stuff like the uh the furnace pretty uh useful actually man though after all this surviving i was tired finally though i was able to get some sleep so uh guess what i i now have two dogs yeah yeah i tamed them and somehow wasn't recording so what to make it up for you guys just leave a comment like alfred the third or something like that you know some random name and i'll pick two names for the dogs and shout the comment out if i i continue the series how about that okay back to the video though yeah check this out i made an amethyst bow and yeah this thing was powerful that definitely gonna come in handy but you can have all the weapons and armor in the world but if you don't have food are you really alive are you living are you gonna you're not gonna you're gonna die listen i i needed a better way to get food is is what i'm trying to say okay so i wanted to work on building a farm and i had this mod called croptopia installed which it adds a ton of cool new food items to make and i even added this mod that adds bagels to the game okay what can i say i like bagels all right man sue me but anyways that triggered some random urging me to begin designing a windmill yeah i built this windmill and it seems like a good i hey my grandma likes windmills maybe that's why but anyways i built this windmill and i think it turned out pretty cool check it out not too bad it doesn't look too bad it's pretty good eventually though i wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of uh crops that'll that would look cool i think but i i got distracted though you guys know i absolutely love discovering new modded items and whatnot and this time i found a ring of light that i could make and it's kind of expensive ish not really for what it does check this out and boom we got a light ring places infinite sources of light that's something uh i'd like to have yeah oh you right-click it and it places a light what oh that's sick infinite lights torches what i don't know what even that is i'll take that man i'll take that i did eventually get back to work though i began clearing out land for the crops and then i went searching for different kinds of seeds and actually in this mod to get different seeds it does depend on the bottom you're in so you know after a while i just decided it's not worth it i'm spending too much time on it so i headed back and began just planting the ones i already had oh that golden hoe broke so fast just goes to show you can't trust after all that hard work farming i decided i needed some adventure in my life man okay so i headed to the trebuchet today and i launched myself i'm sorry guys i'm losing it and i launched myself and it worked perfectly okay just as planned but once i lost all the height okay the glider becomes way less useful for for traveling and i actually i know there's just one item in this mod pack that would for sure help with that and that's the slime sling and if you couldn't tell from the name it it requires slime balls so i began my journey to the nearest swamp which ended up being pretty far man but eventually i made it to the swamp oh this reminds me something i i can't quite figure out exactly what but it reminds me of something i killed a bunch of chickens to get some feathers for arrows while i waited for it to turn dark and then once it did i fought a couple of slimes and i got their slime bro here we go all right let's use our pocket crafting table and craft ourselves a slime sling slime sling oh we have just enough just enough all right does this thing work i'm pretty sure it launches you what didn't work oh okay you gotta aim down you gotta aim down it works though okay that's that's kind of high let's check out this village another oh oh and it makes me go fast oh yeah the slime sling and glider combination was perfect definitely gonna make exploring way easier but uh before i continued on though i raided the village and took some tomato and rice seeds and then you won't believe what i found in this chest yo a rocky launcher we really just got a rocket launcher man oh the inner dragon is not gonna stand a chance what's up buddy let's let's try it let's just test it out one rocket ready three two one [Music] well it works it works that's good to know i made it back to my house and cleared out my inventory a bit and launched off from the the tribute today i had a glider and a slime sling and i was ready to explore what this modded minecraft world had to offer i was so curious man and then i saw it whoa whoa wait a second what do we got here what do we got here i have not seen this before shoot man i don't know if i oh okay i guess i'm going into it into the thick of i guess i'm in a castle right now raiding it yeah i'm falling and uh it's not looking too good guys can't believe the castle just randomly spawned here this was the first time i had ever even seen this before and i had no idea just what i was about to get myself into oh we could use one of these spawners not the spider one oh ah she poisoned me ah oh geez we're low we're really low there's a lot of witches i was doing okay at first but uh then the mob just started coming and coming in every direction and my armor still wasn't enchanted so it was just too much all that loot inside was gonna have to wait at least just for a bit longer till i get stronger hey bars baby not even planned yeah i ended up getting a decent amount of loot actually but uh that's when i had a genius idea you remember how i picked that furnace up on accident earlier maybe just maybe perhaps then i could also pick up a spawner and move it so here's what i did i flew back to the castle to test the theory castle of death that's what i'm calling it this place is scary let's go down here all right so we're gonna grab this we're gonna take our shield off right click now we have our oh i can't nope i can't get out oh no no no no no no no i'm taking this and i'm running so look at me look at you oh i need to eat oh i can't eat i can't i can't eat because i can't i'm gonna eat some apples hopefully no one comes out and kills me well it worked but i almost died and apparently when you pick up items it gives you a slow buff so i began the very slow journey and on my way though i ran into this very strange looking chicken that's a weird looking chicken what the boy what's wrong with me what's wrong with your dad you good bro you good oh wait is that a duck oh it is a duck oh okay that makes sense oh it's another one you know what i'm gonna take this duck home all right let's go back home whoa oh i finally made it back home start starving but i made it back i was excited to get to work on building the xp farm i made an obsidian shovel and enchanted it and fed the dogs some shmee and then i began clearing out a spot for the xp farm i had this special idea in mind though you'll see in just a second but it required that i get some more terra cotta and as i was traveling looking for some i found this really cute bunny in the snow oh look it's another bunny i continue to look for terra cotta and it took me forever but eventually i found a bunch that glitched in an ice biome but hey i'm not complaining oh gosh oh why did that scare me but that was so loud that for real scared me i headed back home and now i had everything i needed to begin building the xp farm [Music] i was going to be clearing out a lot of blocks so i built a dank you guys know the little storage system and i also built a ring of magnetization to keep my inventory clean and hey this worked perfectly if you guys don't know how they work i've talked about them in my other modded 100 day series so check those out after doing a bunch of digging i began crafting the modded items i was going to use for the farm i made golden spikes which i'm gonna use to kill the mobs and the golden ones actually drop xp only which is fine and then i went and i got blaze rods in the nether to make a chunk loader so that the spawner will continue to load mods you know if i'm gone or anything it'll still keep loading them and also made elevator blocks to make you know getting from the bottom and the top a lot easier and then i made these conveyor belts i'd never use these specifically but i i plan to use them to bring the zombies to the spikes but i needed more dye to make them so i went on looking for yellow flowers and that's when i discovered drifting with a glider and man i'm gonna try to show you guys but it's hard to explain how fun this actually was this is the coolest thing guys check this out look at this lighting through these cliffs right here i'm literally drifting like look at that [Music] like that is so sick i'm literally drifting if you use the slime sling and the glider it makes it so you go so fast you can drift and also have the better third person mod installed so just with everything why it just it works perfectly it's so fun if you get a chance to do this definitely try it i finished setting up the xp farm and i made a vacuum hopper and some tanks to collect the xp and hey it all seemed to work so while i waited for the tanks to fill with xp i went and i lighted up the nearby caves you know to help make it so more mobs just spawn in the farm hopefully after a bit of time though i felt like i it just wasn't fast enough and it's not like i have unlimited time so i made the executive decision to go get more spawners from the castle i grabbed a skeleton and a creeper spawner and and this is when things get switched up a bit no gosh dang it all right remember i needed gunpowder for the guns and so since i had gotten a creeper spawner i now needed to set up a way to actually collect the items not only that but i also had to upgrade the golden spikes to diamond which not only dropped mob xp but their items as well i went to go look for more amethyst and i ran into something i had never seen before this is insane wait what bro there's so many diamonds oh my gosh how is that possible is this in the update or is this a mod i don't know either way this is crazy well i'm rich i'm rich i got fortune yeah i've never seen anything like that like i got so much diamonds especially since i had you know fortune three yeah i continued mining until i got enough amethyst for another set of armor and then i went and showered in the xp i'd gotten from the farm so far like literally i showered it and then i was finally able to enchant all of my armor with good enchantments too everything had mending and protection foreign and breaking now i felt a lot more confident in my safety which which is good because there's this modded item in here called the angel ring which basically if you craft it you get creative fight which is awesome but this thing is expensive it takes like four wither stars and two elytras and stuff so i needed to go collect 12 wither heads and four withers so i came up with this plan to make weatherproof glass but it took netherright so i headed to the nether and i used some tnt i had gotten from the castle to begin mining for ancient debris i'm gonna repair my uh emerald paxil here i don't wanna place it like right here that's fine okay i'm gonna name it here we go nice got right back to mining until i finally had enough asian debris to craft the witherproof glass i needed obsidian though and so i went deep into the cave and that's when i find uh this giant lucky block check this out oh and there's diamonds that is so suspicious why is it so big like what the okay oh and there's a creep right there great wait there's another lucky block right there i need to go in the caves one all right i say we open the small one first just in case a little bit scary man these these things uh we were almost 100 days if i die i'm gonna be so sad it's so much work just gone but all right here we go three two one oh i froze for a sec i thought i crashed i thought it was all over man what is this just whoa okay all right that is weird what do you say boys we do it remind the diamonds first let's get the diamonds first just in case no it won't matter in the end but all right it's my lucky three diamonds hopefully gives me good luck notch please all right here we go man oh whoa what is this what is this oh there's so much loot wait is that is it [Music] wait are these my pets no they're evil they're evil this is oh somewhere dead oh they're killing me they're killing me no no no no oh okay that that could have been a lot worse though i'm actually happy about that because we just got what 64 emeralds are you kidding me bunnies i'm sorry but you're evil you're ugly oh the bunnies give you lou the bunnies give you loot no way that is wild that is wild i'm rich i i'm rich it's over boys i'm rich two stacks of duck yep i went to the caves for some obsidian and i ended up becoming rich off killer bunnies man the stories i'm gonna be able to tell one day when i get a girlfriend moment of silence thank you anyways though i finally was able to make the witherproof sand and began smelting it into glass while it was cooking i headed over to the mob farm to place down my new pet and keep them in here so when we come to this mob farm we have fred the upside down skeleton horse oh he likes it cool i began clearing out a spot to set up the weatherproof glass and uh well let's just say the this probably wasn't the best spot now that now i look back you'll you'll see you'll see now i just needed those 12 wither heads so i headed to the nether and spent a very long time hunting and killing wither skeletons until i finally had enough for four withers and we did it boys 12 wither school i'm just not gonna talk it was time i set up the first wither and anxiously waited boom oh gosh oh gosh oh i forgot arrows in a bow no no do fine guys he's blowing up my mom farm why oh yeah that was pretty tragic but i had no choice just to accept it and so i i took all the anger out on the last three withers and i managed to find a spot so they couldn't really hit me and boom just like that i had four weather stars i was getting closer to being able to craft the angel ring i remember though i had a pet duck i had captured with the golden lasso and i felt bad for leaving him inside the lasso for so long so i looked up good duck names and i i named him duckleber finn all right duckleberry finn here's your new name i made a promise to take him along with me on my journey to defeat the ender dragon as a way to you know make up for all that time he he was in the lie so far you know i enchanted my aim at this bow and made some rockets for my rocket launcher in preparation for the ender dragon battle but there was something i still needed to do defeat the castle there it is i wanted to know just how much lou and what all exactly was inside that huge castle and i figured it would be a good place to test how strong you know i had become and so i headed to the castle and began clearing it out what the a shulker box [Music] oh no nope oh there's so many mobs so many mobs oh go no i mean a golden apple oh no i'm poisoned i'm poisoned oh yeah another tnt room oh that's a lot of zombies that's a lot of zombies oh i swear to god this was just insane i could not believe how many mobs there were but my armor it was doing its job and i was able to push past a lot of the mobs and break the spawners and get to the chest without having to stop much and finally i had made my way lighting up just about every inch of that castle and i made it out thankfully alive and with a good amount of loot i had gotten a bunch of gunpowder and tnt which was perfect i cracked it a ton of rockets for the rpg and then i made a greater eye vendor which this thing is actually really cool it allows you to choose what structure you want to look for and it also tells you how much blocks away it is then i grab duckleberry finn and we set out on our journey to find the end stronghold [Music] finally we made it to the portal all right i forgot the ender pearls gosh dang it ah typical of course i forgot the eye vendors for the portal man so i had to go all the way back home but eventually i did make it and it was time okay i'm back and i got ender pearls you ready for this duckleberry [Music] that's right buddy here we go i'm excited let's get the rocket launcher ready let's reload all right man here we go you first uncle bear you first come on jump in i threw duckleberry to the portal and hopped in and immediately things were just not going well i'd accidentally looked at some endermen oh i looked at enderman what but eventually i was able to start taking out some towers when this happened i'm going to do a couple things real quick how could you ah died i was filled with rage i couldn't believe duckleberry was gone ah i took out the rest of the towers and i grabbed my rpg and i just started firing rockets off left and right baby now this was personal i don't care if you're a dragon or a mermaid you don't just go and kill someone's pet like that man i was going to avenge duckley and i did yes let's go we did it i avenged you duckleberry you rest in peace buddy all right where's all the loot at oh i got the dragon scales nice whoa let's go baby [Music] [Applause] let's go yay hey we did it now that i had defeated the dragon and got some dragon scales i was almost ready to make the dragon armor the last thing i needed was some more netherrite so i went back to the nether for one last time in my mind and mined in mine until i finally had enough i was able to craft all the dragon armor and as well as this shake looking dragon sword and i enchanted what i could with the xp i'd gotten from the dragon and then i realized yo we did it i survived 100 days in hardcore 1.17 minecraft what an epic adventure huh there was only one more thing i had to do all right little buddy it's time be free there he goes [Music] yo yo hey there's like two videos here just click one of them why not hey you better be subbed too by the way
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 2,152,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days challenge, hardcore modded 1.17, 100 days 1.17, 100 mods new, new fabric mods 1.17, minecraft challenge, modded lets play 1.17, Hardcore lets play minecraft, joshemve plays minecraft, survival single, surviving 100 days
Id: qY1gn3z7I6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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