I Spent 100 Days on a WAR SMP SERVER in Minecraft... This is What Happened...

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in today's video i try to survive 100 days on this minecraft war s p server basically a server-wide minecraft resource war the rules are simple we split up into three teams of 15 players there's the french marines and the british each team only has 100 minecraft days to try and fill their vault with as many iron gold and diamond blocks as possible while at war with the other teams not to mention each player only has three lives after the third life is gone that player is banned from the server for all eternity basically in other words i've created the perfect scenario for 100 days of minecraft and the teams were transported to their vaults and began their first objective securing a base around their vault and making it as difficult to infiltrate as possible i was on the british team all right our vote was actually located on a mountain and in general high ground tends to be superior in warfare so let's hope that holds true unfortunately a couple players died from parachuting in which means they're already down to just two lives on day one staying live until day 100 is hard even in vanilla minecraft now imagine being on a battlefield with weapons and jets and tanks yeah this is not gonna be easy we're gonna have to be super careful and think through each and every move everyone let's go to this abandoned hospital first then we'll go get that tower i noticed an abandoned building across from the mountain and so a couple of us british soldiers headed towards it we figured it would be best to try and loot as much as possible now before everyone else steals all the good weapons and loot on the map oh yeah i know what i'm taking i'm grabbing them grenades oh yeah i'm looking good with some nails about a lack of people yeah make sure to just stock up on guns and i'll make sure that other teams can't have any automatic advantage you just leave nothing unchecked bro i just got so much meat oh yeah my mp7 now has the scope oh yeah that's sick oh are you wait iron blocks you found iron box yeah they're vent docks yeah made out of iron blocks well i got an mp7 and a baseball bat with nails no ammo unfortunately but hey that's better than nothing we headed back to the base and started working on making a wall it was going to be a very big wall securing the vault but someone mentioned they saw a radio tower and that we should go loot it before any other team does apparently it's made of steel which is used to make guns and bullets so without hesitation a group of us set out towards the tower hoping we wouldn't get ambushed i only got one gun with no ammo and one bat with nails what gun did you get the p7 i see it i see it i see it oh yeah i see it oh team oh this is you guys we got a bunch of useful blocks and then headed back to the base i worked on the wall for just a bit longer then i got distracted once again i wanted intel on the french i i figured it was best to do some scouting now before they got geared up a ton you know as i was heading towards their base this leech thing leached on me oh shoot leech on me yeah apparently there were leeches and deals in the water anyways i ended up seeing something pretty funny yeah a marine soldier in some bushes scouting out the french and he didn't even notice bro look at this kid he's laying down we already have a marine scouting out in a bush thing he thinks i can't see him don't let him know that that oil exists all right i'm getting out of here we definitely need to figure out a way to get guns and bullets anyways i headed back to the base and we all worked on a wall for a while and we made some good progress [Music] hello there guys what are you doing that's when i was approached by one of the marine leaders the golden king zero i didn't know what was going on but just to be safe i made sure to keep my sights aimed on them i'm here to make a proposition proposition hmm yes okay let's hear it so here's the deal my team has the tons of guns and oils that your team could probably use up in the mountains in exchange we would want your loyalty and help us defeat the french forces okay yeah he wanted a secret marine british peace treaty and trade for some weapons sure this could end up very very bad but we needed some weapons and it might be helpful to have some allies early on you know so i accepted his deal but only on one condition that he comes back and brings us more weapons and ammo what he initially offered just wasn't enough and they agreed just like that the first treaty of the server we'll see how long it lasts listen guys i'm intrigued by this deal i think it needs to be sweetened up just a little bit all right thanks thanks for the talk josh we continue building up our base walls and began setting up a chain of command here first in command second and command for me uh tam's third firefighter four well meteor just hit down right by our base i know if we grab those we can get sharp that door is so loud holy cow i was the leader of the british and char chart was second in command the french leaders were ace gaming yt and honeybee and the marine leaders were the golden king zero and ryorama now being the leaders meant that we were a much bigger target so we needed to be even more careful the responsibility of our team members lives were also on us so there was a lot of pressure while i worked on the walls i decided to send char char on a scouting mission i knew something was coming i just i didn't know what but i could feel the energy in the air and that's when the marines approached us [Music] yo guys laid out lay down yeah lay down what are these guys doing don't come any closer they showed up unannounced so i i shot off a warning shot you know just to warn them and then i had them join my discord to see what they were doing what are you guys up to uh we have cam with the supplies oh yep this is just my military unit behind me uh in my backpack i do you have some supplies all right all right well i'm gonna i'm gonna toss you down a ladder all right you want to see what we got let's see what you got let's see what's greens gave us a good amount of guns and ammo and fuel we brought a small amount which is 12 mounts months guys you guys got a lot of guns you know this isn't exactly what i was looking for but i think it'll do so i forgot to give you oh my god i am so dumb there's the ammo in there oh okay you do got some ammo also one of our spies of the french did discover that the french is setting up another portal golden apparently had a spy on the french and apparently he noticed them setting up a nether portal now which that cannot be good anyways the marines held up their end of the deal and so i agreed to officially hold the peace treaty with the marines and put it in writing all right on this golden and uh sign where the marine leader signs marines and british peace treaty go ahead and type your name yep and i'll let you sign it all right let's sign this all right we have the peace treaty here we signed the treaty and the marines headed back to their base and as the night set i had some time to do some you know thinking and planning it was time for some action now that we had the marines on our side we had the power advantage over the french the french had no idea we were teaming with the marines and they also wouldn't necessarily expect an attack this early on in game and so i figured now would be the best time to strike and do some damage to their base early on so i came up with the genius battle plan and held a meeting with the golden king zero the mass production on bullets is going smoothly to let you guys know gold we are i have something for you you do you know what that's for oh yeah whoa you didn't have to get me this for a reason all right it's the first tactical plan oh we're all going on a mission together right against the french we're going to burn down their jungle as close as we can to their base i'll sit in a tree and cover them if they start shooting you guys okay you got a sniper yeah right here yep this plan involves flamethrowers i mean after all the french were located in a dense jungle and you know me i love arson i told my british unit what was going down and prepared them that this was not going to be easy and we needed to be extra careful we headed to the marines base and waited until they're ready for battle we all decided it was best to wait until night and launch a surprise attack from the east all right boys i say we start heading over now by the time we dig down and get there it should be nightfall all right move out boys move out move out move out let's go go go go go go go get all the cameras we're getting shot hold on hold on we're not together we're not together stay together stay together stay here hold your position face is right uh almost near the jungle right there it's right there on top of this big tree so i can snipe oh big shot big shot take shots someone on the roof of the state was shooting guys follow me all right everyone take my lead take my lead take my lead hold on josh all right we need to get to a point to where we can dig all right there's no distraction okay i'll sacrifice myself don't sacrifice yourself man we need a distraction no no getting close to the base without them seeing us was difficult and so we tried to be tactical and dig a tunnel to close the distance and once we finally got close enough the first battle of the server chaotic will begin go go go get in the hole all right i'm getting more fire i'm just gonna burn everything down we got one we got one all right guys well you just jacked i'm gonna try and get into the ball and steal some some movement are you guys at jungle yeah i'm burning i'm burning i'm burning oh my gosh i'm inside the basement is [Music] yeah apparently there was another member named golden king atc but he's different from the marines leader the goalie keys here anyways we seem to have their base secured i stole a couple more iron blocks and they called up the attack and we retreated back to our base that was wild but overall i think it was a success clearly after an attack like that they're going to want to retaliate so we got to be on our a-game here we need a room we need to secure their chest room we need a bedroom so that we can respawn at our base we need security cameras i'm going to start working on charges after seeing how easy it was to raid the french's base it was clear we needed to continue to develop our bases security we worked on adding some security cameras around the base and uh as well as a water defense and then charger i mentioned tiana's upgraded weapon let's go what is it and then k16 scar oh this thing looks beast oh and it's got a scope oh yeah [Music] we need to fill this bad boy with diamonds and hey but before we do that we have to get through true we didn't have any diamond blocks in our vault yet and that is a problem eventually my goal is to get the entire vault stacked to the brim with diamond blocks which is gonna be extremely difficult that is if we tried to mine them all luckily i had a quick realization that uh it's much easier to steal diamond blocks than it is to try and mine them on your own speaking of uh mischievous activities the leader of the french ace gaming underscore yt joined my discord and approached our base josh hey don't come any closer hey don't don't shoot don't shoot i just want to talk what's up what's up well you killed me early josh i i did i did that was an intense battle bro i mean what can i say i just want you to know better watch her back there buddy whoa is that a threat hey you better get out of here buddy you better get out of here oh no i'll be back friendship threatened us boys this is a good yeah so apparently i i killed ace i couldn't find any footage where i actually shot him i don't know like what happened but i was able to find his death message and it was true somehow i pummeled him and this would soon prove to be a very big problem for me you see ace isn't just like any normal minecraft player in fact he's he's similar to me in the sense that he loves revenge and let's just say after teaming with the marines and virtually extincting uh his vault territory not to mention uh pummeling him he most definitely wanted revenge yeah there was a big target on my back now okay so i figured it was best to stay low for a couple days and so i worked at the base everything was going pretty well actually things were peaceful and it was nice that is until this happened don't shoot man don't shoot i have a proposition for you proposition huh what could that be yeah ace had a trade deal in place for me i just wasn't sure if i could trust it what's what's your proposition huh proposition is you join us on our side and i'll give you honeybee wait what that's a hostage all right ace you got yourself a deal all righty sorry b when do you think you're ready to hit the marines yeah give us a couple of days so we can get restocked back up all right sounds good appreciate the trade don't worry we'll feed her sometimes as long as she's getting fed that's all that matters something about this trade seemed off but i accepted it anyways that being said now not only do i have a peace treaty with the marines but also with the french that does not like make sense now i have like a gut feeling something bad is gonna happen because of these treatments but anyways honeybee was our prisoner of war now which hopefully means we now have some sort of advantage over the french i mean after all she is one of their leaders chartstar worked on finishing the roof of our base and while he did that a couple of our players have been digging a secret tunnel from our base all the way to the marines and well like i just mentioned i i think it's far easier to steal resources than it is to mine them i mean i mean sure yeah it's a lot more risky but it's also like a lot more fun i figured now the marines wouldn't be suspecting an attack especially with the french now on our side it was time for another battle it was the french and the british unit met in the secret tunnels and if i'm going to be honest pretty much everything went wrong oh my gosh why are we going down why are we going we all got lost in the tunnels for way too long and it took us extremely long to even engage in battle and by the time we finally did the marines knew we were coming we lost the element of surprise but at this point we were forced to engage behind us all right we just got to fight we just got to fight let's go let's go let's go the golden key was taken out by ramen soup attacked him draconius underscore hybrid was shot by moose now i only have two lights i ran around back and shook a grenade at the wall it did not work they definitely know we're here hold on hold on as i was trying to infiltrate their base cau was killed and it looks like that was his last life because he got banned from the server forever r.i.p how do we get in i was having trouble finding the access point to this ball they don't even have anything hold out boys pull out mission accomplished we didn't get anything i couldn't believe it all that effort all those lives lost for nothing the marines didn't have a single iron block in their ball and so on that terrible note i called up the attack head back boys head back i see someone hiding let's capture prisoner war prisoner of war prisoner war oh he made our way back to basin that's when i saw not something blue he was a marine soldier in the forest and i i knew the marines were going to want revenge and so i chased him down to capture him as another prisoner of war for leverage go that way all right we got a prisoner of war here we got blue what do you have to say for yourself um your team just got wrecked what happened you guys didn't even have any resources in your vault you guys were protecting nothing it's because because we have to make ammo for you guys apparently you guys didn't think it was enough huh uh things happened all right man we turned off that you guys did fight hard you did fight hard all right cross this pawn we're putting you in cage it took a while but we finally got him back to the base and put him in a jail cell next to honeybee [Music] after the latest battle the marines needed help recovering and so they called in some air support packages full sprint full sprint forums full sprint guys oh please if it did leave it to me three seconds you're a bully while some players continue to mine for resources for our vault i decided to call in something myself i can tell we're gonna get attacked soon what do you say we do some scouting shout out to oh there he is there he is get ready to load up and we'll go scouting i'm hopping in all right try you ready for this mission or what i'm ready we got to keep our wits about us we don't want to die keep going keep going keep going keep going all right three two one let's jump all right go right go right once we get there we gotta hide behind that red tank all right look at that they've got a front since last week all right get behind this wall well at first we were just doing some friendly scouting but uh then we noticed they had a shiny humvee sitting outside their base and so we initiated operation hey look at that it's a free humvee i'm gonna go steal that let's do it let's do it now okay let's go oh god get in there let's go okay we just got a free ride let's go our team was worried about her chest being too accessible and i agree so we worked on making a new bunker room for our chests this time with reinforced stone bricks and passcoded protected chests i would say things are going pretty well for us we even got our first of hopefully many diamond blocks in our vault but then of course things once again took a turn for the worse this time far more personal than before one of our own betrays us yo yo guys we got a problem we got a problem i mean they're coming let's go guys shoot up shoot up shoot up oh i'm not prepared for this i'm not prepared for this come on boys move out move out go go go go go go go go go go get in kick it in second drive go get it grab the turret i'm scouting i'm looking i'm playing you guys see anything no that's uh yeah false alarm that was my bad why false alarms you had my heart racing oh my gosh the french are coming it's my bad all right well i guess everyone get back to grinding yes we're good they sure i'm sure they're coming soon all right let's keep grinding some resources in everything will be okay uh guys wait wait are you seeing what i've seen yo yo b and blue's gone who helped them escape wait a second wait a second the only person that was down here i'm pretty sure was was you kid huh i wonder what happened [ __ ] you you trainer he's a trainer guys go get him get him chase him oh i can't believe we have a trainer no come here come how here you kid how dare you shoot a boy shoot him no way he escaped all right he has a bounty on his head i want him dead i can't believe him let's set up a trap guys let's do something we gotta capture him i want him alive and then i want him dead bring him alive one of our british soldiers by the name of kitson runs down the stairs yelling the french are coming to and the marines are coming to attack us and so while we were upstairs getting ready to be attacked titson was down inside our base and look we got security footage of him freeing our prisoners of war honeybee and not something blue you know i figured at some point you know somebody was gonna comfort but i didn't expect it to be someone from my own team one of my own soldiers like really messed up yeah it looks like he decided he wanted to be on the french team why i'm not sure but i know one thing his betrayal won't go unnoticed we take betrayal very seriously and so operation captured kitson immensed i wanted him alive you see that sign he's wanted by the british i wanted kittson alive and there was a reason for that we put on some night vision goggles and loaded up into a stealth helicopter and headed to the jungle where the french base is located what do you say we land on one of these trees that's not a bad idea it's gonna happen two hostiles what are they doing it looks like two people code names goat and money we're looking for kittens i'd recognize his face anyway i think i see him guys oh i see him i see him yeah he's right next to there yeah oh there he is there he is yes okay we need to set up a trap after waiting for a while we finally saw him but the problem was there was other teammates nearby and so i used the jungle to my advantage and set up a trap down in the valley now all i had to do was somehow lure kids into the trap and somehow not die luckily i had this invisibility i'm half invisible i'm gonna try and tease him hey look at me look at me follow me follow me i don't even think kitten knew i was an enemy and he followed me right into the trap follow me i'm just a pair of pants [Music] don't move drop your weapons drop your weapon all right we're gonna bring you back to our base how dare you betray this kid i can't believe it my boss there was nothing he could do at least not without it costing him we brought him up into the stella belly and headed back to our base where i had something special planned for him it takes a special kind of evil to betray one's own team and so her special punishment was to be enforced the best i could come up with was a tank shell to the face but it did not go as planned alright guys what do you guys think is this is this a fair way to handle the matter yes yes i think so any final words kit hey i accomplished my goals well guys that's one traitor down justice was served but as fun as that was it was still sad to have to do that to one of our own soldiers but i had to make an example out of him because i didn't want anybody else getting any ideas you know what i'm saying as the days went on each team's vaults continued to grow the french's vault specifically was looking very nice despite the odds they seemed to have kicked it into high gear and they were successfully grinding i wasn't aware of it at the time but i think that this specific moment of the french were in the league when it came to the actual objective of the 100 days having the most resources in your vault after everything that's happened including the latest whatever situation with kittson one of the french leaders honeybee decided to take a trip to the marines base she along with ace wanted revenge against me and the british and so she requested a meeting with the leader of the marines the golden king zero and i didn't have a clue any of this was happening but here's what they said gold hey what do you need to talk to me about i think we should team up and fight the british but for combined military power i say yes we do have a strong taking down the british i think we should team up and take them on the one issue is we don't know what they're capable of i know they have a tank and a few of them have some very high power guns but i think we should be able to take them on all right i think we can do it i'll get you a plan as soon as i can all right we'll be waiting for your response all right nice working with you so it looks like the marines and french are planning an attack on us british of course again i didn't know this at the time luckily while they were planning to attack our team was diligent enough to continue to expand and fortify our base then eventually we got a call from one of our scouts that a group of marines were headed right towards our base but our team was ready at least as ready as you can be for war i gotta count to six marines moving over to the french base they're probably going we took our positions and waited and waited and waited but but nothing happened it looks like they were planning to attack us at nightfall i don't blame them since we had the high ground what was that intervention and i was right what's nice that the enemy engaged um it's like i just got sniped outside was taken out by a sniper now he only has one more lie this was not a good start to the battle lois oh i found him i found him [ __ ] up he's still freaked out i saw like seven of them they began to push us from the east valley it didn't look like they had any air vehicles yet so that was good but they had a sniper who was super powerful and a really good shot this is not a good time [Music] hey we're in the basement who's this we're getting shot there goes my first life i couldn't believe it i felt like a failure i just didn't expect it to be so strong but it was clear it was my fault for underestimating that while chartra and i hid inside of our bed shelter i felt hopeless sartre did have some extra weapons from the bed chest but still it wasn't looking good i could hear the marines in french just outside the door and it was clear that they had already infiltrated our vaults and were taking everything then now they were fixated on us no i think we have a pickaxe we got together we began trying to do everything possible to try and get in and do who knows what to us little did i know while all of this was happening two of our british soldiers by the name of and think waffles 42 had thankfully abandoned us and looted both the marines and french football while they were distracted and get these things yeah help me get these things help me get these grab the angel as well let's go let's go let's go charger and i dug out an escape tunnel and eventually the friendship marines gave up on us and headed back to their base to celebrate their victory the thing was they didn't win because megan think waffles took all the resources from their vault look at the reactions that was a good bat everyone all the marines when you see josh i want you to shoot him dead in the eyes hello diamonds now what i took a photo lag what whoa not the flank oh come on come on come on wait oh my gosh i thought we were taking that l so bad twist it twisted can you show me the plain parts oh yeah you guys stole playing parts okay we're gonna need an airstrip we're gonna need to get some bombs for the planes we need a bunch of stuff our vault was looking better than ever that's when i realized ultimately if we were going to win it's not going to come down to brute force but rather insightful planning and maintaining a perspicacious perspective although these battles have a major impact and can be detrimental to the outcome of this video what ultimately matters is that we are the last team standing with the most in our vault by day 100 and i was going to do anything to make sure that happens now that we had all these resources from battle we were finally able to afford advancing our air occupying technology while my team worked on crafting the planes i worked on setting up the runway little did i know ace gaming had also gotten hold of a fighter jet an f-22 raptor and happen to think that now is the perfect time to airstrike our base snowball fight how's it going tonight luckily he barely missed us i had to think fast because there was no doubt he was going to be circling back around any second now i immediately ran towards my plane i had just barely learned the controls but but it didn't matter it was all or nothing i powered up the engine and into the nice guy i'm going after him as soon as i was up in the air it was if the outside world including everything that had ever happened or existed simply didn't exist and it felt like it had some sort of tunnel vision and all that mattered was one moment i see him i see him it was a hit i did it his airplane began to spin out of control but just as i thought he was going to crash he jumped out of his jet and pulled his pants i flew right past him he was lucky to be alive i headed back to base and as i was flying back the adrenaline from the fight began to fade and as a sense of relief and excitement began to set in i began replaying that epic moment in my head that was one of my favorite moments of the battle so far but i landed the jet safely and as my teammates greeted me back at the base i was just grateful to be on the ground in one place i shot him out boys that was wild he parachuted he's still alive though we gotta keep our eyes open we need some anti-turrets up here anti-air turrets next day one of the british soldiers named kiwi had crafted a plane of their they had own flown before so i offered to go you know in the plane with them to help them out and unfortunately basically everything that could go wrong went wrong wait wait wait you you when you yeah kiwi definitely crashed you know being good teammates we all hopped into a little bird helicopter went on a quick mission to retrieve and save all right let's go let's go let's go after we saved kiwi though it was back to war charger and mega took an apache to do some scouting we had a plan to launch an airstrike on the marines and they wanted to make sure everything would go smoothly if we did and they told me it seemed like now would be as good as ever and so the next day i briefed the rest of the team and made our way to the mission is we're gonna try to uh the plan was to spam these utility supply remotes that have a 50 chance of spawning an explosive air strike i wasn't sure exactly how this was gonna go down but uh there's only one good way to find out all right call him now call him now oh no call now call now josh are we jumping down hold on let me get you on top the air strikes seem to be working i landed the heli on top of the sniper tower and as we were headed down the ladder towards the fault i noticed a couple marines fleeing their bases oh they're fleeing so we're leaving i wasn't sure if they were going to flank us or what they were doing but we continue to push them all right this is your time boys get involved get involved get back i'm an rpg i'm an rpg okay right here i try to be cool and uh you know shoot an rpg at their base to open it oh i just almost killed myself looks like the old pickaxe is gonna have to do break him i'm in i'm in running incoming incoming incoming incoming from french french where are they oh fred she's coming hurry get in get involved get one steal everything let's go where'd you guys get in we were in and it looks like we scored big time now what we had to do was get back to base a lot oh my gosh there's so many diamonds i'm getting so many diamonds you got to see my get out i got him we need to get to the fresh base we need to get into the french face yeah come through here come here yeah oh yeah wait no oh no all right that's success i got 11 diamonds 11 diamond blocks we made it safely back to base and you won't believe this i was heading to the vault to put the diamonds i got away and i didn't even notice there was an enemy player until it was almost too late oh ricky oh my gosh i got him i got him i didn't know they were already here he was stealing our stuff i thought it was a tv wait is anyone else here yo you'll keep your gun on high alert that was a close one way too close as we approached the 100-day deadline things were heating up everything was becoming far more intense especially since a lot of people were on their last live and next thing i know two marines approached us from the east valley but sadly for them they were lazy and they used our booby trap grid wait what is going on i just killed my teammates leaving the marines with one less soldier speaking of one last soldier the unimaginable happened put your hands up okay remember mexico [Music] yeah three three two one [Music] i don't blame the other team though it makes sense the more players you eliminate from one team the harder it is for them to fill up their vaults with resources and after all that that is the whole point of all this but now that char short was gone my team was even more vulnerable for attack and while i was at my base scrambling to hold myself together one of our pilots power core games was engaging in a dogfight with ace and things got intense quick all of a sudden i received this message and lost all control of his jet but somehow somehow though he survived but ace was one of the best pilots on the french team and he was persistent oh no we just we just lost another one yeah that was power's last life they were just eliminating my soldiers one by one and shortly after power died another one of my soldiers found themselves in a dangerous position british player ramen soup was at an abandoned gas station when the golden king's hero approached him in an armored tank no no no ah why won't you die already josh is gonna pay and you're gonna be now ah poor little british just wait until josh gets his turn ramen was banned from the server another soldier gone for good at the time of losing both of these soldiers i thought to myself if i'm going to win this battle my best chance is to raid both of the enemies vaults now and then hold a major defensive position back at my fall and so mega and i hopped into an apache helicopter and we flew to the jungle i jumped out of the helicopter and parachutes so i could flank the fridge's base while mega went and distracted them in the apache but then i noticed something in the bushes well who's this hey hey hands up don't move don't move drop your guns drop your guns archers move move forward step forward step forward i need you to say hello to my little friend ah please go bye my friend all right i'm running up i'm getting in boys i'm i'm coming up to this base you see anyone to talk oh no no i always see that i made it into the vault and i started mining the resources but that's when i noticed ace was right behind us what ace second desk could kill us both drop all your weapons right now no no please plea okay okay don't don't do anything crazy i'll drop all my weapons here you go there you go there's that take that all right there you go don't kill me please please good guns here one more thing take off that armor oh not not my armor take off the armor no i feel like a loser look at me turn around oh why wait wait ace hi josh no no no oh my gosh i only have one life left and just like that i only had one life left i'm gonna get my revenge now that i only had one life left there was a big part of me that just considered digging in a hole and hiding there for the remainder of the days i mean that would ensure that i don't get banned but of course what good then would i be to my team not to mention it would basically be a slap in the face of those soldiers you know who put their lives on the line for me and are now banned forever but you know i've been the leader of this team for a while and i was going to see it through to the end even if that meant putting myself in danger of witnessing the power of the band hammer i hope not but then so i put on the warrior's face and stood right by my teammates as the marines and friends approached us once again from the east side north south east west yeah 12 36 shoot him shoot him below boys shoot go go go go gosh is mine i'm not sure whatever the french marines were doing here but whatever it was it just clearly wasn't working for them that is unless it was all some sort of big distraction i don't know either way they were treated and it seemed we had won this battle as we planned for a counter-attack unfortunately the next day two beginner pilots on our team experienced a plane malfunction guys i'm not a good pilot [Music] they didn't survive and both were on their last lives it was difficult to accept that that's how they went out but their service to the british army was respected and appreciated nonetheless but it felt as if my team was just shrinking by the minute my teammate barency was approaching the marine's base when he was met with the fatal force not something blue shot bear mc all the way from the marine sniper tower and once again the ban hammer spoke you know what this means i now only had one other teammate alive mega who thankfully for me actually runs his own war survey knows a lot about these mods but still only one teammate left is discouraging i was filled with rage and a sense of urgency i rushed into my jet and headed straight towards debris base take these missiles [Music] i'm gonna go for this sniper let's go origin not something blue were eliminated and banned it honestly felt amazing taking them out in that jet especially since they had eliminated and recently gotten some of my teammates banned i thought enough damage was done and so i turned around and headed back to our base and then the next day i was on top of our roof you know the one who betrayed us and joined the french yeah he attacked me oh no that's by me oh my gosh oh i can't see oh oh i'm almost dead med kit med kit a kid oh he's going to keep all he's going to ball i chased him down with only a desert eagle a couple grenades and pure adrenaline ball he's put in the ball i got him i got him finally kissing got what he deserved that was his last life and he was now banned from the server that was a big win for us british yeah the next day mega tells me he spotted some french soldiers in a tree and so he grabbed a flamethrower and uh we loaded up into the little bird and headed out on a stealth mission i had only one life left and so i didn't want to get too involved in this specific battle as we were winning at this point with the amount of resources in our vault but i flew into their base and he parachuted out with this flamethrower oh shoot honestly i gotta get out of here all right good luck good luck [Music] mission accomplished but now i have to safely evacuate mega all right get in get in things were looking good but as soon as i landed the helicopter this all right we made it safely bro you literally caught them on fire that was crazy all right let's just land this nice and easy bada bing bada boom i was now the last player alive on my team but i didn't have any time to think seconds later i hear an enemy jet approaching our base and this happens what the 360 no scope it just happened at the time i had no idea what happened but after reviewing the footage and replay i couldn't believe what i saw an enemy player by the name of pro archers with only one life left flew a plane directly towards our base and jumped out to try a 360 no scope he with the sniper mid-air but he failed and died and got banned that was absolutely insane i mean clearly this war i've been going on for so long people were beginning to go crazy and he wasn't the only one [Music] at this point there were only three people still alive on the server myself the marine leader the golden king zero and french leader ace gaming underscore yt now i knew i had the most resources in any of all and there were only a couple days left till this challenge ends meaning assuming i don't die and no one gains access to my vault i would win this challenge representing the british team but hear me out here where's the fun in that sitting around no obviously if you've been watching i am not good at just sitting around now sure it would be the smart thing since i only have one life left but i happen to have intel that both ace gaming and the golden king also were on their last lie if i were somehow able to take both of them out i would be the last person on the server and so it was decided then i stared directly in the face of fate and said [Music] after flying around for a while i noticed that there was marine humvee at this old factory so i decided to land my jet and check it out there's only ace and gold left this has got to be him i'm gonna land right here hopefully he doesn't hear me i'm going to be sneaky beaky like [Music] oh there he is he's in there oh yo what is he doing in the sheep what the heck don't move do not move well well gold put the gun down well isn't it josh gold what are you doing here i've been hiding out here chilling reading some books getting some animals you don't seem okay just just hand me the gun buddy please everything will be all right josh you you think you were the hero yeah the golden king zero had completely begun to derail from reality the devastations and traumas of war had gotten to him something was off please give me the gun i've been waiting for this encounter with the gun make sure to put a hole in your head no stay back stay back bro you just exploded with the golden king zero dead and banned the marines team had officially lost all chances of winning this challenge now it was just me versus ace who of course was in the sky barrel yielding his f-22 raptor fighter jet i'm coming for you ace you'll never take me alive oh i missed i missed all right oh my gosh there it is that's it i won baby let's go
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 5,805,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, surviving 100 days in hardcore modded minecraft, 100 days lets play, 100 days modded, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in modded world, I spent 100 days in minecraft, how to automate in minecraft, 100 days automating in hardcore world, tech mods 100 days, joshemve, modded tutorial 100 days, hardcore minecraft playthrough, 100 days 1.19.1, 100 days 1.18, hardcore 1.19.1 minecraft, 1.17
Id: _2zxdhfH_6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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