I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft in an OCEAN ONLY World! [FULL MOVIE]

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there's only one thing that i hate more than being stranded out in the middle of the ocean and that's my boss dr halsey okay okay so um you're probably wondering hey skies uh what you doing in the middle of the ocean in a sunken ship and i'd respond with well i'm trying to help create a bio weapon to save the earth from aliens okay now hear me out i'm not crazy okay so the year is 2025 and nasa was searching around for more planets that could harbor human life until they found these alien ships coming our way apparently they found us first and you'd think oh wait maybe they're coming to talk to us maybe they're friendly and uh well i'd agree with you except for the fact that no friendly person comes with that many ships or turrets on their ships unless they're trying to violently tell us they're friendly which um wouldn't make sense getting back on track the company i work for unsc likes to make weapons we are american after all and dr halsey sent me on this top secret covert mission into the middle of the atlantic ocean all by myself i needed to find some super rare plant that's apparently going extinct or something for this bio weapon we're now on a race against time to finish this thing before the aliens arrive on a more fun note she gave me this really sick ship but in the beginning of this movie it was sunk and i was stranded so let's get into that fun stuff but first if you enjoy my work it would mean a lot to a man like me if you'd click that subscribe button and the like button i want to get this bad boy to 30 000 likes and i'll release the next part of this movie series thing alrighty enough of that here's my adventure of surviving 100 days in an ocean-only world all righty so uh day one i got to the rough destination spot of where halsey said to go it was thundering and raining really hard but at this moment i figured everything was fine you know the ship's strong so halsey and i are part of the unsc they left me some supplies to make this trip possible and easier for me i got suited up went up to the poop deck and jumped into the water i was stunned by the beauty of this place and got sidetracked with looking around even though i need to look around for this plant so i guess i didn't get sidetracked um anyways i i fought some of the locals in here and took some loot from sunken ships might as well try to make a pretty penny out here i explored the ravine near the ship and mined a bit the computer said i would find the plant down here but obviously didn't i was looking through a cave and a creeper caused a cave in it was getting pretty late so i returned back to my boat i put everything back in my chest and the storm was still going crazy hopefully it would clear up in the morning wait what wait wait what just happened babies oh god you're everywhere no wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no so um yeah the uh the storm finally calmed down and uh my ship also went down i lost all the armor and tools and um i played ping pong on this baby's head i think it thought i was its dad or something i couldn't even loot this sunken ship because it wouldn't leave me alone it took okay okay it it took me like three minutes of constantly punching it to kill it i really wanted to loot more but i'm all over the place and nearly dead so i had to continue running and eating rotten flesh i was searching for some kind of box or cave or anything really that would work as a base i found some obsidian box thing with a chest had some great loot in it and i headed out again for a base i found the sunken ship but it was directly next to this place that halsey said to steer clear from apparently the fish are highly aggressive or something i was eluding the ship and then found out that doors somehow hold air so i kinda just sat here the entire night waiting for daytime the next day i went out and gathered some sand i need to drain this boat and pluck up all the holes while collecting some sand i completely forgot about breathing air as as one does and went down to a heart and a half things were getting even more intense now i also have no food as well so this will be interesting to heal i plugged up and drained the first room and then began to work on the captain's quarters of the ship since what is insanely rare in this world i had to hollow out the ship as much as i could all pieces of wood are valuable after a long two days i finished training both rooms and then looked through my inventory for any kind of food i had some suspicious stews but they only got me half a heart more of health i really didn't want to but i decided to eat the golden apple i was very desperate at this point i worked a little bit on the rooms and then decided to hunt some fish because you know i'm in the ocean so i shouldn't have any reason for not having food except these fish suck and they don't drop anything that's nice knight came and i got to see the night sky for once it's quite beautiful without all the light pollution and stuff from the city i was beginning to work on the next room until poseidon came and his trident did way too much damage to me i bravely waited until daytime in my hut i was getting used to this now and now thinking about it i think it's actually a good thing for me that this ship has been underwater for so long since i can punch away the wooden logs with my bare fists pretty easily and fast i drained out the third room and noticed that it's sitting right on stone after finishing the room i used the gold from the obsidian box thing to make some tools and got to mining immediately finding iron and then finding out that it needs stone tools instead of gold to collect it but um anyways this ship was sitting on a really nice pocket of iron after mining for a little bit and getting the mine shaft going it was time to head out and just collect everything i need food and wood and uh luck a whole lot of that i found some fish but they dropped um they they dropped something just not food but i was swimming around for a little bit and found this weird hut thing the loot was all right but these men in shining armor didn't come to save my day i said hi to them and one of them dropped this aquaman looking chest plate it was better than my leather armor so i wore it i found a ship and borrowed all the wooden logs on there this is how i'll have to get wood while i'm here then i used a dolphin to get back to base in style i didn't get to collect much so i went back out did the same exact thing found a ship and chopped wood anyways i uh i found the lost city of atlantis or sunken village i don't know i was alluding the first chest but there was just too many slimy people here and i had to deal with them i defeated aquaman and he dropped his helmet i tried it on after washing it out and found out that i still can't speak to the aqua life so i think the shows were fake but i could breathe underwater with this it made looting the village really easy until it broke since using it wore down its durability and it was very low to begin with it was getting late and i decided to return home also i had a full inventory and how to get organized since it's been a rough week and i got a fishing pole from one of the chests out there i made a little platform and decided to fish i've gone through a lot and i just needed a day to relax also i need to get some strings some i can make wool for a bed as much as i love to stand against a wooden wall and try to sleep against it i wouldn't mind a bed but after an entire day of fishing i um yeah i i got one string should have a bed in no time after that fun vacation it was time to go out for another resource run i got some oars and food but the important thing came at night while i was returning home i noticed there was a spider on my fishing platform thingy it didn't hit me that i can make mobs spawn up here i expanded the platform but sadly like my father nothing ever came i think there's just too many caves in all of the baddies are in there now having a goal of finding more spiders and where to find them i got to mining today i wanted to see if i could find a cave or something with a minute this completely skipped my mind but dirt is even more valuable than wood to me right now it's weird to think like that but i need this for a farm and a renewable food source so i gathered as much as i could and got back to mining the following day i continued the mine shaft down and i found this underwater cave it was cool at first until i found out that all drowned in here in like two seconds flat i had the bright idea of taking these magma blocks though and placing them around for some air pockets now i know this looks completely fake but i dug this magma block and i found three diamonds below it but my luck ended there i used the door strategy to move around this place but it was too tedious and i didn't feel like continuing on so i just went back to making my mine shaft i miss seeing the sun something i've never said in my life and saw the skeleton just diving in the ocean you see i was kind of wondering why is it not drowning but then it's like oh yeah you don't have any lungs and after finding out about that advanced medical breakthrough i cleaned up the platform up top since i had dirt i can finally begin my farm i made a huge spot for potatoes and carrots since i know i'll be needing a ton of those to stay full and then heard some drown near my base upon further investigation it was a trident welding one and i luckily killed him in three hits also obtaining his trident my luck knows no bounds the following day i finished up all the different types of farms that i wanted also started a bamboo farm and tended to everything then i thought hmm let's make a spawning platform up here too and see if i can get spiders to spawn but um as time went on i didn't like that idea it felt like i would be cheating and i decided against it also these loud flying rats came by i figured i was safe in water but i'm stupid of course flying birds can go and fly in water so i had to camp it out in my boat also they're quite weird and like to peep through physical objects once the creepy paparazzi were gone i went back to my platform and after thinking about it i'm not gonna finish this i just i don't feel like taking it down but i won't be using it at the least after that i began thinking i need to come up with some way of getting home regardless if i find this plane or not it's useless if i'm stranded out here forever so i thought of making a compass to head north east ish to get back to america and then something called the sea moth a tiny little submarine thing that shouldn't be hard to craft at all after getting that planned out i headed to the mine i need ores for these things after doing my daily chores i actually decided to head out instead i do need ores but i also want a lab to make all this stuff i'm only on day 15 and there's no way i'll need all 100 days to find this plant right anyways um i went to the sunken ship and tore it all down it took me the entire day and this really makes you miss and appreciate trees i can see why mr b is planted 10 million now after that i returned to the base under the beautiful night sky after getting all the supplies i just picked the side of the ship that would allow a nice doorway luckily this room doesn't need to be fancy or look nice at all since it is a sunken ship the room didn't even use the same color wood but it was tiny enough that i finished it all today and had enough room to hold everything for me to stay organized and get this done fast and efficiently i looked through everything i would need i made a sign with how many ingots or blocks it would take to make the part and gave it its own chest upon getting all the items for it i would then place a torch in front of the chest to make it faster to tell what i need after looking through my storages i i need a lot to make this thing after getting that all prepared i went straight to mining the thing i'm most worried for is titanium i haven't seen it yet i was finding some ores i needed and it was going all well but that's not important while returning to the mine shaft i somehow got a slime to spawn in here i thought it was cool until it hurt me so i did some quick maths and divided it leaving me these little cute slimes and they're kind of cute i think i'm just gonna leave them like they can't hurt me kinda reminds me of my girlfriend after that adorableness i got back to mining and i wanted to check up on them and uh they they despawned leave a comment with something like those slimes were so young they'll be missed i left the mines all sad and i was also doubting that titanium spawn underground i remember when i was coming to the ship i hit some rocks and got these chunk things i have no idea how they work or what to do with them but decided to head out and gather them you know spend some time in the water too i was breathing in the door again and this crab kept on eyeing me like a black friday shopper to a tv i wanted to see if i could put it in my bucket and ended up with a new pet i gathered a lot of chunks and played around with what to do with them i couldn't combine them at all and tried out a furnace and uh what one of these chunks gives an ingot oh that's broken oh yeah i'm gonna make this seamoth in no time i use it for smelted titanium ingots for the power cell i had everything ready for this bad boy and only need seven more titanium ingots total to make this seamoth i'm in the power cell now because why not and since i have so much time remaining i want to have fun i don't have halsey breathing down my neck and no supervisors telling me what to do so i decided to make a saltwater fish tank because what man doesn't like having a minion because what man doesn't like having a saltwater fish tank after getting all of the glass and finishing up the massive tank today i placed my little homie in his new home i think he loved it but it's hard to tell since these things don't show emotions but i i wanted to add some fish obviously and well i caught optimus prime and he changed from a tropical fish into some cod with that strange new scientific discovery out of the way i caught some more stuff and the aquarium is looking nice but this little dirtbag wants to escape for some reason now day 22 is possibly one of the most important days i went out and was collecting fish again until i found this lobster listen i boosted the sound but i very faintly heard this while swimming back up for some air i wanted to double check because i didn't believe it and yes i heard it more and dug down immediately fighting this cave spider spawner i cleared it out healed up and got to collecting crafted wolf from the string and finally made a bed after almost a month here i can sleep on a bed again i explored the area a bit tons of fours and then fell asleep in the abandoned mine shaft i made a system that has never been done before so i don't get lost i placed torches leading back to the entrance and it worked really well for it until it didn't i heard some enemies below me and dug down i wasn't expecting a skeleton right behind me and quickly made a dash for a safe area going down to two and a half hearts this entire place was loaded obviously since they can't go anywhere else they don't like water but i did find some diamonds i was in survival mode now and wanted to escape i still had the red lobster in my bucket so i couldn't use it to keep the enemies back and was just sprinting around i needed to find the highest point and out of the corner of my eye i saw some water dripping from this sand i broke one the rust fell and the ocean began to flood in and fill the cave i swam out and luckily made it to safety i got organized and made a second bed so i'd always have one on me there's no way i want to go without a bed again now i was looking at the aquarium and they all look so comfortable in there so it got me thinking that's how you know it's going to be good i want to make the ship into this aquarium kind of thing i want to add some glass and make a nice walking area so i spent the day collecting sand and smelting it all i had to go around and clean up the ship lots of fences and stairs and how to deal with the slimy people while adding the glass cage i know it doesn't look the prettiest but i'm just going for functionality i made some signs for the doorway thinking it would block out water but i i don't know why i thought that'd work i got a good portion of the ship done today but needed a lot more gloss for this i really underestimated this to not bore you with this tedious process that made me numb day 26 and 27 were just finishing the glass dome part and gathering sand to drain it all out this was a colossal project for me right now and i finally finished it on day 28 but looking around i bet you can notice this too it's really dark while looking around when not in water uh here let me show you first i made a section of the gloss dome the waterfall and secured it so the water wouldn't splash out now if i go to my door and walk into the water everything lights up and i can see i don't know if it's the contacts that the unsc gave me or some hidden penguin powers i have but it works so i made this section and now i can safely look around while in my base anyways i got sidetracked and had some fun it's time to get back to work on getting that plant and escaping i went around and collected chunks until i got the remaining amount of titanium i needed for the seamoth after all of that gathering which really didn't take me long i was actually shocked i created the seamoth i placed it down outside of my front door and honestly it didn't look like much i'm really hoping this thing will work and get me back home oh my god oh this is amazing oh this is so cool wow i can actually go down to any depth i don't have to worry about water i immediately lost all doubt this little sucker was actually really good i think my old computer said it can only be found deep below and most likely in ravines i don't remember but this seamoth can really fit into tight corners it impressed me i got back to searching immediately today and decided to head far out get away from my base maybe i'll have better luck this way however instead of the plant i did find a lot of diamonds like enough for an almost complete diamond armor set also found the ship that i tried to loot 29 days ago i was returning home and saw my ship again i should probably mention i ran fast from it and decided to not live in the sunken room because the ship had a nuclear generator for the engine i don't know if that's what blew up sinking the ship or what however it does have a safety precaution on it so the uranium doesn't leak out halsey was always safe like that but i don't have a geiger counter so i can't tell if it's releasing radiation i was going to head back out today but i noticed it was kind of dark out and i was seeing rain hit the surface of the water i swam up and i remember those clouds a little bit too well i wasn't hearing thunder so maybe this is nothing but i'd rather be safe than sorry for whatever reason the storms out here are incredibly powerful so i just decided to go mining my thought process was maybe i'll be lucky and find a cave system with a plant in it but i never ended up finding it i checked the weather again today and i figured it was just a rainstorm until that lightning bolt hit right over my base i immediately rushed back inside and went back underground since my base is on the sea floor this time i'm positive i'll remain safe but i like to be safe and not risk things i was mining but the entire time the thunder was getting more and more aggressive after a couple of minutes i couldn't stay down here i was heading back but the worst happened why is there water please i please i please i wha what i i i i where the hell is my base come on okay uh come here little one i just i was just in awe the entire area looked like a controlled blast zone i didn't have anything electrical or explosive though i didn't even see any debris did something come by and just pick everything up i uh obviously went away to a distant location and just made a little air pocket on this floating platform i was just in complete shock i lost my first ship didn't have anything and now my base i luckily had to bed some food and the items i gathered while mining but i was losing all hope at this point i had to find some wood again i can't do anything at this new spot without a crafting table at least the storm seemed to be dying down and i found this flipped ship i was chopping away until i realized i didn't have any doors on me i tried to mine some logs and make a crafting table as fast as i could i tried to craft doors but i was drowning too fast with the literal milliseconds remaining i remembered my bucket and rapidly just kept pushing water away from this block making an air pocket for myself i crafted a door and just wanted to cry i was at my lowest point here something seemed to be out to get me and honestly it seemed like it was going to succeed i just quietly chopped up the entire ship and returned back to my new base i got lost in the night sky again i was just a crushed dude at this point everything seemed hopeless with some wood i finally began to make this place more like a home i got organized and headed out to collect some sand i'm making my new base in the center of the ocean level now not on the floor or the surface i'm hoping this will prevent the storm or whatever it really is from destroying my base also i want to put a gloss dome on it i want to keep track of everything outside of my base this time nothing will sneak up on me i was preparing all the glass and wanting to work on the next dome area i'm planning about three domes a bedroom main area with all my chest and maybe a lab and then a farm section i ran out of cobblestone to finish off the second dome and headed over to the area where i was collecting sand i gathered some granite for the farm dome and honestly it was incredibly lucky that i did i found another abandoned mine shaft right under my base this alone just saved my entire trip here and here i gathered string again more wood found endless ores tons of creepers and mobs it really boosted me along weeks i went around and explored more of the mine shaft but honestly this place was so massive and i didn't want to spend a week down here looking around entirely i found some good loot though and my inventory was full so i had a couple of fights with the locals and after that i went back to my base then realizing that i somehow didn't collect cobblestone so uh i just worked on the farm dome because i had granite today was all about chores and getting this building along i gathered more cobblestone finished all the domes realized that the doors are somehow a mob spawner and watch the creeper float to the top so uh this'll be interesting i have to keep an eye out for my doors now but i finally began adding the glass top part of the domes to make it faster day 39 was all about finishing one dome and then gathering sand for it and on day 40 i finished draining out the entire thing doing this one section really made me realize how much work is going to go into this base but i think it's going to be worth it since it's floating in the center of the water level it should be able to stand the storms now also with the glass top i can see what storms come keep an eye on drown since i think they're part of the disasters that's what they've always been known for and i can prepare for dangers now also i finally got my lobster from the last base into a temporary spot i think i'm going to make a nice spot for him next i finish the middle glass dome and begin to drain it out finishing it all on today and looking around i'm loving this design i've been cooped up inside for quite some time and i just want to explore and maybe fight some stuff with my rapidly moving arms and a bucket i was able to swim down to deep depths and mine quite a lot of oars i was about to head to bed when i found an orange lobster i added him to the beautiful aquarium and my lobster collection is starting to come back obviously though yesterday wasn't enough i wanted to explore some more especially because this entire area is still new to me i can't really search for the plant without a seamoth but regardless i felt like i should try then i noticed it this uh iceline i don't really know how to explain this this doesn't look natural it looks man-made the indian ocean is too warm for ice i thought i ran around the surface and this ice just doesn't end i used it to find some sunken ships travel faster got a blue lobster which i've never seen and then camped out in the sunken ship the john we're getting too active meaning night is coming i completely ignored searching for the plant and just used this day as well for looting i used the ice layer and dolphins as much as i could after an entire day of running around and looting my inventory was getting really packed and soon i'd have to return home but before that i camped out in the ship really making me miss my bed i'll have to create another one for traveling but whatever and um today i was running home and honestly i uh all that i can say is that this was a circus act i was minding my own business when i noticed these two fish stuck on top of the ice being the kind man that i am i wanted to help them out and save them i was breaking ice when one of the dirtbags decided to sting me and poison me so i very calmly swam after the little booger and slaughtered him taking his corpse as a trophy i went back to the surface and left the other one to suffer reminding those slimy buttheads to not attack those who are trying to help them anyways after that i just went back home got organized and headed off to bed upon waking up i saw this new neighbor that i really didn't want he wanted to sell me this fork but i wasn't hungry so i declined after that ordeal i went out gathered in smelted some sand and then finished off the glass dome i need to get this base all done as fast as possible now and i think it's safe to say that i'm a professional at draining out water sections in the ocean had a lot of practice now so i drained the entire room today and then kind of miss that water looking section thingy that i had in my last base even though to be completely honest it's kind of useless since i could have just gone out of one of my double doors throughout the base but anyways i still made it so i'm a simple man not really i've just heard other people say that about themselves and wanted to say that too uh anyways i made a massive farm last time but honestly i don't really need that much food and i don't have that much space to work with so i made this cute little farm and used the bone meal i had to speed it up i have carrots and potatoes growing now after that this is super important for me to find the plant i made a floor-to-ceiling aquarium tank trust me it's it's very important and then added all my lobsters to it making me want to get more and more did i get was that even a proper sentence uh so i spent the entire day getting more fish i got like two jellyfish some shrimp two tropical fish you name it and wow this thing was looking really nice and before any of you say it just leave a comment you know help me out here write something like dude skies i totally understand and agree with you that that fish tank was needed would really help me out now here's a fun story of how i got a friend in the base so i've been stuck out here for like a month and a half at this point i'm pretty positive the unsc forgot about me somehow and i know halsey would highly advise against this but it's really lonely in my bases sure i got my fish but they're just animals so i spent the entire day getting this annoying drown in a spot so i'd have a friend in here maybe it'll spy on me and relay information to the other drowned or their boss or something i don't know don't really care at this point i named the drone sleep make her more friendly or something i don't know but after getting her in this spot it really did liven up the place a little bit also had a friend to talk to now after fixing up the social issues in here i thought about it and i kind of miss having a lab i know i said i wouldn't build anymore this base was a good enough size for everything i need but i do like having a lap i know that doesn't make sense to a lot of people and it's kind of pointless to have such a big empty room for this stuff but it really does help me out plus i do have like 50 more days until i have to be back at the unsc headquarters and i do love me some building it's just a nice pastime thing to relieve stress and doze off and just like that i finished the lab it's the same design as the other rooms but i made this giant hole specifically for the sea moth so i can get in and out without getting wet also because it reminds me of a video game i played before coming out here some nautica which i have some videos on that you should definitely check out anyways i uh i made that flawless system from last time and it really just helps out a ton after going through all my storages i just need to find titanium really man the seamoth is created again i found out the weird way that these two different types of lead can still be combined to make a block of lead i was kind of stunned but really happy to find this out all that's left is 20 ingots of titanium which i can obtain in like four minutes but i don't know it just kind of seems like i'm cheating when i collect them from the chunks on the surface i've only made a snazzy little hut for a minecraft right below my base and decided to find some titanium this way or at least one or block of it but uh i kind of found another abandoned mine shaft i don't know how or why i keep finding these all over my bases and everywhere i go i'm just as shocked as all of you sadly though there wasn't really anything that i needed in this place i did however decide to steal every single fence post maybe i could use these to tether down my base so it doesn't float away or something if another thunderstorm comes by i found one chest in here and then decided to sleep in here i stole just about every single fence post that i saw and decided to go back to mining this place is nice for wood but i didn't really see any titanium and i didn't want to spend more time in here and after over half a day of strip mining i don't think titanium spawns anywhere but those chunks this thing is more rare than my mother's appreciation with a new knowledge i decided it wasn't worth it to mine for it so i know i named this name tag a very good name that everyone should do and give it to this green lobster i found like two days ago gonna keep this buddy with me for all future traveling purposes getting back on track i figured since i've never really explored ravines or kids on the surface maybe titanium spawns there for some reason i spent the whole day looking around but still no luck and dug a hole to sleep in in a ravine i spent the entire day today as well just searching for titanium i didn't really collect anything and every dark or that i thought it would be titanium was just lead it was really leading me on ah ah so no matter where i look for titanium it just isn't there i think that ore only comes from those chunks on the surface but at least i figured this out i'm far from home and had a taste for loot i push this underwater village thingy and begin to head back home i'm just going to have to cheese this and get titanium from those chunks i don't want to but it's the only way since i got a really lucky fishing rod yesterday you already know what time it is i just spent this entire day fishing and uh i caught a wee wee um i don't know if this is some kind of heavily immature joke but apparently you can catch a wee wee in the ocean there might be a huge spike in fishing tomorrow from all around the world anyways while fishing for things other than wee-wees i got something called neptune's bounty no idea what this does and it was the only one that i caught all day frankly i'm too scared to open it what if it blows up or summons neptune i had three fishing poles a lot of xp and a dream a dream of being the greatest fisherman there ever was also jellyfish can turn into slime balls thought you'd all like to know since i'm older today than i was yesterday i'm therefore wiser and more brave so i decided to open neptune's bounty in my base and uh this is incredibly powerful i don't know what else i can get from this thing but it gave me some boots that let me swim around faster than michael phelps with my newfound powers and hunger for more god armor i obviously went back to fishing i didn't get any more neptune bounties but with this fishing rod it takes me like 10 seconds to pull something doing more fishing today and almost immediately i got another neptune's bounty except when i looked in it no yeah kind of summed it up for me got possibly the worst thing ever right there but a couple minutes later i got another one and then it proved me wrong this was the worst thing i could possibly get from the bounties after a little bit i started to think hmm maybe just maybe i can get the plant this way i mean i can get god tear items so why not a god tier plan i fished into the night and didn't get anything worthwhile okay okay okay so i know i may seem like i'm addicted to fishing but i'm not i can stop it anytime i want just not right now i figure i can get an entire armor set and tools from this but uh it just wasn't going well at all after another entire day of fishing i forced myself to stop and hung up the fishing rod time to get back to work luckily for this new base i never collected any of the chunks around here i didn't have to travel far at all and a lot of these were titanium i gathered a little bit more than i needed but got all the ingots that i would need after taking quite some time to smelt all the ores that i collected it was time to craft this bad boy i had the entire thing memorized and popped it into the hole luckily it was a perfect width and everything it felt amazing to have this thing again and i just drove it around for a little bit now i have about a month left to find this plant and return home i immediately got to it today and search around for the deeper veins for it but there's always been these strange obsidian boxes kind of spread out in this ocean i don't know what they do but it got me thinking they always have heat and some strange looking blocks around them they all seem broken but halsey told me that the plant is only found in really hot areas maybe these box thingies have some connection to it before my ship sync the unsc equipped it with all state-of-the-art computers radars whatever one of the computers brought the ship directly to the plant's location however that computer is gone now halsey did give me her wikipedia book thing man i spent all day looking through these recipes to find another kind of scanner i made some slime looking thing because it looks cool but had no luck with a computer however i did find a fish trap in hey why not i wouldn't mind eating something other than cooked potatoes i placed it down and set it up but something was up you know that feeling you get when you watch a horror movie or a murder mystery episode at night and feel like a monster is behind you watching you i got that feeling today ironically on haha funny number day 69 i felt like someone was watching me i went inside and there we go i had company i went out and said hello to my new neighbors and at this moment i realized i'm not alone out here i'm on somebody's land i have a bad feeling about what's to come and i need to get out of here very soon with my newfound source of inspiration to get out of the ocean i gathered some items and all the obsidian blocks that i got from those chests around those obsidian box things and headed out i want to find one of those boxes again and see what happens if i complete it with obsidian i don't know what it'll accomplish but i'm grasping at straws now while heading out i noticed this new building had something called a drowned lord in there and a whole lot of fanboys too for their inspection they can't hit me while i'm in the seamoth or not really hit me i tried to explore the inside but it had a spawner that i can't break within the seamoth and uh i have enough drown to create a new boy band i didn't really care to conquer the place and decided to leave without creating a headache for myself i continued exploring and found some diamonds and then some nightmares like what do you like what is that thing i thought i was in the indian ocean not some fever dream with daddy longlegs over here i dispose of some of them but i don't want these things getting near me creepy creepy crabs it was becoming very apparent to me the longer i spend in these waters the more dangerous this area becomes somehow hostile enemies just keep on finding me and gathering in this place also almost got ambushed by some skeletons and this creeper in a boat really surprised me there but in lighter notes i did keep on finding diamonds i also found another one of those drowned lords buildings and this time i wanted to take it on and i had a plan i would bravely swim inside incredibly fast and mine out the spawner in there breaking it and fighting all okay okay this is bad terrible decision that won't work i pulled them away and managed to break their spawner the second attempt though then i tried to kill all of them but that would have taken the entire day so instead i dragged them far away from the building to where they wouldn't come back for me and went on with my way the loot inside the first floor were uh items but it's the first floor that's expected i dug a hole straight down and broke the second floor spawner and they really didn't like that almost killing me but i had my plot armor on and made it out also the seamoth is really good for protection and speed i dragged them away like the previous group and then almost died again to this booger breath slimy dude to not bore you all with details i made it to the lord and dragged him to the open where i don't drown so fast this dude was like a beacon absolutely bright and quite frankly looked like my future luckily even with an enchanted trident this fool did next to no damage on me it was mostly the drowning that would kill me but also the seamoth blocks out his tridents but i can't hit him in return it's a good break though to heal up and watch him try to kill me little angry man after half a day of fighting him he just wasn't dying i figured maybe there was some device in his chamber that was keeping him alive i went down there broke a spawner his goons almost got me and then actually got some of them to fight him but they also couldn't kill him this was taking so long that i actually fell asleep the following day i dragged all of the goons out of his lair but then the butt head just had to go back in making me feel like there was something important in there i got him out and pushed him into a corner he's annoying to deal with so i trapped him in a cobblestone box i looked around and all there was was just four empty chests i don't know if this was some sick joke or intentional but there was no point in doing this irritated i went back to the surface gathered some sand and went back to his cobblestone box if he was going to be annoying let's fight fire with fire i trapped him in a sand trap and began to suffocate him then my seamoth wanted to do some poetry and ran out of power making me suffocate and almost killing me i barely got my bucket out and quickly pushed the water away from my face living with one heart it actually can't get any worse than this i went back down and the thing still hasn't died it has so much health at this point i have no way of returning home i need a crafted power cell man i'm vulnerable now it's just it it's just a rough day now i went to a sunken ship made a crafting table furnace and swam around collecting chunks until i had enough for just one power cell smelted all those chunks and crafted a new power cell surprisingly didn't take me long but when i went back to power up my seamoth the drown lord actually died if i had to guess i trapped it around 50 health and then it survived for over 10 minutes of being suffocated this monster must have had around 1000 hp really incredible but what wasn't incredible the four chests in his room yeah they were all empty still my inventory was full however man i just decided to return home after this long long journey today was chore day i put everything away attended to the farm and got food gathered items for another power soul and made it which i hope i don't have to i think i remember where a close obsidian box is so i got into the sea moth and headed out about 100 blocks and um yeah there was one right next to my base this entire time i kind of forgot but i use the obsidian that i got from one of their chests and finish off the box the corner is missing but i don't have any other choices so i'm hoping this works i created a box around the box to drain out the water and the slimy people were coming back kind of telling me that what i was doing was correct and that i shouldn't do it making me want to do it more i drained out the box and uses flint and steel that was in the same chest not sure what it'll do but maybe they're connected and they are some weird purple atom thingy came into view and i stepped in it felt like i was growing over 100 feet tall and flying into space and then this place appeared um everything was still intact on my body luckily but this place uh this it is an earth i can tell you that i looked around and there's these weird pig people some want to kill me while others are really chill with me i didn't want to go too far from the obsidian box portal but i found this tree village place i went over fought a skeleton and this place is infested with those hostile pigs upon my first look in there this isn't going to be possible so i first started to beat them out one by one then i got one of their golden chest plates maybe it's some warrior thing or a class thing for them to wear and then i found some feral version of them i'm not sure but it hits hard end drops pork chops something i haven't had in over two months i put on the chest plate it made me smell like bacon and i played around a little bit more and gathered more raw pork chops also found out that water disappears in here and it seemed like either the golden armor or the smell of bacon made the pigs friendly i tried to cook the pork chops with the red lava looking wood but it wouldn't light for some reason i decided to use the lava from the pools down below and saw some flying octopus that shoots nukes or something america would love it was an interesting exchange i made it back to the fire forest and looked around while the pork chops cooked i know halsey won't believe me about this place and i wanted to collect some of the logs from the trees and anything else that she'd find interesting i pulled the pork chops out of that furnace which were incredible to have again and got back to exploring this place after a short while i found this really dark building that seemed to have gone through a war zone of some sort i also heard some big people inside i obviously took this on slow seemed like some kind of battle station area or factory of some sort it would uh make sense seeing how aggressive they are even towards their own feral brothers with there being no clear pathways inside i had to get crafty and make my own there's only turns all over this place and i don't feel like crafting these they have chests in here which i'm assuming it's up for grabs also i found something called a lodestone shortly after shopping i found something i'm assuming is the boss of this place an absolute nightmare just so their people wouldn't attack me man so i'd have an alibi i said hi to him with lava works wonders and i'm safe fast forwarding through the slow parts i found this golden goblet thingy of sorts obviously it was left here for me uh until one of them came to attack me maybe gold is some sort of ritual thing for them not sure but they also seem to really care about their lanterns now that i'm saying this out loud maybe they just don't like being robbed or killed but who knows i was about to leave as i figured i looted the entire place when i heard some more i scouted it out and these bad boys seemed very hostile i can tell with confidence because they charged me with their weapons raised i also found out that lava works wonders against them kind of surprising since you know they um live right next to so much to speed through this i killed the last of them with lava can't be tracked back to me and looted their chest got some arrows but nothing really impressive and found this music disc can rock out now while i explore i left the castle thing and was exploring around to see if i could find the plant somewhere in here figured it would be near lava and saw something that i think the natives call a skinwalker very uh beautiful fella i found a new environment shortly after and i thought it would be chilly or something in here no it was um stupid of me to think that it was just super ashy smelt like burning bones and wood i think i also saw some kind of star forming or a new galaxy just some really bright things that sound like glass when i broke them maybe it's reality i was beginning to think that i've seen everything and that i should return home until i accidentally found another battle castle maybe that obsidian portal box brought me to some battle area on a different planet i got to the roof and said hi to the king immediately gotta show manners oh i made it to some hallway and uh i think i'm figuring these things out i think gold is their god or something or maybe they're really into capitalism like me but they love gold maybe that's why i haven't seen them wear anything other than that regardless of that they sure do like trading and money i think i can get along with them all really well but since i'm in enemy territory i did get a lot of arrows from them and it felt kind of fishy like why would you arm me up i didn't trust them and burnt them and the evidence of any trades happening and it seemed like it all worked since i've already taken one of these on and i like to go really slow and carefully through these i'll just sum it all up i'm really quirky man stole all of their lanterns that i could also i i like to use borrow instead of steel borrowed a lot of their items from their chest and the arrows that these pigs sold me are from like a different world they make the target light up outline them with a light border and i can see them through walls it felt like i was playing war zone very trippy stuff but man do i love it once i reached the bottom floor i had an epiphany these magma blocks you only see them on the bottom floor of the ocean that's how i got oxygen sometimes and now i'm seeing these on the bottom floor of this place maybe that portal was actually a time machine and this is the future maybe this is showing me what happens if the aliens win they glass the planet and turn it all to fire and ash and these buildings are those guardian fish temples at this point i wanted to find my portal but i came so far and i have no idea where i am in this new ash covered biome i saw some weird enemy that knocks me back incredibly far i'm assuming with how this place looks that these are just dead corals further proving my theory that this is the future i tried to remember my steps but i definitely took a wrong turn and found a third pig people temple just gonna call it that from now on because it fits majority of today was me just picking on the feral pigs and the pig people with axes gonna call those the grumpy wumpys but then he runs back into okay bud after having my fun in messing with the locals i was gonna leave this place all of the temples are the same really until i noticed a huge party happening at the very top somehow i missed a staircase going up there i climbed up and missed death by a literal second i took care of them and the first chest was eh but the second chest oh i'm happy i came here and now for whatever reason i figured i could find my way back to the portal i have a really good memory when it comes to exploring and i did find a fire force place whether it's the same one as the first one it's definitely not that's besides the point after messing with a pig and watching it burn alive i'm not insane i swear i found some weird bridge it didn't look like the pig people temple so it peaked my interest upon heading over there's enemies that can shoot fire joy now i'm not complaining about this i actually wouldn't have mind it it was just really quiet until it wasn't i found some floating fire squids that can shoot out fire obviously so i'm going to take them on i saw a spawner and wanted to break it however i somehow dodged every single shot from them from an enemy whose entire life and purpose is to shoot and snipe people they really weren't that good i broke the spawner and got to see the grim reaper but i only said hi to him didn't want to visit him yet and after clearing out this little area there's a a whole lot left which i really couldn't care less to take out i barricaded myself in this room i think i've been in this world for like a day man i i need to get back to searching for the plant i had some obsidian that i got from those pigs when i was trading with them and made the same box probably too big but hopefully it doesn't matter i use the same flaint steel i used on the first portal and went through it felt normal through here but uh where's the water i went up and found some lost aura man then the ocean but decided to sleep i went to the ocean which felt amazing and looked at my watch i've been in that place for 12 days 12 days it only felt like one like time just it moved so differently in there and i'm no closer to that plant than i was about two weeks ago on top of that i'm four thousand blocks away from my base i can't swim all the way there so i went to a sunken ship quickly got some wood and made a boat to return home this journey is going to take me at least a day or two which is terrible but i did miss this night sky absolutely breathtaking after breaking my arms from rowing all day i returned home but uh i don't remember turning it into an airbnb before leaving this place was filled with some random dudes and once i got in there i think they forgot how to act alive none of them fought back which i guess was cool anyways they gave me a diamond sword and a prismarine helmet it had more armor than my diamond helmet so i decided to try it on i wanted to see if there were any more enemies nearby but then oh this helmet lets me breathe underwater oh this will come in handy massively afterwards i place down that lodestone thing from the future fire world place and put a compass on it it always leads back to it so i named the compass just in case dr halsey wants to come back for whatever reason i okay i i know a lot of you will think that this isn't worth it at all but i changed all the torches in my base to those stolen lanterns because in this world you either drip or the world drips you and i had to make sure my base was drippy sheesh after that i just got prepared and headed out again i got like a week left to find this plant and i have two ideas of where it can be i just wanted to make sure it wasn't in any of the caves or ravines near this base which i had no luck today more searching today man i found this dark spot in a ravine i made a tunnel in there but no luck again so i'm tempted to go in there because i do see some plants in there but what halsey told me was do not enter these they're everywhere the habitants are very hostile just don't even try it i'm getting desperate and running out of places to look but i sure ain't running out of being wicked yeah i regret doing this the seamoth can get some serious air but it doesn't like ice i'm down to one week remaining and i still need to return home to say i'm desperate right now is an understatement i know my old sunken ship might be radioactive but at this point i don't care about the health damage or my skin burning off the computer on that ship did bring me to this location specifically for a reason i headed over took a quick look around and plugged up the holes in the room i checked out the tip stop laughing and nothing was in there i got back to work immediately and checked out one of the many caves under this ship but no matter where i looked i just couldn't find it i just kept coming back to this ravine because why would the computer specifically point in this area the plant had to be here i just didn't know what level or cave it could be in now call it divine intervention or anything you want but i remembered i don't have shears and i can't collect this plant without those so i went into this little pocket and found some iron there and uh well i kind of found a hidden cave room in there and sitting right there the thing that caused me so much pain three months on the ocean and trillions of dollars may okay maybe not that much but i found the plant i needed to smoke the iron got the items for that made the shears and was heading back while these drowned tried to jump me they clearly didn't want me to get this plant i rushed over to the beauty cut the stem and there it is no way i'm letting this thing out of my inventory now i rushed back to my seamoth put it into high gear and went back to my base now i just need to get prepared for the long journey back home which i think is going to take a couple days and i wanted to leave today but i couldn't i went around and got all the parts for some more power cells if i ran out of juice out there then i'm completely screwed i made two which should be enough and then spend time picking and collecting all of the most important items that i had you know for selling and some stuff that i think halsey would enjoy and find fascinating but before i could i feel too bad about leaving these creatures locked up plus they'd all just starve to death also with releasing sleep i can find her again maybe in the future i released all the fish and that went smoothly but something about sleep i stood there for a good minute she could have attacked me at any moment but she never did she even nodded at me like we were both saying our goodbyes but when i made it into my seamoth she started to chase me i have to find her again in the future this it isn't a goodbye and now the long journey which is taking forever i don't know if i have the fuel to make it there and spoiler i don't i'm not too far off but still i ran out of fuel and also figured out that i could have broken the sea moth at any point and collected it nice i got to swimming and after a short while i found some dolphins that helped me out tremendously they helped me get to the coast but upon further look some kind of war happened here i don't know if the unsc building is still up or if dr halsey is still alive and frankly it's too eerily quiet plus i don't think i'm alone [Music] i just wish you understood gravity but you got no sinners
Channel: Skyes
Views: 2,333,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, I Survived 100 Days In a OCEAN ONLY World in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened, I survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft ocean only world, 100 days in ocean only world, I spent 100 days in a ocean only world, I spent 100 days in a ocean only hardcore minecraft world, skyes, minecraft ocean only, 100 days ocean only hardcore, i spent 24 hours getting as rich as possible in minecraft hardcore, lore series
Id: nX1ObdQYQW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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